Baby Husky Grows Up With Baby Girl And They Do Everything Together | The Dodo Soulmates

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That was very sweet to watch 😍😍😍😍

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/badnewsbears123123 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
her initial reaction was just this look of curiosity like what is this tiny thing [Music] when we brought her home we called it the honeymoon period these two little babies are sitting together petting each other getting to know each other we love the idea of them being similar in age and just watching them grow together almost like a sibling relationship [Music] rio has definitely learned the benefit of sitting beside the high chair and rio knows exactly when she has her snack cup in hand she'll feed her through the gate [Music] i would say they're learning how to share as snack time is constant between the two of them and i think it's only a bond that they have and we may never understand [Music] he has to be the first to give hazel attention start sticking her snout through the crib [Music] the crib thing started as one of those growth progressions but they love playing in there together [Music] they were talking to each other i suppose we don't know what they're ever saying it is constant comedy constantly getting into something this is a name of the game the one thing that's really driving us crazy hazel loves the dog water bowl right now she'll get in rio's crate i mean she'll crawl right up in there and she wants ria's attention really our days consist of them just playing around the house playing outside [Music] they've both learned how to be gentle together she is just now starting to walk babbling a lot more so with the two of them in this phase of expressing more energy it's just showing us how much fun is in store knowing that hazel will always have that friendship at home and the same with rio always having her person is something that is really special and can't be replaced i wouldn't trade it for the world they are truly best friends
Channel: The Dodo
Views: 12,636,486
Rating: 4.9246087 out of 5
Keywords: animal video, animals, the dodo, Animal Rescue, dodo, cute animals, pets, wildlife, pet videos, wildlife videos, animals the dodo, the dodo animals, rescuing animals, the dodo soulmates, soulmates, soulmates the dodo, husky, puppy, pupy husky, husky puppy, dogs, the dodo dogs, the dodo husky, baby and husky, baby and husky puppy
Id: N_0eAGBNuio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 3sec (183 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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