FALSE LASHES: Do's and Don'ts | For Beginners!

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hey guys what's up welcome back to my channel today's video is going to be a how-to learning video and I haven't done one of these in a long time but this is very requested from you guys you guys wanted to meet you guys wanted me to show you how to do lashes so I figured I would do a lashes do's and don'ts and I started doing do's and don'ts videos a long time ago on my channel and there was so much fun I think I did I definitely started with do's and don'ts of eyeshadow in that video blew up and went super viral and was a big growing point for me on my channel and then I did like juicing bolts of foundation and so on and so forth so today we're gonna be doing do's and don'ts of false lashes so you guys have been asking the tips and tricks on them and how to get it to work and I know false lashes are booming right now and so many people where I'm compared to beforehand I think like when I was in high school like that wasn't hurt well then heard of people just like the beauty and she has just grown so much I feel like people love them so much one they did in the past if you are front slash lover this video will help you I'm gonna teach you how to put them on how to make them comfortable how do I come stand up and look flirty like you see people on YouTube do I'm gonna teach you all the tricks of salts lashes and do's and don'ts so this would be a very educational video and learning experience and I feel like I'm really good a person to speak on this because I have made every single mistake there is to make in flashes so you learn from your mistakes and then you become a very good teacher so that's kind of basically my motto and I definitely made a lot of mistakes when I started wearing false lashes so I'm here to teach you that too and in today's video a partner would kiss lashes they have really affordable easy to apply lashes which could not be more perfect for this video so thank you kids for partnering with me you guys are gonna love their lashes I'm gonna be using while teaching you guys how to put them on and kiss always makes the latest and greatest technology in lashes so they're perfect for this video and that's one be using without further ado I'm gonna sing my subscribe song and then we're gonna jump right into the video be sure and subscribe to my channel No yeah so and now let's go ahead and jump right into the video [Music] girl girl y'all see it all today look at the skin oh yes ma'am oh you can see what she didn't blend her foundation you can see her bust it now the tea is hot okay i'ma stop I'm gonna stop being dramatic let's jump listen let's get started right now as you guys can see I don't have a lot of lashes and they pointing downward because I'm a false lash lover and so we're gonna be dealing with this today and I'm gonna show you guys how to make it work first step is don't forget to curl your lashes if you miss this step as you can see my lashes are pointed downward and when the false lash is flickering up you're gonna see a disconnect so your first step is don't not curl your lashes but do the first do and don't so what I'm gonna do is just take this little lash curler and give it a squeeze I like to do do like a one two three squeeze and that definitely gives the lashes a good lift in that way not only would they look better but they'll also mix it with your faux lashes as well my next don't is a little bit difficult to explain but I'm gonna do the best I can so as far as adding mascara I like to add a do is to add the mascara before you put on the false lashes and you can add a little bit more to help mix them in but I wouldn't put false lashes then don't would be to put false lashes right on top of your other naked lashes and then try to put on a bunch of mascara cuz chances are you'll probably end up uplifting your false lash as well as getting it goopy and also it kind of gets clumpy and ruin so called slash where you can't use it again because most folks ahsha's are usable I'll go ahead and give my lashes a little bit of mascara before I put them on today I'm using the Dior this is the pump and Volume one it's really nice and tacky also if your mascara is soaking wet and don't is do not just go plop the lash glue and lash on top of it cuz then all these will get really goopy I like to apply the mascara then I'll work on my lips or something else and then I'll go ahead and go back and once the mascaras dry and apply the false lash in today's video I'm gonna be applying to different lashes to this eye I'm gonna be applying a more natural blowout lash and then to the I overhear all PI a triple push-up lash by kiss and you guys can really see the difference the first lash I'm gonna be using is the blowout lash and pompadour so this is super wispy super flirty they're really natural looking too so they're not too heavy on the eye I really do like it they have like a salon like blowout to them that's why they're called blowout this is what the lashes looked like I'd only take a pair of tweezers and just pull right from and in and just lift that from the packaging really gently so they don't rip I really recommend using a tweezer to do that I don't wanna be just going with your finger because a lot of the time you can just bend it or break it with your finger I next don't is just please do not just apply these straight to you I bow so if you can see if I were to apply these straight to my eyeball it would be a train wreck these have to be trimmed please trim your lashes trim your lashes Jimmy lashes they are not made one size fits all of our eyeball so different size so you want to customize them to your eye you want to grab your lash with your tweezer and then what you can do is put the inner corner where it needs to rest and then you can kind of measure how many sections need to be trimmed off because your lash is not supposed to be hanging off the edge like that don't is do not trim from the shorter edge that goes in the inner corner you always want to trim from the outer edge if you trim to the short edge you'll really lose the shape and the prettiness of your lash less is more so if you're not sure how much to trim off trim off less than you think and then re measure you can always trim off more but you can't add more lash on once you've already cut it off so I always try not to get too crazy actually no like I can literally look at a lash nowadays like I know how much neat cut off but that's cuz I wear them everyday if you don't like be sure and measure and go back and forth with your measuring I'm gonna apply some lash glue now and just find whatever lash glue you like is best this strip lash glue adhesive has biotin in it so I like to use it is my kiss so I don't is I don't recommend putting lash glue all the way at the top of here but you do want to apply the lash glue right there on the van where it's gonna set on your skin so that way it sticks really well and you'll just add it aren't still I got a little scratch right there but you'll just add it all the way across a light amount you don't another don't is don't overdo with the lash glue because you have a swimming-pool lash glue on your eye and then it all just goes downhill from there so adult is applying the lash directly to the eye right after the glue is put on you definitely want to wait about five or six seconds maybe air it around just a little bit to let the glue become tacky it's gonna make it way easier of a process so do wait don't apply it directly to your eye and if you can see I just laid the inner corner on first and then I just lightly laid the strip as it went down just due to the shape of my eye another don't you don't want to apply your lash just straight on like this like laying forward because then whenever you look at someone you're not gonna be able to tell you how false lashes on want a flick of the lash up and then you want to set it kind of go in upward so you really would be able to see the lash like I did over here not straight out because that is just gonna walk II so next what I like to do is just give it a little pinch sometimes people have tools that help them pinch I don't mind using my fingers here I'm pretty used to doing it just give it a little pinch to make sure the real and false lashes are connected now you have your pellet slash attached to your eyeball what I like to do now is go in with a little bit of mascara and just connect them even better you don't have to do this step honestly but I like to do it so I'm gonna add it in these lashes are super lightweight apply very level and it's kind of a blowout for your lashes and they curl up so they're very flattering next up we're gonna do this eye with a more fuller lashes I'm gonna show you how to put on the lash with a little bit of a thicker band so today we're gonna be using the triple push-up collection this one it is course set it's really pretty this has a triple lash pattern in it which also enhances the volume defines the link it has an eye at lifting curl so I'll remove the lashes the exact same way with a pair of tweezers so I'll do the same thing I will measure them but do you see that little tab at the front of this end you want to cut that off even though that is the inner corner piece or else that's going to poke you and feel a bit uncomfortable so I guess the don't there would definitely be two don't leave that on and go ahead and trim from that outer edge another don't you don't want to apply the lash just like OH on that I without curving it because it's gonna flick her up in that inner corner right there you always want to take your false lash and give it a little bin kind of like that being gentle with it so it's curved and that way it'll fit on your eyes so much more easy without that inner corner pop it up I went ahead and add it glue to the edge which we talked about before and sit at the top we added it right there on the inner edge if you can see this latch is definitely thicker so sometimes with these it's easier or with any lash it's easier to apply with tweezers to show your fingers so I'm gonna apply these with tweezers and what you don't want to do is look or close your eye and have one eye open squinting like this because you're really gonna have a hard time applying it you also don't want to be looking straight up like this at the mirror it's gonna be impossible you always want to be just kind of looking at downwards have a mirror right here I'm just kind of looking at and downward at it and then again I'm gonna place the lash lifting it upward not just straight on like this so you can get that full potential glam out of the lash I'm gonna set it on and just enhance the attachment on to the outer corner in the inner corner with the tweezers and as you can see the lashes really flickering up because I flicked it up and set it down on up my lashes so again I'll do the exact same thing you don't want to just set it and leave it there you do want to go ahead and give it a little pinch that way it does attach to your real lashes also with these lashes if you're applying them on a client you want to apply them not having the client close or I you want the client just to look down and then just apply them and then you want to ask the client is anything poking you are you uncomfortable and if they say no you've done great if they say yes you might have to adjust tip and you don't want to ask your client does the lash feel weird because let's be real you put a false lash your eye it feels a little weird which is normal so this gives a dramatic high-impact effect it has dimensional lift and the lash band definitely even though it is thicker than this lash band it still blends with the lash line seamlessly again I'll do the same thing because if you can see these lashes they're already trying to get a little crazy right here so you don't just want to leave that you do want to go ahead and grab your mascara and just give it like one or two little little pump the mascara for one more little tip if your eye is watering really bad in the inner corner and that lash just keeps flicking up dilash off give it a minute do a few deep breaths through your nose and it helps to pull the sinuses back and it kind of helps with the watering it's not a miracle work it's not gonna completely stop your eye from water but it does help to pull the water back in the eye instead of constant dabbing so you wanna remove the lash give a few deep breaths even if you're doing makeup on a client tell them take a few deep breaths through your nose cool it down let's comment down because the sticky icky gooey situation with the wet eye and the glue it just doesn't get better until like the glue is done it's out of the eye the eye can have a second to rest and then you just start fresh and also a little tip girl if I have on false lashes and I'm going out honey every single time I have a little lash glue in my purse I don't care where I'm going or for how long I'm being there I've also run predictable we don't know what's gonna happen you could literally rub your eye too hard and lift your own lash off you could have a watery eye that now you don't know what's gonna happen and how you gonna go out the rest of the night with your eyelash flicked on up girl and also sometimes my friends lashes may be lifted and I got a tail go you got a wonky lash meanie you know I'm talking you so you're wearing false lashes I should recommend carrying lash glue with you if you are unset in a professional setting you want to carry lash glue that is latex free which this one is because some clients might be allergic to it so so I hope this video was helpful to you guys my personal favorite is the thicker you guys know I'm a glam girl you know I like that thick lash these I literally cannot even feel on my eye I could wear these lashes every single day and I can sleep in them although I'm not recommending you do I can't pull on my eye so they're also available on ulties calm as well as in stores at Ulta and if you want to check out these lashes you can click the link down below in the description box hope you guys enjoyed this video and I hope it gave you some insight gotten so many questions but that is it for this video guys I told you everything I think I have about lashes and I hope I gave you like an up close helpful how-to do's and don'ts give this video a thumbs up if it was helpful I love you guys so much thank you for being here I'm watching and I will see all of you in my next video subscribe to this channel before you leave for more education and fun entertainment
Channel: Laura Lee
Views: 6,699,558
Rating: 4.7389078 out of 5
Keywords: Laura88Lee, dos and donts, how to apply false lashes, makeup do's and don'ts, makeup mistakes to avoid, do's and don'ts, false lashes, mistakes, makeup hacks, lashes, makeup donts, false eyelashes, makeup dos and donts, eyelashes, makeup mistakes, mascara, how to, do's, common makeup mistakes, how to apply, eyeshadow dos and donts, false lashes for beginners, fake lashes, laura lee, do and dont
Id: OcTw2b0Ho-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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