How To Apply False Eyelashes Perfectly #Makeup

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hello everyone welcome back thank you so much for joining me um yeah hi first of all it is still boiling hot here in the UK I don't know why this country feels like it needs to be this hot not for me not for me at all so I'm sweating my makeup is separating I look crusty I like em curdled but yeah hi so today um something that's been very much requested is how to SiC one force lashes and there's a few different things that come into play when you're sticking on full slashes and that could be things like shaped lengths so yeah I'm gonna go through some rows with you today and kind of show you how to get the most out of your lashes and help to stick them on some people are amazing it some people aren't so amazingly it some people want practices some people need advice so that's what you're gonna do just before we get into FA hai if you don't know who I am my name is Robert I'm a professional makeup artist it has been my paid profession for the last coming up to 13 years and it is my goal here on YouTube to help you become a pro yourself or just someone who's really good at makeup and when I say that that means kind of separating what we see online versus reality as let me tell you but two are very different sometimes so let's talk about lash shape and lash style this is something that's very unique seek each person and yes there's like shapes and styles that will suit people's eye shape more but at the same time I kind of think is up to you and what you want to do and what kind of look you're going for but one thing I was say with lashes especially bigger lashes is to kind of keep them in line with your eyes and I'll show you exactly what I mean by that today I'm gonna use em Ava lashes from makeup geek these are my absolute favorite lashes at the moment because they are super fluffy they have a kind of shape where we solve smaller and get longer so you get that kind of lift and flick in the corner but they kind of like on two layers so you get a really nice fluffiness from them but they're not insane and they don't look over the top so we're gonna use these um in the demonstration and I'm gonna show you how to do stuff so one of the first things I would consider when applying false lashes or even buying false lashes is length how long are they going to be from here to here so one thing I would consider when buying lashes or when you're about to apply a lash is how long it is in length from the inside corner outside corner of your eye if it is too long always cut from the longest sight so you want to cut off the length not of they're kind of like shorter piece in here if you start to cut off of these shorter areas if you get too far in you're gonna get this really long lash like poking you up here it's gonna be really really uncomfortable whenever you blink so always cut off from the longest first if it's of a way I like to trim especially have lashes that kind of dip down on an outside corner you don't want that dip to go past the outside corner of your eye for example I have no glue on this right now but can you see because I put this lash a little bit further down that way it kind of brings down the outside corner off your eye so where you want the outside corner to sit it's almost as if it's in line with the outside corner of your eye just like that so it still has a little bit of a lift to it and it's not bringing down the outside corner of my eye now these are absolutely fine for me I know because I've worn them many times so before we go ahead and glue those down let's say we have trimmed them done whatever means to let us think about our lashes underneath how are your lashes in general how are your lashes do they point down do they curl up are they straight forward what's the situation a bit of both me I do have a bit of both on this eye here my lashes go straight up that's because I sleep on this side of my face so it pushes her sashes up on this side of my eye they go straight forward and sometimes it's down depends how they're feeling that day the best tool that I own for curling lashes is my half lash curlers so these aren't a full lash curler if they stop like halfway and that way you can get into every single corner and every single lash and you can manipulate the lash in the way that you want to let's talk about really curly lashes the problem with putting on false lashes and in lashes that curl up like this is you can't get the rim to touch the lash very easily you almost have to come in a straight angle and unrest in that way but then they push up against the lash and you get a separation that say these a lashes between a full slash and the lash line and it can look very very strange so before we apply those lashes the best thing to do is curl your eyelashes upside down so when I get close up of my Krusty's sweating away your skin so I grab my lash curler I'm trying to angle it so you guys can see and I'll curl my lashes say down and then that way the lashes are really pointing up kind of flatten a little bit more make sure you get right to this outside corner as well because that's where lashes are outside corner inside corner I tend to be where lashes don't really like to sit because more moisture it's kind of made fair so there you go now eyelashes are nice and flat on my other side I'm just gonna give him a slight curl because they point down quite a bit and a great way to kind of curl your lashes when they're not the curliest is to imagine this is your lash you want to kind of start at the base as much as you can and give a little is it focusing on me or this kind of want to start at the base as much as you can and give it a little pinch then open move up slightly give it a little pinch open and in a move up site again and give that a little pinch that way it's almost like you're kind of crimping your lash upwards but you're moving up gradually up the lashes instead of just doing one big crimp and one and that's it you know so let's talk lash glue there are so many magic out there I wouldn't recommend buying a separate lash glue for your eyelashes if the lashes come with a glue the only glue but I've ever been really impressed with that has come with a lashes preset orville ashes from eyelure and they come with a really really good glue and all the other ones not so great so I personally like to use the this duo glue below and the green the reason I like to use this one is because how fast it dries how clear it dries but also the tackiness it leaves behind I'm gonna apply a layer of mascara I'm not gonna go too crazy with it so mascara on the lashes that point up too much I'm gonna come over top with my brush and I'm gonna point them downwards I'm gonna brush down cuz we won't do as much as we can to make him not to curl and then the lashes that point down but not do the exact opposite I will roll and zigzag my mascara wand through that lash so I'm literally rolling like this and at the same time I'm going backwards and forwards it's kind of like patting your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time perfect okay there's a few things you can do now when it comes to applying for lash up to you you can cut the lash in half and apply it in two separate ways I personally don't like to do that because of a wave of eyelid moves with the lash you kind of get this weird like a separation or you can just leave it how it is right now which is what we are going to do so I'm gonna take my lash glue and I do with over one with a little brush on the end and then start from the outside corner here and then apply a little bit more on the outside corner here B's for me I like what I call like trouble areas focus focus focus then I'll go along the rib not too much you don't use too much glue it is it's not a case of the more glue over more it sticks you know you want an even coating then I'll just do another dot on the outside corner and another dot on the inside corner then I'll just place that down on the side somewhere making sure that rib doesn't touch anything and then I'll apply glue to my other lash I'll just wait it's a lot of people say wait 30 seconds the good thing with this glue is you can almost watch it dry so you can see where I've done the two bigger blobs off oh my fingernails are discussing the two bigger blobs of glue and where I've got the glue in the middle it almost starts to get clearer and takia and that's what we want we want the sticky tacky texture we don't have to be wet we don't have to dry either so why don't wait for those to dry a little bit let's talk about angles I do prefer doing lashes with a handheld mirror because I'm blind but let's talk about holding the mirror let me zoom out this is where I find people get a little bit kind of overwhelmed with what's going on of course is applying the actual lash so the kind of view you want when you're applying your false lashes is a clear view of your lashline straightforward it really isn't the best ways looking down like this definitely isn't the best way to do it what we want to do is stick our chin up like this and I move our mirror down until we can get a good view of our lash line that way when we're coming in with a lash we can see exactly where we're going and how close because we're looking from underneath if you're playing lashes on a client please don't blow on the glue mm blow on their face anything like that just wait for the glue to dry it be patient so I have my mirror right here I'm looking down into my mirror I'm holding my lash in the middle and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna try and attach the middle first then I'll try the outside corner and then I'll show you how we'll do it inside corner so chin up down into the mirror let me am resuming I'm sweating off my makeup oh it's so hot guys okay so chin up looking down I'm literally going to drop my lash in the middle here adjust the outside corner even after that meaning is having to pull it across a little bit more then to get the inside corner I'm gonna look down and I'm gonna look to the opposite way of the inside corner and attach that inside corner what looking this way does is it stretches out that inside corner that's pretty much it really so I will from what is left what kind of mascara is left on my natural lashes I'm now gonna pinch my natural lashes with my fingers and my full stashes together and look down and do this and I'm kind of sliding my thumb right to the root of my natural lashes and what you can do as well as always pinch and rub so I'm gonna pinch and then I'm gonna pull my thumb up and that's kind of pushing my natural lash up against the full slash to almost become part of a full slash now you may get like a fleshy bit up here that's like your upper waterline so you can go ahead and shade back in what any other lash and I'll just go through it again with you guys so my chin is up I'm looking down into the mirror I'm holding my lash like this my hand no it's a position of my hand as well I'm not holding it like yes I'm holding it like this in the middle chin up oh you can't see chin up and down drop into the middle first attach that middle attach the outside corner and then I'm gonna down this way opposite way to it inside corner and attach the inside when I'm attaching it inside I'm actually holding the lash and I'm kind of pulling it down slightly so it doesn't go too high and actually touches that inside corner now I'm gonna pinch all those lashes together here's the things I'll take your time if you find you have lash glue on your fingers while doing this wash that lash glue off immediately because it's gonna start sticking to the lashes and gonna start pulling away the lash if you start to pinch your lashes together just like this okay so a few things not to do when you're applying your lashes do not thumb on the lash and by that I mean when people put it on when people act on and then II start to kind of do this and try and push and push and push up a lash you're kind of gonna move it all around don't try and firm it on you can use eyelash okay is they do coming really handy I do prefer my fingers because I can really get in there and kind of like pinch and move everything around let's say your eyes start watering any inside corner that outside corner starts come off don't take the lash off get like a tissue or something to wipe up the the wetness of residue whatever and let it dry for a second take an eyeshadow base an eyeshadow primer not concealer tap that one to the areum and then let that sit take the lash off slightly more and then just apply a dot to the outside or inside corner lay it dry just like we did a minute ago 30 seconds 40 seconds a minute whatever and then go ahead and apply like you usually would don't rip off a whole lash and start to panic because then you're piling on more glue the lashes wet your eyes where everything's wet you can't stick anything down the most important thing and I can't stress enough no matter what shape you've chosen no matter how we've chosen to wear them is the angle you're applying out it's the same of everything assume of eye and same with everything else a little bit fiddly think about where your arm is what angle you're looking at your face at this is the best angle up and down into mirror is the best angle this is never good straightforward isn't really great you want to see your lash line perfectly now mascara I don't like to put mascara on top of false lashes false lashes are made to be a surge shape a certain style bat so I would kind of pick them in the first place especially these lashes whether feathered Varon layers they're set in this really nice way I wouldn't then take mascara that has like a different brush every mascara has a brush that does something to your lashes it can clump the lash together it can separate the lash too much it can make the lash up too heavy it can make him look extremely artificial and cheap anvil ash if you feel like you need to add mascara to your lashes to kind of gel them back together take a really skinny mascara really open your eyes up and down again and then get right to the base off that full slash don't take it up just almost vibrate along the lash line don't swoop up up into the lash cuz you all ruin your lashes no false lashes you want to just keep going and going and going okay I hope that helped I feel like this is gonna be one where you have a lot of questions and I fully miss out a few things so please please please do leave your comments below and questions I will try and get to them I'll keep checking back lashes take practice like makeup does in general but again angles remember your angle so if you're having trouble doing anything with eye makeup think about your angles it's the same with brushes if you are you coming in this way do you need to come in this way do you need to come in this way do you need to come in this way you know think about angles of everything liner lashes whatever alright guys I hope I helped you out consider subscribing for more helpful videos like this and some not so helpful but you know follow me on Instagram and Twitter yeah and I will see you at very soon thank you so much for joining me guys bye
Channel: Robert Welsh
Views: 98,007
Rating: 4.9759746 out of 5
Keywords: false eyelashes, lashes, makeup, apply false, apply false eyelashes, false lashes, tutorial, apply false lashes, eyelashes, beauty, false eyelashes for beginners, false lashes for beginners, beginners, lash, makeup tutorial, applying false eyelashes, lash glue, eyelash glue, glue, tips, applying false, ardell lashes, ardell eyelashes, robert welsh, robert welsh mua, robert welsh makeup artist, robert welsh makeup, eye makeup, how to apply false eyelashes
Id: 9QWg06LkCGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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