Fallout: New Vegas - Where Do They Go?

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good afternoon ladies shopping i'm john says buddy trudeau welcome to fallout new vegas where do they go because today i'd like to run an experiment that i've been thinking about for a very long time which is uh fallout new vegas as you may have noticed if you were paying attention is full of characters like hundreds maybe thousands of the bastards now the majority of them just sort of live somewhere they wander around their local area they speak to you but they never really move around but there is a very special minority of characters characters who wander a little bit more sometimes because you chase them off sometimes you convince them to leave their home sometimes they just show up deliver a message then wander off into the distance so today i want to answer a very important question which is when it comes to all of these wanderers where do they go so just in case you've never thought about this before let's start off with yes possibly the most famous example so right at the beginning of the game you arrive at nipton and all of us swanik is here to welcome you make a few yes slowly uh vague comments about winning the lottery but uh he doesn't hang around in nipton no no no no no he's off to see the flipping world and i want to answer the question yeah precisely which bit of the world does he try and get to smell that air couldn't you just drink it like booze oh oliver i love you so much but uh yes as it turns out i need to go now and weirdly enough so do you and indeed offy goes out into the wilderness now unfortunately i can't help but notice he's running straight towards yas rad scorpion territory so i may have slightly set up some console commands so i've got you know just a little bit of help to make sure that the man is actually gonna be uh a-okay so don't worry oliver i've flipping got you back here we're gonna find out where this guy goes together with yeah there we go he's starting to panic because you can see some scorpions over there don't worry oliver i'll flipping gotcha i've turned the game down to very easy i've got a lot of flipping ammo we're going to be ao flipping k all right okay many dead scorpions oliver seems to be recovering but uh he hasn't learned his lesson he's just going deeper and deeper into now you're flipping out he's going deeper and deeper into scorpion territory so i just need to keep clearing the path for him and okay turns out he just really likes scorpions possibly he just wants to be an entomologist i'm not 100 sure but uh just in case it goes wrong for him i better just you know take care of some of this uh on his behalf okay he's decided to bear around to the right to the crashed plane in the desert and now he's uh now he's continuing on his way i think we've bypassed most of the scorpions at this point now occasionally he just sort of stops however [ __ ] off win your own [ __ ] lottery yep he's got some extra bonus dialogue but it would appear that this here is precisely where he wants to live he wants to live at this spot next to this rock that would normally be rad scorpion central so basically the oliver swanik has just got a complete flipping death wish now you see that one's nice and simple he just starts over there and wants to walk over here but uh plenty of other characters yeah it's a lot more complicated than that so let's talk about malcolm holmes malcolm holmes is the character who approaches you to discuss the star bottle caps but he doesn't have a fixed position right now he doesn't exist on the map he gets spawned in to come and speak to you about style bottle caps only when you find your first star bottle cap now in good springs that's easy enough to do because yeah in the house that sunny smiles lives in right here star bottle cap all we need to do now is step outside and do a little bit of waiting malcolm homes will be along in a moment hello there it's good to see a friendly face i almost took you for a raider i did name's malcolm malcolm holmes here he is few days later and he's shown up inside good spring spectacular now normally of course his life expectancy at this point would be uh extremely short because as most people know he's actually got a few star caps on his body and also you know trader gear which you probably wouldn't otherwise have at this point in the game and it can be very useful for getting yourself the leather armor for ghost town gunfights so yeah on this occasion poor old malcolm holmes is not going to die instead we're going to you know escort him to wherever it is he wants to go all right holmes is off and we've got a direction for him he's heading due south out of good spring so starting off he's heading in a prim direction he is going in towards yeah gekko territory but to be honest he's probably gonna be fine okay via a slightly convoluted and dangerous gecko infested roots yes malcolm appears to be trying to rejoin up with the road so possibly he's actually programmed to try and yeah follow the road as far as possible good idea for not getting killed in new vegas the roads are safer okaf taking the seating route through the rocks over here and yeah having a couple of close calls with some geckos who unfortunately are now full of holes uh yeah he's actually uh returned to the road he's now passing by prem though he has taken the right hand branch rather than the left and the left is the one that actually carries straight through the right just leads into this little dead end ah okay unless you're trying to get up this hill but i wouldn't recommend it this is that's a slightly dangerous bit of the map mr holmes oh yeah he's beelining and i think we can see a destination it looks to me like he's actually heading up towards uh the outpost beyond the statues unfortunately that's going to lead him yeah potentially straight past giant rad scorpions and some ghouls so don't worry malcolm a flipping gotcha okay this by the way is why you want to be saving a lot when you do this because the slight issue we've got is when characters who are just trying to get somewhere gets stuck if they get stuck for more than a few seconds the game's just like meh whatever they don't need to exist anymore so i've been saving on the regular so just give him a bit of a nudge just get him away from the hard bit of the step and over to the over to this way over to this way over to this way push him up push him up push him up and there we go we've pushed him up the steps marvelous okay so we have got past that impenetrable barrier good good good uh yes we might just need to uh shove you in the event of trouble okay he has entered ghoul territory but this is kind of actually making him speed the flip up so i'm gonna flip and take it yeah as i suspected literally every ghoul literally every rad scorpion you could not have picked a stupider route all right it took a lot of murder but ah that's made it malcolm holmes uh wants to live in the ncr outpost the question is is this actually going to be where he stops okay he's entered the complex and appears to be heading for the bar actually this is okay this is all a surprise now is this going to be the opportunity for the game to despawn him i know he's malcolm malcolm huh okay malcolm just panicked in the face of the door to the bar you okay malcolm okay he makes it in on that occasion but is he going to be waiting for me on the far side or is malcolm holmes just despawned because he is technically a trader so okay are you here my friend nope he's definitely not inside and yeah just running it a few more times he doesn't actually in any way know sometimes he panics sometimes he doesn't when he does get to the door he doesn't fade out he doesn't generate the door opening noise he just okay so we have ourselves an answer malcolm holmes comes to the bar in the ncr outpost to die except of course yes that leads to um one follow-up question which is does he always do that because you see fun fact if he comes to this building to die when he steps inside it there is a star bottle cap inside this building and i know he can spawn inside because he spawned inside in good springs so what happens if you force malcolm holmes to spawn inside the building that he comes to to die oh here he comes here comes our guy right we've got him we've flipping got him he is now inside the building that he wants to come to to die the question is what the flip's gonna happen now okay malcolm is now trying to leave the bar after chatting with me i'm going to assume he's just going to sort of no he has actually loaded out into the world because you actually heard the noise and he faded however he's not going to be oh he is going to be out here right so he simply yes he definitely gravitates towards this point this is where he wants to die however we're not quite done with malcolm holmes or at least rather the stuff that he generates just chats here we go because yes until you've actually spoken to malcolm holmes and thus know what the star bottle caps are this event can't spawn the event being the fight between thomas and jacqueline who will fight each other because jacqueline wants to master star bottle caps i believe if you've not met malcolm holmes this event simply won't occur however either of them can survive the fight so on this occasion looks like victory's going to to mass so let's just uh allow that to happen for a second tamas just gonna take out jacqueline but apparently she started it so fair enough i suppose and as soon as she's dead tomas is gonna want to come and speak to me so yes she totally attacked you though to be honest she was carrying in the road and you were shooting her in the face so i'm not 100 sure i believe your version of events but whatever now once that's done tomas decides to wander off and uh now i'm starting to wonder whether potentially yeah the actual ncr outposts might just be used as a generic npcs that are wandering off are supposed to go over here destination because yeah tomas seems to be heading immediately towards that though i just need to make sure we take care of some scorpions for him fortunately he's actually armed so if we're very lucky indeed yeah on this occasion we won't need to worry so much about him being murdered he can defend himself he is wearing armor yep he's coming to the exact same point as well he wants to actually enter the outpost by going in round the right even though he was actually approaching from straight on now there's like a very fixed point that's been set on the map that npcs are being drawn towards okay i feel like i've just discovered a terrible dark secret in new vegas here like apparently there's just a black hole in the universe that npcs come to throw themselves into when they no longer want to exist okay i've run this a few times and yes the result is always the same which is uh it's not the exact same black hole instead in just a moment as he walks in this direction thomas is uh quite possibly there it is okay so this is fascinating which is uh we've checked three characters so far two of them have points they want to get to at which point they just blink out of existence but oliver swarnick doesn't for some reason he's got a point he wants to get to but he gets to live so at some point during the programming of new vegas somebody took a very pro oliver swanick position highly important question number two what happens if flipping jacqueline wins the fight so we might need to uh sorry did you just kill jaclyn you need to take out thomas fast because he tends to win this fight very easily he's got the better armor there we go i see thomas in the distance over there just okay i'm gonna be honest my accuracy is a little bit on the the low side of oi leave me the flip alone i'm busy doing experimentation all right i'm pretty sure jacqueline got him on that occasion and uh yeah she's gonna go over to the corpse she needs to collect the caps then she's going to come and speak to me the question is is her destination going to be the same as hez oh yeah jacqueline is doing precisely the same thing she's actually heading to precisely the same point okay we need to figure out how deep this goes because it can't be everybody not every character in the game needs to go to the ncr outpost for one very important reason which is some of them just in terms of faction physically can't so okay let's go find some of them here we go quick trip through scorpion gulch how about we just just sneak in the back of black mountain make sure we resolve that nice and peaceful because tabitha and ronda cannot possibly be wanting to go and hang out with the ncr hopefully here we go just charge into the building quick science check right there ronda's up on our feature the moment we step outside instant free victory magnificent hello there tabitha mistress tabitha we should be heading off our journey has been much delayed but we can catch up if we hurry come along now okay so they're just going on an adventure of some description let's figure out where that journey's off to okay obvious start they're following the road down from black mountain but of course if they just follow the road straight out yeah that's uh the quarry over there they'll be going straight into death claw central and nightskin and a robot might do pretty well normally but i wouldn't fancy their chances there so okay we might need to be a helping out a bit again though they are conveniently going to save me a bit of time by taking a very steep shortcut flipping love it in fact they're walking straight through the uh yeah the trap place which unfortunately means that oh that was my leg actually uh yes i could have if i just run down they could have okay hang on now i just need to check this we'll be getting back to your journey in a second but now i know you come down this route because yeah this here this is the bypass that i use all the time but they're actually going to there's the flippy way what the what the flip just happened to ronda ronda rodders i've never seen this one before spectacular right so i mean ronda seems to be mostly fine right don't we just jump over now let's jump over here and that's going to trigger the rock and now now tabitha's in the okay tabitha just passes well this is this is fascinating all of a sudden i've literally never seen this one before so many years on i'm still discovering new bugs in fallout new vegas what the hell is this okay now i sort of want to run into some enemies because i'm not sure whether ronda can still fight in this form okay something's shown what's just shown up and wait what what okay um so i'm they're attacking me at this point because no no no no why are you attacking me i feel like this is not the right okay also is is ronda ronda's is ronda okay ronda's sort of rebuilding herself which is this is all fascinating stuff okay so somewhere around here there's an invisible nightkin if the nitrogen sees me and attacks ronda and tabitha also attack even though i'm their best friend and the nightkin is supposed to be neutralized right now so what i've got to do for the moment what the hell is going on right now is i've got to stay out of the way close enough they don't despawn but far enough away that a night kitten i don't know where that nightkin is yeah they can't be allowed to detect me so okay if i stay on the high ground over here that should hopefully work out okay at some point between over there and over here ronda appears to have rebuilt herself she's no longer in pieces which is spectacular that's marvelously good news and i think we've managed to make it around the oh that's it we found the point right so there is a black hole for ronda and tabitha right here at the base of black mountain they walk down to the base but no further okay let's go over to someone who i'm actually fairly confident has got a good journey that they're going to be going on that's yeah volpes and koltar over here in nipton because this one's a bit of a weird one like many times in the past i've just headed on my way round the road over here and then just run into a couple of legion hounds couple of legionaries but that's it no no volpers which has always made me wonder whether some of these guys do spawn and some of them don't so okay if we actually stick close by to volpes there he is right there yeah can we get this entire group to go on a bit of a journey here we go volpe's four legionaries two dogs and jab presumably they could actually take on pretty much anything they run into so okay let's see how far they go because i know for a fact there are some legion patrols up in those hills they can go on quite the journey i just don't know how far volpes himself is willing to join them okay i'm taking out a handful of scorpions just to make sure the legion don't you know split apart panic or anything though we'll say this is uh this is looking a bit dangerously steep so we might need to um yeah give old volpes a little bit of a push at some point just to make sure he doesn't get stuck in a corner in case that despawns him oh yeah this looks like he's a little bit stuck here so i'm just gonna nudge him past there we go don't worry volpez i gotcha how's the rest of the team by the way some of them are a bit bit stuck too but honestly volpes is the one i'm most interested in so if they get stuck there's a big horner and ah there's the ambush now oh no they've caught up okay good they've actually made it past well done well done everybody ah i'm guessing he goes this way so he doesn't trigger the ambush so it's still there for the player makes sense okay so yeah as i suspected it looks like he's trying to head directly to cottonwood cove problem is to do that you pass straight by you know searchlight and the very large number of ncr located right there so i'm not sure if you'd win that like with the entire team i feel like he would just uh maybe i'll provide a bit of assistance just in case though if he's going to cottonwood cove where's he actually going if i had to guess maybe he'll just cease to exist when he hits the raft then again hang on the raft isn't there yet the raft i think doesn't spawn until or maybe it is there but you can't interact with it i can't remember also volpes uh careful just you know don't get yourself stuck on anything also i've noticed this before but i like how three of the legion are literally the same person we've also got ourselves a handful of uh yeah just a handful of ncr over there just the one no never mind when i say just one i've seen this patrol before but uh yeah on this occasion they're a bit heavily on the outnumbered side actually and many of you do have guns in fact cowboy repeaters are not even that bad so okay you're going to be you're going to be absolutely slaughtered my friends and yeah this is very interesting they are acting like a tabitha and ronda which is uh they're sticking close by to the leader wherever the lead goes uh they're just trying to follow so i don't know what happens if you know volpe's in culture gets himself killed and then they win the fight anyway like who starts leading them okay that i want to know oh yeah i see the ncr patrol right there now the question is uh they're gonna okay so one's down volpes is down but now vulpes is down hang on now i just need to take out the rest of them take out you take out you so now they're all dead yes yes i know i've been a bit shunned that's okay but what are you guys going to do now and as i suspected literally nothing they're going to do literally nothing because they've lost their leader so now they don't have the ability to um to move anymore okay we should probably keep volpes alive in that case okay just stay a few steps ahead of volpes here but not too far away in casey d spawns and in a moment they're going to draw their guns but that's all absolutely fine because yes nicely lined up right there and down you go yes yes i know that's all i'm fortunate for you right bit on the wow straight down to vilified that's harsh for only three murders still i'm keeping volpes safe that's the important he's actually looping towards the ncr camp isn't he right you've got a death wish mate it's gonna take some major assistance to keep her yeah i'll add a life right here though because now now there's a lot of them actually so just know please start shooting at me start shooting at me not at hem okay a few attempts later i've just managed to keep volpes in culture alive but yeah if you're actually walking with him so he hasn't already despawned this is this is quite tricky to do because he is just determined to walk straight through ncr territory he's also decided he wants to walk straight through the radioactive ncr super town and also yapgeta please please don't walk in the way while i'm firing her yeah he's walking straight into the uh the ghoul troopers as well okay we should be past any danger at this point and i've managed to keep yeah volpe's at one dog and the triplets are all alive so the question now is yeah who's gonna disappear is it just going to be volpes where's his black hole located in which case what's going to happen to the triplets and their dog here okay here we go moment of truth he has managed to make it only just with a huge amount of okay you'll cease to exist and then i'm going to be honest that's the complete opposite of what i was expecting so the rest of his troops have all gone missing but you're just standing here was there more for us to discuss i'm gonna be honest no not really just well done for not disappearing into a black hole well with you alive i've done a good bit of work for the legion but yes now it's uh now it's time for the boot to be on the other fault for a second here we go just the north of where we were the legion camp of bhutan so all right guys sorry but it's him again isn't it yeah it's it's just this guy never really noticed him before but it does rather appear that uh basically the entire legion army is mostly being uh staffed by clones right so you all need to die now by the way so buy and then uh buy for you as well and then buy for you as well yep this is all going well so far because yes it would appear ncr people try and go to the nearest ncr base legion people try and go to the nearest legion base even if it's a bloody long way away but uh you don't really have a base aside from the ncrcf and that's a really bloody long way away so let's see where you decide to go my friends okay immediately they're heading south so gotta watch out for yeah the fact that some ncr traders are gonna spawn up on the bridge because uh powder gangs and ncr are hostile by default so keep a distance make sure they don't spawn then where are you going there's basically nothing to the south of where we are i don't know where they're trying to get to okay the husbandry farm is right there so we are right out in the sticks right now we're approaching the edge of the map there's only so much further south you can go and we've also hit oh we've hit ghouls right uh protect them protect them oh bloody hell that was a bad time to need to reload actually okay we might need to try that again because okay technically i just failed booters so that's that's interesting oh there's there's a lot here it needs to be taken care of okay they're actually running they're running straight to the test site aren't they oh well that's a bad idea okay i need to get ahead of them and right now i can't actually catch up with them or overtake them so we're going to need to cheat here we go so the console command player dot set av speed mult 200 basically just means game please modify my own speed up to 200 percent of what it just was so basically i could run twice as fast okay now that's flipping better now now i can actually be a proper bodyguard to you guys don't get too far ahead though than my d spawn okay they're just ghouls though ghouls aren't oh bloody hell da okay i'm a bit i'm a bit fast on the on the straight thing side to side actually it's okay it's fine i got you you guys are gonna be a-okay by which i mean like you know probably uh okay you guys are the the dangerous ones go and then go and then flip and go right take them out they're all dead uh where's where are you guys okay there are a lot more of them over there than i was expecting okay do not get too far ahead of these guys though because they're coming in from every side they're coming in from every side despite my speed and it being very easy and me having a gatling laser there's going to be more coming in from every angle then they just sort of have you reached the point where you're just done by the way you might have done okay in which case i just need to defend this spot i just defend this spot you guys okay they're just oh oh wait no they they want to go and fight they want to go and fight reavers terrible terrible idea i'm going to strongly strongly recommend against this but like i i guess i'll try and protect you if you're determined to uh where they just go by the way no they've gone back over there but like they do try and fight if they see a bad thing which is you know impressive and then are we good we're officially still in danger danger no no no not now we were doing really well uh go no no don't hit him don't hit him don't hit my friend all right shoot him in the face it's one of them okay one of them's dead i'm gonna be honest i'm sorry one of you is dead at this point because there's there's cocky grievers and technically i think i just i i lost booty because one of them died yeah i think we're good okay next up i need to go to the north of the map and on this save file i haven't actually been there yet so i decided to uh basically play god and probably go too far and set my speed to 500 of the original and i'm gonna be honest i'm really rather enjoying it this is rather nice i mean there is 100 something to be said for being able to play fallout new vegas at the same speed as you'd normally be playing doom eternal that's that's got something going for it anyway jacob's town here we go cuz yes all we've got to do is just step inside step back outside again and the mercenaries are now in play so one quick speech check to get rid of them and with that him and his men are pack up their guns and just wander straight on be flipping beautiful i want to see him and his man okay at least one of his men are you you guys planted there we go good good good good they've decided to uh join in too so my friend you're kind of out in the middle of nowhere right now officially of course these are ncr hired mercenaries suggesting based on the patents we've seen so far they're going to do one of two things either they're going to find the nearest ncr base and then just sort of despawn when they hit it or they're going to deliberately throw themselves into the biggest pile of monsters they can find which would probably be the casadors close by to vault 22. okay we're not in danger but he started he started running about halfway down the mountain track possibly he's become spooked by some of the big horners that are hostile by default on occasion but not really sure what you're after my good man he's left the rest of his friends miles binding that direction by the way i don't even know where they are right now but uh good this will speed things up a bit okay due respect to norton he has made it all the way to the bottom of the path that is a long bloody weight he's pleasantly spawned he has gone a lot further than tabitha ever did and fascinatingly yeah he's taking a left turn now to the bottom now that's that's the collapse does the collapse bridge i think it's collapsed bridge or something anyway it's uh it's a dead end it's one of the roads out of vegas that's just a dead end it's the edge of the map he is literally heading uh towards the edge of the map but unlike our friends over and the powder gangers yeah there's no enemies over here so i guess he's just going to pop out of existence in a second or alternatively he's not and in doing so he sort of accidentally solved a little mystery i never even knew was a mystery which is there's a campfire right here just like in the middle of nowhere with no one camping around it right at the edge of the map so why is this here well apparently it's his because it's where he's just stopped and now he's not okay so this campfire is the campfire of the mercenaries of norton who are attacking jacob's town mystery i never knew was a mystery solved right next up i've got an appointment at gamora because joanna here needs some help escaping because of course after getting her out into freeside the omertas don't exactly let them go that easy there's one final little confrontation before joanna and carlitos get to make a run for it but a quick speech check they're out of the way they'll just nip back to the casino but that means joanna and carlitos are now free you're now just heading through freeside and sort of all traveling together the beard mercenaries joanna her two former colleagues carlitos himself so yeah where exactly are these girls gonna end up and do they all travel together are they gonna split up at some points ah nice easy one for the game here pure and simple nobody appears on the far side of this here lobe zone okay but to wrap up those two rather special ones which is yes certain characters only spawn into the world based on your reputation and two in particular both along with the ncr are of interest to me so i'm just going to very quickly use a console commander to boost up my ncr reputation at jobs here we are ncr radio man who okay i just spoke to him outside of did i just literally purely accidentally actually manage to get you to spawn right next to your okay okay okay okay we've got to check this because i might have just purely flipping bullseye down without even thinking about it if the ncr mccarran base is actually truly where he's supposed to be going okay just boosted myself to accept it again but this time i'm standing in good springs so okay now we're gonna see if maybe he just homes in on the nearest base even if it's not necessarily mccarran he might just be wanting to go to wherever the nearest ncr basis locators you've done a good turn for the ncr now we'd like to do one for you and now he's yeah now he's actually running back in oh dia um i wouldn't try and make it back to mccarran to be perfectly honest i feel like yes um i may have deliberately put myself right here where the direct path back to mccarran would be a straight through quarry junction which i feel bad about now to be perfectly honest especially as uh well actually this is in some ways this is rather useful you could definitely use this guy because now you know whenever you get accepted he will come and find you once he finds you he will then be line by the most direct route possible back to mccarran and at which point yeah he can just blast his way past well plenty of low-level enemies powder gangers are no problem whatsoever for him just to be clear that was complete guess work i was just picking completely random spot i had a fast travel location for but uh it turns out mccarron is just where he's trying to get to and yes i know about the death clause to be honest i'd be warning the ranger not me i'm just gonna uh keep my distance while this is uh yeah so that's that's the thing that's happening now that's that's unfortunate for you and for my last trick we're going to be facing off against you i'd say something that very few people actually see loads of people of course have seen a legionary assassination squads because you know what lots of people accidentally annoyed the legion during their first playthrough and legion hit squads are brutal now the ncr has the same hit squads but generally it's a bit tougher to annoy the ncr in the early game it's something that's more difficult to do by accident anyway so uh fun thing about ncr hit squads unlike legion assassins they don't actually open fire on you when you first run into them they come up to you they give you a warning they say get your reputation back to where it should be within a few days otherwise we're gonna come and kill you at which point they wander off so i'm really curious where they go because you don't see them on the map very often at all and of course they can spawn well not just about anywhere there are fixed points where kill teams are allowed to spawn so i'm kind of curious yeah where there's a single point they're trying to get to i have no clue that'll be them over there right hello ncr hit squad honestly i'm not sure you've ever been on the channel before i can't remember showing you off in the past since you haven't pissed yourself i'll assume that you don't know who we are next time i'll bring my sickle and wear my black cloak see the ncr sends us when they want terrible things done to terrible people all right so yes what's to do to the ncr what you did john was enter a series of console commands that made them hate you very unfortunate so yeah screw you and screw the ncr you've got three days to improve your reputation with the ncr or we come for you without all this pleasant conversation have a nice day now you're here and yes indeed you can try and provoke them but they literally won't do it crap you don't even want to live a few more days go get laid one more time or something we're walking away three days well you know what it wouldn't be new vegas if just occasionally it didn't completely break because despite her specifically saying they were about to walk away yeah i've tried a multiple save files she's just um she's just refusing to move but i'm gonna be honest you're gonna be the finale of this video one way or the other so if you're not gonna run away and thus we can't figure out where you live you're going to be converted into some other form of entertainment got it you see these guys have been programmed to be faster than me they can always catch up with me but i programmed myself to be faster than them and that means that i can lead them wherever the hell i want because they're supposed to just hunt me down and i can't help but keep in mind that uh yeah fairly close by to this exact location just around the corner in fact is deathclaw territory there's a giant pile of deathclaws the entrance to quarry junction right over here is uh yeah barely a few hundred meters away so guys guys guys guys i am gonna lead you in to a fun party right now here we flipping go the fireworks begin right so grumpy mcgee's already flipping dead as is that oh okay right uh the problem is that the deathclaw's also willing to uh also willing to attack me fortunately i'm captain superman so that's that's not gonna be oh yeah you flipping better run yeah cowards because ten clip goes oh bloody ali's back and with that ladies and gentlemen perhaps we have in part answered that great question where do they go and the answer is uh some of them just disappear into a black hole in a faction appropriate base some of them decide that they're going to go on a holiday to the most enemy infested area that they can actually locate if the devs just you know didn't like that character for some reason and some of them just refuse to cooperate and thus end up going into a death claw stomach because basically screw you ncr hit team so i never knew about the weird black holes they're just sort of a10 pcs located in the ncr outpost that's very interesting so okay hopefully we have all learned something here today coming up next is oh bloody hell uh coming up next is a very big fallout project there's a lot of stuff pertaining to our fallout 4 coming up very soon indeed so yes plenty to look forward to in the coming weeks ladies and gentlemen i suspect when it comes along yeah you're gonna be uh you're gonna be very glad i took a bit of extra time over the last month or two prepping a few bits and pieces because i got some very very special stuff pertaining to fallout 4 coming up very very soon indeed hopefully you're looking forward to that but in the meantime open john's has been many a true nerd and this has been fallout new vegas with where do they go thank you very much and goodbye if we just hide the bodies nobody needs to know about this yes my stupid stupid plan has worked it turns out i'm a genius the giant rad scorpion is not gone oh hang on there's more yet though i'm still being very shocked guys where's the ncr nobody needs to know
Channel: Many A True Nerd
Views: 414,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout New Vegas, Fallout New Vegas game, Fallout New Vegas gameplay, Fallout New Vegas oliver swannick, Fallout New Vegas guide, Fallout New Vegas tutorial, Fallout New Vegas fleeing, Fallout New Vegas characters, Fallout New Vegas walkthrough, Fallout New Vegas NCR, Fallout New Vegas vulpes, Fallout New Vegas tomas
Id: Avs5IeJImOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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