Fallout: New Vegas - Dust - Ashes to Ashes

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good afternoon ladies gentlemen John this is really a true note and welcome to Fallout New Vegas dust or fallout dusters as there but Fallout New Vegas - I was gonna say Fallout New Vegas dust now this this I think some of you have been waiting for for a little while at this point ever since I finished off fallout 4 frost because fallout dust is basically fallout frost sibling its predecessor in fact made by the same guy except this is actually the finished product fallout 4 frost is still very much being worked on it's still constant being updated change has been made to it Fallout New Vegas dust hasn't been updated for a while and the notes on the actual mod page do specifically say this is pretty much the finish thing at this point aside from maybe some minor bug fixes in future this is pretty much it so yes indeed we do have a finished survival experience from the same team that made frost here in new Vegas and oh yes yes yes yes yes yes but in some ways I'm even more excited for this one because this one's got a couple of interesting things about it's not just frost but in new Vegas two interesting things in particular Frost very much portrays itself as a hardcore survival game with more of a focus on the specific survival mechanics because fallout fall ready had a bunch of survival mechanics baked into it so it's much more easy to double down on this bit 400 biggest dust meanwhile on its mod page focuses on something that doesn't really ever get brought up in Fallout 4 frost and that's survival horror this isn't just a hardcore survival Fallout New Vegas it's a hardcore survival horror New Vegas and oh yes yes yes yes yes yes that has got my interest and so too does the setup because fallout 4 frost was basically a prequel to fallout 4 set just after the war so therefore occurring a matter of centuries before the current generation of Fallout games and the downside of that unfortunately was aside from a couple of things like say parsons there was no direct connection between the fallout 4 base game and frost that's not the case with dust dust is in fact the well not going to mediate but very close sequel to fallout new vegas just in case you don't pay a huge amount of attention to like you know all of the law of new vegas there are various hints in the actual base game completely in the Chanin that things have the capacity to go were very very badly wrong in the Mojave very soon after the events of New Vegas itself the two most obvious examples being in Lonesome Road Ulysses is very clear that it's only a matter of time until the tumblers start expanding towards the Mojave at which point they're going to cause a whole lot of trouble and in one of the potential endings of dead money it just raises the possibility that the fog could spread as far as the Mojave as well and the ghost people with it now we make choices and we assume that the canonical ending of New Vegas is that neither of those things come to pass the setup for dust is it's 1020 years later and literally everything that could go wrong has gone wrong but therefore it all just kind of sits rather nicely alongside the new Vegas canon oh I like this right let's dive in I'll show you what I mean so naturally of course we need to start off by setting up a character and well we could just be something generic like survivor or whatever no no no no no I like to you know play with a little bit more character and I think I know exactly who I need to play as in this Fallout New Vegas sequel because there's been a character that I've been meaning to play us for a very long time possibly in fact the most commonly requested character for me to play as in the history of the entire channel it is time five years after I originally promised to do it to play as doc Mitchell the intervening years have not exactly been kind to doc Mitchell however naturally he would probably have died before this point twenty odd years later however some doses of radiation has led to some slight gula fication which is why the good doctor is still with us so zombie doc Mitchell let's go so naturally the charisma the dump stat is always the dumps that's a new Vegas but especially when literally nobody wants to speak to me everyone just wants to shoot at me so where do I need my priorities to be well I can make a couple of assumptions based on what I've learned from frost starting off of course with yeah I'm going to be want us to makes for strength extra carry capacity and extra damage with melee weapons ammo is likely gonna be extremely bloody scarce so result of that yeah just having a bit of extra strength probably very very useful indeed endurance as much as I can have a perception now there's an interesting question right there there's probably not going to be that many guns floating around so I can probably do with just easing that down a little bit explosives any to up a chair did you happens am going to be a thing accuracy is generally not so bad in New Vegas anyway I could probably do with that being for naturally I want intelligence to be hikes I want to level up as quickly as possible agility sneak guns action points useful and all skills up a little and critical hit chance with all weapons do I really want to try and make it by with only five and endurance okay that's not looking bad so far I've still another two points remember do I want to get hmm should that be five or should that be eight I feel like eight is not a bad idea eight strength more carry capacity hitting power a little bit of extra survivability but bonuses to environmental resistances wouldn't be the worst thing in the world keeping in touch at nine would not be a bad idea either yeah you know what unless someone's sacrifice a bit of luck how much thing we relying on critical possibly a lot I don't know right let's start with that we could respect later for needs to and ask for attack skills melee weapons sneak and I probably do want guns just in case like the thing is medicine would be nice but how much medicine we're gonna have probably in the early game not very much repair would be nice too but I'm probably gonna be throwing away guns or just running out of ammo for them rather than maintaining them science and lockpick how many computers and doors are there gonna be to open this is much more about fighting and surviving I wouldn't mind all I should really probably take survival increases hit point you receive from food and drink hmm wait does survival also increase how much food and I'm pretty sure that increases how much food water gets changed by you know eating food and drinking water maybe I'll boost that man let's start with that we'll start with this and we'll work from there and here's an odd sensation I don't actually want to take good natured in New Vegas or that feels weird right so skilled obviously I'm gonna be taking skilled five across the border Logan salute Colby are they've adjusted Logan's loophole booth that would have been good but sadly yeah now that's caps level ten which is very very low indeed I was thinking about heavy-handed yes decreasing melian and armed base damage but less critical hits damage that seems like a decent start for me yeah go on them let's go for that skilled in heavy-handed and here we start inside a mysterious non-existent room referred to as the beginning or maybe maybe this is a memory maybe it's like frost well we'll actually find this putting us a little bit like the the aerotank place and naturalist let's go is playing on the radio and let's go is screwed upon the wall just like it wasn't being a frost because yeah the guy that made this modestly the biggest fan of dead money that has ever left he played that DLC and loved it so much it became the central theme of the two massive mods he's cratered now what I've got to do first off is pick a starting location of which there appear to be no nor there abouts only three doors in here yeah looks like we've actually got a choice of nine starting locations now I don't know which is like considered the default canonical one or anything so what I'd like to do today is just find my feet and basically that means dying a lot but hopefully learning from all of those deaths so we're gonna go for a few start locations and we're gonna figure out which one actually works for me so eeny meeny miny moe you shall be the door we're gonna kick off our very first life probably a very short life in the abandoned warehouse and I believe this is yes I think this is the warehouse where actually you're never allowed to come in here in the base game unless you're doing birds of a feather other than that this place keeps being locked too forever and we've got some corpse as fine so the game is going to kindly give us some starting gear here so tribal battle helmet and trouble strider Amma okay so there's loads of unique edge for new things in here fire resistance probably not that useful especially as I think I did just notice over there we've got ourselves a survivors and NCR troopers now this our inst actual proper that's proper patrol arm would damage threshold of 15 blimey game I thought you were good to be that's up flippin bad away well as it turns out I can now confidently state immediately that this game is just going to be incredibly simple because I just happen to a pick a starting location which comes with all the free staff noise I've even got some meat here as well officers just flippin perfect this is interesting when you say tribal headdress ah so we've got a bit of storytelling here already because of course we know what this actually is that's the that's one of the Legion helmets but now it's being referred to as a tribal headdress alright so it would appear that yes we're probably dealing with well a victory where the NCR did okay either NCR or yes manner because the legion seems to have disintegrated into tribes whereas the NCR are still wandering around in proper NCR armor though i say this this doesn't seem like NCR standard-issue gear just a duster and gray hats okay that gives me oh that gives me extra chill carry capacity that's not bad to when either case i'm guessing we're supposed to assume I was either part of or the only survivor of or maybe just stumbled across an ambush between a group of tribals and the NCR so oh like battle rifle well I'm enjoying this already this is a good starting point though tragically all the sarsaparilla crates are just empty now of course hardcore mode is on by default and also yeah compared to vanilla New Vegas those meters tick up very quickly however things that you'd normally expect to produce water simply don't the plumbing does not work in this mod so as a result of that yeah water's gonna be a little bit more tricky to come by and will become a major problem because yeah in Fallout 4 if you actually reach the cap the highest level of water or hunger or thirst or whatever you just start taking periodic damage in new vegas is hardcore mode if you reach a thousand in hunger or thirst or tiredness you just drop dead so arguably it's a lot more dangerous here and indeed just while I was just having a wander around Andalusia to chat you ladies and gentlemen I'm already 5% of the way to dying so that's what we're talking about here this is not going to be farmed other problems that are starting to emerge I may have a battle rifle but I've got precisely one bullet for it so that's a bit of a concern oh sorry two bullets one junk round and yeah one normal bullet so maybe just actually start off with the machete and then armor may be good but it also wastes 25 out of a total carried capacity of 60 so right maybe this isn't quite as generous and amazing as I originally assumed and don't forget of course in New Vegas as hardcore mode just like in fallout 4 stimpaks aren't instantaneous instead they do healing over time ditto this radaway and this quota meet is going to need to be cooked as well well I can tend to eat it raw but I should probably cook it and out we come into the okay right so got some Raiders are you doing the app you are doing the old classic frost thing where you do me to come down if I take too much of a step towards you you'll murder me because oh hello excuse me who who are you right the NCR okay so as it turns out NCR not friendly anymore shooting on site okay well I'm just going to go this way you're also going to throw things at me fine right okay so that was life one right let's try that again as you can see on the left there there is indeed just a single quest the quest is to survive and to escape the Mojave there is apparently an actual ending to this somewhere and the games only have many clues just like in frost I'm gonna need to figure it out himself so you guys check how much damage I could do to you that is not bad because just like in survival mode in Fallout 4 all of the damage has been basically modified in this mod so basically everybody hits a lot harder than you might reasonably expect I go down in just a handful of bullets but so do these guys just a handful of attacks will kill anybody including NCR troopers look at that that's a basic machete blow to a guy wearing decent NCR armor so what I should probably do is yeah bit stuck between a rock and a hard place right now I guess we're going in okay all we're going it wait who's who's the one who's unstuck right you've decided to attack me have you right okay well this is this is just going marvelously excuse me excuse me excuse me and now I'm being shot this might be a bad place to start maybe I just want to step away from these tribals here but I do feel like there is one thing I could potentially do so these NCR over here they're not gonna be friendly to those tribals are they no very likely not I've got myself one very bad quality battle rifle here but oh is that another NCR oh that's more NCR on patrol I mean if that's just one guy on patrol just maybe there's allied technologies officers if I could just maybe get around the back of him that might not be the worst thing in the world I would ideally like to lure the NCR in to my current location hello where are you all right bad guy not keen on me right you know what I'm just gonna go for a quick run go for a quick run that armor is helping keep me alive monastic help keep your life bloody hell right I'm gonna keep my distance but I'm leaving a friend round to you guys if you'd like to kill him for me that'll be tacular you may not just by the way no compass markers those have been disabled as well and yes indeed it looks like a fight has just kicked off over there good so those guys have indeed started fighting who is fighting who right now that is assuming that NCR trooper yet NCR trooper with his actual machine gun has just taken out two possibly three tribals for me good that's actually not a bad starting point so this is what I want to be doing new vegas is as ever wars are fairly populated even though things are you know a bit on the post-apocalypse side right now this will work for me so I get myself yes and poison right that is that's just a boned hit someone with that's probably not that useful and that arm is not great now actually that armor does weigh only three and it does give me sneak I might just take that just in case stalk Rama arguably not a bad thing you know where's that guy and do I want to take him out I wouldn't mind taking him out but if I do how am I gonna get to the body without the other end see are coming over and stopping me right you know what I'm just gonna oh that guy's coming this way darn it okay and see are perceptive bastards as it turns out now bear in mind of course if I want to watch you clear those corpses out and someone is just standing in my way a good gun shot from a powerful rifle should pretty much one shot these guys so I would say actually you're holding a gun and ammunition probably more than one bullets worth in fact so how about we just wait for the shot and just take you I think someone saw that but luckily we're back to Oh we were back to hidden for just a seconds all right probably because you keep seeing the bloody corpse over and over right while the heat just dies down maybe I should just kind of visit the officers in here now is this by chance oh do no no no no no no I decided all have been here actually it's gonna follow me out no they're not good they don't know how to use doors holidays and bottle caps for the completely non-existent traders to use on hello I just saw an NCR person just run over in that direction is he just seeing I think he's just seeing a corpse over and over which does not help me fine well if you need to die - I guess you need to die - and yes indeed he's already been weakened through the fights he was involved in so a single bullet will put you down just little way for him to wander across my sites down he goes right now caution again but suit up that's another person oh bloody right sooner or later sooner or later I'm going to stop being shot by these bastards and actually I think one of them's right there and getting hopefully nice and close to some try balls yeah there we go thank you very very much indeed good so those guys value their personal space don't worry I'm willing to respect your personal space chill out these guys have just killed a whole bunch of NCR for me now there's also a centimeter in this game just like in frost so I need to ideally not to kill effect you know what you guys can have that corpse it seems like you know you standing pretty close to it I'll come back for it later alright so what the game basically just did for me there was that battle rifle which is just two free kills and I've already used them up but on the plus side there is now a giant pile of corpses that I'm hoping will give me even more bullets and oh yeah we got tribals all over the place hey good if anyone's gonna draw attention from the NCR it's her over there and tribal seem to mostly want to leave me alone we've got five five six combat knives okay there's got high DPS service rifle that is not bad but I'm already using up all my flippin ammo here right grab everything off the bodies hopefully some ammo 10 and 10 millimeter junk makeshift rifle waste 6.5 okay and there's another NCR right there I'm surprised that person hasn't started firing on her but you know what don't question it that's not that useful fine so tribal seem to be the most friendly people going right now oh ah the four or five auto pistol is not that bad at all that is not bad in the slightest sweet battle rifle you served me well but I suspect you're already pretty much redundant to me now do I actually want the you-know-what combat now if I can just leave behind machetes just seems better makeshift rifle okay so this is basically just a pike weapon of some description ten millimeter and five five six well he always used to be the most common doesn't mean they are right now fine that'll do for the minute ah there's that lovely lovely four five pistol and the makeshift rifle alright even got a little bit of a sight on it alright I can deal with that thank you question is what do I want to use all these lovely bullets for aw I feel like I'm a rich man in the wasteland right now with five whole bullets to my name all right time to have a little oopsie rounds here because yeah of course right by McCarran I'm pretty much bang in the centre of the do shoot the trouble dead bunny champs no you didn't somebody shot somebody dead I need to keep my distance from McCarran mccarran's probably a bad idea I mean okay I've got five bullets but you know five bullets later I've got no bullets that's that's kind of how bullets work so gotta be a little bit on the careful side here make sure I know what what I'm walking into there could be plenty more NCR around here because you know I appear to be at their base a base they still opt pie so this is the new NCR sometimes they're wearing armor sometimes they're wearing light dusters at this point they haven't pulled out of the Mojave entirely not yet anyway what do we have around all and see our troop up and he looks like he's holding a sniper rifle now that's that's of interest to me actually wait who you standing next to you standing next to up you're standing next to a tribal and neither of you seems to be angry at the other so both of you seem to be a little bit on the well you're not you're low health all right wonder how goodness sneaking is right now I mean I did actually tag snake so if I could get behind the NCR then immediately afterwards that Oh someone else is coming hang on how many people are over there more tribals the tribals in the NCR ally I mean I know they weren't allied over there okay you know what let's just quickly see what happens if I just sneak up on the NCR take a couple of potshots at him is the tribal going to object that they you you object to me but not to him this is fascinating stuff it no no down you go right both of them down immediately okay and apparently that was like you know bad for morale or camera whatever that's interesting and you my good man I think you know what we're just going into a bit of a kill everything how does this site work by the way I assume you just need to be in the circle and that will be fine yeah and the answers apparently not and also why am I taking rats who is who or what is casting rads right now what right so this might be how the fog worked does the fold case you just sweep in and do bad things could do right who are hilliard you're a tribal the totally means as I'm gonna keep my distance you might just leave me alone who are all of these people 308 rounds nice okay maybe I should go and actually get that or there's a sniper rifle sniper rifles are good and there's a stim pack okay so change from frost weapons are floating around a lot earlier lots of people are armed it's not such a melee fest so maybe I was you know too quick to put perception down and strength right up it seems like well ammo is very limited but the bare minimum guns are floating around but then I guess they kind of have to do because of weapon degradation what have you got ten millimeter pistol together with a 10 millimeter round all right well I think we'll leave you be for the most part I've just take the ammunition so we could take the rifle take the rifle up or we drop it later now what was this that was a makeshift plasma rifle blimey oh okay this I approve of by the way let's just dump something to make some space for that plasma rifle at damage 25 comparison OPA rifle that's 38 for me you know what I'm gonna dump the service rifle if you got one bullet for it right now that seems okay for the time being yeah this this I can deal with so I've now got myself some decent weapons I've also got myself yeah they've kind of merged bits of the plasma thrower thingy into hello that's a vertibird up there right that's that's not there in the base game that is of interest there might be part of a fast travel system of some description right you keep my distance from you but what I've got right now is I've got a gun but can't the bare minimum do some damage just want to move away from this area to see if those rads just ticking up forever now is this just a function of fact the fog has come to town and also ahead Farrell's right I'm a bit a bit quick to assume that McCarran was still held by the NCR because there seems to be Farrell's at the front door okay well on the plus side they do have this fun habit of just walking straight at you so hopefully I can take care of them I've also got all I've got a little scope on these well that's nice you can just go down nice and quick please weights any of the rest of you annoyed by that one of the rest of you is boom and boom boom and boom boom boom boom thud right so all of the all the Lambos gone all of the ammo is gone at this point right excuse me no you don't I'm slightly worried what's about to happen if you're about to oh right so the old frost trick is still true at this point in fact actually it's worse body shots do literally nothing basically nothing and there's a tiny tiny amount of damage there the base of its head shots head shots on nothing versus goals right well you're dead and you're probably about to kill me so this is this is a marvelously good news right so you have to go for the head shots versus the ghouls okay sixteen percent chance to hit I'm really regretting that low perception right now right that that causes problems and would you believe that missed ripe any chance would someone like to help me also I'm thirsty not really biggest of my proms hello please help please help please help I've got radiation poisoning ah probably too um being attacked by this bastard what else do I have well I've got a machete oh thank you you're attacking me right no good right so everything's fundamental started dolls so okay so basically yeah you can now see the notes from which large parts of Fallout for frost were actually drawn from the ghouls played by the same rules what's it up there try board you know what I like tribals me and tribals are for the most part pretty cool with each other let's just quickly do some healing because yeah I've got three stimpaks may as well actually use one of them get a bit of health going on did that just make my water jump up however no because they only just went into h2o so when he just passed 200 so the fallout 4 trick of stimpaks in survival mode make you thirsty er that does not exist here okay well that's good news at least there's not a huge amount of good news here but that is good news ooh don't meet I'll be having that and I think we've got an angry girl over there fine time to get back into my melee Ange so all the several of them there's quite a few and block heads head head head head lock heads heads heads heads heads heads overs many of them including glowing ones now heads heads heads heads block and lotto he's about to burst no go for the heads go over the heads heads ow the head does nothing and my legs are crippled right so this is this is arguably an excellent time we do wait wait I I was not crippled my strength fell so I've became over encumbered I bet that's what happens okay so I've decided going in that direction bad idea now one thing of course I do need to address a difference between this and fallout 4 Frost is of course frost because it was just based on fallout 4 SD pop survive most did have the mechanism built-in that you could only save by actually sleeping thought like New Vegas dust does not have that mechanism because Fallout New Vegas didn't have that mechanism built in it's hard combo did not have that as one of the conditions I could have modded it in there are custom mods I could have actually added that would have added in that ability to perfectly replicate to fallout 4 frost experience I chose not to do that for the very simple reason that Fallout New Vegas is just not a staple a game as fallout 4 Fallout New Vegas crashes occasionally on loading screens when you're opening your pip-boy just when it feels like it that's just a thing that Fallout New Vegas does so as a result I just felt like it would be a much worse series if I were to make that one of the conditions of it purely because I might be doing something for 20 minutes then the game would just crash then we've been back 20 minutes of progress even if I'd done nothing wrong now probably I'm going to die a lot more often because of my own incompetence but I still just thought it would've been very very frustrating so I decided not to actually have that all right let's see what else we got here because sure I'm now finding out ok in small numbers against male enemies the old block and go for the head tactics still worked very very well indeed in fact I should go and verify this hang on let's just get out a gun of some description now Betty chance yeah so tribal status half damaged that doesn't do that much more damage okay so the headshots are ridiculous thing only seems to apply to yeah to actual Pharaohs normal humans play by normal rules but it's good to know that's a thing and when I run to other male enemies I need to check that out I need to find myself food and water because I'm already up to yeah the game flagging I need to find some water I have not found a single source of water yet so I need to start just getting the lay of the land and figuring out what's going on here this barn is yeah this is the old ant barn isn't it yes I remember the ant barn so maybe let's just keep my distance from the old hound barn still if I just had to actually ants hello I'm a human and I'm probably tasty now I'm going to lead the ants in this direction and these bastards who seem to basically have infinite ammo or whatever could just deal with the ant for me so I'm just going to stay around the outside and these two people are going to oh yes of course there's a flaming ants I forgot those were flaming outs you don't managed to kill that guy well duh he just walks away casually on fire that goes should be the protagonist he's the real badass here so I'm now also hungry so minus one strength meaning yes indeed I'm suffering now from being over encumbered well I guess I may as well just toss away some of these weapons yeah weapons are a bit more easy come easy go than they were and frost so just toss that away what do I have those theoretically can eat I've got myself a little bit of meat but yeah perfect world I'd rather cooked if I could because very often yet uncooked meat leads to strength falling which kind of defeats the object given I want to actually cook it to get strength back do you want if I just loop this thing for nectar nectar is good and there's some meat fine so hunting for meat good though thankfully I don't need to take a specialized perk in order to actually do any form of hunting or meat gathering I can still do that so in some ways not quite as cruel in the intervening years between this and frost the guy who made it found new ways to be incredibly cruel so this place is now cleared and I found the ant mound very very good indeed ad ah ant refuse pile oh good at this point I'm just basically just going through and poo to try and find things and I did I successfully found a thing that's just have a loosely round here karma cigarettes all of that business ah this seems useful grades Oh mine well this is good so some of the Mad Bomber staff has just shown up oh this is very good including Molotov cocktails and oh wow okay this stuff could keep me going there's some missiles that's a bedroll kit the roughing a bedroll kit allows you to sleep just about anywhere on to the Stars okay so that is basically a Porter bed if I need to actually get sleep for tiredness that is of interest to three microfuge themselves and a stealth point right well I'm now massively over weight capacity I mean that's all very welcome but now I need to dump even more stuff yeah I think unfortunately it's time to immediately dump the patrol armor because I just physically can't actually afford to be having this with me that needs to go away and instead the tribal stalker arm will do the job and unfortunately that portable abilities sleep though very very useful indeed is going to take up ten of my actual capacity so that is no good at all here's our here I've Doc Mitchell himself it's been a bad couple of years for Doc Mitchell and he's ready to get some revenge on the bloody wastelands now also worth noting of course that yeah at this exact moment in time know rad so maybe the rats are partially situational that's of interest very of interest as is the fact I've now got a giant pile of explosives right so I've got a little bit of food killing things for food that is possible that Barry might actually compared to fallout for new vegas is enemy list for the most part didn't include that much in the way of wildlife new vegas wasn't that wildlife heavy it had a lot more human enemies whereas fallout 3 had a lot of wasteland that had an awful lots of just wildlife in as did fallout 4 so unless I'm willing to go cannibal which is absolutely option I will at some point have to start making some very difficult decisions about yeah what I'm gonna do for food I'm going basis now this is Casas Caravan so let's just quickly see if any of this happens to be available to me it presumably shouldn't be there's a single drained energy cell and ah the survivor in here including a eulogy intriguing here lies Hank Jacobson senior he shared my name and shared my road for many a mile he raised me to the best of his ability and taught me everything I know but more importantly that he gave me hope despite all that happened he stayed hopeful he was a great man and lord knows I miss him already I must carry on caring for his sake home issue dad's okay so this guy was just jab presumably left here when he died because what else you gonna do what this soil over there you could have buried him do people bury each other yes people do bury each other in New Vegas cuz there are specifically like you know graves and shovels so alright maybe didn't have a shovel so new destination if I head across this open ground here directed to the east a bit of land that's fairly quiet in the base game I should start approaching some water the edge of Lake Mead so that was obviously the biggest source of clean water floating around in the base game so probably that's not a bad starting point but I've got to feel lucky I've got to feel like you know dad's been realized and that's gonna be like I don't know held by Raiders or now it's full of lava or something but we will go and say if that's actually that bridge is probably the safest way to go that way I've got a bit of high ground so I can figure out what's going on so of course yeah no compass markers which again is why perception doesn't really need to be as high because the compass has been basically completely hello who's shooting home someone's shooting somebody ah and those shacks are still there so those shacks used to be merchants of course that was where you could buy some food and drink now it will be lovely absolutely lovely if that was still the case but I'm just gonna guess it's not that easy because old or someone down there and whoever it is they're limping except as that is that a ghoul is that it that looks a bit like a ghoul to me and also I'm in danger now that was it was not a fuel because no it's a survivor right okay so survivors as it turns out bigger dicks than tribals so let's just quickly hide up here I feel very naked right now to be us oh I need to get down here I need to get down here okay and wait wait wait wait oh bloody hell oh no oh oh okay so there's the tumblers right I've decided I don't go east anymore I'm certainly don't waste any more of a sauna don't go east anymore so don't want to go east anymore but er don't really we see more I also decide to jump off this bridge now this is gonna hurt my legs okay um right I'm gonna go hide in I need to find somewhere to hide like now they're coming foot weapon away there's nothing I can do to tell us just yet right so Oh No he might have bit a shot before somebody killed them right okay hang on can they actually get over can they get over these jump jump that was water okay I found water so while I'm not actually panicking let's actually very briefly discuss tongueless because tunnellers are really really interesting enemies tunnellers basically hit like a flippin brick they hit hard but they're also very flimsy like many creeps in New Vegas they have damaged threshold of zero so as a result rapid-firing weapons actually work pretty well against them they will go down pretty fast a well-placed explosive could actually do some really nice work to them or so oh this is interesting two different kinds of Molotov cocktails and the DPS is okay the DPS is hard on the Scotch because I don't know the alcohols burning hmm interesting well this could potentially be very very good at clearing out a crowd of them or the bare minimum crippling the lights just like deathclaws [ __ ] the legs those guys are pretty much useless homemade frag grenades I am lucky Dan ammo already all right me out the sniper rifle if I could just you know avoid drawing their attention that was most definitely water in that little thing over there so hang on what's going on it's not polite from our place admittedly the the scope is gonna sway like crazy sadly I think possibly in the scripted event the guy who runs the water shop is murdered which is very sad I like the water shop man so what is that okay this time there's two people over there who are those people no three right well this is this is different from a second ago all right well in theory just in theory just one ton were coming in to potentially clear out this area not the worst thing in the world right there's a survivor where are the other survivors there's another one right I've got eyes on to that person's also wearing a backpack no I like backpacks because sometimes you can equip them yourself for more carry capacity that was totally a mess right well done mate I feel like that wasn't a Miss but oh dear weapon spreads okay this is no good right okay um and that's of course they're about to run off and get themselves killed by tunnellers because they just ran in the wrong direction if that's what they'd like to do that'd be great and like the shots come on come on come on come on darn it right well that's all three shots gone well in this case apparently now it's time for me to sort this out with explosives so one Molotov cocktail no idea how those work in this game but let's give it a flippin go let's just see how well this works probably the answer is not well you're right in the middle of that though an OOP right they do not have much in the way of range at all and now I'm stuck here well you only live once or in my case many times so activate the matter fusion charge he just came over to me with a stick right I may have been overthinking this slide it blah blah blah blah stop stop stop and go over the head go for the head go for that head right he's dead but now that guy's shooting me with bullets Lucky's a terrible terrible terrible shot right I just played them out I have as well good thankfully stimpaks are a little bit more on the common side too so bloody waste on fatigue yes sorry about that you shouldn't have caught me with a left type to be honest right so this armor has just oh oh oh oh what what if that's the total loss I'm going to be really annoyed right just do the stimpaks all right just do all the stimpaks and well I see it's that a Brahmin right there might they might they also don't forget to loot everybody cuz nine-millimeter revolver that's new what Legion dust-up last diet should point to +5 and okay whatever's going on here it seems to be calm for now no that's not a problem that's a okay who is attacking me and why they're attacking me to survive a camp okay who who is that is it and also is this plate no it's dirty but it's water I'll flip right now fortunately these bastards also can't like you know Joe unfortunately they also hunt in a little team so okay basically this camp is a source of water but it's also a source of death still useful to know some of the actual light troughs of water that you find dogs around do still seem to be filled up with water so potentially that could be an interesting source of so for example yeah around a good spring source there's one of those troughs of water so if I can just remember all them are like this warning um yeah in crimson caravan there's like one there and there for a fact that's warning there there's one in good Springs I'm pretty sure that's one of them around the NCR outpost so it might be dirty water also hello over there yeah NCR arsalan watched how some of them anyway not all of them actually only a handful but still potentially of use I'm starting to wonder if maybe yeah actually they could actually do this in Reverse it's possible getting away to access McCarran is a via the monorail from the strip rather than vice-versa where yeah one of the only two ways to access the strip was using the monorail it could actually be in Reverse which would be a fun twist so okay back to the map in terms of useful locations in this part of the world there's also AA there is of course the sharecropper farms that might be a source of food potentially so how about we just ignore the death camp over there and that guy who I just pointed out is probably going to kill me let's see if I can just figure out what else is going on in the world if I could just basically keep my distance from both the death camp and the nasty NCR sniper that could potentially be of interest yes I see you up there and you are quite a long way off so stay between the toe there's the what it called the arrow tech aerospace part thing a little settlement where you get the Quai oh geez quest in the base game and someone's firing at somebody I'm gonna work under the assumption that's probably those survivors being cleared out by tumblers so yeah tunnelers not quite as dangerous as you might be assuming Tunnel is in fact oh that's a nice shot of you at the Sun behind you la-dee-da Tunnel is yeah if you've just got the right ah that's who's firing that guy was just firing up something over there which is probably an excellent warning sign that there's still something bad over there because you haven't put your gun why the question is what is it oh dear Oh flippin Dave you calm down he's calmed down a bit all right it's possible it's run off or he's softened it up for me sufficiently that I would be able to take it out all right what was it I don't think we're OK for the time being all right do I want to go to air attack or would I rather just head straight through to the actual yeah oh that's what he was going for hulking Tamas ouch okay so this game is not messing around with leveling or anything it's very happy to put hulking tumblers in straightaway okay tumblers for the moment for me or a brick wall but if I could just find a rapid-fire weapon and a bit of hollow-point ammo I will be able to tear ton lots of parts it's not that bad especially if you're just using the right ammunition tumblers are manageable but you've got to have the ammo for it if they get on top of you you debt but if you can take them up before they can get you which is not even that difficult to do they're actually not even that bad next to death course they're not bad at all because death girls have the problem of that she come with built-in damage threshold tumblers do not and more fire I'm gonna guess that's an NCR person trying to take out a tumbler potentially from a raised position which would indeed be quite clever but I don't know exactly where they are all right and there is a cloud victim now a cloud vision cloud victims are apparently yet fundamentally hostile to everybody fine so the clouds come in some people have reacted quite badly to it right bad news for me very bad news for I'm just gonna hide over here and hide over here and just let the camera for use if anyone gets closer Oh doc Mitchell I'm so sorry about this right it comes out the cloud victim it's a cloud person it's the red flipping skull right okay getting over there hit him and go for the arms go for the legs ah it's not a ghost person though because a ghost person if you just basically yeah you take out any of their limbs if the Crippler limb they automatically die this is not that this is just a person who is exposed to the cloud and actually they look more like the people from lonesome Rhodes to be honest so caravana outfits electron charge pack makeshift particle rifle intriguing very intriguing I've got nothing against giving that ago so runs on ya the ec packs but will run drive very quickly and does damage over time if it hits anything around here no seems to be fine so this should be Aerotech unless of course has just been Oh someone's firing at something there's aerotank there's 18 XP and it is it's a survivor survivors taking a potshot of something could well just be wildlife ok question is here we go arrow take office park are you ready to move straight back out again if danger cuz probably danger oh right the cloud is not just yeah a natural phenomenon we've got some children of adam' sorts who have started popping up worshipping the clouds well that's of ouch someone just slipping nailed me probably it was that guy over there who I saw earlier so oh don't forget John they are coming up behind you to kill you oh he's got a shish kebab la-dee-da actually if he's gonna shoot kebab me on time you got a gun this might not be the worst thing in the world right I should probably head over in this direction for hat she can I get down here Oh sewers excellent thought we'd be posted oh dear that's worse that's worse that's worse but not that worse because look at you and I'm a good man we just take out one of your limbs then we good and boom crippled ghost is out but just like traditional ghosts they can't be killed except by severing lens are you coming for me yet by the wakes if you're not I need to just very quickly disable one of these guys arms needs to be disabled like now oh excuse me are you still coming for me did you just follow me down into the sewer because do you feel like maybe we might have more important things to do right now okay this bit of the map may be a mistake poor dog Mitchell you're gonna see him dead a lot in this okay maybe if I just try and run straight past the ghost people then potentially the ghost people will take out the actual pursuing goose for me except that's our there's a lot of ghost people down here except weirdly they don't seem that aggressive like the following me but not particularly effectively okay this could be of interest and also remember these guys are abominations so they play by abomination rules can you follow me through loads ow what the I just I just work for a gray just a beetle II fell to my death right okay so important thing maybe don't do that fact you don't want what a stealth boy don't I screw it who the hell are these bastards ever just pulled out of step by step that's much better right these guys cannibals oh you always want to fall into a cannibal down there you're standing very close to each other hang on I've got an idea I've still got that cluster in this universe so how about we just very quickly put ourselves a nice penny I can't even get over there fine you know what screw you apparently survived that well done not much longer mind down you go so the makeshift thing basically sets them on fire fine so cannibal Dan apparently just here cannibals have got all armored leather ropes damage threshold of eight in poor condition to own your weight of eight that's not even that bad mutilated legs strange meat Peyser ok cannibalism hurt sanity I'm surprising really also riot gear varmint rifle and extended mags okay so with the lack of shops instead you can find weapon mods just out in the wild er energy sells fine energy weapons maybe a lot more common than I was expecting makeshift shotgun old NCR armor all right well this is of interest this is what you do by the way you literally just set up traps then wait people to fall into your cannibal death you know what Canton I seems to have worked for you so far though where the hell am I actually right now technically oh right you can just basically no oh oh oh this thing is slow as anything very slow in fact burg the reload faster right and go and what that I think I just blew myself up there right okay cannibals in the sewers got us right I think I've learned everything I can as doc Mitchell right here so now I want to see what I can learn about the rest of the half ape because there's eight flipping starting locations I haven't even looked at yet so door number two abandoned her and I am in this good Springs hang on this might be good Springs and I've also got myself please tell me I've got some food or drink give enough to oh I've got booze booze will do is a starting point Oh wasteland omelets that's actually a really amazing item it's a great item one cosmic knife strange meat pie Geoff oh I'm a druggie cannibal I like how every starting location you can sort of you know figure out what your story supposed to be and that's only one round to go is that right well at least I get a shotgun that's good I suppose and there is actually a better canoes here right well this isn't terrible as a base yeah I'll accept this is a starting point to also just don't check what rules everything actually plays by in this game so booze makes you more thirsty but sunset sasparilla does actually make you less thirsty okay good good to know sunset sasparilla can replace water if need be so lever action shot garner and a few blasts in it too though bear in mind yeah until you've got shotgun surgeon or unless you're going to be entering with zero damage threshold shotguns a kind of garbage until such time as Jay you've uh actually SPECT them out once you've got an stayed back in shotgun surgeon shotguns the most hilarious the Opie things in new Vegas before that point that kind of terrible right so this isn't actually no this is not good Springs and the game does not actually tell me where I am just yet okay well into the Mojave wasteland we go where am i exactly oh oh oh right well this is well I'm already dead okay this is interesting I'm gonna take one of them with me I didn't take one of them I took one of them with me and I'm right I don't like this starting location hang on just very quickly go to the world map here ah I mean one of the houses on the outskirts of yeah the west side of Vegas party don't I literally just stepped out of the door I exploded yeah I've decided we're not starting here door number three Shack so where am I now this is I know where this is this is the yeah the flying school thing that's just to the south of Goodsprings okay that seems like a good starting location and fighters rags a settlement flyer all right and crafting kit okay so I want to craft on it go if I want to beat people with a bone all right and oh stop I wonder if Malcolm home spawns it'll be hilarious if he did oh maybe you could be hunted down by goo Malcolm hopes I wouldn't bet against it that would be quite funny ammo boxers okay fine so not exactly a great set of starting gear in here by the way because that's just icky still there yes the key is still there so I don't actually need a lockpick 50 okay handful of things here adventure outfits it'll do and a whole bunch of all volcanic pistol well that's fascinating damage 17 and DPS 33 is not - oh it's fancy I approve of this right so out we go into the waist to the south of Goodsprings and right so I've stepped out into a water good go good good my Ally wasn't really spitting anything else so probably best just head over to yeah this is a good way verifying actually so good spring source is that actually gonna be a good source of water oh I see I see people I see many people except did one I'm just fall over you guys all fighting each other hang on hang on survivor neutral survivor are you guys doing right now what's going on with you bastards yeah uh seems to be you're fighting something good if this starting location basically just yeah it kicks off with a big fight but I can just basically use my guns to pick off whatever's left at the end of it then loot the debts that might very much work for me I've got into caution though that is something to be a little bit worried about here we are good SpringSource alright and do we have ourselves no not all the water troughs are oh oh oh dear right so slight problems with this part of the world like for example tumblers well they're just a ton of damage to you and that's defense to helped me out a little bit too um right well I guess I'm just gonna hit you with a stick now cuz I'm not really sure what my options are so hit him with a stick there we go I've just battered a tumbler to death with a stick and he's actually got meat on it but it's irradiated so it's not good stuff still I'm quite happy I just took you out by the chance does oh dear right so the hill that was basically full up of get codes in the base game that's now full up of tunnellers assets because if just one of them were to come down and clear out a giant pile of people for me which is all seemingly what has actually happened hanging sort of the bad one Tamla wants to fight who are you trying to punch a tumblr to death because that's that's ballsy of ya that's ballsy right there okay so in this starting location there's a bunch of survivors but then what happens afterwards is tunnelers come down off the hill and basically murder them now that is yeah not a bad thing from my point of view at all no water actually from a these locations that doesn't mean there's not water elsewhere Plus count fire alright that's not too bad at all and yeah leather armor I could do with all of this and just make sure we pick off the survivor and I said she doesn't mind me like these two guys seem to not really mind mirror each other up seven 308 oh yeah our medium backpack you see this is one need to get hold of battle rifle Oh flip Oh flip Oh flip and thorazine right so yeah all the things that came back in Fallout 4 started their life here gotcha and then oh you are weirdly just running around right that might just be the pacifist tumbler right there still I've got a battle rifle which is nice so I could just basically see you right sneak attack critical this place is weird excuse me do you don't mind the fact they just shot you and just like he wants to have a conversation with me okay no he really did not mind me shooting him how about you you also don't seem to mind that hugely I may have just made the slight tactical error of making a tunnel angry yes I've made the huge tactical error of making a tunnel angry save me so enough shots gone despite being terrible yeah in vats especially shotguns are terrible oh well this isn't a trick you just missed there you go well that was an interesting thing to learn about I mean if I can get that first bit right that might work door number 4 a different Shack and this Shack is what is this Shack crafting kit a knife some ammo Oh some surgical tubing and ah well that's nice so I'm guessing yeah in this version I'm probably an NCR soldier who lost his buddy after trying to perform surgery on him an amputation gone wrong and now as a result it's time for me to leave this place behind but this seems like a very bad starting point to be honest I mean oh yeah he technically doesn't actually have armor on him because he doesn't have his leg so weirdly when you come across the assets where and then see ours I kind of like like in the surgical rooms they're technically not wearing armor even though they look like the ox they're wearing customer that's not actually armor so what yeah I start this without any actual armor and with only a varmint rifle so this does not seem like a good starting point neither is the fact that I start off with literally worn bullets worn flippin bullet marvelous and I think I oh yeah and I immediately step outside and better chance that that's a swarm of tumblers yes I've decided that this location is the bad place and we're located ah I see where we are we're not too far away from kind of camp forlorn how cottonwood cove that sort of territory actually yeah floor hope you further north but yeah I see where we are this doesn't seem like a desperate II interesting bit of the map anyways so I'm happy to leave this one bait but wouldn't mind if I could just dropping down over here just see what oh yeah I'm in tunnel a central I'm in flippin tunnel a central this is definitely a no-no door number five Black Rock cavern am i starting a cave Eva next to a corpse of a survivor bit of money crafting kit a grunt outfit a journal and the Paladin toaster so yeah unique variant of an amount weapon that actually causes bonus damage to robots and power armor which does not seem like the most common thing in the world but what have you together with a handful of drugs and a note the mytouch tell me what's going on here doc mitchell's got a strange look in their eye lately and I'm afraid it's the glove it's always been about the glove I've got to get out of here ah so I was traveling with this woman and then I presume you lured her into a cave and then murdered her for her magic glove so in this universe doc Mitchell is not a very nice man I was also a dead night stalker here which is worrying because if there's a dead night stalker that might mean there's live ones somewhere else and this brings us out Wow recognized Helios one of course little cliff overlooking Helios warmer and that is C oh yeah radscorpions thoughts I'm sorry we got radscorpions bah this seems like an okay sort of location there's all the tents at the back of Helios one who ever holding that right now we got Novak just up the road Nelson barely down the road tall old lady Gibson scrapyard is right there boulder city's not too far this seems like a nice central location assuming I can avoid being eaten by all of the radscorpions yes downside of Black Rock cavern of course literally no guns and basically no decent armor so I'd be starting off with nothing several of the locations I've seen so far give you a more generous starts and final one for room number two door number six the hidden armory that's the that's the building under Red Rock is it not I think it might be so I've got Oh duck wait why am i stealing this this isn't stealing it's not stealing all explosives well machete ambien Isham I need a bobby pin but if I could just get a bobby pin from somewhere and also lockpick 25 that would be of interest right so survivor who's got at cage door key and that's not a bad submachine guns a bunch of ammo well unsurprisingly starting in the armory gets you a bunch of you know weapons and whatever but some of its locked away and the keys don't work and you have got Tesla armor together with all makeshift breathing masks I'm not sure if yeah resistance to cloud is a function of RAD resistance in this mod it might be grenade launcher and one grenade Tesla armor I'm gonna assume I can't equip that immediately no power armor training rules do still apply so dump that don't need that at all and I've got myself yeah all of the workbenches I could ever need a crafting kit so yeah you get given a crafting kit automatically at the beginning of the game no matter where you start pretty much as far as I can tell gun cabinet oh yeah okay so you're relatively good on the old gun and armor front if he starts here but I'm gonna guess that therefore you know there's gonna be there's gonna be a downside to that outside oh yeah yeah I figured that might be what's the downside exactly hang on what's what's already spotted me the moment I took a step outside venomous tumblr great Oh marvelous that is just what I wanted to say are they coming well something saw me something's right okay make a run for Red Rock Canyon let's just see what the state of Red Rock is right now let's just check who lives there cuz I'm going to guess it's going to be lovely friendly people who welcomed me with open arms no sign of that tumblr wherever the hell he was assuming that was what spotted me cuz yeah I've got seven rounds oh hello am i [ __ ] missiles that's that's heavy for no well explained reason yeah I've got seven hollow point rounds now that will tear apart anything that's a creature alright where are you where are you on what are you because the cards well in pretty much any ending of New Vegas the cons aren't in Red Rock anymore either they've naft off elsewhere after the battle or they were wiped out so it's unlikely to be calm to a living here in which case who is cuz this is too big an area just to have been laughs oh something's moving down there too far away from my vats to get a bead on it right by any chance friendly because there was a friendly town in frost so if I could figure out where the friendly settlement is that'd be marvelous tribals hello I'm going to put my gun away now now if me and you just stay at a safe distance from each other hello I'm giving you respect I am you know respecting your personal space I'm guessing they're not know that right so as it turns out these tribals less friendly because I'm literally invading their house so fair enough I suppose still not the worst thing in the world like I just got some good guns mama potentially invading Red Rock just to clear out these bastards might not be the worst thing at all though there's quite a lot of them right well you're coming down with me bastards okay let's just go over here yeah so do one dynamite we shall all go together when we go that didn't actually kill anyone it killed me that was slightly embarrassing I was kind of hoping to take everybody with me door number seven a safe house that sounds nice and safe ah it's the followers safe house yeah I recognize this place immediately so pipe rifle and a handful of 10 millimeter today's physician bunch of foot lockers but nothing in any of them all right check the fridges nuka-cola hang on what you gonna do - first that that does get first down all right that fridge is empty bunch of lockers but nothing major and a pile of corpses a large backpack well that's not bad yeah weight plus 35 immediately plus they've got a crafting table here survivor leather dusters not terrible breathing mask yeah three different bodies not much in the way of weaponry though and the water pattern I'm going to guess doesn't work doesn't do anything though it kind of sounds like it actually you know is doing something it's supposed to just be like the rattling of the pipes plumbing does not work right so know where I am right now I'm in the hills that are close by - vault 22 now Volk 22 might not be the stupidest idea because I mean just get in there and all those casa doors in that part of the world and I'm gonna guess they're still there in fact there's probably tempered Julian more of them yeah the actual um the top two floors or top three floors I think aren't that busy so even if the actual monstrosity is are still there I can do a bit of looting in there pretty much for free although actually mantises are probably gonna be difficult you don't want to engage a mantis at point-blank range and they're difficult to hit with guns all right we'll see if the man's are still guarding it still there's a bunch of stubble but could just make a run for Jacob's town all right there might be but the forest is gonna be dangerous cows adores mantises and it's a fairly long way there are however a bunch of farms just you know basically along the north edge of the map which is what you're looking at there might be worth a look and we're not even that far from the strip now obviously you need to kind of find your own way around the world in this mod so if I had to guess I'd say yeah they're gonna put stuff in obvious locations like for example I think there was some stuff yeah there was some helpful hints as to where to go next around Concord in Fallout 4 Frost so logically there should be something helpful hidden in locations that are big well-known central plot locations in Vegas as well so fire to gas going to the strip would be a good place to pick up the trail alright this could be a good one door number 8 yet another Shack and is this a better Shack or a worse show it does come with a giant scythe alright I could deal with that 9 millimeter rounds a 9 millimeter revolver find two bits of ammo there's my crafting kits bunch of tin cans out whoever this guy is presuming he tried to hide out here but eventually ran out of all food yeah supplies ran out so at this point he's got no choice but to make a run for it Oh checklist there fine we've actually got a bit of law for this guy scout perimeter check cat dinner check eats dinner check died two bullets left here goes nothing Oh blimey right so I just moved into this guy's life Scott Bakula star when he was about to kill himself okay well I'm sure we can actually do better than that let's see where we are and this is oh oh it's roll Shack isn't it right this is just across the road from the the gypsum train yards and that means I am deep inside deathclaw and cazador territory right yeah you know what maybe the two bullets plan was actually a good plan you are kind of located in hell though one advantage we do have is yeah if you just basically turn right immediately and make a break for it you'd be pretty darn close to the open plane that leads over towards crimson caravan okay that might be right no nevermind deathclaws obviously obviously deaf gloss hang on no no I've got your number I've got two bullets and that's gonna be one more than I need to take care of you never mind it wasn't right um let's just you know see if we can get to hypercritical x' and the answer is no and no should have used the bullets on myself really yeah probably would have been better right so that's a bit of a hardcore starting location not much equipment and you're in hell but closest to the strip I think we've seen so far possibly tied with the safe house and the final door door number nine wait so the tour already no hang on no there is just to safe houses and I'm oh well this is a bit of an unpleasant one right is this the is this underneath searchlight is that where I am right now survivor who's got himself a journal makeshift pistol handful of stuff nothing major still I do like to start in the kitchen that's got a bed in case need to come back here and sleep and you opportunistic outfits no this is the this is the Legion safe houses and tents yeah this room looks familiar I think this is the Legion safe house programs digest not terrible but probably not the most useful thing the world therefore crafting kits right so honestly you that doesn't really give me much at all this is yeah that's quite poor DPS of six and damage of seven with my makeshift pistol that is probably one of the weak ones though I do preload the new pipe weaponry that's kinda cool right and let's just verify this is indeed yeah this is 100% the allegiance pot though it does have a count fire out sighs that's nice for cooking meat and I believe that is the Overlook of the test crafts rights over there so let's just verify that still full of terrifying ghouls of death because it probably will be I do like the test ground the test ground is good so and we go some nice seats right there some nice Authority glasses a top over the top and yep there's a river so probably that's that's pretty bad news for me the fact that there are rivers and glowing ones coming at me right now that's that's that's bad news but if I didn't go this way then in theory I could go sue instead yeah this would be close by to Nipton so that might be an option as well we might go and have a little loop see what's going on over there still 9 locations that do actually give you pretty good coverage so we out there we had over there we've got one that was about here-ish and then we had a bunch tossed around the north as well with one over there fine so you've got a real good writer you can stop pretty much anywhere on the map in fact and yes yes I'm aware you're about to kill me it's fine and you tell you ready you struggling with a rock right now are you genuinely really struggling with a rock I can actually potentially kill that River if I get too lucky 35 shots right now I'll kill the river and oh my goodness I just killed a river dope Mitchell is that there's just another river though on the plus side he seems to be struggling - never mind Jesus don't need to get to me anymore you know what let us remember this iteration of doc Mitchell who took a basic pipe pistol and killed a river with it be not ladies and gentlemen let us rather unusually end at the beginning because I've returned to the beginning when you pick our starting location to end off this episode because yes I think next week we will begin our adventure properly I think I've got to grips with some of the basics here and I think I need to actually respec out my character because well Mellie is clear the important part of the game it's not quite as important as it was in Fallout 4 Frost so I think I want to respect my character a tiny tiny bit away from melee because yeah there's a bunch of actually energy ammo seemed relatively quite plentiful next some of the ballistics ammo so I might want to reconsider exactly how I'm planning to spec out my character now I've had a chance to dip my toe in the water and also I can't just thought this would be a nice wave introducing dust so I didn't have to slow down all the subsequent episodes explaining everything a bit by bit so welcome to Fallout New Vegas dust a hardcore survival horror simulator thing and the sequel I suppose prequel I suppose wait technically no quite significant sequel chronologically but prequel in terms of being the predecessor you know what it's just a religious a distant relation of Fallout 4 Frost welcome to the new Fallout 4 frost welcome to the new hardcore survival series on this channel welcome to fallout new vegas dust we will pick up with dot mission of course of course this is going to be eventually of doc mitchell we are going to kick off the adventure of doc mitchell proper next week listen gentlemen as we pick a starting environment for him and start making some progress start exploring the world start figuring out what our plan of action is because we've got to get ourselves set up we're gonna need guns we're gonna need armor we're gonna need aid supplies and we are going to be needing food and water source of water in particular a little bit on the concerning site so we will start figuring all of that out as our brand new adventure begins in earnest next week ladies and gentlemen by the meantime i've pajamas has met many a true nut and this has been the beginning of our brand-new adventure here in fallout new vegas dust thank you very much and goodbye ah you've got a gate key here I've made a mistake I've made a mistake I've made a mistake I've made a mistake this is gonna take all of my skill and cunning as a hunter sorted are you moving fast nerds die die go go away go away nobody likes you that was a good idea till it wasn't
Channel: Many A True Nerd
Views: 705,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout New Vegas Dust, Fallout New Vegas Dust gameplay, Fallout New Vegas Dust mod, Fallout New Vegas Dust walkthrough, Fallout New Vegas Dust playthrough, let's play Fallout New Vegas Dust, Fallout Dust, Fallout Dust game, Fallout Dust gameplay, Fallout Dust walkthrough, Fallout Dust playthrough, let's play Fallout Dust, Fallout Dust part 1
Id: s0UsgW6LHc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 37sec (4837 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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