Fallout 76 Funny and Tragic Moments - WorstPremadeEver

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look how close small my eyes are yeah they are very small they are pretty smart come on can we stop admiring alex and literally can't wait to start this game can you i think we should take a bit longer actually and just talk about things guys oh yeah we can mine do we oh no we have to have a pickaxe i'll just pick up a pickaxe in the cash store for four yeah you have to buy the pickaxe you also you have to buy in two separate parts so you get the handle and then the head yeah okay do we speak to this person as well why did he hear about what he's doing i thought that was him it was like pressy to talk to mort fatty away speak for yourself oh about a massive weight yeah you fatty has more stamina than you hello and welcome to download it's gonna be downhill but you know it's still here if bethesda made a festival this is what it would be like just with a slide guitar it'll cost you uh 200 pounds per day yeah of course yeah you have to buy the sounds everyone gets forced to put earplugs in you've got to pay extra yeah to take your earplugs off just head over to the 4.76 cash store for the low low price of 4 pounds 99 you could buy one minute oh god she looks so creepy when she said that hang on this is my cutscene you're supposed to be in here how do you open the quest menu you go to the cash store and you get your wallet buy the quest menu for low low price three pounds i'm not sure if gabby and koltar are taking the piss but kesha is apparently quite smart all right i think anyone in the music industry has probably got enough brain power to know how to kanye west okay oh my god it's gone can you just leave me alone leave me leave the [ __ ] cup seem to love you when you passed oh [ __ ] no he's going into microwave mode oh i got microwaves why is there a corpse on stage uh ignore that okay he was the guy this is alex's stage remember hi oh hello what's what how are you are you that famous are you that famous viewer tv excuse me i can grab the tape off her again and now he's playing it's not going to become skip tapes oh god woman shut the f i've already heard this oh my god it's still going it's still going i can't actually oh it was finished then there's there's a deposit all junk button yeah yeah there's no take all no you can go to the store yeah he goes to the cash store and buy the take all junk button which quest are we going to do now um alex has a chemistry station in here i don't know what's wrong with my voice today oh you guys what a troll bethesda nice how long has this game been up now two years at least a year at least at least a year over a year and this is still oh no he's not invincible he's not invincible i don't know he is yeah his health stop going down to unlock the head and the ai that we need i like the enthusiasm in your voice should we should we watch paint dry or shall we read the dictionary ellis there's like cartons of salt around here they're fine you can just see i'm about to run out of ap can i get to the camp in time oh it's gonna be close and he's made it and the crowd goes wild [Laughter] to buy more ap you know 76 cash store take a bow is there a bowie mode let me just find it let me just find it in the in the cash store [Laughter] will you guys [ __ ] out my cutscenes jesus how are you even in here i'm one of them i'm a triplet [Laughter] the big one what are you talking about i am the big one um what's next on the list of things to do then i guess produced i should actually do the quest that we met uninstall the game to uninstall the game you must go to the castle got haiku ready ready okay here we go fallout 76. [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] you left your wagon over here my wagon yeah look isn't that alex's wagon that is definitely alex's wagon oh wait no no no these used to be alive that's not mine i can probably give you some ammo oh that'd be great but you have to do one thing for me [Laughter] i know where this is going um yeah i love how i just watched you on the stream just look at that table and specifically avoid the recording that was there [Music] easy don't let it roll down the leg yeah i believe you can craft ammo you might need a particular um [Music] upgrade upgrade he's done it is there a grenade key you have to buy it from me [Laughter] sake there's this tiny little mound that i can't jump up oh hi honestly let me just come and look is it the same one the sub is it the same one that we were saying uh yes it is oh so close hi elise hi yeah i think the game's [ __ ] right i think this might be might be bugged guys what i know she thinks bugged everyday i want to speak to the manager i am offend jake you told me to come back to you yeah been outside yeah now i need to find the mission point oh [ __ ] hell sorry it's up it's upstairs again upstairs yeah i'm trying to find the stairs up oh why were you in the basement if you wanted to play stairs they're going to be on the ground floor aren't they because that's you know the way stairs work jesus only you could look for stairs upstairs downstairs are you joking now i've put everything in my base i can't take thing i have to take things off sounds like you're enjoying this game would you like to leave a review to leave a review you must go to the cash store get your wallet buy the review book short stream it was an hour and 30 minutes of hell so i know yeah you can tell when the game is bad when you when there's only been an hour playing it but it's what sorry so guys final review of the game bad look at the fly texture i know it's not even it's like a 2d it's 2d sprite oh that's so bad and so lazy to get 3d sprites head over to the fourth house shop this is a new thing right i think um i should sing a song about how i feel
Channel: WorstPremadeEver
Views: 444,653
Rating: 4.9335198 out of 5
Keywords: fallout 76, funny moments
Id: 1DKAgfAK2Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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