Fallout 4 Cast & Crew Reunion ft. Courtenay Taylor, Matt Mercer, Keythe Farley, & MORE!

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are we good all right hello everybody hello hello this is it this is it hi hey guys weeks in the planning the full out for about people are really excited the fallout 4 cast and crew reunion uh for those who don't know what this is the title kind of suggests it's just a panel that we want to do to reunite all of the major voices behind major characters info for reminisce on simpler times and uh and share some tales uh we want to thank you the viewer for for tuning in uh helping something special really come together here i also wanted to shout out courtney courtney taylor specifically you my friend uh you oh my god i mean you you pulled us all together here you you uh you did a lot of the a lot of the work for this uh i miss you guys yeah right ones that i haven't met yet and and i really loved when we when we all got together around the launch date yeah so much fun and it just seemed like a really good idea since this year has sucked also i think compared to getting hundreds of thousands of nerds to vote getting the eight of us into a room was probably pretty easy after that i was like we're good i'm just gonna cut it right um so let's see here uh now this is being streamlined on my channel but it'll also be archived so you can uh revisit this whenever you would like so don't worry if you're limited on time or whatever you're good i wanted to do a little bit of a who's who just so everyone is familiar with who's on this panel um and so just to make sure we can get right into the questions and whatnot uh we're joined by steven russell who is the voice of codsworth as well as nick valentine uh katie townsend who voiced kate uh one of the more surprising characters in my opinion in the game we have courtney taylor who was the female player voice for fallout 4. matthew mercer is joining us voice of mccready we also have danny chirago who did hancock peter jessup who was paladin dance calallo baghdad was also with us he uh he directed all these crazy cats put them all online i just want to say fallout is a massive game there were several other directors i was the lead voice director um handling many of the companions and both the player characters but i also want to shout out uh to phil bach chris faella bennett smith am i forgetting there's somebody and brenda brenda brenda phillips now maybe maybe a different last name now but uh all of them made significant contributions and and uh i do not want to hog their credit they're great perfect uh john gentry gentry gentry sorry gentry perfect gentry who did uh preston garvey one of the more popular roles in the game to say the least uh wes johnson's joining us originally you were going to be a temp but now you're here for good west so yeah thank you for joining us you did silver shroud amongst many other voices throughout the game never seen someone more ready for a panel uh courtney ford's with us courtney ford did piper one of the first uh companions we saw when the game was actually revealed ryan elocio joins us he is deacon as well as uh uh i always forget the name xn h222 the sad and sensitive h222 yes the one who i i will admit i i took out in my playthroughs just did not give him a chance my mom did the same thing and uh last but certainly not at least harley is joining us he voiced kellogg the uh the wife killer the sun stealer himself welcome i like to use spouse killer true politically correct both ways yeah yeah he's an assassin but he's not a monster that's right yeah look yeah you had you had your reasons am i right angie killed my husband was saying so uh for those who want to connect a little bit further before we get into questions just know after this uh a variety of you will be doing a thing over on streaming where you'll be signing headshots and connecting with fans more so there will be a link in the description down below if you want to go ahead and click on that it'll take you to a general page where everyone is and then you can connect individually from there on whoever you want to visit and uh get some signatures and get some questions answered some extra questions answered so it's a whole big fallout event going on today and once again we thank you all for giving us some of your time here we're at almost a thousand people live which is awesome so we thank you for lending us your time now before we get into obviously a lot of the fallout stuff i just got to ask um and we talked about this very lightly while we were preparing for this how how many of you actually like met each other before like we called this a reunion but at the same time some of you were meeting for the first time is that correct yeah we actually we all went on we all went on a sailing trip together we recorded most of it yeah it was like it was the fans that we all were like the lord of the flies kind of thing oh jesus did you see the scars happens on the cruise days on the cruise katie exactly um yeah i was playing pickleball with ron perlman the other day it's great wow he says hi the the nature i didn't answer my calls the the nature of um game vo for a game of this size because there are there are certainly games where most of the storytelling is done in cut scenes cut scenes are are like any cinematic work in in you know where you could you they often do have actors together in a mocap volume and you know um but the fallout 4 is and all all bethesda games to a certain extent are so massive and the player is in control all the time even in the midst of a conversation you can just decide to shoot somebody in the face or or run away right so um as one is wanted as as often one is want to do um and uh because of that that just the sheer the sheer volume of material um it's with this many wonderful talented actors it would be a nearly impossible to actually get people together to do most of their scene work and as a result a lot of these guys have to do what they do which is generate an incredible grounded performance that really feels like they're conversing with another person um in isolation in a booth really looking only out at me or one of the other directors and at the devs um and so the fact that they by and large have not met each other in the professional context of fallout 4. um it should be to you guys an indicator of just the caliber of talent here because you wouldn't know when you listened to the performances that they're not that they weren't in the room together the way actors are on set or on in the mocap volume so are you going to say you wouldn't be able to tell from the performances they were talented so with that we'll hop into a little bit of the the fallout goodness here um just general speaking here uh what is fallout 2 to all of you right and what i mean by that is for some of you maybe you were hopping in new for some of you may have just been more work for some of you you've been fans for a while even um whoever would like to really get started with answering that question and kind of leap into it we all i see a lot of fallout merch here fallout backgrounds matt's chilling out in the wasteland yeah peter's prepared with the vault boys shirt we got danny with one so i mean whoever would like to go ahead and take this question by the horns and kind of carry it from there what is fallout to you i'll start all right um and i've played all the fallout games uh i'm a pretty addicted gamer but the the most exciting part to me was when i first got into the booth we started doing the dialogue and they don't tell you what the what the project is what it's going to be and i said i see a group of ferals up there i was like oh this is fallout this is so great so that was very exciting to me i had the exact same experience as peter same thing like grew up playing them all uh including brotherhood of steel uh all of them are winners but uh yeah same thing we didn't know we were going and as soon as you get a few lines dialogue and those of us who had played the previous games it clicked and it was just kind of like all of a sudden all the anxiety that built up of realizing what it was and trying to not let it affect your performance until the first break came it was like walking into the break room is this this fallout i thought i was recording a game called angelina right that's right yeah it was like it was like space sci-fi and all the the audition sides for it yeah the funny thing about the the the uh you know secrecy which you know at that time in the history of the games industry was more intense than it is now you know we've they've loosened up somewhat about letting the people actually in the cast know more about what you're doing but um the funny thing about that whole secrecy issue is that we recorded an enormous amount of this game uh in a studio that had a fallout 3 flag above the door yeah so if when people would come out of the booth and be like is this is this fallout i'd go like i have no idea and it only took me like three weeks to notice i am i actually didn't know it was fallout for months and months and when i finally figured out it was fallout um i still didn't really know what it was like it literally it literally took the game like coming out for me to be like oh this is like a this is a thing you know a name yeah well then it must have it must have really caught you off guard because the game was so popular right like it just it stormed out there and so many people were playing it you're probably like oh my god this is actually not just fallout it's a huge deal i was amazing when i and when i found out it was fallout now if someone if i was on a project and i found out what it was i would start researching it right away but i sort of went oh cool and for some insane reason didn't really look much into it and then when it came out it was just like my my head exploded you know it was just absolutely unbelievable amazing you know i mean it is its own universe truly like it's unbelievable i knew a little ahead of time uh that it was gonna be fall out before it came i knew you know from some of the folks i knew at bethesda that it was in the pipeline it was coming down but i was psyched for it because i played one and i played two and i didn't know how it was going to translate because you had this uh you know top-down turn-based game which i thought was fantastic uh but the thing that they all had in common however was a kind of an immersive uh yeah it's like an immersiveness you you you really feel like uh when i would play the games you play them for so many hours that you go ahead and you go to sleep and you dream in that world yeah so for me stepping into the booth is very similar to that i'm just dreaming in the booth and i'm imagining everything around me and having played the games and knowing what i was doing was so much more fun i the big geek inside of me was tremendously happy so that's interesting because i know matt said that it was like the anxiety of finding out like oh this is fallout while you were like let's go it's fallout so yeah does that how so does it differ for all of you on how like finding out a role you have in a game that or a series maybe you care about or know is popular does that kind of sway how you approach your your performance one way or another or do you just try to ground yourself and just go for it like usual i kind of like to not know i sort of i'm in that world just like i would rather just focus on the work and be the character because i will like mad i would i would go bonkers and the the tension level would just start to rise like oh my god i'm in this thing right um that is so massive um but i think it's just being able to focus on the work and just being able to which is great for me because i mean i went in signed the nda and it was like okay what are we working on and they were like it's a big game all that's all they would say and i was like yeah but i just did the nba they can't know uh and the level of secrecy that they were keeping for good reason um i think i'm not i wouldn't begrudge them keeping it secret um from anybody but i was having lunch with a friend of mine and he was like are you in this angelina game and i was like yeah wow and he was like you know it's fallout 4 right i was like oh that's cool all right fallout 4. great bring it on all i know is i gotta i got a gig next week um but it was just i mean and they were the most fun these were the most it was the most fun to play this guy the other thing that i sort of took away from this experience was having strangers um and friends of my children come up to me and say oh my god i totally killed you last night [Laughter] yeah it must have been awkward you're like the one guy at the core of all the bad things happening right now and and this new game's coming out everyone's celebrating your demise no it was him and i was so i remember doing the the that like a lot of the little stuff where i'm like you know i'm going to come back from hell and kill you again and then later on i found out that it was keith who is a dear longtime friend of mine and i was like oh i'm so glad i didn't know because i feel like i wouldn't have been able to muster the same like venom because i would have been like but it's keith and i love keith and then this he's so talented just let you guys know like keith is that talented i'm pretty sure he's never actually killed anybody yeah i gotta go when i realized that um when even though i knew what fallout was uh when the e3 announcement when we did the thing at um when they had it at the dolby theater i i realized the magnitude of it because i walked out and i saw the line on hollywood and highland going around the block and i remember like walking back into cal-el and being like we're gonna need to start at the beginning i need to do everything over again now i'm super nervous about everything and he's like don't go there but it's a really big deal and now i understand how much of a big deal it is he's like too late it's almost in the bag i didn't know uh i would not i wasn't from the the the gaming world or or or the voice over world really and um i came in and uh it wasn't until after the game had come out that i called a pizza place to order a pizza and i was like hey i would like this or that and the girl was like piper my god you're my companion and i played you last night and you're ordering a pizza and i'm like oh i think this is gonna be a big deal [Music] oh they wouldn't spit your pizza like they would have uh you know in case so that's why i don't call out for pizza anymore yeah all you guys that must be really that must happen to you all the time i literally don't think that has ever happened to me that must have been like a super fan then to just pick you up over uh over a pizza call like that's never happened to me before that was that was way intense and uh and then we went to pick it up and i was with my son and he actually he did not think it was cool he was kind of upset because she was calling me piper and he was just like i don't like this this is my mom and you know he did not like that at all yeah it was traumatic for my kids too and people come to school and be like i killed your dad last night [Laughter] see these are these are the casualties in the voice acting careers that we don't know anything about i'm glad you are here taking the time to share this um so it seems like a lot of you are obviously very familiar with the game so i gotta ask john riley wrote in we took a bunch of questions from fans across youtube twitter instagram uh and and john riley had asked assuming you had played the game what was it like to talk to your character in game i'm sure this is a question a lot of you've gotten in the past throughout various interviews you've done but is that ever like weird at all i remember i i talked to brian delaney the the male voice uh and he said that he was doing a lock picking exercise in fallout 4 and he got it and he went oh nice and then his character and game went oh nice like that and he had that like whoa hold on this is a little too meta for me have so what is it like hearing your character in game whether it's cool or of course like does is it like the character maybe you avoid you're like i hear my voice enough i don't know no and i i used to actually enjoy freaking out my kids i got three boys and they all played it and i would wait until they were running with palette and dance and i'd walk up behind him and paladin dance would say you know outstanding and i'd repeat whatever the line was or i'd say it just before he said it and like dad stop it get the most sense of humor in that regard yeah it's not hypocritical any other anyone else have a have a moment where you you're like talking with your character and you're like i have i i have heard my kids killing me down the hall killing my characters and i think to myself well it could be worse i mean the melendez's would have been alive today if they had been in video games and their kids had an outlet so that's oh [Laughter] i did i love that this game has brought so many like mummy and daddy issues to the teeth it is kind of designed around that narratively uh i never played i never played with kate i mean i've never i don't think i could do it i think i would find it excruciatingly excruciating here what's the thing i don't watch my own stuff i record and i toss it out there i i don't i don't want to watch it i want to hear myself a second time so that's why i was asking much the voice but to watch like the first thing i ever did on the game was mocap on the giant soundstage and so to watch her like move but not exactly look like me but move like me that it's it's a very eerie feeling i can't take it [Laughter] live stream with um the lava boys ray chase and robbie damon and um they did a fallout playthrough where rey took the time to create a player character that looked exactly like kellogg for me to play and come and kill kellogg are you serious the level of meta that was going on there i thought it was just genius yeah my friend justin is um my friend justin's a big fallout fan and he saved it for me so that i could meet hancock because you don't meet him right in the beginning and um you know it's yeah it's almost like it you de-personalize it once it leaves your voice it's it's someone else but i took the opportunity to immediately start shooting him and i think i killed him which is uh you'd think it would be liberating in some way but no i just sort of shrug watch the poor guy liberation i see this we're really unearthing a lot of things here today it's it seems like you know this is this is turning into a session where we're gonna we're gonna start counseling a little bit i'm gonna need a therapist in here very soon now with the fallout 4 being as as big of a game as it is um i got to ask and this uh this question comes from never that kid he wrote it on twitter how did if at all uh your experience with fallout 4 help you in future roles whether it helps you carry one thing into another or you felt a little more experienced like was there was there anything that fallout 4 maybe provided you that was valuable for your career maybe even future opportunities even in so much for me because this was like my first time really voice acting at all and so for me this was a bit like a crash course it was a bit of a you know i mean you know it's like it it's kind of a funny thing to to jump into because it's such a big game but like um i learned a lot working on that just technically you know even just as like a my first kind of big gig and voice over like like to the point where if i hear clips from the character i can tell what was recorded at the beginning you know at the beginning of the like the first couple of sessions and what was recorded like a year later like they'd definitely start for me yeah because i just kind of improved and sort of got used to the character and so this was this was totally invaluable for me i don't even know if i would have pursued really pursued voice acting if it wasn't for this wow because i don't really think i i i didn't really have the intention of becoming a voice actor so that wasn't right way so how did you if you don't let me asking how did you stumble into this role then did it just it kind of it really just kind of just happened before this i'd worked on a game called ingress which is like an augmented reality game from the guys who made pokemon go and that was just a very different game you know i mean it was just um there was a lot of in person stuff and just it was just a very different kind of platform but yeah i just i just never could have imagined and so fallout really did open the door for me to sort of move into you know to have the confidence to move forward into other work but just sort of to learn the craft really on on the job so yeah it was it was it was pretty amazing one of the things that i think is kind of cool about working for bethesda broadly and um something i think they've done kind of throughout the history of the games that they've made is that um in addition to industry mainstays you know like matt courtney peter those folks they will cast a wide net um you know and be comfortable giving uh actors and directors who have not had like a ton of experience in game vo an opportunity to explore that space um and they make they make really interesting discoveries casting discoveries that way and i think folks often kind of become uh mainstays in in the in the game vio end of the performance arts after having worked on a bethesda game because they are comfortable entertaining you know people who don't have like 6 million twitter followers to start with right um and that that i think is is something that could and should be more broadly adopted throughout the industry because you make some really really neat discoveries that way that's said count i wanted to just comment too circling back to the question of that really one of the big takeaways for me about working on fallout 4 was working with cal ell and the ex he he's an incredible director and i i particularly appreciated your use of gestural direction if we can use that term where if if you felt that i wasn't getting a particular everything out of a line that i wanted to or that we wanted to uh you would say it's just it's like you're reaching out and patting him on the shoulder yeah and uh i've taken that away from those sessions and and really tried to incorporate that thinking into a lot of work that i've done since then too absolutely thank you every time it's not only something it's given me this was the first time i had done a player voice so it was the first time i got to be on a game from like soup to nuts and so it so much of it coming in is you know like if you're just coming in you're you're doing a slice of the cake right and you're kind of getting dumped in there and um you might get different directors in every every time but with cal i got to work with him every single time and his i was coaching somebody on a video game audition and i was literally going like give me some more like guts in your teeth you know like you know just throw your arm around him a little bit and not only am i passing on not only do i have the tools now for my own auditions but i also can help other people with that and he's so specifically good that i was in a um a video game session for another video game and was somebody that he trained was directing me and i said in the break i was like did you work with cal because and she was like oh yeah yeah yeah you know and i was like the goodness the ripples of the calal pebble are have changed this industry i can't it's it really is for somebody who isn't like a like a theater actor that comes from like you know the just for the the distilled ability to say something like that and get somebody physically just right where they need to be as opposed because we don't have time we don't get our our scripts in advance for the most part we don't have a ton of time to craft this from like you know what's my back story and a lot of the times it's just like hey man this is what you're reading today go and you're like but i haven't even had a chance to leave without though we're doing the line now okay um and and so his shorthand is is really has changed the way people direct and i i you know i can't sing his praises enough because it made me a better actor it has made other people better directors and i just yeah okay i could just if i could just quickly jump on the love bandwagon same i had a similar experience i came into this game um i had no idea what i was you know working on either was angelina and um i really didn't figure it out until about halfway through our sessions which was like maybe half a year in and whatnot and um the few games i had worked on previously the directors i worked with it was just such a different animal than when i got in there with cal it felt so personable and the specificity on the direction um i owe so much of the performance to that because of what calo would bring out in me with references he would make or just small insights because yeah i wasn't getting the material until on the day like a lot of you i imagine and not really being familiar with exactly how it was going to fit into context building the character and bringing deacon to life through through that process without his involvement i i think a lot of the lines and character development would have been much more disconnected so the fact that there was a cohesiveness to him overall i totally will go to calallen and also it kind of sucks because other people i've worked with since him i've wanted that so much from them and when they don't bring it i have to remember okay it's just a different animal so i kind of remember that stuff and bring it you know sort of my like like a little thing that sits there and kind of bring it to myself but um but yeah man uh got to give you that love as well it's very true well said courtney is it gonna make me cry you gotta hold back your tears now i wanna right right i wanna i wanna i haven't turn that oh okay go ahead you you helped me uh go on to kind of uh interact and digest um scenes that were primarily cgi uh like in in tv shows after i went to supernatural and then i did three seasons of legends of tomorrow and for the finale of season four there was a giant dragon that obviously we do not have a dragon but they're like there's a giant dragon and it's flying in the sky and i remembered you helping me really picture the world and picture the wasteland the first thing that you and i did was i was outside on the wall with you know trying to have danny sullivan let me in and you're like oh you're outside a wall and i was like okay here's the wall and you're like no no no no you said picture it's like a mountain and so you helped me create the landscape in my mind when there was nothing it was just a dark sound stage and working with you really prepared me to feel comfortable you know moving forward and watching like oh there's a dragon or oh this is magic or oh this person turned into an elf yes it's totally normal and uh not skip a beat so thank you for that sir well thank you first of all that day was my first day on fallout 4 by the way our first day was was the same day um i want to really kind of turn this back around on you guys a little bit in the sense that um you know acting is fundamentally make-believe right it's like playing outside when you're a kid but with adult uh like goals right and um you know when actors are doing that on on stage when they're doing it on set they're still using their imaginations but when you have a set and you have other actors and you have their eye line and their micro expressions and stuff you know you're using your imagination as like a it's it's a support right it's a railing but it's not like all of it right because you can at least look over and see there's a guy he's holding a gun he's pointing it at me or whatever it is um but that fundamental skill of make-believe that's sort of underneath uh acting you know grounding acting on camera and on set and like that becomes the entirety of the exercise in which you guys do it it requires there there are folks who work very very well um onset or on stage in person who have a really really hard time crossing the barrier into working in vo even though it is still the same skill i i maintain that the principles are the same um the heavy lifting that the brain has to do in terms of imagination particularly for a game like fallout where i'm like okay this is a robot but it's an insane robot with a 30s accent right and you're like okay got it yeah no problem sure yeah yeah it's dorothy parker as a as a brain in a jar got it you know that i'm always every day in my job i'm amazed by the the by the work that you guys do by how plastic and how willing you are to just like kind of go somewhere super weird you know um courtney john you guys were really early days before i even got to work with courtney taylor and brian you know player characters you guys we tested stuff with the companions first john you know you were i was like you're up on a balcony and there's a giant monster and it's sort of a lizard but it's sort of a demon but it's sort of a dude and you're shooting it with a laser cannon and and john was just like yeah got it no problem i can't visualize it i'm ready to make believe he was running around with no actual gun right you know um and that that um is so much more difficult than a person who has never been in a uh in a recording studio in the booth can possibly imagine to be inside a soundless cube i mean unless i have the talkback open you guys don't hear anything it's like being on the moon um and it it's it's difficult i think for people who haven't done it to appreciate like what a feat that is because when it's done well it just sounds so effortless and real and you don't even notice the technique so i got to be a much better director working with you guys observing how you work you know that stephen the the put your hand on the shoulder that thing which i use constantly now you know i i really started leaning on that i mean i've done that a little of that kind of cue in the past but i really started leaning on that physicality stuff because of brian delaney you know i was working with brian in the early days and brian's a very physical actor right for a voice actor who you know you got to stay on mike right his it's like his head is riveted to the microphone and his body swings around not like a balloon string underneath it he he's so animated and you know we were having a little trouble connecting on the first day or two my usual bag of tricks was kind of not it wasn't helpful for him and at one point i was like brian just grab him by the throat and it worked like that and so i started giving him primarily physical cues and it worked really really well and so i started to do i was like i'm gonna do more of this with other i had a session with courtney that afternoon and i was all like throw your arm around and put your hand on your shoulder and it worked great so i and i learned that you know i mean look i'd had some classes in theory about you know physicalizing and playable objectives all that kind of actory stuff but um until you see it done you don't necessarily have an appreciation for how much of our like emotional memory lives in the body and how useful that can be to an excellent talent which everybody here i think profoundly qualifies so i i thank you but i i turn it i turn it around back on you guys and on the folks at bethesda for giving us the room to experiment that way because we started this game at a time in this industry when there was still a fair amount of churn and burn vo being done where they were like we got to get 300 lines this hour do an a b and pick the best one you know and early on we went to you know we went and we're like hey we'd like to you know experiment with like pre-life and doing scenes and runs and dish lines and all this kind of stuff and see if we can get a a richer result and that didn't just happen with this game that was happening happening more broadly throughout the industry at the time but this was one of the first to really dig into a richer uh you know more um sort of creative arts driven way of doing game vio and uh you know we wouldn't have been able to do that if todd and emil and and you know ferret and and will and corey and all the like the great folks who design these worlds write these characters hadn't been like yeah go for it we'll spend money on you guys screwing around in your imaginations go for it just to get a better result so it was that it was the license to do that that kind of produced uh this result and it has spread i think outward from from games like this games like mass effect you know where they where they first started to do that kind of thing so uh much much love and appreciation there as well i'm just curious can i ask a question because john you haven't said very much and i just want to know did you did you have like prior experience or were you just like had you done any games or anything like that or did you just come in just like i work primarily in the theater and so this was like my first experience in this world and it came out of nowhere i actually was hired initially to do the demo of the game and it was like have vo have mocap and i remember just like strapping up in all the gear and like getting on that stage and just having fun um but i thought that was going to be it and then like a few months later my agents called they were like the producers loved you they want to bring you back and i was like okay cool i'll go back like and it was that's when it was the vo work uh and it's funny hearing you all talk about the gestures because we shot this or we recorded this i feel like over the span of a couple years and i remember the gesture cal gave me was like grab your belt buckle he's like like to get that minute man effect for preston like grab your belt buckle and i would do that at the beginning of each session to kind of drop back into the character because it had been a few months and i hadn't done it and i had almost forgotten about it but you have to like immediately get back into that world um and that was very very useful and helpful for me yeah i wanted to actually go to individual questions i just didn't want to interrupt that that was beautiful that was a beautiful moment there everyone was just loving on each other uh i wanted to hone in on some individual questions john the the chat was erupting with demands to hear more from you so i was like waiting for my moment then courtney set me up and i'm going for the dunk here so all right so first off john i got to give you a a compliment that came in from munchie it's a pretty it's a pretty intimate write-up here uh it says for john it's not a question i just want to say thank you preston's always been one of my favorite characters but recently he's meant a lot to me these past few years having to deal with depression and anxiety similar to that of preston i've not only felt more connected with the character but he's helped me through some very tough times particularly this year with his never-ending drive to help those in need and his search to find good in the world to keep him going forward he's been an inspiring character that's helped me going forward and i'm sorry help me going and moving forward so again thank you so much for lending your talent to a wonderful character that helped me and a lot of other people these past five years ooh i had to set you up because thank you don't get that in theater do you you don't you don't but with that said our number one highest rated comment and john man you already know where i'm going you already know where i'm going future string 650 wrote in he's like john needs to say a settlement needs our help and i'll mark it on your map can you can you give that to us and we'll talk a little bit about the development of this this line he was such a rarely heard line in the game though i mean i feel like after the year that we've all just been through we all realize another settlement does need our help and i will mark it on your map there we go i love it oh man that line has yeah i feel like that line will be with me until the day i die well that was one of my questions a lot of people were writing in uh jesse devries wrote in specifically saying when the settle when it comes to this settlement meme so to speak is it something that kind of would it ever bother you as an actor because you know you put in a great performance and i don't think it takes away from it if anything it kind of adds to it but does that ever bother you at all that you know your character is associated with something like that no i had to i mean like he said you de-personalize the work once you leave the booth and it was really unexpected because i i never gone viral or anything like that and so it felt like this tsunami came out of nowhere and i remember specifically on instagram every time i would post a picture all these comments would just stream in another settlement needs to help out market on your map and i was like what is going on what is happening right now and then i i like remember i set my account to private and a lot of fans were like oh man you all drove him away what's going on and i was like you know what i love it i'm into it i remember reading like this buzzfeed article with the preston garvey memes and i was cracking up i was just like this is this is amazing so now when i get those comments on my on my posts or when i get sort of like dms i'm just like you know what i love it like it's still with people and like they're still remembering this um and it has meant a lot to so many um i remember getting like a message on twitter earlier this year from a kid in ireland he's like hey i'm 12 years old i just started playing fallout 4 with my dad and preston has given me so much hope this year and i was like oh my god like this is it's so spectacular just like the impact um it can have on people worldwide when we were just saying recording this whole experience was like being on the moon just in a booth with the director just kind of guiding you and leading you along the way yeah i mean what was that like because you when the game was revealed on the big stage it was like 30 minutes of gameplay and you were one of the first faces to to hit that screen and and hand over the laser musket what was that like i don't know if you watched it live or not uh but when you did see that was that a cool moment watching your character just just be one of the first revealed uh yeah it was i mean i didn't watch it live um okay but when i played the game i mean i didn't realize i would run into my character that early and the first couple missions i was just like this is i was just like this is so surreal um but once once i was done with preston i was like i actually want to meet all the other characters like i'm not as interested because i know what i said and i know what i did um and i want to kind of get away from them and then i realized you can't get away from it like i can't at all i would i would actively like try to like sprint away from prince preston and just you find he'd find his way you were great at the beginning of the game but i gotta be honest with you after about 400 hours i put you in a furry head and an evening dress it just i mean well yeah speaking of inescapable bethesda voices wes you certainly in my opinion are one of them i mean mr burke the oblivion guards for sure she agora the silver shroud um you know what's interesting about a lot of your roles i feel in bethesda games is you know like the oblivion guard is a perfect example it's no disrespect to the character you play but yeah it's supposed to be i guess inconsequential right you're you're the guard but all of a sudden in this stop right there prisoner like it's just this yeah and it's like you know it's one of those things where for you you you talked about you heard your kids killing you like you must hear your voice a disgusting amount in these games right yeah but i ignore my voice when i'm playing the only voice that matters for me when i'm playing is uh is my own character and and i hear the other stuff if i listen to me i'm listening to hear how it works immersively because as you said we all sit in a booth by ourselves and we've got somebody on the side of the glass i'm lucky a lot of the time i have mark lampard over there but you know the fact of the matter is you spend a lot of isolated time so when you get a chance to listen to it in the games i'm listening to see how it works story and how they all mesh together and if if we were successful in making that happen and once that's done i'm i'm the i'm the player character i'm not the the npc anymore and uh i've told myself to shut up many times how many times have i told when fox comes up to me and says something like uh i can't believe no one attacks us when you're around and i'm like because you killed them all fox you killed them all you know um so i'll talk back to my characters when i'm playing it and it doesn't seem like me does that make sense maybe it's maybe i'm just very immersed you sound like you get really into it i love that i love that i love playing the story i love other people's uh stories i'm moved and affected by these things probably more because you are playing it because you get involved it's better than a movie in a way it's better than a tv show which is passive viewing in this case you're in the story so you're feeling the emotion of it and and as a voice actor if you're intimidated by anything it's it's to be intimidated by the fact that if you don't bring if you don't really feel it when you're when you're doing the character then they're not going to feel it and if they lose immersion and they lose that bit of story i don't want them to i want them to i don't want them to think about me or my character have it be something that you know takes them out of the game in any way make it a part of the game make it a part of their experience that's one of the great things about getting to do this job too is the it's made me so sad in the last year is not being able to go out and meet people because i do feel like um you know i have friends that do a lot of on-camera stuff and i it's always amazing because the ones that are on the movie screens people are like oh when they see them out in public it's like oh my god oh my god that's you know tom cruise or something like that not that i'm friends with tom cruise because i'm not but um not yet but um uh and then my friends who do television people are like i know you wait you're like did we go to high school together there's like this familiarity and it's because they've been in your living room so you're like wait we've got a dinner or something like you had a dinner party with me the people that do games it's this amazing connection when you get to go to a convention and see people because there's this feeling that where they're like we fought together you know like you were on my squad you were like we have a pre-existing relationship and there's so much there's so much um uh interaction like on social media and stuff i mean i see people and i'm like bring it in i mean like it's so this is such a gift to be able to do this type of acting because it really is this like instant connection with people both in the game and outside of the game it's awesome yeah so true i had similar experience in that when people spend hundreds of hours interacting with your character i was blown away when i you know i didn't even have an instagram account before i did fallout so i threw one up there once i you know saw the community and stuff up there and thought it'd be fun to talk to a few people and just see what's going on and like what john said getting contacted from people unexpectedly oh my gosh i mean like over 40 something countries i was getting dms and messages and and just immersive conversations and interacting with people all over the world based on this game and over the years it's that's been the most incredible experience for me is people really feel like courtney said that you've had experiences together i mean people have written me that i've you know deacon has inspired them and helped them get through family problems and finals and and has you know helped them personally through traumas they've been through and been inspirational it's never something i thought i would get isn't that uh isn't that funny ryan because one of the biggest complaints in fallout 4 is that you cannot romance deacon and so people are still connected to you despite that love tie just not being accessible i still get messages people that are upset as if i personally chose for this to be the situation and believe me deacon would love to be romanced but after what happened to barbra and art out there deacon so that's the other thing too boy the amount of memes generated and the fan art wow man i mean it's just it's incredible how many just facets that yeah and all of your characters you haven't lived until somebody has written a couple of your different characters having an affair in fanfiction yeah in graphic yeah yeah so that that's just been incredible it's so unexpected i'm sure everyone here has had that you know experience and it's just just incredible you did just how many people had touched just all over the world through this game and really have a sense of community through it as if you know i've gotten to know know people through communication just thousands of people it's been incredible never something i ever got from my on-camera experience at all i have a specific question for you my friend um nick huey huey sorry writes in asking what's it like juggling d d with all the voice work you have like do you ever get burnt out especially when voicing so many characters like what is your process like do you sleep uh i try and squeeze and sleep when i can um no i mean it's it's it's becoming more progressive challenge but it just means i have to be a little more picky with the with the work which is a nice thing to have i guess but it's um i love them both i mean i i grew up playing role-playing games both video game and tabletop and i owe a lot of my interest and honestly a lot of beside my professional training a lot of my just kind of training as a performer by running games and tabletop games it's it's a unique place to kind of live in your imagination and kind of train this same skill set that prepared me for voice over unexpectedly so um you know growing up in theater growing up playing these games at the table and embodying these npcs and characters that i created on the spot or developed over time and living in their skin it all kind of led to this eventual career and prepared me for it and so i'm very thankful for that and so as it's my career has gone on and i've been able to continue to do both of these things professionally it's very weird and and it seems like it shouldn't it's like a weird monkey pop waiting for the other shoe to drop um but it's it's a it's a balance it's tough um but i i wouldn't say i i get burnt out yet because i'm very careful not to i love both of these facets too much and if ever i feel like i'm getting close to that precipice i have to make a change i have to take a break i have to find a way to let off some steam because i never want to ever push either of these things to that edge wow all right so now your character in in fallout 4 it's very very unique rather i should say because you're coming from fallout 3 you were a little kid yeah if i'm honest my choice of words to be a little but oh yeah but you know here's the thing you know now you're a grown adult um i don't know how much i know you were a fan of the originals you played those i don't know how much he played a fallout 3 but did you ever look at the the little mccready when go when you found out oh this is fallout 4 i am mccready and carrie maybe a little bit of that take any i don't want to say inspiration but just take a look at that and see if that would do anything for the character i did after the fact because i didn't know what we were working on originally and then when they when they said that man's fallout don't say anything i was like mccready wait like from like little landslide mccree and and they're like yeah actually i was like like brain explosion moment and remembered how much of a little he was in the game and i was like okay well i'm glad that he's developed a little bit since then and then also learning about his backstory and kind of the tragedy that he's gone through and how that changed him as a character and that kind of understanding how a person can be forged by a very harsh life in a harsh place to be a dark person and through tragedy kind of mellow out and kind of begin to really take stock in the things that are meaningful in their life and how that would affect them but still have that layer of being a you know because mccreedy is even in this even though he's an adult he's kind of a whiny at times sorry you know he just is and that's that's part of the charm and so trying to ride that balance was kind of a fun a fun challenge to to let a little bit of that peek through here and there but hopefully not be too annoying no i wouldn't say i thought one of your characters also one of the more surprising ones now another another question we got um this one's strange i just i want your speculation matt that's all i want okay just a little speculation here so you can romance mccready i'm like deacon sorry ryan and when you finish your romance mccready says i never knew you could do that with a mute fruit what do you think happened with the mute fruit uh maybe together maybe that may not be as as horrible as we're imagining oh i'm just gonna say there are a lot of applications for mute fruit especially when you have a lot of free time on your hands out there and the uh the commonwealth uh no big uptick in mute fruit sales actually oh tremendously uh great lubricant uh i i will curse you internet um i i a gentleman never tells uh and and but what i will say that line i remember we recorded we laughed about it because it's just oh the innuendo um and then we played the game my wife made me romance myself because she thought it was funny and i'm like i don't want her she's like you have to who else gets to have this opportunity and i'm like fine and so we go through with it and then some of those lines kind of like after waking up in the morning i begin to turn on her because then we wake up in the morning and kind of look over here and be like so you ready to face the day or like you know you could do that with mute fruit and she just slapped me like stop it i'm like hey you you started this so this is okay so you carry your role into the real life this is some real-life role-playing exactly it's all kind of role-playing in the bedroom yeah all right uh peter i wanted to go ahead and fire some questions here which matt we got two mats here right there like i can't help it you can feel his youtube monetization status flickering right i'm losing my money why did matt do that [Laughter] uh peter got some questions for you okay all right so i've been i promise that was probably our most uh uh innuendo-based question no i just wanna once again i want your thoughts and then we'll get into more you know focused mature questions but i want to know what your thoughts are that one of the most popular fallout 4 mods is turning paladin dance into buzz lightyear yeah are you okay with this you know it's it's funny um one of the things i do as a voice actor is i voice match sometimes celebrities for other projects and uh you know i've replaced dialogue for tim allen so really i didn't know that you know to infinity and beyond that's you know how can you not say that sounds like paladin dance it's perfect and it just it lends itself to it i thought it was hilarious when i first saw it it's the little hat it's the little astronaut i really think that's what great big armor shape and that little astronaut hat it's sort of irresistibly buzz like you're like yeah okay so i just had to pick your brain on that a little bit what i what i really want to know is one of the bigger reveals in fallout 4 is uh when you find out paladin dance his whole purpose is screw the synths fine turns out our man is a synth so commander jane shepard wrote in asking would be the first thing you would do when you discovered your own character was a synth you know i uh for whatever reason seem to play a lot of androids who are searching for their humanity [Music] it seems to be a theme in my career so uh it's one that i'd actually visited before i loved when i got into the the booth the day that they revealed that and i was like oh what a great turn for this character because up until that point he was just you know joe soldier i'm mister fight the you know kill those barrels kill those synths and when when dance finds out that he is a synth it's this huge uh you know identity crisis that he goes through and it's it's uh even given that you're the only person in the booth it's a it's a great you know run that you can do all right danny it's your turn here we go so one of the interesting things with hancock is and i didn't realize this until i researched i like hancock a lot but i didn't realize this apparently he's sexy this is what the internet has deemed he's a ghoul with with uh with a very uh colonial style outfit and apparently this is sexy and i think part of it's the voice danny so congrats but pitchforker asks does danny know that unlike other ghoul characters in the fallout franchise hancock is considered a sexy beast that is the quote how does an actor make a ghoul sexy so i guess you can get into you know really what you did to voice hancock and how you brought him to life because he is very different part of me from other ghouls in the game for sure uh yeah danny does know that um hancock is a little sexy um i didn't i didn't know that during the recording i mean i didn't again like everybody else here i didn't know it was fallout for a long time and my experience with fallout before that was pretty superficial so i didn't really know you know i wouldn't have known what your average fallout ghoul was like um and i didn't know he was a ghoul i mean i didn't know what this character looked like for most of the recording um and then when i saw a drawing i was surprised so i wasn't playing it nobody ever said hey do that sexy ghoul thing and even if someone had directed cal or whoever had directed play that sexy i mean i don't know maybe you could kind of rough up your voice a little bit and make it kind of sexy in that way but i don't know if you can really you know how do you how do you do sexy you just kind of i don't i mean you could i don't know you know just next time when you do this line picture aphrodite in your head i don't know how you would do it exactly i think you just i mean i saw the guy actually look i i saw him as a kind of a lovable rogue kind of character you know that that clicked for me it was like okay i haven't seen this kind of character exactly but i've seen this sort of archetype you know whether it's han solo and i guess there's something kind of inherently dashing about these sort of chaotic good you know rebels with the hearts of gold um so i don't know if that turns into like sexiness for somebody else on the other end it seems hey please have at it confidence is sexy yeah there we go that's what it is i mean the first time you meet hancock he literally stabs someone right in the middle of town so that's that's the confidence people were really looking for i mean the tricorn helps too i think yeah i think if you can wear a tricorn hat with without irony that's sexy you don't look foolish in it it works especially when you dressed up as the character i saw you dressed up as him and like you even rocked it there yeah i've done that yes that's an interesting experience let me tell you you were singing fallout songs dressed up as hancock i did know that that is that was that was awesome to see and i noticed when i was like researching you more you you have you have shaped my childhood danny all right you you did you did sing in for games like rock your father you you kind of are because like guitar hero was always there for me and you were singing to me day in day out so how do you go for something like that to something like hancock and i know like you said you didn't know what hancock was but right moving your voice from just you're rocking out to years later just hey there you know what is that actually like as an actor guitar hero is um that was a great experience i worked with the studio up in the bay area where i was from and uh called wave group and then they kept bringing me back when i was in la when after i'd moved to la and uh you know it's it's singing and acting they do cross over there's some similarities they're different beasts but they're maybe cousin beasts um you have to engage your imagination to some extent when you're singing you know especially emotional quality is important for guitar hero and rock band and other games uh music games that i did for them um you are definitely trying to sound like whoever it is that they're reproducing because you know it was a lot easier and cheaper for them at first to recreate these songs in every little detail than to actually use the masters and then later on as the game became huge they started just using the masters and they started hiring us less and less so you're definitely you know trying to imitate whoever it is whether it's jello be off or harry coma or whatever um and i did uh you know i did a bunch of different voices um said singing voices in guitar hero and all those games it's i don't know it's kind of like it's kind of like any uh voice over video game experience where you just kind of come in and knock it out and go back to your life and then it kind of takes on a life of its own and the experience of being inside is probably very and being a sign of doing it is very different from the experience of everybody else out in the world playing the game you just it's it's completely different you're just in a booth trying to do your best and then you're gone and you go get a burrito oh that's a burrito yeah it's funny cause courtney taylor you're known for you're known for taco bell i associate you with taco bell with your uh with that one line i don't know if it's cal who sent it to me it's my fault i said it is cow's fault it's my fault i i'm sorry courtney had i but known we had i i had a i was very busy during some of these recordings and i don't normally eat fast food but and i you know but if i do i'm gonna go grab like a burrito and so i went to taco bell and grabbed a burrito and then ran into my session and uh and i don't know what was in the burrito but it ended up um sometimes i would just be really tired like because i would always have the afternoon session and if i had worked sessions earlier in the morning i would be kind of burnt by the time i got in at two o'clock and so i would kind of pump myself up in the booth a lot and so um i would dance around and and do stuff and so uh i guess i didn't realize that they recorded a lot of that and one of the things that they recorded was me shadowboxing in the booth and whispering to myself i'm badass powered by a taco bell because i was trying to like pick up my energy and then and i was quietly like tell me we recorded that and then it's it sprouted all of these memes of me as like a chalupa like people started photoshopping my head on chalupas and todd howard as like the pope like dipping me into holy water and um and i am now forever associated with taco bell um you were my twitch sub notification for a while with that you i i had you whenever someone subbed they were powered by taco bell that was the joke it was like that for a couple of years so i appreciate your work and i haven't done commercials you talk about any food you talk about you hear about for the rest of your life i can't go anywhere without somebody offering me cheese these days cal and i also had a thing about i lost my mind when again if you work all day in the booth by yourself possibly by the end of the day you might be a little crazy punchy and um there was a line where i say this place looks like or this this looks like a dump to me and it's not funny right now but it was hilarious in the moment i can specifically recreate bell and you've got a real problem of course you know the the dish line is somebody's like oh this sounds not so bad and the character's supposed to say looks like a dump to me right in reference to what the other coat but couldn't get it to get like looks like a dump to me i was like no no come on emphasis is it as if the dish line had been what's this so we lost five minutes to giggling uh mature professionals and uh any time i see the word dump i have to take a photo of it and send it to cal and there was a book i was in like boston or something and there i came across in a supermarket an actual um uh recipe book of dump cakes which i didn't know was a thing they don't have dump cakes in san francisco and australia and so i was just like what is this and so now also dump cake means so wow very interesting so i have more questions for each of you individually but i also had some group activities that i wanted to make sure we definitely get to okay because these are these are important guys and gals so i wanted to do a little bit of a quote quiz so no one's being put on the spot so don't worry i know pop quizzes were awful back in school don't worry i'm not going to bring you back there what i'm going to do is i'm going to read the quote and i want you all to kind of guess maybe who said this line because fallout 4 has some pretty wild wacky dialogue and i just want to see where you you might place your character and uh and maybe so we'll be shocked that wait holy i said that uh so the first one here is uh this is this is actually in the game i'm here to pick up an order two large pepperoni and a calzone name is you any ideas yeah i i know i know that one oh yeah cal you probably know i know i know all of these so i think i'm going to step out of this or any of these because you remember everything was the cheapest player character peter is correct yes this was male player character yeah and me did you say i see i was looking i didn't know if it was i was looking up if it was just a male or if it was it was female as well yeah here's the legend here's a little insight about that the scripts from for for the uh player character voices are were identical initially um and then as brian and courtney brought their particular uh chops to the to the different scripts they started they're mostly the same but as we went on a little bit at the corners the the devs would start writing stuff that was like a little because they decided okay well before the bombs courtney you know the the female player character was a military lawyer right so she likes puzzles and and like figuring out intellectual pursuits and like nailing people with rhetoric and uh they decided that brian's character was you know was just a foot soldier right and so he you may notice that when they get to like lock picking or like following the the clues to uh find the uh the the underground in in north boston courtney's clues are all like i'm figuring out a puzzle and i'm really engaged with this and brian's are like i don't know maybe it's uh left so the the script started out identical and over time they just in tiny little spots they they they would adjust them ever so slightly um for the two player characters but although circa the like flippant sarcastic like players and x button lines which are the most fun to record those should all be the same okay molly doesn't brian say there's molly molly mcfuck yourself or something molly he's he's like michael that's right that's right yeah the the that's true okay sorry i didn't know that cause what i was doing when i was writing these down i was making sure you know because there's websites dedicated to funny fallout 4 lines and all that stuff and when i saw that i'm like let me make sure if courtney wasn't the one who said that and all i was finding was just a male player character okay so that's definitely good to know all right the next one i think i i probably should have saved that from the middle right because i just went out strong and it's really hard to follow that up it really is so lower the expectations a little bit uh next next quote next person that asks me to shag is getting a well-placed kick if you get my meaning austin he knows that one i know that one yeah very well i use that i use that line all the time in real life i was gonna say that sounds like something that maybe you made in the booth based off an experience and then just you know you're like that would work exactly all right let's see here uh next so be it death has come for you evildoer and i am it's shroud there it is all right silver shroud uh all right what else we got here okay this one's a little interesting used to go with a gal from malden and to head off to the next natural question no she wasn't a toaster [Laughter] is that a nick line that is a neckline yeah i love nick nick's one of my favorite characters so much fun to do oh he was my companion the whole game pretty much except for when i was forced to romance myself but of course but you were forced man to a saturday nick what was that uh i'm sorry not nick uh uh stephen what was that like because you did nick you did dima you did codsworth as well but when it came to nick and dima you know they're both same style of character in a way like how do you slightly differentiate your voice for those roles if at all uh yeah that was that was tricky i remember um there was a lot of back and forth with mark lampert at bethesda uh trying to zero in on exactly the right voice and and uh it was it was we wanted to we we wanted the relationship to be there but also make it distinct too so uh just a lot of trial and error i think and and an understanding of who this character was we finally got there i think pretty well one of the things that i think that those two characters are a testament and if your mind isn't already blown that nick valentine and codsworth are the same actor right nick and dima you know we we went in and said to steven they have the same hardware right so it's not it can't be like a different wacky voice right there were there they're the same appliance right they're the same unit it's all character right so if you listen to nick valentine and dima the it's such brilliant work stephen really honestly that you know timber their voice is the same right if you analyzed it it would be the same person but the the life experience the attitude are so different that's that's one of my favorite things in the game is is how the voice print for those characters is so similar because they're identical robot bodies but their personality you know they're the life experience that they bring to it makes them feel like completely different you know they are completely different characters i just think that's such a cool interestingly enough my body was identical when both times i was recording those two same hardware yeah now the other question we got stephen was you know how many cups of coffee did you go through recording all the all the player names when you were playing when you were doing codsworth i mean you did that for 76 as well i mean you went through a lot of names i imagine so how long did that take was that a multiple session type of thing well i was i was blessed to have very kind directors who would always save those those name sessions for the last hour of of any four hour session so it wasn't uh i think i think it took like four or five sessions to get through the mall and then another couple when we came back for 76 as well and uh it was it was it was interesting it was challenging i don't think i've ever done anything before or since like that do you ever enter that kind of drone state you're like danny dog and you're just like another name another name and you're just like when will this end yeah there was a certain amount of that and and i i distinctly remember literally slapping myself in the face a couple of times to just get out of that lock step you know all right back to the quote quiz this one's a gimme all right giving you a free a here never thought a reporter could consider themselves a success until someone threatened their life but me i am very successful who could that be it's gotta be mccreedy really yeah look at look at you see the people want to hear more from piper so courtney spotlight's on you that's right i said that fps gaming wants to know oh rather than state first you did a fantastic job performing as piper made the true the role truly special the question is what was it like going back into the games industry and i think you said it was your first time uh at the beginning of this well i i sorry finish the question oh i was just gonna say and how different is that from tv and movies where you've really you know ever since we talked back in i think it was 2015 you know you've really taken off you've grown so much um i you know what it wasn't my first game my first game was um a small part in gears of war but that's because i went to a high school with cliff blazinski really okay this is so you nailed a role because of a high school friend well he we we were friends and that's when he was like i'm gonna grow up and make video games everyone was like you know shut up keep dreaming that's never gonna happen and he did it was when he was working you know when when jazz jackrabbit was just kind of a you know a twinkle in his eye and so then um he uh we had stayed in touch and we were talking one day and he was like hey why don't you just come in and i didn't think i thought that i was just testing something out like help helping him get a feel for the character just recording something to help and then they were like i did the session they're like click we're done thanks so much uh that's gonna sound great in the game and i was like this is for the actual game so i didn't know that um and but that was just a day you know the work on fallout was two years and mocap and the pcap and the and the vo which we did cal we did didn't we we do that and then we did it again so the one of the things that made fallout 4 different from past uh games from bethesda was that it was recorded iteratively as you guys are saying in the old days they'd they'd make the entire game and then in a space of like a month and a half we'd have to record all 170 000 lines of dialogue which is why you know like if you skyrim which everybody you know is a beloved game i you know i worked on it i enjoyed it it's a wonderful game but like a lot of the dialogue for that we were churning through it just to get it done in time right um and one of the things that was cool about this project is they were like it was the first night everybody's doing this all the time but it was one of the first games where they were like we're gonna record as we go so and that's going to necessitate some re-records because we're going to redesign stuff but we want to start getting voice in early the first time we have any kind of idea of a build a request we want to get voice in early and experiment with it the way we do everything else in the in the world of games right we want to do iterations um and so yeah um like i said you know uh john and and courtney ford uh were our day one for any kind of performance for this game was in a mocap volume on the west side with you guys just you know they had just figured out the shape of diamond city they had just figured out the you know the balcony and the fight with the you know the fight with the um death claw and they were like we're gonna start seeing whether full performance capture can be used in a fallout game right is there a way that we can um that we can use full pcap considering the fact that any one of these lines has to attach to any other and so you guys probably remember instead of just doing a big scene work we'd have to like t pose find a character neutral come alive deliver a line and return to a character neutral that could be animated into any other that's a thing that like mark lamperton and i developed was this ability because typically when you're doing performance capture right it's technical at the start you make up certain pose and the computer recognizes what you are and then it's like you get a sort of second action where you can go into the scene and then everybody has to come back to the you know that and but when you're going line the line within the scene you don't have to worry about it because these the way these games are work where any line has to be able to attach to any other line we had to figure out a way that the characters would not be like ending in a really extreme posture and then like bashing into a really timid posture immediately afterwards so we invented this idea of like character neutral as separate from just your t pose and these guys were the first two to try and tackle that um and uh did so beautifully and and that was day one and they experimented with that for like six months before any other voice recording was done right um just those two scenes and only after they had they had experimented with that with those performances that data those builds of those two areas did they come back and start doing iterations of the rest of the game in earnest and that's when brian courtney and all the other companions started coming in um you know and then beyond that there was an additional two years of iteration almost three if you count the dlc's um but you guy you two guys um you know from your perspective it would have been not just re-recording stuff that you we had done initially because the design of the game had changed but also uh accounting for like them figuring out exactly how much performance capture they could use we ended up for most of the game the rest of the game doing a lot more just facial data capture because it ended up that they would you know they were having to throw out so much of the great work everybody was kind of doing in the body just because of the way you know a game this interactive works um but yeah from your perspective it would have been like all that recording in the volume then at least six months of who knows what then coming back for like day one of recording voice and face and then doing that again and again for many months over the the following two years extensive man i i'm learning so much incidentally through this uh one question i got a lot for you courtney i i think people people just really connected deeply with piper because everyone wants to know how piper would handle the lockdown in the pandemic just like what would she be doing how would she be just chilling at home i think she would handle it well okay um i think that she i mean she has a little sister she has to take care of and so she probably would want to keep her calm and make sure that she doesn't you know get get get too scared uh so she wanted to keep everything um you know uh keep the anxiety down a little bit even if she was feeling it within uh herself um i don't know would there be the shortage of toilet paper let's say she had all the toilet paper in the world she was one of the people who went out and bought in bulk be rich in the world that is true that is a currency yeah the new cap i i mean i think she would have been prepared for anything and like ready to go like oh yes this is perfect it's just it was it was weird because you know everyone was asking about that but piper in particular got that one a lot huh yeah i'm not i'm not sure maybe because she does news maybe she was going to write an article or something about it i don't feel like piper would be good at staying at home i feel like she'd be wearing an n95 mask and going out and shoving a recorder in the faces of the people responsible for dealing with the people why is this happening right yeah i can see that do you think maybe like a lot of people are just fantasizing about quarantining with paper i don't know what this is really about i don't know i i you know everyone loves to argue in every video game ever who uh the quote is best girl that is a that is a huge thing so that would not surprise me but who knows um now i have a i i want to move on from the quote stuff to the fallout 3 goat i want to make sure we squeeze this in and then we'll go back to questions after this if we have time because we have about we're nearing about a half hour left so for those who are watching and unfamiliar and for maybe some of you who are unfamiliar fallout 3 does a little bit of a test in the beginning of the game to decide what your job is in the vault you take the goat and uh you know maybe you'll end up being a janitor or an engineer i don't know so as a group i want to see where you're going to land in the vaults so we're going to take this together i'm going to let i'm going to read the question and then your answers i want you all to discuss and figure out what we're going to do so there's nine questions so want to go through them and i'll let you all know at the end of this when this when this quizzes com or this test sorry is complete uh what your occupation will end up being all right so question one you are approached by a frenzied vault scientist who yells i'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber hey what is your response answer one is but doctor wouldn't that cause a parabolic destabilization of the fission singularity next is up yours too buddy three say nothing grab a nearby pipe and hit the scientist in the head to knock him out for all you knew he was planning to blow up this fault and the last one is you're going to say nothing but slip away before the scientists can rant on what is your choice mine is one one more four one would be the the smart thing to do but is that what we do all right it looks like it is two followed closely by three whoa okay we're going to only do two leading into three yeah i'm i'm with katie i think two leads into three and then sneakily sneak away in four i'm a little surprised there is a lot of people that's like bring it on you bet yeah that's just me i just say i'm not romantical [Laughter] so are we going with up yours too buddy number two sure didn't it four one i saw three fours and hands for two no hands for and then now hands for four four four is it all right the beauty of the internet number two while working as an intern in the clinic a patient with a strange infection on his foot stumbles through the door the infection is spreading at an alarming rate but the doctor has stepped out for a while what do you do number one amp you take the foot before the infection spreads number two you scream for help three medicate the infected area it's the best of your abilities or four you're going to restrain this patient and merely observe as the infection spreads now i imagine you're all very nice people so i'm going to hope that four isn't the answer i'm going for four whoa all right i've seen a denomination of three here but yeah i got three three i'm gonna go for number one you don't you get so few options to cut off people's feet at work [Laughter] all right three it is we're gonna medicate it to the best of our abilities yes i'm proud of you all all right number three question number three you discover a young boy lost in the lower levels of the vault he's hungry and frightened but he also appears in possession of stolen property what do you do number one you give the boy a hug you tell him it's gonna be okay two confiscate the property by force and leave him there as punishment number three we're gonna find out what kind of people you really are now number three pick the boy's pocket to take the stolen property for yourself and leave the boy to his fate number four lead the boy to safety then turn him into the overseer is is cutting off his foot not an option this time can we rob him and then turn him over to someone uh let's see here you can confiscate him confiscate the property and leave him or you can pick his pocket and yeah you can pick his pocket and leave him or just take the property by force and leave him there is no take it and then bring him in there's no best of both worlds or is it the character yeah we're answering our characters two very different answers it is you putting yourself into the characters technically it's a reflection of yourself i would say property piper doesn't like that but it's a kid so they have to have a good reason so the hugging where is your where are your parents yeah right that's that's that's my question but it looks like one has has dominated all right question number four this one's simple i think it's not it's not as controversial i'll say that much number four congratulations you made one of the vault 101 baseball teams what position do you prefer pitcher catcher designated hitter none you wish the vault had a soccer team but no short stop you get out in the field i'm with you peter shortstop all the time yeah yeah i guess that would be yeah yeah this is where bethesda screwed up right they gave you some of the worst positions that i don't think people want to play catcher is going to mess up their knees yeah picture you is a is a huge skill to have d h would be the only one that i could yeah i'd say d8 yeah th2 all right hit it right here even though i'm a national league guy right yeah exactly do we have any mets fans here or am i alone in my little my little corner here the dh is going to be universal oh yes it better it's coming a lot of teams need that question number five we're halfway there we're all doing well this one we're back to controversy okay your grandmother invites you to tea but you're surprised when she gives you a pistol in orders you to kill another vault resident what do you do number one obey your elder and kill the vault resident with the pistol two offer your most prized possession for the resident's life three ask granny for a minigun instead after all you do not want to miss this number four throw your tea in your granny's face so i feel like you have to get aggressive either way here i miss my nana so you're making me all sad i'm sorry i yeah my nana would totally give me a minigun okay all right so we're seeing a couple of threes which i didn't expect yeah i got two on that two we're gonna we're gonna do the the the right thing here we're gonna offer our most prized possession yeah see i was waiting for you i'm with peter i would throw tea i'd be like wake up granny come on what are you doing and then you'd have to be like why ah good question you are so piper that's the plan [Laughter] easy casting choice all right so quick show of hands twos well yeah i i'm i'm wondering why granny's asking me to do it back from granny afterwards granny granny has a motive to to kill this vault resident because he was going to push her down a flight of stairs is that going to know that that's different though that's different i'm just trying i'm trying to give you guys some type of back story now this is about how how blindly you you f you adhere to authority yes this is yeah that's perfectly political yeah you can't stand but you can't you can't know why granny wants him dead you just know yeah she does yeah granny doesn't ask for a lot she always gives you tea i mean take somebody out yeah if you tried her tea it's just she could take them out with her tea if granny really wanted this person that granny could shoot them with the gunner herself the fact that she's making me do it as manipulation which means something's wrong listen all this in my upcoming miniguns and old lace keith's got a point the answer what are we selecting here we certainly there's still a four show of hands does everyone flash the number they're picking let's see what we got here we got granny's back i got granny's back all right we're seeing iced tea iced tea okay i think before when holland i i failed at counting there we got one two three one two three i think okay we got the same no we got four four wins okay throwing t great i'm nervous courtney ford looked there like it was a real deal okay so we're still dealing with old question six so it doesn't get easier from here old mr abernathy has locked himself in his quarters again you've been ordered to get him out how do you proceed number one you use a bobby pin to pick the lock on the door two you trade a vault hoodlum for his cherry bomb and you blow the lock open three go to the armory you retrieve a laser pistol you blow the lock off or four you walk away and let the old coot rot that is not my words that is the words of bethesda but what is our what is our selection here this one's a little i would imagine a little easier well as cool as it would be to have a laser pistol because you get to keep it after you take it out of the armory i'm going to go with the bobby pin so yeah deacon picking the lock 100 block picking you got to pick the lock deacon that's an easy one then okay we're coming together as a group here behind that door i might go for four but i'm gonna say one i was gonna say four but i was waiting for someone else to say it so i didn't first all right here's where things start to turn on us a little bit at number seven oh no you've been exposed to radiation and a mutated hand has grown out of your stomach course of treatment number one this is grim a bullet to the brain two large doses of anti-mutagen agent three a prayer maybe god will spare you in exchange for a life of pious devotion or for removal of the mutated tissue with a precision laser hmm why can't we just use it for shoplifting i was going to say i want to keep well then i guess you don't want to take any of the removal options at that point right you don't want to shoot yourself and you don't want to remove it with a precision laser so if you want to keep it maybe you say a prayer and then you go shoplift and you just do the opposite of what you're what i feel like it might have been a result of prayer if you were like come on god give me a hand what is number two it says large doses of anti-mutagen agents so you're gonna rely on medicine yeah too that's gonna have bad side effects though yeah i'd probably just keep yeah i mean if you're radiated everywhere and the hand is just a part of that i want the medicine to do all the radiation not just the hand that's true who knows what else is going to grow out of yourself on the head and rub your stomach same time with that other hand third hand okay people are really liking this all right number eight a fellow vault 101 resident is in possession of a grognak the barbarian comic book issue number one you want it what's the best way you obtain it number one you trade the comic book for one of your own valuable possessions two you steal it at gunpoint three you sneak into the residence quarters you steal the comic book from his desk or four slip some knockout drops into the residence nuka-cola and take the comic book when he's unconscious how are we acquiring this has anyone ever felt this passion about a comic book before well you're in a vault first of all so everybody's going to know where you got it if you yeah the gun or you knock him out so you're going to be smart peter you're thinking ahead that's actually yeah you're you've been through this before it seems yeah the last time i was in a vault and i saw a grog knack i really wanted i had to trade for it because i knew everybody would know that that's everything yeah if you steal by gunpoint right you you own this right you're it's your home now yeah rules baby you've got a bit of a rap after one for reasons she says i like it so i'm seeing a lot of ones threes yeah one one probably got one one is it you're trading you guys are too good you guys are so nice [Music] [Laughter] you know fallout's all about chaos and everyone's like i'll trade with you that's true number nine you decide it'd be fun to play a prank on your father this one's my favorite you enter his private restroom when no one is looking and number one loosen the pipe dump cake powered by taco bell [Laughter] it's a dumb number one you loosen some bolts on some pipes when the sink is turned on the room will flood okay number two put a firecracker in the toilet that's sure to cause some chaos three this one's up on a whole other level break into a locked medicine cabinet and replaces high blood pressure medication with sugar pills or four manipulate the power wattage on his razor so he gets an electric shock next time he shaves oh how are we freaking our father i'm thinking number two would make for an explosive movement yeah two is the one i always pick whenever i play this game i always want to drop a firecracker in the toilet just a nice safe explosion yeah having done it before i can say that's a great option yeah you've done this before yeah i'm glad we're on the same page peter i knew there was a reason we were friends yeah well i got a lot of shaving to do so you know the shocking is happens all the time because i'm going to say all right what was three again what was three three was you break into the locked medicine cabinet and replace your medicine you replaced the high blood pressure pills with with sugar pills instead that's hilarious my dad's having a stroke so the show ahead what are we doing to our our sad father who's going to get pranked to here number two the number two i was covered yeah it's the firecracker yeah it's here cherry bomber too no cherry parker in the toilet last question's a real tough one who is indisputably the most important person in vault 101 he who shelters us from the harshness of the atomic wasteland and to whom we owe everything we have including our lives number one overseer two overseer three overseer four overs here four which tier of the overseer do you want one two three or four four gotta be one the top of the top overs here yeah that's good most of the most you want me over peter i think that's just a gimme because they're all the same yeah that's it yeah yeah all right you've successfully answered all the questions for the goat i'm gonna hit submit now and i'll let you know what tests you as a group or i'm sorry what uh what job you as a group have yes all right this isn't bad apparently you've made it you have management material you're going to be trained as a shift supervisor for the vault congratulations to everyone here all right in that world or not be clear i can't imagine a more grim fate than going into management what have you done to us i have never qualified for shift supervisor in any job i've ever had so that's that's yeah any of those vile answers that we picked went to shift yeah right like yeah we had people picking out miniguns and suddenly you're supervising shifts what's going on with that angry janitor maybe but okay yeah right a firecracker in a toilet it's a pissed off janitor move i would say i don't know man i've been manager at like a barnes noble cafe once there's some pretty intense management necessity you want to get into this a little bit do we want to unpack this uh that cherry bomb would unpack it all right so we got about 20 minutes left um and i want to i want to continue on with some of the fallout themed activities this was one of my uh my questions so the core of creating your character in fallout is the special stats your strength perception endurance charisma intelligence and luck now i want you all to uh we'll go one by one of course like everyone's strength everyone's perception and we can do maybe the show of hands thing again i wanna i wanna know where you put yourself on this uh on this spectrum here of cause when i create my character for example like i know i'm i'm pretty much a rail right like my strength it's a two come on like it's not it's not high but my intelligence i'll give myself a humble seven maybe i'm okay with that so i wanna know where we're scaling ourselves here and uh because you know the idea is to with some of these activities is you're sort of creating your own character we're putting you in the choices that we usually make so let's start off with strength ladies and gentlemen what uh what is your strength at i gave myself a two just as our as our characters or ourselves ourselves oh okay okay i guess it could be both like like i said to keith right it's a ref i feel like it's a reflection of yourself almost right and so my point of view is yeah kind of yourself if you were putting yourself in a video game where you had to survive though so you can give yourself a little buffs like in real life maybe i'm a two but maybe in the game i'll give myself a four you know because i really gotta toughen up for that but the more strength you give yourself the more you can carry that's what i'm thinking about in the game i want to carry more stuff okay so wes what are you going with i feel like you're a high strength guy i probably would go at least an eight in the strength department uh if i could carry more stuff if that doesn't matter if that doesn't affect it then maybe it would be less in real life i get somebody else to move things right in real life you pay someone right and so shut up with the data luxury eight strength is the move what about the rest of you when you're when you're how much are we i always play as a persuasive puncher so like so if you don't get yourself no stealth no shooting just like try to high charisma and if that fails then close combat every time should knock them out yeah just like just like you know uh uh you know the uh the uh the hammer what's that thing called the sledge oh the super sledge super sledge that's the rocket on it yeah the the yeah see the thing the thing i was really curious about and why i wanted you all to do this is it's going to be a big compliment i i think all of you rank very high in charisma you know well before this right i i think you're all great people stop flirting with us matthew we told you no but you're part of it your job is you you're you're you know you're personable you know it's all about the reflection of your personality and the character so i feel like you rank high there but the rest like like i want to know what what's up what's a courtney taylor luck rating are you a lucky gal courtney well maddie you don't take into consideration that we all have so much charisma that they lock us in rooms by ourselves well when you're let free the walls pull pulled over my eyes it seems um what's my i am me personally i'm incredibly lucky i have spent a life of putting myself in very stupid situations and doing crazy things and have managed to make it unscathed well i don't know if unscathed is a strong word clearly but um can you please expand on this we're going to death what are they happening escaped just like you know growing up in san francisco you do crazy things and uh hanging out with crazy people and um you know like quote and like no i'm kidding i don't want to i just you know i ran around san francisco i ran around san francisco uh at all hours of the night and you know went to punk rock shows and jumped off of things and you know just stuff that is i want to hit about to say you know and may have had too much psycho or whatever but um uh so i've always thought that i had a pretty fantastic um and very tired guardian angel so i would say my lucky you're like you're like kate in real life we should yeah there's some similarities i was actually i remember auditioning uh for actually not auditioning excuse me but hearing somehow i remember cal i like saw kate's lines and i was super pissed in the session because i was like i didn't read for her how come i didn't get to read for kate he's like yeah we were doing we were doing we were doing the the loyalty quest stuff for for kate and of course we didn't have katie because you know with how these things are so i was dishing you kate's lines and you were like how come i didn't get to audition for this i'm like because you're already deleted already and i was like i feel like this is my jam though and he's like so funny it is jam i love kate yeah we're talking like special stats of us in the world like i definitely let's go with that right i feel like i think it's it's easier to put in there i'm i'm a clumsy oh if i'm putting myself in an agility of two um and perception of one i am one of the most oblivious beings the most imperceptive individuals you'll ever meet i'm the one who goes in the pantry and it's like we're out of cereal my wife's like it's there's three boxes like whoa where are those come from like i'm the worst i do i relate yeah no i'm i volunteer matthew i know well i i married my wife for a reason she keeps me alive yeah no i'm i'm dead in the first hour in a fallout world like no survival i'm and the apocalypse hits i'm i fully submit uh yeah i i feel that on on the perception level my mom always says like you know when uh she'll be like can you go downstairs and get i don't know like a can of soup or something like that and i'm like i'll yell upstairs mom can't find it she's like i didn't teach you to jump you got to move stuff around i'm like okay i still can't find it and she has to come down she's like why did i even bother asking you so they're with you yeah yeah in the chat someone said that they have seen matt mercer dance and there is no way that he has a low deck score and i'm gonna have to agree because i have been out dancing with matt mercer and can we can we see a little bit of that just now i mean are you comfortable drinking it just giving it a i'll do a little chair dancing man you gotta teach me i look like an idiot on the dance floor man like i don't know what i'm doing out there oh i like an idiot too but the idea is not caring like an idiot that's where it comes he's got a lot of fun [Laughter] just saying that yeah we're doing our own personal stats here i know that mine is completely flat-lined in everything except luck because otherwise if i wasn't topped out on luck i wouldn't be alive right now yeah you're holding that baseball bat you got to have some strength yeah you've been flashing that old stream you're like check this out man so i feel like you know that's there's got to be a little bit of strength in there a little bit all right um so let's see here what else do we got in the special stats uh anyone want to talk about their endurance mine fluctuates quite a bit depending on my work cycle i am i am what's up i think you have to have a ton of endurance to be a working actor because it's yeah well it depends on what kind of endurance there's there's different i could not run a marathon at my age now um but you know i can i can put up with four hours in a booth so you know that's you're gonna eat as much taco bell as courtney taylor does that i don't know if i can actually courtney ford is shaking her head but girl you do on camera and the the occasions that i dip into on camera i am like oh my god i'm so tired like we've been doing this for like 13 hours and even just sitting here like you get your little whatever the trailer thing and stuff and like i am exhausted even just from just sitting there and going and doing five lines because people are touching you they're making you look pretty people are staring at you and stuff and you're like the whole time night shoots are rough night shoots can be really rough and on true blood consistently it was 5 p.m to 5 a.m uh so that you know i'm a sprinter though it's weird because i kind of save up all my energy and then it goes blah and then i save it up all again and they go so you kind of have to hydrate and make sure that you have your snacks and are eating and things like that but um yeah you know you you just know that you have to kind of turn it on for that burst and then cut and then you can sit down and you know i'm open times though too super loopy and then you know when the giggles start count those it's hard it's hard to bring me back yes all the time wasted oh it's part of the process it's part of the process you gotta say it's just it's all my technique i think there's a lot of endurance we we take on as actors uh early in our careers um trying to establish yourself trying to get seen dealing with rejection um over and over and over again um and just being able to handle that i think is part of the endurance that i think that that you have to have if you're going to succeed in this business because it is 80 to 95 rejection yeah that's our superpowers is is muscling on after rejection yeah i can't see the thing is i really can't fathom any of you being rejected that's like crazy to me i'm dead serious i hear your voices i'm just like what like i mean not five percent of the time i say it's 99 of the time yeah i'm talking about you all uh and i think it comes back it's the baseball i mean not to bring it back to baseball again but like if you're a really great baseball player you you don't get out one in four times you go to the plate yeah so i think that endurance of being able to i don't know how they professional baseball players step up to the plate over and over and over again knowing that three out of four or four out of five times they're going to head back to the dugout three out of four times you fail your strikeout i mean you've got to imagine you know maddie that there are roles just in this industry forget movies and television also but just games there are roles that go out that any person on this call say you and me could could plausibly be cast for and they're all putting in tremendous auditions that are all unique and different and wonderful and so and that and that's just the people on this call um so even even when you are superlative in this field the best you know the best of the best you know the the um the math is against you right so it really is it is um i think the endurance both physical and mental uh of this job you know i think people tend to think of actors picture i mean they're not working in the business they picture actors like around a pool you know right with long scarves and glamorous lives and and um all all acting is it can be phenomenally hard on your mental health your physical health hours of the day rejection pure physical endurance and then voice acting in particular particularly in games you know where you might have to do two hours of the authentic sound of punching or being punched in the face i mean try try doing that once and seeing how it feels and then do it for 120 minutes it's it's really it really is quite um it's work it's a lot of work it's a joy also which is why we all do it but it isn't it is an amount of of work that if you didn't love it you would not want to do it you know what i mean like there are many easier ways to sit around a pool with long scarf you know you can go be a hedge fund manager or you could just punch yourself in the face over and over again but uh yeah but this is this is something that i think you you only undertake if it is a labor of of love i think hundreds if anyone has a pool by the way i'd love to come over sometime in hangar or or a living room just either you know when all things are equal let's say everybody on this call could do a role that's not gender specific right um and every one of us can turn in something completely great that's not even taken into consideration the fact that it's not always merit-based you could be amazing for the job and somebody's niece or charlize theron decides they want to come in and be like hey i want to do a little voice on this game or whatever and that there are a million other reasons so you can you can work as hard as you possibly can and stay in the game but there's there's endurance and there's resilience and there's also luck involved so if you don't have those three just punch yourself in the face every day i think uh hunter s thompson put it best when he said uh when the going gets weird the weird turned pro yeah i like that bless him i hear you calling weirdos what a crazy delightful human being yeah and this is why for those of you who are listening who are perhaps aspiring to this field um don't let anybody discourage you don't let your experiences discourage you every person here who's in on this call has heard a lot of no and um you you really only will kind of like get out in front of the the bus hoping it hits you enough if you um if you don't you know if you don't listen to to anything that is discouraging in your life um you know any any voice that is telling you um that oh well you tried out for that one thing and it didn't work out you should probably give it up don't listen to that it takes a it takes a phenomenal amount of willingness to keep at it and to adjust no with your own internal true north that this is what you're meant to do to get to this level all i think everybody here can attest to the fact that you know it's just about sticking with it and applying yourself very very hard every day afresh so yeah we all say like you know it's this you have to have all this stuff and each since every one of us is like again today more please starting over you know uh so we're running a little bit low on time i just want to ask one more question for all of you i don't know if all of you could actually answer this um you know just because it's kind of a callback but just for for those who do uh do any of you copy the s have any uh memorable or favorite lines and if so why and then we'll wrap it up i think one that that broke me for fallout sorry yeah sorry i did not specify yes from fallout yeah i mean there's a lot of lines you could pick from in general but fallout is what i was called for anything with samuel l jackson i remember i won't forget this it was it was just the cheesiest pun that it broke me in the middle of the session um doing dialogue from a creedy and there's one point where you go by uh henry david thoreau's cabin you can like go over there for a element as you walk by there was one line of dolly he goes like hey make sure you check the cabin thoroughly and and i remember there was a pause and i looked over at calum was like really really that is simultaneously the worst and best thing i've ever had to read in the booth i'm so appreciative anyway i i got one so uh speaking of that hunter thompson quote uh let's get this freak show on the road all right gets me every time i love that about the rest of you anything comes with mine he had a ton of great lines um rather be off murder in a pint but this will do yeah my diet was pretty vanilla so i didn't have it waiting just make something up no one's gonna know i went searching and i kind of i found this one that that sort of i loved you know you don't find the institute the institute finds you yeah is the classic but i also love this one uh which is a bit long so bear with me the thing about happiness is that you only know you had it when it's gone i mean you may think to yourself that you're happy but you don't really believe it you focus on the petty or the next job or whatever it's only looking back by comparison to what comes after that you really understand what happiness felt like that's a hell of a line too that's a lot of people i've learned over the years love kellogg and i think that that line is one of the reasons why it's one of the more heavy hitters throughout the 2020 quote right there that was that was a fun one to come across it was like oh my god yeah that john need i ask you what your favorite line in the game is i really like the um man i don't know who you are but your time is impeccable preston garvey commonwealth minuteman just like that introduction yeah it's solid every single time man i love preston's i'll give you my chest full of emeralds when we find a way out of this mess i just i love that line i thought your delivery on that was so so great and it's such it's like it's such a like a chest full of emeralds that's a great bit of writing you know because it's it's so uh it's so obviously flippant you know and and i thought your delivery was great i really like that one [Music] again i just want to jump in here and say because i think it needs to be said before we all part ways that part of the pleasure of working on this game and everything that i've worked on with bethesda ii has been the quality of the writing it has just been so sharp so specific and often so uh it i i would just come across these lines and as courtney was saying earlier we're often seeing them for the first time when we go into the booth and and i would read it for the first time and go wow that's a great line and just be taken aback by uh something and and keith what you just quoted as a perfect example of that too it's it's it's not only a lovely sentiment but it's beautifully phrased just wonderfully put together and and that has been a real gift in working for this company absolutely i think that uh all the writers of bethesda are wonderful but if i were to single anybody out being able to bring to life the words of emma pagliarillo over the years has been just sheer delight yeah i mean you you both have worked pretty extensively with them across many games so i'm sure you're just if for you both is it just a a thing where like is there even a casting call is it just like hey you want to do this oh yeah yeah they're going to look for the best voice and there have been times that i've done voices and auditioned for things that i didn't get even within bethesda uh even though i've been doing it for a long time what i'm lucky is that they still give me a call and give me a shot and let me let me have a try at a couple of these anytime i get a chance to come out and play in their sandbox i'm a happy man of course you're here that are the washington capitals yeah that caught me the hell off guard as a rangers fan i was like i don't know if i want them on here now well i always have one of these so [Laughter] i was i was super fortunate just on lines with with deacon i was given so many well-written and and funny and sarcastic and off-the-cuff seeming sort of uh lines i'm not sure if there was a particular writer in general that's responsible for them but i was blown away uh every time i went in of of something that i wouldn't have even thought that deacon was going to come up with that that he did um and there's so many i was thinking about that is there one particular line there's there's different ones that apply to different things that are fantastic um but one that that seems to encapsulate sort of the whole fallout fandom that i've been part of and and our whole community here is uh he says um we're just one big dysfunctional family with guns [Laughter] for me it was um i don't know if it was my favorite line because there was a lot man obviously i loved the uh you know sheamus it's your old pal molly mcfuck yourself um and doing all the silver shroud stuff was also amazing but i loved having you an impression of me that was so fun it was so great and i just had to do this the whole time i always had to have my uh um and it that was amazing that was one of my favorite parts of the doing that was actually where i was like i don't think this is gonna work and then it ended up once once cal was like let yourself go do it i was just like this is so much fun but i really did love well love uh was destroyed by getting to do the ending monologue um with the war war never changes um because that is such a like iconic and haven't gone and listened to ron perlman and roman too i just um i actually ended up like i was in a freaking puddle the day that we did it like i had to go outside and pull myself together because it was just such a it was just so moving and also like getting to kind of carry this torch from another game and knowing how much it means both in the game and also just like in life and and i i can't even put words to it everybody was we were all crying that day truly and also on the day when you recorded um the unfreezing and finding of of the hubby's body that that you know it's it's tricky because gameplay sometimes drives choices right so that was originally a much longer and more involved moment i wish i hope somewhere the recording of what courtney did before it was implemented exists because it was a i mean we were everybody in the booth you know hardened and vo uh recording engineers were uh just crying that that day because it was so um heart cracking a performance so yeah but i i was i will say that of all the many games i've worked on fallout is the one that has pulled the most that this is the franchise that has pulled the most uh tears out of me over the years yeah i hope that recording exists too because i was like when i saw the opening and i was like i had to ice my eyes when i got home i went through like a box of kleenex and it didn't yeah it ended up making in the game but i was just like ah but it was because ultimately they were like you know we gotta people gotta get into it faster yeah and that's a game that's a gameplay concern and it's a very real one but for sure that performance exists some somewhere on tape and and man uh or i guess there's ones and zeros you want to hear it now oh my goodness i am very curious i wasn't aware of things yeah yeah it was real snotty real snotty lots of kleenex and uh and that was an amazing thing is also that that you know just to kind of circle back like to what i what we learned about doing this game was i didn't really know i had played characters that had those kinds of moments before but as a mom and um which i'm not um to be able to for how to have them give you something like that and be able to really um step into those shoes was and and have that kind of reaction i was really afraid of it and i'm so grateful to bethesda for allowing me that scene um and and that material and being able to go like oh wow like i walked out of that booth after that and it made me a better actor and it made me more confident in what i could bring to the party so and what games could be so i really am grateful to them for that absolutely yeah i mean it was definitely one of the stronger moments of the game for sure and you can definitely feel like you like there's a degree of when you're playing a moment and you can tell when someone's like very into it and when someone's just kind of it's another line you could feel in that time that it was like uh you know there was a lot of heart in it and that you know now that makes a lot more sense when you you fill in the gaps behind the scenes on what exactly was happening there um yeah is there any other lines or should i should i sadly have to wrap this there's a brian delaney line i want to call out because i it's the worst i've ever cracked up in a booth and i want to call it out because it tells you what an actor brings to a performance that isn't on the page because on the the page the line was just what's a tato short for potato question mark like that right brian hits this line he goes what's a potato ah short for potato and it was so different from the way it reads on the page that i i cried cracked up for we lost like three minutes because i couldn't stop lying what's a potato short for potato are you so proud of it it's a little throwaway line in like one of the one of those like um sewage settlements but it's one of my favorites in the whole game because it it really it shows you you know the kind of the magic of performance because no the writer the director nobody thought that it was going to be that way right until it was that way in the moment so was that what's up piper was your companion do you have a favorite line i've heard you could could you speak for the the they're out there that you'd want to hear i would say um for me yeah piper piper was uh probably my favorite you know and uh it became like a whole me i'm sorry you were the best surprise dramatic uh i would say it was it wasn't really a line like oh what a kind of like a level of what a delivery or wow that moved me it was more so the personality if she's like let's go blue you know like that kind of come on blue yeah just calling calling him blue i just i thought that was such a almost stroke of brilliance in general because no one else calls him blue it felt more i guess no one else as far as i know no i'm pretty sure you you own that yeah that's all you or her and you know what else is great about that is blue is that yes exactly blue is a is a gender agnostic uh term of affection so whether the uh player is playing masculine feminine or non-binary it works every way and we don't have to record two versions of the line so there you go let's go blue there you go i love that uh and i think everyone already said their their respective lines um so i guess yeah now is the time we wrap it up sadly you know it's been about two hours and this has been an absolute blast of the people in the chat have been wonderful too they've sent compliments each one of your ways and i just want to you know from the bottom of my heart thank you for letting me do this you know each of you inspire me in one way or another and i've listened to your work over the years and uh to share a space with you and just get to talk with you i i can't put into words how much that actually does mean to me it uh it is it is heartwarming but it's also just very humbling so i want to thank each of you for for allowing me to do this um because there is trust there and i appreciate that and i hope i represented you well and and made this a fun thing for all of you thank you and broadly the fans in general this franchise is what it is because it has a level of engagement from the people who play it and love it that is unlike anything else i've ever been involved with um you know from the memes on down and so you know we we get to do what we get to do because you guys uh you know share your love of it so freely so we really appreciate that yeah if i could just add maddie you in particular um right from the first day when i came on on instagram and started interacting with with uh people within the fallout community and that you you were uh you were so helpful to me i reached out to you asked you some questions and you were really informative and and supportive and emailing with me back and forth and then doing my uh my interview stuff with you early on yeah was one of the greatest pleasures i had in doing this and um and exposing me to the to the fans out there and stuff so that i could then interact with them and it's been an amazingly supportive community yeah so much love from the fans in the fall community just blows my mind so thanks to that and thanks to all of you for helping to create all this and let me be a part of it appreciate it of course i mean yeah the chat's actually popping off with like thank yous to all of you for your incredible performances for your time uh for your your delightful answers at that i mean this is this is awesome to see so uh with that i guess we'll wrap it up unless there's any final things any of you want to throw out there just a reminder these guys are going to be on stream extremely right yes yes uh here shortly just want to call that out again they're getting more of their time to that so yeah there will be go on over there yeah there will be a link down below in the description if you want any more of these wonderful people they'll be doing respective signings you can uh you can join them talk with them a little bit more maybe ask some more questions get some some signed uh some signed head shots and all that good stuff or characters um so all of that will be linked in the description down below along with everyone's um uh social and websites so you know they're all wonderful people please give them follows on instagram twitter check out their sites all that good stuff um anything else i'm missing here thank you to ryan as well ryan thanks brian he's not spoken this whole time orion set up everything tech wise he set up the call uh he did the thumbnail for me he got the uh for those of you been here to the start he had the intro uh with the police standby uh he handled pretty much all that's all i had to do was focus on putting this together so i want to thank ryan specifically for you know doing the heavy lifting behind the scenes for us and it does not go unappreciated he's the best thank you thanks ryan thanks thank you all right for tuning in yeah absolutely everyone thanks guys yeah thank thank you buddy all right once again link down below to the extremely please go support these people they're all wonderful and thank you once again for your time we hope you enjoyed this will be archived so if you want to watch more watch it again re-experience it it will be here on my channel feel free to share it around if you're interested and with that we'll see you guys you know in another five years maybe who knows see you in the wasteland we'll be there thanks guys take care bye thank you guys thank you bye
Channel: MrMattyPlays
Views: 45,835
Rating: 4.975697 out of 5
Id: iuwC_ffVk_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 56sec (8576 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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