FALL WEEK OF PRAYER 2021 | Friday, October 1st | Northern Caribbean University

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[Music] [Music] love of hearts i'm going to begin with him number 88 i sing the mighty poor of god [Music] the sun [Music] and all the stars obey i see the goodness of the lord that filled the earth with food he formed the creatures with his word and then pronounced them good lord how thy wanderers [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] live out thy life within me [Music] answer to all my questions [Music] my [Music] let thy [Music] the body [Music] at all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh jesus king of kings answer to all my questions and our final him for our prison worship this evening is hymn number 422 marching to zion that is number 422 marching to zion [Music] come with us [Music] [Music] us [Music] of god let golds refuse to sing who never knew our god but children of the but heavenly of the heavenly king may speak their joys abroad [Music] [Applause] [Music] a thousand sacred sweets before we reach the heavenly field before we reach the heavenly [Music] [Music] beautiful [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful [Music] beautiful [Music] shall we pray [Music] our gracious heavenly father [Music] to thee we ascribe honor and praise we're so thankful lord that you've kept us through what has been a difficult week and here we are on this your holy sabbath day of rest a week in which we sensed your love you provided you're protected you guided and you forgave us when we asked the forgiveness of our sins and so we want to thank you lord for always being there for us and yet lord some of us that have have had a try week some have sustained losses loss of loved ones some have been ill and they've been all kinds of challenges but through it all you've been there with us and you have taken us safely through to this time over the last several days dear lord we have been having our weekly spiritual emphasis you have spoken through your servant and we pray almighty god that the words you sent us would not return void we pray that hearts will be born for your kingdom and so heavenly father as the meeting continues we pray for the presence of your sweet holy spirit and may we sense his nearness to us in a very distinct way so lord please hear our prayers and grant your requests according to your will and this we do with thanksgiving in jesus name amen [Music] ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters happy sabbath to you oh what peace we often forfeit oh what needless pain we bear all because we do not carry everything to god in prayer he has brought us safely through another week and on these sacred hours i welcome you to our full week of spiritual emphasis under the theme let's follow jesus the journey of love so i welcome those who are joining us by way of ncufm 91.1 91.3 and 91.5 i welcome those who are joining by means of flow television network channels 188 and the 617 and those who are on ncu youtube and facebook we welcome you to our week of spiritual emphasis and the praise team now will join me as we make you feel relaxed and in the frame of mind as they sing the welcome song join us as we sing or welcome song if you're happy and you know it's [Music] if you're happy and you know it say amen stay amen [Music] foreign [Music] and you're happy [Music] falls on you makes you shocked hallelujah [Music] [Music] and you're happy [Music] [Applause] falls on you makes you shout hallelujah if you're happy and you know it [Music] amen [Music] [Applause] it's a wonderful feeling to be happy in the lord the pleasure and privilege is mine to introduce to you one whom god has chosen and since last friday evening when we started our week of prayer for fall 2021 he has been preaching the thus saith the lord god i speak of pastor venkat dyer a graduate of northern caribbean university the senior pastor at the glen devon circuit of seventh-day adventist churches there in saint james and he is happily married to kim white and the union has produced one son jaden god has been using him to bless our hearts with plain practical pungent pinpointed prophetic preaching tonight again he stands ready as god's mouthpiece open your hearts as the spirit speaks to you and after the singing of the musical selection by dave gale god's servant pastor venkat dyer will speak to a heart be blessed and receive him as he speaks to you tonight and now we'll be singing our theme song reckless love [Music] i spoke a word you are singing life in me [Music] you have been so so kind to me [Music] before i took a breath you breathe your life in me [Music] you have been so so good to me all the overwhelming never-ending reckless love [Music] [Music] i don't deserve it still you gain yourself away all the overwhelming [Music] every breathless love of god [Music] oh and i don't deserve it still you gave yourself away [Music] [Music] tonight as we prepare to pray our prayer focus tonight is god's continued leadership leadership over his church and over ncu our beloved university we will pray after this song all our sins [Music] it is to carry [Music] and temptation is [Music] savior he is [Music] [Music] when we have [Music] and [Music] should never be discouraged when we take it to the lord in prayer [Music] this evening we are so grateful so happy for the privilege of coming into your presence to commune with you to worship you to praise you to adore your name we thank you for this week of spiritual emphasis the word that has gone forth and the baptism that has taken place but heavenly father we pause to present before you your church the body of christ the only institution upon this earth which you place your supreme regard father your word tells us of jesus saying that upon this wrath upon himself he will build his church and the gates of hell shall not prevail again and ever since the inception of the new testament church the enemy has assailed but the enemy has not prevailed and we know that the enemy will never prevail against the church yes there have been challenges there will continue to be challenges but we pray the lord that you will bring about the um unity that we need in order to go forward in this spiritual warfare we're living in unprecedented times we're living in a challenging time and the forecast is things are going to get rougher things are going to get much more difficult and your church needs to be united in jesus christ and so we pray holy father that you will give us a special function of your holy spirit a special pouring of the spirit of love and grace and unity that he will go forward not fearing anything not fearing the attack of the evil one because he is already a defeated foe the word says that the veins overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony help us lord and the people to be more prayerful to seek your faith more earnestly because the spiritual warfare upon which we have begun to engage is going to become more intense as we get closer to the end and unless we are truly connected with jesus we will fail of the victory and so tonight as we listen again to your man servant we pray that your holy spirit will speak to him and through him and that he will bring a special blessing to our university family for which we also pray for our uh president the vice president and uh department heads chairs and deans our students every worker we lift them up before you and we ask for your special blessing anointing and that you will intervene into our various circumstances and bring deliverance and with the deliverance draw us closer to jesus christ we thank you so much for hearing our prayer tonight lord and we thank you for answering in jesus name amen [Music] when we have [Music] late and [Music] never be discouraged when we take him to the lord in prayer [Music] take into the lord in prayer [Music] [Music] it's not cathedrals it's not steeples it's not crosses made of gold it's not just a man of stories that have been passed down from old religion or tradition that can save the souls of man it took the sinless blood of one holy land it's all about the blood it's all about calvary it's all about mercy flowing down it's all about a sacrifice god's love is all about the blood of jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] an will forever be [Music] [Applause] [Music] about is it's all about mercy flowing down and old rocket trees it's all about a sacrifice [Music] nothing but the blood nothing but the god's love is all about the blood of jesus christ god's love is all about the blood of jesus christ jesus christ thank you so much to testify for that wonderful meditative song it's indeed a pleasure to hear uh the music that comes through as god's people blend their voices together in honor of the king of kings uh happy sabbath my ncu family and happy sabbath to friends of nce what a joy it is to worship god on this sabbath afternoon it is indeed a blessing to be in god's presence and what a week we've had focusing on the love of god it's been an awesome week as we reflect on how much god truly recklessly selflessly completely is in love with us and this evening we are going to be looking again at god's love our subject for this evening is holding on to his love and let me say thanks again for those kind words of introduction and it's a joy to know that i have members of my family joining online my aunt my brother and my sister and family members welcome this evening holding on to his love holding on to his love and i must acknowledge my church families who are also joining us this evening invite to them to bridge with me as we pray father in heaven as we go into your word let your holy spirit lead and direct our thoughts we ask in jesus blessed name amen holding on to his love turn your bibles with me to the book of jeremiah chapter 12 and we'll read verse 5. it says if thou hast run with the footmen and they have weary thee then how can thou contend with horses and if in the land of peace wherein thou trusted they we with thee then how will thou do in the swelling of jordan jeremiah at the start of the chapter grappled with the concept of god's action in the human experience wherefore dot the wicked prosper he questioned he could not understand the prosperity of the wicked and the suffering of the righteous but this struggle was not peculiar to the weak being prophet in fact job in job 21 verses 7 to 13 bemoaned wherefore does the wicked live grow old and are mighty in power and david david in the 73rd psalm the 73rd psalm verses 1 to 12 he lamented david said i was envious of the foolish when i saw the prosperity of the wicked they just couldn't understand the providences of a good and caring god in the light of human predicament and no doubt we too at times can't always seem to come to grip with the providences of god in the difficulties of life when we lose someone we love when illness rocks or frame and our finances crumble and we lose our best game when you plant your crops and there's no more rain when you run the race and it's all in vain when the stresses in life are driving you insane when your raped dignity seems impossible to regain in the dark of doubt and the reign of pain in your moments of germany you cry what has thou forsaken me but as the prophet mourns life resistitudes and challenges god in his infinite wisdom asked him to compare his small sorrows to the larger troubles of others or with the larger troubles that would yet come to him while he complained while his complaints came amidst tears god asked jeremiah 12 5 if thou has run with the footmen and they have we with thee then how canst thou contend with horses the last time i checked the fastest ever human being usain bolt's top speed is 44.72 kilometers per hour unanimously considered as the world fastest human a horse however average speed is 88 kilometers per hour twice that of usain bolt if you can't run with your same boat then how are you gonna run with with horses if you can't run with usain bolt how you gonna run with further and beyond if you can't run with you saying about how you're gonna catch up with calculus and she's a wonder you have to check him on a spark foot man in this sense is a figure representing the ordinary vicissitudes of life as compared with the horses or horsemen representing the more difficult experiences of life the ordinary man it says could be expected to keep up with the ordinary man we ought to be able to keep up with our fellow men if we should become weary when running with the footmen how could we face the harder task of keeping up with horses the lesson gives the prophet of all a lesson and insight into what is coming and so as a prophet look at what will welcome home to each of us one day if we neglect the minor tasks of life or can we undertake the greater responsibilities that may come to us so he questioned if you cannot stay up with the foot man how will you contend with horses if we succumb to the smaller temptations of everyday life how can we overcome the greater crisis of life if we if we cannot endure the lesser troubles of life how can we withstand the terrible tribulations that will yet come upon us and finally if we fail if we fail to meet the situation of the present day with faith and trust how will we be able to stand the almost unendurable hardships and almost over mastering delusions that will come upon this world in the time of trouble for jesus in matthew 24 after outlining several frightful events wars and rumors of wars earthquakes famines pestilences persecutions he warned that there is coming a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation to this day a quote from daniel 12 1. so then if we can't cope with a cut in our salaries how will we cope with no salaries at all if we can't cope with restricted hours of worship how will we cope and we're not allowed by the government if we can't cope with coronavirus how will we cope with the seven last plagues if we can't cope with the murder now how will we cope with the genocide of adventists things and times are tough now but the word is warning is going to get worse in fact ii timothy 3 verses 1 to 4 tells me this know also that in the last days perilous times shall come for men it says shall be lovers of themselves covetous bosses proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truth breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good traitors heavy high-minded lovers of pleasure were the lovers of god almighty having a form of godliness but denying the power of god let me hear haste to tell you that we are nearing the days of the horsemen are you hearing me we are nearing the days of the horsemen we cannot be found sleeping therefore but we must be watchmen on the walls of zion we must now be giving the trumpet a certain sound we are now at the rise of the swelling of jordan and we must ask the lord to wash our eyes with ourselves so we may see we need that spiritual discernment for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places ephesians 6 12 the bible is very clear spiritual things are spiritually discerned if we should look at this coupled with the knowledge that according to revelation 12 verse 12 the devil is wrapped with us that no one would want to see tomorrow but thanks be to god danielle made it clear that the time of our greatest crisis at the time of our most difficult dilemmas at a time when things seem hopeless and life seemed meaningless at a time when our faith is at its greatest stress michael shall stand up so keep holding on to his unchanging hand keep holding on and trusting in his wrath brothers and sisters it is the hope with which we live for every time michael stand up the devil falls oh michael stand up he stood in heaven and satan fell to the earth he stood in the wilderness and satan fell from his successor temptations he stood at the grave of lazarus and death satan's greatest weapon fell from his hand he stood on mount calvary and satan fell from his access to the gates of glory and when he shall stand up on that day then pain shall be defeated tears defeated childs defeated soros defeated heartaches defeated persecutions defeated hunger defeated classes him defeated covered defeated heatwaves defeated unemployment defeated political devoid defeated sin defeated separation defeated death shall be defeated satan shall be defeated and jesus christ shall stand victorious at last so let the horses come let the devil unleash his fury for he know he has but a short time before michael shall stand up for he shall stand as king of kings and lords of lords even so come lord jesus so mark 13 26 the bible says and then shall they see the sign of the son of man coming in the clouds with power and great glory oh what a day when with my eyes i shall see the one who died for me who declared through his deeds he is still madly in love with me i may not have all i want now but he always comes through for me i may not be where i want to be but thank god he's still working on me i may not say all you want me to say but thank god he still speaks through this lump of clay i may not be your favorite but thank god he favors me i may not be loved by you but he never stops loving me so i will hold on when hardships come i will hold on when my faith is tested i will hold on when my loved ones are taken away i will hold on when i'm too weak to stand i will hold on but i can't see my way through i will hold on when my back is against the wall i will hold on to the last thread of hope of jesus christ in the hope of ages past the hope of the present generation and hope for ages to come i will lord honor where the food man be upon me i will hold on when the horses come i will hold on for weeping may endure for a night but joy joy joy comes in the morning light i will hold on for like job i know that my redeemer lives and he shall stand at last on the earth and after my skin worms destroy this body yet this i know that in my flesh i shall see god i will hold on and on and on and on and on let go your songwriter says sweet promise is given to all who believe behold i come quickly man on to receive he promised me that if i hold on if i no experience if i now experience that which shall not make me die that it tells me once breath is in my nostrils i'm gonna hold behind the sky if only i am willing to put nothing between my soul and the savior so in hebrews chapter 12 verses 1 to 4 the apostle of the lord writes we are for seeing we are compassed about we're so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which death easily beset us let us run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto jesus the author and the finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and he sat down at the right hand of the throne of god for consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest he be wearied and faint in your mind for you have not yet resisted blood striving against sin paul continues he says in second timothy 4 7 i have fought a good fight oh yes i finished my course i have kept the faith henceforth there is a letter for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give not only to me but unto all thank god not just the poor but to all it says that includes you to all it says that includes me to all that it was all saints of all ages to all those that love his appearing so i will never let go of his unchanging hand for only through him is my victory guaranteed but like job i will declare even though he slay me yet will i put my trust in him or receive the glimpse of the golden morning jesus soon shall come so we'll hold on with everything that's within me i will hold on when the words say i can't make it i will hold on when they laugh at my faith i will hold on when secularism ridicules me i will hold on revolution says this is foolishness for first corinthians chapter 1 and verse 18 the word of the lord says for the preaching of the cross hallelujah the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us who are saved it is the power the power of god almighty so i will hold on and i will not let go i will hold on to his unchanging hand i will hold on to the love of my god ii timothy 1 verse 13 says i will hold fast the form of sound words which thou hast heard of me in faith and love which is in christ jesus marking he is mocking he is the lord of lords he is the rose of sharon he is the bright and morning star he's my everything so jeremiah asks what will you do when the horses men come what will you do when the horses are upon you what will you do when you struggle to make it through what will you do when your faith is tested what will you do when you're tempted and tried what will you do when you don't know which way to turn what will you do when you soaked your pillow all night what will you do when you're faced with fight or flight what will you do at the moment of distress what will you do when deep in your soul is about darkness what will you do when you're worried that you will not make it another night what will you do whenever vibe of your body is struggling to survive what will you do when depression holds you down what will you do oh brother or sister if you've got nothing to hold on to then we'll crumble and fail but i've got a god i've got king jesus and he's enough yes oh lord he is enough so i'll hold on i'll hold on to his unchanging hands and hold on but i have nothing else to hold on to i cling to jesus he's the author and the finisher of my faith so what will you do when your world's falling apart i will hold on what will you do when troubles be upon you i will hold on what will you do when the journey is rough and rugged i'll hold on to his hand of love so come let's follow jesus on this journey of love hold on to his unchanging hand abide in the fullness of his glory rest your gaze and fix your affection on the glorious things of heaven above for my faith has found a resting place not in a man-made creed i trust the effort living one that he for me will plead i will hold on and hold on because there's nothing else in this world that can keep me in the turns of my despair i will hold on when despondency sets in there's nothing else i can turn to but jesus is a constant he's the same yesterday today and forevermore so when it seemed all hope is gone i'll hold on and on and on and on to the hand of jesus christ for his promises are certain his words are true he never failed me yet and it's not about to begin with you so you can put your trust in jesus my brother my sister this is a final night of the series god is extending his hand to you his hand of love and mercy his hand of grace and peace he's extending his hand to you he's saying to you come he blessed off my father inherit that which god has prepared for you he's calling you to make a decision for him he's calling you to stand up for him we know troublesome times are coming we know difficult days are upon us but it's only going to get worse and your only hope to make it through is wrapped up in the hands of jesus as sister francis shares in this song why don't you make a decision to make heaven your home why don't you choose jesus now [Music] hear the spirit of the living god can you hear him appealing [Music] come and see come receive come and live forever [Music] come just as you are praise the lord won't you hear the spirit calm can you hear jesus call [Music] come my son see that there is hope in jesus come receive of him [Music] take it take it open your heart and receive it [Music] there's nothing you're going through at this time the hand of god can't get you over will you come to jesus will you come to jesus we know these days are unprecedented times and we feel like we're experiencing the worst time in modern history the word of god says it's gonna get worse but god is calling you he's calling you [Music] the spirit is speaking to you you hear him calling you you feel his tug at your heart you hear him crying out to you i'm saying to you click that link someone is waiting for you at the altar a member of the ministerial staff is waiting at the altar you click that link that says the altar enter that room someone will walk you through the process someone will pray for you someone will counsel with you someone will help you to fill out that decision card go ahead he's calling you he's appealing to your heart he knows what you're going through he says come [Music] what a promise all we know is death all we see is death death pain suffering and decay but god says life you can have [Music] he's offering you the living water of life are you ready to receive it are you ready are you ready all you have to do is open your heart let him in that's all you have to do open your hearts and enemies it's calling to you i'm giving you time giving you time right now click that link let someone pray for you talk with someone let me help you through the process to make your decision for jesus christ [Music] now as i speak to you now in the process of planning a funeral service for my beloved aunt and i don't want to say much because i know barbara is watching but i've never experienced what i experienced she put the phone to her ear and say beat her goodbye how do you tell someone someone you love goodbye you know what got me through that hour only one thing got me through that hour [Music] because paul first thessalonians 4 tells me paul tells me he says [Music] that those of us are alive and remain shall not prevent those who are asleep in him [Music] it tells me that the day is coming when the dead in christ shall rise [Music] and forever forever we shall live and reign with god almighty all we know on this earth is suffering pain and death all we know on this earth is decay on sorrow but the day is coming [Music] what is your hope to what do you hold on to now god is calling you he's saying you don't have to allow this to be all you know for he wants to expose you to the glories above but if you're gonna make it there gotta serve him here so he's calling you you left heaven come here for you he's saying all you have to do is click a link and come to the altar for me is that too much for the king of kings he's calling you make a decision today while you yet can we're going to be praying we're gonna be praying that god will give you the courage to stand up for him and i pray that while you're now content with the footman of problems you will stand faithful enough so the horsemen be upon us we can survive for there is coming a time of trouble such as never was are you ready are you ready if you're struggling now to cope are you ready when perilous times shall come are you ready jesus want to get you through but have to choose him today [Music] fire his with me let us pray father we thank you we thank you for revealing your amazing love to us all week [Music] lord if there's one thing certain is that you never stop loving us even with messed up washed up choosing evil over good when our own decisions are sinking us nationally of moral failures when everything we try to do is carved and marred by sin and hopelessness sets in your love your love comes rushing in thank you jesus and we're hopeless you gave us hope but without peace we roam this earth you give us peace when we did not know what it is to be loved you love us so much you give your life for us when we thought you would never want to accept us again you place on us a robe of righteousness from our hearts we shout to you hallelujah praise the lamb lord in this solemn moment when a soul scarred by sin is searching for peace is searching for something more in this moment when a soul filled with despair feel like they can't make it may your spirit draw near and from the challenging crucibles of life from the vicissitudes that violently violates us from the pits for shame and disgrace from the ashes for losses [Music] you're creating something brand new like a potter with pieces of clay you're molding on fashions into your likeness while we are impatient to allow you to work the process through it all you bestow your love on us how can we say thanks for the things you've done for us how can we say thanks for never stop loving us he said oh my child i'll tell you how if you love me keep my commandments and if you shall be saved then you must be born again may this day may this blessed sabbath day but in the morning light not of your word shall be spoken sons and daughters who are honest in heart sincere seekers of their righteousness find their place at the altar find their place in the water and make their surrender to you let me give us a good night's rest may you wake us in the morning with the joy bubbling in our souls because the recipients of your grace we ask it all in jesus name amen [Music] thank you so much for joining us may god bless you and keep you till we meet again in the morning light god bless you [Music] come just as you are hear the spirit calls come just as you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] strength [Music] for two days [Music] [Music] again [Music] just as you are [Music] don't you hear the spirit [Music] [Music] come and live forever [Music] our heavenly father we thank you for the gift of your son jesus christ we thank you for the beautiful invitation extended to us inviting us to come to come irrespective of our gender as we are and tonight our father we have come because we need healing we need cleansing we need a heart like yours so we are asking you now to take us as we are and father we're asking through the precious blood of jesus through the power of your holy spirit that you will work a transformation in our lives so that every day the very day that we live each day will be a testimony that we have come to know jesus whom to know is life eternal we thank you for the word tonight holy father and there's someone now who needs to make a decision to follow you i'm asking o father to allow your sweet holy spirit to work on such a heart so that that individual can make a surrender to jesus tonight we're asking you to encircle us to bless us and as we go through this night may angels attend unto us may your spirit dwell richly within our hearts and father we are asking you now to accept or surrender to jesus as we ask all these mercies in jesus precious name amen and amen i was [Music] seeking to rise no more but the master [Music] i [Music] when nothing else could help lovely [Music] to him [Music] love so mighty and true [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus completely says [Music] [Music] he's the master of the season [Music] lovely [Music] love live [Music] [Music] [Music] oh it chases me out by and i don't deserve it still you gave yourself away [Music] love upon [Music] you
Channel: Northern Caribbean University
Views: 1,809
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: E2kSxwL26fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 40sec (4300 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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