FALCON AND WINTER SOLDIER EPISODE 6 BREAKDOWN! Easter Eggs & Details You Missed! (Series Finale)

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welcome back to new rockstars i'm eric boss and this is a breakdown of the falcon the winter soldier episode 6 the finale one world one people in which captain america sam wilson dresses up and home team whites u.s agent john walker is back black and sharon carter did to my theories which he did to that black smasher's face look folks my favorite part of this has always been to just go back through the episodes and point out all the interesting details that you might have missed and this finale is filled with little stuff that you can gnaw on like sarah's tiny potato slices or zemo's gross turkish delights okay we open on the flagsmasher's disruption of the grc vote actually carly's voice over here is actually the same line that she spoke in latvia last episode they're not going to stop was more emotional than now they use an alternate take where she sounded more resolute and firm then a little moment with bucky that i loved nice this officer respects bucky's service and his rank telling us that some people in this world really do learn from the history and cap smithsonian exhibit making it an even bigger deal when isaiah's history will later become restored sharon carter uses the same mesh face mask that natasha used in winter soldier it also appeared in agents of shield now while you could see sharon's suspicious behavior in the post-credits scene as a set-up for secret invasion this mask to me signals that she herself is probably not going to be a scroll because then she wouldn't really need that kind of cloaking tech right but then again apparently no one cares about sharon's past history so whatever notice how the flag smashers use these smoke grenades that glow green and then sharon talks about her deadly mercury vapor she says among other things that she uses on that flag smasher that emits a green smoke and then those locks that they use on a truck doors have eight claws and they're strong they take several strikes of bucky's vibranium arm to break remember batroc supplied this gear courtesy of sharon after she hired him and sharon called someone on the phone in the post-credits scene super soldiers might be off the menu but we're about to have full access to government secrets prototype weapons you name it i'm thinking one of sharon's trading partners and the source of this tech could be ozcorp normally i'm hesitant to lean on spider-man villains like green goblin norman osborne in my mcu theories since all those are sony properties and marvel can really only do so much with them in non-spider-man titles but sony did just sign a deal with disney plus that makes that kind of future ip sharing a bit more likely and by something for everyone sharon might mean a team of weapons tech manufacturers known for green glowing grenades a weapon used by green goblin and eight armed reinforced metal gear that you could see someone like doc ock putting together and this comes within a week of alfred molina talking about his role as doc in spider-man no way home but before we continue thank you to bessie shoes for sponsoring this video bessie makes these knit sneakers that are 100 waterproof and snow proof they're super breathable so they don't let any liquid in but they do let the air move out winter snow no biggie spring mud not concerned summer rain showers well might ruin my elaborate picnic plants but they will not make my feet wet bessie's shoes are super stretchy they fit like a sock and they only weigh 175 grams which is way less than the cheese log i've made for my picnic and they're made with this cool dimetex material that keeps your feet warm and cold weather and cool and warm weather and it's super easy to clean with just a rinse of water you know when the weather's nice i like to lounge by the pool but sometimes i'm just lounging too much and plunk my shoes got all wet but hey wouldn't you know it thanks to these messy knit sneakers my little piggies are bone dry thanksy these are some truly everyday shoes no matter the weather of your activities these shoes are perfect for you this is the perfect gift for you and your loved ones especially for the upcoming rainy season get them while they still have sizes and you can thank me later check them out in the link below and use my code new rockstars to get 25 off your vessy shoes so sam wilson swoops in with his new suit yeah now the music here evokes the steve rogers cap thing but it is a variant that is unique to sam this suit's largely white design reflects sam's look in the comics when he becomes cap including the half cowl that shield magnetically latches to his back like it did with steve and sam being in white here creates an interesting contrast with us agent john walker it's the same but black sam as a black man in a role historically seen as a white man walker as a white man now donning the archetypal black hat but sam does not leave us guessing i'm sorry wait who are you captain america i thought captain america was on the moon yeah the guy calls back torres it's conspiracy theory that steve rogers was on the moon this series never gave us an answer as to what happened with old cap from in-game kind of treated the mystery as more of a joke because i guess these disney plush shows can only do so much mcu world building but for now i'm just gonna go with cap is in space with nick fury so as the grcc diplomats are evacuated listen to this voice flaring over the pa system [Music] group three will leave the air support on the roof maybe don't announce this while terrorists have infiltrated the freaking building like imagine if that happened at the capitol uh actually maybe don't mentally compare what the flag smashers are doing to january 6 and just don't a flag smasher hands bucky a phone with carly calling via that flag smashers app the app that bucky will later use to trap the flag smashers they must have thought 106 year old man couldn't work the app they thought wrong carly asks bucky i'm fighting for something bigger than myself have you ever been able to say the same you don't think i ever fought for something bigger than myself that's all i ever tried to do and i failed twice yeah bucky fought freaking thanos you dummy his two losses may refer to his losses in infinity war and in world war ii you could argue though i don't really know if it's fair to say he's lost that really every fight this dude fights has been over something bigger than himself sam subdues batroc by kick flipping the shield and then tossing it out the window first to break it before swooping back out to catch it this is also kind of how he had to enter the building by smashing the window with the shield first see if those were condensed i just given him a vibranium head covering instead of leaving his scalp weirdly exposed he wouldn't have to worry about smashing through the glass himself he's made a vibranium at that point sam uses red wing to scan the grc hostages and on the screen you can see her name ayla perez she's a background in the philippine air force with experience flying both apache and chinook helicopters chinook helicopters are twin roaders that tell sam that perez has experience with multiple types of helicopters and that he can trust her to climb into that seat and pull it out of a dive even though that would probably be very difficult for anyone other than tom cruise to do sam saves the nypd pilots shielding one with his wings and the cap shield on top showing how the wakandans designed this to be a perfect interlocking vibranium seal john walker shows up with his cosplay shield his medal of honor welded on the inside notice how this shield has a lighter more tinny sound than the deeper mystical hum of the vibranium as bucky falls into the construction pit he screams echoing his scream as he fell from the train in the first cap film the scream that inspired his winter soldier whale which we have not heard on this show since his wakandan campfire going clear moment and since he is no longer haunted bucky now sticks the superhero landing oh hey by the way our anarchy assembled shirt is still available along with our amazing new zemo design though we are running low on supply for both of those so you gotta move fast you can support us this way at newrockstarsmerch.com so carly tries to murder hostages put in walker at this crossroads yeah notice composer henry jackman brings back his theme from civil war here to underline walker's come to jesus moment choosing to save the hostages instead of seeking revenge on carly though i should say after what he did in episodes four and five for john walker it's not really come to jesus as it is jesus actually pulling away his mesh face mask reveals manifesto underneath because that guy's going to hell but walker's choice is emphasized by what he does let drop his cosplay shield it's beaten and limp but when the truck goes loose again it's the true shield that lifts it framing the shield like a rising sun saving these lives an inverse of the way john walker framed it eclipsing nico and ending his life sam uses his drones for a boost similar to iron man's drones in spider-man homecoming really with this suit sam is truly a fusion of captain america and iron man with the vibranium tech of black panther an onlooker watches this calling him black falcon like the kid in baltimore in episode two bucky catches the rebarb spear i love how this dude catches pretty much everything hurled at him on the show walker with the shield on the truck the knife in episode 4 the shield again in the fight last episode get this man a goalie mask and then sharon is revealed to be the power broker a twist that seems both overly obvious but also pretty inconsistent with the character's past behavior and timeline we go all into it and inside marvel but hey the good news is according to this sharon carter is now apparently the mcu's most brilliant mastermind who also makes things weirdly hard for herself and if that's the sharon you love cool now you could argue sharon never explicitly declares herself the power broker without a super soldiers how much power does the power broker really have more than you so you're the power broker but sharon kills batroc only because he threatens to expose her as the power broker to the world as a woman behind the curtain she needs anonymity and if she wasn't the power broker here she wouldn't care what batroc told people so sam shows up to fight carly anchoring his wings in the concrete similar to spider-man planting his extra arms while fighting thanos but sam avoids fighting her he does these flips and somersaults the same ones that we saw him training with last episode so i love looking back on that training as really defensive conflict avoiding training carly says die down [Music] no yes similar to iron man saying this to the previous cap in civil war stay down final warning yeah shame that sam here doesn't say i can do this all day but i guess that's steve's line walker quotes abraham lincoln mercy bear is richer fruit than strict justice yeah the president who oversaw the u.s civil war another sign that walker is learning the lessons that these avengers had to learn the hard way in their civil war so carly dies in sam's arms holding the hamsa pendant that she held at mamadonia's deathbed and as sam carries her body his outstretched wings evoke that of an angel delivering the soul to the afterlife or really john i'm a fist dope because she's going to hell i love how the reporters don't know what to make of sam captain falcon i wonder what sam's big move in super smash would be [Music] so sam lectures the grc leaders to change course telling them that they gotta do better and if i can do better and you can do better maybe we all can do better hey pretty great really even deeper than sam's great points are the fact that we are seeing a black captain america publicly speaking truth to power it is a core component to cap's character that we saw when steve debated nick fury and captain america winter soldier or stood up to tony stark in civil war and bucky acknowledges this evolution nice job cap thanks bucky pat's the shield he is both complimenting sam by calling him cap and patting the shield as a way of saying nice job steve for choosing this guy and the last time we see sam in this suit on this series he soars across the frame with the shield briefly in close-up gliding past us meanwhile the rest of the flag smashers go boom are you looking for this detonated by osnick zemo's butler from episode three and this news gets to zemo on the raft prison from civil war he's wearing the same jumpsuits that they all wore then on his shelf are a few books russian poet alexander pushkin and views of nature by alexander von humboldt i guess this is the alexander shelf meanwhile the book zemo reads looks like the one he had in his cell in episode three fortune is a river which explores the friendship between machiavelli and leonardo da vinci in renaissance era florence italy now i previously speculated that this book meant that the machiavellian zemo had a secret partnership with some da vinci figure in the shadows someone like looks like our friend zemo connor got the last laugh yes zemo's da vinci was defontaine since oznik likely could not have arranged that bombing himself it is clear val must have helped couldn't have worked better if i planned it myself well maybe i did no i'm kidding i didn't or did i so the fact that val has been in touch with zemo who's on the raft a facility overseen by thunderbolt ross tells us that our theory that val could be assembling a team of anti-heroes like the thunderbolts or dark avengers may still be happening and by saying the flag smashers deaths is gonna save a lot of paperwork redacting and shredding tells us that she must be part of some shadowy government division as opposed to working for hydra or something but val has suited up john walker as us agent the dark-suited assassin from the comics that we expected him to end up as interesting to note u.s agent also leads the dark avengers later in the comics and val ends by saying things are about to get weird so when they do we're not going to need a captain america we're going to need a u.s agent weird well one way to look at weird is that val knows about the skrull infiltration and that the secret invasion is coming and in a world where no one trusts anyone having an untrustworthy dark cap is more valuable but val also said last episode that the government's ownership of the shield is a legal gray area making me wonder if she knows about old cap and how he brought that shield from an alternate timeline making it technically the property of an alternate timeline government so maybe the weirdness she's referring to is the coming multiverse crisis something that we could see more of with loki in the tva meanwhile bucky makes true amends with mr nakajima and officially crosses mr nakajima's name off the list a list whose names that we have broken down in previous breakdowns and he leaves that notebook as a gift for dr rainer leaving the frame with an empty couch and empty woods bucky is now out of the woods sam visits isaiah bradley again black captain america huh damn right and right as sam says this behind him eli bradley enters the frame eli is the future young avenger patriot another black cat figure but for now he's still waiting his turn in line behind sam meanwhile behind isaiah during the scene is interesting graffiti the words why me reflecting how both of these men had the burden of captain america's legacy thrust upon them now isaiah brings up martin malcolm and mandela of course referring to civil rights leaders martin luther king jr malcolm x and nelson mandela but my favorite thing about this is this atlanta neighborhood where they shot this scene is home to where martin luther king was born the famous mlk house is visible at the end of the street in episodes two and five so sam brings isaiah to his new addition to cap's smithsonian exhibit including this plaque that details the history that isaiah told him about along with this old photograph this shows black world war ii soldiers that actually inspired a panel in truth red white and black i love how this bookends the shot that we saw back in episode one sam's reflection as he stared at that shield in the display case it was actually him realizing people who look like him have been erased from this history as sam's translucent form in that scene suggested but now sam has transformed this from an optical illusion to a tangible reality with this statue of isaiah bradley and we celebrate with a family cookout a reminder that fixing the wilson family vote has always been a personal metaphor for sam for restoring the legacy of the shield which he has done as curtis harding's on and on plays the final credit revises the series title to captain america and the winter soldier then we get to this post-credits scene with sharon receiving a full pardon to return to her old rank as agent 13. the carter name has always been synonymous with service trust welcome home agent carter two references there to peggy carter sharon's great aunt who will show up in what if and hopefully a future film with steve rogers in that alternate timeline it was actually announced that a fourth captain america film is in development from the falcon the winter soldier showrunner malcolm spellman but that's probably going to follow sam wilson not the chris evans steve rogers cap films that may or may not be in development and we end on another power broker tease from sharon carter talking to someone on the phone maybe one of her major poor operatives or some other criminal group from the marvel world hydra ten rings hammer aim oscorp whoever this is it's most likely setting up sharon to return in the series armor wars which rhodey is going to star in this miniseries about the weaponry of the mcu getting in the wrong hands but my favorite detail about sharon's final moments as she exits the courtroom the camera suddenly slows down and she looks directly at camera it is as if she knows how much her power broker reveal broke us but i gotta hand it to you agent carter i had my doubts but it was you all along hey i want to thank everyone so much for supporting us throughout this breakdown series you can follow me on instagram and twitter at ea boss follow new rockstars and subscribe to new rockstars for breakdowns of this other marvel stuff loki really anything that will break my heart by ralph boner in my theories boner bye [Music] you
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 1,265,672
Rating: 4.9063272 out of 5
Keywords: new rockstars, falcon, winter soldier, falcon and winter soldier, the falcon and the winter soldier, falcon and winter soldier review, falcon and winter soldier reaction, winter soldier reaction, winter soldier episode 6, falcon and winter soldier episode 6, captain america, john walker, us agent, power broker, sharon carter, post-credit, winter soldier post credit, marvel, avengers, avengers endgame, zemo, bucky, sam wilson, contessa valentina allegra de fontaine
Id: z0bNL8SqzTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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