Water War?! Foamboard Boat+Gatling Gun VS Dive-bombers 🚢😲

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we built this battleship a couple weeks ago and had a lot of fun with it oh my gosh we wanted to take it to the next level we thought what if we could put a person on it so I think the first thing we might want to do is as is see if I can go out into the water and yeah and then if it failed I think it will actually hold a person but if it doesn't then we'll know what we did right so take take everything I'll make the tower yeah all right dude so this got me thinking last time we did this battleship video where we did the epic dive bomber battle moment of truth yeah you guys gave us a ton of comments out there on what you would like to see us do with this battleship next one of the top comments that stuck with me was epic airsoft battle yeah now as you guys know we have a history with airsoft and a love for airsoft we gravitated towards that idea right away and it wouldn't be possible without our awesome friends over at EVIC so shout out to evic and they're the world's largest airsoft retailer so you can check out the link below to check out all their awesome stuff there's actually the ones that are sponsoring this video and they're also going to be sending us some epic guns to be putting on this battleship can't wait we're super excited about it so what we got to do next is we got to take the boat as is and we're gonna not only try to see if it floats but we're gonna put a person on it and so what I was thinking what better person to try to float as a test subject then Stefan he hasn't been in a video in quite a long time so I figured what better way to have him back than to throw him out on the water I'm all for Stefan trying alright let's go find him one we thought that you would make a great time he's been if you haven't seen the last video I was wearing waders that the seam had ripped in the groin and there's definitely a leak in the crotch oh my dad had tried to patch them and then work it will didn't work too well this is a different pair that I hope I hope I stay bone-dry who out there is more experienced into getting on or in some crafts that we built and then honking it into the water let's make a habbit guy alright alright see you guys you just take care we need to start a fishing channel because you just look like a fish yeah how you feel about this bro I told a Jeremy up there that I'm a pretty positive guy and I gave it a 50-page fish we did not build this boat to be sat in or on or hold any kind of weight it actually is astonishing how lightweight it is putting the person on it in the water is gonna be a little bit of a question mark we're gonna have to distribute the weight yeah you got to lay down I don't know if it's gonna be deep enough there's this little Eddy what what's he doing in there sit down seven get on in there okay how do I see how deep it is yeah I'm kind of jealous I want to wear the quick pants yeah just step right into that murky this is more than deep enough dude oh yeah baby I'm up to my knees my wife will love this cuz she's all outdoors and I'm not Stefan come down here and give him a hand he'll go fair quick got it yep so maybe like do you hands-on first oh my god I've gone I'm going in this you can do this man [Music] look at flecks in the middle dang dude that was crazy also when I put my hand on there I just got a really big huge paper cut I thought it was from here to there yeah it's crazy oh yeah so Matt you were driving the boat how'd it feel it felt good it was a little slower we were only running on three so but I feel like if we put a slightly bigger ESC on the back with a four cell battery I think it'll work give it a little bit more power I mean it's not gonna be a speedboat but it's gonna be battleship speed yeah no well I see we've delaminated from our hot glue here so we're gonna have to really watch for that or we're gonna start taking on water underneath it was ready to collapse under the weight of Stefan but I'm 178 pounds and so the fact that this foam board monstrosity carried 170 pounds without any reinforcement is pretty darn ridiculous don't matter how things go you got to go down with the ship I'm going so the next thing we got to do I think we need to open this up and reinforce it so that Stefan can sit basically on the bottom right yeah and so if Jeremy brought this out and it got me thinking like I think Apsaras might not be a bad idea well this is basically applying what we've learned from failure after failure with our foam board airplane we need a strong spar so the wings don't fold well we're just applying it to a boat and you just run spar so your boat don't fold get back to work we'll let you know in your boats ready okay time to use a little bit of my martial art training that is some loud for home so while the other guys are working on the boat I'm gonna work on a bomb drop system for the p-47s the p-47 sometimes had bombs right under the wings or sometimes they would have a whole bunch of rockets which i think is really cool so the idea here is that we're gonna combine those two and make a cluster bomb system for the p-47 so if you guys saw in the last video it was really hard to get a hit on the ship so what I'm thinking is a cluster bomb system where we can drop say three bombs from under each wing that would be a lot easier to get a hit so have a little push rod segment connect it to one arm on the servo arm and then two little zip ties holding it in place now the idea is when I flip the switch the push rod only comes out of one of the zip ties and it stays in the other one we're just gonna have a bomb attached to this is it high and then once we pull the switch it'll just fall right out so now I'm gonna put push rods on the other three arms so that means we'll be able to have four bombs in our quest ball so the approach we decided to take here is to rip out all the internal structures and we're gonna turn the battleship into a kayak what we have to do is we're going to double up the foam on the bottom now we're using our waterproof maker foam and this is also a special prototype maker foam that we're developing that's twice as thick and it is super strong but with the weight of a hundred and seventy five hundred and eighty pound guy in there we need to double that up to add that much more rigidity after that what we're doing is we're taking two two by fours and we're gonna run them as sparse on either side of where Stephan is going to be sitting and those will give rigidity to the length of the boat and then after that we've got to figure out a way to cut up our third 2x4 two sections so that we can lay those across the bottom to be something for Stefan to sit on that's a little more rigid than double layer of foam I really think that two layers of this foam would support him but we're going a little bit overkill because we don't want to lose them through the bottom of the boat how do you feel about our construction job I first before most when we didn't have any support in it I felt actually after everything happened I felt pretty good about it now that I have a full wooden support system that looks legit like carpenters made it I'm feeling very confident because it's gonna displace the weight it's just I just don't see it family well you might sink it but you're gonna be fine in perfect condition stability is a different factor we don't know what all his weights gonna do we don't the more weight obviously the more buoyancy is required a would technically floats the whole thing's made of foam and then we sprayed more foam on it so like even if it fills with water I don't know if it would actually sink I don't think so I put these gloves on I didn't even I just filmed him doing all the work I'm looking forward to this this is gonna be great guys I even if I sink to the bottom of the ocean I'm loving it already let's go something that's really been helping out with this build is we got these new fully sit-stand desks I've been wanting one of these for a build table for a while now because whenever I'm building over a lower table I get a crick in my neck and I start getting Hobby neck where my head starts sticking forward I can build a lot longer using these tables because I don't fatigue as quickly and I've also been enjoying kneeling chair for the first 34 years of my life I struggled with a lot of really bad health issues and I finally have gotten treatment that has helped a lot and something that is pivotal is really good posture using a sit-stand desk and this kneeling chair has been a real game-changer I'm leaving the shop at the end of the day with a lot more energy and I'm not having pain in my neck and shoulders definitely check out fully for their different health-related products all right foam board transformer that's what I feel like now you can't be seen in this formation above Tower oh you thought here first we are getting close to being ready to take this out on the water I have got to paint this thing and make it look really sweet it's gonna take a whole lot of spray paint and as super windy today so this paint is flying everywhere but the other thing that is really awesome is John Overstreet was here last week and he brought two of the new p-47 airplanes that we are gonna be releasing very soon he is painting them up to look sweet and these are the planes we're using in this epic battle one is the bubble canopy one is the Razorback design so find the link below to get an email notification for when they are in stock on our store fully released now all of our planes are built with standard foam board like you can buy at the dollar store now we recommend buying Adams ready board brand because it builds the best but we build our planes out of common material so that anybody can go out and find popsicle sticks barbecue skewers coffee straws hot glue and make an amazing looking airplane our mission is really to get people excited about learning number how to build and number two how to fly we offer free plan for all of our over 60 airplane designs or you can support us by buying one of our speed build kits and we have free build videos that walk you through step by step how to have success building your airplane we also have a complete beginner series teaching you everything you need to know to have success getting in the air yo Jeremy what's up so it got a problem it is storming as we speak it's pouring and it's gonna be storming for the rest of the day and tomorrow I hop on a jet plane to Florida for vacation I'm not gonna be able to sit here I'm gonna be on the beach how do you feel about taking bombs from airplanes I built a boat yes with the mentality of like I'm gonna build this to where I feel comfortable getting into it we're good there I think you'll be okay this is gonna be fun this is gonna be fun alright so we got our CPAC radial motors on here and what's pretty cool about brushless motors most people don't know is you could just dunk them in the water and if they work perfectly it's the only thing we can't do is put the ESC in the water we actually have a whole video on waterproof in electronics it's pretty crazy you could put it your whole RC helicopter in water are you kidding me nope next we gotta figure out a way to mount radial motors actually on the ship last time we mounted them on the ship with foam board but this time we're gonna have to use something sturdier Jeremy actually cut out some plywood and he's gonna actually screw that into the interior frame that way it's more rigid and then we're just gonna hot glue our motor mounts right onto that plywood I do you wouldn't believe me if I told you what I had to do to get this box but I got it check this out so goody package as you can see from our friends over and this is another goodie package within that goodie package this is like the gun from war machine that comes out of his shoulder like right there and the good news is we got two of them they also sent us these tracer unit and it shines a flash of UV light on the BB making it glow in the dark so as you can see these things look amazing we're not gonna be using it on the minigun today but check out our a 10 verse tank video if you want to see these glow babies in action because they are awesome even I gotta hand it to you I don't even know this type of stuff existed a huge shout out to even for sending us this and make sure you check out the links below they have all kinds of really cool airsoft products definitely check them out so I am gonna be doing a modification to this because I'm gonna have airplanes flying in my face there's a level of risk here don't try this at home but I wanted to protect myself a little more so I made a blast shield heads off I'm trying to shoot airplanes out of the sky as they're flying at me safety all right so last time we dropped the 3d printed bombs those had limited success but we knew we wanted to step it up this time and drop something different something a little bit more visually pleasing and after a lot of elaborate ideas we figured there's no other option than this that's right we're dropping rubber ducks and a special shout-out to Jeremy's wife Julia who actually came up with this awesome idea nothing like a good sense of humor and also bringing a little bit of lightheartedness to an epic battle in the sea all right test one this thing is amazing let's see how she shoots I really do think this is potential to this just take a wing up all right dude so you got the quad duck release mechanism oh I see how it works all right so the ship is ready the mini guns are ready the Ducks are ready the p-47s are ready there's only one thing left to do we got to go get some golf carts load them up there head out to the pond out on the far hole there's an epic battle brewing let's get to it what Andres is doing right now is he is getting all of his ducks in a row getting them ready to drop on to Jeremy's head [Applause] so as you guys can tell this new hobby airsoft we're takin to it pretty good it's pretty awesome and the coolest thing about this is it's kind of like two hobbies collide and check this out is this look familiar in here this is our normal hobby batteries so this gun actually shoots the airsoft BB's using gas power however to make the barrel spin it uses an electric and so for that we're using a lumineer 3-cell 22:50 and it should be more than enough power to shoot this thing all day long all right moment of truth time to see if this boats gonna float watch the motors yep keep it at a higher angle good good motors are clear so you can lower the angle if you want no Jeremy how you feeling dude I'm actually a lot more nervous it's kind of setting in like I'm gonna be having actual planes flying at me it's a little scary I was thinking about this earlier a grandfather he served as a helmsman on the USS Wasp aircraft carrier on World War two and he would tell stories of the kamikaze attacks the USS Wasp actually shot down the last kamikaze of the war and my grandpa would tell me the story of when it was coming in he was on the catwalk on the other side of the flight deck and as it's coming in he's got his head between his knees and he's praying dear God help them not shoot my butt off I know it's kind of taking this humber tone right now but thinking about what he and all the veterans have been through just makes us appreciate being here at Edgewater and being able to create this awesome content for you guys grandpa this is for you I think your Grandpa's uniform look a little bit different too all right moment of truth time to see if this boats gonna float dude yeah right in the middle perfectly beautiful fix it on the wood in the perfect execution by the boat captain push them off the shore dude alright as you guys can see the boat is floating fantastic there's only one thing left to do we got some ducks to drop we're gonna start with two ducks because as you guys know as you add weight to planes it changes the way they fly quite a bit now his bomb drops that he made are designed to carry up to eight but we wanted to start it simple with just two and then we'll see how it goes from there we got two on there this time we're gonna see how she flies you ready [Music] what is that called when there's weight but below the centerline of the plane that changes I'm gonna do what one run just to line it up see what it feels like oh nice oh yeah dude I think two ducks you can definitely feel it but it still flies pretty darn good all right this is the one I can feel it Jeremy you're going down man all right coming in [Music] I feel like that was close I've been really close yeah all right let me bring her in for a landing all right p-47 still one piece let's load her back up you keep Jeremy all right here we go Sofer this is our first makes it light with the paint duck and duck this is a heavy job right here you ready all right here we go dude ready [Music] she looks a little wonky all right all right dude how would she feel with all them ducks really strange actually I think we're okay so you might be able to walk II but what I think we can still get a problem all right the sun's right right in front of us yeah yeah there's so many variables here with this battle is really challenging all right here comes the jug with the Ducks on it all right so what happened there is Andrews we decided to drive one bay of ducks at a time and what it caused was the plane became a little bit unbalanced on the roll axis causing b-47 to that was the Razorback I know he's a big of the best one oh all right well I don't want to fly my jig now with eight ducks on uh you're flying it I would say trap pull through duck solution here we didn't even see a crash all right nothing else left to talk about ready here we go oh wow nice I might be wrong but I think eight ducks is too many all right so here's what I'm gonna do I am going to do a higher altitude drop just to keep my p-47 that's that's a good idea hello typically keeping your air speed up is super hard I also feel like the prop wash or something is hitting the the ducks and causing it to do all kinds of weird stuff she's like super unstable right now dude all right I'm gonna drop them yeah Jeremy is just unloading I don't think p-47 carry here comes the drop all right coming in for a landing first that was the ride of a lifetime yeah I cannot believe how good those little odd power back motors push him around alright dude yeah get you an engineer to safety alright how did I do I just counted there are 30 confirmed shots going through this thing look at that damage dude is crazy that was pretty awesome I I didn't expect you to have that many hits I guess you were firing a lot of rounds yes okay let's go check out the other p-47 see how it did man that was pretty crazy man how are you feeling after that man how was the boat ride that was tiring but so much fun EVIC thank you so much we wouldn't have been able to do this project without them so definitely send them some love we also did another battle with this boat when we first built it so make sure you check that out here if you want to see it a 10 battle an epic tank with airsoft check that out here make sure you subscribe and we'll see you next time
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,829,219
Rating: 4.8680978 out of 5
Keywords: Flite Test, Flight Test, DIY, Science, Hobby, Airplane, Plane, Build, Craft, Kids, Crash, rc battleship, airsoft, mini gun, dive bombers, rc airplane, p47, destroyer, foamboard, kayak, foam board, remote controlled, boat, homemade
Id: je33fGK1QFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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