FAKE money in China, is it really a big problem?

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I'm so sick of counterfeit money, Winston. Thanks so much for this.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2017 🗫︎ replies
Jurassic Rogelio jaada jaada jaada even fun people in Beaverton JAMA Ohio way Louis you're winning in me 13 Johan da da da ah ha ha Mel said 30 Mara how another Heath or Indians or Indian um soda Oh peg a hard time balance your controller position it has beautiful don't you some in system bozo Mississauga condos easily Mama's the whole goddamn job Oh chief it's tell me well you come to Japan you can choose for what sit out a common summing them up choir [Music] [Music] everybody hates fake money you know without exception and fake money is a problem here in China if and only if you don't know how to spot it now as you heard from the conversation that I just had with the shop owner by the way if you interested in what I was doing there at that shop and leave that to the end of the video so you can find out exactly what that shop is all about and why I went there kind of cool I was going there to frame Arnold's watching again anyway you can wait till the end of the video for that let's continue about fake money fake money is one of those things that as you heard in the conversation isn't as bad as it used to be here in China I'm seeing it less and less which is a fantastic sign of progress however to the uninitiated especially if you're a fresh off the boat foreigner we've come here as a tourist or come here to work or whatever you are still at great great risk of getting big money and I'm going to end the course of this video during the course of this video tell you guys how to spot fake money how to make sure if money is real and also where you're most likely to get fake money Cheers for those of you guys who have suddenly wondering what's going on here's a subscriber of mine you want to quickly introduce yourself hi my name is Jim and I'm from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania I've been watching Winston for about a year now and I was in Shin gen for business Winston was kind enough to meet with me he's a fantastic guy and I really am enjoying the opportunity to spend a little bit of time with him well I always love meeting subscribers and you know what I wanted to ask you if you knew how to tell the difference between real money and fake money on China no I don't okay well this is a good opportunity I have some Chinese money with me here okay this the typical range of bills live RMB okay this is the biggest denomination of 100 are me okay a 50 are me and then we get 10 you do get the one RMB I don't have one here but I have one oh you have a one good well can you show everybody what it looks like absolutely okay so here is a one-armed D now my question to you is if you were given a 100 RMB note like this how would you tell if it's real or fake I just look at it I would believe that it's real one of the things that would make me feel better is the little and counterfeit line yeah maybe that can be counterfeited you can okay so usually you don't really get take 100 so I usually find fake 20s and take 50 in this video is all about how to avoid getting take money and I'm going to tell you about some of the situations where you will actually get fake money excellente I'd say the most common situation where you're going to get fake money is in a taxi and late at night where you can't see them you know inspect the bill well there's a couple of factors that come into play first of all you know taxi drivers they're mobile they're going everywhere right and all over the place but especially at night if you're out drinking right you know all that when they get you the most to them it's happened to me plenty of times here in Jim James where I've gone out drinking and you know because you're drinking you can't drive rightly call the taxi and you get into a taxi they can smell or they can see you've been drinking and it's an easy target and just taxis or does that apply to like uber and deviance I I'm thinking taxis okay jeez with regular Street taxes uber and DD they probably don't do it as much because you know you can kind of trader 3 happen ever okay so they're probably done before but I'm not going to say it's not possible okay so anyway you're drunk you hand over a 100 to the guy and he gives you back a pile of that tens say for instance and you know if any of that speak except for that security thing yeah I wouldn't know that mean I would just take it on faith and that's how they get you a lot of the time and in the beginning of this video I actually went to shop and you'll often see in shops they'll put a fake note down on the counter just to show you that they they'd gotten fake money before they're not going to pull through it again okay they know what take money looks like we see that a lot in the US with stores especially in lower lower end neighborhoods that say you know no bills over fifty and you know we check the money sometimes a guy has a like a black line yeah a black light or a special pen and it's coalescence with the ink on the bill I don't know if they have that here in China well let me first explain to you how we can check if something's fake most Chinese people you'll see and I'm sure you've noticed whenever you give money to like a shop for you know always check it they either put it through a machine to check it yeah well they'll check it by hand first thing they'll do is they'll listen to the sound okay and if that's something you just have to pick up three experience next thing they'll check for the watermark is a watermark there of hookah and Chairman Mao okay right over there okay those are the basic things next what they'll do is they're going to fill his jackets see here okay if you feel that you can feel there are some ridges with your fingernail yeah it's a grave you're printing it's like the u.s. money yeah so it's kind of engraved it's raised so they'll check that then I'll also check his hair you can see because that's finer and that's more difficult to counterfeit oh you can yeah can you feel it it's oh absolutely I mean those are the two first things they check now if you want to get more complicated what you do is you turn the bill over like this okay and you'll see that there's a pattern there and the person must match exactly so take a look and it works on all the notes and it works both ways so you can turn it like this mm-hmm you'll see that this pattern over here matches up okay and if you did it the other way they'd see the pattern matches up ago on the other side that's a that's a pretty tricky measure you know it's it's low-tech but it works yeah I guess if you're making counterfeit bills you know you can gonna make mistakes when you cut in it when you print together they're just you know yeah kind of like the watches exactly so those are the main things you can do now there's a another test a sort of final test you can do to make sure they see the real or fake and notice he'd take a piece of white paper Nizar bill as an example here okay and it doesn't matter which bill you use you just take you know any part of the bill and you just rub it on the white paper and you'll see that it oh yeah I know friends over yeah transfers color you see the color there and we can do with like the purple from the 5c probably's yep and you know all of them if it's real the color will transfer if the color doesn't transfer it's fake okay because you know if you make a fake bill to can transfer color you can you know it's just going to fade and color is going to fall out of it so that's sort of your final final test and of course it does react to backlight and all that as well oh okay so you could buy a like you like you having let's say do you ask other countries yeah for the merchants might you know okay but over me in the cab this is my best defense that's your best defense if you suspect it if it just feels weird and you're not sure it's real now the best thing to do is to do that test where you turn it around you know fixham yep and then of course last resort rub it on a piece of white paper and to be at the transfers if it doesn't transfer it's definitely clear yeah so that's pretty much how you tell that's a very handy tip that's just out of curiosity is it nothing bigger than a hundred though so the most you you know you're worried primarily about 10 to maybe 50 armed emails yeah 20 armies the biggest thing the biggest count that's okay that's the one to look out for and they're very crafty because what they'll do is they'll give you a stack of money in your bank especially in the taxi because you give them a hundred yep they'll give you back let's say a second money and in the middle will kind of be a fake one or you can cursory sort of look at it uh looks real taken and later you find out that the middle ten is very good okay you know yeah so taxis are a huge huge huge risk for getting fake money but so are these kind of little rural stores and you know convenience stores and other central markets and stuff so I've never got me to fake money out of the big supermarket here but always the small little kind of license cut ones is is there anything like a tie-in with organized crime that they maybe go after taxi drivers and so forth to push the money the counterfeit money into the other system maybe I get this just sell the convict money to them okay like a lower rate that that would make sense yeah so who knows but it is a problem in China is getting less though it's not as bad as it used to jump but if you're aware of it and you know it exists then you can avoid it yeah and I'm surprised you've never been given fake money cuz like if I have I've been able to pass it on so it's possible I'm at it so I'm about to frame Arnold Schwarzenegger okay it sounds a bit weird let me give you some context see this over here well try and give you a proper proper look as I'm walking with the Arnold through a crowd of people here in China it's a bit weird anyway so I got this pretty cool picture here there's a little bit of a story behind it when I went to my trip through America I actually met in Phoenix Arizona and artist who is a subscriber of mine his name is a J's J valent Valentine Valentine sorry if I'm butchering your surname probably J Valentine and I was really impressed with his art he gave me a notorious b.i.g to give to see milk and he gave me a whole bunch of cool stuff I am Stein and and of course since he knows I'm into the whole 80s thing he gave me this out of swatch negative native picture which I absolutely love but I want to put it up on my wall and I've got this wall in my house where I put some pictures up there uh you know usually Sasha my wife and myself and a you know a couple of other interesting things so I want to put this up on the wall but I need to put it in a frame so it just got me thinking perhaps you guys would be interested because you get these pretty cool shops here in China which are sort of like all in the one I don't know Photoshop so you can get you passport photos taken there you can go print things out you can photocopy things and of course they can make custom frames for you as well by the way if you're curious to get this guy's a URL stuck it on the back I guess you'd say that JB art or jave art.com so if you're interested in as art you can check it out shut up anyway so let's go to the shop and see what the process is like I think it can take shortcut down here okay so this is the shop but it's a little bit of a hybrid really it's a half it's kind of a half photo shop half convenience store this coincided niala Don oh weii King Kong King died Thursday I'll put on the end under hey sada in the mail and so boom to the power of the Internet now you can see the finished product it ended up costing me for framing so basically I got three custom frames made and made in all the same size three pictures well he printed out two photos from my American trip and framed them as well so nicely framed this glass in here I think it looks pretty nice grand total of making three frames and printing out two big photos was 220 RMB people ask me what is this RMB I'm talking about well RM b stands for renminbi dren meaning people and Renmin kind of means the people and b is the different currency really so people's money and it's another way and it's how people say UN or Chinese UN over here so very often you'll see people say 220 RMB or renminbi they will say or 220 quite is another way they say it or 220 um so any of those really work so I've got everything done here hope you guys enjoyed the video excuse me please voila hope you guys enjoyed the video as always you know the drill stay away from from fake money especially from those terrible taxi drivers to pick up drunken people late at night and yeah until the next time you guys know the drill Cheers and stay awesome okay guys so as promised here is a very quick citizen aid on my wall I'm guessing not a lot of you are interested big you are and let me quickly go through up there is a we mean covet etosha took when we were on our trip there's better special at the Kumamoto Castle actually you know we were in Japan it's a better show called SeaWorld it'll come at cute couples picture and this is a picture that was hand-painted for conquering southern China by a friend of mine in regular Robin pretty awesome and there is Sasha you know this is way back in the day on my old CB on the CB 400 awesome bike yeah it is only 400 CCS but yeah it's it's awesome I know Sasha over here I'm at the Osaka Castle you know in Japan when you went there moving up here that was taken in for shun which is up here in Guangdong at a sort of an old historical site and this was taken in fortune as well way back in the day and this is well what this video is all about really getting this um picture that was given to me by jr. I don't know if it's Valentin Valentine Sorry mate like it could be Valenti I have no idea but anyway he's a really cool guy so check out his stuff and of course finally we have my Corvette which unfortunately I've been picking up reflections here but that's actually a very cool picture it's one of my favorite pictures that took on the trip and it's a friggin cool car that's style of Corvette ever made just kidding people gonna kill me for saying man anyway that's it for this one guys Cheers see you the next one
Channel: serpentza
Views: 437,255
Rating: 4.8883457 out of 5
Keywords: china, economy, counterfeit money, counterfeit, news, money, notes, scam, fake money, CNY, Chinese Yuan, RMB, Renminbi, Chinese money, Fake Chinese money, knockoff money, counterfeiting, making fake money, detecting fake money, protecting yourself, protection, recognize fake, recognise fake, discover fake money, recession, serpentza, living in china, winston sterzel, chinese, asian
Id: ouYcXBbIiW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2017
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