Faith Kelly BLOCKED This YouTuber! Reacting to Trolls & Confronting STALKER?! Full EP.48

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SL right hello everyone and welcome back to yet another episode of clay as well and I have probably the biggest guest yet I would say we've got fa it's me I can't confirm or deny about the biggest guest cuz Faith you're huge like if you ever look at comments under this pod it's get Faith on get fa on get F really we got her in what I'm so in demand I know what the I like the work ethic that's being demanded of me ifone leave me alone God I just want to be at home Rel chill it's quite convenient cuz your set is there it's literally right we're literally neighbors exactly the first point is how did me and you meet think for social media yeah just I think we was friendly well we was I don't think we was friendly just on social media actually the first time I thought no I didn't Ethan did it was at um a JJ boxing event right you was you smashing off your head I think I was pregnant yes I was pregnant this is how long ago it was and Ethan was getting drinks obviously nonalcoholic but he was getting I said hello to him I remember and he was like Chloe's just like bounced on me at the bar know not like that but like love Faith where is she so that was like the first time I kind of heard of you like liking us and then I think the first time we actually met was the stable date you know my God no way no I've bumped into you here before oh no yeah I've met Olive oh yeah go still long time ago then but a proper like me no not a proper pods yeah yeah but yeah no ST dates would have been the first time we like my God that's really bad for cuz I'm a big fan we Milly love your content she don't give [ __ ] yeah yeah that's not great no I don't it's not it's not that I don't give a [ __ ] it's I do yeah just so unfiltered yeah it's that which makes it seem like I don't but I do yeah but to me that doesn't feel like a big deal but to other people it probably is do you know what I mean yeah get I just feel I'm not overly sensitive but I meanwhile yeah it just doesn't sound well no you've got a heart of gold I can BCE you're lovely but when you go off on one on Tik Tok I'm like yeah yeah there's a few of those if you want to get yourself down a rabit oh there's a few your most recent Tik Tok run my Tik Tok R re oh got to be the postman oh it's all about your Postman do you know what do you know what's funny it's currently in dispute so I feel like I shouldn't be bring up I love what you do guys it's really great I think it might be an EIC thing for pose like oh was yours bad as well are they're horrific they don't ring the doorbells so that's a good start what I'm saying but this is why I had to add them and it was on my Ig stories right cuz I had to just let them know and tag them I had to um and then I was like I don't have this problem with any other driver they like oh but they're ringing their Bell and I'm like know no we got cameras yeah we can literally see DHL was the top one and it was like DHL van in the back delivered your post and I'm like see DHL are doing it right DHL are good DHL are doing DHR really good Royal Male just I don't know they take the piece all they do I think sometimes not every time can't say every time but they just walk up to the post box and put the leaflet in like they already know they're not going to deliver the parcel so the problem we had but I can get whole into this I can get all into because I feel like we've I feel like I've been kicked off for like no reason do you know what I mean I've been kicked off their list they po I've had emails saying they're not delivering to me anymore I've had to look up my rights like a big thing I've had to look up my rights here I have and it's actually meant to go for a free stage appeal before they can just be like I'm not giving you your post and I'm only on phase one technically so wait that's actually a thing it's a thing but I like I'm dealing with someone I'm in talks with someone at Roy man now kind of sort out for me I I feel like I've been kicked off cuz my dog's bitten them that's how I feel under all of their things I shouldn't have been scheduled off for any of them so our house is back off the road and people when I speak about this they think it's like 3 miles off it's like 20 steps yeah step it's not far it's just set back from the others and we have Gates and we used to have Gates you could see through but then we had we had kids turn up at the door and they would just stand at the gates and that's awfully like unsettling when you just want to be literally walk around in my pants I don't want 12y olds listen me see what I'm saying so we got blocked in Gates but our letter box was on the old Gates so they took our can get a new one and we was like oh no cuz again kids are putting stuff in our letter box and it's great we don't want to invite them to our house yeah yeah we love that but don't want to encourage it yeah so we got he said well can you get Parcel drop then so we did and we put it by the house cuz he wanted us to put it on our gates but we just paid a lot of money for new gates I don't want to be drilling hoes no Al if your gates are like right on the road I wouldn't oneway pel was on the road it would affect the sensors the access of the drive everything and then we can't put it on the fence panel on the side because we got hedge the other side so unless I'm climbing into a lav a lavender Bush the other side it cannot go on that side and then they asked for a fob to my house and I said they asked for a fob yeah they said well can we have a fob for your house and I said no I can't just Postman every day like they're different what so he's N9 to five Postman what's he do 5 till [ __ ] 12 see what I'm saying you could be yeah and on weekends you can just be poing this what I'm saying I can't just give you access to my house no that's nuts so anyway yeah they just said we're not doing it then I said oh well that's then is f that password so we're disputing because it's really silly oh that's so annoying yes it is right we'll leave that one I don't have any solutions I don't where and I've got the same problem I've got the same no I don't they just don't even attempt to ring the doorbell but maybe cuz maybe it is the same man TR I get a parcel drop what is a parcel drop it's like a [ __ ] big metal bin and then can just put the parcels in it and drop it in I should get one you should you'll spend 400 quid they won't use it but sure yeah maybe not what I like is when they just like launch it over the gate and like ruin all the [ __ ] in there like thanks a lot I got an alcohol delivery the other day old Tequila Rose one they launch the whole box everything's just smashed I've got pink tequil all over my drive nice I know my neighbors love me for it love we've got one who lives across the road from us she just argues with our ring doorbell all the time oh really that's but she knows when we're not in cuz she watches us all the time she just come up and listen there's a cardboard box that I can see it's literally on our private D I mean oh really oh that's a bit carinish that really I no that's a bit much anyways I hate her I hope she watches this right you were on Harry panero's wor in class I was yes was it I was so nervous cuz I've never actually been in invited to another YouTuber set I actually think that's the first thing I've done and it was for Channel 4 like quite established whatever honestly don't even think I've done another YouTuber's Channel you're not I don't think so unless I'm Miss round other than I don't even think I'm an Ethan he's just on mine see what I'm saying get on his channel oh you don't post not okay how was it it was good but like I was so nervous at the beginning so ended up actually filming the second round first so there was like try and get into it more but to me I that was my first round so I was feeling my feet and obviously it was like with darkest niola and they're quite loud whatever and I was like and they was like Faith don't be afraid to make jokes I was like I don't have any no don't have any so essentially for the first round second I was like right you're obviously here for a reason Harry can'ts me afterno he like Faith I've seen I've seen what you can be like and I was like does he think I'm rude I was I was was like what do you mean by that what do you mean by that he like I've seen what you can I see what you can do and I was like right okay I don't know if that's a compliment sure I was like he was like just let go and I was like sure fine CU I find it really difficult like settling into environment even here if I didn't know you I'd be like do you see what I mean like I'm just not that person I'm not I'm not her right so anyway settling into it and he was like be a character so I was like fine I would just be a rude person because clearly that's what they want me to be so I was like I'm not settling in as myself in the environment that I'm in I'm just going to play and be someone else and it worked everyone was laughing the jokes rolled in and I was like oh my God oh God is that why you pushed over the death it was yes so that was that was the second round first round that I was at or third car yeah yeah it's the second bit we filmed and like just go just do it just let loose cuz everyone telling you to be rude at this point yeah everyone like all the producers Harry everyone so I was like let's go a bit of attitude so I did and I was like just push the tail for why I've never seen that on one of the episodes yet watched it you never again I think I should have probably watched an episode to find my feet with it first to get the vibe but no what can you do this is what I'm saying but yeah no it was good and then uh Ethan found this really cringe right so he released a clip of like dinosaurs you had yeah so was like f you named dinosaurs so I named two and then I was like and your mom and Ethan was like did you just replay your own clip and watch it back twice I said yeah he was like you're so [ __ ] cringe oh no we watched it at home out loud and watch you tce I was Fai you say [ __ ] funny I literally saw it this morning I was like what the hell so funny how did Harry take it for like I think there was all shocked cuz at that point I hadn't been rude or really said anything so that was my first bit and that's why there was oh like that my first like oh she's in like I wasn't even going to say that I had my three dinosaur answers and then your mom just happened I didn't even think about it that's fine it was just so like did you win the tongue did you beat the kid no oh they're [ __ ] smart AR they they're so smart they're so smart I did actually get the Titanic question right though what was that question it was like the answer was New York but it was like where does it set s from and where was it going back to well I was I'm pretty sure it's American and I know there's a dock in America because that's where the St Statue of Liberty or something is I'm pretty sure if they're getting on there they're probably coming back home again so oh trick question they going round trip this is what I thought I thought why would you just unless you're moving house you're just going to be going off where you started did that so I just shot with New York and I got it right wallet One n you one well he got the answer a little but yeah oh did it yeah one all I feel like they give them the answer I mean not supposed to say yeah my mom was like on it as SM yeah and theyy I'm like what yeah and I felt I feel rude to be rude to them I don't want to take it yeah like she has HT face okay yeah sorry sorry sorry have a nice day enjoy your time here B I saw a clip on Twitter of you being a little love a girl Ethan I don't use Twitter I don't know what's on there oh I saw it it was just I don't no I don't think he posted I post it it's probably my Tik Tok right was it you he came in the door and you're like oh I've surprised you as well yes yes that was cute so we actually just spoke about this on our pod fight to who gets it first oh yeah first so essentially him and the the other like members of the group of the Sid men they went to make a wish right but he doesn't let off how much it would get to him and I I can read for that's a very tough emotionally is it blue the girl's name AUST but that's in Australia this one's obviously English so they all set off together to go oh okay right right but it just doesn't let off that it's getting to him he's like oh yeah I'm going like just like it's any day in the office for him I come home and I was like I got him like a card that says I love you and I wrote on it I was like I don't take for granted to like um how hard dis um you may have found this things that and I was like love you and I'm so proud of you for doing it like well done for carrying yourself so strong then I got him some flowers cu the only time men get flowers is when they die no one buys them flowers otherwise do they the only time men see Flowers Funeral really good sad Point yeah so you should buy your man flowers see them is when they die um and they kind of see [ __ ] well out of order and then chocolate and crisp and stuff oh W you love it he did but then we didn't really speak the whole day not through arguments or whatever just busy and then he come home with like chocolate and flow and we was like how funny that's like un canny literally cuz when how often did you do that not really can't relate yeah that's what I'm saying have boyfriend oh God salt in the wound I got flowers he got flowers yeah right block you on the topic of that Valentine's Day you doing anything spash not not really special we're just indoors we both know we've got each other things cuz I said oh don't look at my phone and buying your gifts and he was like oh you get me gifts and I was like yeah yeah so where [ __ ] mine not getting mine yeah so he's obviously done like a next day job but listen at least at least it's coming do you know what I mean so we're just going to stay home he said he's going to cook me dinner yes yeah so we just done a video with c and Emily and in that we done our death Ro meals and he said he's going to cook that for me which like love that but I'm not dying CU that's a really greasy [ __ ] like love you for the incentive but it's not my favorite Mo if I was going to die what would you want on Valentine's Day um probably Jo what he cooked me something before what's that a little flat bread but it's got the like tomatoes and cucumbers and it's all like chopped up Retta is that it am I right it's something along those lines that's a cheese one right cheese oh I don't know one thing about I don't know nothing about the kitchen I don't know about cooking like that's not for me I don't know so you want that he'll know what it is though yeah well he's cooked it for me before and it's got like that um balsamic vinegar Glazer oh I know I don't know what it's good that I don't know what it's called I know what about I love that i' done that really well before so I'd actually choose that over calamari okay and then for Ms oh I'm not fast for Ms or anything and then I would say cremet for dessert you want CR yeah but his hand making it I don't know if he should just buy it no hate I just think it's hard you need a blow torch and we don't have one of those got lighter but you'd be there a while no you it take your Lally be there all day next Valentine's Day that's get one get one I feel like you're quite known for having like strong opinions yeah no it's a good thing yeah any girl on a podcast needs to have strong opinion no no if you're a girl on a podcast you can't sit on the fence can you no but listen I don't try and sit on defense probably going wrong I just think I just think I'm not trying to ever upset anyone the people that I'm with um and I understand it's a lack of filter but to me I don't feel like there needs to be a filter on specifically what I'm saying so to me that I wouldn't see an issue with what I'm saying or a problem about it and if it's a personal opinion it's this is what I possibly wouldn't recognize hey that actually upset someone do you know what I mean yeah like I'm not playing it off or anything but I just think what would upset me would possibly take quite a lot so I think this won't hurt me so won't I them yeah you know what I'm saying and I just feel like I'm not also trying to censor everything that I say then there'd be nothing left to say with the well in my opinion in the nicest way influencers D in my opinion here we go buckle up buckle up here we go here we [ __ ] go ready who am I going to hurt this time so there I agree I agree right so there are so many influences that play the lovely nice act yeah they last two years they're dead where they gone right show what I'm saying and like and also influences that pay the nice I'm so lovely I'm so kind no one's speaking about you oh there's that try to think true I'm trying to think it's true whereas if even if you're saying bad stuff about me you know about me you're talking about me a they do say any what I'm saying I'm not trying to be on anyone's bad foot but is it gaining me popularity is it paying my bills yeah sh and is it going to possibly boost my longevity over other creators yeah I you like them apples so there's that yeah never had that before how you like them apples I've been saying it for ages and I don't know where I've got it from I think it's from Forest Gump oh yeah familiar is that one with the big van and the camping van no what what what are you what is not the big the big camper fan no I think I've seen it once oh no he say Liv's like a box of chocolate goes to war oh no definitely not the not the camping film no what film is that that was scum what film are you talking about find it for you later not sure actually it's an RSB or something I don't know right send it watch it yeah you should have you ever seen the notebook uh um a I'm going to say no oh my God watch it oh I don't like to I don't want to cry no honestly sometimes you need to cry and I've I should keep watching it I don't know why I just told you to do that right I'm I keep saying your in insta stories you're like I need to cry on the plane yeah and so watch notebook honestly it's the best film ever you actually cry on the BL I weep like a [ __ ] baby I couldn't no it's so it just really pulls up my heart strengths I just keep watching it but you were like a loud CER or like sniffling oh my God so when I watched it I'd never seen it I watched it on the way back from I think La last year and everyone was asleep on like a long haul flight and I was like buzzing off my tits don't know why so I put the notebook on I was literally oh my God the man the the hostess came over to me he was like madam are you okay and I was like have you seen the not was like I've seen it and we were like talking about like but everyone's like I'm trying to [ __ ] no everyone looking at me everyone looking me but I lit was just staring at the screen oh my God and then when it finished I was like I don't know it changed my life just stand up has anyone watched the not someone about right I went completely off topic there so I that's me yeah back to you sorry I have strong opinions as well and I feel like a place so you're not on Twitter no I don't understand it no listen I've been on Twitter and I've tried to tweet and people like who asked and I'm like right I could start a few arguments on it is the worldest I just think you cannot cuz sometime I really try sometimes to not answer back sometimes if you catch me in a bit of a sassy mood mood I will give it a little bit back but I will way tone it down to what I used to yeah I had to have a bit of a PR Lesson by Ethan when I first was I would lit have a slide on this cuz I love replying to people and so do you I love it no I'm great now yeah I buy it what do you mean but at the beginning when I first met Ean yeah unhinged I love I just I'm I'm still under the opinion he not going to lie this I'm still under the opinion if you're actively rude to me and being it's not like I'm starting it with you yeah I'm not coming I just have to let you be rude to me yeah do you know what I'm saying why is that allowed I don't think it should be don't give it if you can't take it yeah if you want to give it to me go for it right the nastiest eff in comment you can but expect one back I will be replying yeah this is what I'm saying now I just have to go for a more subtle approach like your hairline see what I'm saying oh right like kiss your mom with that mouth like that's good one you see what I'm saying it's more on them approaches but I will also sometimes I'm going to get a DMS now sometimes they'll answer a DM oh what like a nasty DM yeah I think they're funny yeah me too love it but they think they're rattling me but it's so funny sitting there laughing I like the ones where you scroll and they've actually been abusing you for like years oh yeah I think I blocked like 30 people it's always like women a day yeah oh a day like 30 people a day my block list do you want to see it yeah I do let me oh no that makes me sad because blocked like a friend so funny story I actually um blocked Randy do you know Randy yeah yeah I actually blocked Randy because he said um um that Ethan was goated when me and malov sat on him so I blocked him oh right that's a blocker all fence yeah I never met Randy at that point I W my doing my block list um I've never met I've met him a couple times I can't find him it took me so long it took back no he didn't he didn't know that I blocked him till like the other day some reason I was all talking about my Instagram in the boys chat for some reason I don't know what I did okay hey go off F go and scroll till your heart's content Millie cam oh my [ __ ] god mate bloody hell and they all look like fairly normal so they're just being nasty you know what no that's very nice no there's been a few they have like their girlfriends in their bio so I'll just screenshot it send it to their Mage they like you get your man on my DMs I think he's lost the strong winds have blown blown him onto my bloody page because they don't care it's abuse like you're sending girls messages yeah see what I'm saying actually just don't make it easy if you're going to send abuse filter your account a little bit and don't put like don't have an open account put your mom in there cuz I will message your mom yeah like I've not done that yet but I don't really scroll onto their page I just I need you sometimes I will like listen a lot of them are just instant block cuz I don't yeah I don't care but the ones that I know it's on Instagram now you know on your request the block button used to be at the bottom now you have to report and then block what yeah no making it hard me oh maybe it's just mine oh maybe something don't do it do not do it the block button's not there anymore if bloody changed it so that's annoying yeah oh yeah so you've kind of calmed down on replying to comments yeah every now and then and someone said that it's bad for Brands brand deals unless I'm still trying to make my money so yeah let all just let will be nice to people the one comment is like she hops on and takes a we's money things like she makes no money things like that I'm like bit check out podast I job as Ethan yeah the only difference is I'm not in the siden so do you think Ethan is broke or is it just siden collectively that just make money did you see what I'm saying I see what you're saying like you broke no we can't make money yeah you see what I'm saying so is it just the sidan is that the one that really URS you where it's like they say you kind of get off e sometimes would piss me off yeah because I would have probably just spent a lot of money on saying that I'd probably preferring pay for actually I pay for that yeah yeah yeah yeah for if you want I what I'm going to say you want to that pay for everything that's fine by me I don't want saying but but they're like oh like the horses like I bought three out of the four horses he did buy me my first horse how much is a horse depends okay if I wanted top of the range racing horse oh my God you can spend Millions on H what yeah some are like Millions mine aren't I I don't I do have one five figures really like how what makes a horse good better their abil like their abilities their athleticism control are they like really tested before you can buy like do you have to go and try it out yeah II I tried I tried the one Ethan bought out for me and all the others are just bought online and said like like Amazon Prime much I was like you sure the same scam yeah I've got a whole send a video I like it I'll go and send a man to come and pick it up I pretty much Amazon Prime hor send me six grand yeah sure send it my way I have to you got one you going to buy another horse or um no not until Olive wants to start getting involved if she's actually terrified of them I no I'm get well you be growing up well I sit on M I've got two Shetland which are like small ones right I said she cries every time I'm like oh God this isn't great news it cuz you got a horse racing career ahead of you girl hold on hold on stop crying it's like a dance man but for horses well you just hold on stop crying but she's right with dogs in it oh loves the dogs now but just start getting used to them really yeah damn maybe it's just animals in general but get her a little hamster oh they're vicious things I bite you I know you know fun fact my S still L top of her finger to oh really see that's just it's not bit me no that really ugly you want chickens yes because at my um YouTube I'm changing it a bit to do like face Farm I started out with that and then kind of stock so I was like you can't just buy a new horse every time you want to do a face farm series what else do you do exactly it's a bit of an unhealthier relationship just for YouTube Jesus um I'd have to start riding school if I did that but um so I was like what else you love to do that I'm kind of bringing back the face farm and I've got my man working on it like what can we do to actually make this like a bit of a series cuz you can't just go and do the same thing every time no gets repetitive people would want to see different animals as well on Facebook the other day someone put chickens in like a cage metal Bowl but they can like not a horrible one like it's got like they can walk in it and they can eat the ground and it's still but it just means birds and foxes kind of you can't get in it yeah I mean the birds can probably pick them up and drop them from high but what's life without a bit of thrill uh not sure about that one you know what I mean if a bird picked you up would you be scared yeah the chicken is probably scared yeah but like at the end of the day just live life on the edge yeah if I have to put my number on it if anyone sees this chicken in a bowl please return you you know what happened to me the other day don't put your number on a chicken or anywhere public someone on you know if you put what is that put my number on a chicken is that what you just said I me on the chicken ball in case no I thought you me I you you've actually gone off and put your number in a I've got bad experience I've put my number on a chicken and this happened what you said no someone wrote my number in the men's toilets in Houston Station oh my phone I've had to change my number do that lit my phone wouldn't work don't put your number in public places yeah I weren't going to you weren't going to do that so that's my advice for you oh yeah that's nuts what you think no one would ring it no everyone would ring it and you'd have to get new phone oh God it's kind of scary yeah no I can imagine I don't know why I me in Dubai I was like who is this what were they say don't know who it is cuz I've had a new number since any like previous people in my life could contact me these are all people that i' know so I'm like who is this then my number what were they saying oh it's weird stuff I don't sa anyone's number so I don't I'm good good girl so I'm just going to have to keep scrolling one second let me see if I is it an English number like plus 44 yeah no way it was so weird oh you stalker yeah in case they rang me okay hey are you originally from the UK who is this please hey my name's Dean Sarah forwarded me your number sorry I don't know a Sarah I think you have the wrong number is this Faith H S what yeah it said someone mentioned you may be able to assist with the drink Prime which we wanted to use in an upcoming Hollywood production I said s wrong number okay Faith we only wanted to use the bottle in the production unfortunately we cannot use logo or name without consent due to copyright infringement we have several celebs and influences with huge followings associated with the we would uh we would have no doubt promoted the brand as the movie will be released worldwide all I'm asking if you can point me in the right direction to discuss using this in production I put a picture of an old man saying sorry make wrong [Laughter] number sorry mate wrong [Laughter] number I'm in Dubai BR leave me alone what do we anyway you think I'm going to be like JJ got sick deal come for I don't have I don't have any control in what them boys do and AR even Ethan's not involved in Prime what the hell going to be able to do you supposed just sign it off anyways though JJ Hollywood movie coming up unknown number don't worry I've got you in seems legit just need your signature oh [ __ ] that's yeah I was that leave me alone when were you in Dubai quite recently didn't yeah oh was that you cut your hair oh that was the time before do du like your favorite place to go um it's definitely one of the nicer places that I've been to so Ethan has taken because we my family we like a family of six so there's quite a lot of us to it gets quite expensive to get everyone on a plane go do these nice holidays so usually we go to South for France but it's lovely it's great stay out there for like 3 weeks and we always love that like was so great but that's really where we've been that was a holiday Hot Spot yeah um so Ethan's taking me to like the nicer hotter countries I'd say that you get on the long hauls for yeah like Dubai but I did love Greece Greece is really where abouts in Greece did you st yeah good not santain not Athens the other one mnos that's one oh my God I went to M we went there but it was great but now we have a baby holidays are hard I don't get sunb like you still have to stick to nap schedules like love it so great yeah completely different holiday different where's your number one place you'd want to go want to go I'd love to see America you never been no never oh my God but I just want to see it cuz Ethan's like no it's like a crack then like it's not what you think it is oh I love America yeah well this is what I'm saying I'm like but would I love it cuz I'm not a big like reality TV girl I love go to La this is what I'm saying La scares him um I don't know he scares him and he he's like everyone's too happy as well was everyone is I love what you doing and he's like it's a long way from essic in London I will say yeah oh my God you love reality TV love it watch Five series to or to is it yeah like still watch it and it's so I keep bumping into Ella at the nail shop really yeah so like you're girl show and then it's the next time we both come in exactly the same time for our infields of course you do now keep running every two weeks really oh we go to the same now shop do we I had to do mine cuz Ethan didn't have any time in his schedule for me to go and get them done this time so I do myself number two I love it in there maybe we should all book it out we should all B same from your goes there as let just go private they blood love that I love probably shut down with close that day yeah better I didn't know you go there yeah I on your story and I like going promo Queen slay right right next question oh yeah [ __ ] but I suppose you talking about this probably a lot s men have a Netflix documentary coming out it's out Valentine's Day so you probably watch that in the evening yes we will yeah there's no people like you want to watch my documentary yeah I do is funny like whenever is's proud of something like even if it's like a YouTube video come home like do you want to watch this with me oh no that's really sweet it is sweet it's cute it's funny but it's it's a little bit cringe he laughs at his own joke but now I've laughed at my own harryo I get it now I I get it I get it it's like yeah we are a bit funny forever I love like I don't watch like my podb but if a Clips going viral like so [ __ ] fun I'm so funny everyone watch this cuz I think it's good boosting engagement ha yeah yeah yeah comment comment re send it in your group chat oh are you in the documentary at all no no so it was filmed I don't think any of the girlfriends are he asked me on the last podcast are you in it and I was I listen whole documentary why would I know if there was big Netflix camera Cre what I'm saying I was like why would I maybe you just making like a walk people think I can sign off PR maybe they expect me to be in it see what I'm saying but no it's it's purely based on them and it's more like again I've not seen it it's purely what he's said it's more of like a business how they've done it oh yeah other signment I think like people who kind of know about YouTube like just to see how they've got so big yes exactly actually a full on documentary not really yeah and I think it's got all like emotional like well-beings and talking about e obvious you had the suicide attempt things like that like that's all included is that in there as well wow going back to Valentine's Day opinions um and you obviously don't use Twitter so I'm I'll Loop you in Twitter has like debates about the same conversations quite often and I want to know your hot takes on them on who do you think should pay on a first dat o I am always under the fair impression whoever asks whoever ask so far ask asked the boy out yeah you because I've asked you out cuz you don't know what Financial s they might not have asked you CU they don't have any money why then wouldn't be like hey do you want to go out and then expect him to cover it yeah and I've always been like that but then I think if the boy suggest him like let's go out you you want me that I don't think I'd ever do a 50/50 split I think I would kind of expect cuz I'm not I've not really asked boys out no I have't so I would if they've asked me out so would you do like the little P dance like oh you know how much is it oh let me grab my bag oh don't you [ __ ] dare let me pay for this yeah I do I do oh I'll get it I'll get all with you and yeah oh no we go hars I'm really hoping saying no [ __ ] me what did we get yeah what if a boy uh obviously I'm Ag and age gu what what's your opinion is if a boy asked a girl out and took her some of proper bougie and then he was like 50/50 split do you think she you should ever see him again um no not if you've been asked out to someone like [ __ ] like noou 98 for a bit of [ __ ] fish or something I actually I've been noou so no no I've never been in England I don't know how much the price is I'm just having a guess cheeky guess I'm guessing sexy fish right sexy fish 98 quid for a bit of fish right and then he's going to split the bill and it's like yeah you give me a bit of warning if we're splitting is what I'm saying cuz if not Nando is fine yeah Nando is so fine that's what I'm saying okay um yeah so dump him then yeah what are your thoughts on PDA love it or hate it um do you know what it's I don't really care when other people do it I do think it's funny when you walk past people and their tongues are in each other's mouth like on like Wednesday at like 2 p.m. funny yeah it's a bit funny but then I feel like me and Ethan we've been on a group I beef for it was definitely us doing the PED 100% like I don't like I don't know but I feel like it's the vibe with the person isn't it cuz me and Ethan I feel like at that point pre- baby we were so fun yeah what I'm saying whereas I'd feel like the others let loose man yeah just snog in tesos in I be like it's a holidays well it doesn't count yeah I think on a holiday you're a bit more ly in England have we ever been no and I think even at like parties and group stuff no ah food for thought that one yeah so I feel like it's a holiday Vibe I'm a PDA girl I was you anywhere and everywhere I thought I like not with Ean but previous relationships Deo done it as a bit of a claim I'm out this is my man oh yeah yeah yeah in the club put your tongue my throat yeah right next one do you think obviously not to do with your relationship but do you think dating this day and age body count should be a problem oh so it's a tough one this one cuz I I feel like this day and age people are saying sex is just sex yeah like and it's so casualized not word but you see what I'm say get you like why should it matter yeah see what I'm saying but what if in that body count there's like people you know or friends is what it is no way what you don't mind you wouldn't mind that what if you knew if you knew a boy no so say if you a you know hypothetically seeing a boy and he's s with 100 people including some of your friends oh yeah I wouldn't touch him no okay right no listen ain't got nothing do about you lot you lot do what you [ __ ] want your situation I'm not involved but for other people yeah sure yeah live life love could I marry a man that's set with 100 people no you couldn't actually one of my friends boyfriend actually not a boyfriend but a boy that is a friend right right right don't speak anymore but not for a reason just don't [ __ ] H rambling anyway it's just a friend like you're so media trained now like boyfriend a boy who has a friend who I kind of know went to school with who I know Grown Apart with okay that's the back story when I said oh seeing Ethan he was like oh careful I think he's a bit of [ __ ] boy I was like oh and then my mom I showed my mom a bit sh and she was also like oh he looks like a bit of a player fa like careful really yeah cuz I show like showed my fave picky at the time obviously like green sweater and then he had like a short like buzz remember yeah it's fire p fire emoji and H yeah my mom she's like yeah looks like player and I was like oh scary he was so sensitive and nervous and his body count way lower than what I thought marriage material unless he lying I have to just just to pretend it's true no believe oh you're going to no if it's lied if it's come out now and it's lied that's rude don't ever look into it no I I generally believe him I I believe him yeah I would cuz I feel like you can tell by their sauce do you know what I'm saying yeah and he's nervous he's got nervous energy is he nervous I more confident one but you are quite confident I feel like you have to be I feel like when you know like you like someone if they're not going to step up you have to otherwise it's not going to go anywhere cuz they're going to be nervous go on fa go on the girl take the Rin sometimes what are your tips then H get drunk yeah and then no one's nervous love love it love it right what's biggest I I feel like you've probably spoken about this quite a lot do you like I do you have any I no I don't really I'm not really an icky person I would say you've literally had a baby with the man it's say I don't know um an ick no do you have like general ones like I actually don't like even when people posted them on Tik toks and stuff I've not ever been like oh yeah but how do you expect boys to live like people like when he ties his shoelace I'm like m yeah you joking me this is this is what I'm saying you wanted him to trip over cuz that'll probably be a Nick as well like where are we going with this but I will say when you can't reach top Cupboards in test Co like the top shelf like you get that down no not at all met him you're the same height both about 5'8 no way you're not 5'8 57 bab 5 seven and a half like pretty much five in shoes on fire F okay that's fine see what I'm saying but I do have make him feel lovely sometimes like go B can't get the cup get yeah oh do him a little favor but don't no I can't honestly can't reach oh faab I feel like you're a proper lover girl man that's my man love that VI that's my man right for the last little bit we've got dilemma CU we love problems on this pod okay perfect hey chloee and faith I have quite a big problem my best friend and my boyfriend hate each other it's good start yeah the situation is complicated but long story short I met met my boyfriend through my best friend's ex and since she broke up with her boyfriend she and my boyfriend are constantly bickering and getting at each other it's really hard because I actually think they're both being stupid and it makes my life really hard to make things worse I live with my best friend and now my boyfriend is refusing to stay over and if he ever does the vibe is always Frosty what do you think I should do I don't want to have a girl them both getting stupid oh um that's really childish I can't lie it is childish met my boyfriend through my best friend's EX she might just be salty she's not with her then yeah that's the only that's literally it I think that's the key to the story there yeah possibly just a little bit jealous little bit yeah a little bit je may have set you up with this man a little bit yeah and now yours has worked in hers hasn't sing frostin us about that possibly um yeah agreed I try talk to them about it because yeah and if they actually have a problem just let them go loose at each other there doesn't that you know just put them in a cage and start F yeah just leave them to a cave give them 24 hours in the house and then so you can have the key back and sort this out yeah cuz realistically you want to put yourself first a film yeah do that work it out and if not then you're stuck now I got rid of the key like you have to hug have oh yeah because if he in that hugging therapy apparently if you hug someone for like 10 minut [ __ ] 10 minutes not 10 minutes is it 30 seconds I feel like you release endorphins from 30 second and it makes you feel good yeah so get them to do that or laughing therapy apparently if you just start laughing yeah like ha you actually like I don't know like because you don't want to encourage things that oh we have to do things as a free so when feels included because then it's like freeway relationship and it's just going to get a bit of I'm in one of them with Millie and Liam oh really did they write this Millie sent this in yeah yeah well sorry Millie him now in a cage I'm going to win oh no I'm just going to see a Millie story right the hand yeah look hug hug yeah I feel like me we all like so open with each other going to beef we were just beef yeah yeah yeah we don't yeah I don't know I feel like if this was me I would tell I would stick it on both of them at the same time and then leave the room and see what happens this what I'm saying like light the fire yeah then leave yeah to right that's the problem solved problem solved that brings us to the end of this podcast episode thank you very much faab for joing me today love having you wow can't speak next time we come on there we'll get pissed oh yeah 100 100% make sure he driving yeah to drive I dve today guys yeah driv I feel like I've said enough without the alcohol to be fair like I feel like I've met the bar on a certain certain you see the edit before it goes out you be fine bab you'll be absolutely sweet I'm all good don't forget to like comment subscribe and I'll see you all next week ta bye yay
Channel: Chloe vs The World
Views: 173,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 44min 3sec (2643 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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