"Faith in the Midst of Despair"- St. Mark 5: 1-24; 35-43 (Rev. Elvis Samuels) Sept.19, 2021

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forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's when jesus came down could be [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] despised and rejected [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now he's a singer [Music] hello [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we hallelujah [Music] is [Music] is [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] good morning my brothers and sisters indeed this is the day that the lord hath made and we are going to rejoice and be glad in it it is so good for us to be in the house of god one more sunday morning we are small in numbers physically but i'm quite certain that right across the airways we have persons joining us this morning i greet our senior pastor reverend dr osborne fisher and sister fisher i re-greet our associate pastor reverend elvis summers and sister sammers i greet the members of the church and pastors councils i greet the ministry leaders i greet also our worship and praise team i greet our musicians i greet the brothers in christ here physically and i greet those joining us special greetings to you in the mighty and marchless name of jesus for those who might be watching from your bedrooms you may be in the kitchen you may be in the car somewhere wherever you are at this time i greet you in the mighty and matchless name of jesus the undisputed champion and or soon coming king somebody just give the lord praise this morning it is a wonderful privilege we have where we can come together to give the lord praise despite all that is happening in our country there are many reasons we have to give god praise so this morning as we join our hearts in prayer we will join also in song in the reading of the scripture in the spoken word in everything we are going to lift up the name of jesus does anybody have a praise for the lord that's why we are here just give the lord praise if you're in your home in your bedroom just give the lord praise hallelujah because we may be locked down physically but spiritually hallelujah our spirits are still alive and free to worship so somebody give the lord praise somebody lift up the name of jesus it is a wonderful thing to give praises to god so at this time my brothers and sisters we're going to join in prayer those watching online let us at this time just unite in prayer as we look to god for his guidance for his protection for his still hand that continues to be on his people let us pray father we we give you praise we give you glory we give you honor we thank you mighty god for this privilege that you have given unto us where we can come together in like manner we thank you this morning for the 20 of us here physically we thank you also mighty god for the thousands joining online we pray mighty god that your divine spirit your unchanging hand will rest upon us we pray that even right now god as we agree in the spirit that you will begin to move in our lives in a very special way mighty god we thank you for this privilege that we have to worship we pray oh god that as we unite our voices this morning that you will hear us blessed god and that you will respond as you always do we put this morning service in your hands blessed god we put the reading of the word we put the songs that will be song this morning we put evil the postural prayer in your hands we put the word also mighty god in your hands that you will touch everything that is done this morning we pray blessed god that you will continue to rest upon this our country jamaica mighty god even as we unite in prayer at this time we know that many are mourning at this time for different reasons but lord you promise that you will comfort those who mourn so in the name of jesus we pray blessed god that you will touch every heart we pray in the name of jesus that you will visit every home blessed god we know that you specialize in healing the brokenhearted so right now in the name of jesus we pray oh god that you will touch that heart touch that body touch that soul touch that mind blessed god and we pray in the name of jesus that you will allow your transforming power to make the things that are wrong right we pray blessed god that you will continue to provide many persons at this time are suffering different types of unfortunate situations persons that have lost their jobs they're persons who have not worked since the onset of this pandemic their persons were healing in their bodies even right now but we pray this morning in the name of jesus that you will intervene into every situation right now mighty god we pray oh god that you will overshadow and we pray in the name of jesus that you will disrupt you will set us under every plan of the enemy and we declare in the name of jesus that victory is ours we speak it in the name of jesus we stand upon the authority blessed god of your word and we declare that it is well mighty god hallelujah blessed jesus i pray that you will visit our home at this time mighty god hallelujah we pray in the name of jesus that you remember those who are shouting hallelujah those who cannot move about as they would want to i pray in the name of jesus that you'll rest your hands upon them at this time and we pray blessed god that you will continue to do a mighty work in the lives of your people we pray in the name of jesus for those who do not know you as lord and savior that evil through today's service that you will bring conviction upon their hearts and that they will come to know you as their personal lord and savior mighty god just go before us this morning and do your work yourself and we promise blessed god that we will continue to give you the praise we will continue to give you the glory we will continue to give you all honor as we tell you thanks in jesus name we pray amen let the church of god say amen amen our scripture reading this morning my brothers and sisters comes from saint mark chapter five and we will have the reading in two parts so when you your foundation you can stand for us to read the word of god together we'll read from verse 1 to verse 24 and then from verse 35 through to 43. i will be reading from verse 1 to 24 and then i'm going to invite jada bennett to read from verse 35 to 40 the word of god as it is written from saint mark chapter 5 reading from verse 1. and there came over onto the other side of the sea onto the country of the gatherings and when he was come out of the ship immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit he had his dwelling among the tombs and no man could bind him no not with chains because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains and the chains had been plopped asunder by him and the fetters broken in pieces neither could any man tame him and always night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones but when he saw jesus afar off he ran and worshiped him and cried with a lord voice and said what have i to do with thee jesus thou son of the most high god i adore thee by god that thou torment me not for he said unto him come out of the man thou unclean spirit and he asked him what is thy name and he answered saying my name is legion for we are many and he besought him much that he would not send him away out of the country now there was there nigh onto the mountains a great herd of swine's feeding and all the devils besought him saying send us into the swine that we may enter into them and fort with jesus gave them leave and the unclean spirit went out and entered into the swine and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea they they were about two thousand and were choked in the sea and they that fed the swine fled and told it in the city and in the country and they went out to see what it was that was done and they came and they come to jesus and see him that was possessed with the devil and had the legion sitting and clothed and in his right mind and they were afraid and they that saw it told them how it befell him fell to him that was possessed with the devil and also concerning the swine and they began to pray him to depart out of their coast and when he was come into the ship he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him howbeit jesus suffered him not but said unto him go home to thy friends and tell them how great things the lord have done for thee and had compassion on thee and he departed and began to publish in the capitalists how great things jesus had done for him and all men did marvel and when jesus was passed over again by ship onto the other side much people gathered unto him and he was nigh in the sea and behold their ki their comet one of the rulers of the synagogue jairus by name and when he saw him he fell at his feet and besought him greatly saying my little daughter lied at the point of death i pray thee come and lay the hands on her that she may be healed and she shall live verse 24 and jesus went with him and much followed him and throng him we now read from verse 35 to through to 43 by jada bennett good morning everyone now continuing from verse 35 to 43 while he yet speak there came from the ruler of the synagogue's house certain which said thy daughter is dead why troublest though the master any further as soon as jesus heard the word that was spoken he said unto the ruler of the synagogue be not afraid only believe and he suffered no man to follow him save peter and james and john the brother of james and he cometh to the house of the ruler of the synagogue and seeth the tumult and them that whipped and wailed greatly and when he was and when he was come in he saith unto them why make ye this ado and weep the damsel is not dead but sleepeth and they laughed him to scorn but when he had put them all out he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel and them that were lying with him and entered in where the damsel was lying and he took the damsel by the hand and said unto her taliath kumi which is being interpreted damsel i say unto thee arise and straight away the damsel arose and walked for she was of the age of 12 years and they were astonished with great astonishment 43 and last and he charged them straightly that no man should know it and commanded that something should be given her to eat this is the word of god we honor it by saying thanks be to god we praise the lord all right at this time i'm going to invite or worship and praise team who will lead us into a time of worship i have no other god but you no matter the situation you have or the situation you're going through just remember that god will always be there [Music] i am [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] god [Music] is as you will do [Music] i am [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] let all the other names fade away [Music] fade away till there's only you that all the other days fade jesus take your place jesus [Music] jesus take your place jesus hearts open wide as the sky we live too high we live too high hands up hearts open wide as we open wide as us wide as we drive and all the other names jesus fade away jesus take your miss jesus and all the other days [Music] jesus take your place [Music] let all the other only names that all the other names fade away jesus take your place jesus take your day jesus jesus jesus [Music] open wide as well [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] 45 [Music] please to be where you are [Music] for your glory [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] i please to be where you are [Music] foreign [Music] is i wanna be where you be are you are i wanna be where you are gotta be where you are [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] [Music] truly [Music] hallelujah [Music] somebody say for your glory hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus mighty god water powerful what a marvelous god we serve somebody give the lord praise somebody give the lord praise somebody said for your glory lord oh thank you jesus lift up a praise before god this morning oh we i know we are in lockdown i know it is no movement hallelujah but our voices are not on the lockdown somebody lift the name of jesus somebody magnify his name somebody lift up his name in the sanctuary those are you watching online hallelujah you're just beginning to praise god at this time my brothers and sisters the emissaries for christ will be coming and immediately after that we'll turn over to reverend elvis who will do the pastoral prayer and then the word but before i go my brothers and sisters as the emissaries of christ are coming i just want to leave with you this word from ezekiel chapter 16 and verse 6. powerful verse i'd love for you to just to market and meditate on it even throughout this week ezekiel chapter 16 and verse 6 is and when i passed by and saw you struggling in your own blood i said unto you in your blood live oh glory be to god i i think somebody want to want to hear that word again when i pass by and saw you struggling in your own blood i said unto you in your blood live somebody just praise the name of jesus somebody watching online need to hear that word live somebody lean in a hospital bed need to hear that word live the church of god needs to hear that word live hallelujah hallelujah somebody just blessed the name of jesus just clearly hallelujah this is the word of god live speak to a dead situation no one just say live oh glory be to god hallelujah live hallelujah somebody just blessed the name of jesus thank you lord i bless you my brothers and sisters i turn over now to the emissaries for christ and immediately after that we'll have the man of god reverend elvis samuels god bless you do take care [Music] so [Music] take [Music] and multiply god all that i am [Music] set me on fire take all i have in these hands [Music] wide open [Music] pouring out my life gracefully broken here i am god's wide open [Music] pouring out my life gracefully broken [Music] my heart stands in all of your name your mighty love stands strong to the end you will fulfill your purpose in me you won't forsake me you will be with me here i am god [Applause] [Music] gracefully broken [Music] here i am god's wide open [Music] [Applause] [Music] gracefully broken [Applause] [Music] all to jesus [Music] i surrender i surrender i surrender [Applause] i surrender i surrender i surrender i surrender i [Music] surrendered me i will be free [Music] is [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] pouring out my life gracefully broken [Applause] [Music] here i am [Applause] [Music] gracefully broken [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] pouring out my life gracefully broken [Applause] [Music] so [Music] here i am this morning lord could we just lift a praise for god in this house just just bless your god just whisper something sweet to him in this atmosphere we honor the sovereign king we honor the sovereign lord this morning eternal and sovereign god we humbly come before you this morning with arms wide open as your people we come this morning celebrating you and giving you thanks lord god that lord you called us as a people who were nothing and you made us into a people who are today something prayers and joint tears of you this morning god and we celebrate you for that fact heavenly father lord as we gather this morning god we gather with nothing but praises on our lips for you we gather with nothing but gratefulness in our hearts this morning as we gather in the sanctuary and as we watch online we are just overflown we're just overcome with gratitude towards you this morning god irrespective of our situations god irrespective of the circumstances that we find ourselves in this morning we are just grateful to you and we lift our hands this morning we join the host of angels this morning god and we worship you in the beauty of holiness we give you praise and we give you honor because we have a fate this morning a faith that tells us that irrespective of what we go through and irrespective of the challenges that we are faced with our god our sovereign god will come true for us this morning and so lord we pause this morning to pray for those who are not doing well among us we pray for the sick among us this morning god we pray for those who have would have gone to the doctor and received a negative prognosis this morning god lord we come and we bring them before you this morning jehovah because we know that you're a god who specializes in the impossible is there anything too hard for our god to do this morning and so lord we come to you you tell us in your words that we must cast our cares upon you because you care it for us and so this morning we come on behalf of somebody this morning who is finding it hard this morning to press on we come on behalf of somebody this morning who is confused this morning jehovah we come on behalf of somebody this morning who is discouraged lord god and we say spirit of the living god meet them where they are this morning jehovah god lord as we continue to go through this pandemic lord god the stress and the challenge of it almighty god is weighing down on people everywhere but this morning you are a god with a burden bearer you are a god who is a heavy lord sharer this morning god and we humbly come to you this morning we do not put our faith and confidence in the systems of this world this morning for they will fail us god but we humbly come to the god this morning who neither slumbers nor sleep we come to the god this morning who you tell us in your words god that you are a present help in our times of trouble we come to you this morning with an assurance god that heavenly father you will ride in in the midst of our situation and you will grant us deliverance you will grant us the answer and so this morning god we come celebrating you for who you are lord we come with an anticipation that you will do it for us but lord even if you don't do it today almighty god and even if you don't do it tomorrow god we will still celebrate you because we know that you will come true on your timing god we know almighty god that you will show up on your timing and so lord god we come this morning and we come and we pray for somebody this morning that they will keep the faith in you jehovah god lord that they will continue to trust you as the ultimate deliverer they will continue to trust you lord god as the one who will come through for them time and time and time again and so this morning god we celebrate you we give you thanks for who you are this morning the sovereign lord over jamaica the sovereign lord over our families the sovereign lord over our lives and the one who remained in control in the midst of chaos we come this morning and we celebrate you lord this morning we bless these bottles of olive oil almighty god lord we pray this morning jehovah god that you o almighty god will sanctify them for your use you will sanctify them for your service lord god that when the individuals use these bottles of olive oils lord god they will experience in their lives miracles they will experience deliverance and transformation god lord almighty our faith is not in the bottle of olive oil but our faith is in your god who is able to do mighty things they are just but a point of contact this morning and so lord almighty god we pray that you will bless them this morning almighty god and may we hear the testimony of the users of the mighty power and intervention of god in their lives and so this morning god be glorified be exalted as we tell you thanks in jesus mighty name we pray and somebody just bless god bless him in this house just thank him praise god brothers and sisters let me greet you well this morning in the mighty name of jesus our lord and soon coming king i want to share with us this morning from the book of matthew matthew chapter 5 verse 21 to 24 and 35 to 43 was read earlier so i will not go over it again just go straight in my brothers and sisters jesus as he left and did the miracle the great miracle of delivering the demon possessed man living among the tombs the bible tells us that he made his way back across the sea of galilee to capernaum but as he journeyed back to capernaum and as he got to the shoreline there met him a large crowd of people and among the gathering the biblical account informs us that a man named jairus was among those who were gathered and as we reflect on the texts this morning we will come to note and understand that this man jairus had a pressing need and he was determined to get to jesus brothers and sisters our texts today is very familiar for many of us we would have been introduced to this from sunday school or even children church we would have been introduced to this dynamic story but this story brothers and sisters we will come to understand that it is filled with anticipation it is filled with despair and it is filled with triumph my brothers and sisters as we reflect on this story as we reflect on this account today we may not all be able to identify with the dire need and situation that jairus faced in the text but brothers and sisters we often find ourselves in situations and circumstances that requires the response that jairus gave a response of faith as we consider my brothers and sisters this particular text it is my desire and prayer that we will be encouraged this morning to know that we have a god that we can put our faith in that in the midst of whatever situation and circumstances of life that we find ourselves in we can anchor our faith in god and so this morning i want to reflect on the thought faith in the midst of despair faith in the midst of despair and as we see in the text jairus faith led him brothers and sisters because of the despair that he had his faith led him to an urgent request from jesus so my brothers and sisters as jesus made his way to the shore he is met by a man with a desperate situation a desperate situation for help a desperate situation that needed his immediate attention a desperate situation my brothers and sisters that only jesus could attend to the text tells us in verses 22 and behold there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue named jairus who is this man jairus who is jairus that we are talking about my brothers and sister jairus was a ruler in the synagogue he was a man of position he was a man of prestige he was a man of power my brothers and sisters he was regarded in his day as a man of influence for he was in charge of the assembly at the synagogue my brothers and sisters as we reflect on the man gyrus in the text it seems to us from his prestige and from his position and from his authority that all is well with jairus it seems to us brothers and sisters that that he has nothing that he needs for he's in a position where he has everything but my brothers and sisters the text tells us that amidst the position amidst the prestige and amidst the power my brothers and sisters this man jairus found himself in a difficult position as we reflect on the text this morning my brothers and sisters it is made apparent to us that the difficult situation that jairus found himself is with his only daughter according to the biblical text in front of us jairus's daughter was on the verge of dying he she was on the verge of dying and amidst all the prestige amidst all the power and amidst all the position that jairus had he could not help his daughter he had heard though the bible tells us of a man named jesus he had heard of jesus he had heard of the many miracles that jesus would have performed and yet brothers and sisters he believed that jesus could do the same for him he believed the brothers and sisters that jesus could heal his daughter and that is why he made his way to meet jesus but my brothers and sisters in that time in that particular day there was a growing tension between jesus and the pharisees there was a growing tension between jesus and the religious orders of the day the pharisees my brothers and sisters at this present time wanted to get rid of jesus and so there became an apparent problem for jairus he had the problem of his daughter dying on one hand and now he had another problem of trying to go to jesus while there was tension between the religious orders of the day why was there another problem why was there another tension my brothers and sisters the idea is that if jairus went to jesus how would those with whom we worship looked at him how would those whom he worship treated him afterwards if jairus went to jesus and asked jesus for help my brothers and sisters it is quite possible it is quite likely that he would lose his position it is quite likely my brothers and sisters that he would lose his authority my brothers and sisters but in the text brothers and sisters we recognize that amidst all the contention that amidst all all the challenges that jairus had to face in that day he had to make a decision he had to make a decision brothers and sisters whether or not he was going to place his faith in the lord jesus christ he had to make a decision my brothers and sisters whether or not he would publicly go to the lord jesus christ and ask for his help ask for his intervention in the life of his daughter he had to make a decision and we recognize from the biblical text we recognize from the text before us that jairus did make that profound decision jairus did went to jesus and asked jesus my brothers and sisters to heal his daughter my brothers and sisters he was willing to take the risk to get to jesus he was willing to do what it took to get to jesus he was willing to take the risk for his daughter's healing and deliverance he was willing may i say to someone this morning that we too must be willing to get to jesus we too must be willing to do what it takes to get to jesus and to get the deliverance to get to jesus my brothers and sisters and to get that which we petition and ask of him we must be willing but recognize that even as jairus went to jesus and even as he made his way to through the crowd to jesus there was a petition that he had on his heart there was something that he wanted g from jesus but as he went with that petition recognized brothers and sisters is demeanor before jesus as he came to jesus verses 22 tells us in the latter part and when he saw him he fell at his feet when he saw jesus in the midst of the crowd in the midst of all those who were pushing against him and in the midst of all those who are trying to reach out and touch him the bible tells us that jairus fell at jesus's feet this shows us brothers and sisters the act of humility brothers and sisters the word fell in this context means to descend from a high place to a lower one my brothers and sisters here is gyrus i want for us to keep in mind and to keep focus as to who jairus was jairus was a high official he was a ruler in the synagogue in other words people would come and submit to jairus but hearing the text brothers and sisters we are now recognizing and we are now seeing that jairus laid his authority aside jairus laid his position and his prestige aside and he took the lower position and he submitted himself before jesus in other words brothers and sisters as jairus came to jesus he laid aside pride he laid aside anything that would weigh him down he laid aside anything that would stop him brothers and sisters he did not care who was looking at him he did not care who would see him in the moment brothers and sisters he was not concerned with the opposition of the day he was not concerned with who would be prejudice against him he laid all those aside because he had a need and he was going to the king of king he had a need and he was going to the lord of lord hear me my brothers and sisters as we go to god this morning you and i might have a need you and i might have a situation that we need god to deal with but as we go to god this morning let us lay aside the pride let us lay aside the oppositions from our mind and let us bow before god with humility understanding who we are going to gyrus understood brothers and sisters that he was not going to a normal man he understood that he was not going to the high priest of the synagogue he understood my brothers and sisters that he was not going to the high authority in the land that the day but he recognized that he was going to a man he recognized that he was going to a divine god he recognized that he was going to someone who was able to grant him the deliverance and the breakthrough that he needed and by faith by faith jairus went and he humbled himself before god so as we come and as we bring the petitions that we have before the lord god almighty let us humble ourselves before god understanding that the god that we are going to is greater than the problem understanding that the god that we are going to is greater than our situation understanding that the god that we are going to is the only wise god understanding that he is the sovereign god of this universe and we must humble ourselves before god as a gyrus went and he humbled himself before god he went brothers and sisters and he took the lowly position brothers and sisters declaring of a truth that god was hurt jesus was higher than him and he was able brothers and sisters to do that which he came to petition of him for understand this morning that the sovereign god is quite able understand that the sovereign god this morning is quite able to do whatever we come and we ask of him but listen to this for jairus did not only humble himself but jairus also had faith that as he came to god and as he humbled himself before him that god that jesus would respond to him and so he tells us the text tells us in verses 23 and besought him greatly saying my little daughter light at the point of death i pray thee come and lay thy hands on her that she may be healed and she shall live brothers and sisters come with me catch what catch what jairus is doing here and listen to the words of jairus carefully brothers and sisters i want for us to understand that as jairus came to jesus he came with an unusual faith as jairus came to jesus he came with faith that was not wavering as jairus came to jesus he came my brothers and sisters and he was not questioning the possibility of whether or not jesus could do it he came brothers and sisters and he was not second guessing or second questioning whether or not jesus could do it listen to his words again jairus said she shall be healed she shall live he already knew that once he came to jesus and once he asked of jesus it was going to happen and so he had no doubt in his mind i believe brothers and sisters that that this faith was cultivated but the many acts of healing that you would have heard of jesus doing i believe that this faith my brothers and sisters would have been cultivated oh brothers and sisters because of what jesus was doing in the land in that day and so he had a faith in jesus that once he came to jesus the same thing that jesus had done for others he can do it for him in this day and in this age my brothers and this is i believe without a shadow of a doubt that childhood of faith in almighty god and the presence of almighty god that told him brothers and sisters that all you need to do is ask of jesus and it shall be done oh jairus did not go questioning whether not god jesus could do it he did not go questioning whether or not it was going to be possible he had a faith a faith that told him that it is possible hear me my brothers and sisters as we traverse this land as we go through this life as we go through challenges and hardship and difficulties that we face from day to day some of them brothers and sisters are unexpected oh but brothers and sisters in the midst of those unexpected situations and in the midst of the circumstances that we are faced with let us keep jesus at the center and let us keep faith in almighty god faith in jesus faith in god that he is able to move mountains faith in jesus faith in god that is able to turn things around why because he's the sovereign god of this universe why because he's a god that never slumbers nor sleep why because he's a god that cannot fail you nor me brothers and sisters he's a god brothers and sisters that is not dictated by things that happens around him he's a god brothers and sisters oh that does not take order from any other man he is the sovereign god of this universe and whatever we go to god his words has come unto me his word says cast your tears unto me his word says take my yoke upon thee oh brothers and sisters let us hold to faith in almighty god faith faith in almighty god faith in jehovah it's a gyrus came he came and he made his petition by faith but jairus also recognized that he was in the presence of a mighty man jairus recognized that he was in the presence of an awesome man he was not a regular man and because he was in the presence of jesus anything was possible those things that seemed to have been impossible suddenly became possible simply because he was in the presence of jesus brothers and sisters we must recognize that when we are in the presence of the sovereign god that anything is possible and you and i as children of the most high god we live in the presence of almighty god and so anything is possible for you and for me at any point of the day simply because we live in the presence of almighty god jairus recognized that god was able when nobody else was jairus recognized my brothers and sisters that the situation that he faced in the moment was beyond his control the situation that he faced in the moment was beyond the control of those who were around him and so all that he had to do at the time was to put his faith was to put his trust was to put his confidence in the man called jesus who will never fail him he had to put his faith he had to put his confidence in jesus this morning my brothers and there is hope once we put our faith and our confidence in christ jesus there is hope this morning for you and for me in the midst of your situation in the midst of your circumstance there is hope if we put our faith in god expect the unexpected once you put your faith in jesus expect the unexpected as we place our faith in jesus so we see jairus this morning he went to god to jesus with an urgent request but as he went to jesus his faith not only led him to her according to petition of an urgent request but his faith also led him to an uncertain journey an uncertain journey his faith led him to my brothers and sisters verses 24 tells us and jesus went with him and much people followed and throbbed him brothers and sisters as they journey the text tells us that the crowd journeyed along with them and among the crowd were those who were desperate and in need as well among the crowd my brothers and sisters were those who required the attention of jesus himself and the text this morning as we read the text you would have recognized that we we skipped over some of the verses and jumped down that was because there was a delay in jairus's story for as jairus was journeying with jesus the bible tells us in matthew 5 brothers and sisters that a woman a woman with an issue of blood met them along the journey and as they were journeying she touched jesus and right there a miracle was performed as they journeyed along the way my brothers and sisters to jairus's daughter brothers and sisters jesus hallelujah brothers and sisters encountered a woman who needed a dis a dire deliverance a dire miracle in her life and that altered jairus's journey that altered jairus's gyrus's walk home with jesus but my brothers and sisters this goes to show us that sometimes as we place our faith as we place our confidence in the sovereign god of israel sometimes as we place our faith in jesus brothers and sisters and as he's churning with us to our point of deliverance as he's journeying with us to our point of breakthrough sometimes there is a delay in the breakthrough sometimes there is a delay in the victory that we will receive but brothers and sisters do not lose faith do not lose hope while there is a delay while there is a pause do not lose hope do not lose faith in almighty god for god is still on the work god is still on the job there might be a pause there might be a delay but keep faith keep faith alive keep faith alive keep faith a lot but even when there is a delay even when there is a pause jesus is still in control your sovereign god is still in control the lord of this universe is still in control brothers and sisters and so god this morning brothers and sisters doesn't always work on our timing he does not always work on our schedule but one thing we can rest assured is that the god that we serve will come through for you and me if we place our faith and if we place our confidence rest assured that god will indeed come through for you and for me the bible tells us that his friend lazarus was sick and was at the point of debt but jesus was four days late and lazarus died and was buried he was laid to rest but even while the situation seemed to have been dead brothers and sisters jesus was able to bring it back to life why because god is an untimed god why because god will do what he says he will do why because if you put your faith your trust and your confidence in almighty god it does not matter what seems to be spiraling out of control it does not matter what seems to be getting worse and worse and more difficult and challenging if you put your faith your trust and your confidence in jehovah god rest assured my brothers and sisters that god will come through for you god works in his time and he is never late but the reality is that we may not always understand why god would want to delay we may not always understand why god would all would want to pause in the midst of a breakthrough in the midst of a deliverance we may not always understand and late as we move on we will recognize that jairus's situation got worse we may not always understand why god would cause the deliverance for us that seems like we are going forward to turn back way and get even worse brothers and sisters but in the times when it seems like there is a pause in the times when it seems like things are getting worse and worse and it seems as if god is nowhere to be found this is the time my brothers and sisters when you and i we need to anchor our faith in the sovereign god can i but say that sometimes all god is doing is testing your faith a bit more to see if you are truly a faith walker he's protesting your faith a little more to see if you are ready for deliverance and the breakthrough all that god is doing he is putting you through a process brothers and sisters oh hallelujah in the midst of your deliverance so it might seems like things are getting worse might seems like you are going backwards and there is absolutely no point to keep trusting god oh glory to god all the sickness went but when you went back to the doctor they told you it is back again oh my brothers and sisters there finally was a financial opening for you but of it came and shut it down oh my brothers and sisters it seemed as though you were progressing forward but situations keep popping up one after the other and you are going through a series of testings and trials and you feel as though you want to give up and throw in the towel and almighty god you feel as though you want to give up and back out of this journey but i say to you this morning to keep walking by faith i say to you this morning to keep trusting the sovereign god for it might look late to you but god a god will show up on time in the midst of your situation in the midst of your circumstance just keep trusting god keep trusting god keep trust in god just wave to somebody and tell him keep trusting god keep trusting god don't lose faith so as we get to verses 35 and 36 we see that not only is there a delay in jesus getting to the daughter but we see that things have gotten worse things have taken a turn for the worst hallelujah for while yet spake there came from the ruler of the synagogue's house certain which said thy daughter is dead your daughter is dead why troubles though the master any further in other words your daughter dead so nobody cared jesus come down there all you need to go do is to bury your daughter now there is no resurrection for your daughter there is no come back from your circumstance oh can i talk to some people this morning who have been through situations and circumstances in their life you have gone through some things in your life where people looked at you and tell you might as well you give up right now people have looked at you and told you might as well you back out of this thing right now cause you cannot go any further it makes no sense for you to keep trusting and believe in god in the midst of what is happening right now there is no reason for you to keep holding on to god and trust in god when your light has been cut off oh there is no reason to keep holding on and trusting god when your children have turned their backs on you there is no reason to keep holding on and trusting god in the midst of this pandemic that is taking out your family members there is no reason to hold on and trust god in the midst of all that is that mean and when you look on the realities for real you know there is no reason for you to really keep on there is no logical reason for you to keep on trusting god in the midst of all that is happening oh glory to god can imagine your father the sin and they come tell you your child is dead the despair the grief the burden the hurt the pain that you would be experiencing and feeling oh god of heaven and sometimes brothers and sisters in the midst of the hurt and the pain can i just say something that i've been saying from from we've started this series sometimes the hurt and the pain that you are feeling and experiencing when you hear the voices of others around you you want to give in to those voices and listen to them but brothers and sisters catch the texts in the midst of jairus's despair in the midst of jairus's discomfort at hearing that his daughter is dead here verses 36 as soon as jesus heard the word that was spoken he said unto the ruler of the synagogue be not afraid only believe in the midst of all that is happening around you the voice that you need to be listening to in this time is the voice of almighty god in the midst of your despair in the midst of your discomfort in the midst of your agony in the midst of your trials the voice that you need to be listening to is not the voice of the doctors yes they give wise counsel it is not the voice of the leaders yes they will instruct us it is not the voice of even the church leaders but the voice of god in this season that is the voice that you and i we must listen to and follow in the midst of our challenge in the midst of our difficulties it's a gyrus he's there he's waiting on god he's waiting on jesus patiently wait in any minute faith is being built up and that is why he's waiting while jesus is dealing with someone else but while his faith is being built up his faith is suddenly cut off and crushed with the news my brothers and sisters so this is what jesus says be not afraid only believe in other words jesus is saying to jairus keep believing in me keep having faith in me you've heard the bad news you've heard the negative news you've heard the challenging news that is no challenge in your faith there is no question in your faith but while you've heard it keep believing in me keep trusting in me keep having faith in me knowing that i jesus i am not limited keep trusting keep believing in god knowing that he's not limited by the authorities and the situations of this world keep believing in jesus the songwriter says there is nothing you cannot do why because all authority and power is in god there is nothing that god cannot do for he is not limited he is a god who is in control and so even while the situation might seem dead very and forgotten jesus the sovereign lord that you and i serve is able to bring to pass whatever he told you the sovereign god that you and i serve is able to bring to pass whatever promises he commanded your way the sovereign god that you and i serve brothers and sisters he is able to do it brothers and sisters it is in these times of difficulty challenge and despair that we should hold to our sovereign god mark 9 23 tells us jesus said unto him if thou canst believe all things are possible to him that believeth on him jesus christ brothers and sisters if you can believe in the midst of your circumstance if you can believe in the midst of the challenge that you are faced with that all things are possible oh it will be done unto you and so i say to you this morning only believe in the lord jesus christ only believe in him seems impossible but all things all things can be made possible with a sovereign god that you and i serve that's what we profess that's what we tell other people that god can do just about anything he can do just about anything that you want him to do so why in the midst of your fate experience not remind yourself that your god can do just about anything remind yourself that your god can perform miracles that will blow your mind and the mind of those around you remind yourself in the midst of the sickness that the god that you serve is a healing jesus who can do just about anything for you only believe and their faith in him and so the text continues brothers and sisters and he tells us that they got to the home of giles and as they got to the home verses 39 and the latter part tells us that jesus asked the question why make this ado and weep the damsel is not dead but asleep she's not dead she's only asleep my brothers and sisters when they arrived at the home there was what you call mourinho's dear why because in their mind she dead mourners there mourning ready to go planned funeral and all of those things because in their mind the damsel the girl was dead and that is why brothers and sisters we cannot lean on our own understanding because what seems right to us sometimes can be wrong or we need to lean on the understanding and the perspective of our sovereign god we need to be guided by the mind of christ brothers and sisters in these days and so jesus declared that the girl was not dead but was sleeping and with such a declaration the text tells us that the mourners who were there begin to laugh got real mad mondays if the girl i don't get in there there is no life in the body this situation is dead so what kind of madman this i come tell you about she is not dead but this is faith faith defies logics this is faith brothers and sisters faith brothers and sisters does not go with the norm of the day faith brothers and sisters does the impossible and that was what jesus came to do but in all of this there is something that struck me in all of this gyros still believed in all of this gyro still believed jesus he still trusted jesus brothers and sisters jairus believed jesus because of the stories that he would have heard about jesus and not only the stories but jairus himself as jesus was journeying with him to his home experience or saw a miracle for himself jairus saw a woman who was suffering with the issue of blood for 12 years suddenly became wool suddenly received her healing in the presence of jesus jairus my brothers and sisters believed and kept faith that if jesus could do it for them and others jesus can do it for him jairus kept the faith and believe that because jesus was very much present at the home all that deliverance and breakthrough can happen at the home brothers and sisters i want for you and i to understand that in the midst of our challenge and our difficulty and circumstances people will tell us all kind of things and tell us that it cannot happen but i want for you to remind them that you are the one who spend time at jesus feet i want for you to remind them that you were the one who came to prior meeting and prayed for the sick and the he and they received healing i want for you to remind them that you are the one who prayed for your unsaved son or husband and they came home to jesus and so nothing is hard for god to do nothing is impossible he is the one in other words you have your experience with god you have you've had your encounters with him you've seen him work you've proved them and you've proved that faith in god can move mountains you've proved them hallelujah and you've proved brothers and sisters that while things might take long in our eyes when god shows up he shows up right on time you've proved them in the midst of challenges before and so when you come into challenge in this season oh brothers and sisters keep the faith oh brothers and sisters the songwriter um reminds us roll back the curtains of memories now and then show me where you brought me from and where i could have been oh brothers and sisters it is as we roll by the curtains of memories now and then the war of faith is built up in almighty god that if he could do it back then he can do it now for us so be persistent like jairus be persistent keep pushing keep pushing and don't stop because of what people are saying around you you know as i'm talking here i'm reminded of elijah and elijah brother neal and when elijah was about to be taken away elijah was pursuing after him why because he wanted something from elijah he wanted a double portion of the anointing oh brothers and sisters but as he was journeying the very same people that he would fellowship with would try to discourage him along the journey i know they meant him well you know they meant him well and sometimes as we are faced with situations and circumstances in our lives people mean us well and they're trying to help us through the situation they really genuinely mean good but what they are saying is damaging our faith in almighty god and that is why brothers and sisters you and i we should not rely on the voices of those around us but keep our ears in tune to almighty god trusting in almighty god only to lead us through this and so amidst all what was said to elisha he decided not to listen and to press on why because he wanted something my grandmother used to tell me man we have raw meat seek wood who seek fire yes our brothers and sisters when you have a situation that you need god to come through in what you have a circumstance that you need god to step in all you need to have a faith that is immovable you need to have a faith that is not wavering and not shaken oh brothers and sisters you need to have faith like jairus that despite what people say and despite what you see around you all your faith is anchoring almighty god that he is quite able capable to do the impossible he's able he's able to do the impossible he's able to do what you and i cannot do for he's a god that moves by our faith so keep the faith and so finally finally jairus's fate led him not only to an urgent request and an uncertain journey but an undeniable miracle an undeniable miracle verses 41 to 42 tells us andy took the damsel by the hand and said unto her talitha kumi which is being interpreted damsel i say unto thee arise and straight away the damsel rose and walked for she was of the age of 12 years old my brothers and sisters jesus came in encounter with this young girl he spoke directly to her need he commanded her to arise and the text tells us that she immediately stood and walked jesus was not perplexed or concerned about handling the situation he spoke with authority and provided for her great need he healed her in the midst of our situation brothers and sisters i want for us not to forget about the power and the provision that is in our god he is a god this morning who is able to speak to our needs he's a god this morning who was able to bring the solution that we need to our situation he's a god this morning my brothers and sisters that is able to do the impossible and so because we have a god like that this morning we need not to fear anything in this day and in this age for he is more than able to provide for our situation he is more than able to provide for our needs because he is a lord over all this morning he is the sovereign god and that is why we can trust him so jesus looked at the little girl and he said to her took her by the hand and he said to her talithakumi which means dumb dumbs will arise but when you look at the word talita brother neal it it gives us the understanding of of one who is a shepherd or a shepherd and so in other words when jesus took the girl by the hand he was making the demonstration that he is our shepherd who will lead and who will guide us and so in the midst of challenges challenges and difficulty in the midst of hardship and in the midst of the circumstances that we face in life understand that we have a shepherd who is leading us this morning oh it might be difficult it might be challenging for you and i to bear oh but trust god in the midst of all that you are going through for he is leading you his word tells us oh brothers and sisters that he leads us through the valley of the shadow of death oh brother and this is you and i have nothing to fear in the desert here if jehovah is leading you and me because his presence is with us oh brothers and sisters the god that we serve is right beside us in the midst of the challenge in the midst of the difficulty in the midst of the hardship and don't miss it because jesus was right beside jairus every step of the way right until he got to the home he was with gyros understand that your god will not leave you alone in the midst of your challenge understand that your god will not abandon you when you're faced with trials and testing understand that your god is standing by your side so if god is for you who can be against you if god is for you who can stand against you so my brothers and sisters understand that faith in the midst of despair is possible because your god is right there with you understand that faith in the midst of challenging though sometimes it is difficult to execute is possible because god is with you and all you need to do brothers and sisters is trust god trust him to do what he says he will do trust in my brothers and sisters to come through for you so verse 42 tells us in the latter part and they were astonished with a great astonishment why because of what jesus did hear me my brothers and sisters i'm closing here hear me you see if we want people to come to christ and if we want people to know the power of the lord jesus christ just have faith just have faith because it is when you have faith in almighty god that god will work and move and it is when god work and move that people will become astonished at the work of almighty god and so this morning as you go through your difficulty as you go through your challenge that people are telling you that you cannot make it through as you go through your battle silently brothers and sisters keep faith in almighty god for faith in almighty god can move mountains our faith in almighty god brothers and sisters can calm a troubled sea keep faith in almighty god this morning brothers and sisters keep faith in the midst of the pandemic keep faith in the midst of the family and things not going so right keep faith in the midst of your own personal life when you are wondering god god what is this on me keep faith keep faith in a god who is able to do the impossible for you keep faith in christ jesus and so this morning my brothers and sisters if we are struggling with any form of situation today keep faith keep faith that god will deliver you keep faith that god will bring you through keep pressing like the man gyrus in the text keep pressing amidst the distractions that are around you and keep the faith in almighty god finally i want to speak what i'm saying might be watching us this morning it's not by chance that you are watching that you are joining it's not by chance that you are hearing the word of faith to keep faith in almighty god this morning is a time for you to move by faith and trust god to sort things out in your own personal life things that you cannot deal with things that you cannot find a solution and the answer to move by faith and trust in god this morning to bring you through to deliver you and to save your soul most importantly trust god this morning my brothers and sisters keep the faith in the midst of distressing circumstances and situation keep faith in jehovah god faith in god can move a mighty mountain charisters fate in god can calm the troubled sea hallelujah thank you cheers [Music] facing god [Music] mountains [Music] in god can't calm the tropics [Music] [Music] we have the big toes [Music] is [Music] [Music] we [Music] let us pray sovereign god we humbly come to you we give you thanks this morning because we know that faith in you oh god can do the impossible and the lord god almighty as we come we come this morning and we pray god we pray heavenly father that you will cause us as your believers to have a faith in you that is unwavering to have a faith in you this morning oh god that will stand the test of time like a man in the uh brothers and sister jairus lord god we pray this morning that we will have a fate that will cause us to be persistent with you o god a faith that will cause us to bring our requests to you knowing oh god that you are able to answer us when we come to you and when we pray knowing oh god that you are able to send the answer that we need for our deliverance for our strength o god in these times lord we pray in the midst of our distressing situation the lord while you are carrying us on the journey of deliverance and breakthrough when things seem to pause and things seem almighty god to be going backwards lord we pray that we will not lose faith in you god but we pray that our faith will be increased in you in these times for your word paul tells us almighty god that thy faith is made perfect in our times of weakness and so lord god we pray that you will help to strengthen us oh god in those times when we are challenged lord cause us almighty god not to turn our backs on you but almighty god to keep trusting you no matter what that lord you will deliver and you will bring us safely through lord we pray heavenly father that as we keep faith in you almighty god as we keep faith alive jehovah god the lord we will experience our undeniable miracles with you oh god the lord we need miracles in these days we need miracles in our personal lives we need miracles in our family lives and miracles in our church and in this nation lord god but lord in order for us to experience and to see the miracles god lord we must have a faith in you that is not shaken we must have a faith in you this morning lord god like jairus that will keep believing you o god amidst all that we see and experience around us we believe you because we know you can do it and so this morning god we pray that you will visit us individually gathered here and online and lord you will minister anew to us this morning lord speak to our faith afresh lord god and increase our faith in you afresh this morning oh god as we look to you sovereign god lord we pray for someone who is online this morning who might not be saved oh god lord we know it is not by chance why they have logged on to this platform this morning and they are watching almighty god lord we pray you will minister to them this morning jehovah speak to them in your own special way o god and increase their faith in you a faith o god that will tell them to step out by faith and to trust you with their lives oh god lord may they commit their lives to you this morning as you minister to them jehovah god for lord we know you are still in the heat saving business for that is why you came to seek and to save that which was lost and so lord may they believe your finished work by faith this morning in the mighty name of jesus lord as your people are about to come back with a portion of what you have blessed them with oh god we thank you this morning give you thanks jehovah god we bless you we bless you for the many open doors that you have opened unto us oh god and we bless you oh god for pouring out into our lives and into our store baskets this morning and so this morning god by faith your people they walk down this altar by faith they give online this morning almighty god to your work here on earth and by faith they trust you for an increase this morning and so lord god we pray almighty that you will do it for them this morning according to their faith in you in christ jesus in jesus name we pray in somebody just bless the lord this morning hallelujah praise god the charistas are coming to lead us in a time of worship as we given brother oswald is coming to stand this morning brothers and sisters may we continue to trust god by faith in a time of despair [Music] i believe [Music] oh [Music] you are [Music] you [Music] i believe you [Music] i [Music] you are foreign [Music] [Music] jehovah i trust you this morning let us stand everybody as we pronounce the benediction may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you and give you his peace both now and forevermore and the people of god say amen amen [Music] i believe
Channel: Mandeville New Testament Church of God
Views: 562
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: cupGFLfan0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 4sec (7144 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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