Failure Is Not the End - The Journey of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

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[Music] ever since the empire strikes back star's heroes have dealt with failure whether it's luke's overconfidence and arrogance and training under yoda and against fear of loss leading him to the dark side or rey's misguided attempts to define her greatness through her heritage alone failure has fundamentally become a rite of passage for every star's hero and that's entirely by design joseph campbell's hero's journey for which star wars is infamously inspired by identifies failure in the ordeal stage where hero confronts their greatest fear and experiences death only after being reborn after being confronted by failure can the hero be resurrected and be granted greater powers that lead them to the end of their journey though the hero's journey is practically infused into the dna of star wars it's an approach to storytelling that's become somewhat cliche over the decades since 1977 and any attempts to innovate on it are rarely impactful you may not know the stages of the hero's journey by name but you definitely recognize when a film uses them as a result the hero's journey has become somewhat boring naturally this presents a challenge to new star wars stories can you separate the hero's journey from star wars and retain the series identity and if not can you somehow make it new is it even worth trying to do something new these were undoubtedly some of the considerations respawn entertainment made when they set out to make star wars jedi fallen order the first story driven single-player star wars game since the force unleashed ii a game that went absurdly off the rails from its original 2008 predecessor which was also a spin on the hero's journey but the weight of response task didn't stop at the difficulty of telling a new story or the anticipation of the first single player star wars game in almost a decade they also had to contend with the reputation of their umbrella publisher electronic arts whose poor handling of the star's license sparked multiple controversies eroded the confidence of the star wars gaming community and resulted in the shutdown of visceral games after the failed development of star wars ragtag to be taken seriously respawn wasn't simply to meet people's expectations but surpassed them a tall demand from his studio only versed in the first person shooter genre but respawn president vince sampela wasn't about to shirk away from that demand in fact he embraced it which is exactly why he hired stig asmussen the former director of god of war iii the perfect visionary for a star wars action game the team assembled around him were similarly versed in the action game genre and conjoined with lucasfilm respond benefited from some of the best project talent in the industry oscar nominated sound engineer david accord star wars game music familiar gordy habb and former head writer of the clone wars matt miknovits and none of this is to even mention the killer performance capture actors throughout the game deborah wilson daniel roebuck elizabeth grulon d bradley baker the amazing forced whitaker and the brilliant cameron monaghan though none of the game's potential for success was lost on me it was overshadowed by both my spite for ea and my growing distance from star wars something that i briefly explored in my clover series earlier this year from just a quick scan around the launch day impressions of jedi fallen order i know i wasn't alone thus i began falling order with reluctance this was star wars but was it good star wars surprisingly it wasn't long before i had my answer for your journey and fallen order begins not with the whimper i had anticipated but a furious bang [Music] in a seeming flash of horrifying events former jedi cal kestis is back on the run after five short years the threads on his rope have finally snapped suspending him into perilous freefall a moment that manifests itself into a teeth gnashing trained set piece moving at blinding death defying speed this is exactly how fast cal needs to move to evade the empire if not even faster it's in these moments that fon order finally got me this wasn't just the latest jedi simulator but a full-on exploration of trauma in the star wars galaxy what it's like to live by your beliefs and identity in a dictator state knowing that those very tenants could get you killed this isn't a swashbuckling rebellion it's a never-ending nightmare and it's only just begun going somewhere though the crew of the mantis comes to calzade in his most desperate hour they can never completely restore his safety that's not lost sincere junda another former jedi aboard the mantas with her captain griez dreidus which is why with their support sarah makes cal and offer help her open a holocron with the names of future force sensitive children help her bring the jedi order back and defeat the empire for good it's no easy undertaking pursuing such a goal is not only fraught with the worst evils the empire can throw at cal but the repercussions of retreading his traumatic past but by treading that past as well as the paths of an ancient civilization fallen order brilliantly constructs its journey for the player and eventually redefines the hero's journey in a way few video games and even fewer star wars stories have envisioned so here's how it does it ogano is the player's swampy playground where the chaotic energy of the game's intros channeled into a quieter tutorial zone you come to understand the game's use of verticality and pathfinding the difficulty of combat the importance of meditating solving puzzles with the force and uh ogdobogdo yep and one hit memed as he was on release ogdobogdo isn't just respawn front loading the hardest boss in the game in the tutorial zone as a prank it's a necessary humbling of the player for both the core gameplay loop and narrative journey that lies ahead cal has much to reconcile with before he can take on the hardest challenges in the galaxy even if it's this stupid frog eventually the player will have to accept that or waste time and lose brain cells trying to defeat him an encounter this difficult is also instrumental in quickly teaching the player about combat this is a difficult game regardless of the difficulty setting that approach to difficulty equally extends to the navigation metroidvania level design with hidden areas and branching pathways until you unlock more abilities most of bogano is inaccessible to the player you can try to cheat the game's physics as much as you want but once again it's easier to accept what you lack and move on both the kaaba and exploration are crucial in achieving the ludonarrative synchronicity of fallen order cal is not only weak in the force but he's paralyzed by his trauma and failures the journey to defy those failures starts here on bogano by accepting them as cal progresses in his journey and opens the wound to his past wider and wider he will become more powerful for now it's a hard knock life no one of fallen order's biggest criticisms on release was how closely it copied the combat and gameplay of dark souls another series with an emphasis on difficult combat and navigation the comparison between both games never seems more apt than when comparing the respawn mechanic and dark souls dying takes you back to the last bonfire you rested at and fall in order it's the last meditation circle though this is undeniably dark souls guess what it's undeniably purposeful it's the ordeal sage in joseph campbell's hero's journey but evolved into a constant cycle of the gameplay whether you are unprepared naive cocky or overwhelmed the difficulty of the combat forces you to confront your mistakes every enemy has a pattern and your ability to understand or outthink those patterns is exactly what will allow you to progress and by doing this over and over and over again you will gain greater skill a more laid-back combat system would have been far less effective at enforcing this it would have compromised the game's ludonarrative synchronicity similar reasoning applies to the mechanic where enemies respawn after you meditate it's an unnatural fisher in the cannon fabric sure but what if i posited this is cal ever safe from the empire does his trauma and fear not instill him with paranoia not make him anxious for what threat lies around every corner and is the effort to survive never this exhausting if your answer is no then you understand why this mechanic is important cal's fight for survival is relentless and so is the player's search for safety in this way respawn effectively simulates the herring reality of a jedi fugitive cementing further pressure to an equally harrowing journey ahead thankfully it's not a fight cow will have to fight alone ogano quickly acquaints you with bd1 the greatest droid companion since sliced bread bd1 is the samwise gamgee of your journey unconditionally supporting you in the healer role they fulfill literally healing you through on command stimpaks that's pretty genius stim here bd1 takes you directly to pagano's mysterious vault where your quest truly begins jedi explorer ino cordova foresaw a fallen order and thus stored a holocron with the names of four sensitive children in bogano's vault the only way to unlock it is by finding a key reserved for the end of a long expedition across the galaxy through ancient tombs and mystifying secrets the legacy of the zepho a powerful race of force users not seen in generations only by completing this expedition can cordova entrust the holocron to the jedi who seeks it that could be cow but in the same way cordova will only impart the holocron to the jedi he trusts cao can only succeed if he learns to trust a flaw reinforced by the death of his master the betrayal of his clones and his isolation on branca it's going to be a long journey and it starts on zepho couple moms ain't gonna kill you kid unless the wind picks up with the training wheels now off the players let loose on the sprawling world of zepho a windy tundra coated with ice and frost almost as if the empire brought this icy desolation with them zepho's beauty is actively crumbling away shattering beneath the empire's tight grip as are the tombs buried below the surface zephyr quite strikingly exemplifies respawn's approach to environmental storytelling and fallen order the planet itself is a conflict between the new and the old the beauty of the past and soulless mining operations that threaten it the ancient secrets of the long dead zepho and the cutting edge ruthless empire that seeks to reap those secrets you can apply this same lens for environmental storytelling to any planet in the game and it always holds up bracha is diminished by total destruction a snapshot of a galaxy in a fresh ruined still preoccupied with the past in contrast bogano is vibrant and abundant with exotic life untouched by the empire's poison and retains much of its beauty as a result on zepho the presence of the empire threatens the erasure of all beauty you might be powerless to stop it but not to pass on its secrets cal along with the crew of the mantis are caught in the middle much like the two iconic periods of star wars the game is sandwiched between cows the bridge between the new and the old and fittingly his quest and fawn order besets him upon the ruins of the past for a holocron that will protect the future the mechanic of forseco another element of environmental storytelling is a lower compliant mechanic of not only getting collectibles but for cal to absorb perspectives of the past understand the forgotten legacies of people swept away by the tidal wave of change and synthesize an entirely new perspective in the present the commander was killed by a lightsaber cow's most important gazes into the past come through in his forced flashbacks to his very own past when cal is ready to push just a little bit further ready to confront the possibility of imminent failure you not only recall a new force power as cal but he repairs his connection to the force he heals from the trauma of his past a feat only achievable through understanding one's strengths and weaknesses and trusting oneself this is what it means to be a bridge between the new and the old to saddle the burden of balancing to extremes and finding harmony where there's usually chaos sarah already does this who reflects on her past as a jedi to help cal in the present as does bd1 guiding cal's present quest with cordova's past recordings recordings that quickly lead them to kashyyyk to find chieftain tarfal [Music] like zepho kashyyyk's beauty is threatened under siege by the slave machine of the empire there's hope to save it but it will take work it'll take the partisans watch yourself in there for the briefest moment ishika turns cal from tomb raider the freedom fighter forced to place his faith in individuals desperate to put their faith in him your first arrival on kashyyyk epitomizes the tests allies and enemy stage of the hero's journey the longest stage following the crossing of the threshold into the special world it's here that kal's quest gained significant scale the allying partisans and the escalating forces of the empire difficult tests surely abound deadly spiders tucked away in dense thickets and tightly woven level design but what star wars story isn't elevated by a bit of adventure for now darful isn't yet to be found which means it's back to zepho i think we're getting close the tomb of islam was but a tease for the gargantuan tomb of miktrol on the planet's second visit here the awesome genius of the zepho ripples through the immaculate level design layers and layers of gilded corridors separated by nauseating ascents and perilous drops if it sounds like a roller coaster it's because it is one and the steepest drop is arguably at the start cal i'll predict [Music] if it wasn't for her she betrayed me you're a driller in the flesh cal's distrust of others has already wreaked havoc on the last few years of his life and now that he's finally addressing that distrust cal has only managed to find himself in the same vulnerable position he was as jar to ball student he could deny trilla's claims all he likes but truthfully she knows more than anyone about betrayal trilla is cal's foil consumed by her failures devastated by pain trillo willed herself to the forces of fear as a servant of the dark side using her pain to inflict the same hopeless cycle she's trapped in on others particularly cow if he ever slips into that darkness lets his fear and trauma overwhelm him then he will surely await the same fate as trilla trilla's former master of ser sure has some explaining to do and so does greece just as we come to discover that trillis fate was largely shaped by sarah's mistakes the hacks and brood middle chapter of fallen order is the unforeseen consequence of griez's gambling days both threats are cowspered into bear and both are ironically caused by his closest allies the hacks and brood arena fight is particularly grueling though sugan asana by the who admittedly makes it pretty badass regardless cal's trust in his allies is on the line and their failures are to blame for it astonishingly griez does what's so hard in the face of all undo betrayal he apologizes to cow cow life's not a game you two all i cared about was myself easy money now it's different it's moments like this that separate fallen order from the vast swath of star wars canon griez wonderfully fulfills the pilot caricature in star wars a delightful antithesis to han solo's rogueis charm and the way he cooks meals takes care of his furniture and grows plants but he's also human not literally of course but human in the way that all flawed human beings are griez has felt lost in the passing of his grandmother but where he once let the pain of that loss and his subsequent loneliness push him into the vices of gambling griez no longer chooses to let that loss define him instead he honors the memory of his grandmother by applying what she taught him in his own life and thus lives by her goodness and this is only so possible with good people to share it with that can never completely detain the consequences of his mistakes but by building a bridge of trust and empathy cal bears the inevitable consequences with greater resolve than ever before the return to kashyyyk and descent into the shadowlands is easily my favorite chapter of fallen order after navigating plant caverns and muddy waterways the player foregoes the epic ascent to the top of the warship tree blindingly high above the oppression of the wookiees on the surface here cal gains yet another new perspective largely thanks to a majestic friend through a selfless act of healing cal gains the trust of the shiobird and not only advances to the top of the tree but sees kashyyyk's bigger picture like never before a perspective of overwhelming and empowering beauty that no matter how much tyranny devastates kashyyyk it will never erase it all that's hope arriving in step with a powerful new weapon and our greatest foe yet the ninth sister found you again you're done hurting this world just took down an inquisitor defeating ninth sister is no small victory cows wasted years of his life evading the probing eye of the inquisitors the game opens with you running from them now for the first time ever you defeat one it's a huge victory but also faintly troubling in the realization that ninth sister was too a jedi in a galaxy so ruled by fear the shroud of the inquisitor is a potential fate that awaits any jedi fugitive it almost became sera's fates but cal's not ready to accept the implications of that not fully able to understand sarah's vulnerability nor how he shares that vulnerability too instead it's on to dathomir where the key to cordova's vault awaits if dathomir ever had a beautiful past it was irreparably tainted by cycles of death the defiance of nature and the dark side it's the embodiment of the same type of evil that threatens zepho only far past the point of no return for a planet so dark it's only fitting that our trek to the vault appears to be a straight shot at first but this is pure deception the trick of dathomir is its terrifying verticality and the deeper you go the more horrors you uncover where the sheobird was a symbol for kashyyyk's undying beauty the theatrically gothic gorger of the giant bat is a whole lot less friendly a symbol of dathomir's ugliness the duality of bird the tomb of koujat is quite different from either of the tombs on zepho it revels not in the inventions of the cepho but is constructed around zepho a great manipulator a lord who prayed on fears and the weaknesses of his servants and even centuries after his demise cujat's tomb praising kel's nightmares the source of all cal's pain his trauma and his fears the day he failed his master order 66. [Music] what's happening what did the commander just something terrible is happening the clones betrayed us prior to experiencing fallen order i didn't think it was possible to give order 66 arguably lucas's crowning cinematic sequence in the star wars saga even more emotional weight than what it already had and though the cloners pushed the boundaries of what this moment is capable of with characters we've grown attached to fallen order shatters those boundaries by making us play through it john williams's brilliant score for the original order 66 sequence plays over our escape from the venator recontextualized as a hymn for life-changing disaster the innocence of young cal is not lost in the player heightened by the real loss of his lightsaber partway through the escape and just when hope bends towards the horizon signal remember trust [Music] me that hope vanishes forever it's not cow's fault that his master died but how can he convince himself of that how can he direct the blame for the day his life ended at anyone but himself cal didn't just fail his master he killed his master unable to process jar depaul's death any differently cal is once again paralyzed by his failure and this failure means the end you are no jedi [Music] in a single moment cal is the same helpless child he was all those years ago that helplessness is only compounded by taran malachos a truly failed jedi the proof of his fears the antithesis to his optimism and worst of all malachose has a point the jedi were flawed and the doom that befell them was the cost of their blindness the truth doesn't just sting it overwhelms so what is the truth ser knows it and soon you will too but first you must forge that truth and your lightsaber or all jedi forge their truth on illumine you will always struggle but that is the test it's the choice to keep fighting that makes us who we are the conflict of ilum is embellic of the same conflicts sara and cal struggle with the conflict between choosing to do the right thing in the soft gem-like beauty of ilum and the temptation of fear and the deadly climate and true to this conflict only the strongest can survive villain not just the strongest in the force but the strongest in their convictions certifiably it's a rite of passage for cal and for the player a difficult puzzle intense verticality and branching paths and not to mention the bleak oppressive atmosphere conveyed in barton's music and the audio-visual mix all of these elements culminate in what should be a turning point for cal the crystal he needs for his lightsaber the seeming magical fix to his problems handed right to him this should be the turning point [Music] but it's not it's cal's lowest point it's his failure but more importantly it's a reminder a reminder to keep going given to us by none other than our own samwise gemge bd1 no failure is not the end it is the necessary part of the path hope will always survive in those who continue to fight like you beating one the way of overcoming failure begins with trusting oneself and to realize the depth with which ino cordova's beloved droid now trusts him is enough to inspire cal to look within himself once again and accept the hardest challenge of all trusting himself to have faith in his gifts his ingenuity the strength he is capable of and his ability to forgive on the other side of this double-edged realization is an even more potent truth cow can never be perfect failure is inevitable after all but only because it's part of the journey the ordeal stage echoed throughout the entire gameplay loop of fun order finally manifests itself here and the narrative calcus died on illum but only just before being reborn and with far greater power than he's ever had before a device forged from his master sabre and sarah's saber two different perspectives synthesized into the ultimate weapon with the block breaker double saber attack cal and the player practically blow through ilum cutting down swaths of stormtroopers and taking down two atsts at once it is a blast and once aboard the mantis cal reunites with ser with a renewed perspective trust is the greatest weapon and together with that trust they begin to forge hope more than ever the great truth of the jedi becomes clear the jedi did fall they fell long before the jedi purge they fell in their ignorance their obsession with purity and their neglect towards each other's mistakes the tragedy of anakin skywalker is proof of that fallen order isn't merely a statement of a post-cloner's galaxy without jedi it's a sad resignation to the high graces the jedi fallen from they failed themselves and they failed the galaxy reforged on ilum cal becomes a new type of jedi one who understands the balance a bridge between the order of the past and the inevitable order of the future when face to face with his master once more cal does not fight he forgives when faced against terran malachos he does not defeat him alone he entrusts the unlikely help of marin and with the astrium in hand cal is not apathetic towards marin's suffering as so many jedi would have been in the past instead he asks her to join the crew of the mantis an act of healing that helps marin repair her relationship with the past cal has not only proven himself a jedi but a hero and on the backs of all heroes they are the greatest challenges of all i take my stake r huh okay now we're cooking the crew of the mantis has rarely been more hopeful than when they return to pogano cal can solve virtually any environmental puzzle on the planet you can finally defeat ogdor bogdo and inu cordova's vault remains locked no longer but with the opening of the zepho vault yields an entirely new dilemma the powers that annihilated the jedi order and overthrew the republic have only grown stronger in the five years since the clone wars a new generation of jedi may be enough to turn the tide but should they the vision in the vault may feel like a nightmare but it's not that simple this is a premonition the inescapable outcome of cal and sarah's current trajectory for after all the pain they've experienced both inflicted on them and perpetuated by their own mistakes are they prepared to pass that pain onto a new generation of jedi and is cal ready to accept where that weight of this pain will take him although cal has absorbed many perspectives up to this point he's never absorbed one quite like this careful with that thing it's been through hell [Music] [Music] [Music] the future of the jedi hangs in the balance the fate of every force-sensitive child rests on cal ser and the crew of the mantis there's one last stop on this journey fortress inquisitorius the empire's nightmare factory and where sarah and trilla were first broken kalas confronted his past failures now it's time for sar to do the same [Music] [Applause] it's all been leading to this the inferno the lion's den this is the resurrection stage of fun orders hero's journey the ultimate test of everything you've learned over the course of fallen order condensed into a pressurized underwater james bond base cal's journey has been built from the synthesis of new and old perspectives from the people he's encountered the planets he's been to and the secret he's uncovered there is no wisdom to be gained from the fortress this is a test of cal's convictions especially if he is to resist the darkness that consumed trilla all those years ago and that is exactly why she is the final boss cal may have glimpsed his darker self back on bogano but he has yet to prove himself against his foil in the dark side to prove that his trauma is behind him his fears no longer control him and his mistakes do not define him i know the choices that i made to all your choices away and i have failed you trella i failed you i am so very sorry trilla surrendered her soul to the shadows long before this moment if she could ever redeem herself it won't happen while she lives in fear of the shadow because the shadow is not pure evil it's not that simple that shadow is none other than darth vader the fallen jedi and he's come to collect the souls of the fallen [Music] [Applause] [Music] even horror games are rarely this scary largely because they lack anakin's dark deeds by john williams and despite her best efforts this might all fall to pieces even sarah might lose herself in the whirlwind but it doesn't have to be that way it's the choice to keep fighting that makes us who we are today sarah leaves the fortress stronger than when she entered it and though cal is wounded he lives to fight another day sorry which means all that's left is the holocron the final stage of the hero's journey return with the elixir except it's a holocron this was their goal their victory they won but why doesn't it feel that way beyond the torture and darkness looming through the fortress there was one new perspective that cal gained the culmination of everything he's learned in his journey so far everything he's learned about the zepho why was eno cordova so fascinated with this fo what made them so important and why did they perish for the zether were powerful with the force as are the jedi and used their power to cultivate knowledge but over time that power began to corrupt them they took advantage of others and fell to the dark side they fell long before their empire did the zephyr who refused this temptation fled to the outer regions to build a new future one they would courageously entrust to the force parallels between the zepho and the jedi are undeniable and at the end of this journey cal would be foolish to ignore that especially after facing darth vader despite everything they've been through there's only one thing that can be done [Music] the decision to destroy the holocron is not a resignation of cal's fight against the empire rather it's a difficult acceptance that there's no magical solution to their problems if cal and ser drag new jedi into the fight against the empire they will only perpetuate the cycle of pain and trauma they went through themselves and empower the empire's tide of oppression cow's lessons come full circle in this moment he began his journey trusting only in the force paralyzed by his jedi identity over the course of the game he learns to trust others with much difficulty he eventually learns to trust himself and finally with the holocron in his hands cal realizes he must yet again trust not in the long dead dogma of the jedi order but rather in the will of the force the day of the jedi will come again but not until the cycle of pain can end for good this fight will not be won by creating victims but by helping current victims overcome the fear and trauma that haunt them and join forces or to phrase it in a more star warsing way by helping victims to rebel remember persistence reveals the path if it hasn't been obvious for my adoration for the game's consistently thoughtful construction then allow me to say that i love star wars jedi fallen order i loved it when it first came out and i love it even more now that i've talked about it beyond simply satiating the single player star wars fix so many gamers yearned for over a decade fawn order accomplishes something far more important for a universe already so riddled with interesting stories it tells a human story it's a game populated by deeply flawed characters too afraid and too shaken by their trauma to do what's necessary to overcome their flaws and so when those characters decide to finally confront their flaws they don't solve them they never could rather they began down the long hard road to redemption one where their flaws don't define them alternatively some characters never take that journey too consumed by their flaws they continually make the same destructive decisions over and over again never truly defying the pain inflicted upon them in the first place in this way characters like trilla or in some strangely implied light vader are not villains but victims and no matter who you are coming into this experience whether you've come to terms with your flaws or struggle to stand up for yourself each and every day there is someone in fallen order who will speak for you not many video games ever really accomplish that this is a game in which the changing of power and crashing of old and new is a constant struggle we see that from the opening frame of the game the countless thousands of lives lost in the debris on braca and the untold hundreds of millions more across the galaxy following the clone wars there's something humbling about exploring the hulking wreck of a republic venator walking the abandoned towns and huts on dathomir or even understanding that the wookies on kashyyyk haven't really stopped fighting since the clone wars all of this is to blame on the empire a cause born out of control destruction the complete and total eradication of anything that gives anyone meaning it's downright melancholic and tragically honest in a way few star wars properties have the bravery to convey but because of what it captures and how crushing that can initially be fallen order eventually paves the way for genuine hope the type of hope that stars is all about and the type of hope that can reassure in the darkest of times most of all as i've already touched on so frequently in this video fawn order tells an uplifting story about trauma for all the heroism and chivalry of star's protagonists and the protagonists of most big-budget franchises in gaming and media it's rare to see a protagonist honestly struggle with a mental illness and specifically regarding trauma there's even fewer heroes who deal with it who don't end up magically solving it though it's never outright identified in fallen order the signs of trauma among cal ser or even trill and marine are apparent trauma has dictated so much of their decision making for so long it put them in a state where they couldn't be themselves or worse yet a state where they hurt others and though cal's journey in fallen order is one of learning to cope with the past and heal trauma that trauma will never truly go away which is why cow's journey and our privilege to play through it can be so empowering cal recovers from his past by growing by reaching out to others and by forgiving himself in this way cal gains the inspiration to use his gifts to help others in spite of his weakness to take the pain dealt to him and turn it into power that's not a magical skill he gains like any other video game character it's a choice a choice we can make every day even beyond those of us who deal with trauma it's the choice to keep fighting that makes us who we are and to put all of that in the hands of the player gosh man that's kind of beautiful for all these reasons and more i celebrate star wars jedi fallen order to me it's one of the most riveting experiences of this past gaming generation and a testament to respawn's unfailing ability to captivate to dream to reinvent in this case the structure of star wars storytelling the future is bright for the characters they've created and i can't wait to see where they go next until then i'll happily find myself drifting through the remains of what once was in a galaxy far far away dreaming of the day in which there will finally be harmony [Music] hey everyone i want to thank you all for watching this video fallen order is an amazing game and i'm glad i took the time to talk about it and i really took my time i worked on this video nearly every day for the last two months writing it was probably the hardest thing about it but only because i had such uh specific feelings about the game i wanted to capture hopefully i've done the whole thing justice before you click off this video there's a few things i'd like to talk about i want to thank everyone who subscribed to the channel recently we're now over 200 subscribers and a few of our videos are blowing up a little bit i know a lot of you are here because of my last of us video and i want to let you know i have several video game essays lined up for 2021 just like this video so i see you guys and i want you all to stay tuned for everyone else discovering my channel or stumbling upon this video i humbly ask if you could subscribe the sooner we get to 1 000 subscribers on this channel the sooner i can not only monetize my content but leave discussion posts on youtube giving you guys updates and insights into the next video until we unlock that feature i do post updates on how my videos are coming along on twitter that's at parks harmon and also on my discord server satour's artorium the link to that is in the description below you guys can also find me on forward slash sator i actually streamed my very playthrough fallen order for this video on twitch back in september and i will certainly be streaming my playthroughs for future artwork content on twitch so if that sounds like something you'd be interested in please follow other than that i do have one more video lined up for the end of the year it's nothing crazy but i'm sure a lot of people like it i'll get working on that soon all right that's all i gotta say i'm gonna go finish miles morales on ps4 or watch dogs legion uh or assassin's creed valhalla or maybe i'll just sleep until cyberpunk comes out sleep sounds really good right now okay okay i'm sorry guys i'm gone uh thank you all for watching and i'll be seeing you all later have a good one
Channel: ArTorr
Views: 253,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Review, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Walkthrough, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Mod, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Mandalorian, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Ahsoka, Fallen Order Sequel, Respawn Games, Video Game Essay, Jedi Fallen Order Guide, Jedi Fallen Order Order 66, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Ending, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order ps5, Star Wars Game 2021, Star Wars Squadrons, Jedi Fallen Order Update, KOTOR Remake
Id: Lqj1a3FJQqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 54sec (2394 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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