Facts that Golden Girls Producers Tried To Hide From Fans

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three-time Emmy Award winning winning actress a delight but always endearing rose on The Golden Girls would you welcome Betty White listen I don't mean to correct the host that's always bad for it's four Emmys but who's counting for decades devoted Golden Girls fans treasured their Saturday nights with blanch Rose Dorothy and Sophia but behind the laughter and cheesecake the show's producers quietly concealed secrets that could shake the sitcom's wholesome Legacy to its core shocking truths and plans were carefully hidden from the studio audience's view locked away to preserve the show's glowing reputation but now Insider sources are finally exposing closely guarded plans and juicy tidbits producers desperately tried to bury from adoring fans let's take a look at the hidden facts behind Golden Girls Betty White's real heartbreak Betty White became America's sitcom sweetheart playing the ever optimistic Rose n Island but Betty's own romantic history was filled with far more Thorns than roses behind that megawatt smile lay a few heartbreaks that would have left even sassy Sophia staggering long before her golden girl's Fame Betty fell head over heels for a fighter pilot named dick Barker in the 1940s they were so smitten that Betty even followed Dick from Base to Base as a devoted military girlfriend but while Betty saw Wedding Bells in their future Barker just saw a good time and he suddenly dumped her for a younger woman leaving Betty devastated years later Betty married Lane Allen a Hollywood agent while their marriage lasted a few years it was evidently rather dysfunctional Allan wanted a traditional wife but Betty was too independent and focused on her career the mismatch soon ended in a bitter divorce leaving Betty nursing another bruised heart finally in 1963 Betty tied the knot with the love of her life the Charming Alan Len their nearly 20-year marriage was blissfully happy but when Allan was diagnosed with cancer Betty was forced to say heart-wrenching goodbyes far too soon while Rose Nyland always kept looking for love again despite countless clueless suitors in real life Betty never remarried after losing Allan she inherited his two children and dedicated herself to keeping his memory alive rather than seeking another Mr Wright cast grief over lost mothers as if being a leading lady on a hit sitcom isn't stressful enough imagine having to film while grieving the loss of your own mom that was the sad reality both be Arthur and Betty White quietly faced during the golden girl's first season within months of each other in 1985 Arthur and White's real life mothers passed away while their daughters were busy bringing Dorothy and Rose to life on screen each week but neither actress took a single day off let alone weeks to properly mourn because for these consummate professionals the show had to go on can you even imagine staring into a camera lens to deliver punchlines when your heart was shattered over your mom's death while fans laughed at Dorothy's dead pan quips or Rose's airheaded Tails both Arthur and white were hiding inner suffering their co-stars later remarked how strong and stoic be and Betty remained despite such profound private pain but in Quiet Moments between scenes the grieving daughters would sometimes share stories and a shoulder to lean on director Lex pis even recalled one scene where Rose tells a touching story about her husband's death and Betty apparently channeled all her real life grief over losing her own mom during that emotionally complex moment B Arthur's dislike of Cheesecake did you think Dorothy's love for cheesecake was real well think again while the the other Golden Girls chowed down on creamy calorie Laden slices with Zeal be Arthur apparently despised her character's signature dessert according to her fellow cast members Arthur found the treat far too sweet and Rich for her liking whenever a scene called for Dorothy to enthusiastically enjoy a piece of cheesecake Arthur had to force it down and in between takes she'd apparently complain about feeling ill from all that sugar and heavy cream not exact a sweet tooth that one it seems so ironic considering cheesecake became such an iconic motif of the show whenever the ladies gabbed around the kitchen table with a plate full of cake and forks in hand you knew some juicy conversation was about to go down and Dorothy's sarcastic cheesecake zingers were often the best part but bee didn't share her character's appetite for the dessert at all in fact whenever the director called cut Arthur would apparently push away her slice of cake with a frown on her face the fake Miami home did you really think Dorothy blanch Rose and Sophia lived in that pretty pink house in Sunny Miami because they sure didn't the exterior shots of that iconic home were actually just a facade built on a Hollywood studio back lot nearly 2,000 mil away from South Beach producers wanted to give the show a Florida Vibe but shooting on location across the country for every episode would have cost a fortune so they opted to recre create the exterior of a ranch style Brentwood home on their Studio Lot instead inside a set decorator brought the interior of the Miami pad to life on a Sound Stage then editors seamlessly spliced the outdoor establishing shots with the indoor scenes and VOA sitcom magic but that quaint little home certainly fooled viewers every week when we saw the Ladi sitting out on the Lanai or puttering around in the garden we totally bought the illusion the palm tree trees tropical foliage and wicker furniture made us believe Dorothy Rose blanch and Sophia were living it up in sofo little did audiences know that just outside of the camera frame sat bustling Studio Lots production trucks and trailers rather than sandy beaches or Art Deco hotels and whenever they went out the girls simply walked across the hall to different indoor set pieces also built inside the concept started as a joke sketch believe it or not the premise for The Golden Girls actually started off as a silly sketch idea thrown out in just during a writing session for the Carol Bernett show one staff writer jokingly suggested centering a skit around four older women living together long past society's expectations of their expiration dates they Rift on the Absurd comic potential of an all female geriatric Odd Couple sitcom scenario strictly intended as a farsal parody at the time no network executive in their right mind would have bankrolled a series starring 440 something actresses let alone one's past retirement age the sketch idea was merely intended as an outrageous satire that no one imagined would ever make it to air yet something about the far-fetched concept resonated with producer Paul wit who sensed legitimate comedic spin-off potential and Against All Odds he set out to turn the parody premise into an actual show against every outdated Hollywood convention wit faed immense resistance from agist industry Skeptics who dubbed the project the golden Oldies But he pushed forward with what became the golden girl's pilot betting on the underserved baby boomer demographic and once footage landed in Executives hands the Stellar cast chemistry proved utterly undeniable the show was quickly green lit straight to Series without even filming extra Test episodes Estelle Getty's intense makeup transformation Estelle Getty underwent an incredible transformation to become the wise cracking ancient Sophia Petrillo in real life Estelle was actually the youngest cast member younger than be Arthur who played her daughter but through the magic of hair makeup and Prosthetics the then 62-year-old actress made a convincing octogenarian it took hours in the makeup chair each week to complete Sophia's look thick latex wrinkles were carefully applied piece by piece until Estelle's smooth complexion disappeared beneath layers of old age gray streaks were brushed through her dark hair and dyed eyebrows were glued over her natural ones to mimic an elderly woman's wiry brows once the Intensive aging process was complete Estelle studied her reflection and fully embodied Sophia's hunched posture and Italian accent the aches and pains of advanced age seemed to weigh upon her as she slowly shuffled to set as the elderly matriarch yet underneath the impressive Prosthetics and makeup was a vibrant woman decades younger than her character Estelle later said the most challenging part was remembering to move slowly like Sophia once the camera started rolling but her dedication paid off with an iconic and Unforgettable character beloved by fans Awards success and critical Acclaim who would have thought that a show about four sassy older women living together in Miami would go on to become one of the most acclaimed sitcoms of all time but the Golden Girls cleaned up in Awards Seasons almost as much as the girls cleaned up cheesecake Crumbs from their kitchen table from 1985 to 1992 the ladies racked up a whopping 68 Emmy nominations over just seven short seasons on the air and they took home 11 of those shiny Wing statues for everything from acting to editing to outstanding comedy series now that's what we call a clean sweep not only did be Ru Betty and Estelle charm Emmy voters year after year but they also caught the eye of some pretty tough critics the writer Guild of America named The Golden Girls one of the 101 best written TV series ever TV Guide included them on their list of 50 greatest TV shows of all time so we guess Dorothy Rose blanch and Sophia officially have the last laugh after all the Golden Girls broke boundaries while making viewers laugh along the way all those Awards and accolades proved that the public loved them not just for being entertaining but also for pushing sitcoms into Brave New Territory be Arthur's dining stipulation the golden girl's kitchen set was home to some of the show's funniest gags and most touching moments but while filming all those cheesecake fueled scenes the table was missing one key detail drinks turns out Leading Lady B Arthur had a strict rule about no liquids whatsoever on set when delivering her Lines no bubbly champagne no fizzy soda not even a simple cup of water was allowed on that kitchen table why was Arthur so headstrong she wanted to avoid any possibility of a spill accident according to her co-stars Arthur refused to worry about maneuvering dialogue scenes while also balancing breakable glasses or mugs and she wasn't about to risk her perfect Dorothy zorac wardrobe for the sake of a fictional beverage prop either so while blanch Rose and Sophia sipped imaginary sweet tea during takes their cups and glasses were actually empty real drinks were only allowed off camera between scenes to quench The Thirst of those Southern besties and if any actor dared question Arthur's no liquids rule she'd swiftly silence them with one of her trademark Dorothy death stairs because on be's set her word was law no spilled drinks Betty White thought B Arthur disliked her Dorothy and Rose's Odd Couple friendship delighted fans for Seven Seasons but in real life Betty White long felt convinced be Arthur outright disliked her was there any truth to Rose's sneaking suspicion about Dorothy's true sentiments rumors swirled for years the gossip Mills churned with speculation that Arthur resented white over a previous project connection allegedly be lost out on a major television role that ultimately went to Betty years prior and some theorized Arthur Harbor bitterness that may have bled onto the golden girl's set Betty herself even admitted she struggled to make a personal connection with Arthur during filming while white effortlessly bonded with mclanahan and Getty she always sensed Arthur kept her at an arms distance and she took Bee's elusiveness as a clear sign of dislike however most other staff disputed the notion that any Rift existed between the pair they chocked it up more to vastly different personalities and social Styles Betty was bubbly and outgoing while bee was more reserved and thoughtful but differing personalities didn't necessarily equal hate in fact the show's director insisted Arthur held nothing but admiration for White's consumate professionalism and always brought her aame to scenes they shared and most fans sensed genuine warmth between Dorothy and Rose's reparte sadly though Betty never felt confident she cracked Bee's tough exterior during their time together she spent Seven Seasons questioning if her co-star secretly disliked her and regretted not bridging that Gap Estelle Getty's extreme anxiety playing the outspoken wise cracking Sophia Petrillo you'd never guess Estelle gy suffered crippling stage fright but behind Sophia's Brazen noons facade Getty wrestled serious self-confidence issues and anxiety while fans saw a boisterous old lady bellowing cheeky put Downs the actress herself was deeply self-conscious especially about her looks Getty spent hours in the makeup chair each week worrying over each wrinkle and imperfection to completely transform into Sophia and after the lengthy makeup process Estelle's nerves kicked into overdrive she'd isolate herself in her dressing room chain smoking and running lines before scenes with only minutes to curtain she'd emerge utterly panic-stricken at the thought of failing her lines in fact during the pilot episode Getty became so paralyzed with anxiety that the director was forced to feed her every single one of Sophia's lines it was the only way to persuade the Petrified actress through the scene without mistake over time and with her co-star's support Getty's confidence grew slightly but she continued battling self-doubt and anxiety daily behind the scenes in a way Sophia's over-the-top Persona became a means for Getty to face her fears Betty White almost played blanch can you even imagine Saucy Southern B blanch Deo played by anyone other than R mclanahan well brace yourself because she almost was turns out producers originally tapped Betty White to bring blanch to life instead the role seemed a natural fit for white after all she'd perfected playing man crazy maneaters for decades on shows like Mary Tyler Moore meanwhile R mclanahan had typically portrayed more Prim proper characters akin to reserved Rose nyand but during auditions the actresses asked to switch parts and producers were blown away mclanahan brought a bold sensuality to blanch that felt exciting and Whit's take on naive sweetness as Rose let her Flex brand new comedic muscles in the end the last minute roll swap proved a stroke of sheer Genius while Betty made Rose her own Silly domain Rue embodied everything fabulously flashy about blanch and the rest is TV history thanks to a little audition room Shuffle however Rue later admitted feeling intimidated at the prospect of stepping into White's shoes to play a part she pioneered on screen and she feared Betty resented her for snagging the juicier roll of blanch that producers first dangled before White of course Betty harbored zero grudges over the casting Shuffle she relished disappearing into Rose's fluffy sweatered world and adored watching mclanahan bring blanch vividly to life in the end both Stars Shone brighter than ever in roles tailored perfectly to their individual strengths and audiences were treated to lightning in a bottle Chemistry Between four undeniable characters who might have never existed had Betty not asked to play Rose instead previous cast connections what are the odds that four actresses some of whom had worked in Hollywood for decades would all come together as perfect strangers to star in a little sitcom about old ladies Well turns out several Golden Girls were far from strangers before that fateful casting call the most surprising connection was between be Arthur and Rue mclanahan who actually worked together years earlier on Allin the family Arthur played outspoken feminist mod while Ru portrayed her bubbly BFF viven their characters couldn't have been more different from inflexible Dorothy and flirty blanch funnily enough it was Arthur herself who first recommended mclanahan for the part of man hungry blanch remembering her DEA comic skills from their time on Ma and clearly their chemistry extended far beyond just one classic Norman leer sitcom so in a way fate conspired over decades to entangle the paths of bee Betty Ruth and Estelle across projects big and small each collaboration built upon the last to organically establish Rapport between the actresses by the time the cast of sassy seniors in Miami came together they already had a level of comfort and understanding that was evident on the screen rumors of a Betty White Le reboot could our beloved Golden Girls ever make a comeback with Betty White at the helm rumors swirled in 2017 that a reboot could happen with Betty reprising her role as Rose along IDE a new Trio of seasoned actresses the chatter began when TV Legend Betty the last surviving Golden Girl was asked in an interview whether she'd ever consider revisiting the classic sitcom to fans Delight she responded with an enthusiastic of course I would that sparked feverish Buzz among networks and production companies who wondered if Betty might be convinced to return as Rose if the right concept and cast came along story ideas even floated around social media imagining Whit's Rose moving into a new home with three quirky retirees and while Betty herself never outright confirmed any official reboot talks her nostalgic musings were enough to ignite audience excitement at the possibility of her playing Rose just one more time because who wouldn't crave more of that endearing charm sadly though the rumors slowly fizzled over the next couple of years without any concrete Revival plans coming to fruition but Betty's willingness to step back into Rose's fuzzy slippers was a heartwarming reminder of just how much she cherished being part of such a groundbreaking beloved show the iconic theme song wasn't First Choice as soon as those bouncy piano chords strike up Golden Girls fans start snapping their fingers and get ready to sing along but the iconic thank you for being a friend theme song almost never came to be originally producers tapped legendary singer bet Midler to perform the show's opening number they commissioned an entirely different tune titled friends that Midler recorded for the pilot but at the last minute the higher ups got cold feet about Landing Midler and scrap the number at the time she was at the height of her Fame while Golden Girls was just a fledgling sitcom exec worried Midler's star power could overshadow their unknown leading ladies if she sang the them theme so they opted for a more lowkey Track by an artist named Andrew gold and the rest is theme song history though Midler's version never aired it later leaked online and fans were blown away by what could have been Elaine strich almost played Dorothy it's impossible to imagine anyone but be Arthur flawlessly firing off Dorothy's blistering slurs but another Broadway Legend nearly snagged the part first the one and only only Elaine strich fresh off a guest stint as a boozy College pal of Dorothy's strich campaigned hard to play the sarcastic school teacher full-time and with her whiskey voice and Flawless comic timing she seemed a shoe in for the role during her Golden Girls episode strich positively dazzled producers with her brassy boozy Charisma and they seriously considered signing the theater veteran as the show's anchor lead but while strich killed her first appearance as Dorothy's wise cracking Frenemy she was already struggling privately with alcoholism and reliability issues and producers worried about building their show around an unstable lead actress nearing retirement age meanwhile B Arthur remained at the top of her game commanding any stage she graced with an exceptional mix of Gravitas and impeccable humor ultimately Arthur won the part of stern School mm Dorothy though strich gave her a run for her money there was almost a gay housekeeper character picture this The Golden Girls but with a sassy gay housekeeper named Coco keeping things Fabulous As Progressive as the show aimed to be Network execs cringed at introducing an openly homosexual character in the 1980s but producers pushed to break boundaries and pitched Coco anyway in their minds Koko would be a witty Confidant who'd spice up storylines and clash with bad-tempered Sophia but at the time portraying G btq Plus characters on screen was still considered highly controversial so despite the producers forward-thinking Vision the network Flatout rejected coko as being too out there even airing a word like condom prompted major censorship battles with standards and practices though Koko never came to be his ghost presence hinted at the provocative inclusion the show aspired to achieve before Society was ready in many ways Coco's rejection foreshadowed the uphill battles Golden Girls creators face tackling Progressive themes on prime time however Coco's absence left room for recurring gay Side characters like blanche's brother and Rose's friend to emerge organically instead potential Property Brothers renovation imagine for a moment the dynamic duo of Jonathan and Drew Scott known for their hit show Property Brothers taking on the challenge of renovating the iconic Miami home of black Dorothy and Rose from the classic TV series Golden Girls can you picture the stunning transformation well it nearly happened thanks to some behind the scenes Magic from producer Tony Thomas Thomas helmed both the classic sitcom and the wildly popular HGTV Reno show and he conceived the ultimate pop culture mashup unleashing the Scot twins on the girl's humble Shady Pines Cottage fans drooled at the Prospect of seeing Jonathan and Drew give the homes dated decor and questionable layout a floor to ceiling facelift Thomas himself offered the brothers complete creative license to reimagine the space how they saw fit also the property Lads relished the challenge of modernizing the set while preserving all its nostalgic camp and charm early sketches even included widening the Leni and expanding the kitchen where the girls gabbed over so many cheesecakes But ultimately legal Logistics prevented the prospective design collaboration make sure to subscribe to the channel and tell us your thoughts in the comments thanks for watching
Channel: Golden Rewind
Views: 123,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity, hollywood celebrities, 70s celebrities, 1960s, 1970s, celebrities then vs now, then vs now, how they look now, old hollywood celebrities, golden age, golden girls, golden girls facts, golden girl
Id: VZvtJd32QcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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