Betty White Talks About "Golden Girls" Costumes from Rue McClanahan's Estate

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comeing in here here we go hi hello Betty hello how are you I'm Michael Laro nice to meet you thank you so much for taking time what a lovely last name laru well you know Ru asked me to marry her three times because she wanted to be R laroo of course she did of course she did well come on in I I brought a few things from R's office that I thought you might recognize and be able to tell us about um this right here I think you wrote about that in your Rue had um 23 beneficiaries in her will of course you know how generous she was 12 animal Charities oh that's lovely Mark her son you know Mark sure he took everything that he wanted you know the personal things family momentos and everything else is going to be auctioned off now oh good for her so one of the things we're doing is we'd like you to look into the camera and identify the bracelet there are only two of these in the world oh no that's another story okay there are only four of these in the world there you go thank you now could you say something about Judy Evans when we look at the costumes over here um rud told me that Judy Evans loved you and loved her Judy Evans was our uh wardrobe mistress and she did a wonderful job trying to keep our four characters separated and stuff and Rosie always was in the lovely flowing ones Rose was in you know not Rose was usually in a sweater that had farm animals on it or something like that but in the Golden Palace I thought she had you in nice things too probably you up a little more I thought she dressed us all very well yeah do you remember any of these do these look familiar to you wore this on Golden Girls and the Golden Palace did she yes well I'll be darn and you know she got all of her costumes as part of her contract I have 220 Pieces good Heavens what did she do with them they she had them in storage this whole time oh for goodness and I just pulled them out they look great still oh well that's wonderful and Judy did such a good job to keep uh all our characters appropriate you know that that's not easy when you're dealing with four women especially with so many years and so many episodes that's right 180 episodes this one the red sequin number I thought would look good on you did you want to try it on no no show you she saved everything that you ever sent her all of the letters that you sent to Rue really when you were doing the crossword puzzle one day you had found in the crossword puzzle that she was there the picture you sent her that a fan sent you she saved everything you ever sent her oh bless her heart and she told me these scenes that she did with you the cats the nuns oh yes we had all kinds of fun these were some of our favorite scenes we and what we would do we'd play games uh we'd be waiting outside a door to make an entrance into a scene and we'd start a game you know kind of a category game like animals or automobiles or something like that and you go through the alphabet so just as either one of us would start into the scene the other one would give the last clue so we go in and we play the scene and do all that then as we made our exit we give our answer well a lot of people don't know that about Ru that she was very intelligent she was an intellectual she read all the time of course she did she was and she was also she liked men you think she was blanch devil what I found with Rue is she learned early on to say yes yes and well that helped her professionally cuz she always worked and always had jobs and it helped her personally cuz she had six husbands yes she did and the ones that got away do you remember the Doodles do you remember her doodling all the time she was so artistic she would doodle and I mean really really artistic work yes it was and and detailed and fun and I kept telling her you've got to you've got to do something with those you know cuz that that's more than doodling that that's artwork she saved all of her scripts with all of these Doodles on them and this one she saved was when George Clooney was on your show and George Drew these things on he really that's his self-portrait that he drew oh that's wonderful could you hold that up can I it's isn't that something he didn't flatter himself it's a good likeness though in a way it looks like yes great the essence is there now ruse saved all of the scripts from every show and here you are from the loveboat with r years before Golden Girls oh isn't that amazing yeah and Mama's Family you did Mama's Family played uh she played a very mousy character so when they approached us and sent us the script for Golden Girls they sent me the script for blanch well uh uh Jay sandwich who had directed most of the Mary Tyler Moore shows directed our pilot and it was Jay's wisdom who said if Betty plays another neighborhood in infomaniac they're going to think it's it's suan niens all over again and so they traded they made well I wasn't sure who Rose was I knew who blanch was but I wasn't sure who Rose was but then I got to know Rose she wasn't dumb she was terminally naive but not dumb indeed but then ruie took blanch out into orbit where I would never have gone and she was wonderful oh she was so dear well you both were Betty I mean those characters have become iconic now do you recognize this at all the men of blanches oh yes oh yes oh yes she put a book together of uh close friends shall we say the man of blanches food were and I'm surprised she said blanches it should have been ruds indeed and I I get old to the man in the cowboy hat sold to the drag queen up front and okay there we go perfect the last movie that Rue ever saw in her life was your movie The Proposal you're kidding no that was the last film she ever saw I found that in her purse and the night you called before the heart surgery uhhuh I remember she was talking to you about the proposal yes and she asked you who that man's name was Ryan is it Reynolds yo yep and she just thought he was the hottest guy so this is she thought any guy was the hottest guy let's face it but will you
Channel: NextMagazineNY
Views: 1,029,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael J La Rue, Betty White, Rue McClanahan, Golden Girls, Golden Palace, Next Magazine, estate sale, costumes, jewelry
Id: nWtRVJv_T8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2011
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