Factorio 1.0 Entry Level to Megabase 3, Ep 12: REFINERY, PLASTIC, SULFURIC ACID - Guide, Tutorial

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greetings and welcome back to factorio i'm catherine of sky and in the last episode we set up our pump jack field as well as both train stations so now we get to the point of starting our oil section and we're gonna look real quick at our um handy little guide here so we have some ratios and these are very very good to look at and we're going to look at advanced oil so in the beginning of the game um you have basic oil and it's only going to produce petroleum but later on you want to produce heavy oil and light oil so these are the ratios we're going to be following initially i'm not sure if we're going to need 20 refineries initially but we might but we're going to set up for the first ratio initially so 8 refineries and then two cracking and then seven more cracking um and that's basically today that's going to affect our planning uh not so much the actual production because we don't even have advanced oil processing yet so let's get out our refineries wherever they went hello where did you go help there we are put those here we'll also put the chemical plants on here but a lot of that has to do just with planning now let's see we want to put these a little bit of ways from stuff so we'll put it here i think this will be our first one so we're going to choose basic oil wow this is an interesting grid um and you can see that only one of the pipes is functional uh you can see at the bottom here that this is a functional as well so oil in and petroleum out but this one is going to be for water and so we're going gonna set this whole thing up based on those two things and the way we do this we're gonna make a fluid bus going um so that everything connects together and then later they connect and go to the rest of the machinery that's needed so we're going to put these little things little pipes out and so that the fluid can travel sideways this is one of the things that changed my world in factoria i think i saw a picture on the forums of this and i was like oh wow so that's how you do it and yeah that really was an epiphany for my life let's just put this power pole there okay so this is our basic refinery that we want to put down so we're going to just copy this over and then we need let's see we said we needed eight of these or we want eight of these you need a ton of uh under underflowies underground pipes for this but we have a mall so we're not worried about this at all um well except when we run out all right so we need to go back and get some more underground or underflowies but we can actually connect the oil up here so i'm gonna connect actually i'm not gonna connect i need to go to the mall help all right so let's go back here and i'm gonna put a a um a line back as well let's see where can we put this it will be okay i can put it right there for say plastic to come back so we'll just use this as a as a moving walkway fast walkway nice there we go okay nice i am gonna put that's fine this is this is meant to be for the the later game mall so that that makes things a lot faster and it's going to be even faster if we put bricks underneath it because that's how games work it's fast i just find that so funny um it's very not logical but it works so that's good all right so we got our our pipes here so anything that we can dump out of here god i feel like i have so much junk in my inventory let's take these out that's fine and like one thing a coal out refineries can actually go because we're done with those but i'll put them back in their box since it's just over here because refineries are a bit expensive to make so let's see there you go put you in there it's nice that you can put items in the red slots if you want to so that's pretty handy so let's run again back and we have everything else we need so yeah we have um once we have our refineries we're going to need a i'm going to go ahead and turn off my nanobots real quick there we go oh i can't okay i'll just take out the the ammo and that will help us so i'm going to copy this thing and we're going to just measure so that's eight and then we want another two because the accurate cracking ratio is 20. so i'm just going to leave these here for now and what i can do is actually just remove the refineries themselves so that the bots can pick or can place down the all of the piping here okay there we go we also need to can't really oh yeah we can't actually get through without squeak through that's nice all right and then you need to hook up the oil to the oil pipe thing there we go okay great nice oh look at this they're already running hooray okay cool this is great so i'm gonna go ahead and just put these pipes down and as you see we've already used up we had 250 and now we're down to 124 but these are gonna be for future things for future uh uh woody columns uh refineries to put in here now i'm wondering if i should put the fluid bus on this side or that side let's see we have we can just go upward with this i think we'll put it on the left side okay so let's go ahead and make our fluid bus on this side i did forget the tanks again i don't know why i keep doing that but we need to go get some because i don't think i have enough materials to make as many as i want uh we'll see we have five oh my goodness we have a kitten needing attention very desperately oh my goodness hello okay kitten time sorted cat is happy walked off being patted and warm and she warmed me oh my god that cat is so cute okay so uh we are looking for our storage tanks which i am looking for with great anticipation where are they oh there they are i see i say ac okay we have we'll get a stack nice 50s plenty um anything else we need i think oh yes we can use some extra pipes and also under underflowies let's grab all those actually do we need 400 of these i don't think so let's give this some more so that um the this guy can actually you know what we could do we just dump these guys in there yep that will work a lot better there we go and then this will be able to make more underflowies and life will be much better okay going back up to oil now i'm thinking about getting some bricks and just bricking this path here see we can get three let's see go three wide there we go and it's not much we need to get some more okay it is dark dark dark dark here in uh in in this land let's go and put some lights out would have been better if i had these as part of the blueprint but i kind of forgot them when we were doing this so it's okay we'll just get them going oh this this longer reach is so nice all right and it also enables us to see just a tiny bit better now then what we want to do is for we're going to have three products coming out so keep that in mind as you're building this whole thing that's that's what we really want to do here is think ahead as we're doing stuff so let me put our tanks on the hot bar and that's what we're going to need we can take the refineries off pumps yeah we might need those and then we also need some wire so let's go ahead and we need some wire on the hot bar where can we put that uh yeah furnaces can go off you can go there go away go away and then we'll have our wire over here as well and we probably don't need to control much right now but we do need to put some stuff down um to get this going so let's see do we want to have this could have it this way or we can have it this way maybe this way is better we'll do it this way okay so we're gonna get everything connected to a tank so petroleum is gonna have a tank and then we're gonna get light oil here okay and then heavy oil is gonna go a little bit further to over there oh wait wait this is misplaced there we go okay and this is looking pretty good is this aligned decently one two nope it's not move that one closer there we go that's better yep it was kind of a weird alignment so these three are going to be our three different products and in the second column so what we're going to do is we're going to make a a planned out oil area with stuff that we don't need yet but we're going to need it later so if you remember the the chart there i'll go ahead and put that on the screen again we're going to need cracking between heavy oil and light oil and then um light oil to petroleum so we're just going to make some placeholders right now for those things with our chemical plants so we're gonna take our where's our chemical plants right here now remember these things we're not we're not gonna put beacons in this we don't need to have too much room we need to have some all right so let's put these this over here approximately maybe i like to have the cracking for heavy oil um in one row and then we can also have the lubricant making in that row and then we're going to have the next row is gonna be for our light oil so just plan these out with uh your little thing imaging so we're gonna have to have two pipes going this way one for light oil coming out and then one for lubricant coming out and this has two so this is barely barely enough space i think we're gonna move it let's actually move this whole thing go nice nice okay um let's just move this up a couple like here sure so and we'll copy this to here just so you can see like how much room this needs so this one also is going to have stuff coming out and we're also going to have another lane here of lubricant coming so let's we can actually move this one let's do it just one down but this kind of gives you hopefully an idea of like what what we're looking at here because these two rows of machines are kind of extensive with the amounts of of machinery that we need here oh my goodness my cat is is is climbing on my my chest just wanting to be patted and loved and stuff so i kind of i pulled my t-shirt up a little bit to make a cat pocket uh okay so this is planning stuff now then we need actual making stuff from this um so what we want to make in our base is a couple different things in our oil base i should say we want to make plastic here because we brought the coal we also want to make sulfuric acid because we brought this there are recipes that require sulfur some of the sciences require sulfur so what we're going to do is pipe these guys back as well so i think what i want to do is i actually kind of want to get rid of this military section because it's like uh yeah it's it's yeah we need we just need lasers help we need lasers um but yeah that's that's gonna be a thing that we need to do is probably bring those pipes through here so let's see one two three four five tiles up from this so we'll have let's see one two three four five so like here one two three so that's gonna give us our we need petroleum we need water and sulfuric acid on those three we don't need heavy oil or light well we might need light oil actually that is something we might need because it depends where we want to make our our solid fuel and i think we actually want to do a belt instead okay so lots of stuff to think about these guys are going to be connecting to these two tanks so let's go ahead and take our petroleum upward here and the next thing we want to do is make an array for plastic and let's find our little chemical plant there we go now plastic um this has petroleum coming in uh coal coming in and then plastic coming out so let's make one yellow belt of plastic that is our goal here so a good array of these guys is to have two next to each other have a little pipe like this put the underground is like this so that you can put a belt of coal going here and then have an inserter bringing in the coal and then we'll have output inserters placing the plastic on this belt there and then here is where we want our i'm gonna put um a thingy here for a pump okay there we go let's get this uh for now though we're just gonna connect this here because we'll we'll set up the circuit conditions later i think so let's see this is let me just grab these let's put the longest underground e possible here maybe two we'll reverse those just press r there we go we don't need cold to be fast we just need it to be existing um so let's see we want to take this belt up and remember this is not a red belt of coal it is the red is just for us to walk faster so this we're going to treat it like a yellow belt and that's another thing um if you're doing upgrading of stuff you need to upgrade all the undergroundies you need to upgrade every splitter all of those things in order for things to um flow at the same rate if you have a yellow belt on a red belt thing it's gonna bottleneck it totally it's gonna slow it down so just be careful about that okay oh my goodness we have an adorable kitten right here okay so i like to put power poles between these guys and if we look at this thing so chemical plants have a crafting speed of one which makes things super handy thank you devs for that and this produces two plastic bars in one second so this belt here let's see we can yeah 15 items a second so one of these is two items a second and we need 15. so 15 divided by two is eight in whole numbers uh so we want to make eight of these on both sides or eight total basically on this thing so let's have four on one side we'll take this thing away and then we can have four on the other side of the belt and this should be i hope i've done the calculations correctly this should be enough to fill this yellow belt with plastic and we can always increase the amount because it doesn't actually use a lot of coal for this process there we go and we're gonna just split this line here i don't really need a red splitter it's fine okay boom nice and um oh oh my goodness we have a kitten hello kitten just stretching being very cute uh i want to put one big electrical pull here and there's our there are reasons for this let's just um take that but we're going to get into circuits later not right now we'll put another power pole over here so things can start happening look at this we have plastic hooray all right so this one is gonna go down down here and intersect with this belt over there yay and this is going to be our plastic belt coming back to the base go actually we can put that there whatever just using up all of the space there and plastic is only on one side of the belt we messed up so uh yeah we messed up because we don't have the fluid connection um and what we can do with this thing is actually we probably need to well we can just do it this way it's fine all right let's do this and then here we'll have the same kind of arrangement there have a couple of spaces here for a pump for later and now we have the petroleum and look at this these guys are actually filling that side of the belt you can see it is absolutely stacked so this is a perfect um ratio here of machines just to get one yellow belt of plastic now our next task is to make sulfuric acid so let's go and get a few of those machines down we're gonna need water for this and we're gonna have to get that water somewhere i think we might just have a really long pump from here maybe oh dear oh no our train ran out of fuel that is sad times uh we actually should start making some fuel um so we're gonna set that up as well oh no and there's no radar here oh that's right i deleted it let's go and just get that radar just in case the biters attack oh that's cool look at this there's a fuel alert i don't remember ever seeing that i wonder if that's new oh sounds sounds of the refineries fantastic so i'm gonna go ahead and give this some more fuel in here because we have tons but otherwise we actually need to get this train fueled that's quite important and i kind of forgot about that just a tiny bit i put this here hello how about here that's fine boom putting that in a line like that just in case we continue these tracks upward i think i want to harvest this stone at some point so let's see what i want to do is we need to take quite a lot of pipes to ground this way um we need some for here so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna just take this across this rail line and then just take two sections of this oopsies oh i saw the light i'm like light from the train thank goodness but if it was nighttime i wouldn't have seen that that's uh kind of bad luck there so anyway okay we're taking these over and we're getting water now to make the advanced oil recipes we're gonna need water [Music] and um so it's just good to take two pipes over normally if you have a pretty decent oil set up you can use one thing of water but two is always kind of better especially when you're doing it long distance like this for long distance piping it's not great to have a very you know long pipe otherwise you should put pumps in between but we're gonna see how we can survive without them i don't think it's gonna be necessary to have um regular pumps in here but if it is we'll just make them okay so we're making two offshore pumps those are the ones that grab the uh well yeah grab they grab they grab water from the ocean or the probably not ocean i would think it's probably fresh water um just because i think salt water would mess with the oil calculations and stuff anyway okay so we have two things of water coming in one of those is going to be for the refineries as i said and then the other is going to go up for sulfuric acid and stuff let's see we have yeah we're out we're out of under underflowies again i'm sure there must be a lot of people who looked at my mall and are like okay why is the limit on that chest so high yeah that's why that is why because like you just need and need and need and it's just kind of crazy so all right let's take this up and look at this so cool thing that you can do here is once you get one at max distance just hold and run it's like power poles they just automatically go up like that it's quite nice um but i don't know where this is going to be needed so let's just build the array and then we'll take it across from there and we'll just use our nanobots to help us build that okay so we want to get um an array or a a building now this is going to have two inputs here uh let's actually make a little bit more room i don't want i don't want them like totally really close together yeah there okay good all right so there are two components to sulfuric acid they need sulfur and water and iron but we need to make sulfur as well as sulfuric acid so this one is going to be sulfur and this one has a one second crafting time to make two of them and this one has a one second crafting time to eat five of them so if we do two of these to one of those it's actually an almost perfect ratio almost not quite but i don't feel like it's worth doing anything more than that i think i like that so we're just gonna do two to one here and normally like one of these is enough you really don't need a ton of them okay so what we're going to do is we're going to put the this guy i'm going to put that on the outside and then connect these guys on the inside of this array so just get this again this is like you always want to have these like sideways fluid buses to make stuff so much easier for yourself and then here is our output now we can do um well what we can do is this kind of thing it's like have the underground is you can do it like a solid pipe but i kind of like to walk between them it's nicer so we're just going to do it that way we'll do this kind of thing so again we can walk through and not hit the power pole on the way out um all right i think that's a good setup now then um what i want to do also here is we want to make sure and see where we can place these guys so i'm going to put these all having these guys in the same area that's fine okay there is fine and there is fine just want to space this out so that we can have our sulfuric sulfuric acid tank uh quite nearby here so we'll have one going here as well okay that's the right alignment okay very good and we'll have this one go this way all right and this is going to be sulfuric acid all right oh this is looking good i'm happy about this okay so we'll take this across go yay nice okay so the other thing this needs of course is petroleum so we're going to just get this hooked up again we can do a pump right there if it's necessary to kind of split the fluids but until now that seems okay let's grab this all right and we're ready to go except we just need the water i think you know what i'm going to do i think i'm going to make two of these plants let's just do two there we go oh one thing we did forget we did forget a couple of things actually we need to have inserters to take the um put the sulfur in there and of course now i have to change the power poles again because i didn't quite get them correct oh whoops that's not right this one goes that way this one goes that way and we need power poles there as well oopsies that looks really strange if i do that go here and there and there okay that's better so that they can be kind of in a line here okay that is much better and we need the other thing which i completely forgot which is the iron we need iron coming in here so we're just gonna put this belt line this way and grab a z iron now how do i want to grab that iron oh i should have made a space you know what i think i'm going to it's going to look nicer if i have space so let's move this to here yeah that's better have more more stuff in my inventory but it's not really necessary to worry about that okay and iron coming up here now if you're worried about materials sitting on the belt you only need like half a belt of iron you don't need a whole belt this is just i don't know i just wanted to be simple about it and it's it's fine but oh that's nice look at that that's great um right so let's get our water just kind of drag this across the landscape here connect it up at the corner now watch for trees because see there it wasn't a full distance so it didn't place it at all so you kind of have to sometimes go back and kind of be aware of those little trees and stuff i like to have separate water for my production versus the actual refining process so one water thing goes to the refineries and then one water goes for other stuff and i forgot to put lights here so let's put those in uh in the world it's gonna look a little more of a little bit more festive you love festivity it's great boom nice oh that's great we have a refinery uh near where i live so it's like always lit up like crazy with lights it looks really cool okay and we now have sulfuric acid oh my god we've got all the things in all the stuff so let us uh connect this to the things that are going to the base these are going to be the things that are using this stuff so uh batteries are one of the items we're gonna need to put on the bus so you get the sulfuric acid for that um and then we also need petroleum go and grab some of that good stuff it's funny to say good stuff when you're talking about chemicals but it's fine um now then the other thing we needed i think was water you know i think we can get it from this side possibly or no even this lake actually would be perfect for water um but i'm still gonna take this pipe over anyway just in case we need it in case i forgot something because sometimes one does forget um i've worked with um this new sciences somewhat but not um not all them not not for you know like where the whole thing where you memorize everything so we're gonna just have to see about that but okay so those i ran out of undergroundies or underflowies i should say and i feel like i just want to make lasers i just want to make lasers where are the lasers uh we need to make blue science first so but lasers lasers we're gonna get some blazers because we love lasers they're great they're really great yay okay so here we are let's just put in these underflow is here we might do a temporary thing oops oops my cat is yep there we go okay hold on opening the cat house she has this little woolly house that uh made out of it's like made out of wool literally like felted wool and it's like a cat cave and she sometimes smooshes it so she can't get in so i gotta open it for her but okay we have stuff this is so exciting and we have look at this we've got plastic hooray um all right so let's get wait how did that get off the bar oh my god i must have been very aggressive in my pressing or something there we go let's just take this down oh this might be indicating an area that is used for stuff i don't know actually that can be it there we go nice all right and the plastic is going to go on the bus so plastic is an intermediate resource it is not a primary resource so let me see on my little thingy majingy where i wanted it to go see there we can put this there that's kind of wrong actually this one goes there and then let's see plastic i have oh it's way way out on the end of the bus go here and there and past the stone bricks and it's gonna be and it doesn't matter what order you put these in i should be very clear about that it really doesn't matter i am just putting it because i planned it that way and i don't want to forget anything i have it like written down on my little spreadsheet there okay boom we have all the intermediates we need now the other thing that we can do is put in our um yeah we need to put in the piping so we're gonna put the piping here and i think we're gonna have the path here so this is kind of a temporary non-path path yeah that's what we're gonna call that sure and these things are going to carry stuff for us i'm so excited to get started on batteries and all the things and all this stuff oh my god it's very exciting this is this is so thrilling to like make this like blue science is probably my favorite science and anybody who's watched my videos will tell you i get extremely excited about blue science like it is the bomb it's amazing it's so fun to just yeah do all the things all right so this is kind of yeah we'll take just one we don't really need uh that stuff over here but i thought i'd just have it for consistency and then we're gonna pave this i wonder if we should pave it with concrete rather than just regular stone bricks yeah stone bricks are for plebs right just joking they do make you walk faster so if you see at the bottom there of the stone brick thing it says walking speed 130 percent and concrete is 140 so that's nice and refined is 150 uh but that needs steel plates you know what we could just go really swaggy and go like refined concrete here we can actually make this wow i haven't thought about that all right so let's just do this then so for rounding out this episode i think we're just going to make some concrete um and we can actually set it up over here that wouldn't be too bad let's see i want to make concrete and then refined concrete and for here i want to do something completely different we want to get rid of all these little um dinky power poles here go away go away come on go away shoo shoo don't need you go away there we go and uh we can actually just add one more dinky power pole over there it's fine so how are we going to make this we need regular concrete so concrete is iron ore stone bricks and water so typically i make that in i might make it over here though because we can easily get some iron ore into this area and that might be a nice little on bus thing that we could do wow look at all of these things and i think i need to get auto deconstruct because that's another thing that would help with just like removing stuff you know instead of like clicking all these times to just get rid of things but auto deconstruct is actually a really great mod that i recommend for you know quality of life plays because it um well apparently i deleted something very important there here oh it's there that one there's probably one at the end uh what auto deconstruct does is it marks miners for deletion so like ones that have run out of ore yeah those get just removed wow look at all of these things holy fuzzy cats i think what we need to do here is just wow they're all dead wow we need more iron we really need more iron this is not good at all so i think i'm gonna have to do a balancer here just move this these guys it's just coming from this side here okay oh that's so hard to get through that cliff there this is done lots of stuff is done so i think what this needs to do is not do this definitely don't want to do this anymore no no no no okay what we want to do is do a sneaky little thing here of um i'm going to put this on both sides of the belt it's a nice little construction for that it's like a little p shaped one so stuff can go on both sides there's no miners over here at all anymore so we don't even have to worry about that side but i want to get some miners on this side of the belt oopsies no no come on behave yourself okay there we go and then belts please and i'm out of belts again no no no wrong way wrong way there we go nice nice excellent okay good good good oh no no come on then here okay and we don't need a ton of concrete for i mean a ton of iron ore for concrete but um yeah we'll just figure it i think what i'm going to do is i'll put it into this belt here and from here i'm going to output priority to the left and then anything extra we'll put um should we put this should i bring the iron ore down here should i bring the other stuff actually the bricks come this way so it needs to be around here i think we'll bring this up we'll bring it up okay so we're going to take this and go this way and then just go along like this i think this will work quite nicely for now actually no no no not there not there not there i want to do a this kind of thing there we go beautiful and out of stuff again no okay there we go we just have to remember to get this working okay oops we don't want to do that we don't want to get that into that splitter because that would be a very bad okay i think we can actually make it right here and then just have this stuff come off with that let's go and grab some more belts at the mall i love saying that by the way i love like shopping for belts at the mall it's the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard of like wouldn't that be cool though like literally having underground belts or something at the mall i always thought when i grew up i was like oh i've got to have conveyor belts in my house because they're just darn cool and somehow i never got them in my house but yeah i wanted them but if you could buy them at the mall that would just solve all of our world problems it would be fantastic see everybody just wants like breakfast con you know delivered by conveyor belt would that not be handy it would be great anyway enough silliness here oopsies oh no too much stuff okay let's go and dump some of this stuff in these uh furnaces and things right here take stuff thank you thank you take it all yep we're having a sale it's fine um and then stone oh actually we can dump the iron ore here as well okay and all of a sudden we have inventory space so that's good and i'm i'm wishing for robots you can tell it's like robot time i'm ready for it uh okay so i want to take these off and have this there approximately and then this one can go here like that okay so we got our bricks um we might move this up a tiny bit like that and then just have them coming along here and then we get our iron ore as well so we're looking at these recipes we need iron sticks wow we need stuff we need these need bricks and ore okay what i could do is just do halfsies with this thing like this like that kind of thing and then have the iron ore coming up like this i think that might work a lot better because we still need iron and we need steel for this whole thing let's put this one here and then get one like that and then we'll have steel coming in uh all right so go this way and that will go this way okay boom okay fantastic now then um i think i'm gonna put both of these on the same side how many things do we need let's see concrete needs five bricks that's that's okay to deliver with a red inserter and then these guys need 20 concrete so that's gonna be on another belt altogether now we don't need a ton of this stuff so i think just a couple of machines should suffice so let's go ahead and make concrete here now notice it needs water and you might be thinking oh my god what is a you know how do you put water in an assembly machine the answer is you click the recipe first and that gives you a hole or a an input i should say it gives you a hole that sounded great yes anyway never mind um we're gonna add this uh it's water i think we'll have water on the outside here get this here and wherever it's convenient to add water maybe here let's build ourselves an offshore pump offshore pumps are something that i almost never build so they're not in the mall i can almost never find them oh there it is they the icons changed for them as well so i was like okay how do you find these things anyway you you need so few of them in the game i feel like it's not really worth having necessarily okay let's go here hey and yay and yay is gonna be over there cool oh this is great okay so the thing with this is i want to turn this because the the way these things work is if you have the output on this side you can't put any inserters there at least not ones that you want to because this is going to output 10 concrete with everything so i like to have at least how fast is this recipe 10 seconds so i think a regular fast inserter is plenty so let's just put that here so we're going to make a second one of these guys and copy the recipe over rotate the building so it aligns with the water um okay and we'll put a power pole in the center i love this kind of design it's it's really fun and then we get our inserters over here and i think that should be good i think we should be fine with this yeah ore and bricks and how much does it need of each one and five yeah that's plenty for red inserters to deal with so there we go okay and we just need to power this up with some electrical stuffs and things okay there we go now what i would like to do also is have a crate where these are i don't know split off into because we're going to need concrete for rocket silo stuff so i'm going to make a little box here so it's going to split off and put it into a a separate box put that here and then we'll have like one row of this and that's fine and then the rest can be refined concrete now does refined need water as well yes it does so i'm just going to copy this whole recipe wholesale except for the red inserters i'll just put this here and let's see how do we want to do this we want to put these guys inward that's one thing but how do we take it out let's see this is going to be 10 no let's find the right recipe first there we go it's going to be 10 out so let's see i think i want to move this over a tiny bit so so that we can put the the product on another belt here yeah i think that's better okay let's do that instead all right and these guys need oh they need other stuff too no no no no no um let's see how do we want to do this we could be should we be tiny bit sneaky here we could be that would be really sneaky if we did that yeah let's let's be sneaky we're gonna be a tiny bit sneaky here i like sneakiness it's great so one of the things we need is we need some uh iron sticks so we're gonna get this guy to make the iron sticks we're gonna just use a an underground undergroundie there for this this doesn't even need to go forward oopsie there we go and then we're going to use little um yeah inserters here do we need how many sticks do we need actually we need eight eight in 15 seconds and this makes two and a half a second so in 15 seconds this will make 30 so that's more than enough for two of these machines and we don't really want more than two i think that's enough let's copy this recipe and rotate it rotate the machine and we'll just kind of like sneak it that way i think that works oh this is good and then we'll get the iron there we need steel up here oh this is fantastic i like this okay i want to put a wow okay power pole situation is very interesting um okay let's get this guy over and get you some some stuffs okay i'll just put this here or maybe here yeah there is better okay and now we have refined concrete happening this is fantastic yay and that way we can make some proper nice pathways you know what i'm gonna do i think i'm gonna put it this way and then we'll have our boxes next to each other fantastic all right so let me put this concrete back in the box wherever it went there we go and then regular concrete back in this box because i don't want to be carrying all this stuff around with me i can feed this the bricks which is nice okay look at this we now have concrete yay okay so i think that's gonna have to do it for this episode um i'm really happy about this i'm looking forward to having some nice concrete happening um it's gonna look really nice so i think that's gonna be here let's have this nice pathway that's the refined concrete if you've enjoyed this video please do leave a like and subscribe to be informed of new videos it is very very much appreciated and helps me out a great deal remember to check out my kos and factorio merch and make your way to our discord server to chat about the game share ideas and play on our community server take care of yourselves and each other and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: KatherineOfSky
Views: 105,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KatherineOfSky, factorio, KatherineOfSky factorio, Factorio game, Factorio Tutorial, Factorio walkthrough, Factorio tips for beginners, entry level to megabase, factorio megabase, new strategy games 2020, new rts games 2020, new indie games 2020, new factory games 2020, Best strategy games 2020, best indie games 2020, best factory games 2020, factorio 1.0 tips, factorio beginners guide, factorio new player, factorio early game guide, factorio how to set up oil, factorio oil
Id: BchrixL7KWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 32sec (2912 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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