Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp Go Down Simultaneously Today

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what's going on guys so apparently facebook whatsapp instagram they all went down today they've been down for a little bit also the oculus vr if you have that so i was trying to send some people some messages on whatsapp i like whatsapp sending the you know voice notes and things like that and it wasn't going through so i'm sitting here in my basement i'm thinking man maybe it's the wi-fi maybe i didn't pay my phone bill but then also i see instagram's not working i'm banned on facebook for 30 days again for like the millionth time uh so i didn't really check facebook but instagram i just posted that video of joe biden you know where he was taunting the reporters with the six six six six weeks six months six days or whatever he was talking about and so i'm thinking man maybe instagram ban me but apparently let's see cnn cnbc they're all reporting at facebook instagram whatsapp go down uh outages midday monday according to public statements from the three facebook services obviously facebook owns all three we're aware that some people are having trouble accessing our apps and products facebook said on twitter we're working to get things back to normal as quickly as possible and we apologize for any inconvenience now the interesting thing is that you know all three of the all three of these things go down and you know the first thing that my mind goes to again cache the society everything being ran through computers and systems you know i just at the click of the button all that stuff can get shut down at the click of a button you know it's just done and so eventually we're going to be in a place you know in this world where hey if you don't bow down to the agenda at the click of a button we turn off your finances you're not going to be able to hide no cash under your mattress because we'll be a cash to society everything's on a chip everything is digital you've got bitcoin you've got cash app you've got zell you've got all of this stuff we're not gonna need cash matter of fact we don't want you to have cash because we want to be able to control everything so just like facebook instagram boom gone just like that it'll be the same thing in the future with other things so just you know something to think about and be aware we put so much faith in just technology and you know the internet everything's ran through you know online now imagine you know all that stuff just went down people are so dependent on it a lot of people probably don't even know what to do with themselves they check facebook and instagram so many times a day and now they're just sitting there like oh my goodness you know so wow
Channel: Marcus Rogers
Views: 38,876
Rating: 4.9696808 out of 5
Id: TnntviAvf1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 19sec (139 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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