Face The Nation I Coalition Talks

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[Music] dang Welcome To Face the Nation my name is Clement batella great to have you with us here on Sac news on the show tonight as the clock ticks for political parties to finalize their agreements regarding the formation of a government of national Unity the eff is standing firm on their position that they don't want to be involved in any government of unity that involves the da the eff's deputy president Floyd shivambu speaks to us tonight also on the show is there a deal on the cards in guun Natal the NFP seems to have chosen to work with thec and the ifp and possibly the da in an agreement that may see the ifp president venisa elected as premier of that Province the NFP president Evan Barnes is going to speak to us tonight the da solim Mali will also join us about the status of the DA's discussions the party released a statement not so long ago saying the federal Council has unanimously endorsed a resolution affirming the Mandate of a Federal leader John stean Hazen and the party's negotiating team to continue with the process towards the formation of governments at National and provincial levels where they are hung legislature so what does this mean is this a goahead to finalize an agreement with thec is the da now agreeing to be part of the executive which will be formulated by the African National Congress we find out from the da spokesperson and then later we'll bring in Parliament to tell us if it's all systems go for Friday's first sitting but first my comment [Music] [Music] so the clock is ticking it's literally The Race Against Time for political parties to conclude their discussions about forming a new government Friday is D Day members of parliament will be swn in and the president is expected to be elected but even with two days to go before that important sitting in Parliament parties are still engaged in tough negotiations what is clear though is that the ANC so far is they've decided on a government of national Unity it's an open invitation for all parties really depending of course on what the parties are willing to agree on in terms of this agreement president sir Raposa at the end of the NEC meeting last week said the had constructive discussions with a few parties including the eff uh the ifp The Da the NFP and the PA he said thec entered discussions with an open mind to speak to parties who seek to advance the interests of the people of this country so what are you expecting from the political parties in this crucial moment in our country two days before the first sitting of the seventh Parliament which is supposed to elect a president the election of the president requires parties to have at least agreed on some fundamentals in order to ensure that the process is seamless because there's no party with an overwhelming majority the eff responded like this after thec president statement last week we do not want to form any part of a government with representatives of the white Colonial and aparted system and we think now that through Fair observation and what got to happen with the Democratic Alliance and all these minority white parties they represent that agenda the ifp has also been categorically clear that it would not work with thec when we had them on the show before elections we want to have a clear majority in W natal and should we not get a clear majority we have partnered in the multi party chter with whom we are governing 13 municipalities in wasu Natal that is the political grouping we will consider in forming a coalition not thec thec destroyed our Province you can't go into a coalition with someone who destroyed the province you want to rebuild and create a stable economic background with the one who destroyed it and who can forget the DA they branded the efff as Enemy Number One it's been reported that they are also against being part of a government of national Unity that involves the economic freedom fighters as much as the eff doesn't want to work with the da as well in the government of national Unity here's what one of the leaders of the DA has said in the past today I publicly declare Julius mma's eff to be political Enemy Number One of the democratic [Applause] Alliance and I commit the da to fight back against the e at every turn with the ultimate aim of defeating the Doomsday Coalition that could seal South Africa's fate next year this is no longer about politics Democrats it's about the survival of democracy and the survival of South Africa and of course different political party leaders have said things before elections that would have to change sometimes after elections but this moment now and here requires political parties to work together it requires them to find some common ground for the good of this country and overcome their differences but how do they do that without compromising on their principles how do they do that without compromising on their policies without compromising their supporters uh the president said a government of national Unity cuts across the Divide of politics and ideology he said parties must not only collaborate but come together and Forge a common future for the country but what if that coming together compromises the very nature and ideals of the political party so forcing parties to come together when they don't see eye to eye on the most fundamental things how is that going to work over the next 5 years unless of course we just want a caretaker Administration for lack of a better phrase that runs things over the next 5 years with no fundamental changes in policy no new laws that are fundamental that are Parts because there are ideological differences even among parties that would be in the government of national Unity so what then becomes the point how is history going to record the next 5 years of the this country so the question I'm asking you tonight is what are you expecting the political party you have voted for to do in this crucial moment two days before the first sitting of parliament where the president has to be elected whether it's thec the da the eff the MK party the ifp whichever party you voted for what do you expect them to do do you expect them to compromise in their negotiations for the bigger picture or do you expect them to stand firm to stand their ground and stand by their ideological position you can send us your WhatsApp voice note right now on 078 4591 1897 remember to tell us your name and say name and where you are sending that voice note from please keep them at 30 seconds alternatively you can send us an x on at Face the Nation sabc [Music] now the economic freedom fighters announced on Friday that it would not participate in a government that includes their Democratic Alliance on Thursday last week president s Raposa stated that thec leadership had decided that a broad collaboration was the most suitable Way Forward for South Africa during the election c campaign the da had referred to any potential Alliance um between thec and the eff or even the MK as a doomsday Coalition that would negatively impact their economy the eff's deputy president Floyd shivambu joins us now um in studio Floyd thank you so much for joining us on Face the Nation evening much thank you very much for having us um let's start with just the understanding the president indicated that the ANC met with a number of parties including the eff there were constructive discussions are you able to share with us how constructive those were what did they propose what did you put on the table before thec now look we have as the economic freedom fighters met with the leadership the delegation from thec uh which came uh first meeting was to say they've got three different options as to what should happen now that there's no outright winner after the 2024 general elections and then the next meeting they came to say that they came from the national executive committee to say that they are proposing a government of national Unity which includes all political parties that contested elections and then we said that that that doesn't make sense it's not sensible to say that all political parties that contested elections must form government together with then said that there has to be sound ideological principles and foundational Val that Define whoever is going to constitute government together so that you do not spend a lot of time debating and clutching amongst each other as government as to what foreign policy positions do you take how how do you interpret the poverty inequality and unemployment crisis that is defining South Africa how do you approach the redress question and our persuasion to thec was to say that because despite the fact that we have got substantial ideological differences with thec there are at least some common features that Define us and maybe other political parties one is the emphasis that we should redress the historical imbalances that were caused by colonialism in apartate we should redress the imbalances of the past we should confront white supremacy and domination over the economy but you've got political parties that do not believe in such ideals which think that just proceed as if there was no colonialism in a part in South Africa who are not even Associated at all with the redress question but also who are saying that let us uplift the very Progressive uh gains that were gained in protection of workers rights we then say that there are so many basic principles which we can agree on of course in terms of what happens afterward we might disagree because our path says that ultimately we should go into economic freedom in our lifetime which is socialist in character but in the immediate there are issues which you can agree upon with the African National Congress as to what do we confront as Government we can have common foreign policy because more or less we agree as to association with the global South and Progressive forces all over the world thec then took an approach that they want to constitute the government of everyone else who has contested election and that that is not a wise decision because we should have a clear of what we to achieve who else did you have reservations about was it only the Democratic Alliance that you felt you are too ideologically um opposed to um or were you would you be okay if the ANC said let's involve any other party but the Democratic Alliance look the reality of the matter in South Africa is that the Democratic Alliance and even the South African electorate have been utilized in the Democratic Alliance as an instrument to protect white interests like the those that were gained and white privilege that was gained because of colonialism and aparted in South Africa that is why you got a situation that almost 100% of white electorate in South Africa vote for white political parties if they don't vote for the DA they vote for the freedom front plus so you would see that in this 2024 elections the da did not necessarily grow they never actually gained additional votes from the black majority and African electorate they gained the votes which they had lost between 2014 and 2019 which they had lost to the freedom front plus even the number of seats so Freedom front plus loses four seats the da gains for seats in that intervening period to show that the white minority have taken a decision that they're going to vote all of them for just two white political parties maybe some minor components vote for the ACD P but they just vote that because they want to protect the privilege that they had gained the advantage that they had gained because of colonialism and apart in South Africa because if you were to gauge South Africa's social economic indications the unemployment levels amongst white people in South Africa it's far lesser than the black majority and Africans in particular like actually if we were to G gauge the developmental indicators of white people on Africa there would be POS in the top 10 most developed nations in the world in terms of literacy rates access to education life expectancy in terms of the employment levels in terms of basic all the indications that show that people are living in a better environment and that is what they want to protect to the exclusion of everyone else and that is what they want to protect for the exploitation of everyone else that is why if you check the part T of political party funding and support in South Africa the white capitalist establishment they pumped hundreds of millions to parties which must maintain the status quo and it looks like the African National Congress is joining that band as well of those that want to H maintain the status quo where black people and Africans are just suppliers of cheap and easily disposable labor whilst the white capitalist continue to exploit and oppress majority of our people and and keep them in the spaces that they upon under part so if you have more commonalities with the African National Congress why did you then support the da ineni in Johannesburg in the Metros if uh because if you are not too ideologically distant from the African National Congress why did you offer your support in votes to have mayor in Johannesburg and let me give you the latest information now and then I'll will come back to that question we are currently in the same government with the African National Congress Nelson Mandela Bay where we are responsible for infrastructure and electricity and water and sanitation were currently in government with the African National Congress where there's ANC mayor are responsible for finance for health care for Waste for for a variety of other responsibilities here in the city of Johannesburg thec is in government together with the AFC with the with the eff the eff is respons responsible for public safety and health care we took a correct decision after we had said to thec after the 2016 local government elections and after the 2021 local government elections that before we vote forc May there are foundational principles that you must agree to in terms of the redress agenda in terms of prioritizing our people in terms of the transformative agenda but also it even elevated some of the national issues and thec arrogant did not want to talk about the issues that affect our people on the ground they just want an elite P that let's just share positions without discussing what then obtains on the ground have they discussed that in this new agreement we that that by the way currently our approach to negotiation now is to then deal with principal issues as to what is in it for the people of South Africa before we do the elite packing of who must be a speaker who must be a minister of what and what we first discuss the principle of how do we constitute government and in the past thec did never never agreed even by the way those instances where I gave you of Nelson Mandela Bay of Nelson of of of johbur and even in some instances was never with the approval of the national leadership of thec it was done with the provinal leadership who had said that but this is logical we can agree on a common agenda there seem to be some Puppet Master ways in control of the national leadership of thec who's telling them what to do so that characterization of the democratic Alliance of the eff as Enemy Number one seems to be defining a certain section or faction in thec to characterize the efff as Enemy Number One which must never be entertained which must never be inter interacted with on any issues that involve government and it seems to be obtaining now because clearly the ANC is going to work with the Democratic Alliance and moving forward I mean we're hearing of a possible deal that is almost um closed to be signed between thec the da the ifp and the NFP I'll be bringing the president of the NFP on the show um in a in in a few moment and we'll talk about keran um shortly but have you completely closed the door to the ANC now is it safe to say there's no opportunity to even speak before Friday no look we we we haven't actually and as far as we concerned the an is supposed to come back to us because we have outlined our framework as to what are the terms of Eng engagement there are principles which have we have outlined as to these are the areas which you must appreciate Define the economic freedom fighters the land question the matter of nationalization of minds of Banks and other strategic sectors of the economy massive protected industrialization to create millions of jobs free education for the poor up until higher education level insourcing of workers protection of workers rights anti-racism anti-imperialism those are the values that we have given to thec but they don't want to talk about that they just want to Elite pack like they did in 1994 something that led to the crisis that South Africa has now where more than 10 if not 11 million people who are unemployed looking for jobs where black people are more or less in the same conditions that they were under aparted because of an elite P that was reached between the minority white government to say that take political power are going to contain and retain economic power it looks like this this 2024 from a concession point of view from a puppet mastering point of view is going to be the 1994 because more or less the same things are going to happen where the white capitalist establishment is controlling thec to tell them what to do they they they become naturally dismissive because their handlers are saying work with the da or something else is going to happen I don't know what something else is but they they are much more having Affinity with the Democratic Alliance and the right-wing forces than the progressive forces in any way we're going to define a common foreign policy agenda we're going to define a common domestic policy agenda a common Continental agenda as to how we collectively develop be clear for as long as the ANC says even if they come and say we are committed to the principles you mentioned but we want to bring in other parties like the da that is nonnegotiable for you you're not willing to even if they appreciate what you want to cover in your principles and interests you you're not willing to entertain any chat that involves as far as we're concerned that's far the ANC has never got to discuss any detail of the composition of government and all of those they speak first on Elite pacting that they want all political parties that must come but they avoiding the question of principles that upon which principles and upon which ideological Foundation are going to constitute this government okay and that is problematic because you can't just El it P you can't just say take this position take that position and you don't want to talk about what defines that particular government and that is where the difference between the eff and thec is on about now our view is that the the Democratic Alliance the freedom front plus diametrically represent different interest to the interest of majority of South Africa which is about redress of the imbalances of the child of the past and we have to then deal with that much more differently where does this leave you for Friday's first sitting um in Parliament Will you participate in the voting of the new president look we are going to be participating in the Friday processes we had the meting today with the party to try to persuade MK to form part of that particular process and we will be engaging tomorrow even on Thursday with other political parties that even when the puppets of the establishment try to concoct a new liberal agenda that seeks to continue with the inequalities and the poverty of black people we should fight back we should fi candidates for speaker for Deputy speaker for president and we we want to appeal as well to the conscious members of the say that if they are given illegal and unlawful instructions they must vote against such nonsense so that we can constitute a proper government that is going to lead South Africa so you will be filing your own candidates for speaker pres if there is no agreement that is sound between now Friday and Friday we're definitely going to fill candidates for all the positions that are going to be contested let me ask about the eff's position of a national government of of of unity and get clarity on what has changed uh because Julius malma when he spoke to the BC last year was and I quote here the president is not carrying the national agenda we need a government of national Unity constituted by all of us who are not driven by political party interests but the interests of South Africa to resolve this immediate crisis which will affect all aspects of Our Lives end quote he was referring to the challenges the country is facing around the economy around unemployment escom what did he mean by that when he supported then the idea of a government of national Unity with all the part as he said but now is the eff you coming and saying that's actually not a position you want to take so that context of that interview which is being opportunistically utilized now was when we're saying that ramapa must immediately step down and remember the Constitution says that when a president steps down the government is dissolved and then we say that as part of the transitional measures it was after the palapala situation where we say that Arosa must step down as part of the transitional measures now so that we don't go to early elections let's constitute a government of national Unity whatever it's formed for because the period towards elections was not necessary to could call Early elections that was the context of it but also he must appreciate that we are now dealing with the politics of electoral outcomes that came from the 2024 general elections and by the way in that period when he spoke about that it was before the parties wh had said that ideally in South Africa when the ANC loses power it must be taken out of power completely yeah but we had a variety and a myriad of political parties who were sponsored by the opener to characterize and Define the economic freedom fighters as an enemy force and we can't stand back and say you call us an enemy force and then ler on want to form government with you who will never do that to be fair um Floyd I watched this interview again this context the presenter was asking Julius malma about the crisis the challenges that the country is facing and particularly because we were just about to get into I think the highest stages of load shedding so he was asking it around that and not necessarily around president s rapos and whether or not he must step down and the response to the challenges like escom unemployment the economy julus malma says then we need a government of national Unity I can tell you now emphatically that the context was to the failure of ramapa that ramapa must step down and in the intervening period okay there must be a government there will never be a period where the commander and chief of the eff said that we must constitute a government of national un because I remember our approach to the 2024 general elections was for an outright Victory and there was no way that you could have said that we must constitute a government of national Unity post 2024 then he was speaking in the intervening period that if we recall this one and government collapses let's constitute a GNU for transitional purposes not as a permanent future let's talk about guul natal um they reports this evening that there is possibly a deal that is almost to be signed between thec the da the ifp and the NFP and I know you had indicated as the as the eff that you would want the MK to lead in guul Natal because they would be the party that received uh the highest of votes how do you respond to the possibility of this deal that would see the ifp president become premier of we have not yet authenticated that rumor which was spread by Million gardian by the way um the the if the NFP president is going to talk to you today to either confirm or refute that but we are not aware of such a an agreement but we think that whatever government is constituted in the province of Cal should involve because a decisive number of the people of of C natal have voted for a party like I mean like the a party is at like 45 46% of the vote in and then the second party is 18% and the other one is 17% it will be just pure opportunism it would be unethical to want to constitute a government when a decisive number of the people ofal have said that is the preferred party but why didn't you take position and because there was a when thec was trying to say to you the majority of people have voted for us we've got the highest number of votes let's become Premier and yet what you insisted on as the eff was no let's give the opportunity to the smaller parties which is why in Johannesburg now there's a leader from a smaller party that has become a mayor you know in in the context of e and Johannesburg the ANC just is the one that refused to form government in those instances because we said to them here are basic principles of issues which by the way even constitute your own conference resolutions on the land question on the creation of a State Bank on the discontinuation of private ownership of the South African Reserve Bank on the provision of free sanitary tows of to to girls who cannot afford that on insourcing of workers and I say but these constitute your resolutions let's please have to constitute government based on those principles and then they arog said that we cannot do that and then what we did purposefully and tactically was to then unplug them from Power because we knew that once you unplug thec from power they become irrelevant as an organization and we succeeded in reducing the Electoral dominance in those spaces where we unplug them from power that was a tactical move which was Superior and is not applicable to the current conditions because this is a different sphere of government and issues that are dealt with are completely different than what we're dealing with in 2016 and 2021 all right Floy I just want to go through some of the tweets that have come through during our conversation before we wrap up we've got who says that cooperation uh facilitates progress the leading party must put the interest of the people at the center of any talks people want delivery no more talks that's hashirama says they have no choice really they have to compromise but it looks like there won't be any resolution soon every party is still trying to get things going on their own way and kg says I expect uh them the political parties to maintain their policies and ideologies it wouldn't make sense if ANC EF or MK were to work with a farri right party like the da what would they be working on I love that Floyd clarified that the eff wouldn't work with the da uh the policies Ambitions and OB actives just Clash that's a message there from kg thank you so much um for sharing with us some of your responses to the question we're asking tonight on Twitter we'll also play some of your WhatsApp voice notes that have come through Floyd chambu thank you so much for joining us tonight on Face the Nation no thank you very much for having us and I think yeah we're clear in terms of how we're moving forward we've given the ANC an opportunity to respond to issues that reflect the interest of our people they are not interested in that they want to elit pack with the Democratic Alliance because they seem to be controlled by the same establishment who are not going to be part of that but if they want to talk about the interest of the people the eff is available to talk as to how do we constitute a progressive government and take South Africa forward all right so the door is not completely closed uh to thec after the break we'll speak to the NFP president to find out what's going on in quaz Natal is there a deal possibly on the cards stay with us here on Face the Nation [Music] welcome back now de Democratic Alliance is not saying much about talks around coalitions and the formation of a government of national Unity the party says its Federal Council has unanimously endorsed the Mandate of Federal leader John Stan Hazen and its negotiating team to continue with the process to form governments at National and provincial levels with hung legislatures joining us now um to unpack this is the da spokesperson so Mali so thank you so much for making time for us um this evening on Face the Nation uh let let me just start with what's happening in guazu Natal the NFP uh seems to they've released a statement saying that they are open to being part of this government of um of of unity what are you able to share with us in terms of the discussions you've had as the Democratic Alliance not only with thec but the ifp and NFP as well in guala t thanks very much CL for the opportunity and greetings to your viewers so from our side what we have been doing since last week Thursday when the announcement of a proposal around the government of national Unity was made by President Raposa was to immediately initiate one the formalization of our negotiations team and to give them a mandate to go into negotiations with different parties first to get a sense of what their understanding of what has been proposed is and what their reaction is and secondly to to get further Clarity from um thec as the proposer of the model in terms of how it would actually work so the discussions have been taking leadership with have been taking place with the negotiation teams from those two parties primarily and that also meant that there was an internal process that needed to take place that process culminated with the da Federal Council sitting yesterday initially and then continuing today and the broad outcome of that Federal Council discussion was that we because of also time limits with Friday now being the the deadline where everything else need to be sorted the the the federal Council resolution was that we give the negotiating in the mandate to continue with the discussion because up to this stage nothing has been finalized in terms of what can be presented as the final outcome of the negotiations and secondly that whatever the discussions that are taking place around the possible formation of a government of national Unity can also be limited to the scenarios in guazu Natal and Howen because those two were also not one through a majority so in terms of the L question regarding what is um the what is the pronouncement now being made by the NFP is that we are obviously aware of the fact that whatever the outcome of the discussions that are currently on goinging at National level they will also have an impact on the final composition of the type of government that you will end up having in in guul so in a statement You released today you said the da um through the federal Council has and I quote here unanimously endorsed a resolution affirming the Mandate of the Federal leader John Steen hayen and the party's negotiating team to continue with the process towards the formation of governments at National and provincial levels with hung legislatures and quote which is what you've just outlined just in Practical terms what does it actually mean does this mean there's a goahead now to finalize this agreement with thec does this mean that the da is agreeing to actually be part of the executive with thec not only at provincial but at National level as well so what it does say is that because procedurally in terms of how we function as the da and the structures that have authority to make decisions of that magnitude Federal council is the highest decision making body of the organization and because it had not been convened um since the announcement was made by the president the Federal Executive was at the time the body empowered to make that decision so we needed to formalize that mandate through Federal Council and what was also useful to Federal Council was because we had to get a status report in terms of what are the preliminary um um negotiation saying and the discussion there was support that continue to negotiate and then for the final decisions because nothing has been concluded we are seeding power to the Federal executive that whenever the final decision the final outcome of the negotiations are made you don't need to convene another Federal councel um per se to make the final decision that final decision can be made by the Federal Executive because of the limited time also um because at the end of the day by Friday before 10:00 when Parliament sits for its first sitting this needs to have been resolved you you indicated in that statement that you are doing this as the da in order to safeguard the Constitution um ensure stability and and generate economic growth does that mean as the da you then willing to compromise on some of your positions to ensure this stability I mean it's not a secret that you don't see eye to eye on a lot of things with thec yeah the bottom line um chman that I think everyone recognizes with any part of negotiation is that it will eventually lead to a a scenario where there is um some compromise where there's also some Amendments of you know existing um positions but before we even Venture in into that all of those depends on the key thing which is based on the negotiations and our understanding of what's being proposed do we do we do we agree so go ahead so we listening we sorry I got disrupted there um that one if if if we we agree on going into what this mate government of national Unity is then there will also have to be a discussion on what is the key elements of what a program of governing together would be and that would lead to the the inference that you are making in terms of potential of compromise and potential areas of you know alignment okay your statement just lastly mentions John Steen Hazen um that him and the party's negotiating team will continue with the process of of of forming government and and going forward just please help us understand his involvement going forward because initially there was a specific team that was appointed uh help us understand why he's now been brought in um to then continue with W with with with this process as well no the simple thing in there is that the the the the leader of the part is the Apex authority of the party um the the the Mandate of leading the party rest on the shoulders of of the leader we have appointed a committee um of the negotiating team to execute the Mandate of the party and by extension of of of John Sten Hazen who's the leader of the party so it's not necessarily that he's suddenly being brought he was never part of the negotiating team but it was to highlight that Apex Authority in terms of getting the Mandate of the party lies with the leader of the party all right makes sense so Li the spokesperson thank you so much for making time for us on Face the Nation tonight let's go to guazu natal there because the question tonight is is there a possible deal on the cards the NFP seems to have chosen to work with thec and the ifp and possibly the da in and agreement that may see ifp president elected as premier of that Province the national Freedom Party president aan bans joins us now um via video link aan thank you so much for uh making time for us good evening to you you have been coted uh by thec we're hearing of a possible deal that's almost to a conclusion between your party thec the da and the ifp what are you able to share with us tonight good evening to the evening to yourself my brother uh we'd like to First explain uh our position as a national Freedom Party that when the results were pronounced on Sunday on Tuesday we sat as the national executive of the national Freedom party and we took a resolution that we would engage with any political party that approaches the national Freedom Party to go govern in Kaden and placing it on record that we have been approached by thec and the ifp there is no deal that is in place there are no agreements that are in place we have not been approached by the Democratic Alliance we have not been approached uh the MK and well as the eff so these are the only two organization that approach us because if you look at the politics and the Coalition in Cas at in it will have to be four political parties if not three yeah so the ifpc and NFP if and when they do reach an agreement they would not a government case it in without the Democratic Alliance or without the MK party so currently for us as the organization we have taken that decision that we'll welcome any negotiations uh from all political parties and currently there's no agreement that is still in place we are still going to meet with various that have called upon us to meet with them so so far you've met with thec you've met with the ifp I have a follow-up question on that before I get to that question though the MK party there was confusion about whether or not the party the the NFP has had conversations with the MK party if they've approached you or you've approached them can you just clarify that for us have you had discussions with the MK party do you have appetite as the NFP to have a conversation with them we have an appetite of speaking to all political parties uh that would help the people of kadn to thing to elate them from poverty and change their lives so we are not going to put any red tape on anyone and say we won't negotiate with those people based on our historical background that's not going to be the case over here we will negotiate with any political party that seeks to need the NFP to be part of government inul natal and currently we have met only forly with thec the ifp has called and will be meeting with the ifp uh tomorrow just that we waiting for the time and then you where we will meet with the ifp we also looking forward to any other political party that would engage with us as a national Freedom so so so you've not met with the MK party yet but you're open to having conversations with them okay so open to with anyone but we haven't met MK party as yet okay so let's talk about the people that you have had formal conversations with let's start with thec you said the ifp you will be meeting with them as well tomorrow with the seat you have in the provincial legislature as the NFP you are being regarded by some as almost the king makers here what is the ANC proposing to you what is the ifp proposing to you and what would you like to give in return for your support as the NFP we took a position as a political party that we want to become a a service deliberty in service delibery initiative in won hotel we wouldn't want to be a political party that would be big benture supporting other parties in fulfilling their political mandate in terms of uh changing people's lives but we also want to play a vital role we got a track record when we are given an opportunity to lead people we always lead them with dignity and honesty and integrity so we have taken that position so when we meet uh with the different parties tomorrow to finalize uh our uh negotiations with them in particular thec because we'll be meeting for the probably for the second if not the third time tomorrow then we will put our position remember wasal we need more than three political parties to govern was so we'll have to then sit around with all the parties that we come to an agreement with then would be able to uh have a final arrangement in terms of how we going to C govern gu until then we have a position as NFP that we want to be part of the service delivery initiative in wuna does that mean you you want to be part of the government of guazu natal so one of the Mec positions are we talking about the legislature perhaps one of the committee chairs the speaker what do you mean when you say you want to be part of the delivery of services does it mean you want to be part of the government uh be like be involved and and included in the cabinet of the provincial government it has to be that way there's no other way okay um I I hear that so that is what you expect can I also ask just lastly Before I Let You Go um about the proposition that is out there the the African National Congress seems to be taking a position that the party that has received the highest votes um in the province of kulun natal must be the one that's able to lead uh my understanding is that the ANC doesn't plan on putting up a candidate for the position of of Premier as the NFP what's your position on on on that cuz it's the MK that received the highest votes then it's the ifp uh then it's the African National Congress do you take a similar position um with what seems to be the position the ANC is taking in that if indeed there is even a coalition with you and the other parties it would have to be the ifp that takes the Premiership because they got the highest number of votes in that Coalition set up in the province our position is as the national Freedom Party we would look at our policy in terms of co-governance we look at our Manifesto then we will have to sit down and negotiate with those political parties uh that seek to bring us on board in terms of governance then once that is done we'll be able then to take a decision say that again can you hear me yes yes I can Siro yes yes then you'll be able to take a decision if in that round meeting all parties agree to give the Premiership to either thec ifp orever they feel it's important for them to become Premier we would support it remember the NFP is not worried about positions but we are worried about our people that we should change their lives okay well thank you so much for making time for us um the National Party president aan bars speaking to us um about the conversation that the party has had with thec um and informally with the ifp the question I've been asking you tonight is what do you want the political parties you voted for to do in these Coalition talks must they stand in their ideological position or compromise for the sake of collaboration let's take a listen to some of the WhatsApp voice notes that have come through good evening I personally think that each and every party should stand firm at their policies and not compromise because they will be failing their supporters and their voters so each and every party should stand firm to their ideology and try to implement it at their highest level I thank you good evening CL and the viewers it's AR from here in aen of south of Johannesburg the political parties should give the voters what they asked for the vote have spoken since they didn't give one one party majority of their votes it means this Coalition or this government of national Unity it it means this is what they wanted so let them work together find a way to work together and give back to the voters thanks bye hi Clement this is I actually expect the eff which is the party that I voted for to stand firm by its principles and ideology uh stand firm by its Cardinal pillars and ensure that it does not work with the da it does not work with it does not involve itself with the government of national Unity which involves the Democratic Alliance all right thank you so much for your WhatsApp voice notes now the newly formed um party has filed agent papers in the Constitutional Court to interdict the National assembly's first sitting which will be held this coming Friday um in Cape Town this comes after the party's letter of demand to the secretary to Parliament in Chief Justice raymon zondo asking the two officers to refrain from convening the first sitting uh that did not yield the desired results now the party seeks a hearing in the Apex court before Friday let's bring in Advocate mud pindela who is the secretary to the National Council of provinces Advocate thank you so much for making time for us will the National Assembly still sit on Friday despite this agent Cod bid yes indeed the National Assembly will sit uh because in terms of the Constitution that chief justice has called the the sitting of the National Assembly has determined the date and time uh at which the National Assembly will sit are you able to once again and this has been done several times to clarify uh what the Constitution says cuz in its Cod papers the party said that the National Assembly would not be properly constituted with less than 350 members present um according to the rules and what the Constitution says about Quorum can you just clarify what it says what's allowed and what's not allowed well I I have not seen the the papers because uh we have not been served with the with the papers but what I can say is that the constitution provides that the National Assembly consists of the number of members referred to in the Constitution elected uh during the elections and uh according to us uh the members of the National Assembly have been elected uh the National Assembly has got 400 members which the the Electoral commission has designated so sorry Advocate when you say you have not been served yet with with the papers what does this mean then for this legal battle in the in the Apex court because the MK party expects that it must be had before Friday but as a defending party you would have to be served with the paper so you prepare yourself and and know how to defend yourself on Friday what what does oh sorry yes sorry go ahead yeah well I'm not sure if we we we have been saved with the with the papers uh if we have been s with the papers obviously we look at the papers and see as to whether we have to defend the matter as Parliament or we have to take a decision to abide by the Judgment of of the Court okay so I I spoke to the deputy president of the eff who says as the eff they've tried to engage the MK party to come to this first sitting of parliament on Friday I know Parliament previously said they canceled the flights and accommodation if the MK party changes its mind between today and Friday and decides they want to attend what does it mean logistically for you well it would be a logistic obviously it would be a logistical night me for us uh but if they intend to attend then we will have to see how to make arrangements for them to to attend but perhaps the other point that I should make is that it's not only the National Assembly that will be sitting on that on that day the provincial legislatur will also be sitting on on that day on the 14th and uh the provisions of the Constitution relating to the setings of the provincial legislatures are similar to the provisions relating to the sittings of the composition of of the National Assembly as well as the National Council of provinces that will be sit on the 15th of U of June the provisions relating to the composition of the National Council of provinces are similar to those relating to the the sitting the composition of the of the National Assembly as well as the provincial legislatures all right Advocate mudi pindela the secretary to the National Council of provinces thank you for joining us on Face the Nation tonight and thanks to you for watching us on this Tuesday evening we'll be back on Thursday at 8:00 p.m. have a good evening cheers
Channel: SABC News
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Keywords: SABC News, actuality, world news, local news
Id: fEt_-yxxEG0
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Length: 54min 17sec (3257 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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