face masks and nail polish with Dean Dobbs

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am I really that much sure you don't yeah you are yeah okay so the other day I posted this tweet so it okay I've never been it and I I don't know you that well you see very nice Dean replied with this tweet and I was like ha ha ha actually well great videos let's do it so we're gonna paint Dean's nails and talk about boys let's give your Facebook okay I know what them has helped me hi what nothing I'm saying I ain't say nothing skins like perfect is it yeah nice my dad is gonna watch this video and be very very upset don't open a packet and go by the rim no why that's great it's a chocolate in it was a chocolate right we barely know each of it's been about 15 minutes 15 tell me about yourself don't okay okay yeah um oh why do I even stop this is like writing a bio well my name's Dean yeah ah I'm 24 years young yeah what's your favorite meal favorite meal okay watching cabs I uh chicken Kiev a chicken Kiev it's like in Kiev Kiev Kiev Kiev Kiev Kiev chicken Kiev yeah what's happening chicken house thank you ticket no no sorry you like chicken if you would thanks like you're loading key nail my dinky nails dinky I grew those myself people do that right and they get them in don't like all right I guess I like a little it's funny myself I don't doing yeah in terms of content so far you've got my name age and that I ate chicken Kiev's in my first year like just gonna fight I feel like my face shouldn't be touching anything I feel sticky there you go there this is like eventually oh god I'm gonna start peeling like I made I'm sound a little like hmm are you like take this in every night even a while oh I don't know hi by the way hi Howie hi just like Marty Healy right yeah just like him just like him we're gonna talk about boys let's talk about Mattie earrings oh my god I love how he always goes on stage we'd like to put the wine does he do that I've never seen life do you have you seen them yeah just once Jenny he was chocolate I heard yeah I'm going to burp I'm fine yeah no fun it's probably a horrible awful go oh oh god that was way worse than everybody's gonna be and here that is again all right one more time no all right that's slower oh that's wrong here I'm already intimate I wore or I mean I wear black all the time anyway I figured yeah attic circuit that's really easy see that was a burp of my bad like trained my body into only doing silent verbs I can't burp ready hmm sounds like okay I don't know what that was but that was like egg you see I mean it's like a little it's not even a blood it's like silent it sounded like a water bowl an empty water bowl it better it's better bass I got it I was like oh hey lice and I've got that loot that if you are that are your decent beats or something will make that happen what we did it bloody well will not do even to where women ah this is a progressive sleepover that's true I'm bisexual oh yeah yeah that's that's like fresh news right I mean it was fresh news to me yeah but we don't know each other dated oh yeah but I have seen a it's called sick of losing soulmates right yeah I like that song thank you I made me do a little cry I'll tell you that hmm bang Wow I thought we were supposed to be doing my makeup talk about boys not going now listen city was aren't just about boys all right okay did guys have sleepovers I mean it was a bunch of young people maybe about like 13th like that all in there mix of their own developing years is that done yeah call someone don't Roger we would all sleep in our friends living room who's always the same friend's house we would go through the movie less than four anyone that feels a bit adult I just remember all of my friends being a lot more into girls than I was at the time I just wanted to watch like Digimon or something Digimon yeah it was like Poundland Pokemon I go through those like moments of hey let's go back let's go back in time and see if there's moments oh my god that's like my whole life just nostalgia do they live in the past Paulo what are we teenagers yeah do you really yeah have it you know what the worst thing is I will never be a teenager yet no I mean what same for me hmm second coat I'm the flower crowns for now how long are you gonna keep the sample uh tonight tell me vanishes maybe vanishes that's funny what it's just funny no you can't just you can't just like look at the camera I'll go come off what have you done is there something in it you don't know what nitroglycerin is no I really don't know you're not heard any the old panic stuff do you like panic right I like new panic I'm sorry that's just old panic is a very reason jack Adina exists I like Brendon Urie like I love him I think he's a really cool guy absolutely I'm his best friend oh dude oh sorry I was just moving I'm sorry it's fine it looks like this is a cuz I met him dinner I forgot that and you were there yeah well you didn't go did you didn't have a chance I was looking after your drug ex-girlfriend who was like wasted when I we talked about managed to convince her than me and my manager had just met that's funny one of those nights where I must have like been very charismatic and fairly decent talking to people when drinks cuz I can't remember any honor we were talking to the guitarist the whole time oh good guy in the suit and he was like well we're gonna go back down there if you guys want to come and then she was like you can movies and I was like what's happening she was like let's go meet Brendan I was like if I liked all the music in the room destroy my god I was like okay but my first reaction was why isn't Jack here Oh cuz like yeah I was super sad and I was I had to text him and go oh so they made a joke to him and he laughed but I can't remember I said I think it was the first show of 2016 I think that they were all pouring champagne it's like plastic glasses and I got one and then he comes over for gasoline yeah he that comes over and he's like hey man like pause me champagne and I'm like I'm gonna keep this champagne we're gonna put some cling film over it no but I do remember specifically I was like I am going to feel so smug when I bump into Dodie and everybody again go yeah yes sir I've been meeting my dolls and and afterwards I never felt good I was felt like in pain one moment and he'll never remember me and I'm sure to know you know you know I'll never be their friend yeah it was like a sad thing and like I want to go back and do it again maybe that's my past thing coming oh here we go it's how we live it die I had one of those moments the other day I was impaired and I was like oh my god one of them yeah dead yeah I mean it's almost every day but I filter it out it's like a fuzzing it will start to come in and I'll go oh my god that's like my whole brain I'm always like how maybe you should think about this thing they're like no no no no no you you go down there oh it's 4:00 a.m. well don't think making it to there it's like yeah thank you it's like you've had a good day you've done a lot yeah yeah yeah I thought about death to let go of you how do you move from Brendon Urie to death the writers death is coming and he's a soft box but don't they look sort of ominous if you turn it off and look at that in the night it just looks like something without a face to staring you look at they're ready just imagine this in the dark oh hey that yes nice is it yeah we talked about boys which ones my boys look like - welcome to Texas time we do dogs liars you can see lovely it's 975 Laurie I'm looking for you while you're looking for your phone and then leaving with somebody else one of my favorite things about chocolate didn't understand a word he was saying also where's the course I think it's that bit where he goes if not give me that better bury that chocolate and I'm not no yes thanks watching whatever the this was I don't know this was it was fun there you happy so happy okay great oh yeah we should probably ourselves bye-bye thanks wow thanks ah
Channel: doddlevloggle
Views: 696,236
Rating: 4.9903727 out of 5
Keywords: dodie, clark, doddleoddle, dean dobbs, dean, dobbs, nail polish, I don't give a shit about these tags lol
Id: noc2OGf05yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2016
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