Baking with Layton (Also Hazel Hayes again!)

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yeah time is money whose money what money neither of us has been paid for this time and that the truth good evening and welcome to baking with leighton i'm tits mcgee and i'm and i'm daniel j later i am a bit tits mcgee today I've chosen this dress because when you're standing in it it's it's like fine but when you sit its lightest and it's just we're trying to distract you find a big broken leg in the thumbnail can I point to them with the big arrow okay now yeah today's cake comes from the Queen to celebrate midsummer which was about four weeks ago and also Sweden we're making new Swedish summer cake this cake brings out I think my Swedish roots when did we decide this basically I went to Sweden for a day and it was brilliant and then I was like I mean I was blonde when I was born and I felt quite at home so I'm probably Swedish that's whatever oh my god this custard Amy this is the custard but it is a little bit wobbly it just and just starts to get all right positive maybe it's no I don't be like oh your other cakes watch me weather like they're almost right but as you handed to as you explain all the ways in which things didn't quite go to plan but there are cherries in that they were supposed to be ground down with almonds in but I couldn't find on the server some pine nuts and everything's a bit wet but it's fine what the hell cake are you making do you want to be involved in this how come cuz I couldn't no I'll come I'll come to you dan why don't you just stand behind me in whiskey nothing should get in your way not even a broken leg you can be a strong powerful woman in the kitchen in the kitchen if you like company [Music] he's a very low-energy it's kind of like hey when she is so fine my name right now cuz wife's quite like high energy it's nice working to be a bit quiet and gentle it's gotta be some form of scam D why do you think that because it feels right you have like kind of brownish hair and blue eyes when I was born my hair was blonde er than it is now yeah every baby has that when babies are not the Baratheon 's and that's how Ned Stark knew there's one thing we've learned from Game of Thrones it's that it's factually accurate done isn't it so probably believe that over books on like genetics in shape and oh if you read some good books on genetics than hazel you joke but yes I have that is lovely isn't it that ribboning yeah Star Wars and I have no idea why cuz you're not those who jump very well that's lovely I did so what we could do oh no are you just gonna put a whole bowl of strawberries and sugar in front of me and tell me to not eat it is that what you're doing yeah no this is max eraser I'll be left enough there's nothing funny about the way that's all right it doesn't sound like anything else but now we're gonna leave those for an hour gonna spend an hour macerating they are gonna be massive I'm usually in two minutes shouldn't macerate them too much though you'll go blind here is a case so what happens is inside the cake if you see in the picture three layers here you're not gonna get three layers over well she did courageously it doesn't say that courageously Sam I'm telling you - okay horizontally into three layers it wouldn't be the end of the world I suppose if you simply cut it into two layers all right so she's saying we can but I do feel like we'd be disappointing Nigella I think what we'll get is a decent top and bottom layer and a load of crumble in the middle should we just maybe just do the two layers just this time and the next time once we know what we're doing where's your sense of adventure wholly different look see my jealous layers are thin and the ones in Ikea are sick okay deep this is what what do you witch hazel do you want done you should do a slash and then a second / Jan it's so spongy that's me cut it that's where you cut it it's not over we can reverse this decision how do you start to cut into it and then thought that's quite spongy maybe we should reverse no I started to get into it and then I turned and looked at your face which was doing this should we just go hard you want to go half you can go half that's fine I just don't have that nygel it down this side right we're just gonna cut it in half I'm sorry Nigella yeah well maybe maybe maybe do maybe two longer strokes happening everything's fine everything is absolutely fine sweating my mother can cut anything in a straight line how did these people I don't know it's a whole generational thing done this is going quite well is it done I don't know no The Meadows not don't get off should we get the hooby do no parallel and I won't leave that fella this is custard oh man we just what's happening here people is a whopping double cream into a bowl of costs big bowl of custard and bollocky five people will get that Joe it different things about you MA no no genuinely all right please for your sake Oliver just take a bit yeah don't that's fine that's fine yeah so I was gonna say how do you have a cake yeah you have it with cream and you pour it well it's just being poured that's all that's happened to you it's not it was a choice it's not wrong it's not intentional because the first time I tried it and you wanted to cut this in three I don't know why you're complaining you get to like that I'm not complaining okay I'm gonna get to eat cake I'm just a bit sad for you that this has happened this is glorious this is exactly what I wanted this is brilliant look at that you know what is interesting hazel this is how we do in Sweden this is very traditional only one sense we do put it together puss put that on that topic eight now come on please oh I think these look the same as far as I'm concerned this is this you know but you know what they say done a cake is a cake even when it's it's still a cake that's a famous phrase if someone could translate that industry just in the comments we'd be ever so grateful oh my god thing is lost if anything we are the winners what do you think of that what do you mean yes you do come for cake this is probably the best cake I've ever made oh yeah really I'm really very pleased Wow this is a sight to see why are you so quiet it's beautiful that's what the picture look like [Laughter]
Channel: Daniel J. Layton
Views: 101,486
Rating: 4.9885926 out of 5
Keywords: vlog, vlogger, comedy, food, humour
Id: bBqcR2tW88c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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