Fabricator Skills Test Build - Livestream 1/3/2024

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We Ready are we going to go okay everybody Welcome to the fireball machine shop today we're going to have some fun live and I'm going to be building a uh Fabricators skill test right here live on camera so you all can see and I want to show how to defeat this test now as we go through this process I'm going to be showing how the fixture on the new dragon wagon table this is brand new small table line that we've developed and this is a good option instead of the big $1,000 or $10,000 tables so let me walk you back from the very beginning why I want to do this live but before I do that I need to kind of start back a year ago and give you guys a little bit of heads up on where we're at now I did a video about this time last year where I did a fundamentals fabrication video and I showed a lot of you guys on YouTube how to build a simple Square something like this now and all the problems that can I don't know come up when just trying to build something as simple as this box now to my surprise what happened out of that video it caught me off guard and as I was trying to be very helpful and show you a solution to some of these problems and suggesting a fixture table what came out of that was an interesting conversation and that is that a fixture table is not necessary to build a simple box for frame just like this now I would agree with you it is not necessary but I do believe that a fixture table is easier so there was a lot of comments and a lot of feedback on the Forum about this topic conversation so I decided that I would hire professionals that didn't have a fixture table to build me the simple box that I had built in the video and just to run my own experiment now and I paid full price for these products and these parts and to my surprise what came back wasn't what I built on the fixture table like in the first video they're all out of size as you can hear probably in this they teeter totter they're warped and it wasn't built to the drawings now after that video aired of me showing what happens on the Fabricators maybe didn't take this job seriously or they just didn't care um it inspired uh a new test and speaking with everybody on the Forum we kind of developed this a lot of everybody said the Fabricators at those Fab faap shops didn't take this product or this project seriously because it was just too easy they was just so easy they just didn't care and that was the problem so we decided that we're going to make something more complicated and this is the outcome it's the same box that we' built previously but with four legs built on it I know from looking at this they're like Jason this is this is still easy what is the problem well there's some built-in uh booby traps into this system right here um and as you can probably see there's no supports going around these legs uh the box frame can still be twisted or warped there's some welds right in the middle of tubes that can pull or push or pull and so this is to me a really good fabrication test especially if you're a new welder uh this is something you can build on your own and two we need to build two of them that match and that is often the problem trying to duplicate the same thing you've already done okay so that's where we're at today um hired three more individual Fab shops separately from this one to build me six frames and they also did not come out to the drawings now part of that whole system and that whole experiment was to build to fairly tight tolerances now what is a fairly tight tolerance well I called out for a plus or minus a 16th of an inch and I did some polls on the fireball forum and asked everybody is this a tight tolerance and the overwhelming response is no this is pretty stand standard this is not a tight tolerance that uh needs extra attention of this is pretty standard stuff but unfortunately all the Fabricators That Built Me This Test did not follow those parameters so today I want to uh use the small Dragon wagon and build this exact same thing that I had the Fabricators built for me and I want to use some fixturing fundamentals and show you how I would do it and I'm purposely going to mess up on this and show you how we can fix it uh that way it's a real life scenario and I want to do this in a way that will showcase profitability which means there's a lot of discussion that a fixture table is not profitable it's going to take me too long to recruit my money it takes too long to fixture so when I build this I'm going to set this clock up that's behind me and we're going to time myself and see can this job be profitable and uh we'll go from there so first off the material that I've used has already been cut and just for time sake because I don't want to move the cameras around swing around to the to the bandaw this took me 20 minutes to cut all the material uh and I've beveled it so whatever we do on the time clock behind me we are going to be adding 20 minutes to that okay and this cutting material is going to vary for everybody else anyway but it took me 20 minutes okay the material cost this was one stick of 2x two square tubing and that's roughly $100 for me to purchase uh the cost to have two of these made at a professional faap shop cost me roughly $500 so I have a $400 profit margin that I need to uh try to find some success in and when we're all done we will QC the parts and measure them and we should be within spec and have two match sets Okay and we might even compare them against the other Fabricators as we go uh this is by no means trying to toot my own horn I just think there's a lot of skill there's a lot of learning there's a lot of Education that I can teach and pass on to you and I want to share that with you guys I don't want to die keeping all this information to myself I want to share it with everybody um so that gets me back to the live we're doing this live because I don't want you to say I'm cheating um I'm going to be talking to you along the way as I go and explaining what I'm doing so this might slow me down a little bit I'm probably going to take a 20-minute penalty by talking to the camera uh but I'm okay with that I'm going to try to do this under three hours I would like to try to shoot for two to get these accomplished uh I don't know if it's going to happen or not but we're going to try okay I'm not going to be working at a really brisk Pace I'm just going to be working comfortably and uh hopefully you guys follow along you're more than welcome to ask questions I don't know if I'll be able to answer them but what I do want to do is I have the Forum open on the fireball tool website with a long with a forum post about this live stream and when I'm done with this project I will jump onto the fireball forum and I'm going to be there answering questions for an hour or two so that's one way we can continue this topic of conversation that way we anybody who sees us we can continue to search for these questions and answers and that uh this video doesn't get buried in the YouTube algorithm and nobody will ever find it ever again so that's where I'm going to be um but Conrad's behind the camera for me and he's going to be monitoring make sure the cameras and the lights and the audio is staying good for you guys we might even pan around with the camera uh to keep things in view uh if there's a problem let us know um keep tabs on my audio hopefully I get thumbs up from Conrad saying audio is good and he says it is so I think I'm getting ready to uh get ready and get started um if there's no objections from the audience and if we have enough time everybody's here let's let's get rolling so I have basically have these drawings memorized so I really don't need um any drawings to build this but before I get going I'm give you a brief size we got 20 in wide by 22 in tall with four legs from from the surface of the table to the top of legs 15 in okay they all need to be perpendicular Plum straight everything from legs I have a 16th of an inch left 16th of an inch right 16th of an inch over 16th of an inch back the Teeter Totter or the twist in the frame I need to hold within a 16th of an inch okay so not unrealistic expectations but uh we need to be paying attention to what we're doing so those are some quick measurements to go by if you want to actually look at the drawings those are on the Fire ball tool Forum also and you can download those if you like to build your own okay so and remember I have to build two okay take a deep breath and I um I have a timer set behind me and then we'll just we'll Turn and Burn okay I'm not going to be uh working too fast like it's a race I'm just going to be working at a consistent Pace okay I'm going to try to talk to you as I go and hopefully I don't screw up too bad cuz this will be embarrassing but we'll fix it no matter what happens okay ready get thumbs up from Conrad okay thumbs up from Conrad just as we can go let's start the stopwatch okay 3 two 1 go go go go all right okay so I'm going to be breaking this um table down into two components I don't want to build a big giant fixture to put all the pieces all in all at once I'm going to try to isolate some problems so I'm going to start with the leg first and I want to build the table and isolate the T joint okay so by taking the joint as this I want to build the T first now I know from looking at this that when I weld on the two sides that these are going to fold up and I'm purposely not going to fix it I'm going to Bow them on purpose and then this is the real world scenario scario where most likely you're not going to catch this and you're going to have to fix it afterwards so I'm going to replicate that condition and I'm going to warp this tube and then we'll find a way to fix it okay so I don't want you to say that Jason you're cheating you knew that was going to warp and you're doing this all too fast and I'm going to purposely screw up okay so we have an overhead camera so you guys can see what I'm doing um what I'd like to do is I need to isolate the Endo of this I want to stop so I know where this end leg goes I have eight of these joints I need to do okay so the way I'm going to start off here is with a couple blocks I'm just going to grab all my fixtures I'm just put them over here on the table now I'm going to put a end stop here that I can butt the I can butt the um tooth block into this is going to make sure I get everything the same okay I don't know if this is in the right spot I'm just going to leave it Loose for right now but it's it's here okay I'm going to put the tube here tube here so the beauty of the of these blocks is that if you have uh material that's exactly on inch like 1 in 2 in 3 in you can use the blocks to f capture the tube that's what the be of these fence blocks see it's captured left or right can't go any direction I don't know where the Endo is going to go yet but the tube is kind of located um I'm going to be looking at the weld seams where my weld seams located I want them to be on the inside of my box so that's something I'm also looking at okay I'm going to set a couple more stops up here for this tube I need this tube to be square okay so I'm going to put this block here and we put this block here like that looks like that's where this is going to need to go um so we'll put this I need from the base of this to the face of this 15 in okay so we's just pull a dimension here looks like I need to bump this back it's the beauty of the fixture table is that I have a lot of control here nothing has to be in the right spot when you first get started there we go okay so from there to there you can see I'm exactly 15 in okay I'm only using the tape measure for reference this tooth block has teeth in the back of it that actually gives the correct alignment okay now where I'm at here is I'm building the box so I need these angles to be facing up towards WS me I want to make sure that my weld seam is right here I want that to be at the top or the bottom as long as they're consistent I'm aware of this where my weld seams are so it looks visually nice okay now what I want to do is I need to locate this side to side so this is a 20 and a qu chunk so I need to have two end stops to Center this up I don't want to have to scribe any lines do any layout because I got 20 of these things to do so I am going to set up some permanent stops might seem like it's taking a little bit longer than normal to do this but I assure you that when you have eight of these to do that it will be faster than laying them all out simultaneously okay so I drop these pins in if this is the first time you're seeing how these work with the dragon wagon all the tooling is the same as the big tables the only thing we need to have this to work is this/ in spacer so if you ever do decide to upgrade your table that all the tooling is the same how we doing Conrad everything's sounding good and okay all right he's giving me a thumbs up everything's sounding good comments are coming through I'm sure yep okay that's good to hear so this is 20 and uh make sure this is the my 20 and a quarter yep so from this Edge to this Edge I need to be 20 and8 so I'm just going to pop this back there go 20 and8 yep that one's already set now what I'm going to just do is I always just like confirming with the tape measure I'm not actually using the tape measure for any measurements I'm just cons using it for reference just to double check myself the table is the real real measuring tool here okay that's it we're located I have a little bit of slop in my tube because I cut my tubes a little short on purpose uh so I'm just going to eyeball and do a couple quick measurements to get it centered up and then we can clamp everything down so that's it we're done we're ready to basically shim everything up and we can get welding that went pretty fast what I like to do is I like to shim everything up off the table half of an inch or so this is just standard practice these are little shims and these shims go underneath the the tubing and it elevates the work up I like to have these shims perpendicular with the tubing because this is going to set the roll if you set them like that this tube could roll on top of it okay and if we if we take a quick look at the the other proops that built their frames they have a lot of roll in these legs and I should pop that up and show you guys and I question why are they rolled they're doing something wrong that should that shouldn't have to be uh everything should be square per perpendicular to the shovel and not rolled and so we're going to pay attention to that as we build mine okay doing for time 6 minutes okay we're 6 minutes in and we're getting ready to put some clamps on and we're going to start welding here okay so got everything kind of going I'm going to grab a couple clamps from behind me so I don't think 6 minutes is too long I don't know about you guys what is the comments saying 6 minutes too long to have the first fixture set up I don't think so like I said The more you fixture this just comes naturally you you don't really think about it that much you just kind of do it cuz you just kind of know what needs to happen I know how the fence blocks work I kind of know where I want the Endo stops to be um vice versa okay so I'm going to try to position my clamps in a in a position where I can get into these fillets right here so I'm going to put the clamps over here on this side okay now I really pushup should be fixturing on the fillets which means taking my blocks and sandwiching them just like I do here okay so that just ensures that this isn't going to Bow but I'm going to actually cheat I'm going to actually make this to bow on purpose to show what happens if you accidentally screw up and we'll fix it on camera because I think there's some great education in screw-ups you learn more with screw-ups than you actually do uh by making it right every time okay so I'm going to demonstrate a screw up so I need to get this tube centered I'm just going to pull some reference surfaces here 20 and 18 and 8 um this is this is really going to be important as we um move to the final assembly of these this might come back and bite me but I think this is going to be the fastest method here um only because I'm going to be able to isolate the welding problems 18 and 3/16 up to don't feel right here 18 3/16 okay just double check everything 9 and E 9 and an eth okay let's clamp this down light pressure okay I'm going to grab some of these side Pusher clamps right here now what these guys do is they have screws going both left and right and they go in a Peg and I can push from the side okay so I want to make sure I'm pushing right on a fence block just like that doesn't need too much pressure the more pressure you start clamping on everything the you can actually roll the tube or cause some Distortion that's unnecessary we're just looking for this to be captured this is a pretty good fixture because we can fixture or these are good fixtures cuz they are like permanent so they really don't want to move that guy's locked down okay we're going to do the same thing over here I want to make sure I'm clamping again right over the the um the shims okay and so right now as this piece is I got to make sure that this piece is pushed this piece is pushed into this block nice and tight because this is going to set the leg the leg height okay and I think we're okay just do a quick me one more quick measurement just because 15 looks pretty good I'm going to just take a peek down eye level and make sure everything's touching the shims and nothing's rolled or in a weird in a weird position here this is a little bit strange to me I'm just double- checking everything this is kind of the beauty of fixture tables it allows you to kind of just eyeball everything all together it's a QC and a fixturing uh speed speed tool at the same time okay all ready to weld 10 minutes in I don't think that's too bad to get my first joint done all right now we're going to be wire feeding this just for Speed um you could easily TIG weld this if you wanted to um I like to not ground through the fixture table the fixture table could get some Arc that comes up through and a a bad spot will develop on the surface so I you can ground through the clamp or right to the material whatever is your personal Choice uh then I'm going to use this little plate steel I'm going to put underneath the weld joint so that the spatter tried to minimize the spatter on the table okay so I'm going to be welding three sides and three sides only I don't really need to worry about tacking it because it move it's pretty tight I'm just going to go okay so I'm going to weld across the W across the top or down the sides ah it doesn't really matter just weld okay ready here we go my weld is not turned on at least that's not the ground knot on the material okay here we go classic [Music] noob okay so there's one [Music] done oh now all we got to do the fixture is already set up so we just going to have to swing in put new parks in come on there we go loosen loosen loosen now I'm going to we're going to leave this rig set up because we're going to come back and we're going to use it for quality control okay so that's what we're after people are asking if this is uh pre-recorded no this is not pre-recorded this is live if you guys are hearing me clap clap clap so we're doing this right here in front of you guys okay so I want the weld seam up oh welcome if you guys are here we're doing the welders test right here live on the camera and I have a timeline going I'm 13 minutes and 20 seconds into this okay so I'm going to lock this one down remember I have eight of these to do okay we just going to get this guy centered up here cuz we're floating a little bit that's not even tight you goofball that help you tighten your fixtures up silly okay so l quter l quarter so we're just doing I'm just trying to get this centered best I can 316 trying to float this this will come back and haunt me when we do the next step if I don't get this kind of right this is probably the weakest part of this whole fixture is that my parts are a little bit undersized but that's okay okay clamp this nice and tight here I want to move this over one everything okay audio is good okay Conrad's giving me the thumbs up sorry if I'm talking too much but this is the boring part okay once again I'm just going to confirm that I'm sitting on top of the shims all the way around because like I said this is quality control at the same time we're fabricating okay I'm just going to clamp to my clamp some people don't like it when I do this but I have found no problems with doing that okay so we're here ready to weld again just doing a small downhill trying to keep the weld to the minimum don't need a lot of uh don't need a lot of weld for this and like I said this will warp and I'm okay with that I would prebend this typically but I'm going to show what happens if you screw up and don't uh account for that we're going to fix it so it's going to slow my time down a little bit but this is a real world condition okay okay we're good there pull the next one out what am I into 16 minutes not terrible I know time I think time always goes by way faster than what is perceived I'm going to start putting these underneath the cart here I'll come back to them in a few minutes okay so we're going to stick with this one we're going to stick with this one and this is just the way fabrication goes we just put the hood down turn your music on and you're just welding this is where you make a lot of your money is just from this repetitious work okay once again make sure this tube is pushed up into the stop there um make sure everything's clamped down is there any questions Conrad that that could be answered of any kind or or one that's coming up more often than others that I can maybe answer as I'm doing this nothing really everyone's happy wow a happy a happy audience you guys you guys are guys are amazing okay are we learning anything so far in the audience no no one's learning anything maybe learning something a handful of people want to know what your favorite condiments on a burger is oh I'm just I'm basic I'm I'm just a bacon ketchup cheese guy [Laughter] how come you're not cleaning or grinding the steel before welding is it already prepared uh so the mill scale on this tube is pretty thin um it is not already prepared the face of this tube is uh still raw Mill scale the the ends have been prepped uh they have been ground and beveled already I do have a Gap a little Gap in here 16th of an inch gap which is going to help me for penetration but I have the welder cranked up and we're just burning through it and this is another way to save money is just run your welder a little hot try to minimize grinding as possible I'm going to try not to pull the grinder out in this entire video uh that will be uh a great day if that happens okay we're going to keep going okay if I was TIG welding this I would Pro I would have to grind the mill scale off but I'm [Music] not okay one more [Music] weld so I'm not too concerned about what the welds look like even though I'm trying to do my best but um I'm really not worried about them oh look at that see I already screwed up I didn't clamp down I already got an arc on my beautiful brand new table oh that's okay I'll show you how to fix that later maybe too that's a good little that's a good little tiff right there wow did that pull up on me no okay so I'm just contining to check my work as I go which is one of the benefits of this that I can QC my parts I think there's a lack of QC and [Music] Fabrication right let's see this goes down this goes up trying to keep my weld seams all in the same spot it really shows a professional if they kind of keep those in mind not every time are you able to do that can you remind the audience what you're building yes I am building a uh Fabricators weld uh skills test um that was developed over three videos on YouTube uh we're discovering how beneficial is a fixture table compared to not having one is their speed is there you going to suffer uh some consequences by extra tooling got a setup uh how does accuracy play out and all this um there's a lot of feedback saying you do not need a fixture table to produce accurate parts and I'm not disagreeing with you uh I've just been asking people to show me and it's been really difficult to get Fabricators to show me good quality work without one um you using a tape measure for reference and using the table to actually measure right now okay so right now my tubes are cut too short this was cut too short on purpose I cut it a 16th under so but this is my stop this is 20 in 20 and a/4 in between these two that's what my outside dimensions uh are required for my plan so I'm just eyeballing this tube in between I'm just grabbing this grind Mark here and this grind Mark here just using it as a reference to get it as centered as possible I have enough wiggle room to when I make the base the big square that uh I'll be able to account for that and if I have to buzz off a little bit on the ground grinder I'm okay but what I'm really after is this tube and this tube to be perpendicular to each other and these tubes to be co- planer and not Twisted I'm really after this connection and isolating all the problems right here because this is where all the this is this is the booby trap in this whole system and um we need to fix this and keep this right okay so right now I'm just pulling a measurement from this stop over to this tube just to get me roughly centered I don't need to do any layout I don't want to try to pull my marker out that's where we're going to slow down okay so now I'm just making sure everything's snug that's where I want I can visually see a gap little Gap in between the ends of here and I know that I'm centered like I'm I'm just using my eyeball okay get everything snugged let me do a quick look just to see if there's anything that's glaring wrong I haven't pulled any of the shims off now they're all in the same spot and that's the beauty of this is by elevating the work all the BB's that are coming off the welder are all spread all the all spread out on the table but when I pull the parts out the part the tops of those uh shims are clean I don't have to clean the table off I just keep welding let the spatter rest on the table who cares okay looks like I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good good quick visual check okay weld [Music] what are we up to 23 minutes like I said I probably going to take a 20 minute penalty for talking to you guys but that's okay I'll handicap myself a little bit here okay so I know when I pull these parts out that they're going to move a little bit but we'll fix it and I'll show you that they move when we're done here like I said cuz not everything's perfect every time we're going to have mistakes or happy little accidents whatever you want to call it we're not perfect for human but the um the ability to and how you fix it is where uh really where good Fabricators can shine okay I got four more to do so now we're changing tube size this is now shrunk down in size to a 20 in instead of a 20 and a/ qu but everything's going to stay the same I've set myself up for Success here with the fixture I'm going to put everything back in here just like we are okay I'm going to clamp the tube down nothing's going to change make sure that's nice and tight okay but what I do need to do is I need to close this Gap see I got way too big of a gap here so this is a tooth block and remember each of these are on eighth of an inch increments I can jump them over teeth so I need to move this over 1/8 of an inch which just means jumping one to there done there's no measuring involved I don't need to pull the tape measure out again that's where I don't like slotted fixtures slotted fixtures are are um could be problematic there I just closed in a quarter of an inch so I'm back to where I was again that's how simple this system is um one of the things that I'm also proud of is that as a new table company and a welding manufacturer that I'm able to show how the fixtures work and I think that's um lacking in other table manufacturers areas they don't have any education on how to use their tools um I pride myself in showing how every tool works and how to get the most out of them um it seems like the other manufacturers will just kind of throw here's here's some fixtures you guys figure out how to use them right and that's that's not right I'll happily stand up here and show you guys how to use every one of them and and I want you guys to make money okay so I'm just confirming again this is this is a little bit slow process I really don't like the way this set up but I think we're okay A little visual check visual check clamp clamp clamp clamp I got a gap here that's okay this is buted up in there let me check this again one more time yep we're good all these little visual checks are just really going to help me with QC later okay let's weld [Music] away [Applause] any more questions Conrad I'm doing this oh my ground oh good job guys of course think I'm just going to leave it hooked to that clamp actually let's do one better no we need to have it hooked to the clamp cuz I wanted directly go onto the tube steel that's two times how many times start a timer how many times Jason leaves the ground clamp off okay I know this is the boring part of this type of work this repetitious uh when I was younger I used to kind of really love this because I could just crank crank the music up and just zone out and think about the weekend and what I was going to be doing and what am I going to barbecue for dinner those are all those things when you can just kind of zone out and the fixturing really kind of allows me to do this or in this case talk to you guys and kind of not really pay attention or just let time fly you know speaking of that I'm at 30 minutes in yikes time goes by fast we're doing good though we're I mean this is this is the hardest part right here okay dok A little squeeze on here we know this is where it needs to go clamp anybody's learning anything I don't know maybe I like it when you guys ask me questions visual check there a little visual check here I'm just lining up like I said the this tube where the grind marks are getting it within a 302 of an inch 16th doesn't have to be perfect we'll adjust it later okay got to be careful oh this is a clamp this is fun I like sharing my 20 years of experience with you guys and as a fabricator I'm always learning something new and I like learning new things together so we go developing faster ways to make money and our and my beloved metal working trade and Fabrication trade you know if we stick to the old ways every time without really thinking how we can improve and keep money in our pocket and get to the lake faster that's that's my goal for you guys okay I think we're ready to go one quick visual check making sure everything's good I think we got a thumbs [Applause] up how's the arc flash in the camera is it bugging you guys normally I tried to block the W with my hand or my worlding hood or an object you don't get any [Music] flash okay all right we're doing good I think we got one more two more two [Music] more two more okay I want the weld scene to be this way and then we're missing a tube I think that's it right there on the bench over there audio still coming in good how's how's the camera angles are you guys okay with the camera angles if you guys can hear me guys can kind of see what I'm up to but as you can see I'm not really moving any of the clamps around they're just kind of in the same spot I'm just repositioning them to move the part in and out little slow slide this over a little bit okay tight tight tight tight down looks good said this is just repetitious stuff okay I got a gap but it up there we go like I said if you're coming in I know this is going to Bow up this is going to be a I've booby trapped myself here on purpose um in the last video I showed that how you can pre-br this to maybe eliminate this step and I think that's being a little optimistic I don't think most Fabricators most Fabricators would catch so I'm going to choose to purposely ignore it and we're going to deal with the consequences in a in a few minutes after I'm done here which tube number are you on right now uh I got one more so that was seven so it's tube number seven so I'm at three 33 minutes into this and I have most of the fabrication done already so after this next weld I will have eight welds left total okay once we build the Box okay so uh interesting information talking with some of the Fabricators they said they did this in two to 3 hours the the pros did so or the Fab shops that I hired so I think that's a the problem with that with their work though is that it it wasn't right I was think grab my tube here there's a so and two two and a half hours to make it wrong I don't know if that's ragging or anything but I'm opening to do it in the same amount time they did and it will be right the first time that's kind of my goal okay what do you guys think about this fixture is this something pretty simple pretty easy to grasp it looks pretty uh would you guys fixture it this way would you guys have done something different um when you get a kind of an assembly like this I do like to break it down a little bit uh do smaller sub assemblies because this requires less fixtures to do this so it's a way to kind of stretch your money a little bit um the bigger the bigger fixturing Pro projects just require you to have more more tool more tooling so if you kind of isolate it make your money go a little further okay go back just to sco we're just moving it 30 seconds of an inch back and forth like I said this probably going to come back and bite me a little later but we'll find out we're going to learn together and this is another thing about fixturing is that there's so many different ways to do the same thing like we could all have the same plan and we can all fixture it completely different but have the same outcome I think that's what's fun about this no right or wrong way to do it there might be one better or faster but oh so here's something interesting I can see this tubes lifted off my shim so I need to crank it down more or something's keeping this from sitting there it goes what a great QC check right you can see daylight between the shim and the tube uh I can still kind of see daylight so that would tell me is this tube is going to get twisted on this if I don't fix it so what's causing that and I'm just going to I get adjust it okay so it's this I just need a little bit of pressure there this clamp was kind of rolling it so this tube must not be square must be kind of one walls shaped weird and when I clamp what this one is it's rolling it off the shim yep it's still rolling it off the shim really really interesting why doesn't it want to sit flat um let's just move my clamp a little bit I think that's the best it's going to get though it's a little twist in it I think I'm going to have to live with it it's it's not bad but um I'm aware of that okay is this tube weird or something something's something's just not Jive in here this is why I like this table so this going to Slow Me Down something's up with this tube I guess I'm going to have to be okay with it tube steel isn't made perfect see this tube doesn't want to sit flat over here either okay well that's annoying but I'm going to to do do with what I got those these are the ingredients that I have to cook with okay here we [Music] go okay one more Weld and then we get to work on the next step okay like it that's the last one so it took me 40 minutes a little longer than I was hoping I'm starting to do that in about 30 okay as you can see I have curved this T there's a curve in it it's like oh no that's one of the beauties of a flat table you can immediately identify that it's warped I mean a straight Edge across here is going to yield us we could see this maybe maybe not anyway but if you can't see it there's a there's a good Gap in between here and there okay so this leads us to the next problem and I did this on purpose purposely leaving this weld off of this side cuz it's going to get in the way later and we that'll be the very last weld we do okay so now I want to straighten this out I think the best way to do this after you've caught this problem is that we just take it to the press and we're just gonna put a little bit of down pressure right here and we're just gonna straighten it up I hope that's my goal so let's grab a straight edge and Conrad's probably going to readjust the camera but I'm going to come over here to my press I'm going to see if I can't make it straight again and I know whatever you guys are all saying ah Jason you should have known that you're going to do that yeah I know this was going to happen but not everything is uh always going to be come in my favor it's all about how you handle a bad situation so what I think I'm going to do is put this over here and I'm just going to put a little pressure there I'm going to try to straighten it out to get my safety glasses okay so let's see if I can't not make a bigger mess of this as it already is glasses are fogging up I'm just going to put a little a little bump in this okay so let me get my straight edge and I'm just going to check it while it's in the [Music] Press need to go a little more I think after this first one I'll call kind of know how much I need to press down on it it'll go a little faster but a little worried I'm going to over press it and I just barely over pressed it just by sco though okay let's see how we did good no more teeter totter in this one let's just move on to the next this is an operation that I'm uh what do I do with that block ah block here it is are you okay Conrad everything's everybody's good he's giving me a thumbs up can you see me from over there three four five so one of the things about pre- welding or pre-bending is that uh you're going to say Jason why don't you pre pre- Bend I should have left that in there oh left that in there uh pre-bending is is a science depending how large a weld you put in or you weaving are you what's the welder settings are you welding hot are you welding cold I guess this might be a good solution just because I can kind of just weld how I want and then fix it afterwards um oh gosh I just I'm I'm nervous to overbend it cuz if it if I overbend it then I it's going to be hard to fix it okay I like that [Music] to if I can get this done in under in 15 minutes why are you demonstrating this mistake because this is real world mistakes I think a lot of people are going to in accidentally distort your material um and the how do you go about solving it and do you need to solve it can you just ignore it or should you fix it and I'm an advocate to just fix it um unless the tolerance calls out on your drawings to be they're just super loose quarter inches but this is um when I watched and SE the other Fabricators they ignored this issue and it really caused them to fail and also I think Fabricators need to have this realistic expectation that you're going to mess up right and Distortion is a problem we got to deal with and this is just the this is the welder's way right here if you want to ignore it it's going to separate you from the from the others by paying closer attention and the Welding Table really showed me that these things are bad okay and then what we're going to do is when we're done with these we'll put them back into that weld fixture and they should fit so we will use it as QC which I means is am I bending this and those legs are are they going are I staying perpendicular or is that leg moving we'll test it we'll put them back into the fixture so I've like I said I've built in a QC device a part of this I know know Jon this is just a stupid box or a stupid little thing if I could nail this the first time this go pretty fast 45 minutes oh just ever so slightly bent over bent it just just a talking like 5,000 way better than what it was though okay any more questions while I'm doing this that I can answer uh you in a way on the fixture table where you don't have to correct this yes I've showed that in the video where you could I could have pre-bent that with um I could have pre-bed this as when I welded it but T that takes a lot of skill in knowing what what's going to happen if if this was a reoccurring job like this was something that was coming in and out of the shop every six months yeah I could anticipate that I was going to have this problem but most of the time these oneoff parts are not going to be predictable and the first time you do this you're probably going to bend it and go Oh no I got a problem here I don't want to cut two more tubes how could I fix it oh dude nailed that one okay I think nobody really wants to talk about screw-ups and I'm not I'm not uh I'm not going to get it right every time I think admitting that you've screwed up and how it's all how you handle the the problem after the fact uh when I was a m right one of my um one of my uh I not say My foreman but my leader when I was Apprentice he basically told me goes it's not how a difference between a good Mill right and a bad Mill right is that the good Mill right knows how to cover up his mistakes right and so I think there's a lot of Truth in that and it's I think it's okay to make a mistake um oh did I get this one right on the money oh just a little bit so this is me demonstrating that I made a mistake and I I think adding this mistake into this build really shows that um what a realistic time frame to build these should be because if I were to just get this right the first time and people are going to be like ah Jason that's so unrealistic you just did it right and everything you're you have magic hands so I overbent this one a sco oh remember we're talking like 5000 but I think we'll be within spec one more oh two more okay oh I got we're doing good good I mean we got an hour into this so far hour and 20 minutes if we want to include um my cut time and we're adding a mistake into this so think we're doing good on time here okay dude I'm getting better at this as time goes on get a little faster I could count how many cycles on the on the pump okay I'm pull this last one out and then fix this one now just a reminder if you're coming in I accidentally purposefully uh warped these tubes the filet welds that I put right in here have bowed these two sides up making this te not a te it's a curved curved te with a perpendicular tube in it last one confirm how bad it is yikes that's horrible I mean that is bad that really warped okay this is the last one can I hit it one one more please don't have over bent that not on the oops not on the last one nailed it nailed it okay all right we got all our pieces they sit man there's no teeter totter in those they're all straight now the question is is it still straight like what I mean by that is is this piece still perpendicular to this tube and like I said before this is why I love these tables I can put this back into the fixture okay and it should line itself up which means is this this stop this stop and these stops this should just drop in if I did this right if it doesn't oops that's why get that out of the way I was like what's going on okay would you look at that it goes back into the hole it's touching here here yes success okay so this this tube and this tube are perpendicular to each other still when I put in the press it didn't to the left and it didn't to the right it just straight straightened this out do another one just to [Music] confirm oops this one's the long one but I get another one I think if I just check a couple of them I'll be okay I know that it oh that one dropped in beautiful absolutely beautiful we did it success we fixed it fix the problem that actually worked out better than I thought to believe it or not I thought we were going to have some issues there okay we're good let's just line them all up should we just do another little visual inspection I got a little I got a little time woo line up all the this is just kind of fun I'm not really uh boy those are pretty strict great this one is a little this one might be a little wonky uhoh this one might be a little wonky let's put it back in let's put it back in this one might be bad we're going to check it though right nope good it's just an optical illusion must be must be some grit or something on the table there the fixture don't lie okay let's break the fixture down and we'll set up for our final assembly and we should be done here in a half hour that's my goal okay so let's take everything down so this is the other thing what do you do with all your fixtures if I know I'm going to use them again parts I'll just kind of throw them on the floor cuz just keep them within Arms Reach um I don't think I'm going to be using these anymore uh so I will put them away this is all part of the the plan here um the time to set up the fixtures needs to be accounted for so this is why we're doing it live don't need these um and then as I'm doing this any more questions I can answer you reminders what you're doing yes so this is a long this is kind of a long story but I am trying to recreate a Fabricators skill test that the Forum and I developed uh this summer um and we're kind of testing the theory do you need a fixture table is it necessary is it slowing you down is it providing uh any relevant um any relevance to your business or company do you need this as a beginner can a professional benefit from this um I've already hired three Fab I've hired six individual Fab shops to build me simple shapes um to regular tolerances and none of them have been able to achieve those uh so what I'm doing is I'm recreating the same test on the fixture table to see what the results are and and then we're going from here so and I can tell you what the fixture table really allows me to see my mess ups I am not perfect I am the I can admit when I'm wrong when I was younger I thought I was the I mean I thought I was the king man I thought I couldn't do no wrong thought I was really good I'm not saying I wasn't but it wasn't until I got my first fixure table that I knew wow would I have let that go would I would I have missed that before wow this table's making me look really good like I thought I was good but now I'm really good and that's why I shared in this excitement with you because it's like man this table and these fixtures just give me superpowers that I've just never had before okay all right so we got everything broken down only took a few seconds now the goal of this is now I have uh four pieces and I want to recreate a box that looks like this okay I don't know if these are the right parts or not we but that's what I'm trying to recreate okay so I what I have to do is I noticed on some of those tables the ones that the other Fab shops gave me the legs are like this the the the frames are not Square the tubes are rolled inside of each other the frames are twisted there's just a lot happening here so we need to set up a fixture that's going to align the legs in the right location if right now if I were to butt these two tubes together I guarantee this tube is not correct so we're going to have to we're going to use this tube to get the correct alignment from this surface so here I mean but we're going to set up a fixture that's going to give me the outside square and then put this leg where it needs to be and the only control that I'm going to have are the joints I might have to sand the joints a little bit might have to weld a gap we're going to we're going to work on the joint but the fixture is going to locate all the parts for me so we need to be able to to do that so the fastest way to set up fixtures especially when you got these large surfaces and some tall uh some tall legs that we're going to elevate off the table a little bit is these guys right here these are the tower blocks and I think the fastest way to um come up with our box is just to put these around in a in a box right something like this uh inside weld for bending to square two inside weld what do you mean by inside weld this weld yes so this weld I I'm purposely leaving out because I'm going to need it to measure perpendicularity we'll come back and weld this one later it's not a weld that's really going to change the the structure it's not going to warp it because of where it's at um and I going to need it so I can push push my material flat up against the fixture so I don't want to have to grind anything that's the remove the grinder from the equation at all possible I'll come back and weld this one later and I'm all done that'll be the very last weld I have to do the bottom of this anyway so I got to weld this and that and we'll do those at the same time okay uh it's just a little bit of uh forethought and thinking about this oh man that looks so good looks really straight I because that's the thing how are you going to get these straight when you're ver when you're doing it vertical it's a really hard um thing to judge okay we just going to keep going here where I'm at one hour one hour into this and this should go pretty fast here let's just throw these fixtures up here on the table okay so what do I want to do let's start putting some pegs in here giving ourselves a 90° corner and so remember I'm making a square that's 20 in wide by 20 and a/4 in long so all I got to do is I'm just going to butt these up against inside here into these stops this how fast it is and the pins just kind of lock everything in I'm just going to put the pins into the slots and get all slotted out so it won't move forward back side to side [Music] okay we're just going to lock it down with the screwdriver give ourselves some fixed points here same with this one this looks pretty close if I have to come back and move them again left or right a little bit it's generally not an issue it's just real easy just to you don't have to I guess heard what I'm trying to say when you're fixturing just start going you'll if you need to adjust something it's okay we might have to move some of these around a little bit but this is kind of what's going on in my head and the more you do this type fixturing you'll automatically build this in your mind it's kind kind like driving a manual transmission when you're first beginning kind of like oh I got to shift and push the clutch in and then I got to watch for traffic I got to put my turn signal on how am I going to do that and before you know it you're doing all of that simultaneously and you're singing to your favorite song in the pickup truck right not paying attention how to shift gears so this is kind of same thing with fixture you get better at it when you practice all right so we got these two are fixed now let's start pulling our dimensions so like I said I'm just using the tape measure for ref reference I want to be at 20 in so I'm going to push that back to 20 in just so I know where the right hole is just give me so I'm there I'm going to line it up with this one not going to make this overly complicated does take a little bit of time to do this but drop these pins in the hole now what I don't like is this hanging off the back table's just a little bit short so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put another block right here on the side to extend the surface off just a little bit I probably don't need to do that but we'll just do it anyway yeah this is probably not needed but so one of the things with the with this tables having this big thick side here allows you kind of to expand it okay I love that okay I don't probably need this here but I'm going to use it anyway there the fixture's hanging off now one thing I don't like about slots is that they're able to slide backwards so what I since these are fixed fixed fixed this one's also fixed do I need to put a black stop behind there maybe we'll see all right I guess this is going to be slotted this one needs to be 20 and a quar so it's not going to bottom out in the slots with the the the bolt so 20 and a quter what I mean by that is that's where this one needs to sit and I'm this pin and this slot are not up against each other so the potential for this to slide is great so what I'm going to do is I'm going to back it up with a uh um a fence block the fence blocks are fixed fixtures they have solid pins they cannot move slide or back or they cannot move back and forth so so there we go I'm going to put one here and I'm going to put one here now what that does is now I got a quarter inch difference between the two right so I'm just going to grab a quarter inch shim and I'm going to put in between the block and the tower block there just like that this also aligns it keeps it straight and then when I go to push on it with the pushers it can't slide backwards okay so I'm just going to put a little constant pressure back so these are these are just things like I said I've learned over time what to do where have I screwed up before and I've had fixtures slide on me in slots so that's why I'm really not a big ADV advocate for slots they are necessary here and there but try to avoid them all right so that's set at 20 in 20 and A4 20 and a quarter this one set at 20 and this one is set at 20 but I what I'm thinking I want to do is I think I want to back this one up too while we're at it because I'm not a real big fan of slots so this is this will work actually putting this here is going to work out good in my favor actually 20 20 I mean when I when it when it says 20 like it is 20 it's like not like it's a little bit off left it's not a little bit past the line not a little bit before it is 20 in like it is dead on I don't I'm not going to trust the tape measure I'm going to trust the fixtures anyway tape measure is just confirmation again okay any more um any more questions no what I did notice I'm going to take this off but I got a little bit of time remember my ground fell off and I think I arked the table right underneath this fixture no I didn't okay I was a little worried that I arced the table where the fixture was going to sit just wanted to confirm that that was okay oh come on no more questions everybody's happy all Dave is asking what about offsetting your pins in the fixture setup offsetting my pins what do he mean by offsetting my pins can you clarify for me to clarify so okay so we're almost done okay we got the Box made what we're doing here is we're Al we're creating our our fabricating fixt which means we're going to build use this to build off of but we're also going to be using this for quality control which means when I'm done I should be able to take my fixture and put it back into here and I'm going to be able to check it I think that's really important and then knowing that these are dead nuts and square you could you can take your any Square you want we can check right probably can't see this on camera I I probably should grab the big Square should I grab the big Square I got two I'm going to give myself two minutes to to prove to you I like I said I'm handicapping myself by walking through this process so this is a lot of you guys probably don't believe me how Square this is this is a machinist Square okay so I'm going to put this up against up against here and here and it is I mean we're we're talking maybe two 2000 out maybe I mean that's really good it's two two two to 3 thousands out in 24 in I mean that's dead on that's incredible Okay and like I said I don't need to prove this to you once you start using this table a lot you're just going to trust it all right T now let's get all our pieces where they need to go here I we show you what we need to do okay 20 and A4 we're going to do the same thing we did before we're going to put shims down make sure there's nothing down on the table like I said we're going you're going to see a lot of the same repeat stuff over and over and over again this is back to driving a manual transmission you're not going to think about it once you start doing this a lot you're just going to you're just going to grab the shims and go you're going to put the parts down you're not going to think about it okay and like I said I have them perpendicular cuz this is going to control the roll of the tube which means this these shims are what these surface are going to rest on so you don't want them like this you don't want them turn 90° cuz like I said you're trying to bridge you want this to go from edge to edge so if this is a wider piece you might need to stack two of them here okay okay so this is one piece this is two pieces this is three pieces uh which one is this one this one goes here here and a shorty boom do I get this right I think I did something ain't right here maybe what's going on let's make sure 20 yep 20 and a quarter I think we're okay this slides over this slides over that piece is to cut a little short okay that's kind of the way it goes I don't really like this one okay right so now as you can see I don't know where this goes Left Right forward backwards I don't want to use the joints to line these things up because that's bad so I want to locate this leg and the way I'm going to do it is use these holes okay so let's see here let's grab a couple couple more fixtures here okay so a good way to locate where this goes is I need to be in this instance 9 in from here to this surface okay so I'm going to set up a block that's going to put me at 9 in right now one of the things that when you do hang these fence blocks on this fixture they might want to Sag or fall out so what I like to do is I like to take a just a regular bolt where's my bolts had a whole bunch of bolts how am I doing for time I need to go faster bolts normally keep them right here here they are right so I'm G to thread a just a regular bolt because these are tapped holes right into the back of this this just keeps this fixture from falling out so now all you need to do is add a shim right here right and now I can push this tube up into it and now that tube is perfect now whatever this joint is is it is what it is I can't change it if I was having interference here I could sand it but this Gap is the way it is this Gap is the gap okay so let's just keep going around and we're just going to do the same thing on this side cuz it's a mirror image of each other we're almost ready to weld almost there time is it we doing good I'm doing too much talking get my mouth's getting dry I have to take a take a uh water break here okay so this one needs to be this one's a little different cuz right it's going to be 9 and eth from this this surface to this surface okay so we need to we need to look at that but something doesn't look right here so I need a 5/8 shim instead of a half of an inch and I'm going to use oopsies I'm going to use this box right here here and it should have my 5/8 this is the beauty of having the right tools you're not running around looking for uh components or pieces so I need 5/8 to slip inside [Music] here all right just like that this has me a little worried because that's a huge gap over there what did I do wrong let's let's figure it out oh that's not right this goes over here [Applause] sorry you got oh water thank you Conrad so that need to be 9 and8 where am I at here oh so I need 38 of an inch what am I doing 5/8 okay 38 of an inch there we go now we're locating I got one more block to do then we're clamping and then we're welding like we are we are on our way we're going to have this finished up here so hopefully you guys are not bored out of your mind watching me do this nobody watch wants to watch somebody [Laughter] work okay so that's pulled up nice and tight just with my fingers put that back in the Box 38 of an inch boom right there make sure that touches that touches this touches so what it's going to do is I need to make sure that this tube touches this block before this corner does and it [Music] does okay now need one more 1/2 in shim and we're clamping and we're welding audience wants to see you double check by pulling the tape measur tape measure from where from the lights are all correct all the way tape measure correct 20 and a quarter okay can you guys see that let me turn it around this way 20 and a quarter baby you can read it 20 okay okay everything's good looks like I'm going to have some gaps to fill boys that's all right like I said I tried to this joint is a little wonky over here what happened here this is why I like this fixture it really allows me to see where I screwed up and we fix it oopsies so let's take a look at this I got a funky little connection over here so what happened what has happened this tube too long this entire tube too long definitely is so let's pull it out and let's replace it and we'll see what happens this I think this tube is there's something wrong with it we're going to come back to it though we'll save it for the next for the next um either that let's see how this one fits okay so this is Al what am I doing this is the wrong one no wonder why it's not too long I put it in the wrong spot goofball you got these [Music] backwards I did it wrong guys too busy talking what the heck are you doing [Music] dingling got my material mixed up [Applause] okay I have them I have these tubes labeled but I uh um I welded over my tag classic rookie move that's much better look at that when you put the tubes in the right place take this out we're doing we're killing it on time we're going to be done here in about 15 minutes we are BL we're blazing through this even me yakking on the camera that's so much better when you get the tubes in the right spot but we have an issue this is a good issue this is a great so this tube does not fit which means I got this joint a little bit too tight so I'm going to take this to the to the Belt grinder and I'm going to open it up just to sco because I this block won't go in I'm interfering with this intersection so let's just give myself a little clearance right back I'm just going to open this up on the grinder here should only take a second come on [Music] sander okay so the fixture told me that my tube was just a little long so I just buzzed a little bit off and now we got a good fit okay so if I would have ignored that that would have caused my Dimensions to be out now I got some clearance see now I I'm up against my stop I got just a sco or room there this one I'm going to have a gap I got a gapy gap to fill oh no this is the wrong tube also that's why we're all good everybody's happy see if I [Music] can that's the right one okay see how this fits yep oh when you get the right tubes in the right place beautiful we're ready to put some clamps on it so what's happening is this this block has a nice tall surface and when I press it up against it it's going to square everything up okay I'm going to push it up against this block it's going to hold I can do that with this so if I want to I can put this in here this hole okay so now this this block holds this up against that surface this is why I really like these big tower blocks it's kind of like having a a table and then two I can push top and bottom cuz these are crossed so I can see I can push down and over at the same time they're super slick if you don't have any of these pick yourself up a few see how I want to do this like that like this there you go so this allows me to push down and over at the same time just like that so I want to make sure that these tubes are staying up against there I don't want to put a lot of pressure on it down there down there great and then once I get all these fixtures in place the next one is going to be a breeze we're going to be set up in a matter of minutes how am I doing con I think I'm going to make the two hours I think you'll be close that's with what I got it how how much more time I got I got if I want to add my 20 minutes back in if I want to get under the 2our mark how fast do I got to get this done 17 minutes I got 17 minutes okay sorry man I'm going to slow the talking down a little bit I'm just going to go here 17 minutes I think I can do it I think I can have these welded out in that time like I said it's a 2hour is a is just a little goal I set for myself but in all reality I need these parts to be right that's that's the most important so if I go over by a few minutes I will gladly accept defeat have my personal goal hold that down I need to push backwards so I need to I think we're just going to clamp it back to itself like this a audience is asking a question why are the two different lengths for the sides 20 and A4 versus it's just it was just the original it's just the original from the very first video is what the dimensions were there it's just a random number I do think it's kind of interesting because it allows as an experiment or a test um you're not able to set up two fixtures the same you're not set up um uh the saw I how did I explain this you're the whatever you're choosing to do you can't just set up one fixture and make all eight Corners you're going to have to make some adjustments so that's typically reality you're rarely building something that's a perfect box like a perfect symmetrical box it's very uncommon so I think this having one side that's a little bit different just throws a little wrench in the gears okay but that it really stemmed from the original video uh of or me building the very first um of me building the very first box boy I'm really boxing myself in here aren't I this one's going to be tricky to get in there and weld ah goodness how am I going to do this how am I going to do this this is my best bet okay so I think this is where if you have a regular plate steel table I'm not saying that you can't do things accurately but what I think actually happens is that you know that your table's bat are warped you know you're going to have to weld clamps stops to your table you know you're going to have to shim your work up to get it flat and level right but what actually happens in reality is you don't do any of it and that's where the problems happen and because you're going to be doing it over and over and over again you T you'll you might skip a couple steps because it's not easy and when it's something's not easy you're going to choose to to skip it um but because it's so easy to put three or four clamps around this I'm going to do it I'm going to over clamp it I'm going to constrain it more than what it needs to be U because it's easy to do so and I'm totally cool with that I I'm cool with over constraining this I'm just I don't want to do this twice all right so I'm going to put more clamps on than I think's necessary more questions no more questions okay um like I said it just looks like it's this is excessive for a box well this is where mistakes happen is when you don't put enough clamps on I've learned throughout my career that there's no such thing as too much clamps just when the people started talking about the clamps was I right on that one yeah well you have to remember so I have to constrain this box I can't have it lift up I can't have it pull out I need to push it over to the side so how many clamps this this is a long tube if you just put one clamp on one side it might so you got to have a clamp on the other side this is where I always tell everybody get at least 20 or 30 clamps when you buy a fixture table you will use every one of them and wish you would have still bought more CU remember these are all individual pieces so how are you going to what's going to hold them and because I have so many clamps on here it's I can weld this all out without having to um worry about weld uh sequencing so much okay so I think I got two more clamps to put in here and then we're good to weld and then we're going to cross our fingers that we did a good job okay all right so let's pull some let's pull some measurements while we got it so outside to outside is supposed to be 20 and a qu now I don't know if you guys can see that or not but this tape measure is a little wonky 18 and A4 down to the 64th or so even way up here that is exactly 20 in can you guys see that up there at the top of this leg to here is 20 in will it stay we don't know but as of right now it's where I want it well within a 16th of an inch let's get a little pop just make sure there we go clamp sure everything's tight I didn't put a clamp right [Applause] there hold that back double check jeez this is so good I almost want to pull the caliper out but I'm not okay so one L last check I want to make sure I'm sitting down on all the shims I don't I can just put my finger underneath here and I can try to pull them out um if they're if they wiggle that means there's air underneath of them and we got issues okay I'm I don't know what to say I think I'm ready to go exactly 15 and a half Ines off the table everything's Sweet let's weld one and see what happens don't forget the ground you Noob like you haven't been doing this for 23 years now already okay okay so the weld sequence I'm going to do is I'm going to just weld the outside corner down okay [Music] I really don't have to skip around but this is we're doing this alive I Can't Screw Up all right so the next one I'm going to do is is I'm going to just weld across the top okay might as well do the [Applause] fillet not happy with my fillet size there I kind of want a little big fillets where we're going to add some major issues now when you're welding you want to go inside corner to outside corner we got a little Gap [Music] here pulse the gun just for a second okay I'm going to try to keep this F weld to a minimum keep it small and tight I don't want to put a big fat weave in there it's pry crazy takes 10 15 minutes to set it up but only 3 or four minutes to weld it [Music] out okay one more and then we're pulling it out so consider this a success so far I haven't had to pull up the ground had to make one adjustment but nothing major okay there we go one done except for the two welds we missed on the other side which we'll get in a minute okay so start pulling clamps off any questions as I'm doing this NOP no questions okay that means I'm doing good answering them then okay so little concerning I can see that this two pulled off this fixture I mean I would probably guess 10,000 of an inch so what needs to tell me is I need to push push back here a little bit more on the ends not in the center uh this is where we're back to qcing at the same time as building I'm looking for anything that could be wrong or pulled as this is cooling off so qcing at the same time okay this next one should go really fast cuz I know what I'm doing now first one's always slow oh there's some pressure on that but as I release it stayed this is going to be really interesting to see what it does after I pull this out so I do have like I said I have some tolerance it don't have to be perfect but here's my motto and something my sister always tells me I don't have to be perfect I just have to be excellent and that's kind of something that I'm been really adopting I don't have to be perfect all the time I'm just driving for excellence and if I go for perfect it just makes you frustrated so just be excellent this table really does make me feel like a super super fabricator okay wow everything's I see I can pull it off just to sco but it's straight like everything's just kind of shrunk just a little bit in just a little shrinkage from welding we can check that okay so it's sitting here neutral got all our fixtures here we're going to put them back in the same spot here in a minute okay let's just do a little okay so I got a little bit of movement side to side maybe 10,000 how do we do for a leg twist okay so we're a little bit out so what I noticed is the legs have moved in just to sco okay they've moved in 116th of an inch it's at my parameter but I really don't like that it's about the same that it moved here that's interesting did I not get one up against the back or do we just literally shrink let's check for flatness I got to pull this off pretty flat so now I'm at a Crossroads do I fix it do I try to push back a little bit with a clamp do I worry about that and the next step technically I'm within tolerance but like I said I'm trying going for excellence [Music] here what I think will probably happen is when I weld these seams right here it's probably going to pull back into um pull back into [Music] spec but man everything's looking pretty sweet should we try it before we move on see if I can make a adjustment let's do that so I still have these to weld and I still have the bottoms to weld so let's weld these out and see where it takes us thing is when I put this back when I do this I won't be able to put it back in the fixture unless I grind it off so let's just go for [Music] [Applause] [Music] it oh we're going to weld those ones flat [Music] well like I said before it's okay if things move on you this is welding it's all about how you handle it like I said how do you hide the mistake you fix it you ignore it are you aware of it and the answer is I'm aware of it and I'm going to have to fix it right one way or another you either cut it apart do it again push it pull it bend [Music] it you're ground oh ground yes is that the audience or Conrad that was me okay it just fell okay so what we can do is we can flip this over and we can put it right on the table I get this in the right slot I go this way oh what a great way to check look at that wo that pulled that right back where it needed to go man that is good dude like am I really happy I am really happy look at this not even Teeter tottering on four legs okay straight let's weld these out well dumb ground what a noob golly where am I going to hook this to the second one I promise I'll go [Music] faster we're going go through this together every be little differ it's like do you have the tools available to you to tackle in it comes into your Workshop I think the fixture taable allows me to problem solve pretty [Music] fast little Gap here pulse the gun for a second okay I want to have a little Gap okay how' the leg stay so it's still in my fixture man that's so good the QC check that's so guys it's heavy oh it didn't move a little bit did move a little bit but it is so close let it cool down see what it did I mean can you see that guys I don't know if you can see this we are nailing it we'll check perpendicular and everything a little later but let's move on to the next one let's let this cool down broke two hours did we just break two hours I okay like I said I uh I'm doing too much talking if I'm under three I will happily accept that this one I'm almost done this one's going to go faster I'm going to fly through it [Music] two identical parts that is the goal something wrong here something wrong here besides this one 19 right what do I got going on here there we [Music] go like one of these just a little long again yeah one was just a little long which one is it though this one or this one like I said I did have to fix fix myself I think this one's just a sco long so let me hit it on the Belt [Music] [Music] Sander [Music] okay so this tube I just had a little it was a little long okay I think everything else this one might be this one might be just a sco long [Music] too [Music] all right looks good let's go let's put our fixtures back on let's locate it side to side let's get this sucker welded out move on on to the next job more questions more answers no did we ever get a response back with needing to uh answer any more questions [Music] people are just generally curious about the the cost of the setup the table the pictures that are needed to or what what sort of things they should be looking [Music] for um like I said before get it just get started with a fixture table system which means start small get a dragon wagon and then when it comes to fixtures you can you can start with a small package that we sell or you can um uh you can see what I'm using here but the packages are probably going to get you in the in the ballpark gosh dang it I'm going to need to shorten this one too and then you're going to you can kind of see what I'm using Towers you could probably get away of not running Towers right away this one's also just a sco long come on [Music] so as you can see what I'm doing it's like the table's not allowing me to screw up it it's saying how your parts are too long your parts are are too short it's C seeing me as I go like it's saying see I can't put this block in it will not go in which means that this is some over here something is wrong right so I need to shorten this up a little bit or this one looks like it's too long to me actually oh there we go there we go maybe that was just not need to move over no it is too long still so I think both these are just a little long excuse [Laughter] me [Music] [Music] monsters [Music] going to let that run for a second this [Music] one it's not the right [Applause] one oh you know what that was probably right look it I had the wrong spacer in there the wrong spacer in here whoopsies there we go there we go that would help if you did it right you goofball I know sometimes just laugh at yourself cuz go here okay we're good to go let's just put all the clamps on and we're we're [Laughter] welding wow I can see that there's a like I said this Gap in here not really liking that what is causing this yeah this is a real visual this is really Visual and I really like that like it's really fast to identify problems cuz I can see the entire picture right can you imagine uh you you watch a you watch a like when we watch an edit of our videos we can see the whole I can see the whole picture and then I can say oh we need to make some changes when you're able to see the the project in its entirety like I can in the fixture I can see all the parts and how they're all lined up to each other I can instantly spot things that are wrong but if you're working on one corner at a time it's you know you're I can't see what this corner and this corner and this corner is doing so I'm going to change it up I'm going to put fixtures back holding it back because I noticed it was kind of pulling out a little bit so we're going to make some adjustments to this uh the what does this whole setup cost I mean with the table and the legs you're looking at right around $3,000 or so and then fixtures well that's kind of up to you um but generally you're end going to end up realistically with about the same amount of money and fixtures as you do table so um I'm not going to try to sugarcoat it or try to say you're can do this cheaper it's just what ends up happening over time you can either choose to to purchase it purchase all those fixtures right away and get to work or you can uh do it over a course of a long period of time or as the job comes through okay question yep uh when it comes to offsetting the pins and the fixture Towers is it to prevent uh SL these pins right here yes uh yeah so there's a little bit of slop in the in the slots we're talking a couple thousand of an inch so um I don't want them to push back or move so I back them up if I'm in the middle of a slot if I'm slotted out that's I'm okay pins are going to keep it from moving but when I'm in the middle of a slot this pin and like I said I'm pushing back with this clamp backwards I will move this fixture this has enough power to push the block back without me knowing it so that's why I've backed these up with these blocks you can see these pins are tight now except for that one so I can push hard with the screw well that I got a big gap to fill over here that's okay we got the wire feed we'll fill her up you'll never know all right let's keep going I'm just I'm just yapping here I'm going slower than what I want but I don't have a lot of room for another fixture in here so we're just going to to use some some clamps some other clamps to hold it back uh which Jo is what this way really this only goes one way this one's wrong this one's wrong how did I hold this back last time like this I mean this is I know it seems like this is not worth it and this is all this extra work is just just welded together better do it right the first time that's what my mom always [Laughter] said it is funny it takes all this it takes all this extra time to hold it all in position and it's just literally 3 or 4 minutes to weld it out it's just it always B surprises me okay I'll hold it down still a few clamps here seemed to work pretty good last time what we did so we'll just keep it going all the [Music] clamps there's something kind of kind of fun about this it's kind of like playing with Legos too if you guys like Legos or Tinker Toys okay two more clamps I think we can I think we can turn and burn on this but that's not a lot of room in there an adjustment here there we go I lied two more clamps okay okay so I got a little soft Mallet here I noticed last time I they weren't maybe wasn't quite up against the block I'm just kind of giving a little Bop poop poop popop see like that one moved just to sco that one moved to sco we double check everything dang right on so this one's a little bit and I mean a little bit we're talking we're talking [Laughter] 10,000s okay I know I'm I'm freaking out just double checking I just don't really want to have to pull the grinder Out the Devil grinder what so this something strange here no it's okay okay looks like it moved just a little bit all right enough worrying about it let's let's go make sure everything's down I'm just going to give everything a one last wiggle check my shims okay got a couple big gaps to fill we got this I'm just going to stay in one corner this time like this one I'm going to have to pulse definitely going to have full penetration on this one Tada okay big gap successfully filled [Music] okay leaving the fillets for last we can talk about fillets here in a minute they good size Gap nothing crazy but it's a little bit more open than I like okay probably didn't have to sand those back another Gap is a little bit larger than what I want what happens deal with it okay now for the dreaded fillet so what happens with the fillets we're going to turn a square box into a we're going to the sides are going to end up going like this they're going to Bow inwards and we can we'll be able to see that with the straight edge so each side is going to have a concave when we put the straight edge on it so I'm going to try to keep the fillets as small as possible I don't want to do any weaving I don't want to do anything that's going to add more stress into it so nice and small it's possible if I didn't have to weld this joint I wouldn't pets are the worst they will literally destroy a weldment so fast they are very destructive there's so much power with that cold W yeah is when it CS well just trying to minimize that fillet there go trying to go fast trying to keep it small and tight no weaving oh picture's in the way I think we're okay okay done well we flip it out and we take a peek and let make Q see it and then we'll make any adjustments necessary to make it fall back into tolerance I'm not going to like I said I'm not going to say that we got right right off the bat but it's not going to leave here wrong especially if I know about it and this picture is going to tell me that if if it's right or wrong are you using the CMM to check or uh so unfortunately the CMM is being used at the moment so but I know a lot of you guys do not have a CMM machine to check your work so I think this is a great opportunity to share how we can QC Your Parts without something like that and because we've built using a fixture we'll just use the fixture table to to quality control and I I might pull the calipers out it's not necessary because the the table's gonna kind of do that but once I get it all out of here we'll stop the time and then uh then we'll look at QC right so that I can talk more about it if I wasn't uh on camera live I would just do it really fast but I want to chitchat some more about it and just like that just takes a few seconds to weld out and then more time to hold it in place I kind of this reminds me of uh painting a car if you've ever painted a car see somebody paint a car they'll have weeks and weeks or days and days in prep work sanding and buffing and bondoing and then it's literally 2 hours to paint the car you know and it's this is kind of in that same world for me it's like you have all this time setting up the fixtures getting it dialed in and then the welding is really small piece of the puzzle and it goes really fast but more than anything I'd rather take a little extra time and not have to redo it okay so let's just taking all the fixtures out so it's loose and and it shrunk about the same as the other one just 10,000 of an inch maybe just a little shrinkage but I can confirm just by being in this fixture that it's within it's not over tolerance or just a little bit under the center line of my parameters okay so let's flip it over okay and check here check the tips of the legs same I think this is a great let's uh let's weld the sides here and get it all finished welded and then we'll compare we'll compare everything all right so these are the welds that I missed in operation one that I didn't weld because they would have interfered with my secondary fixture so we're just picking them up right now and I'm not worried about really too much weld Distortion with them because we're pretty much welded out so it shouldn't move too much with it all and if anything I might actually move it in the right direction but I do have it back in the fixture so if it doesn't want to pull does have some back stops so let's rub the top of these back to a uh a little bigger Gap than what I want a big gap we uh push hey gaps happen I need a t-sh t-shirt that does that or something problem gaps are I tried to avoid them but they just take too long to fix it's not that it's the end of the world it's just time wasted that and if you're welding or fabricating you can cool the weld down by increasing your stick out a little bit I should just the welder down a few amps we're back to doing it the lazy way remember how we talked earlier in the podcast about us being lazy not doing it the right way okay just turn to welder down a few amps fill these gaps up that didn't have a gap but here we go this one's out of [Music] Gap we're almost [Music] done [Music] come [Music] on almost done stop the time here once we're goodness sure some of you guys are watching going yeah I know I got to feel that Gap they probably laughing at me okay she's welded out now the plans say that these need to be buff buffed smooth I mean I'm my eyeball is pretty good at telling me if there's something flat and flat or not that looks pretty dang good okay how's the Teeter Totter this S's still pretty hot okay do we stop the time or do I grind it what do you think grind away everybody says grind grind grind okay here we go um big battery put some safety glasses [Music] on okay [Music] [Applause] a okay P out we grind the other one that get that got tight I might have to do a little adjustment on on this one might just be because I was trying to pull it out uneven [Music] too might have to make an adjustment on this one we'll let it cool see where we end [Music] [Applause] [Music] up let's just grind away hey [Music] oh [Music] okay probably do a little bit better grinding if this wasn't for me uh okay first things [Music] first okay that's it do I want to keep the keep the clock running and do some adjustments that's what we need to decide I'm just curious here might have a little bit of a warp to this we might have to fix it which isn't the end of the world I'll show you how to fix it cuz like I said we're going to make mistakes it's all about how we fix it as far as size go looks pretty pretty dang good okay what do we want to do Conrad should we do a little test one here is at this moment in time do I expect this to be dead nuts perfect coming right out of the box well I think this is where we need to have realistic expectations [Music] right and bang that looks pretty good but I think we can make a little minor adjustment we'll figure out where the issue is so the goal is to have these perfectly straight up and down right which we're just looking so it looks like the this leg is pull pushed out a little bit so let's identify is this leg pushed in I mean we're talking would this pass yes like I said am I going for excellence yes okay so I've noticed this leg is p pushed out a little bit what happened what I mean by a little bit I mean we're talking fingernails clip I think I'm going to have to pull it in I don't know what happened here but somewhere but let's work on the let's work on the flatness a little bit too do I pull I push I pull I [Music] push like I said before it's all about how you handle it is this going to leave the shop this way do I want to move it in this 330 second of an inch let's see if we can push it a little bit I mean we're just talking to oh just a just a sco we'll check it that's all it takes is just a little [Music] squeeze like I have no shame saying I had to put a little squeeze on it to move it at 30 second [Music] whatever boy that moved it almost right and spec one more little squeeze just a little bit I mean I'm barely putting any pressure on it we'll check it for perpendicularity here in a [Applause] minute I know I wish you guys could see this it just it's I'm just barely moving it we're talking just thousandth of an inch with a little squeeze how's it look from there Conrad I mean you tell me I mean it looks pretty sweet E I mean looks in Spec it looks damn good I mean I am really happy where's my uh where's my straight edge woo look at that I mean we're talking slices between there I don't know you you guys can't see this I'm pretty proud this one might be a little bit off but dang for these legs to be completely unsupported out here that's a tough that's tough so now what I want to check should we should we hit the timer we're want to hit flatness here I might need to flex this a little bit let's just kick all these off to the ground we'll come back to these later it's the problem of having a little table it fills up really fast we'll put them back when we're done like I said I have some movement I have some tolerance and I'm going to use it because like I said I would drive myself Bonkers to try to dial this thing thing in like but what I'm trying for is I am striving for some Excellence here okay feel this one this one Teeter totters a little bit this is where having a flat surface is really [Music] important a little bit let's just see if it'll passes so this is 1116 of an inch make note of the time okay so I hear just a little bit of teeter totter my 16th of an inch does not pass underneath of it okay so technically this is in specification but I want to fix it but we're going to do that when I hit the stop time it's technically the these could go out the door let as it is okay this one does not teeter totter this one's really flat I can't hear anything this one passes inspection okay so I'm going to call stop okay so let's hit stop on the time how long that take me right 2 hours 43 minutes total two hours and 4 that was plus the 20 that that includes the 20 okay and I would consider talking to the camera kind of slowing me down I would say another 10 minutes or so roughly it's pretty good so let's just let's just think about this $100 I would charge $500 for these two just like everybody else would $100 for uh material and then that leaves me with a profit of $400 so that's literally over $100 an hour to do this job that's pretty good money right I mean in the days just getting started we could do this again on another project we could make another $300 and clear that pretty simple uh so but I'm going to stop the time but I think we're going to keep learning here we want to do some I want to take some time and do some real some real QC okay but I want to do that on camera for a minute I want to show how you can use the fixture table to QC these parts okay I would include this include this in the normal time but I want to take my time if that makes any sense so this one this one before we go any further I noticed this one teeter totter is just a sco it's within spec but I hear a little clinky clinky clinky it's not bad but let's fix it let's go for excellence so how can we fix that well here's what I want to do I think we're going to use because this is a heavy duty cast iron table let's just put a little Flex in it let's just get it back into spec right so I can see here that where's the um when you look at the frame there's going to be a Center Line twist it's either going to be here here or here here so let's find out where it is or let's isolate it is that the tube tube that's bowed that I didn't do a very good job um but having a flat surface is going to help me identify what's going on here um I just think this is I think I got a little twist I got a little twist right here and here so these two are high so let's just Flex it I'm going to put a shim here I'm going to put a shim here um do put shim there shim there shim there and we're going to push down just with the clamp I mean we're just trying to just put a little bit of movement in this let's get rid of these [Music] okay so scoot this to the edge of the table let's put a couple clamps down here what we're going to do is we're just going to just going to flex it just a sco and then we'll check the legs and see how that altered the legs but we're human we make mistakes and I'm glad I'm glad this came out just a little bit sweet right because this is the real world scenario and if we don't have the tools to be able to identify problems and fix them we're all human things happen there's who knows there'll make some grit on the table w okay so what I want to do now is push down on this just a little bit what I need is a big heavy duty clamp something I can really just smash on I'm going to put another clamp over here cuz we're really going to be flexing this is where I I tell people that you need a um a table that's a minimum of a half of an inch stick CU you want to be able to use it like I'm going to use it right now you want you're going to want to bend it you're going to want to use it to flex or bend or push or pull the quar inch tables they just don't have the oomph okay I might have to go underneath here yeah they just don't have the the strength the top flexes too much I only need to go just a little bit but this is where we're talking about qcing if there's something wrong how do you fix it okay so I don't need to take the shims out from underneath of this what I can do is just grab another shim because I have a half inch shim under here half inch shim half inch shim now if I slip this half inch shim underneath here I could see oh man I think we got it that was it we're done that's all it took was just a little a little bit of so we're back to qcing having a flat table allows me to QC let's take a [Music] look oh remember that this Teeter tottered I I don't know maybe my microphone might pick this up fixed it now let's check the legs again after we tweaked it we can pull tape measure but I don't think this is truly the right way to do it we should put it back into our fixture over here so it looks like everything's pushed out a little bit still within specifications let's check so because we know this is a perfect square let's just drop it in so it's a little bit tight it's a little tight just a little tight let's fix it gu it all right so we're a little [Music] tight at this point in time I can choose to go for excellence or I worry about it what's Conrad think we should do should we should we go for Perfection or do we call it okay do we do some more qcing let's see it fit back in the hole I guess huh what's Conrad think we should do did the the plans call they can't be oversized I have a 16th of an inch over over okay so that's kind of where I'm seeing I'm about a 16th of an inch over so SPL just a little bit I say once it's inspect it's ready to be shipped off it's ready to be shipped off all right order let's get it inspect then we're just going to pull the legs in just to sco and then we'll check perpendicularity make sure we're not just pulling one leg in and but the base can check the base again we'll just see if was our legs tweaked it would be nice to have the CMM here but I'm I'm literally trying to B this in like 30,000 of an inch [Music] really even right help if you go the right way dingdong [Music] oh you're so close it just wants to barely drop in I mean I'm being a little I'm being a little nuts here I mean look how this fits in the frame fits in nice oh I won't go in any more than that cuz my welds are sticking out looks pretty good so let's check perpendicularity with the with a big Square should we do that we're having fun at this moment time we're just geeking out where's that where's that big square at are there any questions coming through that I can answer as I'm doing this nothing really everybody's happy so because I have welds in here I'm going to use the half2 Inch spacers one on the bottom and one on the top okay and I'm going to be able to use the table as the reference woo looks like I am definitely pulled out a little bit more than what I would [Music] like yeah pulled out more than what I like I would almost go to say that this is not in [Music] Spec they're all this so it's happen is all the legs are spayed out they're all perfectly even they're just on the outer limits of my tolerance that I really that I really want so because they're all the same I think I can just squeeze it with a clamp and pull it back which is not really what I'd like to do I would like everything just to be dang perfect but you know what are you going to do the only reason why I'm able to do this is cuz everything's even they're all split out just a sco this interesting you know this is a really hard challenge this is something I think everybody should try man this would be this is so hard to do without a fixture table I mean I know it looks easy on camera but it's funny I didn't even move it uh that one a little bit boy you really got to squeeze you got to squeeze hard like I'm fighting for just this for a few thousands of an inch but this is goes to show what do you do you keep going you give it to the customer like what I got before fix it I'm actually really surprised that this moved this much okay so where do we think it's moving at I might have to cut it Loose if it was if this was really bad start over so that one's strange I bet you this is because I had those big huge weld gaps bet you it really [Music] pulled let's just check it out here woo and close no well it's crazy any suggestions from the audience no everybody gone everybody's gone let's take a [Music] look we want to get the camera in here no yes pretty close we're talking pretty dang good I would I would we did we did pretty good I'm pretty happy with this splitting hairs I'm getting I'm getting too carried away I like it I like it a lot can you see anything Conrad I know it's probably hard for I wish this is where I wish uh um I don't know you guys could see this how straight they are with each other perpendicularity no you probably can't see that really really really good had do a little tweak here and there but nothing this as far as flatness goes I'm within spec I like it now there are we are to size this way this is where the CMM is nice but if if these legs were shifted left or right this straight edge would not show that they are straight does that make sense so that's one way to kind of confirm and then two if you don't have a a flat surface if you want to try this at home way you can check for flatness is let's just put them on each other because two flat surfaces right two flat surfaces against each other they're going to be flat no matter if you turn them this way then 90° flat if they're warped like a pringle Pringle chips stack on top of each other real nice one way you turn them 90° they don't fit so it's one way you can check to see if you got something flat so let's just do [Music] this okay still little [Music] Teeter like I said before nice and tight and turn it 90° we have a little bit of a little bit but so between the two even between the two is the worst of the worst so this is worst case scenario on this one worst case scenario on this one here's a 16th of an inch and it still does not go in between the two right so that's one way you can kind of check yourself if you don't have a super flat table for or if you want to try this at home okay worst case worst case won't [Music] go I think it's [Music] sweet I would be happy letting this go to a customer and I would know that they would be happy also okay learned a lot um hopefully you guys saw some uh issues some problems how to work through them and even if you do have problems you can still be profitable I think that's also the name of the game is we're going to screw up and how do we get back on our feet and fix it so I'm glad I took the extra step and didn't do this the right way and show you guys how you can straighten something out like this and get good results I think we did good all our weld seams are all facing the inside this is a level of professionalism that goes that extra mile see all my weld seams they're all on the inside of the legs they're all on the inside of the tubes these are just things to look for when you're done okay and this is a table and it look it it doesn't even teeter totter on four legs so we know the end conditions of our legs are good nice and tight tall so if you guys would like to see more I'll happily bring in the CMM machine we can test them out if we want to do some more quality control on another live feed we can do that some more if you guys have more questions I would love to answer those at the fireball Forum because most of these live feed videos all the comments kind of get lost after a long period of time so documenting on the form is going to be great then they're also searchable for anybody else who has the same questions as you guys do I'm going to be there on the Forum at the computer for the next hour or so after I take a quick break and a lunch and I'll happy ask any questions you guys have in depth um and we're we can do this again if you want to see something else new or a different weldment some um try a new experiment uh I'd like to see you guys try something like this too I think this is a great application for if you're student or a school or this is a good test to give a fabricator if you're a weld shop if you want to hire somebody just tell them to make two of these things and just see what they come up with right so I think there's a lot of practicality to this and you can learn a lot by just welding eight pieces of metal together here any questions last question is this in Spec is this in Spec this is in Spec is it as perfect and as excellent as I want no but is it in Spec yes I would like to pull I'm literally about 30,000 of an inch out I would like to pull the legs in a little bit more but technically this is in Spec uh it's at this moment time to we say do I take that little extra time and do I squeeze it uh do I cut the welds Loose as far as flatness goes we are inspect flatness we showed that before and I showed one of them wasn't quite right we fixed it it was still in Spec then too uh and the name of the game is am I happy with it as a fabricator and I am um like I said we can put the legs back up to each other and I can show you how close they are we're literally SP splitting hairs and one of the good things I notice is that this is an E8 in wall material and the leg does not exceed the wall thickness when they're together so um it's another visual inspection where if we do the leg on those other fabricator shops you could literally see down inside the tube and there's a big gap um these are all little visual cues like I said I'm a little bit wide and that's why it doesn't drop into the fixture here but I'm a little wide by like 30,000 of an inch I can see like it's a six it's a 302 and that's why it won't drop in um I can choose to fix it or I can leave it um what do you guys think I should do should I just keep tweaking on it and pull the extra 30,000 or do I call it good um there's there's a tolerance here for a reason right if we were to sit here for an hour try to get it that's just money getting thrown out the window I I think if you can get it within the tolerances and you can measure it and you know it's there move on to the next job that's what the tolerance is there for right but the goal is to get into tolerance as quickly as possible um and know and identify that you are there but fixtures are telling me that I'm just off a little bit and I'm okay with that it is a measurable distance okay con what else any more questions uh no just confirming with the chat that everything's in Spec okay um but overall I think what I'll do is I'll have Conrad pull the pull the camera off the tripod and I'll just let him just do a quick walk around for you guys just get some b-roll of just seeing how everything's lines up um I'll flip the legs over on the top so you guys can see what I'm talking about get you in a little closer and we'll go from there okay so bear with us for a minute I'll flip these over [Music] [Music] okay so here's what I'm talking about I'm just a little wide on these two right here it's not even the material thickness if I wanted to press on it a little more I could probably squeeze it but remember I have a I have an eighth of an inch I can be a 16th left 16th right and I'm well within an eighth of an inch like we're this isn't even a question if this is in Spec or not so like I can be an eighth of an inch oversized from this does that make sense so I can be 20 and an e and you can visually see that I'm not even near that um as far as perp icity this is the one of the this is one of the um this is one a lot of people have a lot of questions about here check a look at this Conrad so this is a this is a 24in straight edge can you see probably can't but there's barely any Gap in between there this one better to [Music] see so they're very straight with each other pretty happy with that it's I said tolerance is there for a reason let's use them and this is really hard CU all these legs aren't controlled there's nothing holding them apart but yeah I'm I wish the other Fab shops could have produced something like this this then it would have been unquestionable that they could achieve this level of accuracy but without a fixture table boy this would be hard without a fixture table it's even hard with a fixture table there's no denying that I just couldn't imagine not having this tool to to do this with okay any more questions coming through no everybody's silent I silence the audience whoa every everything's good okay guys uh go to The Forum let's talk some more let's let's chitchat some more if there's questions about the table how to fixture if you guys have something else you want to see me make send some plans up there and maybe we'll do it on another live feed this is fun stuff okay I'll see you guys at the Forum thank you guys for watching
Channel: Fireball Tool
Views: 229,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fireball, tool, Fireball tool, Welding
Id: Fg2I8uUTnkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 0sec (10740 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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