HOW DO I KNOW IF MY CHAINSAW BEARINGS NEED REPLACED? #howto #persevere #shedshop #chainsaws

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[Music] well CH hey neighbors welcome to shed shop 2.0 in this edition of your neighbors do you dirty but the chainsaw Redeemer does not this is a steel 024 crank case with a steel 024 cylinder and this brand new beautiful meteor piston kit I would like to show you how to determine if your crankshaft bearings need replaced on your chainsaw one of the things you can do is see if there's play up and down when it's in the case if there's play up and down at all you 100% need them replaced however if there's not play and you haven't split your case let me explain something the guy I bought this off of uh is uh damn I forget what he did for a living but he did saws on the side just like a lot of people do and he sold his saws as rebuilt if you know what a clamshell motor is uh let's see I thought I had one here yes this is a clamshell motor okay and your crankshaft seals slide on your crank case he would reuse those from a saw that was burnt up and had a completely scored piston like this there's a reason that piston is scored it's usually either straight Gass or there there's an air leak somewhere he would reuse those seals he had no wood to cut with his saws and he would sell them as rebuilt ready to go neighbors he told me this one just needs a piston and it will be good to go you can rebuild it well so he has removed the transfer from the cylinder and I put my rings in here and measured in a bunch of different spots and fortunately there is no plating missing that has a a good wall on it still just spite the this coloring so we were going to hone it and put a new meteor piston in it and obviously disclose that that's there and then we discount the price of this sawt however I just now went to oil my bearing here and when I pulled my arm up listen you hear that Neighbors [Music] I have a guy we can't flip this camera damn it I hate that on this phone I have a guy that rebuild saws as well as a hobby and he sells them as rebuilt he'll just put some oil on those bearings and call it good however I can tell you when they're that loud I've never ever ever put a saw back together with a bearing that loud and oil resolve the problem he's like yeah you just run it for a little bit and then that noise will go away no neighbors it doesn't and if it does it's probably cuz the bearing went out even more so that's another reason my saws are prots the way they are I would never ever sell a saw with a bearing that sounds like that so unfortunately we have to split this case and put some new bearings in it however I don't know that I have a puller for this worm gear usually the 024 worm gears come right off um but this one is not and I cannot recollect if I've had one uh here recently with the metal worm gear that doesn't come off or that's been uh connected to the shaft like that so I have a Pooler that I use for husa worm gears but it does not fit this one but I'm going to try and find me another coupler that will fit this worm gear uh because my pullers my cheap China bearing pullers are just going to and I've not been able to find a good set and steel wants like $400 for their bearing puller so they can blow it out their ass but anyways I just wanted to show you that neighbors that's a bad bearing and if you're rebuilding saws on the side and selling them to your neighbors please don't leave that in there do your neighbor right don't make this industry look bad uh too many uh people assume that they're getting done dirty if they have a problem with the saw that they buy from me because they've been done Dirty by other people in this business that's why I warranty my chip neighbors cuz I want to make sure you know you don't get done dirty and I'm a human being and sometimes I'm Miss stuff just like this we will warranty that okay 100% and actually when I do a cylinder like that I extend the warranty beyond the 90 days because it's just why not there's more risk of something going wrong with that so why not cover my neighbor so they feel more comfortable buying this all uh these sell for $350 in my area believe it or not the 04s the 026 is sell for 400 to 450 in good condition of course yes you guys there's plenty of them out there for $1 $150 people say they run good blah BL blah blah blah but I'm just telling you on average a goodlook 024 026 that's what I can get for them so this one I'll probably sell this off for 250 to 275 with an 18in bar and chain somewhere around there we'll see Neighbors but until next time be kind to one another everyone is facing a battle I love all you neighbors even though I really freaking suck at it #p persevere right Neighbors
Channel: chainsawredeemer85 / incidental auditor
Views: 93
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Id: R9c4EBljpUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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