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Hi 3D graphics is her black swans channels that easy today when we will review together the necessary Cloth Simulation in 3D modeling, simulation, something already Shijo is difficult to feel de from, but, perhaps, you are five you'll find this idea you see the picture today. ..!? How can this be so easy!? So let's get started, shall we? Today we learn more ball right content is on which to cloth making, but the order seen if difficult, the view of party directly gonna do the play then created an obstacle to the bottom of a very simple, so more to see and learn today, so order from No. 1 to No. 7 Let's go ahead. First, we need to drop the first object, right? So we'll give press the one is Shift + A edaga near here makes one a plane and how to play this object're playing in the play meant so here top of the screen, now you can see is the screen that we work basically at the bottom is so Timeline's party is going in you see, click the icon for the line that shows the timeline literally hours itjyo me that this timeline created characters so zero times so Shijo all the time it seems the number is rising, so is this one one frame If you go back to the beginning of this and press play like this, you can see the simulation over time like this. But the plane we made does n't change even if we play it back because at present, this plane is just a simple plane made of four dots. So here we need to put the laws of physics in . So we're going to put this Cloth Modifier on this side. The way to put this modifier is by selecting the object and on the right side there is this physics property that looks like this. Here Cloth is the shape of the clothes. If you press , a lot of properties corresponding to the cross at the bottom of the ruler are applied to this surface. So, in this state, I'll press play again. Press this play or press the shortcut space bar. Now, press the space bar to drop The reason for this fall is that when we put the Cloth modifier on it , if you look at the bottom, you can see it all the way down. Then you can see the field weight at the bottom. You can see that this field weight has Gravity in it. Gravity is gravity. so the reason that we will apply gravity yeogida give close such information will be the so once again the window, and the cloth simulation, and it's something just a timeline that is very closely related to a little before, but the description object can fall For each of these planes, this frame As each frame goes by, we physically calculate these points as they go by, so we can create an animation like this. Okay , so we know how to drop the first object . Okay , so we'll try to collide the second object. I have to make one. So , I'll press shift a and put a simple cube at the bottom. Now I press the cube and press G and Z to place it right below the plane like this . Then this object will fall and hit it here! It will settle down. Now, let's play it again . When I press play, it doesn't settle and it penetrates because this object has physical properties like this, but the square we made a while ago doesn't have any properties, so it's just a cube with 8 dots. I'm so objects also are in Object Mode yeogida a click will chair the object to be applied physics and, like in physics properties at this time is not the cloth going to select the Collision at the top of the party, where thousands edaga at the top do not doeneunge punt confusing is put this Cloth and then I do have to put the body there collision to the bottom of this collision collision will crash is'll mean so pressing collision'll get the properties underneath the chair clicking this this example went party once again in the state I'll try to play, and the top has entered the Cloth, bottom collider has seating'm suspended and secured by pressing the play in the state Collision you enter this did the panoramic and seating want to give a short off it does take two racks But here is characterized by clear I want to stick this object right here, but you can see it floating. What is the reason for this? If you click the Collision object at the bottom of the ruler, there is a Thickness Outer here. Why is it floating here? In this blender, you can mix these two objects the criteria for calculating'd calculations'm counted as a frame-by-frame basis, so I frame crackling crackling disconnect this luckily there is computed meet at the junction to the If the piercing on here where if I did the calculations surging ahead object through so how As you can see, I did some trickery in this blender program; This will recognized as the surface real than cotton until slightly thick cotton's why I have so a gap caused due to such tricks, so to reduce the gap will be if you're line here overlooking Thickness Outer There currently is 0.02'll reduce this to 0.01 then perhaps in here is pushed further catch'll characters playing little came further down jjokkeum and look further reduce this to 0.005 I have a little more gap decreases, so if you want to just attach to the fabric surface, simply so give yisyeoseo put a gap the third time really cloth was to understand until you see gonna party top of the striking object off made way to do so, are we just bend like a thousand of this, but better go so hammered twinggyeoseo party not want is this will have to split the faces of the bent body you see now Since it has 4 dots and one face, it has no choice but to move like this when it collides. So we can select the object to be bent and press the tab to enter Edit Mode, right-click and we can see that this Subdivide splits the face into 4 faces. itjyo and right-click to becoming split adding to Subdivide again if the chair I'll have in this state party back must leave to Object Mode in Edit Mode Now look, click play again in this state nagasigo to Object Mode in Edit Mode so much something smooth I can not see you bending party able to hit the Vegas a bit more pointed so I'll make haebomyeon the play certainly feel bent feeling reduces then to create this like a thousand broken down very much this yagetjyo and feel free to do so, split into two Subdivide this split You can create a fabric feel like this, but the method I recommend is to split this face up a bit and then, instead of splitting it , click Add Modifier in the modifier here and Subdivision Surfac E has if it pressed makes a little more divided surfaces rather than the side, lift Yes me When applying the Subdivision Surface Let me explain with a cube party is edaga Cube chair made round, as well as to divide the surface in this way is the reason for rounding that he would not now this option is gonna be ringing because it is selected if the split plane when turned to this as Simple to, but sleeping is you see now I'll try to look wireframe split the faces do, but rounded it is It is a simple option, and if you click the option on the left, it will split the face but round it. Is a sense that the way we are because there is no need to be rounded to a Simple long have'll party understood that haejumyeon split so only count so again, turn off the option to clear the cube rather than the options on the left there contain Subdivision Surface party again came back to the surface Please turn to simple, then this gives a little more increase the number in the Viewport Once you playing characters so three and I'll try and press the play do not have earlier Trang ttokgatjyo change because party this very important modifier flow chart of what you what you mean you see now the Cloth Simulation is over and once when folded to this a little more pyeonhajyo view the Cloth Simulation this is on then this would have a Subdivision to divide the surface reproducing this is why you below proceed Simulation with this simple-looking face a and I split the face then so it would not make sense to split so split an order before haejugo then you have to simulate look by pressing the play in the state earlier Trang feeling diverge much from the plane split state this simulation is in progress so now we'll reach down below the monkeys do Here's a square naelsu the desired party look thousand feelings pressed in the state of Well indeed monkey edaga want to put the object anhaetjyo apply collision in physics properties If you put collision and then press play, the cloth is coated on the monkey's surface like this. Now, the fourth time here, we will learn a little more about simple physical properties . little'll further split to increase the level here in four steps can not see me slipping press the play in this state naturally edaga through'd have a spear into the physics tab when the playback will have to put a collision so clothe jyeotneunde Now therefore the transition surface Here is why the fourth water Did you say that you learn physical characteristics? It's that occurs because you see the transition sliding it right friction Now has'm going to have so quickly slipping due to less friction, so you choose the striking object to increase the friction and has Friction at the bottom of the physics tab means friction Friction is set to 5 right now, but I'll raise this to an extremely high 30. Then when I play it again, the side is nice and sticks. Now, it doesn't drip. So when we put some fabric on the table, it shouldn't drip, so then the friction You can increase the value and put the tablecloth on the table like this. And if you want it to flow down, then lower this friction and play it again , and you can see it flowing all the way. Then, the second time, I'll make this ball small and play it. Then Chop! And as this cloth is wound, if you look at it now, the cloth doesn't collide with each other. So, it does n't make sense physically . In order to minimize this simulation, Blender has left out the default option for the first time to collide with each other, so to make the cloth a bit more natural, click on this cloth and then in the Physics tab, scroll down, there is a self-collision value here. Do I have self-collision turned off below me? So if you turn it on, you can see the fabrics collide with each other when playing the player . This way we can make it a lot more natural. This time we will look at the third characteristic, the weight. The fabric will fall all the time due to gravity. The faster it falls, the faster the winding speed will be. The default fabric weight is 0.3 in the Physics tab. It's set in kg. So what if we drastically reduce this to 0.05 kg? When playing lunges feel less something boseul boseul And when very lightly, this lightweight lunges, so I dropped the thin cloth the seat air lightly set in this way and conversely what leather yiradeunji to this weight when dropping such a heavy cloth raising party suspended and dropped you please strongly known how to do this weight set deuryeotgo and finally playing in this under the saenggipnida Here for sharp-looking cone lift if the transition through the object'll try to set approaching this state What would happen? Now Do you see that? ... Oh, this transition ... Now when you create a new object would do and ...... Set this again would have to play Collision party haejugo settings as an obstacle to the collision of such shape that you see right now through this transition strips As shows you why raising a little more about the quality of this cloth I have the option to go do not tear their options'm just a quality staff in the physics over the top in cloth tap this there is set to 5 are basically the Vegas 15 When you play in that state I'll put one to the party earlier ditch a little, I have the feeling that trying to hang something diverge shift feeling by now pointed too sharp will be a problem here, for example'll make a little round and then play the simyeon perhaps transition itjyo will not be split party does not tear well in there but if simyeon on the Vegas again, you see changing the default value of five Fortunately anneyo earthquake ripped though I feel unnatural something, so there is a case that is so torn then raise the quality try We will however take even the simulation time as a quality higher long on the computer loading also wont take a little bit more so in round one object round general, so handsome object would not have deliberately need to take a higher staff values so gently in this manner Gosh;; I'll tell you how to simulate Sign fifth finish party pushes us knows hanging pull the shape to do this in the simulation the way how to secure the this is a party yet learned that way you see now, the timeline when we turned the simulation this a way to enter the blue line, the reason between the two lines is the one calculated because I have to bake that was calculated for each two frames from a computer with the calculation value is quickly calculated in this way, but I lay the body back When we do the calculation, it takes a little longer to calculate because there is no blue line now. And when the calculation is finished, we calculate quickly. In this way, our simulation value is recorded in the key frame, how to fix it at all I am'll say party for this type of 45 frames where one frame is the favorite heard so air to cloth-click on the status and method of fly control in the modifier is haejwoya fly control the Subdivision Surface Trang cloth modifier this made now is v when you press the fly control, press the v mark on the display right before the fly is finely squat gaetdeon Subdivision surface is'll try for this party will actually inflict here the surface one've swapped the timeline back to smooth the calculated results in this way, I can not see and can not see what itjyo split so finely to punt surface haebeo fly this word in the desired position 45 Oh ;; But When entered once the Edit Mode so turn these calculations do need to re-simulate again punctuated simulation method to return by pressing the button to the first position Now this shortcut, press the shift in the keyboard to go to the arrow keys left If so press the direction key to return to frame 1 Now press the shift-left arrow at 36 frames so I'll go to frame 1 then I pressed this position on the 45th that you want this time I'll give fly control this Cloth Modifier I'm a is fixed to the this, no matter how bakkusyeo frame body forms earlier is did had a flat square've turned so Mesh will harden into a bent shape along the progression of the simulation, and then go to the desired timeline for the applied in the modifier tab It helps both the Mesh is fixed in this form then this cloth Simulation this would'll end then I'll know how to sixth retouching done in this state parties so the quality will spill over'm not replace this with a little more soft cloth chair first select the object and press the shade smooth to right click and then so angled When Mesh is you can see what changed gently click itjyo not see what more Jean softer was, but because the Mesh is too angled in this way staircase phenomenon how to make appear so gently this is already party you also know why the second kkultip yeogieda a way to eliminate the jaggies are adding a Subdivision surface in the modifier it earlier click Here did we stop using when you split the number of faces If you try , you can see that the ruler feels different from before clicking and after clicking. I divided the sides and turned this object into a round shape with this Catmull-Clark on the left. Stairs because we only increase the number of points The phenomenon remains the same. So this time, we want to make it round, so you can press Catmull-Clark on the left. Then it will be round. If you raise the level to 2 levels here , you can make a much more round fabric like this. then the third with Material set number, party prevailed much smoother even let me know now the viewport shading mode in the with Solid want objects will be grayed yeogida dealing color we proceed by pressing it'll go over to the Material Preview you see the objects currently do not have Material is set so lets click'll appear white party objects to add a Material by clicking New on the mat real tabs, and the change of color on the base color this is the desired color, please would the color is changed and I will say t on the right a little so down can also be and party colors you want this but now I feel you see like little rubber rather than attachments, so the setting at the bottom do a little better take care of us the most important option when you create the cloth material I I think it's this Sheen If you raise this Sheen Now, if you look now, look closely at the part where the light is coming in. This scene is not currently in the 0 state. If you raise this, do you see the difference between when the zero is 1 and when it is zero? We look at something like that cloth material can have such a phenomenon seems weak surface white because the hair so the options are just a Sheen to represent That's why the more the higher the scene is not seen you so happen as white as wool, and the rough Nice diverge feel incher will incher no roughness indeyo thicker the roughness picture is displayed more clearly on the side chairs Sheen surface and want to shine a little more to maximize on the new this is if you're give a tint gloss value in God one day incher itjyo bit is zero eleven finely difference incher so if God brings to the tints to zero and increase the roughness could I make it look like a thousand to maximize this chair cloth feels lunges so I can refer you set the cloth material material such as seven let's again make a second exemplary aside next to the one we will look at characters an object of learned information today Step by Step So examples I'll try again to create a table once I'll spread the planes on the ground in the Mesh hoods I am'll put aside edaga next party place laid a plane floor will yeogida have built the pillars and I'll I'll one more to build a pillar that'll be a dining table with chairs pressing S reduces the scale in the Z-axis up so as G, Z S, Z / G, Z / S to give change size as a party we will say so handsome kitchen table and cloth'll give crushing it to the plane G, go to the Z haejugo give slightly reduce the size of negative night.Grace.Mrs We will do a thousand and then the bottom of the hit seven objects in've settings I have separately by pressing the off select all those objects that Ctrl + J made do with an object party then edaga thousand'll iphimyeon the cloth Simulation Now choose the fabric and the physics propofol in order to facilitate the setting you select the cross from the tee then in such a case the transition is gone now, because another There you see the timeline frame 43, so the zero-state first zero state here iltende'm now off to the bottom of the 43 frames, simply turn the Vegas zero come back yoreotge simyeon not good turn so this button the first time If you press the go button you should always check the keyframes, because a lot of these mistakes party go back to do a first position where the object you gone jyeotdago embarrassed andoeyo so characters died in the first position then was the implementation of hanging falling to the next select the hit to hit an object and this time'll Choosing a collision in cloth Simulation party collision want to act and putting tighten the cloth If so this'll if you're reduces the Thickness Outer of 0.01 and a transition where the friction value 30 to prevent slipping to reduce simyeon will be di-party Thickness height press the play in the state to increase friction value would haejwoya dividing the surface will not be of course a transition bend, so how to split the two surfaces are feel free to let the Subdivide me just object selected cases And I will add a Subdivision Surface in this modifier. And the important thing here is that the order is important for this modifier. Now, since we need to divide and simulate first, we change the order by clicking the polka dots next to it. And what we need is not round, so simple then in turn gave'll give you love numbers, I split a lot to step 6. now the plane is going been split now, so you can off you see it playing so the transition to see something that rests naturally in this way on a desk so you have a thousand Simulation completed this will control the fly's haejwoya did this party is that the keyframe positions I want, I choose the look you want, I'll take the shape of the parties most cared for fly control are haejumyeon here modifiers in the state by selecting yogeo The applied then Cloth Simulation also the applied characters so that when the cloth hold when it entered into Edit Mode so you can see doengeol Mesh is completed with a bent shape and right click on this now would be a retouching party and give it softens as Shade Smooth then haejugo split so side by pressing the Subdivision surface from the modifier because the advent of jaggies then haetguyo round round divide the round rounded to the Catmull-Clark then here'm still a little unnatural, then increase by one step level shows so I can see what Jin is much softer and here important. I am now level there is a viewport level off the Lander level viewport level when the viewport, I am now looking'm haneungeo to split this here when you actually have rendered to the camera is this example, the split number on the bottom, so for example if you are a little less computer's specifications so prices for the viewport low level settings actually rendered by raising the Lander value to what third guess can be quite rendered with soft cloth like that Well, you can work like this. Next, you have to set the material. So, select the fabric, click New in the material, make the base color, and set it to the color you want. And most importantly, change the Sheen here to 1 and tint it. Did this feeling to give him the next time the roughness negative roughness is zero, such as enamel reduces but we haejusimyeon setting higher roughness gonna make cloth chairs so you can make the cloth supple now did too low, the viewport level so step Now I'm Sore Costing enough if you just step 2 to step 3 can be set so you can be a natural cloth simulation table video prepared edaga today is the party today I learned enough cloth simulation, nor you only have information here There but today learned'll gave us only a great part in the Cloth Simulation So you actually get into the cloth simulation you see a great many options, so to see it one turn while watching research yourself one of them and we will recommend so much high-quality cloth If your friends can create one image. So today I will ask help likes and subscriptions I'll see you again in the next video
Channel: 까망고니
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Keywords: yt:cc=on, 블렌더 옷, 블렌더 시뮬레이션, Blender Cloth, Blender Simulation, 블렌더 천, Cloth modifier, Cloth simulation, 블렌더 의류, 블렌더 이불, 블렌더 식탁보, Blender 3.0, Blender 2.9, Blender 2.9 Tutorial, 블렌더 2.9, 블렌더 2.9 강의, 블렌더 2.9 강좌, 블렌더 강좌, 블랜더 강좌, blender 강좌, blender 3d, Blender, 블렌더, 블랜더, 블렌더 3d, 블랜더 3d, 블렌더 모델링, Blender modeling, 블렌더 기초, blender 기초, 블렌더 튜토리얼, blender tutorial, 블렌더 왕초보, 블렌더 처음, 까망고니, 블렌더 천 만들기, blender fabric
Id: sY0ocxiN2qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 58sec (1918 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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