미친 블렌더 4.0 🔥⚡그래서 어떻게 사용하죠? (Snap Base)

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I want to stick this kid here and then when he goes ;; It's not attached there, but this Snap is really Blender's shit... Hello, this is the Kamangoni channel where 3D graphics become easier. Blender version 4.0 has been released. When the first number changes in the version, the functions change drastically. The more functions, the more convenient it is. It's really, really good. But Blender developers seem to be developing without even sleeping. Even though it's fast, it's too fast. And they say that there has been a big change in Snap, which is today's topic. A new feature called Snap Base has been added. I'm trying to learn something new, but I'm actually at a loss and worried. I also like Blender 4.0. When this came out, I took a deep breath. I wonder if it doesn't match the content of the previously posted lectures... And I also have to study again... Actually, it's not easy. And I think our subscribers <Kamangari> will feel the same way. So today's video. This is even more important. I made a video that completely conquers Snap Base. I enjoyed studying it, and it would be great for you to learn comfortably as well . I will quickly summarize what Snap Base is and how to use it. Well, let's start the lecture. First of all, the snap function doesn't stick this at the end when moving or copying an object ... It's not easy to stick. I set my own settings and stick it like this , but it works just as I want. The problem is that it doesn't stick . I want to attach the vertex here to this child here. Then, when he goes, it doesn't stick there... It's not easy to stick it, so not only me but other experts say that this snap is really Blender. I've said that it's shit a lot, but Snap Base is a feature that has definitely changed this. And when I gave a Blender lecture, I got a lot of questions like, "Oh, teacher, do we really have to go this far with the snap function?" Yes, that's right... I really had to do it like this. Now , it's so easy to use the snap base. Then, let's go to 4.0 on the right and use the snap base. Now, let's copy the two cubes. Now, this time too, here's the dot. Now , in version 4.0, when we move with the g key, press the B key one more time. When you press B, a strange icon will appear. Then, click on the vertex you want and paste it here. It is very intuitive and very easy to attach. It's so easy. Let's try it again. G key B key This time, let's grab the vertex here and attach it here. Very easy, right? Now, anyone who has used CAD in this way will know that it is very natural to always hold a reference point and move it. However, Blender only applies this now... In fact, for snap base, you only need to know the shortcut key, B, and this is the end of today's video. Oh , that doesn't mean you can turn it off now!! You should also look at the additional functions and how to use them at the back. Then, let's quickly look at four ways to use them. First of all , where is the B shortcut key that we checked earlier ? When we move with the G key, when we move with the G key, if you look at the bottom, it's somewhere. There will be a B. So here you can see the B shortcut key and Set Snap Base written next to it. So when we move with G, rotate with R, or copy with Shift+D, if you do something like this, you can see the snap base at the bottom. It is always there. In this state, if you press B, you will see a sign that grabs the center of the vertex or something like this. This is the snap base function. And this icon on the snap base shows the vertex of the vertex as a square, and when following the edge, it shows two triangles like this. It looks like this, with the dog facing each other , and then the center of the edge looks like a triangle. And finally, the face looks like a circle. So if I want to select a face, I can just select it in the circle and attach it. Then G, B, this time it's a triangle . It is said to be the center of the edge. If you hold the edge center and attach it here, the exact middle of the edge will be attached. You can use the snap base in this way. Then, the second function is that you can pick up multiple snap bases. If you look at it , you can move it with the g key. But if you activate the snap base with the B key and then look at the bottom, it's not there now, but if you put it on top of this vertex or something like this, a shortcut key called Add Snap Point called A will be activated. If you press a in this state, you've just got a new key point, right? Then, if you press the a key again, another point will appear. Then, if you press a again, a point will appear. Now , the feature here is that the point is located at the exact center of the key point I selected. So, to put it simply, if you want to hold the point in the middle of this square, G, B, then If you give points to these four vertices, a snap base will be created exactly in the center, right? Then, if you click the left mouse button outside, a snap base will be created here and you can attach it. Then, you can see that the center of the face is attached to the point as we want. It's attached, right? We can use it by adding snap points like this, and then we can delete the added snap base. We can add multiple points like this in G, B, and A. If we press Alt A, we can delete the added points like this. So , you can add and delete as you wish, and then left-click to confirm the point and attach it to the desired vertex, so you can use the snap base smoothly. And finally, after attaching the snap base like this, we want to rotate the mouse wheel key. It does not rotate. In this case, you can rotate it by pressing the Alt key and the mouse wheel key. As for how to use this case, for example, let's say there is a simple table like this and you make a tumbler on top of it and attach it. Very simply, when there is a table and cup that looks like this, we create snap bases like G and B on the bottom of the table . Then, I want to look at the floor here, but I can't see it. When that happens, I press the Alt key and press the mouse wheel key to turn the screen and look like this. Just attach it. You can use the snap base by rotating the screen like this. You just need to know these four ways to use it. The third method is to set the snap base. When we create a snap base point, we can create a triangle or square like this. A certain point occurs. This does not happen at any time, but there are options like this in the existing snap. There is a snap to option, and only the selected element is created at the snap base. For example, let's only do the edge. Then, from the G and B snap base, we will create an edge . Only the remaining squares or circles are not created. So why does this not appear after I accidentally touch the snap to here ? You may be worried about this. In that case, you can change the snap to option here. What I recommend is to set it to this increment. Because if you set it to vertex, the snap point is only created at the vertex. Only G and B vertices are created like this. After it is taken, the line is not drawn. However, if you use increment, it can be selected whether it is a point, a line, a center, or a surface. So in general, it is recommended to select and use this, and only use the center on the edge if necessary. When you want to use it, you can just select the center of the edge and use it by picking up the center like G or B. Fourth, we will conclude today's video by looking at how to use the snap base . The first way to use it is easy when doing something like interior design. For example, let's create a bottom plate using a cube. When copying while holding down Shift+D, you can't find the vertex by pressing B. That's because we've set the center. I use it as an increment and press B. Click to grab the vertex and move it here. Then, if you press Shift+R, the action will be copied. Make it like this, and then Shift+D, B, Shift+R , etc. to make the floor like a chessboard. Then, as desired. I'll place the object here. I'll adjust the blackness here and there to fit the space. That's it. I created an object that fits perfectly into this cube space. In this state , I want to copy this object to each space. In that case, right away, I'll press Shift. You can use +D and B to select the end point of this square instead of the standard here and copy it like this, right? Then, you can always set it up in a regular shape. For example, let's just create a table that looks like this. Let's say that there is a table that looks very simply like this . Then, just like we learned today, we'll put G and B here and just paste them in the square. A table that looks like this fits perfectly, and you can also set it up to fit the space like Shift+D. As if we were playing a game, you can create something like an interior by modeling the space like this. Then, the second time, when you extrude Very good. We press the E key to extrude. In the old method, let me show you. In the old method, we have something that looks like this, and then for example, there is a cube that looks like this. There is a cube that looks like this, and now this side is extruded. For example, we want to set up each of these cells. But we selected this as a vertex and it was set like this before. Ah, more than I thought;; It shouldn't be this easy... But in the current method, if you take it as is and hold the snap base with the B key when moving this to G and It was easier than I thought because I had now selected this as a vertex, but in fact, to use this function, I had to select an object, go into the settings, change it to a vertex, and do things like G and Just select the face in edit mode, grab the G and B snap base, and you can stick it straight here. You can also stick the vertices of G and B here, and you can just do whatever you want. It's very convenient. You can use it like this. Today's video is here. That's all. The new Snap Base is a feature so well-made that it makes us feel like we've wasted the time we've spent on Snap. I hope you all will have a more comfortable Blender life from now on. I'm sure there were some who were confused while watching today's video. Don't just end it. When the video is over, turn on Blender and use it just once. You 'll probably want to keep using it. Now, in the next video, I'll try to find new and interesting topics. If you, <Black Mangari>, think of an interesting topic, please leave a comment. I'll give it to you. I'll study it and make it into a video. And if you subscribe and like, you can see it a little faster. Then, I'll see you again in the next video.
Channel: 까망고니
Views: 25,891
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Keywords: yt:cc=on, Sanp Base, 스냅 베이스, 스냅, Snap, Blender Snap, Blender Snap Base, 블렌더 스냅 베이스, 블렌더 Snap Base, Blender 4.0, Blender 4.0 Tutorial, 블렌더 4.0, 블렌더 4.0 강의, 블렌더 4.0 강좌, 블렌더 강좌, 블랜더 강좌, blender 강좌, blender 3d, Blender, 블렌더, 블렌더 3d, 블랜더 3d, 블렌더 모델링, Blender modeling, 블렌더 기초, 블렌더 시작, blender 기초, 블렌더 튜토리얼, blender tutorial, 블렌더 왕초보, 블렌더 처음, 까망고니, 메타버스, metaverse, 블렌더강의맛집
Id: K7QQ6rhPXco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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