FAA at 67: LESSONS AND BLESSINGS || With Felix and Funke Adejumo

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[Music] [Music] i missed my husband almost 40 years ago now about 42 years ago and then we started cutting 38. now 39 hours 39 years ago and uh we've been married almost reason why is everything almost almost worse thank god for everything is good almost so that god can complete everything september 8th 1982 september 8th this year it will be 37 years straight what have i done that you love most in this marriage yeah um what i think i see manifest in your life are the virtues the christ-like attitude till i see and also the the character the kingdom character that i say and they manifest in different forms the way you care for people is amazing the way you care for me it's amazing and then also the your love for your children and the lord you have for your family uh anyone who wants to do anything against your family you rise up you fight for it which is for me very rare to find in so many women and also i also know that you are very sacrificial if it's not going to reach everybody you prefer to sacrifice your room which is very unique also so there are so many things that's why i said about the virtues the christian virtues that i see wow i'm blushing ask me any questions yeah um why were you not afraid when i propose to you about the future that you have with me you know i always tell you this darling the way you carry yourself you you always stand like a soldier in the army okay you are always this is this is confidence this is it's it's an aura i know they say were you your courage is very i don't say words it's very convincing follow me when i say follow me just follow and then you know the divine back up even though i didn't understand different background i know that's as much as i do now with that sign i just felt this man i think he knows where he's going let's go and i joke about yeah thank you so very much for taking that decision but how to ask canada [Music] i want to ask another question um since the journey began some 37 years ago now about 37. um have you gotten to maybe a job a junction of your life that you felt that oh i wouldn't have taken the decision or because i i know felix added you is not perfect i'm not maybe you have seen areas of my vulnerability and you fear that oh no i wouldn't have taken the decision for this past 30 years or is everything smooth about about your journey everything else must be small but to say oh i wish i hadn't taken a decision no it's never crossed my night okay before i felt like giving up thank you i don't know if you would go out i don't know you know and then we woke up and everything is fixed again and i'm wondering what happened yesterday yeah life is full of ups and downs valleys mountain top experiences it shows to everybody i mean true yeah what to regret no i'll choose your kid and i clean them again and i've said this when you were not there so it's not it's not flattering okay thank you for you you choosing me you trust me yeah we did because i made a proposal but you accepted it yeah thank you so much i always tell you if you want to do anything sometimes like look i saw poor people there i didn't marry them but i wasn't there i wasn't that rich hey but then you know they're prospects okay you saw the future of the future yes yes you took a dive fine thank god so um what is it that you are looking at for the next 20 years of our day together i'm not saying after 20 years we are going to take our exit if jesus starts but i'm only saying if for instance i can give anybody 87 did you see that pose 93 and 91 yeah they were dancing anyway abraham his eyes were not dim he ran moses 120. okay i see you're taking me to like where you took me the other time yeah two places that you've taken me now you don't want to go castles again if you won't be under your you know forget about the same no no forget oh my god if you take all right so many advice from men remember sleep slap their wives up into you don't even want to show these and they're always in pain and nobody seems to be talking to them i think that we have recycled men not processed men i mean recycled because it's like the old nature scene in many of the the i mean the past or even the present um men are seen also have been have been recycled just like political politicians what i mean is this is like we don't see people really responding to change as it were the culture has gotten into so many men that it is difficult for them to change as it was in the days of our forefathers so it is even now it was a normal common thing for men of my father's days to abuse their wives because they had many it was just normal i remember when my father was alive because he had fortune he had four wives he had a cake that if he wants to deal with any friends than any of them not my mother because my mother happened to be closer in age at the not available visit the iniquity as it were of that what he did by using the king wow and he will shut the door apply the key so how how did you become different you agree of saying that when jesus christ came into my life everything changed i had that same mental perception mindset that women are just like material things that you acquire and then you can dispose but when i give my life to christ and then i i began to reflect on what i saw when my father and the other women were you know living i felt that no it was an abuse and i felt that i wouldn't have busy woman in my life not of course i can abuse you not even any lady around me so you know i want to advise me out there they should please look at people who have good examples to shoot for living and emulate them don't emulate even though maybe your father or your your grandfather the way you used to treat your mom don't emulate that be a new version of yourself change i think it is an act of craziness or insanity for imagining to beat him yeah which part of our body do you want to eat which part even if even if the woman is running a mouth like this entry it doesn't matter you shouldn't take it and then i feel that you i just have to take my kind of flesh from you it is not i think it is abnormal the same thing the way you handle your children your children are fragile you can't just beat nonsense out of your son or your daughter because he offends you yeah you can use the words of mouth you can use a little kid but don't beat an annoyance or else you will destroy the egg group of that child and at the same time you can even launch the child in the process i have seen somebody a man too late now that broke the heap of his son when he was beating him the boy is the man is the boy is not a man he's married but he's still limping and you cannot forget that it was my father that did that so why do you want to live that kind of a life and as men don't be irresponsible don't be responsible provide for your own family i mean care for your children care for your wife provide i mean that's why you are there don't you brag that i don't you know me man you're a man if you have means if a man that does not have means he's a poor man man so take care of you be proud that we're a man i mean one of the things that as men that make us proud which of course uh boosts our is the ability to provide and then you scan your feeder and say um honey have you seen the money i pulled under your pillow you could check it is that enough if it's not do not just let me know that is the pride of a husband and the pride of the father paying your children's coffees regularly taking them out on vacation caring for them changing their dresses and then putting food on the table for them i know that fingers are nautical i know and as much as possible you can do whatever you can afford to do just to make sure you are not an absentee father that you are there i mean that is this awesome thank you thank you thank you for leaving what you preach [Applause] happy birthday again i wish i could do it again again oh my god it doesn't like it the things that accompany birthdays you know and that's one thing you are at this and if you see my shoes man you deserve it let's see man thank you so much okay appreciate it we're glad to be a part of your life we'll see you again it's part of my husband's 67th birthday wow thank you thank you sir very much [Music]
Channel: Funke Felix-Adejumo
Views: 129,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marriage, family, Funke Adejumo, Burj khalifa, Dubai, turkey, interview
Id: ulbMjhw5pJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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