F-22 Raptor Vs Dassault Rafale Dogfight | Digital Combat Simulator | DCS |

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all right here's the deal guys since that uh rafale mod thoroughly kicked my ass in the last video i have brought the f-22 to fight him this time we're gonna make him fight something a little bit more on his own level now the rafale is considered a 4.5 gen the f-22 raptor is a fifth gen so technically i am the better aircraft but we'll see if it can hold its own against the f-22 at this point nothing that we have thrown at the f-22 uh could even remotely present the challenge for the f-22 so we'll see how this goes here's the one circle merge if you remember he crushed me in these when we did the hornet fight and i literally just matched that turn so that's nice fox two missed now from what i've heard the rafael has a reduced ir signature from a front aspect so that would explain why that 9x missed um but here he is he's dumping his nose and i'm just like basically just rudder turning into him here it's only a matter of time at this point i'm way inside of a circle and fox 2 right here splash wander fell he's not so tough when you fight him with an f22 you know splash one all right that feels better that that makes me feel a lot better for what happened in the last video now if you guys are wondering this f22 that you're seeing here this is the upgraded f22 it is not yet available for release um as soon as it is i will let you know grinnelli is still working on it the link for the old f 22 if you want to get it is going to be in the video description below so go ahead and grab that it will also have instructions for how to install it in there so um yes but this f22 this is a slightly upgraded version and you know i love it i think it's a fantastic mod maybe the best mod in dcs ever there's the merge and we tried to take him to circle there but he's decided to dump his nose still good for us because the distance is really far and he fired fox 2 from here look at that a9x just go straight for the flares i guess that's the reduced ir signature of the uh rafale that's what that's supposed to be and i think he got yep okay he's on oh yeah see all right he just lost control of his aircraft he got a little bit too fancy there on the way down he pushed the aircraft a little too far he's now recovered pointing away from me very bad for him fox 2 and splash 1. that's what happens when you get a little too fancy and you know honestly he probably pushed the aircraft to its limit trying to beat the f-22 and just lost control that's probably what happened there now admittedly this fight with the f-22 and the rafael not as easy for the f-22 as it was with the sukhoi 27. um that was the easiest fight i mean i didn't really have to pay attention in that fight at all um the f-22 did all the work but with the rafael it's a little bit different i do have to you know kind of pay attention to what's going on but the f-22 does still feel really dominant over the rafale keep in mind that these are both mods as these aircraft are both classified for the most part the f-22 very classified and so they don't represent the exact performance of these aircraft in case in fact some people may want to point out that they are pretty far off but we don't know because they're classified in the merger we went to circle and right here i'm gonna try hitting him with an amram i didn't even track all right no worries we're back to sidewinders he's going for the vertical this time he's trying to see if the vertical will help him out i can tell you right now it won't the f 22's got him completely locked up fox 2 1. it's just so easy in the f-22 man it's just so easy i don't think there's anything out there that can take out the f-22 so back to my last thought i think if there's one mod out there maybe that can take out the f-22 it may be the sukhoi 57 but again that is scheduled when the f22 is finished i will be fighting feisty f22 versus sukhoi 57 and uh we're gonna see how that fight goes place your bets in the comment section below i'm interested to see what you guys think um all right last fight we're gonna do with the rafael i think we've proven the point and i feel a lot better um having killed this thing in so many rounds now and that's a merge that's a hell of a merge and he goes straight for the vertical right there i'm gonna go ahead and lock him up he's got a magic off fox 2 or sorry that was a fox three and no worries here as we point the nose at him okay we're in a downward spiral he's gonna regret doing this with the f22 watch this just kick the rudder in fox 2 lock and this is where the panic starts because i got 9 x's and i'm just pointing my nose at him and eventually he's either gonna you know go crazy with the flares as i start pulling the nose around or he's gonna do something crazy everybody always panics close to the deck look at this oh you're not getting out of that oh maneuver kill see that's panic all right guys quick tack view review here uh f22 rafael now we're carrying two sidewinders and two fox threes each he is carrying the meteor i am carrying the amram however the meteor not really useful to him in this situation neither was the amram to be honest but you know we carried them just for realism sakes anyway here's the merge and couple things i want to talk to you about right here so this guy is getting this rafale is getting oh a big thank you to last taco for flying this video for us so the rafale here is gonna pull 25.3 and the f22 is getting 25 18 to 21 22 to 19 20 to 22 23 to 21 24 to 23 24 24 and now they're matched so actually the f22 has gotten better rates through that turn at the initial stage here you can see again 21 23 2121 2021 and but then look at this circle right the f 22 circle is much better and let's have a look at the initial speed i forgot to look at that mach 0.73279 so fairly even f 22 getting better performance in the one circle and you saw what this thing could do against the hornet in terms of uh you know one circle performance again i'll repeat this again these are mods they don't represent the real capabilities of the aircraft we're just having some fun basically comparing two mods and so that sidewinder honestly 9x has almost always hit and this mod reduces the ir signature of the rafale but i don't think that you know it would be such a reduction that a 9x would miss the way that it does because the 9x consistently misses head-on shots against the rafale maybe if it was a 9m you know you could say that but the 9x is just a little too good to be missing the way it is so i wonder if they have you know reduced the ir signature a little bit too much when it comes to the rafael anyway so there's the merge he goes for the vertical flips it around to come one circle again and look at this f22 just pointing his nose back up so got the lock right there he fires his magic pre-flaring no problem for the f 22 and then roll it over and at this point i'm saving my last fox 2. i still don't want to shoot it yet i'm waiting for a good solution you can see right here locked from here he's locked all right so that that's a quite that's pretty significant and that is a 9x shot in my opinion you could probably hit him now the reason i don't shoot is because the 9x i just want to get that rear aspect shot if possible and really increase the probability of kill here is an incorrect you know turn reversal instead of continuing the turn in the direction that he was going we get the turn reversal we see this quite often in a lot of dog fights sometimes you know it but you do it in the moment i do it all the time it happens you know mistakes happen you could also even argue he was trying to force the one circle again there as he went by but you know a very late turn reversal and at this point he realizes that the f-22 is behind him and it's sitting right inside the circle look at that i mean good luck shaking an f-22 when it's sitting right there and then another turn reversal out in front of the f-22 again pre-flaring anticipating the fox 2 shot i think at this point you know he looks back and realizes what he's done and from his perspective what he would be seeing as he looks up how do i get this stupid line okay as he looks out of his cockpit he's going to see an f 22 right there looking right at him and so he starts dropping some flares fox 2 comes off that's a good kill all right so that's gonna be the video for today guys um big thank you to last taco and big thank you to all you for watching um f22 once again victoria's as expected and me feeling a lot better after the video yesterday against the hornet alright guys thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one bye guys
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 385,117
Rating: 4.8395786 out of 5
Keywords: DCS, Digital, combat, simulator, dcs supercarrier, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, J-15, South China Sea, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, Mig-29, how to, tutorial, guide, F-18 Hornet, Microsoft flight simulator, BFM, Eagle Dynamics, JF-17 Thunder, F35, super carrier, korea, air combat, world war 2, war thunder, navy, fulcrum, us military, defence, Mirage, dogfight, f22, f18, hornet, f16, rafale, french, f14, tomcat, viper, f22 raptor, raptor
Id: p923GulA3wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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