F-15 Eagle vs F-14 Tomcat | Garry Goff

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if you enjoy our videos and podcasts and would like us to continue putting out regular quality content head over to patreon.com review where you can donate monthly and in return you will get rewards ranging from early interview viewings bonus clips credited as a producer and much more thank you and enjoy and obviously we're gonna have to get into this gary because our viewers are gonna be loving this you fought the f-14s i think was it 87-88 i can't remember yeah it was in the 80s yes uh the so tell us about that oh man oh where's my bats oh man i've got this one you lost not loving it okay top guns out okay we all we all watch top gun and we're all going oh wow cool no you can't do that oh wow cool no you can't do that anyway so it's out there and everybody's you know you got groupies hanging out and all this kind of stuff so we're in the philippines uh getting ready to do a uh weapons training we're gonna launch missiles and i got to launch a a9 a lima a9 lima against the drone so the carl vinson shows up and it's gonna they want to go play so they've got a7 it's got fight a7 and he's got the fight a4 uh uh and their 14 shows up and we're like this is cool so we made a patch like this and we put the f-14 in it and we put our gun site over and we put you lost that loving feeling it's somewhere i can't find it anyway so we love this stuff so of course they didn't like us for that and we said your mother wears combat boots and we have a lot of fun we love rivalries just love it so a couple of our guys uh go out to the boat and all of our weapon school guys go out the boat they talked to the f-14s because they had just got done uh playing d-a-c-t with the floggers the mc23s from cameron bay oh yeah so these guys so we want to learn about you know uh how do you uh uh fly with and protect the a wax their uh s3 or whatever it is with the the frisbee on top and they told us about good things and bad things about it and how they did all their stuff so that was really cool we really want to find out so we said are you guys going to be around i said yeah we're going to be here for a while so i said good when we do coke thunder which is like red flag here in the united states they they entered into the engagement so they got to fight so we got to fight them and their f4s and all this stuff so this big huge air war that we're gonna get to fight and um it's uh i don't know probably hundreds of aircraft they're gonna go and engage each other so um we find a a flight of uh f-14s and so being the good air force fighter plots that we are we went the hell with the mission let's go find a14s and they were probably thinking yeah so and we call them turkeys you know uh we didn't call them tomcats we call them turkeys because when they sweep their wings forward they look like a turkey man the big old feathers and everything like that and because they didn't like that either so that's fine um anyway so we went out and man i'm gonna tell you what that was the most fun because they're just air-to-air guys they're so we're fighting pure air-to-air guys that they're not bomb droppers they don't have to deal with any of the other stuff they just spent all their time doing air there which is all we did is air to air so as this is it we're going to get to go turn and burn with these guys and i will tell you that uh that would be the one disadvantage that i would have to say about the f-14 is that you know what it's going to do because if the wings come forward you know it's turning with us i suppose if the wings are swept back it's going to be gone it's leaving town it's it's like an f-104 it's gone or uh it just just it just goes so once we saw that the wings were sweeping forward we knew that as we went to turn they're gonna turn we knew that instinctively they're gonna do that anyway because we wanted to turn with these guys and it was um a most enjoyable fight it was we just the heck with the rest big 50 to 80 to 100 airplane packages doing bomb dropping on crow valley range and they're doing all this to where the two of us are versus two of them and we were just it was it was most enjoyable it is a uh but we're gonna have to push you on this gary who who came out on top we did oh we're gonna say that you just know that i mean you don't even need to ask the question i mean okay it was because we said uh no kills till beyond past the three nine line so that you because both of us carrying sevens so we radar missiles you shoot them in the face and we're both carrying we're either carrying limas or mike's not 89 limas or mikes those are both face shooters so we wanted to make sure that it happened past the three nine lines so we could turn yeah who instead who goes pure vertical who stays there it was just it was a blast because here's two of the biggest airplanes out there because realize both of us are about the same size of a b17 uh the f-15 is i think only five feet shorter than a b-17 oh wow and the f-14 i think is the same length and when the wings come out then it's also the same uh close to that same length i've been told i can't remember that's true or not it's probably close enough that you go this is a big aircraft and both of us are big airplanes uh and we're both very powerful engines man and they want to turn and we want to turn and that's when it's fun you get into a knife fight in a phone booth and it's just a lot of fun so you get into what's called vertical scissors rolling scissors that ends up coming down and you're doing this kind of stuff everyone's trying to pull to their high six so you can shoot them because we limited the shots to uh a9 papa's which is uh in about a 60 60-degree cone and behind you so that because you can shoot with the new game not well now they got laser-guided or whatever but back in the day back when i was flying the a9 limas and mike's you could shoot a beam because it could be good to get the heat source off the engines well that's not fair i mean well yeah it's fair because it's good for us but i want to get back here to be able to get into a guns tracking solution that's the whole idea we just want to get to the guns and see what you can do that's really what this is all about what i did hit like as a side note here uh gary um like i heard like the f-14 crews were a bit sneaky sometimes so dude no never you can't believe that put the wings back so you think you're going yeah yeah now like apparently that's like a thing i i didn't even know that but like so you f-15 guys were like oh he's gone he's going to speed heap but he's actually not yeah so hopefully he didn't fall for that one gary oh they were that's why we wanted to fight him because he just didn't trust him [Laughter] because they they fought different than the air force guys yeah the navy guys all fought different they were a lot more they were pressed to test the rules all the time they would they would the rules of their combat for safety the what is it in the movie top gun the rules the rules of engagement are for your safety and safety of your crew or whatever that that was so true in the air force that we did not violate these rules because you would get in a lot of trouble the navy the fighter pods would push those rules uh whether it be the deck the ten thousand foot deck or a thousand foot bubbles when we cross each other these guys come in easily 500 feet i mean they would come close aboard a lot of other things they do and so it was it was very uh challenging to fight these guys the rules that we had that we were used to fighting did not apply as once and i remember in the debrief one of our guys stood up and said make some comment about you didn't follow you got it and the f-14 guys just looked at him and all of us were like oh dude don't do that you're embarrassing me and the f-14 guys ate this guy's lunch in public and i said dude just relax man okay we're doing what we're supposed to be doing let's just keep going so yeah fighting navy guys and marine corps guys record guys didn't care they're just gonna kill you i mean that's just the marine corps you know yeah okay they blow things up and shoot people you know it's just it was very uh you really got your skills challenged when you fought these guys and what was much more combat oriented because the enemy isn't going to follow the rules yeah they're not going to fall the russians aren't going to follow these rules russians ram you or whatever so you gotta dude so i thoroughly enjoyed fighting navy guys and marine corps guys i really did much more than air force guys just because they pushed the boundaries and as well they should
Channel: Aircrew Interview
Views: 167,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: f-14 tomcat, tomcat, f-15 eagle, f-14 vs f-15, f-15 pilot, f-14 pilot, f-14 documentary, f-15 documentary, f-15 pilot garry goff, fighter pilot interview, f-15 pilot interview, afterburner takeoff, garry goff, aircrew interview, f-14 dogfight
Id: j_Om-PajajM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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