Ezekiel 28: A Representation of the Antichrist and Satan | Pastor Roger Jimenez

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streak board and for the respirator got to love you in Jesus name I pray amen amen all right well we're there in Ezekiel chapter number 28 and we've been working our way through the Book of Ezekiel on Wednesday nights just going verse R chapter by chapter excuse me every every week and just going through studying in the chapters learning from it he's equal 20 it's an interesting chapter a lot of interesting chapters in the Book of Ezekiel but he's equal 20 it's a very interesting chapter and then we're just gonna go through and show you what this chapters about I'll give you some things right now but just kind of by way of introduction this chapter is divided into two sections there's two parts the first part is addressing the Prince of Tyre and then the second part is addressing the king of Tyre now the Prince the word Prince throughout the Bible and in in the Book of Ezekiel is not in reference sometimes when we think of a prince we think of like the son of a king but the word Prince is often used just for any sort of leaders the same word that we use principalities and powers it's referring to a leader and it's actually referring to the same person the reason that there's a distinction there is because one is we're referring to the Prince the actual human leader and then the other is referring to Satan and how Satan is using him so this this chapter actually deals with using the same leader of Tyre and if you remember for the last few chapters we've been learning about the destruction of tyre and in this chapter what Ezekiel is doing is he's talking about the leader of tyre but he's using him as a representation and when he refers to him as the Prince of Tyre he's talking about the physical leader of tyre but he's picturing for us the coming Antichrist then later in the chapter when he begins to refer to him as the king of tyre he's still talking about the physical leader of tyre but he begins to use him as a representation of Satan so you'll see that there's two parts this chapter let's begin with the Prince of Tyre as a picture of the Antichrist you're there in Ezekiel 28 look at verse number 1 the Bible says this the word of the Lord came again unto me saying son of man say unto and I want you notice again the prints of tires she's referring to him as he prints he says thus saith the Lord God because thine heart is lifted up and we'll come back to that phrase later in the sermon and now has said I am God so I want you to notice that the Prince of Tyre who's the physical king of tyre his heart was lifted up and he was saying and this what he said he said I am God and then he said this he said I sit in the seat of God so he said I am God and I sit in the seat of God in the midst of the season now if you remember in Ezekiel chapter 27 we went through and looked and saw how how tyre pictured end times Babylon so it makes sense that we just got done with Ezekiel using tyre as a picture of end times Babylon and then in chapter 28 we're talking about the leader of tyre as a picture of the Antichrist it makes sense that that's what he would do but he talks about this prince of tyre and he says that it's in the midst of the seats now the reason he says that is because of course tyre is an island in surrounded by by the oceans by those seas but what's interesting is that and I won't develop this because we don't have time for it but when you study Babylon and times Babylon it's often referred to as a city or a nation that is in the midst of the Seas that's one of the reasons why we believe the United States of America many reasons why we believe the Unites States America is n times Babylon but one reason is because the United is America surrounded by different oceans and it's in the midst of the Seas but he says in the midst of the Seas yet thou art a man and not God though thou set thine heart as the heart of God now I want you to keep your blazer in Ezekiel 28 that's our text for tonight but go with me to second Thessalonians chapter number 2 second Thessalonians chapter number two and in the New Testament if you can find the t books they're all clustered together you got first and second Thessalonians first and second Timothy and Titus go to second Thessalonians chapter 2 and I want you notice verse number 1 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 is a passage about the end times 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and look at verse number one second Thessalonians 2:1 says this now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ so of course we're referring to end times and by our gathering together unto Him and again this is I'm not preaching on this but here's a great verse that you can show someone who believes in the pre-tribulation rapture today those who believe in the pre-tribulation rapture will say well the rat-look the rapture of believers and the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ are two different events and if you don't know what I'm talking about or you're not not sure what the Bible teach about end times we have a great documentary we can give you called after tribulation where we go through and explain all that but here in those verse he says by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto him why does he say it that way because according to the Bible the gathering together unto Him the rapture is the coming of Lord Jesus Christ it's the same event look at verse 2 that ye be not soon shaken in mind or troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ is at hand here's another belief from the pre-tribulation rapture they'll say well the the rapture is imminent it could happen at any moment it could happen before we're done tonight but here Paul is saying look I'm coming to you in regards to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto Him and he says look don't let anyone don't be soon shaken in mind or troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as that the day of Christ and any of you and again I don't intend developpers I'm not preaching on this tonight but if you study that phrase the day of Christ and it's connected to the rapture it's it's very clear in Scripture if you look it up throughout the Bible the day of Christ is the rapture he says don't let anybody to make you believe or let you believe that the day of Christ is at hand and hand meeting it's the next thing that's going to happen it's the next event it's the next thing on on God's prophetic to-do list he says don't let people tell you that it's just it could happen in any moment is the next thing that's gonna happen you say well why look at verse three he says let no man deceive you by any means for that day what day the day of Christ the coming of the Lord of the us being gathered together to him he says let no man deceive you by any means for that they shall not come it could happen at any moment it could happen today you know before the service is over we could get raptured he says look let no man deceive you by any means for that they shall not come notice except there come a falling away first so he says look it's not gonna happen till their first comes of falling away and the word falling away there is talking about a great apostasy in fact the the underlying Greek word and we don't go back to the Greek around here the King James Bible is perfect but it's just interesting to note that the underlying Greek word for falling away there is apostasy a' it's referring to the fact that there's going to come a great apostasy there's gonna come a great time where people will not endure sound doctrine well people will turn away their ears from the truth where they're not going to want to hear true biblical preaching he says look let no man deceive you by any means for that they shall not come except there come a falling away first notice and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who is that that's the Antichrist and he says look that day is not gonna come until their first comes of falling away and you say well how will I really know that I mean there's always been a false doctrine there's always been corruption of God's Word but then he says this also that man of sin is gonna be revealed the son of perdition he said he said the raptures not gonna happen there the gathering together unto him it's not gonna happen the day of the Lord is not going to happen until that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition I mean look we've just been going through this verse I'm not even I'm trying to get to verse number four I just want to give you the context and we're just going through this verse line upon line is pretty clear that the rapture is not just going to happen at any moment okay there are some things it's not at hand there's not there's certain things that need to happen what are they there needs to be a falling away and that man of sin needs to be revealed the son of perdition notice verse 4 so he says look the man of sin is going to be revealed verse 4 who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God so what does that man is sin going to do he's going to exalt himself above all that is called God your finger right there go back to Ezekiel 28 look at verse 2 we just read in 2nd Thessalonians 2:4 about the Antichrist who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God what does Ezekiel say about the Prince of Tyrus he says son of man say unto the Prince of Tyrus thus saith the Lord God because thine heart is lifted up and thou has said I am God so notice the Prince of Tyre is picturing the Antichrist because the Prince of Tyre says I am God the Antichrist exalted himself above all that is called God you say well how do you know that's exactly about the Antichrist I mean there's lots of people who have said that they are God but notice the next phrase in verse 2 he says I sit the Antichrist the Prince of Tyre who's representing the Antichrist he says I sit in the seat of God well how does he do that go back to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 look at verse 4 who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped notice so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that He is God so what is the Antichrist how do you how are you gonna know that it is the Antichrist here's how you're gonna know he's gonna rebuild the temple and then he's gonna sit in in this in the seat of God he's gonna sit in the Holy of Holies in the mercy seat where God would meet with his people the Antichrist is gonna sit himself there he asked God sitting in the temple of God showing himself that He is God and then the Prince of Tyre were told that he said I am God I sit in the seat of God so we see that the Prince of Tyre is a picture or a representation of the Antichrist and it makes sense because tyre we just went to a whole sermon last week talked about how tyre is a picture of Babylon go back to Ezekiel 28 and look at verse number 3 and I don't have time to go back and and redo the Babylon sermon from tyre but it's interesting because just just this week I was reading in Isaiah about the destructions and my personal Bible reading about about the destruction of tyre and it's called it goes on and on about how there are merchants and the merchants of the world it's called the Mart of Nations that's what I say it cause it like we have a Walmart or you know we have a Kmart well they had tire Mart it was the Mart of Nations and then it says this that she committed fornication with the kings of the earth that's what Isaiah chapter 23 says about tyre well that's what revelation says about Babylon that she committed fornication so there's even more evidence how tyre is a picture of Babylon but go back to Ezekiel 28 verse 3 he says behold thou art wiser than Daniel and look you got to be real impressed with this Daniel you know what I mean I mean we're not talking about a biblical character who lived and died hundreds of years before Ezekiel Daniel is alive at the time of Ezekiel Daniel is his contemporary he's alive right then and there but he's already distinguished himself and of course if you know the stories of Daniel you know that he's an amazing character but he's already distinguished himself to such a way that he's even being referenced we saw earlier he was referenced in the Book of Ezekiel in earlier chapters and here he is saying he's complimenting the Antichrist or the Prince of Tyre by saying behold thou art wiser than Daniel and then notice this there is no secret that they can hide from thee now again if the Prince of Tyre is referring to or representing or picturing the Antichrist and we're seeing the exaltation here of the Antichrist how he sits in the seat of God he declares himself God well have you studied the book of Revelation you know that the Antichrist has basically two two agendas or two steps to where he takes over the world the first is that he brings in a one-world government as a political leader he's not a religious leader at all he's just a political leader comes on the scene he goes out to war and make war he conquers the world he unites the world through leagues through through treaties and he becomes the in any and he brings about a one-world government once he's accomplished that and I don't have time to I preach sermons on this before you can study it out later once he accomplishes that the Bible tells us he receives a wound a deadly wound and of course he's the Antichrist meaning yet he's trying to take the place of Christ he's a false so of course he dies and then resurrects three days later just imitating Christ and then the false prophet shows up and the false prophet is the one who begins to tell people hey this is not just a political leader this is not just a man this is God that's when they build a temple that's when he sits in the temple of God and he sitteth in the seat of God any citizen temple God showing himself that He is God that's when they built the abomination of desolation that's when they begin to worship the abomination of desolation that's when the Great Tribulation begins that's when the worldwide persecution of believers begins because you have to take the mark to be able to eat to be able to buy to be able to sell and all of those things but connected with all that we understand that as the world becomes more united because even today we can see the steps that are taking us closer to a united world the United Nations right as we get closer to the one-world government cuz that's what Babylon if you remember Babylon is named from the Tower of Babel which was attempting to unite the entire world under a one government structure they had their Tower and it's gonna be the government of the world and then what were they trying to do with their Tower they were trying to get up to heaven it was a one-world religion as well it's all connected we know now you and I living in this world today that what's being used to be able to bring the world the way that they're going to be able to to put out the mark of the beast and put people to death or not taking the mark these they're gonna be able to do it with with surveillance right and that's what we're living and that's what we're seeing we're starting to live and and a high surveillance type culture where everything we do is videotape everywhere we go once you have a chip on your finger they're gonna know everything about you and you know we're living with big brother right that that that's how the one-world government is going to go well it's interesting because he says about the Prince of Tyrus who represents the Antichrist in verse three he says behold our wives within Daniel there is no secret they can hide from thee you know and that might be a reference to the big brothers state of the end times where it's just you're not gonna there's not you're gonna be able to hide anything from the government they're gonna know everything about you they're gonna know everything everywhere you go and everything and that's in there and we already see them trying to push towards that and pull towards that today so we saw the rise of the Antichrist or the exaltation how he exalts himself above all that is called God but let's look real quickly at the decline of the Antichrist those verse 4 he says this with thy wisdom and with that understanding that was gotten D riches and has gotten gold and silver into thy treasures by that great wisdom and by thy traffic that was increased by riches in thine heart is lifted up because I rich is therefore thus saith the Lord God because I was set by heart as a heart of God alright so he's he's setting himself as a heart of God he thinks he's God notice verse 7 behold therefore I will bring strangers upon thee the terrible of the nations and they shall draw their sword against the beauty of thy wisdom and they shall defile the brightness they shall bring thee down to the pit now what's the pit it's hell and if you study that phrase out the pit you'll find throughout scripture that it is referring to hell and he says they shall bring me down to the pit and thou shalt die the death of them that are slain in the midst of the Seas and I love the sarcasm you get from God every once in a while when you reading the Bible you get to see God's kind of sense of humor and a little of his sarcasm because in verse 9 he says this wilt thou yet say before him that slay thee I am God but thou shalt be a man and no God in the hand of him that Slade then he's saying look when someone and he's talking to the Prince of Tyre physically literally the Prince of Tyre and the Antichrist but he's saying when when the enemy shows up and you're sitting there on the floor begging for your life and they're holding up a sword ready to kill you are you gonna say to them well you can't kill me I'm God he said look the fact that you're you can die proves you're not God the fact that that you can be overtaken proves that you're not God the fact that an enemy can take you and kill you and destroy you he says wilt thou yet say before him that slay thee I am God and look don't realize and you have to realize this about the Lord Jesus Christ he said no man taketh my life he said I lay down my life he gave himself retire you said all the Roman it's good you know what nobody could have taken Jesus unless he allowed them to because he gave him willingly but the Antichrist he says look are you gonna tell the people that are coming after you coming against you are you to say well thou yet say before him that slay thee I am God but thou shalt be a man and no God in the hand of him that slay a fee now so died the debts of the uncircumcised by the hand of strangers for I've spoken it saith the Lord God so what this is literally talking about the Prince of Tyre but he's also picturing for us the Antichrist there's coming a leader who's going to say that he is God he's going to sit in the seat of God but his end will be in the pit his end will be in hell let's just run some verses real quickly to show you that keep your place don't use eagle twenty-eight go to Revelation chapter 19 last book in the Bible should be fairly easy to find revelation 19 we're gonna go back and forth a lot between Revelation and Ezekiel so make sure you just get to Revelation quickly but go to Revelation 19 and verse 20 Revelation 19 verse 20 remember in Ezekiel 28 8 is said about the the Prince of Tyre who pictures the Antichrist they shall bring thee down to the pit and if you study out that phrase the pit throughout scripture it's it's in reference to hell well in Revelation 19 in verse 20 and the Bible says this and the beast referring to the Antichrist was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them that I received the mark of the beast and them that worshipped His image that's what we've been talking about the the abomination of desolation the false prophet getting people to worship that image notice what the Bible says this is after Jesus we didn't read the verses but this is Jesus he comes on the white horse the king of kings and Lord of lords his name is the word of God he comes down and he takes the beast and the false prophet notice these both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone what's the lake of fire it's hell so in Ezekiel we're told that the Antichrist ends up in the pit which is hell and then Revelation 19 were told and that the Antichrist ends up in the lake of fire which is hell and I'm just gonna go ahead and answer then some of you don't know about this excuse me or care I mean I'm gonna get some email somebody's gonna send me don't you understand you didn't go to Bible College so you must understand that theologically speaking you know in Revelation 19 we're not talking about the hell in the center of the earth anymore we're talking about the lake of fire which is the uttermost parts of the earth you know out in space somewhere look we understand that but you need to understand this that Jesus refers to both as hell and death and he'll were cast into the lake of fire so we understand that I don't have time if you have you know talking about it's fine don't worry bout it I'll preach about it another time but we understand that there's a place in the Sun of the earth called hell right now that's not where hell will always be one day God will take death and hell and cast it into the lake of fire the point is this the Prince of Tyre who represents the Antichrist and the Antichrist are both going to end up the same place it's a place of fire and torment and brimstone it's called the pit it's called the lake of fire it's called hell that's where he's gonna end up the decline of the Antichrist is hell now keep your place in Revelation we're gonna come back to it go back to Ezekiel 28 and I just just want to minimize the amount of emails we get so we're talking about the Prince of Tyre as a picture of the Antichrist and we saw the exultation of the Antichrist and the decline of the Antichrist he exalts himself he calls himself God he hits in the seat of God we saw in in Thessalonians how that's a reference to sitting in the temple in the seat of God but then in verse 20 verses 11 and 12 we have a shift notice what it says he's equal 28 verse 11 moreover the word of the Lord came unto me saying so we have a new kind of introduction to an additional part a second part to this chapter he says this and a man take up a lamentation upon notice the king of Tyre now earlier was the Prince of Tyre now it's the king of Tyre we're still talking about the same man but the reason that he changes the title is because now Ezekiel's gonna use this man as a representation of Satan you say well how do you know it's Satan knows what he says verse 12 son of man take up a lamentation upon the king of tires and say it to him thus saith the Lord God now see this up the sum full of wisdom and perfect in beauty verse 13 thou has been in heed the Garden of God so he's talking to the king of Tyre but he's not really talking to the king of Tyre he snuck him to the guy that controls the king of Tyre which is Satan and he says hey king of Tyrus thou has been in the Eden in the gut in the in Eden the garden of God now look let's just go to it just real quickly go to Genesis chapter 3 just cuz I want you to see something there but you know the story there's only three people in the Garden of Eden and God of course and the Lord I believe the Lord Jesus Christ walked through the garden and fellowship with with Adam other than God we have Adam Eve and then we've got the serpent Genesis chapter 3 look verse one Genesis chapter 3 verse 1 I just want you to see this now the serpent I just want to see that word serpent cuz it's gonna come up later about Satan now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yea hath God said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden and here's what's interesting what does he go on to tell her he goes on to tell her hey you can be like God that's what he told the Antichrist you can be like God that's what he told the Mormons you can be like God yes you know that's what he's telling that's what he told all the evolutionists you can evolve and you can be like God you can be like some sort of a superhero you're gonna involve and you're gonna be able to fly and you're gonna be like God this is the lie this is the doctrine this is the religion of the devil he says now the serpent was more subtle a bee as a field now go to Revelation chapter 12 remember we saw the serpent because because people said well how do we know the serpent was a devil how do we know that the serpent was Satan I mean Genesis 3 never tells us that maybe we just think that and we made it into into some sort of a story where serpents are bad or whatever but in Revelation chapter 12 in verse 9 the Bible says this and the Great Dragon was cast out notice that old serpent why is he called old because he's been around since the Garden of Eden he says and the Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan he's given us all his wicked all his evil names he wants us to know who we're talking about the dragon the serpent the devil Satan which received the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him I want you remember that it says the angels were cast out with him so he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him go go back to Ezekiel chapter 28 so I want you to notice that we are referring now we've always been referring to the the prince the leader the physical human leader of Tyrus in the beginning of the chapter he was a representation or a picture of the Antichrist now he's a representation or a picture of Satan of the dragon of the serpent the devil the Satan look verse 13 now is bida and eat in the garden of God every precious stone was like covers the sardius topaz the diamond Barrow the Onyx Jasper the Sapphire the emerald the carbuncle and gold notice what it says the workmanship of thy tablets and of thy pipes this is referring to instruments to parts that would be in an instrument like a pipe organ he says the workmanship of the tablets and of thy pipes was prepared notice these words in thee in the day that that was created now later on in this chapter we're going to be told if you look down at verse number 14 actually look at verse 14 it says thou art the anointed cherub that covereth and we're told that Satan is in an angelic type being but we're specifically told needs yields 1:8 that he is a cherub now if you've been with us through the Ezekiel series you remember that in Ezekiel chapter 1 and in Ezekiel chapter 10 we spent a lot of time talking about the chair the the the cherubs because they they're described in a lot of detail in the Book of Ezekiel here we're told that that Satan himself was one of those cherubs and I want you to notice that the Bible seems to indicate or hint towards this and I don't understand it and I'm not gonna pretend I understand it it's just kind of my thoughts as I read it it seems to indicate that these cherubs they're they're they're called beasts throughout the Bible which means animal they're an animal but they they seem to have some sort of like they seem to be like a hybrid they've got these mechanical parts to their bodies because Satan had the tablets and the pipes that were prepared in thee in the day that that was created his body was created as a musical instrument his body actually produced music and it has tablets and pipes in it now this is not just this is not just in reference to Satan as a cherub the Bible tells us all of these cherubs seem to have these mechanical functions that are connected to their bodies go to Ezekiel chapter 10 let's look at it quickly because if you've been with us Ezekiel you've heard me talk about this before but let's look at it EASYGO type of 10 easy go chapter 10 look verse 9 he's equal 10 9 says listen when I look behold there's it says the four wheels by the cherubims one wheel by one chair of another wheel by another cherub and the appearance of the wheels was as the color of barrel of stone a barrel stone verse 10 and as for the appearance they four had one likeness as if a wheel had been in the midst of a wheel when they went they went upon their four sides they turned not as they went but to the place whither the head looked they followed it they turned not as they went verse 12 and their whole body and their backs and their hands and their wings and the wheels were full of eyes round about even the wheels that they four had so here we've got cherubims that they've got these wheels okay so Said's it was a cherub and he had tablets and he had pipes that were prepared in him these cherubims they've got wheels you say well what's that about well go to Psalm 68 Psalm 68 and look at verse number 17 if you open up your Bible just right in the center Psalm 68 and while you go there let me just let me let me just cuz people say man wheels you know what are you talking about but these things they're not they're not to foreign to even our world and this may be speaking to and I talked about this back when I preached in Ezekiel 10 but there may be something similar in biology that that would be like these wheels of what it's talking about and it's called a flagellum let me just read to you let me read this for you real quickly it says a flagellum is a whip like structure in cells we're talking about cellular biology but it says that they've got this whip like structure in cells that allows a cell to move the flagella are able to propel itself by spinning their tail like part and in either clockwise or counterclockwise direction this action propels them and allows them to move and when you see it they look like will so and I'm not saying that this is what the chat rooms are I'm just saying that we do have something in nature right now in our world that we could look how it's it's organic in the sense that it's a creature it's something it's a cell is something God created but it's got these mechanical type things or it's got like a wheel that allows it to propel maybe that's something similar to what we're seeing here in Ezekiel 10 I don't know I don't know here's think I don't know you don't know alright so we'll have to find out when we get to heaven but I want you to notice in Psalm 68 in verse 17 and again I brought this up before when we were in Ezekiel temp let me just show it to you again Psalm 68 17 says this the chariots of God are 20,000 even thousands of angels the Lord is among them as in Sinai in the holy place here we're told that the cherries of God are 20,000 even thousands of angels and there's a connection that's being made between the chariots of God and the angels of God well if we know that cherubims have wheels there's other references I know I don't have in my notes oh you'll have to look it up later there's other references where we actually see the Lord writing on a cherub so you know in this is totally my opinion just based off of what we have in Scripture and what we can put together if you don't agree with me that's fine you can go to second reading this chapter 11 though I tell you but my thoughts are this that these cherubs are these cherubims they are angelic type beings but there bill they're built with certain purposes and they're like these hybrids where God has chariots but instead of having chariots he just has cherubims with wheels on him or God wants music so instead of having a pipe organ and a trumpet he has a cherub with pipes and tablets in his body that creates music and these animals these bees these angelic beings are there to serve God and to minister to him in heaven so if I take a guess as to what we're talking about what we're talking about because it says they have wheels then God calls them chariots it says that Satan had had pipes and tablets in his body I would say that these beings are being built for some sort of purpose and theirs they got these like kind of hybrid type things going on all right so that's our sci-fi for tonight go to second Corinthians chapter 11 Luke verse 14 I just want to show you though that Satan is an angelic being second Corinthians chapter 11 and verse 14 Matthew Mark Luke John acts Romans first Corinthians second Corinthians second Corinthians chapter 11 verse 14 says this and no Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light so again just a reference to the fact that Satan is an angelic being and there's different types of angels they're not all cherubims or not all Seraphim some people don't even would not even classify a cherubim or Seraphim as an angel and whatever that you know I understand that we don't we look through a dark through a glass darkly when it comes to the spirit world and how that works but those are my thoughts for whatever it's worth go go back to his ego 28 let me show you something else about Satan that's kind of interesting in this chapter he's equal 28 in verse 14 I want you to notice what it says about him he's ego type of 28 and verse 14 it says thou art the anointed cherub that covereth I want you to notice that he's called the anointed cherub that covereth and I have set these so that was upon the holy mountain of God the holy mountain of God is always a reference to the temple of God or to where God lives where God dwell now I was walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire that was perfect in my ways from the day that was created till iniquity was found in thee 4:16 by the multitude that I merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence and now has sent therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God and I will destroy thee as once your nose is frayed we're gonna come back to some of those phrases here a little bit but I want to notices Oh covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire so here we're told not only he was he a cherub but he was the anointed cherub that covereth in verse 16 we're told that he is the covering cherub now keeper placed in Ezekiel 28 go be to the book of Exodus Exodus chapter 25 we have Genesis and Exodus second book in the Bible should be easy to find Exodus 25 and let me just make this point we know that Satan was some sort of a high-ranking angelic being where he had a very high position and he had a lot of leadership and influence among the other angelic beings and here we're told that he wasn't just a cherub right because he wasn't just a chariot cherub I mean there's lots of those chariot cherubs he's like a trumpet cherub he's like a pipe organ cherub he you know this is why people assume that he's probably in charge of the music and the the the praising of the Lord in heaven and here we're told that he's the anointed cherub that covereth it we're told he is the covering cherub now here's what's interesting in Exodus 20:5 and there's other places but we'll just look at it exits right we're told about the the construction of the tabernacle and of course when you have the construction of the tabernacle which later on is the temple basically is built in the same fashion you've got the holy area the outer court then you got the Holy of Holies where only the high priest was allowed to walk in once a year to be able to do on the day of atonement to be able to do the sacrifice in the Holy of Holies you had the Ark of the Covenant alright which were not you know some of you all you know about the ark incumbent is Indiana Jones but it's actually in the Bible and you got the Ark of the Covenant it basically is a box and they had several things in there that were sacred to God's people and on the Ark of the Covenant you had the mercy seat and this is where God would meet with his people the Ark of the Covenant represented the presence of God and God they would walk into the holy of Holy's once a year to do the sacrifice and they would sprinkle the blood seven times on the mercy seat which represented the president God this word God met with his people this of course what we just talked about is going to be in the temple there's gonna be the outer court there's gonna be the Holy of Holies there's gonna be the mercy seat where the Antichrist is gonna sit in the seat of God showing himself that He is God all right now here's what I want you notice Exodus 25 verse 16 we get a description of this Ark of the Covenant and this mercy seat notice what it says and thou shalt put let me say this before we go for it later we're told throughout scripture we're told that when Moses got a vision of this of this of this area of the of the tabernacle and all the things that the furniture he saw when he got this vision God actually showed him a vision of how it was in heaven because all of this is up in heaven Jesus when he died remember when he resurrected they tried to touch him he said don't touch me I'm not yes yet ascended to my father Jesus literally went up to the Holy of Holies in heaven to the throne of God the mercy seat and took his blood and sprinkled it seven times and will study that and learn that one day when we preach through the book of Hebrews but everything that Moses built on earth was a figure of what is actually in heaven all right I want you to understand that look at verse 16 exercise 16 and thou shalt put into the Ark of the testimony which I shall give thee and thou shalt make a mercy seat of pure gold two cubits and a half shall be the length thereof and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof and thou shalt make two cherubim notice of gold of beats and work shalt thou make them in the two ends of the mercy so he tells them I want you two to make these little cherubims two actually as declaration and I want you to put them on two ends of the mercy-seat verse 19 and make one cherub on the one end and the other cherub on the other end even of the mercy seat shall ye make the cherubims on the two ends thereof so you said I want the mercy seat and I want two cherubs on either side on the two ends of the mercy seat notice verse 20 and the cherubim shalt stretch forth their wings on high notice this word covering the mercy seat with their wings and their faces shall look one to another toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubims be go to Revelation chapter 4 here's what I want you to notice Satan was called the anointed cherub that covereth or the covering cherub Moses was told he said he was told I want you to make this to look just like it is in heaven so you need to have the Ark of the Covenant you need to have the mercy seat where God is going to meet with his people but I want you to put two cherubs there that have their wings covering the seat and I wonder if in heaven you've got cherubims that have their wings over the seat the throne of God covering the the covering the seat of God because this is what Moses was trying to copy in heaven and then you've got Satan we're told he's a cherub and we're told he's the anointed cherub that covereth and it may have been that Satan because we know he's a high-ranking individual in heaven he may have been one of these cherubs that covered the mercy seat or the throne room of God which would make sense why we would have music playing you know or have music in his body so anyway a lot of information there and a lot of things for you to write your head around but look at Revelation chapter 4 I want you to know is that the Bible does tell us that there's these these types of beasts are around the throne of God now in Revelation 4 we're not talking about cherubs or talk about seraphim's or different creatures and they're in there they're described in Isaiah and we don't have time to talk about them they're very similar but they're different but I want you to notice what it says in Revelation up to 4 in verse 6 it says and before the throne talked about the throne of God there was a sea of glass like unto crystal and in the midst of the throne and round about the throne were four beasts full of eyes before and behind remember we saw that in Ezekiel 10 the first piece was like a lion a second beast like a cap the third beast had a face as a man and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle and the four beasts had each of them six wings about him and they were full of eyes within and the rest not day and night saying holy holy holy Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come so here John gets a vision of the throne of God and he tells us that there are four Seraphim that are surrounding the throne of God and their whole job is to say holy holy holy Lord God Almighty which was and is and is to come and I would would guess that there's probably cherubims above those in fact that's what Ezekiel 1 tells us that there's cherubims above the throne of God but that there's cherubims that are covering the throne of God I would guess that those cherubims that get to cover the throne of God are pretty high ranking influential type cherubim and I would submit to you that Satan was probably one of them before he fell before he sinned before he became Satan look at Revelation chapter 12 you say well how do you know that he was a high ranking how do you know he was a high ranking influential type being well you remember when we read in Revelation chapter 10 in fact let's just go back to real quickly actually you know what good Revelation 12 and then we'll go to Revelation 10 in a minute let me let me look at my notes here and make sure that it is Revelation 10 yeah no I'm sorry it's not 10 but look at verse revelation 12 real quickly and look at verse 3 and there appeared another wonder in heaven and behold a great red dragon now we already saw who the dragon was right the great dragon the old serpent called the devil and Satan having seven heads and ten horns and seven Crown's upon his hands and his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered for to devour her child as soon as it was born so I want notice that we're told that the dragon we've already been told he's the devil Satan he goes to war with God because and we're gonna see here in Isaiah what he's trying to do but he goes to war with God and his tail drew the third part of the start well what does that mean well look at verse 9 this verse we just saw and the dragon was cast out the old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceives the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him so he drew the third part of the stars of heaven throughout the Bible those stars are represented there they represent messengers and specifically angels the dragon he goes to war with God his tail draws the third part of these stars later we're told he drew the angels he drew a third part of the angels with him and these angels become what you and I now know as demons or Devils they're fallen angels and here's here's what I'm trying to make he obviously had influence if he was able to persuade a third of the heavenly host to be able to come with him or join him or to be part of his group or his crusade go back to we've been talking a lot about just different things there's a lot in this chapter but go back to Ezekiel 28 he's equal 28 and I don't have time to develop this I'm just gonna throw this out there and you can study this out on your own but when the Bible talks about these devils or these demons he the Bible often refers to them as as reprobates and obviously they're not reprobates in the same sense that you and I are representing I that human beings can be reprobates but they're often even used as examples of human being reprobates meaning that they've been rejected that there's no way that they could get repentance there's no way that they could that they could turn it you know and hear hear my thoughts is just just my opinion but just to give you some anything about I believe that we as human beings we are each given the opportunity to be saved and it's not you you either become a reprobate which is not the majority of humans but we do know that and is the Bible says and as it is appointed unto men once to die and after this the judgment now once you die you've lost your opportunity if you did not get saved before you died then you've lost your opportunity to be saved but some people lose their opportunity before that because they become a reprobate on time times develop that we got a whole documentary called Psychopaths rep rates that you can learn about that study about that you said well what about the Angels here's the thing we as humans were not all born at the same time right Adam and Eve were created they began to have children they began to have children and so on and the world was filled angels are not that way the Bible tells us that they're not given in marriage the Bible tells us they don't have children they were all created all at the same time at the time of creation they were there is not like there's more angels being produced for that reason I believe that four angels the equivalent I'm not saying that angels get saved don't misunderstand me but the equivalent of salvation for them all happened together all at once they all had to decide are we gonna stick with God are we going to not and when they those who chose not to became the equivalent of what we would call a reprobate which is why they're used as an example if you look at Jude or 2nd Peter he's talking about reprobates and he's talking about Sodom and he's talking about the Fallen Angels how they are reserved for judgment how they're already chained you saying he's talking about others chains for their torment and all that I realized I'm giving you a lot to think of but you know that's of interest you can study that out and and maybe give me your thoughts on that as well go back to Ezekiel 28 verse 15 let me give you we're almost done let me let me finish this up we're talking about Satan right and what we've seen so far in this chapter we started talking about the Antichrist well we've seen so far in this chapter is that Satan wasn't Eden of course that's how we know it's Satan the cherub we see that he's an angelic being but he's a high-ranking angelic being that's able to influence a third of the angélica codes to come with him and then let me show you again that his end is the same and as the Antichrist Satan will be cast down to hell Ezekiel 28 verse 15 says this that was perfect in thy ways from the day that was created notice these are created till iniquity was found in thee okay so he was perfect till he said till iniquity was found in thee by the multitude I am merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence and now has sinned therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God and we saw that in revelation as well where it says that he was cast out of the red the dragon was was cast out or cast down he says I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God and I will destroy the Oh covering cherub from the midst of the stones of fire now go to Isaiah chapter fourteen we're almost done we're gonna look at something in Isaiah revelation Ezekiel revelation and we'll be done alright let's do it quickly Isaiah chapter fourteen you're there in Ezekiel you go backwards you got lamentations Jeremiah Isaiah alright so if you're in Ezekiel you go backwards lamentations Jeremiah Isaiah Isaiah 14 Ezekiel 28 is one chapter where we're given information about Satan Isaiah 14 is another chapter in the Old Testament where were given information about Satan Isaiah 14 verse 12 says this how art thou fallen from heaven Oh Lucifer so here we know his angelic name and if you remember we saw in Revelation where we were given the list of his names the the drah the great dragon the old serpent the devil and Satan notice that the name Lucifer was not put into that list the reason today we we think of the name Lucifer you say someone calls themselves Lucifer and is like oh that's scary but the truth is this that Lucifer was his his his godly name his his name when he was good that was the name that God gave him and then when he sinned and he was iniquity has found him he's no longer referred to as Lucifer he's referred to as Satan or the devil or the dragon or the serpent he says Howard thou fallen from heaven o Lucifer son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which didst weaken the nation's for thou hast said in thine heart there's what notice what Satan says same the same thing the Antichrist says I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit upon the mountain of the congregation in the sides of the north I will send above the heights of the cloud I will be like the Most High look he's saying I want to be like God he said I don't I don't want to just be The Anointed cherub that praises God and that covers the throne of God and that produces music forgot he said I want to be brought up and I want to be exalted and notice notice all the eyes there he says for that way instead of night in heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the north I will ascend above the heights of the cloud I will be like the Most High verse 15 yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the what pit why we what does the Antichrist end up in the pit and hell what is Satan end up in the pit and hell Revelation chapter 20 verse 10 says this and the devil that deceived them Revelation chapter 20 just go there quickly if you can't Revelation chapter 20 just want you to see it Revelation chapter 20 verse 10 says this and the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever this is where the Antichrist ends up this is where Satan ends up now let me just give you just a couple things just real quickly go back to Ezekiel 28 verse 18 is equal chapter 28 and verse 18 says this now as defy defiled I just want you to notice this as die sanctuaries thou has defiled by sanctuaries by the multitude of Dyne iniquities God tells us that this this cherub this devil the Satan he has sanctuaries and people often think that Oh Satan's anti-religion you you might not find a more religious person than Satan himself and he's got his own sanctuaries and you have to go back there but in Revelation chapter 2 and verse 9 we're told of the synagogue of Satan in verse Noctor 3 in verse 9 where again told of the synagogue of Satan of course that's a reference to the Antichrist religion of Judaism and the Jews today but please understand this Satan has sanctuaries he has religious worship centers and you need to understand this you need to grasp this not all religions are good in fact most religions are wicked as hell literally most religions are satanic most P and you know because here's what happens with with Christians they get this idea that like oh well anybody who names the name of Christ is saved and look I would submit to you most people who say they're Christians are gonna die and go to hell because you say well they're religious yeah but Satan's religious and that's why you can find worship centers today that they say they're worshipping Christ they say they're worshiping God yet they've got they don't have God's Word they've got Satan's corrupt version they don't got God's music they've got Satan's corrupt music we know he's a musician they don't got God they don't have God's pure doctrine of salvation by grace through faith not of works eternal security you can't lose it it's not you it's nothing about you all you do is believe on him you call upon him in something that's that's what true religion is what a saint does religion tell you I tell you it well you got Adworks well you got to repent of your sins well you better live a good life where God's gonna take it from you look you say but they're religious but state is religious look I'm here to tell you Mormonism is satanic Catholicism in case I'm not being clear Catholicism is satanic Islam is satanic Jehovah's Witness satanic any religion that has works or salvation satanic they're not of God and look you are not gonna make it in the Christian life if you just go through life thinking oh well everybody resist or a Christian or say no you know what anyone who is trusting in Jesus Christ alone for salvation they're saved and yeah well they say they're Christians yeah but if they're trusting their works they're not saved look if it be of grace and there's no more works otherwise grace is no more grace that's what the Bible says and you say what does that mean understand here's what it means if it's free you can't earn it otherwise it's not free that's what it means and most religions today are teaching a works nation most religions today are teaching a workspace you got to repent of your sins you got to turn away from your sins or you better have works if you really do believe and all of this stuff and here's what I'm telling you say don't be surprised Satan's very religious he's got his own sanctuaries he's got his own synagogues he's got in that verse we saw where it says and no Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light we don't read it but right before that he's telling you don't marvel don't be amazed because he just got done saying that there are false prophets and false teachers who come out looking real good and they look real nice and they look true but he says that they are the ministers of the devil and he says don't marvel you said all these pastors out there or just corrupt Satan or they're just teaching false doctrines or not even say you say don't Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light look Satan's not gonna show up to you you know all red with horns and a tail and looking angry he's gonna show up - you're looking real nice or real religious he's gonna he's gonna look very nice and people and people say oh I just can't believe that all these people that they're not safe we'll talk to him ask him you know for sure if you that today are you on your way to heaven oh yeah I think I'm gonna happen what are you trusting in to get you to heaven well you know I've been baptized hey you know what that might be a nice person that person is not saved well you know I'm just trying to live a good life no you're not saved you're not good enough there's none righteous no not one so just understand this that most religions out there are false religions and that's why we're told that we need to search the scriptures there's why we're told that we need to try every spirit to see whether it be of God now go back to Ezekiel 28 or I don't know where you're at but go look at verse 2 let me just show you a few things just as we conclude and we'll finish up what's the practical application there's a theme through this chapter we saw we see it introduced in verse 2 then we see it highlighted in the Antichrist and we see it highlighted in Satan and it's something we can learn from is equal 28 verse 2 here's where it's introduced son of man stand to the Prince of Tyrus thus say the Lord God notice because thine heart is lifted up so we're introduced with this concept that his heart is lifted up lubbers 5 here we're talking about the Antichrist by thy great wisdom and by thy traffic has now increased thy riches and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches here we're told that the the heart of the Antichrist lifted up because he's a very wealthy man very powerful man look at verse 17 about the devil thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty the devil was a very beautiful creature and his heart God lifted up because he was created so beautifully you said what can we learn from this here's what we can learn here here's what it comes down to check your heart check your pride because it's real easy for us to just get puffed up and lifted up and to begin to think that well I must be something great because look at me you know what you are nothing and more prideful and more powerful and more successful and more intelligent and more I mean the Antichrist we're told that he's wiser than Daniel and you got lifted up with pride and God said you're gonna end up in hell the devil influenced ability got lifted up with pride and God said here's all I'm telling you you want God and obviously if you're saved you can't lose your salvation I'm not saying you're gonna live in pride and God's gonna send you to hell here's all I'm telling you that if the quickest way to get God to just bring you down is to get lifted up a pride so check your heart I start having a lot I'll have a lot of money I must be real smart Oh everything you have comes from God look at me I'm so beautiful if you're beautiful is good God made you beautiful well everything you have came from God so all of God's creations from the cherubims to human beings need to just check our hearts and realize that anything we have is because God gave it to us any blessings we have is because God gave it to us and when we begin to get lifted up with pride God God's gonna bring us down he's gonna bring us down the greatest way to get God to bring you down this again with pride so let's just stay humble and that's going to bow our heads and have a word of Prayer Heavenly Father thank you Lord for your word thank you for this chapter and just kind of a lot of interesting things there about the Antichrist and about Satan and lord I just pray that you would help us as we study the Bible and as we learn these things Lord help us to just to be able to take it in Lord and also just help us to be people who are not cynical when it comes to God's Word but who are searching the Scriptures for turning in our Bibles to the references and and looking at what's actually being preached instead and not being foolish but realizing that there are people like that want to lie to us you want to teach us things that are not in the Bible obviously weren't nobody's perfect well make mistakes the lord help us to be the type of people that are trying the spirits that are searching the Scriptures daily to see whether those things are so and lord help us as we just continue to learn and stay the Bible we love you in Jesus name we pray amen
Channel: Verity Baptist Church
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Id: OyP_JkFt38o
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Length: 58min 47sec (3527 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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