Ezekiel 33: The Parable of the Watchman | Pastor Roger Jimenez

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very good love you what you saying pray amen amen all right well we're there in ezekiel chapter 33 and we are starting a new section of the book of ezekiel if you remember last week in chapter 32 we ended a section that dealt with pharaoh and section that really dealt with satan and here in Ezekiel 33 we actually it's it's it's a climax in some ways of the book because for a couple reasons number one is ego 33 is just a famous chapter it's probably why they're most well I shouldn't say the most it's one of the most famous chapters in the Book of Ezekiel and in this chapter we see the fulfillment of the prophecy that Zico's been talking about this whole time this whole time from chapter 1 up to 32 he's been talking about the judgment of God coming upon the children of Israel the judgment of God that's coming the judgment of God that's coming and then in chapter 33 the judgment comes and we'll see that here in a little bit and then starting in chapter 34 there's a shift in in in the book because from chapters 1 through 32 it's a very negative warning of the judgment of God and we're gonna see a lot of about that tonight and then once the judgment comes then he's he kind of shifts gears and he and and and he turns into a very encouraging trying to encourage the people once the judgment of God has came and so it's interesting as we delve into chapter 33 here so there's several there's there's lots in this chapter and we could literally spend weeks just studying this chapter what I'm gonna do that of course but let me just give you kind of a few headings in regards to what we see here the first part of this chapter is what I call the parable of the watchman and what's interesting is that this this idea has already been dealt with twice in the Book of Ezekiel we saw it in I want to say chapter 3 and chapter 18 we see it again in chapter 33 because this is it really important to God I want you notice what he says there in verse 1 he's iike 33 verse 1 the Bible says again the word Lord came unto me saying sort of man speak to the children of thy people and saying to them when i bring the sword upon a land and i want you notice that that is a reference to the judgment of God it is the punishment of God he is talking about an army coming a military coming to destroy the land he says when I bring the sword upon a land if the people of the land take a man of their clothes and set him for their Watchmen now the Watchmen there was supposed to be someone whose job it was to watch to look out and to be vigilant and to be watching for militaries that might be coming to attack he says if they set up a watchman notice verse three if when he see it the sword come upon the land he blow the trumpet and warn the people so the watchman whose job it is to watch is watching and he sees an army coming and he blows the trumpet he warns the people he lets them know that there is impending danger on its way verse 4 then whosoever here at the sound of the trumpet and taketh not warning if the sword come and take him away his blood shall be upon his own head so here's what he's saying he's saying if the watchman warns you and you don't take warning then when the punishment comes the judgment comes you suffer the consequences God says that's on you he literally says his blood shall be upon is his own head he heard the sound of the trumpet and took not warning his blood shall be upon him so we see in this parable and he says look if the watchman warns you of the coming judgment and people don't take heed then that's their fault and that's on their hand it's their responsibility they are responsible for suffering the consequences because they did not seek they did not excuse me heed warning notice verse 5 though last part of verse 5 but he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul so he says look if the watchman warns you and and and they hear the warning they take heed to the warning they take actions as a result of the warning of impending danger of judgment coming then that individual will deliver their soul verse 6 but so here's the next option we've had two options so far two scenarios and error number one the war the watchman warns people don't take heed God says their blood is upon their heads The Watchmen warns people do take heed then they deliver their souls from the coming from the from the coming judgement here's verse sake here's here's a third option verse 6 but if the Watchmen see the sword come and blow not the trumpet and the people be not warned so notice it's a watchman that's not doing his job he knows the judgment is coming but he doesn't warn anybody he doesn't blow the trumpet he doesn't warn the people if the sword come and I want you to notice what it says if the sword come and take any person from among them he is taken away in his iniquity so he's saying here's what he's saying he's saying when the judgment of God comes the judgment of God always comes upon those that deserve it is that it's because of their sin it's because of their iniquity that the judgment of God came and you can say well yeah but the the watchman didn't warn us but here's the thing it's you're saying that God will judge it's you're saying that brings consequences it's your sin that brings the wrath of God he says look if the watchman fails and does not warn if the sword come and take any person from among them he is taken away in his iniquity notice though but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand so he says I'm going to hold the watchman responsible for not warning the people but they are taken away in their iniquity so here's what he's saying whether you get warned or not when God judges you or when God brings his judgment upon a sinner that judgment is deserved because you are a sinner that has sinned against a holy God but he says if the watchman watch warns then you can deliver your soul if the watchman warns and you choose not to that's on you but if the watchman does not warn then God says I will hold the watchman responsible his blood will I require at the watchman's hand and here's the application verse 7 so Thou O son of man notice what he says I like I like how God does as he did it in chapter 3 also he said so Thou O son of man I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel therefore thou shalt hear the word of my mouth that's what he says and warned them from me now I want you to stand easy go 33 the the context is about the nation of Israel literally being overtaken by Nebuchadnezzar and by the judgment of God is coming upon them and they literally have a watchman that should be warning them of impending danger but of course there are spiritual applications that could be made here and the way that we would apply this to our lives as New Testament believers is this and here's what James understand Ezekiel was set as a watchman for his generation and during the time of warfare of his sight but you and I have been sent as Watchmen today and we are in a spiritual warfare today and you say well what kind of what kind of judgment are we watching for look the Bible says that the wrath of God abideth on those that do not believe the Bible says that the judgment of God will come the judgment of God is coming the judgment of God is on its way for everyone who is not saved who's not believes it was not called upon the Lord Jesus Christ to say them notice verse 8 you notice what he says when I say unto the wicked or wicked thou shalt surely die if that's not speak to warn the wicked from his way that wicked man shall die in his iniquity but his blood will I require at Linehan nevertheless if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it if he do not turn from his way he shall die in his iniquity but thou has delivered thy soul now keep in place early z-code 33 we're gonna come back to it obviously but go to me in the book of Acts Acts chapter number 20 and I want to show you how Paul actually used this terminology from Ezekiel 33 and applied it to soul-winning so it's not a far-fetched idea for us to apply so soul-winning and let me say a couple of things we call it when we go out in the community into the highways and the hedges and we preach the gospel to people we call it soul-winning and I like the term soul winning I don't have an issue with that that's a biblical term the Bible says he that winneth Souls is is wise and I get that but honestly and I've said this before sometimes you honestly what we're really doing is we're soul warning because we don't win anybody it's God God is the one who gives the increase God is the one who does the saving God is the one who who does those things and here's the honest truth most of the time what we're out there doing is soul warning not soul-winning and look the goal you say what are you trying to accomplish out there we're trying to knock on people's doors we're trying to give them an opportunity to be say if we can show you how you can bypass how you can not have to suffer the judgment of hell would you allow us to show you and people might say no I don't care well you know what then that's on them we've we've won we've accomplished we've accomplished what God called us to do as long as we're out there warning people are you there in acts 20 looking verse 31 Acts chapter 20 keep your finger there in acts as we're leave it we're gonna come back to it but I want you to look at acts 20 and verse 31 the Bible says this therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears notice Paul said what I was doing when I was out there I was warning everyone and let me just say this if you're one of these salt winners that likes to complain about the fact that oh we went to this neighborhood and nobody talked to me and I wasn't receptive and I haven't got anybody saved in awhile you don't understand what you're doing your job is to be a watchman that warms people you say I'm gonna quit soul-winning because I've gone for three weeks now and nobody got safe well then you don't understand your job your job is to warn your job is to give people the opportunity what they do with that that's between them and God and look we rejoice when they get sake and we rejoice when when they get saved and they call upon Christ and and when you go out there and you get to do some soul winning praise the Lord for it but when you go out there and all you did was Ward you ought to rejoice as well because you've done what God called you to do go to Colossians chapter 1 you're there in acts you're gonna go past Romans 1st 2nd Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians so don't sit there and complain oh we got we got all right we got to go to this one area and it's not very receptive what those people don't need to be warned I mean do those people not desert while they're rich does that okay so their souls won't burn their hell won't be hot they don't use that well I want to go somebody say look we all want to get somebody to say but our job is to warn our job is to make sure everybody gets warned our job is to make sure that we give the message out there and look what people do with the message what they do with the warning when they hear their trumpet and they choose to ignore it that's on them but our job is to warn every man Colossians 1:28 notice what the Bible says whom we preach don't miss this warning every man see here's the thing we can't win them all but we can warn them all today is a failure because nobody got saved no you know what if you warned everyone on that street if you did your best to warn everyone on that in that area that you got a map in and then you did your job because whom we preach warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus see what we do when we go out there to preach the gospel sometimes we do soul winning but every time we should be doing soul warning that shouldn't discourage you it's not a bad thing that's a great thing that we've given people the opportunity to be safe and we're not Calvinists what they do with it that's between them and God go back to acts chapter 18 here's what's interesting is that Paul used the same terminology that we see from Ezekiel 33 in regards to taking responsibility and having their blood upon their heads or upon his head or upon his hands in regards to preaching the gospel acts 18 verse 5 notice what I was says acts 18 verse 5 says this and when Silas and timotheus were come from Macedonia Paul was pressed in the spirit and he testified to the Jews that Jesus was Christ so he was out soul-winning right what we call soul-winning soul warning he's testifying to the Jews about the Messiah that Jesus was crying that Jesus was Christ verse 6 and when they oppose themselves look that's what some people do when we go out and we give them we tell them hey there's a free gift that God wants to give you and and and they and we bring it all the way to them I mean we don't expect them to come to us we go to them we knock on their doors we offer them to receive the gospel to receive the gift of salvation and what do they do they oppose themselves they hurt themselves and when they oppose themselves and blaspheme notice he shook his raiment and said unto them knows what he says your blood be upon your own heads he didn't get discouraged about it he get upset but he said look that's your problem you don't want to take warning you don't want to hear the warning then your blood is upon your head but notice that he says I am clean from henceforth I will go unto the Gentiles notice Acts chapter 20 verse 26 to slip a few pages over except to 20 verse 20 it's interesting because Paul said look he said I've done my job if I've warned you he said here's where I failed as a soul-winner I failed as a soul-winner if I watched the judgment of God the impending danger coming and I never said anything to anybody that's when I failed that's how I failed you said I I don't I don't even go out there and preach the gospel anybody then you're failing as a watchman but when you go up there and you warn someone and they don't take heed hey you know what you can walk away from that like Paul and say I'm clean your blood be upon your own head acts 20 verse 26 notice what the Bible says wherefore I take you to record this day knows what he says that I impure from the blood of all men for I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God say what is it that we're trying to accomplish is what we're trying to do we're trying to get to heaven where there's little blood on our hands as possible we're trying to get to heaven and be able to say with a clear conscience and and in in and you know it's true in your life and I can tell you in my life if there have been people that we did not give the gospel to and we failed them and are their blood is on our hands and you say well what can I do here's what you're gonna do you can spend the rest of your life trying to warn people and quit getting discouraged about whether they listen or not because your job is to be a watchman your job is to blow the trumpet your job is to tell people and if they take heed praise God and if they don't I'm clean their blood is a problem their heads I am pure from the blood of all men so we see the the parable of the Watchmen is this get out there and warn people get out there and let people know about the impending danger that's coming because here's the bottom line there are people in your life there are people that you come in contact with there are people that you have access to that only you have access to and God will hold you accountable for whether those people received a warning or not so we see the parable of the watchman go back to Ezekiel 33 once you notice secondly in this chapter we see the principles of repentance there's a few verses here that deal with repentance and and and how it works and let me let me just explain something to you and I want to make sure you understand this about Ezekiel when we're looking at Ezekiel the entire book in specially chapter 33 18 you know chapters to deal with these things we're not talking about spiritual salvation in this chapter the Bible tells us that the book of John was specifically written that people might believe okay so when you have to go to Ezekiel 33 to get your salvation doctrines you're really grasping at straws okay easy easy goes not necessarily the Gospel according to John or anything close to it when we're looking at Ezekiel 33 we are not talking about spiritual salvation we're talking about people literally physically being saved when they take heed to the warning of impending danger now we can make the spiritual application and Paul did he used the same terminology in regards to salvation but you need to understand that the people that Ezekiel was talking to he was not trying to get them saved so don't go to Ezekiel 33 to try to prove your repent of your sin as gospel because it's not there the proper application the the legitimate application of Ezekiel 33 is about a nation repenting and avoiding national judgment that's the actual application now you can make applications and there's some principles that can be applied to believers like we just did and you can make principles from the section on repentance that can be applied to a believer avoiding God's chastisement a believer getting saved goodnight getting saved now I'm saying the wrong things a believer again that's already saved getting right with God and avoiding the judgment of God however no application in this in this passage proves that you have to repent of your sins to be saved look there's so many clear verses in the Bible that teach that salvation is not of words that teach that turning from your evil way is works that teach all of those things so I want to make sure you understand that but look at Ezekiel 33 and verse 10 knows what the Bible says us therefore o thou son of man speak into the house of Israel thus you speak saying if our transgressions and our sins be upon us we pine away in them how should we then live now I want you notice verse 11 because verse 11 is actually a verse that gets thrown in our face a lot those of us who believe in soul winning and those of us who believe in the reprobate doctrine this verse gets thrown at us a lot Ezekiel 33 11 the Bible says this saying to them as I live saith the Lord God I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turned from his way and live turn ye turn ye from your evil ways for why will ye die o house of Israel and people will throw this because you know wool will preach about the fact that there are reprobates that are gonna die and go to hell and you know what we're not sad about it we're not upset about it that's where they need to go and people say well what about his ego 3311 God says I'll have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live so let me explain a couple of things keeper plays aren't easy go to Romans chapter 1 and while you go there let me read for you 2nd Peter 3:9 so I can be three nights famous verse you know it you know Romans one also but let's look at it together 2nd Peter 3:9 the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is long-suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance so people say well what about Ezekiel 33 11 what do you do with that ok number 1 it's not about salvation so don't try don't try to use a passage that about a literal military coming to take over a nation and gods trying to get that nation to get right with God okay we're not talking about salvation but number two let's let's let's go and play devil's advocate let's say you wanted to apply it to salvation even though it doesn't apply to salvation yeah it's true the Lord God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance and here's what you need to understand he's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance who can come to repentance because the thing is this that not people get this idea when we preach about the reprobate doctrine that we're talking about people that never had a chance God loved and all those people God loved all those people Jesus died on the cross for all those people could have been saved if they wanted to be safe but they chose to reject it they chose to reject it and it's not that they never had a chance is that God gave them up you're there in Romans you've seen it before let's look at it together chapter one verse 22 professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things verse 24 wherefore God also gave them up now look they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man so they chose to change the gospel of God the things of God the idea of God and then God says the Bible says God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to the sin of their own bodies between themselves notice verse 25 who changed the truth of God into a lot they change the truth of God into a lie and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever amen so then God responds verse 26 for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompence of the air which was meat verse 28 and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge is not that they did not have the knowledge of God it's not that they did not have the opportunity and the access to salvation they chose they didn't want it God says in the Bible says in those same that they did not like to retain God in their knowledge they didn't want to think about God so God said okay you never have to think about me again God gave them over to a reprobate by to do do those things which are not convenient so here's the point that I understand when we go back to Ezekiel 33 11 look at it the Eagle 33 11 I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked absolutely but that the wicked noticed the wicked that he has no pleasure in the death of is the ones that are able to turn from his way and live and he's telling them turn II turn ye you know you say how does this apply to the reprobate it doesn't because the reprobate can't turn he's been given up the reprobates lost their opportunity to turn yeah this is what you want to apply salvation here's what the here's that here's how you can apply it the heart of God breaks whenever an unsaved person that could have been saved dies and goes to hell God's heart breaks because at the very least we could have taken the gospel to them and warned them but this passage number 1 that mouth salvation but even if you want to apply to salvation you can't apply to reprobate because these people have a chance God says he wants him to turn turn you turn you from your evil ways for why will you die o house of Israel notice verse 12 in verse 12 we start talking about these principles for repentance and again we shouldn't apply these to salvation we should honestly apply them to a nation that has God's judgment upon them and they're trying to get right you understand that nations could get right with God even if people don't necessarily get saved they can get right with God to where God will not destroy them and you can apply this to believers who God is chastising for their sin verse 12 therefore thou son of man say unto the children people of thy people the righteousness of the righteous will not deliver him the day of his transgression as for the wickedness of the wicked he shall not father by in the day that he turns from his wickedness neither shall the righteous be able to live for his righteousness in the day that he sent it verse 13 when I shall say to the righteous that he shall surely live if he trust in his own righteousness and commit iniquity say what is he talking about what is this all about notice what he says last part verse 13 all his righteousness is shall not be remembered before his iniquity that he hath committed he shall die for it you say what is the principles of repentance that we're learning here here's a here's a point prior righteousness will not make up for present wickedness he's saying look all his righteousness this guy used to be right with God this guy used to be faithful things of God this guy used to walk with God this guy used to do things for God all his righteousness shall not be remembered but for his iniquity because at this point he's living in iniquity at this point he's not walking with God he's not living for God he's living in sin he says for his iniquity that he had committed he shall die for it so you say well what what what can we learn here here's what we learned prior righteousness will not make up for present wickedness you know it doesn't matter how much you used to go soul-winning you know it doesn't matter how much you used to read the Bible you know it doesn't matter how much you use it how close you used to be look when people are talking about Oh Matt back when I used to be you know and people talk about like it's a good thing like man I used to be really on fire I forgot all you're telling us is look if you're telling us that there was ever a time when you were more right with God than you all right now here's all you're telling us you're backslidden it's not really something to be proud about not really I'm gonna be bragging about I used to don't tell me what we used to look prior righteousness will not make up for a current wickedness and prior wickedness will be forgiven when you turn to righteousness notice verse 14 again when I say unto the wicked thou shalt surely die if he turned from his sins from his sin and do that which is lawful and right if the we can restore the pledge give again that he had robbed walk in the statutes of life without committing iniquity he shall surely live he shall not die notice verse 16 none of his sins that he has committed shall be mentioned unto him he had done that which is lawful and right he shall surely live he's saying look you said well I've been living right okay well here's the great news you can get right with God today and prior wickedness will be forgiven when you do right today when you do right right now here's the response people say wait a minute so I used to live right and now I'm back slidden God's gonna judge me and my old righteousness isn't gonna account for my present wickedness but the guy that's not right with God if he gets right with God then that'll be fine now yeah how it works say well that's not fair well that's exactly what they said - whatever seventeen yet the children why people say the way of the Lord is not equal oh say that's not fair but as for them their way is not equal God says you know what don't talk to me about being equal when the righteous turn it from his righteousness and committed iniquity he shall even die thereby but if the wicked turned from his wickedness and do that which is lawful and right he shall live thereby yeah you say the way of the Lord is not equal oh ye house of Israel I will judge you everyone after his way and here's what he's saying it doesn't matter what you think is right God's always right example how does this make sense you know prior righteousness won't make up for present wickedness and and and and and and prior wickedness will be forgiven with present righteousness and here's what he's teaching and I'll just give it to you real quickly you don't have to turn there but in ecclesiastes 7:8 the Bible says this better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof it's more important how to you end and how you begin sees here's the thing you can start right and you can end right and that's great and you can start wrong and end right and that's fine but if you start right and end wrong you're in trouble because better is the end of a thing than the beginning there so the idea is focus on today how's your Bible reading today how's your prayer time today how's your walk with God today how's your soul winning today how's your church attendance today how is your commitment to God today because you'll be judged today try righteousness won't make up for a Backson heart today and you don't have to worry about the past you can confess your sin and move on with God and get right with God today notice verse 21 in verse 21 we see a prophecy fulfilled this is what I was talking to you about the climax of the book in some ways we saw the parable the Watchmen we saw the principles of repentance then we see real quickly here a prophecy fulfilled notice verse 21 and it came to pass in the 12th year of our captivity in the tenth month and the first fifth day of the month that one that had escaped out of Jerusalem came unto me saying the city is smitten now that doesn't look like much but you if you remember Ezekiel actually prophesied this year their knees he go 33 go back to his eagle 24 just real quickly remember Ezekiel was was prophesying about the the impending judgment remember in Ezekiel 24 if you remember back when we were an easy way for we talked about the fact that Ezekiel stood up on that day and he said today Jerusalem has fallen there's no way for Ezekiel to have known that he wouldn't know that he's just prompt as I am with God to him to prophesy and people said that's crazy that doesn't make any sense and Ezekiel said you know what when the guy when somebody because it's gonna take some time for someone to run away from the danger of Jerusalem and show up here in Babylon because they're in Babylon and they're going to testify to the account that I've said then you'll know that this prophecy was fulfilled that's exactly what's happening in this chapter notice verse here their knees equal 24 look verse 25 also the Son of man shall it not be in the day when I take from their strength the joy of their glory the desire of their eyes and that whereupon they set their minds their sons and their daughters verse 26 then he that is scape a--the in that day shall come unto thee to cause thee to hear it with I near so God tells him he says look in that day of judgment someone's gonna run away and it's going to take them some time but they're gonna get to you and they're gonna validate your prophecies and we see that fulfilled in e-z-go 33:21 when it says that one had escaped out of Jerusalem and came unto me saying that the city is Mitton here's what's interesting if you look at verse 27 of ezekiel 24 god told Ezekiel that there was going to be a time of kind of a famine in his ministry he says in that day shall thy mouth be opened to him which is escaped and thou shalt speak and be no more dumb he's telling him you're gonna go through a time in your ministry he's Iike will you feel like you're dumb like I'm not using you I'm not speaking through you or not prophesying any more and thou shall be a sign unto them and they shall know that I am the Lord and he says but when that guy shows up that God I'm telling you about when he shows up from that day forward you're gonna start a new ministry and that's what we see in Ezekiel because starting in the next chapter we started talking about the millennial reign and we started talking about the temple and we started talking about some real exciting things and it all was kicked off by this man that shows up and fulfills the prophecy so we see here a message for Ezekiel and then we see a message from easier look at verse 22 is ego 33 verse 22 in Ezekiel 33 and verse 21 we saw a message for easy kill right one that had escaped out of Jerusalem came unto me saying the city is smitten in verse 22 we see a message from Ezekiel now the hand of the Lord was upon me in the evening a for he that was escaped came and had opened my mouth he said his message opened my mouth until he came to me in the morning and my mouth was open and I was no more dumb and there is a reviving of the Ministry of Ezekiel so we've seen the parable the watchman we seen the principles of repentance we've seen a prophecy fulfilled let's see fourthly tonight notice in this chapter we also see the prerequisites for the blessing in the land and and this is important that I want you to get this we don't spend a lot of time on this but knows verse 23 then the world Lord came unto me saying the son of man they that inhabit those wastes of the Land of Israel speak so he's saying the people that live in the land they're speaking they're saying things knows what they're saying saying here's what they're saying it's really funny Abraham was one and he and the land but we are many the land is given us for inheritance so here's what there is what they're thinking they're thinking well Abraham was just one person and God gave him the whole land we're way more than one descendent from Abraham were many descendants Oh God so everything to be ok God's gonna give us the land - they thought that the land and the blessing of the land was connected to their connection to Abraham and look when we get to the New Testament they're telling John the Baptist and Jesus the exact same thing remember they're being they're being told hey think not don't don't think that it matters that you have Abraham as your father that you are a descendant of Abraham he says look that's not the connection to God's blessing notice what he says in verse 25 wherefore say unto them so remember they're saying Abraham was one person he got the land where many so God's gonna give us the land - don't worry about Nebuchadnezzar don't look worried about the judgment so here's the response verse 25 wherefore saying to them thus saith the Lord God this is what God is saying to them because they just got done saying everything to be fine because there's lots of us so God says to them you eat with the blood and lift up your eyes towards your idols and shed blood because they he's listening their sins he's saying you eat with the blood when I commanded you not to eat blood you lift up your eyes towards idols when I commanded you not to worship idols you he says and shed blood he said you're killing people you're hurting people you're violent when I told you not to do those things and show ye possess the land those verse 26 you stand upon your swords you work abominations either file everyone his neighbor's wife and show ye possess the light here's what he's telling them and it's been like this from Exodus Leviticus this was all found in in the Pentateuch that their blessing and their connection to the land was dependent on their relationship with God their walk with God you gotta say you think I'm gonna bless you with the land when you're defiling your neighbor's wife when you're working abominations when you're setting your eyes on when you're shedding blood when you're eating blood is that then shall ye possess the land and look don't don't sit there and think say I'm saved so I've gotten the blessings of God no you're saved so you've got salvation that's what you got but don't think that God's going to bless you when you're living like a heathen don't think God's gonna bless you when you're not walking with him when you're purposely disobeying his commandments when you're not taking heat that's not gonna bless you oh he's my father yeah exactly you know what that means that means you're getting a spanking that's what that means and he had forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children my son despise not thou the chastening of the Lord what the Bible says the Bible says that God is going to chasten you if he and their chastening then God deals with you as with sons that's what the Bible says but if you be without chastisement then are you bastard - not sons you said ah I'm a Christian I live my life however I want nothing ever happens to me well I hate to break to you but you're not saved then you're a bastard you're not a son because the Bible says that God chastises his children so don't think that I can be saved and have God as my father and just live however I want and look you can live over your want and you're still safe you can live however you want and you still have God as your father you can live however you want and you're still born again but you can't live however you want and not expect a spanking from God because your father who loves you she knows what he says verse 27 say thou thus unto them thus saith the Lord God you say do you think I'm gonna keep you in the land as I live I like I like when God ever says those things he he because he can swear by no greater he swears by himself as I live surely they that are in the waist shall fall by the sword and him that is in the open field will I give to the Beast to beat them out and they that be in the force and in the cage shall die for the pestilence for I will lay the land most desolate and the pomp of their strange shall cease and the mountains of Israel shall be desolate and none shall pass through then shall they know that I am the Lord when I have laid the land most desolate because of all Bhama Nations which they have committed here's what he says he says you're not gonna get the land because of the way you were living your life and look and and this is Old Testament Israel but we can apply this in our lives you cannot have the blessings of God upon your life when you are living in sin and don't let the word pasture to offend you okay it's a biblical word that's what the Bible says that's what it says in Hebrews chapter 12 you should read it notice verse 30 in verse 13 we find the last section in this chapter so we've talked about the parable of Watchmen we talked about the principles of repentance we talked about a prophecy fulfilled we talked about the prerequisites for the blessing in the land and then this chapter ends with what I think is an extremely interesting section and I think it's interesting because it applies to me it applies to some of you doesn't apply to all of you but that's okay let's look at it he ends by giving talking about the preaching of the Prophet and he's giving preachers some some advice and some things to take heed and he's letting preachers understand those of us that are in spiritual leadership these are things that we need to understand and you know this applies to me because I'm a pastor I'm in spiritual leadership but you know we've got men here on staff this applies to them because they're in ministry some of you guys are training to be preachers one day or trained to be pastors this applies to you so listen up and notice what he says he's Iko 33 verse 30 also now son of man the children of thy people so he's saying the people you preach to notice what he says still are talking notice this word though against it's not a positive thing still are talking against thee by the walls and in the doors of the houses he's saying there there are church people that are going home Ezekiel when you get done preaching and they're talking smack about you they're talking ill about you they're gossiping about you they're gossiping about your wife they're gossiping about your staff they're gossiping he says look thou son of man the children die people still are talking I against thee by the walls and in the doors of the house and let me just help you understand something and for those of you that want to go in ministry you need to get this and for those of you that aren't in ministry I just want you to know that I understand this as a preacher there comes a moment in your ministry when you must come to grips with the fact that there will always be someone criticizing you talking bad about you even people who like you and love you will see that in the text some of you go home and criticize everything we do and look and look something I have to learn a ministry a long time ago is that I cannot make a decision I cannot make a decision without somebody going home and speaking against it in their house and with their friends there is you know you just have to get to some provisions that want to go into ministry just understand this for every action there is an equal and opposite criticism so just get used to it look please understand something if you're gonna go into ministry get used to people talking crap about you because it's part of the game it's part of the deal it's how it goes so look you people think they're you know they're smart because they're it's funny because you know the Lord has a way of revealing everything with time people think like oh yeah I can't believe I've passed you're doing this and he shouldn't do this well people who've never ran a church think they know everything about running a church and being a pastor if some people will come to me with their issues all I don't think when they finally do get the guts to come to me with their issues and it usually the conversation go like they're like well I don't think that we should don't XYZ and I'll say well here's what you didn't know this and this and this oh wow yeah I know cuz you're not the pastor because you don't have all the details because you just see things from your perspective so here's all I'm asking here here's all I'm trying to help you with maybe as a church member can you cut us some slack sometimes though you say well not you okay that's find your next pastor the next guy the church you go to once I kick you out whatever you know can you cut that guy's slack because there might be something you don't know you don't understand you don't see or you don't you're just not thinking about so as a preacher you must come to grips with the fact that there will always be someone talking bad about you your wife your kids your stop just get used to it notice verse 31 and they come unto thee as the people come people like that or do you think he's talking about me yeah if you if you're asking the question do you think he's talking about me yeah the answer is yes and they come unto thee as the people come in and come ask me that question Judas is it is it I yeah valet is here let's dip our hands together and they come unto thee as the people come in and they sit before thee as my people and they hear thy words notice what he says but they will not do them he said what are some things we need to understand his creatures well first of all you need to understand that you just come to grips with the fact that there will always be someone who's talking about about you but here's the second thing as a preacher you must come to grips with the fact that there will always be people who hear your preaching and do not apply it just get that just understand that just get this thought we want to have this idea that we spend time thinking and praying and studying and we're gonna get up and preach this phenomenal sermon and lives are gonna change and people are gonna get right and here's the thing sometimes that happens and it's great but most of the time they just sit there some of you right now right now are just sitting there and you've been sitting there for a long time and you hear the sermons and you hear the preaching and I do my best to make sure that there's always a clear application that you don't walk out of here thinking I wonder what he was trying to say no no it's clear what I was trying to say and you choose not to do anything with it they came unto thee as the people cometh and they sit before thee as my people and they hear thy words but they will not do keep your finger there we're almost done I know it's awkward right go to Matthew chapter 7 we're almost done I promise Matthew episode I want to show you something real quick Matthew chapter 7 we're gonna look at something Matthew 7 I'm gonna look at something an easy go 3 3 they're gonna look at something Matthew 7 plenty how whenever it's awkward it's never awkward for me this is like therapy for me I am I enjoy it helps me Matthew chapter 7 verse 24 therefore whosoever here at these sayings of mine Matthew 7:24 our pastor it's your fault cuz you're just not an effective communicator okay well same thing happen to Jesus therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine Jesus speaking and doeth them I will like I I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon the house and it fell for it was founded upon a rock and everyone they heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand now keep it free right there cuz we're gonna come right back to it go back to his ego 33 we're almost done say what are some lessons we can learn for preachers here's a lesson you must come to grips of the fact there was always be somebody criticizing you you must come to grips with the fact that people who have never led anyone spiritually who have never read the Bible cover-to-cover or whatever people have never had the awesome responsibility of being the spiritual guide of families they will always think they know better than you they know better than the decision you make the choice you made the ministry you started where you decided to invest money where you decided to invest time where you decided to invest staff they'll always know better so just just realize that as preachers we must come to grips of the fact that there will always be people who hear your preaching and do not apply it and then number three as creatures we must come to grips of the fact that no matter how much people like your preaching they will never appreciate your preaching until they suffer the consequences of not taking heed to it he's iike 33 verse 32 and lo thou art unto them as a very lovely song look they didn't they didn't dislike his preaching they thought he was a talented preacher they thought he had communication skills they thought that got it given him a talent to be able to communicate God's Word they enjoyed it and he says and lo thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one them that hath a pleasant voice and can play well on an instrument and look I'll tell you I appreciate the encouragement and in our church people and you guys encouraged me along the way with the preaching and I get we got letters and emails and things and I appreciate all of that people say man you your sermons are helpful or they're great or they're good or whatever but notice what he says he says they think you're a very lovely song they think that you're one that have a pleasant voice they think that you can play well on an instrument there they're saying your preaching is like like someone who who plays well on an instrument but notice for they hear thy words but they do them not verse 33 and when this cometh to pass when what cometh to pass when the destruction comes when the trumpet was blown go back to my details everything right there go back to Matthew 7 remember what's preaching likened to cry aloud spare not lift up my voice like a trumpet cease not just saw when he gets Church see every church service every Sunday morning every Sunday night every Wednesday night I get up here and you know what I do I warn I'll say you want to have a good marriage here's what you need to do you want to have kids that love the Lord here's what you need to do you want to not have finances that God blesses here's what you need to do you want to have a career that God blesses here's what you need to do you want you know and we just warn and we warn and we warn and reward and we warn and some people listen and Jesus says I likened them unto a wise man that built their house upon a rock why because when you build your house upon the of God's Word he blesses you but when you walk away and say that was a great sermon hmm yeah whatever he says wool I liken to you unto a fool who built his house upon the sand verse 27 and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall of it go back to Ezekiel 33 and let me say this it's not when the storm comes it's not if the storm comes it's when the storm comes because the storm is coming and here's all you need to understanding here's all you need to get the storm does not cause you to have your foundation on the sand the storm merely reveals where your foundation was all along so here's what he says here's what he says easy ko he says hey they like your preaching they like it they thumb it up on YouTube they send you emails they tell you good sermon and I'm not looking I'm not if you see you say good server to me I appreciate it I'm not trying to talk bad about you I'm really not I I do appreciate the encouragement but here's what he's saying he says they are you are very lovely song to them a pleasant voice you can play well on an instrument for they hear thy words but they do them not verse 33 and when this cometh to pass when the storm comes when the destruction comes when your life when your marriage when your finances when your children when your relationship when it fell and great was the fall of it when this cometh to pass low it will come then shall they know that a prophet has been among them see it doesn't matter how much you like the preaching it doesn't matter how talented the preacher is it doesn't matter how lovely it is doesn't matter how dynamic he is it doesn't matter how interesting he is if you do nothing with it you really won't appreciate it until after the storm because when it comes low it will come then you'll know man that wasn't just a good sermon he was right that wasn't just a good presentation then shall they know that a prophet have been among them here's a question I have for you what do you do with the truths that are revealed from this pulpit I'm not just talking about me I'm talking about any time anybody opens up God's Word and preaches God's Word what do you do with it what do you do with the sermons on communication what do you do with the sermon notes on gossip what do you do with the sermons on soul-winning what do you do with the sermons on finances what do you do with the sermons about marriage and child rape what do you do with discernment because when it all falls apart that's when you'll really appreciate the truths that have been brought forth from this book I hope you take he let's bow our heads and have a word of Prayer Heavenly Father thank you Lord for you're working for the Bible thank you for this chapter in Ezekiel and Lord I I thank you I thank you for the end of Ezekiel 33 because sometimes it's good for us as preachers to know that there is no new thing under the Sun and as much as we receive criticism so did Ezekiel so did Jesus so did every person who attempted to stand up and preach God's Word and we realize we're not perfect and we make many mistakes but lord I pray you to help our church people to not just sit there that their hearts would get right they would go home and do something with what they've heard from your word and the matchless name of Christ we pray amen
Channel: Verity Baptist Church
Views: 2,619
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: OW_XVwvpDEc
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Length: 52min 54sec (3174 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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