Ezekiel 37: The Valley of Dry Bones | Pastor Roger Jimenez, VBC

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bloomers pretty good love you Jesus ain't pray amen amen all right we were there in Ezekiel chapter 37 and we of course have been making our way through the Book of Ezekiel on Wednesday nights and this is our 37th week in Ezekiel want taken one chapter per week and this is a very famous chapter a very well-known chapter in the Book of Ezekiel and it's known B and it's usually known as the valley of dry bones or the passage dealing with the valley of dry bones if you look at verse 1 notice what it says it says the hand the Lord was upon me and carried me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones and this is very like I said well-known passage where you have this great imagery of these bones that are resurrected and brought back together and God makes a great army and there's because of this is a famous passage is often used by a lot of people to preach a lot of things and this one station is love this passage and they love really the end of the Book of Ezekiel because they try to use these passages to show that God isn't done with the nation of Israel don't say see God's gonna give the land back to the nation of Israel and all of these things and what we're gonna do tonight is we're gonna begin at the end of the passage I want to show you some things towards the end of the passage then we're going to come back and deal with that famous part about the valley of the dry bones but I want you to understand that this is prophetic and this is the this passage is dealing with some future events things that are not happening right now because today what people will say it will say well this is a metaphor this is not literal this is just a metaphor that God was gonna bring the children of Israel back into the land and they'll say that this was accomplished in 1948 when the UN gave the land back to the nation of Israel all those things but I want you to notice that this is not the case and this is not what the Bible teaches so go to verse 15 and I guess we're gonna cover every every verse in this chapter but I want to begin towards the end of the passage and just show you that this is a prophetic passage these events have not taken place and the Bible's very clear about that when you actually read it and believe it is equal 37 verse 15 notice what he says the word Lord came again unto me saying moreover thou son of man notice what he says he says take the one stick so he's giving this illustration and he says I want you to take one stick and write upon it for Judas he said I want you to take a stick and I want you right Judah and of course Judah is the tribe that was in the most southern part of Israel and if you remember when the nation of Israel had a civil war and they split the southern kingdom became just known as the nation of Judah or the southern kingdom of Judah since I want you take one state and I want you to write for Judah and of course this represents the entire southern kingdom of Israel he says and for the children of Israel his companions then take another stake and write upon it for Joseph now if you remember Joseph had two sons Manasseh and Ephraim and Joseph ended up getting the double portion of Israel so he had two sons that inherited the land they were brought in as the twelve tribes of Israel and the way that they add the the math added up there when you had to try for one son if you remember the knee the tribe of Levi was not given land they were not given possession so because of that yeah Joseph had two tribes represented there and if you remember the tribe of Manasseh was a large tribe and in many ways like Judah kind of just became known as a southern kingdom that northern kingdom was represented by the sons of Joseph so he says I want you to take another stake and I want you right Joseph and this is of course pictures the Northern Kingdom of Israel knows where he says the stick of Ephraim and for all the house of Israel as companions verse 17 and join them one to another into one stick so he says you're gonna take two snakes right Judah on one Joseph on the other one one represents the northern kingdom one represents the southern kingdom but then I want you to join them one to another into one snake and they shall become one in mine hand and when the children of thy people shall speak unto thee saying wilt thou not show us without meanness by these say unto them so he says look people gonna ask you what what is this mean what does this represent here's what I want you to say unto them thus saith the Lord God behold I will take the stick of Joseph which is in the hands of Ephraim and the tribes of Israel his fellows and we'll put them with him even with the stick of Judah to make them one stick and notice what he says and they shall be one in mine hand now look down at verse number 22 we're gonna get to verses 20 21 here in a minute but look at verse 22 he says and I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel and one King shall be upon them all we'll come back to that statement in a second and they shall be no more two nations because that at this point the nation of Israel is right into two nations the northern kingdom and the southern keep them but God says I'm gonna make them one nation they shall be no more two nations neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all so here's what I want you to understand when Ezekiel is giving this prophecy of the valley of dry bones it is very clear that this passage refers to a day when the 12 tribes of Israel will be reunited under one kingdom so that you can't say that's today in the modern nation of Israel today in the modern nation of Israel to be honest you know we don't know what tribes they have over there but it's primarily the tribe of Judah and here's the thing you say well what about the other 10 tribes the other 10 tribes have been lost if you remember when the nation of Assyria came in and they because Assyria took over their northern kingdom and Babylon took over the southern kingdom we've been learning about this in the Book of Ezekiel we learned about it when we went through the Book of Isaiah when the Assyrians took over the Northern Kingdom they assimilated with the with the with the nation of Israel and they basically dispersed the people those people became known as Samaritans those are the Samaritans we meet in the New Testament those nations are gone those tribes are gone they are lost they don't exist today you say well then what in the world is how are these ten tribes gonna make a comeback well here's what we're gonna learn about when we go back to the valley of the dry bones is that the nation of Israel that is going to inherit the land is going to be a nation of Israel that was resurrected see it's not just New Testament believers that are going to be resurrected one day at the rapture they that are alive and remain will be caught up but the Bible says that they which are asleep are going to come out of their graves it's also going to be those Israelites those Hebrews those Jews throughout history that believed on Jesus Christ they're going to be resurrected and those are the people that are going to inherit the land and because of that at that point we will have 12 tribes of Israel it's the same thing with 144,000 in the book of Revelation 144,000 you have 12,000 that come out of every one of the 12 tribes that's not Jews today you couldn't find 12,000 Jews from many of those tribes because those tribes don't exist you say well where do those hundred 44,000 come from they come from heaven because there are Israelites who believed through history that died that were believers that are going to be resurrected one day they're in heaven now one day their bodies will be resurrect this is what this passage is about but I'm just showing you that Ezekiel is talking about a day when the dispensational is today will say this is when the nation of Israel when God is going to give the land back to the Jews and I would agree with that but it's not the Jews that they're thinking of it is the believing Hebrews that are one day going to be resurrected on the same day that you and I get resurrected on the day of the rapture and you say well how do we know that well one reason we know that is because when they are given the land back it's given to all 12 tried and it's not a metaphor he gives this whole analogy and says one stick represents the Northern Kingdom one stick represents a southern kingdom I'm going to unite the stakes there will be no more two nations it's gonna be a United Kingdom but I want you to notice there's another reason why we can see that this is a future event of raptured resurrected Israelites and not the Jews of today notice verse 22 and I will make of them one nation in the land upon the mountain of Israel knows what it says and one king shall be king to them all he says they're gonna have one king the nation of Israel today does not have a key but I want you to notice it's not just they're gonna have a king he tells us who that king will be verse 24 and David my servant shall be king over them and they also have one shepherd they shall also walk in my judgments and observe my statutes and do them and they shall dwell in the land that I've given unto Jacob my servant wherein your fathers of 12 and they shall dwell therein and they and their children and their children's children forever don't miss this and my servant David shall be their Prince for ever so I want you to notice not only does this passage have to do with a time when God gives the land back to the United Kingdom the 12 tribes of Israel under a United Kingdom but it will also be during a time when David my servant shall be king over them and then he says that in verse 24 and in verse 25 he says my servant David shall be their Prince for ever so it will be a time when David is ruling and reigning from Israel now let me go ahead and give you some thoughts on this because there's a lot of controversy and a lot of arguments on this idea of David many people believe that the word when he says that David my servant shall be king over them that that is actually a reference to the Lord Jesus Christ I agree with that in the New Testament you find that Jesus is often referred to as the son of David people even call him now son of David have mercy on me or they refer to him as a son of David we've got two lineages that about one lineage that brings them back to the line of David as the rightful king of Israel other people will say no this isn't David this is actually this isn't Jesus is actually physically David because David is one of those believing Israelites it's gonna be resurrected at the rapture and during the millennial reign David is going to rule over Israel and here's the thing I agree with that - you say well which one is it is it Jesus or is it David it's both and I'll show you why notice verse 24 and David my servant shall be king I want you to notice a phrase there David my servant shall be king and then at the end of verse 25 he says my servant David shall be their prince so in verse 24 David is referred to as King and verse 25 David is referred to as Prince and you say well Prince just means someone in authority principality it could be talking about the King here's what's interesting in the Book of Ezekiel we've already learned when we have that famous passage of Satan controlling different Kings remember we saw there in Ezekiel 28 where we're talking about the king of Edom and I'm sorry was it Edom I'm forgetting now let me go back and look at it Ezekiel 28 if you want to turn back there Tyrus I want you to notice in verse 2 he refers to him son of man say unto the Prince of Tyrus and then later in the passage in verse 12 he refers to him as the king of Tyrus verse 2 says son of man say unto the Prince of Tyrus thus saith the Lord God and then in verse 12 he says son of man take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus so I want you to notice here we know we're talking about two different people the Prince of Tyrus in verse 2 is actually the physical human being and the king of Tyrus and verse 12 is Satan and you say well how do you know that will look verse 13 thou has been in Eden the garden of God look at last part of verse 13 like tablets and my pipes were prepared in thee and the day that was created verse 14 now they're going to cherub that covereth so the king of Tyrus is referring to Satan the Prince of Tyrus is actually referring to the physical man so we can see we've already seen easy to use this terminology separately dividing the person versus the the spiritual and then here in Ezekiel 37 he says there's a King David and there's a Prince David so I believe the King is actually referring to the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of David who will reign from the throne of David but then we also have David you say well how is that how does that work here's what you need to understand and I don't want to get into a big get too much into this because we're gonna deal with it later in the Book of Ezekiel but during the millennial reign those of us that have served God with our lives when we go through the judge conceit of Christ and we are rewarded for our works you do not go to heaven based on your works but your rewards are based on your works and when we serve God and we are rewarded we are part of our reward is that we will rule and reign with Christ during the millennial reign and I believe that during that time there's going to be a structure like there is today because here's what you need to understand the New Testament tells us that the Twelve Apostles are going to reign over 12 Thrones on 12 Thrones over the 12 tribes of Israel during the millennial reign so you and you can ask well okay so is David gonna reign over Israel or are the 12 apostles well look in the same way that today we have a president that rules over the entire nation but we've got governors that rule over different different estates and then it underneath those governors you've got mayor's rule different cities I believe the millennial reign is gonna be the same way and I do believe that David is going to reign over the nation of Israel as king during the millennial reign but then the Twelve Apostles will reign over the separate twelve tribes of Israel during there's gonna be a leadership structure you say well is David gonna reign from Jerusalem or is Jesus well here's what I think I believe David will reign over the nation of Israel and Jesus will reign over the entire world from Israel in the same way that we've you know you've got the you you you've got the state of Virginia that has a governor but the president is there in Washington DC ruling over the entire country that's what I believe is equal is referring to here there's gonna be King Jesus who's represented by David here who's gonna reign over the entire world from Jerusalem but you'll have King David we already know what he's gonna get at the judgment seat of Christ he's gonna get to rule over the entire nation of Israel during the millennial reign and then we already know also because she's already told us that the 12 apostles are gonna reign over the 12 tribes of Israel during the millennial reign and this how it's gonna go you know and and we don't know what you'll do all right honestly I'm hoping I I'm hoping I get to reign over Sacramento that'd be great you know I figure I don't have too much competition because everybody all the Christians around here all the churches were pretty lame so maybe I'll get to reign over Sacramento I don't know but I think they'll be there probably someone who reigns over the entire nation the United States of America you know other than then Babel you know Babylon being destroyed that's just a city I think it's New York City you know we don't know but other than that part you know I think there'll be someone who's ruling over the entire United States of America then they'll probably be people that are ruling over different regions or things like that this is what I believe that Ezekiel is referring to and I went to all that just to explain that but here's what I want you to say we know we know that this passage is not about anything that could happen during our time this is end-times you say how do we know that well number one we know that because there's a huge reference to the resurrection at the beginning the chapter which we're going to get to in a minute number two we know that because we know that during the Malayan all 12 tries to be united because the 12 apostles will reign over the 12 tribes of israel we also know that because David will reign and whether you think it's Jesus being represented as David or whether you believe it's the physical David or whether you believe like I do that it's both David the king is Jesus and David the Prince is David either way none of that applies now this is a future event this is future coming let me let me give you a third reason why we can know that this is a future event that this is not something that applies to the unbelieving Jews of today because look this was a shoeless want to apply these passages to unbelieving Jews the Bible says who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ he is Antichrist that denied the father in the study and look these Jews today they deny that Jesus is the Christ they deny that Jesus is the Messiah that's what the word Christ means they're looking for another Messiah they are Antichrist that's what the Bible says look at his ego 37 in verse 26 moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them it shall be an everlasting covenant with them and I will place them and multiply them and will notice what he says set my sanctuary in the mid of them forevermore now look they don't have a sanctuary over there right now now they will the the an Tigers gonna build a temple one day but here the Bible says that God is gonna send his sanctuary in the midst of them and I want you to make note of these words sent my sanctuary in verse 26 in the midst of them forevermore and then verse 27 my tabernacle also shall be with them yay I will be their God and they shall be my people now if you remember from last week we looked at 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 where he talked about that ye are the temple the Holy Ghost and he says I will be their God and they shall be my people so we already see that this is a new covenant reference this is not an Old Testament reference but a New Testament reference but even more than that let me prove to you that this is future events go to Revelation chapter 21 Revelation chapter 21 and look at verse number 1 Revelation chapter 21 and verse number 1 should be fairly easy to find last book in the New Testament revelation 21 verse 1 notice what the Bible says and I saw a new heaven and a new earth alright this was future events for the first heaven in the first Earth were passed away and there was no more sea and I John saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband and I heard a great voice out of heaven saying does this sound familiar behold the tabernacle of God is with men isn't that what he's equal 37:27 said my table my tabernacle also shall be with them and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself shall be with them and be their God isn't that exactly what Ezekiel 37 27 says so what this is not something that you can put into you know today or the the Jews of today this is very much end times prophecy the book of Revelation even quotes from Ezekiel to tell you that when the tabernacle of God comes it's during the time of the new heaven the new earth when the New Jerusalem comes down the tabernacle of God will be with men they shall be his people and they are he says and I will be their God that's all new covenant New Testament it's all believers that have been resurrected so this passage is very much an end times passage how do we know that well we know because when this happens the entire nation of Israel be reunited all 12 tribes Southern and Northern Kingdom will be united when this happens David will reign over the nation of Israel and I believe that the reference to the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of David reigning from Jerusalem and the actual physical David who killed Goliath reigning from Jerusalem over the nation of Israel and of course we know the Apostles will be reigning over the twelve tribes go back to Ezekiel 37 he's Eagle 37 lui verse 1 so now now that I you know I've explained all that we understand this is future event I want you understand that there are two applications to this famous passage of the valley of the dry bones or the valley full of dry bones the first application which I've already said is that this is about the resurrection this is literally a rapture passage this is about the resurrection just like first Corinthians 15 just like we learned about it in 1st Thessalonians and second Thessalonians this is about the rapture and this is about Old Testament Saints being being resurrected during the rapture e-z-go 37 verse 1 notice what the Bible says the first thing we see when we talk about the resurrection which is a primary application is that we see that the resurrection of the Dead there's an emphasis on the fact that these people are dead verse 1 the handle orders upon me and carried me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the midst of the valley notice or says which was full of bones now I don't believe that this is the only place that people will be resurrected but God is allowing Ezekiel to see this place being resurrected he said there's a valley which was full of bones now maybe this was a burial place maybe there was a place where some sort of battle was fought and many believing Jews were killed here whatever it was we know that Ezekiel is taken to this valley and he sees these there's which was full of bones looking worse too and caused me to pass by them roundabout and behold they were very many there's a lot of bodies here in the open Valley and lo they were very dry ok the idea there is that these bones have been dead for a long time all right there's very many and they're very dry Luke verse 3 and he said unto me son of man can these bones live it's an odd question I mean I think most people would not ask this question can these bones live but of course of course with God nothing is impossible and he says can these bones live and I answered Oh Lord God thou knowest it's interesting because this is the same way a question in the book of Revelation is asked and the same way that the the same answer is given in Revelations thou knowest verse 4 again he said unto me prophesy unto these bones and say unto them oh ye dry bones hear the word of the Lord so I want you to notice the emphasis is that these people are dead they've been dead for a long time they're very many they're very dry oh ye dry bones look in verse number 11 then he said unto me son of man these bones are the whole house of Israel so notice he's telling him these bones that you're gonna see here this is the whole house of Israel behold they say our bones are dry and our hope is lost we are cut off for our parts therefore prophesy and say unto them thus saith the Lord God behold O my people notice what he says I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves and bring you into the land of Israel and you shall know that I am the Lord when I have opened your graves o my people and brought you up out of your great so here he says what these bones are very dry they're very many they're very thick and he says but look I'm gonna open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves go to John chapter five John chapter five meet says we got Matthew Mark Luke John John chapter five and while you turn there let me say this in Revelation chapter 9 we are told that all Israel shall be saved and the dispensation as they love to take that in those day and they even Baptist will just kind of turn Calvinist for a minute and say see during the end times during the time of tribulation all the Jews are going to get saved they're all going to believe on Jesus and it's like look that that is Calvinism that God is just going to perform some miracle and cause all that look salvation is whosoever will may come and not matter if it's Old Testament New Testament tribulation time or end times God doesn't force people to be safe so but people will get confused and they'll say well Han the world is saying that all Israel's gonna be saved how can you say that you know if they don't all get saved here's how he says that we write it in Ezekiel 37 11 this is the whole house of Israel look there's coming today when God is going to resurrect the entire house of Israel and everyone that he was resurrect was saved so they're all saved the entire nation of Israel look cuz what I'm telling you the nation of Israel that inherits the land through the millennial reign they're not gonna get it because they were Jews they're gonna get it because they were saved because they partook in the resurrection of the debt because they partook in the resurrection of the living god is no respecter a person God doesn't just give people a pass because they were born into the right family you say well what happens to Jews is don't believe the same thing that happens to everybody everybody doesn't believe the wrath of God abides upon them so the whole house of Israel being saved as a reference to the fact that there's coming a day when everybody in Israel everyone who inherits that land they're all gonna be saved Hebrews saved Israelites now notice he says I'm gonna open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves he says ye shall know that I am the Lord when I have opened your graves notice how this flows perfectly with the teaching of the Resurrection John chapter 5 verse 28 knows what the Bible says John 5:28 Marvel not at this this is Jesus speaking for the hour is coming in the which notice what he says all that are in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation see there's going to be a resurrection for both the the living and the dead and don't let that confuse you that the resurrection of damnation that's the great white throne and death and he'll were cast into the lake why he said he said I saw he said he said I saw the dead he said they came out of hell they came from the sea but there is coming a resurrection of the living and he's going to open up they shall come forth they're gonna hear his voice in the graves and this is what he's equal 37 is referring to is referring to the fact that believing Israelites would one are going to one day be resurrected they're going to be raptured just like everyone else go go back to Ezekiel 37 keep your place there in John if you wouldn't mind we're gonna come back in that direction but Cody Sego 37 degrees 5 let's say the Lord God into these bones behold I will cause breath to enter into you and he shall live we're gonna come back to that in a second Luke verse 6 and I will lay sinews so those are tendons upon you so enter notice the first thing we saw that this is the resurrection of the dead the second thing we see is that when these when these people are resurrected from the dead they are given a new body notice what it says I will lay sinews again those are attendants upon you and will bring up flesh upon you and cover you with skin and put breath in you and he shall live and you shall know that I am the Lord so I prophesied and I was commanded it and as I prophesied there was a noise and behold a shaking and the bones came together bone to his bone reminds me of that song I don't I don't know the songs I wasn't good at school but you know that song whatever bone is connected to this bone you know this was happening here you know these bones start just coming up out of the ground and they literally start connecting to each other and forming these skeletons and then the sinews come upon then the muscle comes upon it then the flash comes upon it then the skin comes upon it verse eight and when I beheld lo the sinews and the flesh came upon them and the skin covered them above but there was no breath in them so I want you to notice they are dead and they are resurrected and then they are given a new body go to first Corinthians 15 now if you give two plays and John you go acts Romans first Corinthians and continue to keep your place in John because we're going to come back there also but go John acts Romans first Corinthians now first Corinthians 15 is a famous passage about the resurrection of believers notice what it says for a screen is 15 verse 23 for this corruption excuse me for this corruptible now again we could read the whole passage of the long chapter we're not going to do that but when he's talked about this corruptible he's talking about our bodies because your body is corrupt your body is falling apart your body is literally dying every day he says for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality why because after the rapture or the resurrection it's the same event you know whether you are alive and you get raptured or you are dead and you get resurrected at that moment not only will the Dead come back to life but all of us will receive a new glorified body for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptible should have put on incorruption and this mortal shall put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory o death where is thy sting or grave remember they came up out of the grave where is thy victory so I want you to notice that they are resurrected and they are given a new body go back to Ezekiel 37 let me say this this is all done by the Holy Spirit or it's a spiritual work it is a spirit of God that does this and I'll show it to you in Ezekiel 37 look at verse 9 he's Eagle three summers nine says this then said he unto me prophesy unto notice these words the wind now we have spent a lot of time on this and I'm not going to but throughout the Bible the Holy Spirit is represented as several things there are these emblems or symbols of the Holy Spirit I thought about doing a whole sermon on it when we did our Holy Spirit series I decided not to but there are several things that represent the Holy Spirit one of them is fire one of them is wind here we're told he is told to prophesy unto the white because remember they were they the the bones were resurrected the dead were brought back then they were given a new body but they're still not alive it's a similar process to Adam ember Adams body was there but God had to bring them to him the breath of life well notice what it says here then said he unto me prophesy unto the wind prophesy Son of Man and say to the wind thus saith the Lord God come from the four winds o breath and breathe upon the slain that they may live so I prophesied as he commanded me and the breath came into them and they lived and stood upon their feet an exceeding great army so this is a spiritual work and look just to prove to you that the wind is represented by the Holy Spirit or the Holy Spirit represents the wind go to John chapter three just real quickly John chapter three verse eight we saw last week when we looked at the story of Nicodemus but let me just show you one verse john 3:8 remember Jesus is explaining the new birth the New Covenant this the new spirit that it's going to end well people regeneration that you're gonna you're not look salvation is not just Reformation you're not reformed you're regenerated you're a new man you are new a new creature and he's telling them look if you're gonna enter the kingdom of heaven you must be born again and Nicodemus doesn't understand how can I enter second time through my mother's womb and he says no that was just born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit this was a spiritual thing look at John 3:8 the wind bloweth where it listeth and now hears a sound thereof but canst not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth sighs this is Jesus so is every one that is born of the Spirit so notice that the wind represents the spirit remember the day of Pentecost when they were filled with the Holy Ghost what happened first a mighty rushing wind so you have this wind that represents the Holy Spirit this is a spiritual work that's what God will do through his spirit go back to Ezekiel 37 so here's a point you said what is the eagle 37 about this famous passage of the valley of dead bones a valley full of dead bones the valley full of dry bones what is it about it's just an Old Testament resurrection passage about the Old Testament Saints when the trumpet sounds when when Jesus comes back at the second coming of Christ those who believed on Christ who placed their faith on Christ we look back to the cross and place our faith in Christ but in the Old Testament they were looking forward to the cross and they were believing that God would send a messiah to die for their sins and those who died believing that who were safe they're going to be resurrected as well their bones are gonna come out of the grave they're going to receive a new body and they're going to inherit the land you said when will they get it during the Mellen rain when the twelve tribes of Israel inherit it when David literally rules over them when the tabernacle of God descends from the new heaven the new earth New Jerusalem and God says I will dwell with my people and I shall be their God and they shall be my people now that's not just Jews that's not just Israelites that's all of us that believe and partake in the New Covenant go back to 0:37 let me just say this there's a second application when you study the Bible you have to understand that there are usually not usually I shouldn't say usually but many times there are several applications to a passage there's the primary application which is the primary purpose or teaching that God has given us and that's what I've given you tonight the primary application it about the resurrection but sometimes there's a secondary application meaning it's not about that specifically but there are some principles that we can learn and I believe that there is a secondary application to this passage the primary application is about resurrection the secondary application is about revival you say well what what makes you think that's about revival and we're talking about revival we use the word revival revived this is a Bible word it talks about it references those that are maybe just kind of gotten dead in their Christian walk whose spiritual life is just kind of died God talks about the fact that he can revive you and you say well how do you how do you know that this is that there's an application here that it's not just the resurrection but there's also an aspect of revival well look at verse 11 he's Eko 37 and verse 11 and I was as this then he said unto me son of man these bones are the whole house of Israel behold they say so notice the bones are dead very clear this is future events this is a resurrection but then he says this the bones said this our bones are dried our hope is lost we are cut off for our parts and he says look there's a secondary application here that there are some times when we might look at ourselves and say our bones are dried our hope is lost there are times in your life and in my life when our Christianity gets kind of dry it's kind of old it gets kind of dead you say a dead Christian well the Bible says faith without works is dead now that's not teaching a workshop nation because look faith without words are still existent faith without works doesn't mean it doesn't exist but it does mean this it's dead and sometimes people they lose their first lot and their Christian life just kind of dies their Christian life just kind of goes by the wayside they used to be excited about the things of God they used to be excited about church and about Bible reading about prayer about soul-winning but now it's just kind of I don't know it's dry it's dead and the Bible's here tells us look you can experience revival in your life what are the characteristics what number one the preaching of God toward lubbers for and he said unto me prophesy say why is it important to be in church on Sunday morning Sunday night Wednesday night because God hath chosen the foolish nosov preaching because God look you think ask your manager why don't why don't we do the small groups that's a big fad right now the small groups we can all meet at each other's houses you know and and we can sit around and couches and we just kind of talk about and we can talk well here's the problem that I I missed the verse where he said that God has chosen the foolish nests of small groups to confound the white but you know what he said he said that he's chosen preaching he says he says that he has ordained preaching throughout the Old Testament the New Testament God has given us prophecy preaching the preaching without word you say why you know when you feel like your Christianity is kind of dying it's kind of dead it's kind of dry it's kind of boring you say what do I need you need preaching meet God you need a man of God to stand up with the Word of God and to preach unto you he says prophesy unto these bones and say unto them oh ye dry bones notice the second aspect is not just prophecy it's here the word of the Lord see thought is not enough that you get good preaching it better be Bible preaching for the word of God is quick it means alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart here's what I believe that if you get someone who's dry and dead someone who's saved but they're dry and dead the christian 'is gonna die and you get them under the right type of biblical preaching you say what will happen here's what will happen the Holy Spirit will begin to work on them those were six actually verse five let's take the Lord God into these bones behold I will cause breath that's the spirit Lu verse six and I will lay sinews upon you gonna bring up flesh unto you and cover you with skin and put breath in you look at her seven so I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a noise and behold a shaking and the bones came together bone to his bone and when I beheld and lo thus it news he talks about how they they come together Luke verse nine then said he unto me prophesy unto the wind prophesy Son of Man and say to the wind thus saith the Lord God come from the four winds o breath and breathe upon them these slain that they may live and yes the primary application is resurrection but there is a secondary application which is revival you say I need a reviving look the preaching of God's Word can revive your soul can revive your soul winning can revive your devotional time can revive your marriage can revive your child-rearing you say when things begin to die when things begin to die you say what do we leave what are you preaching the God's Word because it's quick and it's powerful and it can make you alive so the primary application the primary application is that of Resurrection but the secondary application is that of revival look at verse 12 we'll look at verses 12 13 and 14 just make the last point I've already made it but just just to make sure we're clear verse 12 therefore prophesy and say unto them thus saith the Lord God behold O my people what people are these people have been resurrected I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves notice what he says and bring you into the Land of Israel and you shall know that I am the Lord when I have opened your graves o my people and brought you up out of your graves and shall put my spirit in you and you shall live and no 3 sighs I shall place you in your own land then shall you know that I the LORD hath spoken it and performed it saith the Lord Ramez do you believe that the nation of Israel is gonna be given the land someday absolutely do you think it's the unbelieving Jews of today no I was very clear it's gonna be the ones who God opened their graves and brought them back from the dead and resurrected them gave him a new body isn't millennial reign so thank you you got the John Hagee's and you got all these preachers out there we got to get the Jews the land back we got to get the Jews and land back let's give them the land back let's give them the life let's kick out Palestine let's give them away no you know what they're gonna get the land during the millennial reign and it's not going to be a bunch of unbelieving Jews it'll be those who believe on the Lord from the Old Testament they're gonna be resurrected they're gonna be given a glorified body just like you like and you know what David and Peter and James and John will be ruling and railing railing the night reigning hopefully not railing from Israel and the rest of us will be ruling and reigning in whatever areas we lived and served and and this is and I hope it's clear tonight that this is not some sort of you know Zionist passage about giving the land back to the people it's very clear this is end times millennial reign believing Israelites will be resurrected at the rapture let's borrow it - never - pray Heavenly Father they can look for your word thank you for this passage I know it's misunderstood and and and and miss miss used a lot by people that have agendas but lord I just pray it you'd help us all to understand it and and just look at it it's very clear that when this is gonna happen and who it applies to and Lord we thank you for allowing us to be able to be a part of this to be able to read the Bible understand it learn it apply it to our lives in Jesus name we pray amen
Channel: Verity Baptist Church
Views: 2,613
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Id: _yab5g5K9mM
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Length: 44min 12sec (2652 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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