In The Line Of Duty: The FBI Murders (1988 Film)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] morning what are you so happy about it's 6am i'm 30 years old live at the beach and i drive a sports car only one problem you have to go to work it's not the problem it's the good part speaking of good parts [Music] you gonna wish me luck good luck [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] morning liz gordy ed's son called this morning he can be with us at the beach house over christmas as long as it still has those two weeks off he's got him i don't know how much ed wants to see the boy thanks am i right see you big head hola gordie who's still on that surveillance in north miami west palm beach omega only the best for my wife what's happening to the funsters oh well let me see uh quantico sent me a memo seems they want me to ensure that the entire squad meets the weight requirements i got a sinking feeling that includes me i don't suppose you explain to them in a rational way that i'm not really as big as i look hey what happened to ben looks like he ran his bicycle up a tree or something hey gretch ben i i've got some more on that heist at stake and ale restaurant so see me after you change clothes what happened to you this morning i got run off the road by some kid who could barely see over the steering wheel i got his tags though i'm gonna run him through tallahassee and find out who he is he is in for one big surprise i almost feel sorry for the kid but the funniest thing was bradford's little brother at breakfast he kept putting his toes in yogurt i bet you guys egged him on the whole time no we told him to stop i bet but he just kept licking it off sounds delightful it was gross loved it i'll be homely all right you're gonna be the bill again yeah i got a line on a new business me and bill invested in some pinball machines michael you don't know a thing about pinball machines well i didn't know anything about trees either but that didn't stop me from building up a damn select landscaping business dude yeah that's true but i built scoped out all kinds of ways to get up making this thing pay off we're gonna put these machines in ice cream bars stuff like that what's the matter i just don't know why you need him you were doing okay before he moved down here we're doing all right now it's just a little extra money each one of these machines is gonna bring in a hundred dollars a week i'll be right there willie alexander i'm just trying to help bill out he's been having a rough time and it is a cash business we're gonna need a lot of it we want to keep living like this i can't make it just cutting lawns now can i [Music] i huh not i'll see you later okay corey nice work on that science project thanks mike said he'd show me how to handle a gun if that's okay with you said he showed me stuff you learned in the army no it's not okay with me why would you want to know about that stuff anyway where'd you get this ripped it off a car in front of that woman's gym on south dixie man a guy like we could have a good time in a place like that real good sounds to me like you're not getting enough at home well i'm getting plenty i'm paying for it carolyn's pregnant well you are paying for it i'm sorry jake i had a hepatitis when i was a kid i've never been able to donate eddie i checked your files only disease you've had is chickenpox i'll uh i'll let you go next week steak and ale robbery it's different so i'm giving it to you we get lots of robberies what makes something so different top page two suspects hit the armored car with enough firepower to start a revolution and military camouflage clothing face masks automatic weapons walkie-talkies combat boots well that's different and for all that they only got a little over two thousand dollars i'll get on this right away gordy nkob is here agent doug yeah well jerry you've got an impressive file excellent record of the academy outstanding performance report superior swat training record all of which made me ask when your request for transfer came in how can this man hurt us i won't i don't make mistakes uh-huh well you're certainly qualified but you don't have much field experience two years organized crime squad that doesn't mean you're ready for us we run a fast break here sir i work the 84 olympics i was born for the reactive squad everybody knows it's the best work in the fbi it can be each one of our agents handles between 25 and 35 cases at any one time and we are all available for any one case bullpen gets a little crazy at times do you see that gray-haired man sitting over there 53 years old and he's still the best shot in miami ben grogan i've been hearing about him since the academy he's incredible he's more than that he's your swat commander yes sir everybody in the bullpen ticks some a little louder than others so when something goes down we pull together as a unit if shots are fired only bad guys get whacked we have a perfect record and we want to keep it that way you're not afraid of guns are you yeah yes sir i am good buddy well maybe this one works there you go these machines are all shorted out what i got to do is run the circuit that's not the problem willie this was supposed to be easy these machines are supposed to work for us well what do you want to do [Music] [Music] [Music] ben grogan jerry dove jerry swat train oh we can always use another one of you guys i was hoping you'd start him off with something reasonable here you go start getting familiar with the psych nail case i've got to run this tag through tallahassee some kid almost squashed me with his family car listen i i tried to learn most of the procedures even before i applied for the squad what's nkob new kid on the block that's what you are until ed morales gives you a nickname and that doesn't happen until you're really one of the funsters john hanlon is really the jakester when he's not in court he can slide paperwork through the bureaucracy fashion is anyone alive or dead the marine over there without the uniform is ron reiser uh dick menaude's the count gordy's the incredible hulk when you get to know him better and uh morales is a refrigerator what are you ben grogan come on we used to do this in the army pretty good at it too huh we're not interested in your pinball machines anymore don't want our money back all of it and if we have any more problems with you like police problems we'll be back you believe me man did you see the look on that dude's face he couldn't believe us near his teeth rattle i should have shoved that 44 in his mouth you know it was great it was great that's great you gotta go back to ripping off drug dealers nah no way they're all a bunch of greasers now they got all kinds of weapons and we're safer going up against the cops check that out it's a piece of cake oh look at that dumb broad they all weather freezo man [Music] come on [Music] i'm sorry i tried we're out of here we didn't get anything i did [Music] [Music] we have over two dozen witnesses and no two people saw the same thing except for a light-colored monte carlo you know i'm glad you uh federal boys have to handle these bank robberies if it wasn't for the fbi you local heroes wouldn't have enough time to go chasing your purse snatchers i'll tell you something gordy metro date handles over 6 000 robberies a year but i've never seen anything like this one military surplus smoke grenade cute huh doesn't make any sense all this and they get the guard going in when he's empty instead of catching him on his way out they miss forty thousand dollars great not smart well armed [Applause] and they'll learn if we follow scripture we walk with the lord no doubt about it most of you it's been here a while i've heard all about the tragedy in my life my loving wife patty so brutally murdered by a robber back there in ohio stabbed 16 times and slit her throat you see the way that candle was blowed out leaving me a widower small baby girl look after many times since i've been tempted by despair but lord won't let me come to miami my little girl my new wife and her son to start a new life you accepted us in your hearts and let us worship with you and i want to thank reverend hunt for letting me give witness about how things are turned around for me even though my life has meant all peaches and cream i thank the lord because as much as i've seen i've learned to take the bad with the good [Music] amen [Music] [Music] uh [Music] foreign nice shot did you kill the mailman sorry ron i can't believe i did that it's okay jerry this takes a lot of work i know better ben i never wanted anything but this could have done worse almost everyone nails mama the first time through look over it in the bullpen what's the bottom line you don't even know the color of the suspect's skin well one thing we do know for sure you're not shy about firing their weapons the only thing the witnesses all agree on is the bad guys look and act like real soldiers you think they might be active duty i'm checking that out but anyone can get all the experience they need right here in miami the everglades the place is full of off-the-wall paramilitary groups survivalists supremacists gun freaks we should check out some of the hot spots along the tamiami trail come on come on hey why don't we take a trip somewhere bill you know i have always wanted to see the smoky mountains how am i gonna pay for all this i got to make a living ah a couple of months you can look like hell in that bathing suit can't you say something nice well i did that at church hey willy oh they heard about patty and all before bill oodles at times don't you think everybody knows you use the same old sob story to date all the single women back home heck even proposed to a lot of them everybody knows all about it yeah i had my pickle litter and i had to pick her they only went out with you because you bought them jewelry you disgust me i told you i didn't want another kid i want you the hell out of my house your house i bought it with my money i mean patty's money if we ever get a divorce i want you to know i am going after half this house hey we're thin quick don't they oh boy yeah yeah well uh i found a way to fix that let's take a ride daddy get in the house melissa see you sweetheart hi yo listen up i'm divorced [Applause] yes mike hi mike so where do you two know each other from bill said something about the army the rangers we were sort of an elite sneak behind enemy lines destroy liquidate stuff like that is that true that's us rednecks white trucks blue ribbon beer this man right here saved my life once on a mission in vietnam i can't say any more about it than that it's still classified i don't believe you [Music] lady i was a platoon leader you look up my record at fort ord at fort campbell i was army airborne you know something i don't care if she believes me or not mike's done more than you can know you owe him an apology i don't know why i said that i'm sorry i i just came in on all this okay hey why don't we all do something together you and your wife we can go to disney world yeah it's a great idea what do you say mike we got things to do willie what's your name vicky well vicky i don't know if i should be telling you this but we got a major drug dealer coming into miami in the next couple of days and bill and i now [Music] willie and i got to arrange a little uh welcome for it you're from the central intelligence agency under contract with cia oh denied of course but uh ever since the military with our specialized training they send us in to intercept the dealers and interdict the flow of drugs and we get to keep the proceeds money not drugs good see the way the law reads a lot of these jokers get off on technicalities the cops hands are tied something's got to be done about it is that right we're not dressing down because we have a warrant and i want them to know who we are this is the most active group so they're heavily armed and they're no fans of the fbi as far as descriptions all we have are two males ages and race unknown height 5 10 to 6 feet weight 170 to 200 pounds look for a mini 14 or ar-15 rifle that have been converted to full automatic along with that 12-gauge shotgun with modified pistol grip stock and if we really get lucky a late model monte carlo which has been variously described as white yellow gold or beige well funsters that's it showtime [Music] [Music] hello [Music] this is the fbi put your weapons on the ground and step back please place your weapons on the ground and step back so just who the hell do you think you are exactly what i said this is private property we want to ask you some questions why don't you get in your car and get out of here we don't want any trouble we just want to ask you some questions yeah questions you're always asking us questions we are because we need to find out have you seen two men probably for a military in a later don't even think about it [Music] wait it's a kid it's just a kid hey buddy how you doing what do you got there it's just a pelican i didn't fire with bullets okay [Music] [Music] [Music] open up do it now come on korea i can't come on [Music] what are you doing man i ain't gonna leave the big money behind come on let's go please don't hurt me you came real close back three maybe four grand that's it we're too bad for morning's work not good enough let's go again against the wall turn around hand to the wall get up where are you going get down head to the wall out of those offices hands against the glass all right sonny let me see your money not the crap in there i want your stuff in there a real vault is downstairs we can't open it it's on a time lock don't you mess with me get on in there get in what are you looking at dogs all of them sport come on come on get down let's get out of here now we can go to disney world you know there is something that is just not right about this but it's legal they actually have permits for these things i called this game man two banks were just taken down to miami our two soldiers a fortune they rob both of them back to back they didn't bother to change license plates so they get away in a gold monte carlo what are you going to be in the pageant princess what do you do hi daddy oh bill this is detective hamill is that so [Music] um come on melissa scott let's go play in your room come on let's go scott birchfield ohio pd so i understand you're in the uh landscaping business mr maddox that's right looks like you're doing pretty well it's a living detective hamill's been asking questions about patty it's a couple of years since anyone's asking about her get me some pop carol anne here you go thank you you want to see it yes thanks uh well we haven't been able to finish the homicide investigation completely just yet so uh just a couple of small details need to be cleaned up maybe i can clean them up for you uh maybe your wife shouldn't hear any of this in the eyes of the lord husband and wife are to share everything well let's see uh can i put no thank you uh we're a little confused uh mr maddox as to why you uh took out such a large insurance policy on patty they wanted security for my daughter of course i understand that but usually a fellow might take one out himself not on his wife i guess i've seen things a little different okay uh then there's that letter uh a witness says that you wrote a letter to a friend describing how and when patty could be murdered during a fake robbery at the hospital everybody asked me about that and i told him there wasn't ever any letter i know but the witness claims to have seen it says that you destroyed it as a lord as my witness i let her never existed at all i believe you mr max but you see the way things are now a lie detector test was offered to you at the time of the murder uh and i'll tell you what it's being offered to you again what do you say i really rather not don't you want to put all this behind you once and for all but as i'm concerned it already is i got one more detail here i'd like to run by if i could immediately after your wife's death you had an affair with a woman who was very close to her apparently her best friend um janice wren janice wren mrs wren says that you tried to seduce her look we um we went to bed once or twice but i made my piece with the lord right after she says you raped her she said you snuck into her house you waited for her in the dark and that you were naked she wanted it that way she's ashamed now that's all she was married at the time the old man wasn't paying much attention to her she just naturally turned to me in my grief i needed love for real bad she saw my weakness [Music] i'll admit i fought with the with the devil over that one she also says that you told her i did it meaning you killed patty or you had somebody do it for you i stand before god with a clear conscience and it's good enough for me where are you running off to cat got your tongue i'm tired bill i'm going to bed you ain't tired or something else i didn't know you were a suspect in paddy's murder did you kill her i meant what i said [Music] go away [Music] head mundo you are gonna give blood aren't you you know i can't stand the sight of blood listen i checked those tags on that gold monte carlo uh they belong to a spanish speaker named he fiorina uh his son went target practicing some couple of months ago uh near the tamiami trail um both the kid and the car disappeared the same day mr morales [Music] [Music] [Laughter] stay with me now stay with me all right you take it out plus all right come at me that's it i got some popcorn let me show you something all right you got the right idea i just want you to get the baseline quicker okay you get the baseline throw a head fake draw the guy out of his feet move around him up for the shot and you will draw the file okay all right we'll try it again come on that's it that's it telephone's for you who is it bill all right uh try that one more time we'll be right back you guys look like you're having fun yeah i still got some pretty good moves huh kid's doing great good yeah willie speak to me well i'm free white 21 again did you get rid of her it's like a bad cold she backed up and left this morning it's always say we uh think the girls who have a little fun celebrate i don't know about you willy but i thought we had some business to take here i'm running out of time willie i haven't got a clue when i'm gonna get sander for christmas i want to know what you mean the worst part is fighting those crowds in the mall [Music] maybe i'll get her a 90. again what are you looking at [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] [Music] man did you see the look on that dude's face you couldn't believe you just walk up and shoot him like that [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] merry christmas willie what's the matter i saw that car before we switched to the truck make a turn [Music] let's do it hey stop hey all right gentlemen ben what do we have ah two white males early thirties once slightly balding with mustache medium complexion the other with dirty blonde hair and a goatee the witness followed him in his car for several blocks but he never got a clear look at their faces he's lucky he didn't get shot he saw them dump the monte carlo and drive away in a pickup we recovered the car it is fiorina's but it's clean or no prints what about the pickup the witness couldn't give us anything except that it's white he lost it in a residential area running along south dixie at uh 132nd avenue says it just disappeared it just disappeared less than a mile from my house what bothers me most is the way they shot that guard there's no reason for it it's like an execution we'll be hearing from these guys again and when we do we better be ready for them [Music] so [Music] oh lord we thank thee for these thy gifts for which we are about to receive a bountiful harvest is welcome and appreciated in this household and we are grateful and hope jesus that you will continue to watch over this house and keep us all happy amen i can't believe you surprise which one's mine ready this one it's basketball no open it open it come on daddy one more two more marco we're 10-7 whoa that means we're out of service come on let's get some hot dogs for us does it hurt when you get shot daddy i don't know i've never been shot but i bet it hurts a lot do you shoot people i've never had to know i thought policemen shoot people only if they have to i guess i've been lucky but you have a gun yeah i got a gun can i see it if you want you arrest a bad guy what do you do well i say i'm from the fbi and you're under arrest but what if he tries to hurt you [Music] what do you ask me all these questions for marco because all my friends in school know you're a policeman and they want to know if you shoot people well i do what i have to do we can't let the bad guy just go around hurting people can we but can't you just talk to them i wish i could go on now go get dressed thanks honey i don't want marco growing up thinking i go around to shooting people he's not gonna do that ed he just doesn't understand why there have to be bad guys well that makes two of us [Music] so ben aren't you going home i guess i didn't realize how late it was getting elaine mcneil called she said gordy's out driving around the neighborhood looking for that white picker i'm not surprised oh joan [Music] by the way merry christmas you too [Music] oh man give me another [Music] okay watch this see there willie practice makes perfect huh boy i love this baby i'd go up against anybody with this mini 14. how much ammo did you buy five thousand rounds [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey hmm this is where the body was found according to his father fiorina was out here in early october target shooting around one of these rock pits so what do we do man we need an army to cover all this there are hundreds of places along the tamiami trail it could have been whoever killed them just depicted right out of the blue he just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time hey girls willie's got the uh burgers on how do you want them rare over easy over-easy way i like it when you get rid of that stupid hat it makes you look like a wimp give me the name a wimp give it my damn head give me this one to the damn whoa whoa whoa whoa don't you think they get scary sometimes always talking about knocking over drug dealers through the c.i.a we're not supposed to discuss all that it's supposed to be a secret oh come on bill doesn't make a big deal about keeping it a secret he's always flashing all that money around they get to keep he bought me this ring last week look at that for cash he must love you a lot to buy you a ring that big oh he loves me i know that and he wants to make love to me all the time but it's always wham bam you know never a kind word i just wish i could learn to understand him better you probably had time you both found love so quick even mike was surprised it was a world when i guess even when we first started dating it was like he needed his approval or something sandra he can't make up his mind about anything without mike well they've always been tight ever since the military it's more than that mike frightens me sometimes don't let him mike just naturally does that to women you get used to it yeah yeah i guess i'm just a little confused that's all maybe you don't know how lucky you are i got my man and i intend to hang on to him it is no fun being alone lily i want to go for miami federal again hit the armored car they'll never expect us back so soon kell i don't know i just soon go inside and nail a teller those bozos in the armored car can shoot back so what who wants it nice and easy over here i'm gonna be late daddy relax you still have a few minutes before the movie starts but my friends are already there [Music] daddy please suzanne i'm looking for something i'll get you there on time [Music] thanks dad hey guys suzanne not tonight you can't go to the movies tonight you promised suzanne i'm sorry thanks a lot i can't sleep what is it gordy hmm 20 years the first time you brought it home like this i thought this was ben groban's case it is just something about these guys they've got the hook in all of us any leads white pickup truck no tags no description just two maniacs who strike at random and disappear and you believe they actually live in our neighborhood i'm absolutely convinced of it is that why you put your hunting gun in the trunk of my car saw that huh uh-huh so did reverend stow he was helping me load the dishes after the bake sale well i'm sorry about that i guess i should have told you about it you think this is the answer i don't know i don't know what we're supposed to do i just know we're taking too long to do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey hey partner put that gun down [Music] you a cop no step back in that water sir [Applause] [Music] let me see your wallet sure man you can have it take my money and the car okay okay [Music] oh so this guy's incredible after they shot him he crawls three and a half miles through a swamp and flags down the car on the highway mr colatzo i'm jerry dove this is special agent grogan we're from the fbi if you're feeling up to it we'd like to ask you just a couple questions you guys find my car yet no sir we're just as anxious as you are to get our hands on it i don't understand why did they have to shoot me just to steal my car nothing these guys do make much sense sir but you can help us so far you're the only one who's actually seen them and lived it's very important for you to tell us whatever you can remember about them that's no problem i remember everything about them one thing i didn't get to see was the license plate on the white pickup but the fella who shot me if i could draw i will show you exactly what he looked like too metro dave provided us with this sketch so i want to make sure these go after all the businesses on south dixie especially the banks and i want the tags for collazo's black monte carlo played over the radio like a tune on the top 40. i guarantee you that car will show up at the next robbery finding that white pickup is gonna be like trying to nail jello to a wall we can't run the tags of every ford pickup in florida but we can run the ones on south dixie [Music] here this is gonna go on forever well this is just pitiful how much not enough for all the grief they put us through maybe we shouldn't hit the same bank twice in a row you know what i think i think we go back that bank hit it [Music] again typical we come all the way out here to see haley's comments what do the guys do talk about work not always is bad it's easy for you to say you're one of them whatever happened to that kid you try to run over with your bicycle little hoodlum i paid him a visit at his house turns out his father is a deputy sheriff with metro days nice kid but the old man kept asking me when we're gonna catch those two rambos working south dixie you know we might be able to do something about that day after tomorrow what's so special about the day after tomorrow friday i've listed all the bank robberies in miami since october and out of 63 i got our boys on five they almost always strike in the morning on a friday you thinking of a stakeout well why not i'm tired of letting them make all the moves gloria we'll be spread out along almost 100 blocks of south dixie why this friday just a hunch okay guys picture time you i wouldn't disappoint you come on come on everybody get over between fun yeah nice you want me next one a picture of me next to this jacket i've got a reputation to apply go ahead and moan you guys are all going to thank me for this someday okay we're going to do it let's do it right now all right absolutely seriously this is is this serious we're going to all right no messing around yeah we're serious yeah i would just like to say a few words in fact the people that made this call serious now serious all right everybody hold it come on jerry smile hello hey anything happens to me i want to make sure my daughter's taken care of i've still got a few bucks salted away all of it goes to melissa why are you bringing this up now something bad's gonna happen what are you so scared about i ain't scared of nothing i'm being set up i know too much and they want me out of the way who's doing this to you who do you think the fbi the c.i.a they'll never admit i was doing their dirty work for him there must be somebody who can help willie somebody you can call why'd you call me willie well isn't that what mike calls you nobody's allowed to call me that except him well maybe you shouldn't be around him so much you don't have to let him be the boss all the time that doesn't tell me what to do we worked those missions for the government i'm in charge he listens to me now you butt out can i help you i wonder a lot of pressure things you can't understand it's only one thing you've got to worry about that's keeping me happy aren't i doing that just don't get pregnant well i don't know what to do then i mean for the first time in my life i feel like i really want to settle down with someone and and jennifer says she's not ready yet i'm the last one to ask for advice for 23 years the bureau has been my family she's afraid to be married to the fbi you okay ben yeah but i'm starting to understand the way those guys think and i'm scared they are gonna hit again maybe not this friday or the next but gordy's right they're coming back and you know why not just for the money anymore they want to see what we're made of [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah i'm just going to work don't forget about melissa's babysitter she didn't get paid last week don't worry about it i'll be bringing home some money today bye on the international scene president reagan is calling libyan leader muammar gaddafi a mad dog in light of overwhelming evidence you know it's about time somebody nailed that he asked me we ought to wipe him out you were in vietnam weren't you mine military plans against libya almost it is 22 minutes past the hour end i was all trained and ready to go and then some wimp in washington hold the plug [Music] you know mike i'm doing a term paper on vietnam maybe you could help the way things are going in the middle east i wouldn't worry about a term paper why don't you just join the army and kick butt oh no dad i think i just saw an armored car go around the corner hey you'd better take me right home right and then you'd have to miss that geometry test and schedule for this morning well yeah but you can never be so careful these days get out hey wish me luck wish me luck what oh and dad just don't get shot okay you got a deal okay hey jakester you gonna go on surveillance with us this morning gotta wait through all this grand jury wants me monday morning maybe you could just ride out there with me come right back i need your advice jake i want to find out what i can do legally to spend more time with my son eddie i really gotta hang in here with this paperwork maybe this afternoon when you get back ron this is all we got well gordy's meeting us at the shopping center at 8 15. you are going with us argentina i'm the case agent aren't i dressing down huh [Music] i'd worry if i were used tvo you look too much like a man without a work permit hola paloma rough night huh paloma dove in spanish i thought after meeting jennifer the other night that uh you two were a couple of lovebirds it's official jerry you finally got your nickname but we better hit it we've got 25 miles of traffic and gordy's waiting a refrigerator child custody is not my strong suit but all right how much do you charge an hour how much money you got thanks jakester number 72 your order's ready [Music] that's why we moved down here isn't it egg sandwich large soda why are you so jumpy lately cut me some slack mike you scared no i can count on you can i 69. you're damn straight good everyone on this surveillance has been assigned grids along south dixie highway from 130th to 186th street as you know the suspects drive a late model white ford f-150 pickup also be on the lookout for a 1979 black monte carlo florida tag ntj891 do not attempt to apprehend them if a robbery's in progress they are heavily armed and they like to shoot do not engage them in a chase along south dixie highway we don't want any civilians hurt any questions let's do it [Music] [Music] gordy the manager at the barnard bank doesn't believe i'm fbi i showed her the badge but she still wants someone to verify we'll go back in there and tell her what we're up to frosty this is big end explain to her why you're dressing down man i explained but she thinks i'm looking door sleazy i'll tell you a friend of mine everything will be okay a friend of yours uh uh i'd be arrested warner out he's coming back around [Music] [Music] [Music] look at that they even left the plates on [Music] break break all units you're behind a black monte carlo florida license ntj891 heading south on south dixie make that north on south dixie repeat heading north on south dixie two white males fitting subject description we are approaching 124th street there they are [Music] [Music] so coming by your point [Music] ain't no cops at that bank [Music] don't be too sure [Music] more than one back there make a little turn here [Music] well we got them all coming still with us we're burned they know we're on to them they know we're cops then we're right behind you babe ben this is gordy i'm going parallel one block to your right my copy subject's making a right-hand turn on 82nd avenue courtney you better come back to us i copied i'm on my way 1100 [Music] man what's going on why are they moving so slow i don't know [Music] [Music] subject on the passenger side is loading a long barreled how far is our backup five or seven minutes one more block and they're back into the heavy traffic these guys are shooters we got to keep them away from civilians let's do it now let's jump ahead and keep them off of south dixie highway all units felony car stop let's take them [Applause] [Music] move [Music] [Music] kind of thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah i'm ahead get me out of here [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i'm out of here where are you going hey wait a minute where are you going mike like you okay [Music] i don't know who they are they all look like adult dealers hang in there no don't panic baby [Music] uh [Music] what [Music] i can't feel anything paralyzed [Music] oh wait it's stopped it's over lady you better hurry and get those cops in here and plenty of ambulances where are they [Music] ben manning [Music] you coming oh what oh man i'm hurting you'll be dead if you stay here now where the hell would that come from oh lord oh lord get me out of here damn i'm out of ammo [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow [Applause] shot they're killing each other who are they i don't know [Music] it's over you best that's enough it's over [Applause] we're fbi get help we need help [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey we need help we have had a shooting incident at southwest 82nd avenue and southwest 12th street in homestead please advise sa to immediately report to this area patients are down medical units are on the scene and the police units are also on the scene so far i'm afraid i'm sorry i'm an agent the way well they started shooting each other right over there [Music] so hey jakes are you okay i'm all right what about the grinch he didn't make it lordy might not either um i don't know what i'm supposed to do with these they're they're for agent grogan just put them on his desk someone will take care of them later a thorough investigation into the backgrounds of michael platt and william maddox revealed that neither had ever been arrested for any violent crime no family member or neighbor had ever reported any incident of violent behavior many questions including those surrounding the ohio murder of paddy maddox remain unanswered this event has been studied extensively it now serves as a training model for the fbi and other law enforcement agencies throughout the country so that they might better prepare themselves for street confrontations with violent criminals however no amount of preparation or training can eliminate the risks of what might happen should similar events occur agents of rancho menazi and reisner are still with the fbi john hanlon recovered from his wounds and after a full and successful career retired from the fbi he is now in private law practice ed morales was named law enforcement officer of the year he and his wife are assigned a supervisory special agent at the fbi academy in quantico virginia gordon mcneil underwent extensive surgery and rehabilitation for bullet wounds to his spine he intends to return to his duties in the miami office of the fbi benjamin grogan and jerry dove died of their wounds they were the 36th and 37th fbi agents killed in the line of duty [Music] do you
Channel: BERETTA9mmUSA
Views: 1,390,574
Rating: 4.449595 out of 5
Keywords: ruger, ruger mini 14, fbi, fbi shootout, bank robbers
Id: cS0-YU1eNNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 0sec (5640 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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