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spiders can crawl in your ear what was a fact that you regret knowing that anesthesia doesn't always work my colleague donated one of his kidneys to his brother and he experienced the entire operation without being able to move or scream pain at all took many months of therapy moving on from this cockroaches can fly at five kilometers per hour and can live three weeks without their head they eventually die of starvation they have a main brain in their head and also a primitive brain near their abdomen cockroaches also predate grass the last one is not that scary but kind of scary knowing they've been here so long so getting them out will be harder and they will probably outlive humans from my first job at kfc you can't really tell the chicken is spoiled once you put it in the fryer but don't worry if you live in a high traffic area it's almost a promise that the food is as fresh as possible things like this usually only happen in very slow towns where stock is never sold out by the next truck shipment if you stopped eating at every place that had some sort of isolated horror story you'll have nowhere to eat chainsaws were originally meant to be a surgeon's instrument to aid in childbirth those operating chainsaws were hand-operated and tiny they were to slowly shave away bone from the pelvis to widen the birth canal the procedure which was known as a symphysiotomy was originally performed by hand using a small knife and saw to remove the bone and to make things worse this was all done without anesthesia to a woman in the middle of giving birth it took a long time and it was messy and obviously painful the strange pistachio you get every few nuts the one that tastes a bit funny is because a navel orange worm died inside of it just think about eating its cute furry head next time doctors performed surgeries on infants without anesthesia until the 80s they thought the babies couldn't feel pain surveys of medical professionals indicate that as recently as 1986 infants as old as 15 months were receiving no anesthesia during surgery at most american hospitals this was the new york times so there is a good possibility it is still happening in other countries cape worm faces are absolutely terrifying don't google them i was eating sushi and i heard a story about these worms in raw fish tapeworms are known to change some characteristics and behaviors of animals there is a tapeworm that lives in crustaceans fish and birds in its lifetime and when in the fish it changes the fish's psychology to cause it to move to warmer waters and also changes its body to be more bloated making it an easy target for birds there's also a tapeworm in ants that makes them not run away when a predator is nearby it also changes their color to a yellowish color there are regulations on how much ground up cockroach may be in coffee not if how much same goes for a ton of things pus in milk flour rice etc acceptable amounts it's legit unavoidable don't look up the regulations about how many tiny maggots can be in a kind of mushrooms not if you ever want to eat mushrooms again the magnitude of how dirty hotel rooms are the worst part of this for me is that i worked in housekeeping at a hotel one summer when i was in high school maybe that particular hotel was just really good at keeping the place clean and was an exception but i do have to wonder how much crap i just never noticed because i was a dumb teenager i've been a hotel maid had managers telling me not to spend more than 20 minutes on a room generally you're working alone so it takes like 15 minutes just to change the sheets on the beds leaving you five minutes to finish the rest the rooms aren't clean because it's just physically impossible for the maids to do it dying from starvation is because your body exhausted all of its resources to feed your brain and then finally as a last resort it taps into digesting the muscles around vital organs in order to get the ketones your brain needs until there's only one muscle left your heart so technically you die because you ate your own heart not a scientifically accurate explanation closer to eli five but yeah could have gone a lifetime without knowing that if you look like your mom you are your dad's type i dated a girl who looked exactly like a younger version of her mom clones almost in any two pictures of them at the same age you would only be able to tell them apart by metadata-like color tone objects in the background etc they had a pool and sometimes i'd come over to hang out more than one occasion i caught her dad staring at her in her bikini it was creepy as hell i never mentioned it to her i mean what was i going to say hey have you noticed that your dad stares at your boobs all the time bears don't really care if their prey is alive or dead so most beer killings or maulings likely happen while the human was still alive and likely conscious and terrified dead prey is generally safer to eat than living prey an errant kick from a gazelle while a lion is eating is enough to kill it bears don't really have that problem most of their prey is too small or too weak to actually pose a threat to a half-ton bear once it's downed there was once a guy phineas gage who worked in a railroad company he had to stuff gunpowder down the hole and for some reason he looked down when the gunpowder exploded the tamping iron he was holding shot through a skull landed some 80 feet away he shook on the ground for a few minutes and he just went straight to the doctor once there he vomited so hard that a half tea cup of his brain came out he survived for 10 years with some impairment to his behavior for 10 years he was recovering until his brain basically realized it should have died 10 years ago and gave him seizures and he died retirement facilities have some of the highest std rates in the u.s basically reliving your college years except no classes no jobs and you've already fulfilled all of your other responsibilities you just have to deal with aging joints and lack of stamina it is suspected that a key difference between dogs and wolves is a sequence of genes similar to humans with williams syndrome which makes people very friendly and mentally handicapped dogs are basically wolves with down syndrome cockroaches can crawl in your ear so can spiders and those bastards are more likely to than a roach i don't know what type it was but out of nowhere my hearing got a bit deaf then over about a week my ear really started to hurt i thought well damn i finally got cotton in my ear and can't get it out well i tried using tweezers and having them checked however i couldn't see a doctor soon enough got real painful and swollen pain pills did not help i started massaging my ear and using a method that created some suction clearly there had to be a fluid buildup while on the way home it one day it was so painful massaged and boom flood of fluids came rushing out relief finally when home i could see and feel the item clogging it looked like cotton pulled it out fairly easily curiosity hit because it was slightly black center tore it apart and f me it was a spider made a goddamn tomb in my ear my ear drained for three weeks after my hearing is fine but f me rather it had been a roach cause then i would have known it was an insect at all so there now you know about 98 of relationships are due to proximity meaning all the relationships you've ever had are 98 due to you living or working close with that person your relationships generally begin with the subconscious premise that this person is the best person available technology is increasing the availability of more attractive partners and it's creating a rift between the attractive and unattractive that may at times been closer together i read somewhere that the bottom 80 of attractive or unattractive persons are chasing the top 20 and that ratio will continue to exacerbate with increases in technology not withstanding other variables like acceptance and perhaps some other unrealized happenings but just know that initially partners will chase the best of their perceived available value and attractiveness those numbers are probably guesstimates but the principle applies in india and africa people diagnosed with schizophrenia often say the voices are rarely threatening or negative usually playful or benign they often are family members who tell them to do stuff but aren't a threat in america the voices are typically considered scary and threatening to the person also nobody with cortical blindness full blindness based on the occipital cortex of the brain has ever been diagnosed with schizophrenia almost everything we do is either hurting animals the climate or other people that are less fortunate for almost everything i do there is a documentary about why i shouldn't do it in that spans from hobbies to eating to general consumption i miss the times where i didn't know any of that and could just be careless that we will never actually touch anything nothing really touches anything we have the sensation of pressure pain good sensations etc but on an atomic level there will always exist a gap even if it's sub or atomic so we will never actually touch anything as the bonds of anything break with the force of something not the actual thing one day the universe will be a cold silent and lifeless place where nothing new can ever be created again even if the heat death of the universe is still a theory it's something horrible to know that and the fact that climate change will probably put an end to human civilization as we know it in less than a century but we don't care about it the u.s bird population has been plummeting by an average of 60 million a year for the past 50 years the kicker is the majority of the losses in migratory birds which the trump administration just announced they are rolling back protections for if you want your grandkids to see sparrows meadow larks black birds finches etc we need to put nature before industry history tends to repeat itself or is very recent literally not even a century ago we had two world wars and the worst genocides armenian holocaust communism etc we act like this stuff is far removed from us to see but many of the people who lived this or even partook in this are still alive to this day the world has greatly progressed and is a better place since then but all it takes is an angry group of people and the rest is history that women sometimes poop while giving birth i wouldn't even say sometimes it's almost every time most will say they didn't but the nurses are discreet about clearing it before it draws attention especially if the patient has had an epidural and it's usually just a little bit especially because the early phases of labor before active pushing usually involves a bowel movement they're pushing a baby through the vaginal canal which shares a wall with their rectum and the muscles they're using to push are often the same ones they use to poop during labor the baby stretches the receptors in the colon that stimulate the nerves indicating the need to poop then the fetal ejection reflex that comes with pressure on the cervix and vagina which relaxes the anal sphincter that's why midwives used to give enemas before childbirth which generally isn't done anymore there's a lot of other stuff coming out too poop is hardly a concern when you have the mucus plug placenta bloody show water breaking that ikea's response to their dressers falling over and endangering kids was to just suggest the parents screw the dressers into the wall instead of doing a recall they just offered anchor kits in the u.s the safety standard for dressers is to be able to hang a 50 pounds weight from the top drawer while it's open without the dresser falling ikea dressers don't do that it's apparently optional to follow these safety standards btw but most companies do anyway well ikea refused to follow basic optional safety standards and because of that a bunch of kids are in danger and the company didn't care one bit a lot of doctors aren't actually doctors but nurses with 500 hours of shadowing experience and contribute to the massive amount of medical errors in the usa this fact is due almost entirely to corporate greed they charge patients the same no matter who they see but pay the np or pa less also nps and pas order more tests and imaging and refer to specialists more often this costs the patient more and pays the administrators more doctors and nurses and nps and pas don't make more for doing these tests the extra tests are due to knowledge gaps which are due to lack of training that many fruits especially strawberries frequently have an unseen infestation of spotted wing drosophila maggots this can be seen when you submerge the fruit in water for several minutes and the maggots begin to crawl out these tiny fly larvae come from an invasive species that has been in north america since around 2008 and unlike fruit flies they lay their eggs in healthy undamaged fruit all accounts say that they are harmless when consumed and not all strawberries will be infested but it's still super gross that people dump their old dogs at the shelter in december and get a new puppy for christmas my neighbors did this soon after they moved into a new home leaving their old dog house became a vacant rental tattered and tied to a chain in the backyard with no food or water i was able to convince the father to give me the dog rather than taking it to be euthanized it ended well though cleaned her up trained her as well as i could and she was adopted by a rich family in beverly hills c-section births in america happen more so on friday because they take less time than a natural birth and doctors want to start their weekend early i was induced on a tuesday when i was due on later that week on a friday because it was easter week and a lot of schools had spring break so the doc was worried about hospital being short-staffed my son was also expected to have several birth complications so she wanted to ensure as many specialists as possible would be available obviously not the same planning as just wanting to leave early on a friday and i would have just taken my chances over having a c-section if that was suggested but the wanting to avoid being short-staffed aspect makes sense thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more creepy facts click the right box for the facts playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these stories you
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Id: GkEFg3hCB88
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Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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