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hello there and welcome back to my channel today i am organizing our pantry we have been in our house for about a week and a half and i strategically saved organizing the pantry for last because it is what i am most excited about and when you see our pantry you will completely understand why so let's start by taking a look at the before [Music] now let me preface this by saying i've never had a pantry this big it is probably eight to ten times the size of our previous pantry we have not organized anything we have just been putting random things onto shelves so one of the first things i need to do is basically take everything off of the shelves my thought is that this area will essentially be the main area for food and then a lot of these shelves are going to be for storage of various things so i have like candles and back stock of extra trash bags and cat supplies all of that is going to go over here but the main focus for today at least is getting all of the food area organized so we have already done a big grocery shop to stock up on all of our regular items obviously because we moved we got rid of a lot of things so we have stocked up i will show you all those items in a second i also have been to the container store multiple times the number of bins is not really important it's more so the quality and i am determined to create my drink pantry so judgement free zone as i start unloading them all just throwing that out there i'm gonna start by getting all of the bins from the container store into the kitchen i will show you what i've gotten and then i will show you the groceries [Music] so this is about 75 of it which i think is pretty good all of these clear acrylic bins and these black metal ones came from the container store a majority of these like 99 of them are all the eye design plus the home edit brand which i really like because they're completely clear i like eye design in general but some of the eye design bins have like lines and grooves which actually i will show you in a second and i really like that these were completely clear they are pricey but i feel like it was worth it at least that's what i'm telling myself so these black bins also came from the container store they were just in the like i don't know basket section i have two of these larger bins this one that is just a little bit more narrow and then three of these smaller ones i have only one of these narrow drawers i want to find more but the container store was out of them this was the only one i could find i have two of these narrow pantry bins two of these all-purpose divided bins so they have the divider in the middle one open front stacking pantry bin three of the turntables four of the all-purpose bins but i only brought one over to show you for now i have four of these tall drawers one of the three tiered expandable shelf and then this is the only one of those that is not the home edit i couldn't find like the home edit version of this so you will see what i mean with like the grooves at the bottom but this is made to hold like packets and things i also got quite a few of these like labels so these are the shelf clip labels and i really like that they're just black i can choose how to label them i haven't quite decided what i'm going to do for that yet put your name on a five pound bag of flour but i have two packs of these and each one has four in it so eight all together and then i have five packs of these bin clip labels again they're black but they will actually clip right onto the bin so that was it for the container store i also got two of these oxo i'm assuming that's how it's pronounced pop container sets this one is 10 piece i actually have two of these i actually got these from bed bath and beyond because i had a 20 off coupon plus other coupons that i hoard the beth and beyond coupons never expire these are going to be used to hold a lot of the groceries speaking of which let's start here with spices so the spices are actually going to be going in this drawer i got these glass containers so i'm going to be filling them up and i need to get labels so that will not happen today but you know they're there otherwise we stocked up on a lot of our main groceries that we tend to buy so things like rice will go in those pop containers sugar flour more rice and then things like pretzel slims that we always have on hand are going to go in those containers but certain things like this this is birthday cake popcorn which just sounds delightful that's not an item we're always going to have on hand so that is going to get stored in one of like the acrylic type containers or one of the black ones i like somewhat have a vision for how i want things to go but it's also going to be a lot of me figuring it out as i go so now that i have all the bins or almost all of the bins over here the next step is to take down all of the food from the pantry shelves i'm going to leave the other stuff that's like further down on the side because i'm going to come back to that later but i'm going to start with all the food so i'm going to go ahead and clear it out put it out here i want to leave my like island section clear so that this can be where i actually load the bins and get them ready to go into the pantry so i think i'm going to put them over there for now let's go [Music] [Applause] so that is good enough for now i don't even know what i'm gonna do with that thing of cheese and caramel popcorn but i'm just gonna start with these top three shelves and here are all the food items we already had on hand because we either brought them with us or we have since gotten it for example costco trip and then we also have all the food items over here so i think what i want to start with are like the baking items actually you know what i take that back i want to go ahead and get these turntables into the corners of the shelves because i thought that that would be a really good use of the space so i'm going to go ahead and like take off the labels and get them put in there [Music] so so here is where we are at with the pop containers i'm holding on to this other tall one because i know we're going to get some more pasta this is an angel hair but i know we will get like a spaghetti or linguine or even like lasagna noodles that will need to go in there we have sugar and i need to get a container for brown sugar i was looking online they make one that is the same size but it's thinner so it would actually fit right on top and be the same height as the flower container this one i'm holding on to for other pasta like a capitapi or a rotini or something like that then we have jasmine rice brown rice this is actually a knockoff of like honey bunches and oats from aldi but i use it as granola in my yogurt then with some of the smaller containers we have almonds trail mix chocolate chips we have breadcrumbs pretzel slims which in hindsight this container was kind of small i think i want to put it in one more this size which means i'm going to need to get another one of these we have protein pancake mix uh bacon crumbles yes i understand it's a little ridiculous and then this is actually like a pudding mix and i mix it in with my greek yogurt these are extra containers for now so i have three of these little square ones and then one of these more like rectangular ones so for now i'm just gonna hold on to them because i'm sure something will come up that i need them for [Music] about two hours later and i'm done at least for now i know there's a few things where as i was putting items away i realized oh we still have to get that from the store i also have a feeling i'm going to move things around just a little bit you know once you start using an organizational system you have to make little tweaks here and there to have it fully work for you but let me show you what it looks like [Music] [Music] here is the basic overview it's mostly just on the bottom four shelves because i realized i can't reach that shelf so i'm using that just for back stock so the items that i have that are extra beyond what is on the main shelves then the second shelf down has mostly baking type items so we have flour sugar the brown sugar once i get a container bread crumbs and the pancake mix my flavor god seasonings other seasonings that are not used on the regular and then you know your salt your pepper baking powder vanilla um i kind of put pineapple juice here just because i didn't really have another shot for it but it's fine then the next shelf down is essentially snacks and i put them at eye level for a reason it's my favorite shelf this container is going to be for other like chips and things we just don't have a lot right now so it's just holding that massive thing of popcorn we have my cereal slash granola my peanut butters and my oatmeal packets then we have all of my popcorn packs my trail mixes and chocolate chips our protein bars and then i use the divided container to split up the other snacks so we have salty and sweet that just made sense to me we have all of our various cans and sauces and marinades and seasonings we have some tomato sauce because we use that quite often and then other like sauces and things a lot of these once they're open so for example like the steak sauce or the worcestershire sauce once that gets opened it will actually go in the fridge and the bacon bits are just kind of hanging out i wasn't really sure where to put them but it's fine then we have tuna and apples those are staples for us i kind of wish we had more like produce type things to put in here or like other canned meats but we don't necessarily we have rice rice cakes bread and then our pastas but again i already know i'm probably going to make changes billy has not seen this by the way he gave me full authority to organize the pantry however i wanted but there's a few things i want to kind of consult with him about we will probably take one more trip to i don't think we even need to go to the container store i think it's mostly just bed bath and beyond to get more of the pop containers but otherwise i'm happy with it and the fact that i still have all of this space over here to organize excites me let me show you what bins i have left i still have all four of the tall drawers which is good because i was planning on using that on the side of the pantry to organize some of those other random things i still have one more of these divided bins i still have this open front pantry bin and i still have three of the all-purpose bins which again i was kind of planning on using these on those other shelves to organize most of the things and then i still have my labels because again with not knowing exactly how i'm going to keep things i kind of want to wait for those so at this point i'm at a stopping point for now i will need to like i said get a couple more containers i need to get things labeled and i need to organize the other side of the pantry i don't think i'm gonna film the process because it's gonna be a lot of me like putting things there and then moving them around and it's just not that interesting but i will do one final check in where i show you like the completed pantry with everything finalized hopefully fingers crossed the way that i want it to be it is two days later but the pantry is finally done i may or may not have rearranged everything 52 times it's going to look different than the last time i showed it to you okay i had to make some changes but it is finally chef's kiss exactly what i've always imagined it makes me happy looking at it but it's also super functional so let me give y'all a tour i'm gonna start by just giving you kind of the overview so you can see all of the shelves and then i will go into detail with why i made the changes that i did and where i located things let's actually start down here i moved luna and sora's food to under that cabinet because it fits really well previously we had it right here but i want the area in front of the washer and dryer to be more open so those are now under here and we have this like airtight food container that also came from the container store surprise surprise so one of the first changes i made was actually separating the black bins you will notice the black bins are now all in this section after looking at it i didn't like it mixed in with the pop containers and the other acrylic containers i felt like it was a little bit too busy so i decided to use all acrylic and pop containers for the food storage the second change i made over here was actually spreading items out to take up this little section i was able to fit all of the food literally just on this side but we didn't have as much room to grow so by spreading it out it kind of gives us some flexible space you'll notice especially on this side i definitely have more room to be able to fit things as needed up here we have back stock and back stock of containers because i do have some extra pop containers still but again it gives me room to grow this shelf is mostly all like baking related at least that's what i'm telling myself so flour and sugar i did order the container that will fit right here it's actually supposed to be delivered any minute now but i didn't feel like waiting so that is coming we have the extra spices that are not in the spice drawer however i do need to show you the spice jar because i'm in love we have bread crumbs and a pancake mix we have the turn style of like salt and pepper and vanilla that type of stuff and then i called these mix-ins so you know you got your bacon crumbles you got your chocolate chips you got your pudding mix i call those mix-ins because i mix them in with things then we do have the snack shelf which i kept on the middle shelf eye level because snacks are my favorite thing so we still have the assorted snacks separated by salty and sweet we have granola and pretzels i did get a larger container for the pretzels because that's something we always have on hand we have all of our peanut butters some sweet treats back there and some oatmeal packets we have protein bars nuts and trail mix and then popcorn packs underneath is like the main kind of cooking shelf at least that's what made sense to me so all of the cans and jars tuna because that's something we use quite frequently different sauces and oils and stocks we have pasta sauce we use that for a lot of things as well and then we have seasonings and marinades and then this is just carb city down here at least that's what i'm calling it so we have bread and rice cakes which i changed this out for one of the divided bins that way i could keep them separate and i really like that change we have rice apples which i put into one of the kind of sloped ones i don't remember what that was called but that way it's super easy to grab them and pasta then over here i decided to have this middle section be all the black bins followed by more acrylic that way they kind of flow together so let's start down here we have cat food which is conveniently right by where we feed the cats so that works out really well we have all of our reusable bags different kitchen accessories that are not used super often like this little doohickey right here if you do not have one of these you need one it cuts pineapple and it's absolutely amazing we have some like paper plates and uh what are those called cups and cutlery we don't use that super often but we do have some right now because of moving extra candles and batteries moving over here we have assorted tape some back stock of things like trash bags or soaps other items like that plastic containers which we actually have switched to some glass containers by rubbermaid but we're holding on to these just in case we need them we have vases and glassware pest control so you know you're off your raid your little ant bait trap things and then down here the left drawer is all cat supplies because those are the other cat items and that makes sense to me we have medicine command strips and then heating pads plus a couple of other things that would not fit in the medicine one like some pepto-bismol but you get the point so i will give you one final look again this was a big investment in terms of the bins but it is highly functional and for me it's just something that brings me a lot of joy and i was willing to invest money in that in terms of how i did the organizing especially over here i had to look at what items i had and what size container i needed so for example i knew i had quite a bit of these kitchen gadgets but a lot of them were pretty skinny so i could get away with putting those in a large bin that was kind of more narrow versus one of these larger bins that's higher which would work better for the reusable bags so when it comes to organizing your space just really take an inventory of what you have you can literally create piles of things and then find a bin that will be the correct size you always want to have room to grow so you don't want to have everything jam-packed as much as possible you want to allow for extra space but you also want to make the best use of the space that you are using for the items you have that probably made no sense but hopefully you know what i meant as promised here is the spice drawer ah it's just so pretty now you will notice none of them have labels i am going to order some labels on etsy i just haven't gotten around to it so for now we have a list on my phone where i have listed them from left to right so i know what all of them are i need to add these to the drawer as well which this pack of the spice holder things their little glass jars it actually came with a little funnel so it's very very easy but it's just so pretty and yes i am recording this outro clip in my pantry i really hope that you all enjoyed this i kind of thought about doing a video where i basically show how i've organized all the different areas of my house so cabinets and in the bathrooms and all those different areas just showing you all how i have it organized and telling you where the bins came from i don't know if anyone cares to see that but if you are interested please leave a comment down below let me know go ahead and give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and subscribe to my channel so you do not miss any future videos as always thank you for watching i love you all so much don't forget to put your positive pants on and i will catch you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 52,032
Rating: 4.9403186 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, online teaching, virtual teaching, online learning, virtual learning, michelle ferre, michelle emerson, hybrid teaching, hybrid learning, organizing pantry, pantry organization, dream
Id: Up4LXghJ-Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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