HOT TENT Sleepover with a WOMAN! She FREEZES. He's on FIRE

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[Music] this video is brought to you by squarespace so hey it's only minus 25 in here now are you cold i am cold you're cold okay look on my nose let's get the fire going right away you want to pass me that bucket do you want to build the fire no no what are they they're just like these compressed bits of flammable i think it's like almost like a wood it feels like cardboard but it's all natural and it uh they burn for a long time and they're guaranteed to get the fire going [Music] so [Music] there's a lot of wood in there so it should get hot really fast how long will it last this right here not very long i'll have to go out and get some more wood but that's it for the splits you can see the smoke starting to escape there just going to close this and it should stop and there we go listen to that it's thinking see the steam coming off of me okay yeah you'll get warmer if you take that off i promise you you will because you'll let the heat hit your body you're gonna be super comfy in this one is this is it mine yep and look she can put stuff in there like what [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] like that close it [Music] that line is messed up it's got some water in it i think condensation [Music] so is that enough yeah perfect thank you so this is crystal's first sleepover at the tent and she keeps saying um um i don't know how i'm gonna feel at nine o'clock she wonders about the wolves i think i'll actually like the dark if we have like lights out but it's more the sleeping part the sleeping part yeah i think it'll be fun it'll be super cozy and you'll hear the the crackling of the fire you'll just get in your sleeping bag you'll have nice fresh air coming into your lungs it's gonna be nice you're selling me on it i'm selling you on it now that i got you here i'd like to thank the sponsor of this video and that is squarespace i've been using squarespace now for a while and i really love how easy it is to use i can't say that enough you go in there you choose your favorite template and you just start building a website it's so easy to use folks like i'm telling you i can go in right now on my phone here at camp and i can literally go in and enter a camping log right now and publish it from my phone for all of you to see there's so much you can do there you can have an online store you can have a blog you can have a website dedicated to photos whatever it is that you want squarespace has something for you head to to save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain using code j legere so good number so i'm bringing crystal to the russian bear tent site and uh what do you think i like it different than what you imagined for some reason i was picturing it farther away than your um yeah it's within a kilometer yeah i was like i like the chair and the little thingy yeah convenient i'm going to use i'm really going to utilize that garbage box which is now just a storage container but yeah there are a ton of wolf tracks around this tent it's crazy right behind there yeah i know and then there's you've got the wolf tracks that go around the front too and she goes you guys can see it is minus 25 minus about minus 12 fahrenheit minus 25 celsius at the top of the tent so yeah it's cool this is cool yeah so we came for this we need to have a sleeping bag there for me and my my pad we got to get the the bucket for using the washroom tonight and we need to bring over that extension cord for plugging in the snowmobile tomorrow put this on top so what are you doing reading reading yeah i'm actually reading the shenade o'connor biography okay just relaxing are you cozy getting there i'm excited to get in like pjs and my slippers yeah be a while yeah before we do that yeah i'm gonna go outside and start a fire here pretty soon the one thing i really love about having a rim for a fire pit is you got these holes in the rim and it allows for really nice air to feed the fire get your fire going nice and hot it's so beautiful and calm out here tonight and the temperature is not too bad it's only -27 right now so that's that's perfect and i decided to cook outside it's been a while so so ah right [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then half sure [Music] okay the front pen is heavy cast is that the new one that's a new one do you want to go get uh potatoes yeah the potatoes that'd be great actually i'll take both [Music] deep fried yeah those will take a while you want a plate to put them on actually once seattle this time come down you want to sit on this one no i couldn't move [Music] you think the animals are going to want a taste of this or whatever did your friends look good yeah they're ready do you want to get the here goes oh they look good should i put a paper towel down does look good there you go [Music] that's good eh do you find it a bit too burny nope just gonna do it i'm scared i'm just gonna like i don't even know what i'm doing oh i just take it jack is that good depends on what you put in there oh jack you get two points for flipping the jack right on okay four seven eight nine four three there we go how many is that four one two three four four four and what are we at now fifteen so crystal and i have this love seat that we're using tonight we're watching a documentary on my phone and using my my light my bluetooth light and it's really cozy isn't it it's good are you having a good time yeah and you're a lot warmer now did you find taking off all of your layers warmed you up no [Laughter] it did it did but yeah it's really cozy in here it's really really nice we just ate some potato chips and now we're just gonna finish watching this documentary it's called the tinder swindler i downloaded it from netflix and it's pretty interesting yeah i'm i'm into true crime yeah so anyway this is how we're gonna end the night and uh it's been a really nice day i know crystal was a little bit cold and we had this tent up to 30 degrees for a long time like i was overheating i was going outside and like lifting up my shirt and having the cold air hit my body and she was in here she was in here with her snow pants on wanted to get in underneath the sleeping bag with her boots on so it was really weird like maybe it's just she says it's because i'm a man and i'm i'm just naturally warmer and hotter and i think it's because i'm just so used to being out in the cold quite a bit and i'm always moving right like i'm i was really busy today the northern lights are out and crystal went outside with me for a little bit and we watched them and um so yeah that's that's how we're saying goodnight we're gonna we're gonna watch this documentary and uh leave you guys with some beautiful northern lights see you guys in the morning [Music] so [Music] i would sleeping bag it was good the only thing was it's so heavy that sometimes churning was a bit hard oh but now it's good i was warm pretty much the whole night yeah and we let the temperature go down to it's now 15 degrees celsius that's like 60 degrees fahrenheit in here so and the stove did a really good job i got up at three and didn't need really to put anything on but i did anyway and then i got up at six and it's still like a huge bed of coals and they're massive and i decided to throw on two big pieces of wood and now right about nine am and crystal and i've just been talking for a little bit and uh yeah you did good you did good you she slept for nine hours last night in that sleeping bag you did too no i was i was getting up i got up a few times but yeah nine hours that's good that's and the wind was going last night pretty hard and the door was flapping like nuts because i had the door unzipped and she was i was like oh she's gonna think there's a wolf out there or there's like some sort of bear coming in and all i could hear was flappity flap flappity flap lapity flat flappity flap she was just sleeping oh yeah oh that [ __ ] fits really good yeah that's a sleepover that's a sleepover [Music] wait yep [Music] [Music] oh it's hot i'm pretty [Music] [Music] right [Music] oh [Music] hmm well that's it for this video i had a good time it was just a camping trip and i know for a lot of my videos i do quite a bit of talking just explaining to you what's going on what i'm doing what my thoughts are this one a little bit less of that and just crystal and i just being together i had a really good time will you marry me i was so dramatic the way i just said that i had to ask no no no that's good that's good um but yeah this was nice and i'm really glad you had a good sleep yeah i actually really did yeah so anything you want to say [Music] nope nope you're good yeah okay well that's it for this video guys um i hope you enjoyed it and uh hopefully crystal does a sleepover in the russian bear tent with me this winter maybe actually more in the spring and closer quarters in there tighter quarters but i think i think it'll be fun it'll be a good experience if we do it on a warm day like minus five close to zero degrees when the sun is out and snow starts melting we'll actually spend a lot of time outdoors um and so that would be that would be a really good experience so i'd love to do that with you will you marry me anyway that's it for this video if you liked it please hit the like button that would be great and if you want to subscribe and all that stuff uh that would be great as well and uh yeah that's it and i'll be back really soon you
Channel: jay legere
Views: 1,271,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: russian bear tent, russian bear market, hot tent, extreme cold tent, extreme camping, winter tent, winter camp, jay legere, woodstove, canvas tent, canvas hot tent, canada, nwt, extreme cold camp, tiny cabin, wall tent, winter preparations, off grid, canvas tent shop, yamaha, snowmobile, campfire cooking, propane stove
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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