Extreme DIY Bathroom Makeover Renovation (Part 1) | JENerationDIY

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[Music] anything is gonna be this complicated my entire body ache this is way way out of my skill range I kind of hate the color wait a second I broke one of the pieces when it hooligans its Jennifer today I am taking on the most intense room makeover project that I have ever done in fact today is a bathroom renovation renovation we're taking on big projects like plumbing the toilet sink countertop flooring like we're doing it all I live at home with my parents when I'm in Vancouver so we've had this house for quite a while and we've never really done any renovations to it it's functional but as a DIY er who does a ton of room makeovers I was like there's definitely something that I can do about it so this is what the bathroom is looking like currently I think the main issues are the linoleum flooring it's really really yellow I feel like it's not really any one style definitely not my style and we have a countertop which is chipping at the side so hopefully I can do something with that update the style update the sink also you can see the paint is kind of peeling on the walls we've had that for so long and we just haven't done anything about it and the toilet so my vision for this bathroom is completely different from what it is right now for obvious reasons so on my Pinterest inspiration board I had a lot of bright whites bold accents a lot of marble and overall more modern but whether or not I was actually able to pull this off that was the real question now I have plenty of experience making over rooms room decor beds that kind of stuff because it doesn't really require that much scale level you just need a little bit of creativity however with bathroom is there's a lot of plumbing and technical aspects involved which makes the stakes a lot higher because if we got a leak we got the bathroom flooded I have never done anything like this before I think the first thing I want to tackle is the flooring but in order to do that I have to also tackle the toilet at the same time so let's go to Home Depot hello so I am at Home Depot I'm looking for flooring right now so I decided on vinyl peel-and-stick flooring just because it's the easiest to use I have no experience doing flooring whatsoever but I've watched like 50 tutorials on how to do this peel and stick stuff it's still like kind of iffy about waterproofing and whatnot but I've chosen this Carrara marble flooring it's just this heel and stick kind I can't pull it out I wanted to grout in between the tiles just to make it look more like real tile here it is right here and then we have the grout right here let's hope it works welcome to the bathroom I feel like this bathroom perfectly encapsulates like what a typical Asian bathroom looks like we got you know the red calendar up here we got the mishmash of colorful towels however we are on the internet and on the Internet everything has to look good for Instagram so yesterday at Home Depot I got the toilet the flooring supplies and that's it but I already know those two projects are gonna take a long time I'm going to get rid of the toilet first I don't have any experience with plumbing so let's hope I don't flood the bathroom I've watched a ton of videos on YouTube about how to take out a toilet it doesn't look too hard but it is kind of disgusting so uh let's get to also it's bad idea that I literally painted my nails like three days ago bye hi do you ever think the day would come where I'd be taking you on a toilet here on generation DIY well me neither so I know if you can see you but okay I'm gonna close this so it's not as gross yeah so the Bolton literally rusted over because it's so old the color is just like not my cup of joe although I do have to say in the past it has been convenient because we all know the color of pee and it just perfectly so you can't really so growth anyway I'm going to first shut off the water supply so that we don't get any leaks I think we should be good so now I can just I'm okay if I just flush it most of the water will come out hello can you see me and then that way it'll make it easier to take out the toilets so I don't have like gallons of water in there okay so we as a family are pretty environmentally conscious so we actually clicked little jars of water inside so that we could save water while flushing the water in this tank is completely clean so it's not gross for me to be touching it each flush takes at least a gallon of water which is a ton of water which is why our new toilet has like a dual flushing system but yeah I never really realized how much water you're really using when you flush so if it's yellow keep it mellow if it's brown flush it down oh this is pretty much just for your entertainment for the rest of the water I'm going to take this one and just sponge it out okay I just finished getting all the water out of there now it's time to suck it up and do yeah I'm gonna take out the water in here and not my right here I'm gonna use a cup to scoop it out cuz I don't I'm not using this much good I just I'm just sucking up it's not a big deal okay oh I probably should be using gloves for this but it's mine just your casual Thursday alright I have just gotten all the poop water out of the toilet I'm really hyped right now the next step is I'm just gonna take the toilet out I just make these bolts loose to be very hard to take out because they are so rusted over and they like don't really have their shape anymore so it'll be kind of I don't technical it's just I see you later oh my gosh there's so much water damage on the floor what were you gonna replace it beeping yeah I'll talk with me anyway that's awesome now the real issue is the bottom well I have been sitting here cleaning the wax out of the flange for like half an hour and it truly truly truly looks like poop it's just a combination of like wax and rust and probably poop don't cower in through it it's going great strong independent woman so first of all I realized plumbing is not easy very labor intensive but I think we all know that second of all originally the plan was just to lay the new flooring over this existing floor because over in this area there's no floor area that's popping up or anything it looked pretty good however back here so I covered the toilet flange we've always seen this kind of water damaged area but we didn't know that it was as bad as it is do you see how much it's moving yeah so that is not flat anymore it's not stopped down so I'm going to have to peel off this linoleum flooring layer which I already knew this renovation was gonna be complicated but like anything is gonna be this complicated but I feel like renovations always have more complications than you think we might rip it up to discover that the subfloor is like completely rotten I also don't know what's underneath this there might be another layer of linoleum or it might be like the wood floor but I think there's another layer of linoleum underneath okay I'm gonna start from this end it's easier to peel back so we ripped out the entire top piece of linoleum flooring to discover that there was a sheet of wood underneath and this was when it all started to go downhill this is what the flooring looks like normal we just have to like take off the glue and stuff however here we have some severe water damage in the wood so we're gonna have to remove all this wood and probably replace like this chunk which is gonna be quite complicated I think underneath this layer of wood it's another layer of like laminate flooring which is why this flooring is so much higher than the carpet outside so there's probably like a couple layers of flooring the previous owners probably just tried to cover up the damage with more flooring which was what we were about to do but I feel like sooner or later we'd have to do this so my brother is removing the top layer of wood nice you want to do it [Music] [Music] so because the wood under the toilet area was so water damaged and rotten we had to take out that whole piece and replace that area with new wood we decided to only replace that piece where the toilet area was because the rest of the wood in the bathroom was still in good shape so I don't know if you guys could tell but there was another layer of linoleum or laminate flooring underneath the wood sheet we thought about taking out that layer too however we decided against it just because it would have been way too complicated and we didn't think that the payoff would be worth it the sheet of wood also was screwed down to that laminate flooring underneath with like hundreds of little screws so it took us a couple hours to pull all of those out but that was the end of day one which honestly felt like a whole week it is day two day two of actually working manual labor because it has been quite a few days of research and stuff but I have been working on scraping off the adhesive and also the old wood glue and leveler that kind of stuff just to make sure everything is smooth and I am back at Home Depot because I'm picking up some floor patching material and some floor primer to prep the floor for the tiles so I'm stressed this is way way out of my skill range I feel like we should have maybe hired a professional to do this but I just wanted to try to DIY it if I heard someone it would have costed a couple thousand dollars which in the long run I think is worth it however I'm kind of stupid and I want to learn new things which is kind of ironic ok let's go [Music] so I have the floor patch and also got the latex primer however I spoke to a worker and I asked him if the peel and stick tile would be waterproof enough for a bathroom he was like to be honest no and I was like oh shoot so at that point I was starting to freak out because obviously my top priority was for the bathroom to be waterproof we didn't want any leaking or water damage because that would just undermine all of the work that we were about to do so the man at the store recommended interlocking vinyl planks instead because those were completely waterproof but I was still adamant on using the peel and stick tiles because they had tile patterns rather than just wood looking planks so I asked him if there was a way to make the peel and stick tiles waterproof and he said that if I grounded them in that they should be fine which was my original plan so I was like ok I'll do that and hope it works so I left the store with the supplies to prep the peel and stick tiles however we all know how indecisive I am so I changed my mind okay so I am doubting myself and doubting the waterproof abilities of the flooring that I bought I'm going back in and getting the flooring that he recommended that means I also have to return the primer because I won't be needing it oh is it these are the peel and stick tiles that I originally got I got this one and they have more stone looking stuff however they don't really have stone looking stuff on the waterproof side they do have this kind of but it's not really a marble I'm thinking something kind of gray though like that looks good maybe that I don't know oh that's kind of pretty something kind of light-colored hello okay [Music] [Music] hello it is day three I went for these vinyl planks instead these are interlocking and they're completely waterproof in this gray plank you can't really see it that well in this light the color might be different so basically I was at Home Depot for like three hours because I facetimed my family we all chose this color and then I looked on the shelves and that specific color was not there so I asked a worker and she was like oh yeah so we ran out of that one but we just got a new shipment today but it won't be out on the shelves until tomorrow's like is there any way you can check if it's here if there's any way that I can just get two boxes cuz that's all I need she's like okay let go check outside and the delivery trucks to see if we can find a minute later she comes back she's like sorry we can't find it if you come back tomorrow it'll be here it's like okay thank you so much anyway so I like you know what let me just look for a similar color and then be done with it cuz I didn't wanna come back the next day so I found a similar one to put two boxes into my cart as I was about to check out the lady how many'd you like oh so we actually do have that original color but it's just like at a different location in the store so then we go over there pick up the new two boxes and then put down the old one so I came home at like 8 o'clock and I was so hungry but anyway got the two boxes and then we got the new flooring but that is for around the toilet because you saw the severe water damage and then we have some floor patch just to even out the floors I think first we're gonna cut out the wood to fit into the toilet area let's get started [Music] [Applause] so we have just finished putting in the wood floors so now it is time to just nail down the wood I'm not gonna try to educate because I honestly don't know if what we're doing is right alright now that we're done nailing the floor down I'm gonna start patching the floors in some uneven places and where we have some gaps and stuff [Music] hello guys it is day three or four I don't even know at this point I finished patching the floor but I am still waiting for a couple patches to dry up because some of the places we're kind of bigger hole so they require a longer time to try it you're technically not supposed to fill really big holes with this patch stuff but we're just gonna kind of ignore that and hope it goes well I kind of jumped the gun and started just dry fitting some of the flooring and I realized I kind of hate the color I think it looks good alone like in the store it looks good but when you actually apply it I think it just looks a little too dead for my liking I know that wood is actually dead but I think I want something a little bit warmer toned this is very very cool toned I still think it looks a little bit too grey so I think I'm going to have to go back to Home Depot and switch it to another color this will be like the fourth time going back to Home Depot my second home yeah we're back at Home Depot with my dad he originally was against that color and wanted this color which I guess we're gonna get now so I guess like he has a good eye for this stuff and we didn't trust him we returned the old stuff we're gonna get this one now I'm still like kinda iffy but I feel like it'll look better than that gray one let me show you what it looks like in store because it looks really good on display but I think in the room it just looks not great so this was the color that we chose it actually looks a lot better in person it's a little bit warmer toned than what it looks like on screen I do like this one because it's warm toned but I think the safest option is just to do this one note we don't want hot dog it's gonna break [Music] hello it is a couple days later but it is day five I think so it is now time to finally put down the floors so I have drawn out this diagram of all the measurements there's quite a lot of math involved because I do have to cut down the planks because they won't fit exactly in the space so I have to kind of figure out what will look best what will be the best pattern because you can't have any planks that are less than two inches wide so I'm going to figure that out I'll see you when I'm finished planning [Music] I'm now in the bathroom this is the first plank that I'm gonna put down and I'm gonna measure and cut this I don't have like the proper proper tools to be doing this but I'm just hoping that it works out in the end I have done hours and hours and hours of research I'll link down below some of my favorite tutorials if you are looking into doing this for your bathroom all right wait no wait a second wait okay so you use right now eight centimeters this stuff is really easy to cut I'm just gonna use a razor blade all right he's obliged fun fact if you see it rise up lights it sounds like you're saying rise applied in an Australian accent [Music] [Music] [Music] it is the next day and I woke up so so tired my entire body aches but we are so close to being done with the floor we just have one more piece to lay down however I noticed that one of the pieces is a lot lighter than the one next to it and I'm really really contemplating whether or not I should replace that piece I mean it would take a little bit more work because I have to figure out how to take it out and then put another piece in and then I'd have like hammer everything back into the same place I don't know if it's worth it or not but I feel like I'm gonna do it because I'm just that nitpicky and if I don't do it now I'm always gonna notice it um I'm the dumbest person in the entire frickin world so I was just basically I broke one of the pieces that's already installed so I was trying to hammer this piece down and somehow I cracked it but honestly I was contemplating removing this piece anyway because the corner is kind of coming up a little bit however the complication with this piece is that there are so many holes and different cuts that I have to make it's quite difficult to cut these little holes like cutting and snapping just one line is super easy but when you have that many little things to cut out and measure it gets kind of difficult [Music] so that night we finally finished the floor and I'll show you guys what it looks like in a second I really didn't think that it would take as long as it did obviously because we did not anticipate the unforeseen complications like the water damage and the rotted wood with that being said here is a before and after of what we've done so far [Music] so we've only tackled the toilet removal and floor replacement so far which in my mind is not that much because it's only two things however it took us about a week's time and I definitely had to kind of learn along the way this was a very technical process I wanted to challenge myself and pick up a new skill which I definitely think I did I think I surprised myself with what I was able to achieve of course with my dad's help it was definitely a very strenuous process but that is only the beginning originally I wanted to put this entire bathroom makeover into one video however I realized that if I did that it would be like a three hour video so this is part one stay tuned for the following episodes I'm going to be installing the new toilet swapping out the sink painting decorating and you will be able to watch me suffer in in those in those coming videos make sure you subscribe and stay tuned because is going down we love a good bathroom pun but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this first episode shout out over the week is right here and I will see you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: JENerationDIY
Views: 609,722
Rating: 4.9597893 out of 5
Keywords: room makeover, room decor, diy room makeover, room transformation, extreme room makeover, diy renovation, bathroom remodel, bathroom makeover, small bathroom makeover, diy bathroom, vinyl peel and stick, vinyl plank bathroom, room makeover on a budget, bedroom makeover, room diys, jenerationdiy room, jenerationdiy room makeover
Id: q5To0iKY-nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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