Epic Room Makeover for my Brother πŸ› β˜οΈ (small room) | JENerationDIY

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what up hooligans it's jennifer and welcome back to my channel and another room makeover by the way just want to say a huge thank you to google for sponsoring this video so anyway today i'm going to be making over my brother jeremy's room this is the current state of his room how do i say this it is simply not cute by itself it's already a pretty small room but we also have a piano in there which decreases the space a lot so i'm planning on taking that out he also doesn't have a workspace desk area in his room so he ends up just like working on his bed which especially with like a lot of online school is not the greatest i grew up watching these teen movies where these characters would do homework on their beds and i thought it was like the pinnacle of being cool so i started doing it and i just realized it was simply back pain having a desk is a lot more comfortable the walls are also this baby pink color which in and of itself is fine but he's kind of going through his 16 year old angsty boy face the wall color does not reflect his mental state okay so let's talk about design my brother really gave me free rein to do anything i wanted so this gives me the perfect opportunity to experiment so the main things i want to do are increase the amount of empty space by decreasing the amount of furniture in there give him a bigger bed add a desk area for him to work and also add some kind of statement piece in the room to make it more exciting either with wall or with paint color otherwise style wise i kind of wanted to go for a minimal feel those are my ideas and let's get to it okay so to start off the makeover i'm actually gonna take a trip to the thrift store first so i can just gather some inspo see if there's something unique that may fit into the room that i hadn't thought of before plus it's sustainable and plus i haven't been thrifting in over a year and i just simply miss it i tend to just go to the same ones in my little neighborhood like over and over and over again i'm feeling a little adventurous so i'm going to be searching on google maps i'm going to open up the app and search for thrift stores instantly it just pulls up a bunch of thrift stores in my area it really just makes it so easy to find exactly what you're looking for they have like store hours reviews photos okay so i've spotted this thrift store called wildlife thrift store that has 329 reviews and very good rating there's in-store shopping available okay so it does look like they have cool furniture i feel hopeful that i can find some furniture or decor there you can find a bunch of cool small businesses and locally owned businesses through searching on google maps i really love supporting those kinds of businesses especially right now so yeah shout out google maps for helping me find this thrift store i'm going to roll on over i really don't like that i said that okay guys i have that was really peppy i have arrived at the thrift store i've actually never been here before because it's like in a hipster area in downtown and i usually never veer outside of my neighborhood i mean to be honest i never veer outside of my room i can already see through the windows oh my god am i getting a ticket i just got here sir i'm excited let's go [Music] in [Music] so there were definitely some really cool pieces at this thrift store and i ended up getting some really nice decor pieces storage items that i will do a haul of in a bit unfortunately none of the furniture pieces at the store were exactly the style that i was going for and so i left empty-handed in that department okay update i was just looking around the area on google maps and i came across this small business that sells bamboo products and it just so happens that i am looking for cane webbing slash rattan or rattan don't know how to pronounce it i'm so sorry i want to make a headboard out of it i will report back to you what i find i got it store is literally like a gold mine for a rat and product so i will definitely be back to fulfill all my written furniture dreams okay see you at home hello all i am back from the thrift store to give a little recap i wasn't like too successful this time thrift stores are really hit or miss i think it's a miss on the furniture front but i did load up on some good rating pieces so i really think i won the lottery this time i don't know how beneficial this will be for my brother's room it's really more for my personal gain you know what i'll just show you what i got first i got this little uh rattan it's basically a picnic basket but i figure i can use it for storage somehow in the room i will make it work and then i feel like this could definitely come in handy for storage this is a simple little basket i'm just a really big fan i'm a big fan okay and then i got a throw blanket it has neutral colors so whatever color i end up going for the room i feel like it'll fit and i also got this little guy i then got my brother to clean out his room because he just has like a lot of stuff but to be fair most of it is piano sheet music and books and that kind of stuff because my older sister me and my brother all play piano and so this is all stuff that's been compiling for the past like decade basically i needed the piano area to be cleaned out specifically because the next morning i hired some piano movers to come move the piano downstairs they came at a crisp 8 am my brother was literally still asleep in the room when they took it out because he just could not bring himself to get out of bed i cannot even comprehend the fact that i used to wake up at 7 every day to go to high school like girly literally could not do that today after the piano was moved out of the room there was a lot more space in there which i was really excited about and then we started the demolition process we basically just took apart the bed which was very satisfying and was probably like the first time that i moved my body out of my chair for like two weeks after that i started taking apart this shelf nightstand unit type of thing that's beside his bed and this was a very satisfying process for me i got to just like hammer away at this thing and i feel as though everybody should take up a hobby where they can kind of smash things and for me that is renovating oh my god oh my god that's a whole nail we did it me and my limited upper body strength i am so tired from doing all this manual labor i mean it's not even like that intense but i'm i need a nap so after breaking down all the furniture and moving it out the room was finally empty well at least half of it so for this blank wall that the bed was going to be against i wanted to do something cool with it so i decided on a statement wall the plan was to make some kind of geometric pattern with some wood planks and paint it a cool color hello everyone welcome back to the room it's the next day and i have been working on the design for this accent wall here i got a bunch of these wood planks slash strips they're pretty thin pieces i don't want them to be too heavy on the wall because this is drywall it might fall off if it's too heavy anyway here's the design that i'm working on these are all gonna be the wood strips this is the first time that i've had to use the pythagorean theorem after high school that's actually maybe not true so because i designed the planks on a 30-60 degree angle we had to cut the wood planks on that angle so we kind of just stood around for like a good 10-15 minutes like a bunch of fools trying to figure out how to apply that angle to the cut we didn't have like a protractor our circular saw didn't have the function to like cut on an angle like that and so we ended up tracing the angle onto a piece of cardstock cutting that out and use that as a template for the cut and it kind of worked so we went ahead and measured out all the planks and cut them all out with a jigsaw [Music] okay we're back inside we have finished cutting up all the wood for the statement wall actually uh my dad doesn't know this but here's the thing the measurements that i made are like not extremely accurate to make the mock-up image for the wall i like put a grid over the image and i just counted and like pythagorean theorem to everything i'm just like hoping everything works out so they're all kind of like approximate measurements and like i don't know if they're actually gonna fit together but we'll see stay tuned wait what is it so long oh you got this wrong wait then everything else is not gonna fit i feel like this angle is okay i feel like maybe it's the angle that's wrong so i don't know what happened but the pieces did not fit together well perhaps it could be because i did not actually make proper measurements fortunately we could kind of just slide around the planks to see where it fit but for certain pieces they absolutely just like we needed to re-measure them and re-cut them so that's exactly what we did this is just like a tetris nightmare so after we taped everything to the wall in the position where it fit and looked good on the wall we started nailing them down to the drywall with some finishing nails we ended up not having to use any drywall screws just because these wood planks were pretty light and i was pretty confident that they would not rip the wall up or fall off so after that it was actually looking pretty cool it was time to spackle all of the holes and dents and kinks in the wall [Music] so i let that dry overnight sanded the walls down taped up the walls and we were ready for paint 10 points to anybody who can guess the color that we chose it's white i literally there's not a single other yeah i've used white and i just feel yes it is kind of basic but i feel like especially for a smaller room it just works so well to brighten it up and open up the space to give the illusion that it is larger than it is larger than life if you will [Music] i've just finished painting the room i would like to pass out permission to collapse please so we finished painting up the wall with the white color everything was looking really clean and nice as for the accent wall color to choose the right color i had to take into account a couple of things um teenage angst that's pretty much it so the color that i felt most reflected that was this dark navy color who why oh my god wait that's kind of pretty never painted so dark before hi guys it is the next day everything has been drying overnight and i'm very excited to show you the results so here is the statement wall i think it looks very cool it is quite a bit darker than i thought it was going to be i think in the photos that i referenced i thought that it just looked lighter because it was reflecting the light but i think they actually used like a lighter gray or ashier color it is is like kind of very very much like a swallowing color but my brother didn't really care what color i used i guess we didn't really notice this at night because there wasn't any sunlight but there are some like uneven patches but i'm just gonna call it like building character on the wall i think it looks fine like i said it just it just gives it a little extra dimension and personality we're gonna call it that now comes the most satisfying part ripping off all the tape to reveal hopefully like some clean paint lines but before then i'm actually kind of hungry because it's like noon lunch time and i'm really craving some pokey i'm going to look for a place to order some food from on google maps and look for a pokey place okay i found this place called pokey anderson 197 reviews with 4.5 stars overall they have delivery and take out awesome and they have health and safety information wait this makes me so hungry everything looks really really good i just placed my order from pokey and i'm so excited to get my order in the meantime i'm going to rip off all the paint and then after that we will eat [Music] do you hear the rain outside dude it's literally hailing the weather do be going crazy my poke has arrived buying from local asian restaurants is also a great way to support aapi at the moment so now the base of the room is done what's next on the agenda is the bed originally my brother had a twin bed he is like the largest physical member no that that's hello he is the largest member of the family physically but he has the smallest bed out of all of us his room is still not like the largest so i think a full slash double would be a good size i got a bed frame for him which is just this like simple sleek modern look and then from the rattan piece of rag that i got earlier i want to make a headboard and i'm really excited i'm gonna diy it use a staple gun for the first time but first of all i'm very hungry so i'm gonna be eating my okay [Music] all right on to the freaking headboard i am so excited because i love rattin is it rat nor rattan but anyway i wanted to experiment with this and make a rattan headboard i'm just going to use both pronunciations interchangeably i also picked up this wooden ladder looking thing it's actually the side of what's supposed to be a shelving unit and this is going to be the base for our headboard but it has these two extra protrusions at one of the ends so we just took a circular saw and kind of just chopped those off just so it would be even on both sides then i just cut out like approximately how much of the rattan that i needed see how i used a different pronunciation there um and then after that i just took that and i soaked it in some water for about 30 minutes because it kind of just loosens it up and makes it more flexible so it doesn't snap when you're working with it update i let this rotten cane webbing soak for 30 minutes it is time to attach this to my wood piece and this is what i'm using a staple gun i'm scared like this is straight up a weapon like i mean i've handled power saws before so i should be fine but it's like it's like you know so another thing is while we were cutting the sides off of the wood kind of split it a little bit my dad was like why don't we just use like white glue like school glue and i was like that's not gonna work but it worked so we just have it like strapped together with a rubber band i saw this on a pinterest post so i will link that down below but the instructions look pretty easy you kind of just like staple it i guess so then i placed my ratton on the back side of the wooden ladder and just stapled away honestly staple guns are really not that hard to use i mean i don't really know what i was expecting but you kind of just staple anyway i just stapled it to the vertical sections first and then i kind of just placed it against the wall so that i could access the horizontal part and then i just stapled it on the insides of the horizontal bar then i just took my scissors and cut off all the excess once i was done with that i just flipped it around and now i have my finished ratton headboard honestly i think it looks spectacular i was pretty i was pretty happy about it and then my dad went and picked up the new mattress strapped it to the roof of his car and just drove back home like a g and then we pushed the mattress up the stairs after we unwrapped it we just placed it on the bed the next day i took all the bedding and applied it no not applied put it on that's the correct preposition here dressed the bed is that a thing to dress the bed okay whatever i also tried to take some aesthetic shots of me opening the packaging did not work so for the pillows i decided to go for something opposite of the wall color so i got these tan slash brown throw pillows but then i got this blacky blue striped pillow just to match with the wall so if you want to have colors in the room it's a good idea to use one to three colors consistently just so that everything kind of complements each other as for the desk i actually realized that we have this like raggedy old desk in our guest room downstairs that's just kind of like falling apart but it like it's not like so bad that it'll like fall apart on contact but yeah i didn't want the desk to go to waste because nobody's currently using it and it fit exactly in the space between the bed and the wall and i also feel like the wood shade fit with the headboard i just decided to go for it after that i ran into kind of a dilemma i have to attach the headboard right but it has to be slightly higher than the desk because it like kind of overlaps since the wall is so small and then i have this gap on the other side of the bed where there's an outlet so i could either push the bed all the way to the side to give more room for the headboard and the desk or i could try to add a nightstand here it just so happens that the original top unit that went on the desk had these kind of shelf things and the right side of this shelf i could detach i felt like it would be the perfect height for a nightstand but the issue was i didn't know if it would fit or not so i measured it and it was 41 centimeters and the space between the bed and the wall was 36. i was a sad hooligan wait but then i actually used my brain and i realized that i could simply turn it 90 degrees and it would fit i went ahead and detached the right side from the left side and there we go it fits perfectly in the space see what happens when you like actually use your brain after that i figured it was probably time to hang up the headboard so i kind of just placed it on top of the pillows and sat there to measure where i kind of wanted the headboard to be then i just took some measurements and put a piece of painters tape on the wall to mark where i wanted the headboard to kind of align on the wall so to actually hang it up i took some drywall screws for the wall and to screw onto the headboard i got these photo hangers i think they are i really don't know if i'm doing this properly so what i did was i drilled the hole in the wall for the drywall screw i kind of had no idea what i was doing here to be honest but i figured it out it's really not that hard so the reason why i need this is because the headboard is decently heavy if i just attached it to the wall with regular nails or screws it would definitely just fall off what these drywall screws do is they kind of latch on to the wood board that's behind the drywall and it kind of anchors itself so that it's more stable and then after that i just took a vacuum to up the drywall dust i really enjoy that sound effect that i just made and then i started drilling the screw into the anchor i made sure not to drill it in all the way just so that i could actually hang the hook on there afterwards but the whole time that i was drilling i was like am i just really bad at using a drill the drill bit kept spinning and like i just thought that i was holding the drill unstably oh bro it's because this freaking drill bit is not in the middle so anyway i just re-centered the drill bit and we were good to go i just checked to see if the hanger would fit on the screw and it did now in order to know where to place the hanger on the headboard i applied some lipstick to the screws then i just aligned my headboard with the markings that i made on the wall earlier and i just pressed so that the lipstick would transfer to the back of the headboard and now with the marking on the headboard i took my hanger and i just aligned the hole with the hanger hole and then i just drew the holes for the drill holes i'm saying whole way too many times and then i just went ahead and screwed the screws in and then i was ready to hang this up on the wall to make it a little more stable and so it wouldn't like bang around on the wall or move i just took some of this double-sided puffy tape for some sections that touched the wood planks of the statement wall just to cushion it a little bit and to reduce any noise and now all that's left to do is decorate the room featuring some of my thrifted finds [Music] excuse me and after that i was finished with the room i'm very excited to show you so here are some before and afters [Music] so [Music] obviously it looks so different from what we started with and much more like a young lads room i kept it quite minimalistic because the room is so small so i didn't want to clutter the eye with a lot of decor or furniture overall i think everything ties in really well together and now let's see my brother's reaction jeremy's first time seeing the room nice so underwhelming good job nice dude okay don't open that it's cool some fake books that you're not gonna read it's cool the bed's nice this this yeah the accent wall it's like a hotel wall it's pretty nice to be fair he is kind of camera shy i was happy to have gotten a couple of positive words out of him other than just grunts i know that he is happy with the room but actually do i know anyway after that i showed my parents the room hello wow so different now amazing dad's already seen it oh what's that it's a lava lamp oh [Music] so overall i really really like the room and i think it showed me that i can take risks and they can look good especially with the the statement wall i just have never played with such a dark color i mean to be honest i've never veered outside of like white i think it was a really cool project and it really taught me that the pythagorean theorem is important and um i really should take better measurements again i wanted to say a huge thank you to google for sponsoring this video i hope you guys like this room makeover i'm actually doing a couple more in the future so stay tuned for those make sure to follow me on instagram and twitter at generation diy that is pretty much it i will see you guys next time bye fall into your knees
Channel: JENerationDIY
Views: 925,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, jenerationdiy, diy crafts, diy projects, room makeover, extreme room makeover, diy room makeover, diy rattan, diy headboard, diy accent wall, room transformation, small room makeover, boy's room makeover, teenage room makeover
Id: lbdlyBoq6nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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