Ms. Bikini Olympia Attempts the US Navy Physical Test

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alright guys listen up we're here with 3 Tom miss bikini Olympia Ashley caught Worcester she's gonna attempt the US Navy physical readiness test I'm gonna be her Proctor so I'm D blouse and D covered I'm ready to roll let's do this [Music] it it you're new here be sure to subscribe to the channel and I would appreciate it we've both appreciate it if you like the videos so today I am going to perform the immediate physical readiness test and I'm going to be doing some situps some push-ups and a mile and a half I'm most worried about the situps because honestly I haven't trained ABS in three years but the other ones I should be okay and I think I hope we'll see but let's get this over with all right let's go arch all the way the physical readiness test goes first you sit ups and you do push-ups and you a mile and a half to run so the sit-ups are performed like this as the first exercise you were to keep your hands on your front delt or the top of your shoulder right here I've been told they've been telling the Navy to keep them on their traps so once your hands are here you cannot move them you'll come up you will touch anywhere between the hip and the knee so you could potentially go up here or you could do this shoulder blades must touch the deck after every rep and max effort in two minutes so Ashley push-ups are gonna be performed like this once you are in a push-up position you cannot sag your butt down you cannot you downward dog what's your back is straight give us the whole top full rip is down to 90 degrees technically but I prefer to go a little lower than that so we're overachievers so max effort in two minutes without falling to your knees Chum have fun alright so when you run you put one foot in front of the other that's pretty much it let me see if I got something like like that well except you have to you have to you have to do this it you have to swing the same arm with the same leg so you got this okay okay guys first exercise it's gonna be the sit ups it's in a position I got act really tough for this okay because she doesn't really know me so I gotta act like I mean I'm tough so I'm a yell at it I'm the kicker I'm a spit on her a few times so I ain't funny so don't let these ABS fool you like literally haven't done abs in in like three years so I'm reso so after this this is the one test that I'm very unconfident about alright actually the first exercise is gonna be set up so get down instead of positions I'm gonna hold the outside of your feet as well as your ankles with my hands starting now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] thirty seconds [Applause] 33 and solid gum solid this one 5 36 37 38 1 minute hasn't last [Applause] forty we too [Applause] 36 and Philip we ate with the people arrested without food I was trying to pace myself well so you had a minute 35 okay [Applause] [Music] well one more more you got five seconds two more damn there we go I'm forgetful okay so this is the actual account we went back and watch the video this is the actual accurate count right here so she did good that was that was really good actually I think the the minimum for a girl at Ashley's age is I think around 40 so she definitely surpassed that because I lost count around 56 sorry about that all right two minutes since Ashley had you thought oh my gosh when I laugh tomorrow I should actually should probably start laughter Mar cousin be so sore yeah yeah just wear a cast so you could just kind of walk around oh yes so I'm just used into this position so I don't make any movement a lot of people they're doing sit-ups no strange alike sets of 30 or like sets of 40 when you go to pretty much maxed effort for two minutes all the way it gets pretty challenging yeah and that's where it comes in like for the sailors that perform the PRT you can get challenging some some people some sailors will hit their minimum and then just stop I never understood that I'm always trying to get as many brush as I can so what's your what's your max you've done so I just did the PRT max sit-ups was about 78 okay because I have a heavy torso it takes me longer to go and push-ups I believe 83 84 button but the running is my strong point because when I run you know I'm running like this oh yeah yeah I ran out at 8:45 my last BRT which was last week so that's like less than six-minute mile five minutes in 1500 ready for this push-ups yes I am let's go alright so this is gonna be performed two minutes max effort remember I said you can't saggy butt in the air can't do the downward dog can't cite you crunch the ground and once you're up you're up that two minutes is done you ready really good honest zombie County and your time starts good for me thank you 30 seconds away very 57 clever you got it guys there you go taken minutes 20 head a lot you got this 35 seconds one two Yaga ha there you go come on 4950 twenty seconds left twenty seconds left you got it three come on you got it Kent seconds left 54 55 5 seconds left 56 3 seconds left 57 58 perfect 2 minutes 58 reps and 2 minutes up very good that was very good how do you feel shaky and wobbly tired just as my arms like oh yeah I'll be more pepper that's oh my god yeah maybe like the wrist part I just have big bones all right now we have a 10-minute rest until she conducts the malla half run are you a good runner I did her nails in college barred wiener oh you're fine actually you have some hurdles over there we can add if you oh please you're due for a mile and a half of six laps six laps around this track we're gonna start right here at the water bottle so like are we ready yeah you tell me [Music] in three two go we got to get the clock right here so for 10 seconds she's doing pretty good she's already calling about and a to the way around or truck Tom's 6 which is 140 second of the way through so 20 seconds we got a got to sit here and wait every time she comes around I'm gonna you know kicker and motivate her some more so that's how we do it innate we motivate all right it it [Music] oh sorry sorry so yeah so far so far on the run we're at 2 minutes and 35 seconds I've got faith in her my prediction is 10 minutes and 48 seconds all right very good very good you know back in Alabama we had a horse in a wagon boot curious everywhere this is lap number four alive millet for Jim it's over let's go Ashley come on you want to be in the Navy you get how to run try to find her it [Music] bang can you guess your time that was it six eleven fourteen eleven minutes 14 seconds that's very good actually yeah she's crying chef she was trying to kill you she can catch up to you before you know better she didn't you can run away from you did pass the Navy's history to readiness test congratulations so that concludes the push-ups sit-ups and mile and a half run she did very well she had very high scores for a female in her age range so that's that's how the Navy judges it so you have male and female and then age ranges so you did very very well alright actually you master the sit-ups you dominated the push-ups and you destroyed that run how do you feel alright guys appreciate you watching the video if you all right guys appreciate you watching the video if you're new here be sure to subscribe to the channel and I would appreciate it we've both appreciate it if you like the videos okay so maybe we'll have some more challenges for Ashley in the future but as for now she passed she dominated so thanks for coming out Ashley thank you and I will see y'all in the next video
Channel: Austen Alexander
Views: 3,436,209
Rating: 4.8430653 out of 5
Keywords: navy prt, military pft, pfa, pft, prt, pst, ms bikini, ms bikini universe, ms bikini olympia 2017, ashley kaltwasser abs, ashley kaltwasser, austen alexander, austen alexander ma, austen alexander deployment, military, navy physical requirements, navy physical test, army test, army physical training, marine physical test, marine test, navy swim test, navy training, navy seals training, marine boot camp, navy boot camp, navy, physical readiness test
Id: Ydthnl7xNMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2019
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