EXTREME DARES WITH MY BEST FRIENDS! (Spin the Wheel!) | Brent Rivera

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just kidding haha it's a prank Oh what's up everyone and welcome back to my youtube channel alright it is quarantine week number like dates I am so done with this quarantine I literally cannot handle it him driving my mom and my sister crazy I'm gonna be pranking my mom and my sister with this tongue and fork but before this video starts go down there and smash that like button alright time to prank my mom and my sister I guess let's go time to get yeah so I got this bottle of mustard online it's not actually mustard it's just a string that pops out Lexi why are you doing hey mom it's not yesterday I did the fake mustard prank today I'm gonna put actual mustard in it and they're gonna think it's the fake prank but in reality they're gonna get squirted with mustard alright so Lexi you have a chance to win a hundred dollars right now okay I will give you a hundred dollars you can poke your head through this hole without ripping or tearing it okay you have 20 seconds I hear we got ready set go nope that's not it but she just wanted to poke can't rip it I care a bit no yeah it has to go all the way up oke myself we got it yeah okay guys so it is my friend Jeremy's birthday in a few days sadly because of the virus we can't really celebrate it the way we want to but I have another idea I told all of my friends to come over to my house in their cars and we're gonna Surprise them with a little birthday parade let's go so everyone is arriving right now so I'm getting everyone prepared and Jeremy's gonna be here in 15 minutes so we have to hurry check this out happy birthday Jeremy's birthday driving I love you Oh looking good there Dom so I know it is your birthday so I have a little a little parade for you Oh [Music] all right you're welcome Jeremy okay so Ben wanted to show me some type of magic trick chef Ben chef Ben okay welcome to Benihana my most skilled cookie and I can cut this fruit so fast you won't even see me cut it I don't believe you go one what wait what the orange oh two one Lexi Lexi in half or something no what is it okay three two one no more Benihana for us all right so today I am with Lexi yeah and since we are quarantine and staying at least six feet apart from everyone we thought it would be fun to go to people's houses and have them do a dare so we're gonna spin this wheel and whichever Dare it lands on they have to do door step dares all right so we have Logan palm we're spinning this wheel and whatever it lands on you have to do that dare you got going for us so let's spin the wheel do the split what the heck so you're gonna split on the Legos doesn't have to do this he's like willingly do you like offer them okay on a scale wanted to how bad it hurt I'm gonna be honest finally get to it alright so we're at Ben's right now give me your pants Ben Wando shorts would look great on Brent so to give you my I don't have any other [Music] all right so now we have Alexi Hensler are you ready let's spin it okay so it says heart tree so it's actually make love to a tree how was it so now we are at Andrews place okay hot sauce go inside get hot sauce in a glass and bring it out here this is honestly you may actually really are oh my gosh oh my god it's like really going cuz eyes are watering alright so we're at Dom's house now let's spin it toilet paper grab a roll of toilet paper and bring it out here that's the whole day I'm running low on toilet paper so I mean it's not your toilet paper oh well let you spend one more time [Music] ice in pants okay we got a pot full of ice right there it's so cold all right let's see don't think you're getting out of this you're doing a dare - okay shave an eyebrow all right Lexi you know what that means here you go oh here we go all right let's move on so we have a lawyer in here let's see what she gets Oh sucks in water I miss you Ava sing out loud it's not just any song you have to sing it your own original love song into bread ooh baby you're my Disneyland partner I want you think your neighbors are like looking out their windows and be like what in the world is that that is it for this week's video I hope you enjoyed it I liked you have a dare for them today yeah I dare you guys at home to give this video a big thumbs up oh that's a pretty good dare go and do it right now this week's shout out goes to Vanessa Rockwell if you want to be next week shut up I like to do is like this video and comment down below done whoa that was a I spoke really fast there and thank you so much watch this video and I will see you guys next week [Music]
Channel: Brent Rivera
Views: 12,818,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: obuekOklMiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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