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today we're playing hide and seek but we can camouflage check it out guys I can turn into a bush W that looks so cool I know right but who wants to be the Seeker not it it okay I guess I'll be the Seeker you guys have 30 seconds and wait 30 seconds all right Kim we got to run go go go go go go go go go go go go come on come on come on we got to get out of here but wait a minute hold on where is somewhere good that a bush can hide um let's see let's see uh I don't really know I guess you could just hide like right here yeah I could hide over there but I probably shouldn't hide into a bush Ruby already knows that I'm a bush so hold on a minute Kim we got to find some other stuff to Morphin to let's go hide around this corner really quick and then we can find something good let's just hide over here and all right what what should we morph into uh hold on we should probably find something like Carnival themed right wait Carnival themed are we at a carnival and oh wait yeah there's a carnival right over there okay well what is Carnival themed I don't know what's this that's a hat well hold on a minute wait what if we morph into like an ice cream stand is that something that we can camouflage into let's see let's see in wait a minute this one looks kind of cool but uh wait hold on it doesn't cover my full body we we need to find something that'll cover our full body hey guys I forgot what number I was on so I'm going to start seeking now and oh gosh my Ru is coming out okay okay we got to find something good in wait this is looking pretty good but wait can I delete my normal body so that it only shows the ice cream thing let me just uh Delete all of this and oh wait hold on I I I should probably not do that YooHoo are you guys in the coffee shop what no Ruby we're totally not anywhere and wait a minute Kim did you morph into a fridge that's actually pretty good hold on how do we get fridges I just searched a fridge and now I'm a fridge hold on I got to turn around fridge okay okay hold on let me turn into a fridge as well and hey I'm a fridge let's go but hold on we got to find somewhere good to hide as a fridge where are we going maybe we can find like a coffee shop and oh Ruby's right there we should probably head this way wait wait you see Ruby where I don't see her are you guys in the dance hall oh gosh okay I don't see Ruby but let's just be really careful let's just go over here this way we got to find somewhere good for refrigerators and wait is that an ice cream store over there wait that's actually awesome we can go to the ice cream store's fridges o okay okay there's no way Ruby's going to suspect a thing over here let's just pull up this way to the ice cream store really quick and wait hold on can we actually go inside of it it kind of looks like uh it's closed right now wait can we go inside the door oh wait you just click on the door and open it oh let's go let's go okay now let's just go ahead and hide over here as fridge is let's go I got to stop dancing all right there we go let me just stand right here like that there we go let's go we are now refrigerators but hold on K we we got to close the door we got to close the door how do we close the door I just click on it again let's go we are not frer okay there is no way Ruby is going to suspect the thing but hold on Kim what are you doing on the ground get up I'm trying I'm trying to can't get up there's no way that you guys are going shopping for load so are you guys in the gas station no what ruby we are totally not in the gas station we're nowhere uh you are somewhere and I'm going to find you and gotcha no that wasn't you that was a chair and hold on a minute cam our arms are still kind of sticking out the sides of the fridges Let's see we got to find a way to get our arms inside of the fridges is there like another type of fridge that we can morph into uh maybe hold on let's check let me see let's see what about uh this one over here no that's just like a fridge on your head we don't need that H are you guys over here by the pizzeria oh no wait I I think Ruby's getting close we got to be quick before she gets here we need to find a fridge that'll cover our full body and no that is not good where the heck are you guys Ruby we're nowhere don't worry about us come on maybe this one and no okay Kim I think that first one we had was the best so far yeah that one's definitely the best one maybe we can find something else what what about like ice cream if we search up ice cream can we find something good I don't know if there's anything good for ice cream I was kind of looking for stuff earlier and yeah can that's not good that shows your whole body wait hold on maybe I can like do this no and wait a minute hold on are you like changing your pose how do you do that oh in the left so you can change your pose wait top left hold on let me see wait a minute okay we got to look for a pose that'll hide our arms let's see let's see what are we working with here um okay I think this one over here hides our arms the most and check it out yeah you can like barely see my arms okay let me just hide over here like this come on come on I just got to get in the corner like that and okay there we go that's perfect you can barely see my arms guys where are you wait hold on cam I'mma look outside is Ruby anywhere near us right now and wait a minute uh Kim do you see that car over there I think that's Ruby guys are you here here oh no oh no uh she's coming in she's coming in C what do we do what do we do I don't know maybe we could just wait here maybe she's just going to order ice cream and go away maybe that's all we have got to do okay okay we just got to be really hidden and oh gosh cim your arms are sticking out really good uh hopefully she thinks that you're just a normal fridge though it's like a accessory hold on wait let me zoom out where is she in oh gosh she's right over there she's in front of the ice cream store she can like see us right now there's no one working the counter o kind of ice cream flavors do they have oh gosh she's looking at the ice cream flavor she's grabbing ice cream oh I want this one or no I want that one no I want this one wait Ruby are you getting distracted with ice cream right now you should uh stop getting distracted and keep looking for us we're we're totally nowhere near ice cream no no no I'm taking a brain break and uh wait do these fridges have arms and wait what what what fridges have arms oh yeah Ruby I'm pretty sure those are like new modern fridges they come with arms so that you can like uh hold your ice cream on it I'm not sure about that yeah it's the new smart fridge they open the fridge for you whenever you're hungry oh what maybe I should go in there and see oh gosh wait uh Kim this is not good hold on we got to stay hidden I'm behind the door so I'm good right now but Kim be careful H it's not opening the fridge for me this is kind of weird and uh the wait hold on Ruby maybe it doesn't have like power or something are you sure the fridge is plugged in uh uh I don't know yeah I don't know you probably shouldn't be messing around with like other people's fridges though you should probably just keep on looking for us yeah I don't know I'm going to keep on going all right and hold on wait is she out of here let me close the door really quick and pH K that was so close that was so close and wait is she still here hold on wait let me zoom out is she anywhere around here right now and okay she's getting in our car she's leaving let's go wait hold on I got to hold on I got to take a picture of this real quick wait what picture of what oh yeah right I forgot that we have Snapchat on our phones let me take a picture of myself we got to send this to Ruby we could break her oh yeah let's definitely do that wait wait hold on cam get behind me get behind me right now we got to take a banger photo right here oh yeah yeah we got to take a photo of both of ourselves as fridges boom and all right I'm just going to send this to Ruby real quick there you go H I got a snap and wait hold on cam we just uh showed Ruby that we're fridges we should morph it to something else now what the heck you guys are fres go we got to go I'm coming back there go go go wait hold on Ruby just sent me a Snapchat let me see what did she send and uh oh gosh I have to open it let's see and she just s her face wait what is that supposed to mean I don't know what that means but cim we got to find something else to morph into and wait what about a tree there's like a bunch of trees over here at this park maybe we can find a tree more oh yeah hold on let me just search up for a tree let's see what do we have here let me go ahead and reset my character real quick let me just hit reset and all right let me just search tree outfit and Kim Kim Ruby is right over there oh gosh wait hold on I need to morph into a tree as well real quick I need to morph into a tree before Ruby gets here let me just search tree outfit come on and H wait hold on this one over here looks pretty good this perfect hey guys where are you wait Kim we just got to stay still okay I think this is our ultimate hiding spot yeah there we go Ruby's not going to have any idea that we're here maybe you're inside this house it looks like Ruby's looking inside one of the houses I see your car over there no they're not in here what the heck oh gosh okay Kim we just got to stay very still all right and check it out dude I'm just dancing Kim Stop Dancing Ruby's going to see you what type of tree dances around the world around what are you doing actually stop ru's right there she can see you don't worry T oh she's right there okay now I'm going to stop hey guys where are you oh gosh oh gosh hopefully Ruby didn't see that and okay it looks like she's heading to the fire department right now I think we should be good wait just check this out she's not looking at us Kim stop doing that why are you doing that there's no point hold hold on Kim I think we should probably move she if she sees our face then it's over we're only really hidden from the back our front our face is kind of revealed and oh oh she's going there hold on uh we got to uh just rotate real quick there we go where should I look next turn your face turn your face to face this way I'm trying I'm trying okay there you go there you go maybe I should go over here oh gosh she's going in the park she's like right next to us this is not good she's literally sitting on the bench over there hold on wait she's on our phone cam should we dip wait no it's going to be perfect hold on I just stay right there wait wait are you taking a photo that's actually a good idea let me take a photo as well let me just uh take a photo like this really quick and okay there there we go perfect let me just say little mous she don't know and I'll send this to you dash all right all right wait hold on I'm going to send this photo to Ruby real quick and then as soon as I send it we got to run okay I'm just going to take a head start see you all all right I just sent a photo to Ruby all right run run run come on go go go wait why is that tree running in my picture wait is a dash run run run I'm running to the police station go go go wait Kim where did you go I think we got separated I we'll just meet up back up later the see you all right and wait hold on did both of you guys sent me photos what did you guys send me what fridges on top at oh what hold on what did Ruby just send me where are you guys what she at the photo with me in the background where the heck is everybody okay okay that's pretty funny but hold on I got to meet up with Cam again here let me just uh take off this tree outfit really quick so I can turn back into my normal self and all right all right here let me just send cam a photo real quick I'm just going to take a photo and just put some text where you at and all right there we go I just sent that photo to cam hopefully he responds and oh wait hold on he just sent something back let me see what did he send uh Bush at the bank he's at the bank okay okay it's time to pull up wait hold on I think there's Ruby's car right over here I'm just going to go ahead and steal it and all right let's go all right but here I need to go find the bank right now and oh gosh wait Ruby is right over there okay I'm just going to hop out of her car really quick she might come back and get it I'm going to have to walk I need to take the long way here I'm just going to go around the long way over here and I think this is the bank right here no and oh wait cam just sent me another snap let's see what did he send Ruby be here too oh gosh wait that means we're close though I knew it wait cam can you hear me are you around here cam hello wait where is the bank at and oh there's the make oh I see cam but oh gosh wait Ruby's right over there wait my car is over here that means they must be nearby oh gosh wait how am I supposed to get the cam with Ruby in the way and wait cam just sent me another snap what did he send come to the park okay okay we're meeting at the park all right let me just close my phone really quick and oh gosh Ruby is still right over there looks like she's going inside of the bank though all right all right I got to run to the park come on go go go I'm going to go inside of this big orange tube over here wait that bush is moving and oh gosh my Ruby's on to Kim Kim you got to run I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying get over here Kim oh gosh oh gosh wait hold on did did Cam get away where did he go wait where did you go oh wait I see him look at that he's blending in with the bush over there oh come on he just disappeared let's go all right all right well Cam hold on I'm right over here do you see me yeah I see you do you see me look at how tiny I am oh that is awesome but Kim uh we got to dip K Ruby's right over there we need to go find a better hiding spot that was way too close yeah I know we need to go to some place at that different yeah yeah and here we got to be careful not to get split up again here let's just go right over here and hold on we got to explore this city for like good hiding spots why don't we spawn in a car yeah I I don't really know how to do that I'll wait for you to do that oh yeah I got it I got it check it out I just spawn in a Tesla cyber truck what the heck wait I'm hopping in bed all right all right and waa we can drive it let's go but hold on we got to find a good hiding spot where should we hide in wait a minute it looks like there's a restaurant over here I feel like there's going to be a lot of good hiding spots inside of a restaurant all right well where are we supposed to hide oh here let's go ahead and park the car first and oh uh Ruby is right over there cim just stay in the car stay I said stay in the car don't run I don't know I'm panicking as long as we act normal she's not going to see who's inside of the car we have tinted windows okay okay I think she's far enough now Kim let's hop out of the car it's time to dip we got to go inside of the store quick go go go we're going into the six Guys burger store yep we're in the burger store and here let's go out over here in the back and all right what should we morph into we need to find something good to morph into let's see wait what about this what is that a cow what a cow why would there be a cow inside of a burger store I don't know check it out though what in the world that is a horrible idea Ruby's going to see that so easily m yeah you're kind of right but wait wait hold on is there going to be a vending machine outfit let me just search up vending machine outfit real quick and ooh wait a minute it looks like there's a lot of vending machines we can use let me try putting on this one really quick and oh this looks perfect but okay it's still kind of showing part of my face but wait what about this one over here and this one's actually perfect it doesn't show any part of my body what hold on I need one of those all right all right yeah yeah morph into a vending machine and I'm just going to go ahead and hide right over here all right yeah there's the perfect hiding spot wait is this this a Tesla was this here before and oh gosh oh gosh wait cim I think Ruby saw her car oh no she's here um H maybe they're by this gas station and wait gas station is she going inside of the gas station instead of the burger store and okay Kim I think we should have a little bit of time well we might as well just wait her out and then we might be able to win oh yeah but wait wait hold on Kim it looks like she's coming into the burger store it's time this is not a drill be careful oh I want a burger and oh gosh she's right over there Kim she's really close to you be careful well everything here is way too expensive maybe the vending machine has cheaper stuff oh no I I think she's trying to order something from the vending machine you got to act like a vending machine yo Dash what am I supposed to do I don't know how to act like a vending machine uh uh well hold on a minute I'm pretty sure if you open your phone you can actually get items maybe try giving her like a hot dog or something uh pancake just give her any random item just act like a vending machine okay I guess I'll just put in this money here all right I got one wait Das just handed her a burger perfect let's go this will help give me some brain power wait Dash while she's distracted eating we might be able to leave and yeah yeah hold on I think this might be our chance it doesn't look like she's looking towards us uh let's just go over here we got to go around back and okay okay let's just dip go go go but wait wait cim hold on before we go before we go let me just go ahead and pull out my phone and all right here I'm going to take a photo real quick man this is a pretty mediocre Burger hold hold let me just get this photo lined up like that and all right I'm just going to send this to Ruby real quick there we go all right cam now it's time to run go go go oh I got a notive um what's this and they were the vending machine run run run wait guys head to the yacht head to the a head to the a where did they go where did the vending machines go that was actually crazy but hold on we got to hop on the boat are there any more hiding spots on here uh I guess wait what if we just hide on top of the bed wait there's a bed in here what yeah look I'm sleeping what in the world you're a sleeping vending machine there we go now I look a lot better it doesn't even look like you're sleeping on the bed but hold on a minute this is a kind of a boring hiding spot we need to find somewhere where we can morph let me go ahead and unmorph from the vending machine really quick and all right Kim we got to go find a new hiding spot this boat is kind of boring yeah I thought it was going to be cooler let's see let let's see where should we go and ooh wait a minute it looks like there's some hotels here wait the residences are luxury apartments hold on ooh wait this area looks pretty nice and Cam I got a good idea why don't we just morph into Hotel employees that way Ruby's going to have no idea that we're you know we're us oh yeah hold on let's see what what do hotel employees look like uh well they they probably wear like fancy clothes so I'm just going to search up like a tuxedo I'm going to change my hair ooh that looks kind of fancy let me put that on ooh that looks really good and yeah let's just change everything we got to change our hair our face all that sort of stuff there you go now I look pretty good oh wait did you put on a top hat that's a pretty good idea I'm going to do that as well yeah I I look totally different now you can't even recognize me that is awesome hold on I need to find another type of hair that I could use in ooh wait this one over here looks cool let me just take off my old purple hair and all right now I look completely unrecognizable let's go all right now Ruby's going to have no idea that it is us oh come on guys where are you and oh wait hold on a minute cam I just saw Ruby's car drive by I think she's nearby wait I think I think I can hear her I'm going to check this building and then I'm going to check the arcade wait wait hold on she said she's going to check a building is she talking about the building that we're in right now and oh gosh she's right there luxury apartments H and oh no oh no she's right there hello there uh would you like to wait cam what are you doing you're on your own I'm hiding what okay okay hello there would you like to uh rent a room um one second is this you huh huh no it's not oh wait she's looking at the vending machine she thinks it's us have you seen a guy that um has a funny face and then a guy wearing a yellow hoodie and what a guy with a funny face and a guy wearing a yellow hoodie uh no I I haven't seen any of those you sure um I think uh yeah no he was wearing purple lots of purple andhm lots of purple no I I don't recall anything we we haven't had anyone with that description check in today okay but um your voice sounds really familiar and wait wait does it oh to who uh it just reminds me of my friend Dash wait Dash is that you and what Dash what my name's not Dash my name is uh Robert and cam what are you doing get back in here I'm trying to get away uh sorry for taking up your time I guess I'll go now and uh wait what is your friend just scooting away and oh yeah yeah that that's my uh colleague he's he's kind of sick uh I can see that don't get hear me I'm sick okay I want to go this way bye and Kim what was that why were you sliding everywhere that was so obvious is what I was trying to get away without her noticing you didn't have to get away we were perfectly hidden there but anyways um then we should probably go find a new hiding spot now this area is kind of boring yeah wait wait wait wait hold on hold on before we go away we should probably take this for the snap oh yeah yeah good idea good idea let me pull out my phone really quick and let me just get a nice angle oh we yeah let's get both of us in here yeah check it out oh wait hold on we should probably get a filter on this let's see uh uh this one looks good oh there we go uh let me just say we was the guys hold on I'm putting on the cow filter yeah there we go I was Robert and all right K now we got to dip go go go I was the guys yeah yeah now's our time to run I was Robert no oh wait ru's right over there we got to go we got to go get over here you top hats Kim to the Cyber truck to the Cyber truck go go go before she catches up to us no wait I accidentally hopped in the passenger seat I need to hop in the driver's seat go go go go go go okay you guys can't get away this time okay okay we got to dip we got to dip and hold on I'm not going to lie this thing is kind of slow where are we going to though wait we just passed the high school maybe we can go in there and hide as like a locker and wait there's a high school there's probably so many good hiding spots there okay let's do it let's just go all the way over here and I don't see Ruby nearby I think we should be good here where's that cyber truck and wait cam I think I got the car stuck okay we got to hop out we got to walk the rest of the way yeah come on let's just walk to the high school all right let's go there's probably going to be so many good hiding spots here and wait whatat Cam that is not a good spot you I can see your arm sticking out but come on there's got to be like really good hiding spots inside of a school I can imagine so many good places we can hide as like a desk we can hide as a locker we can hide in the cafeteria there's probably so many good spots there I have to be careful I just saw Ruby all right but anyways here we are we're in the school now let's see what good hiding spots are there in here oh this is the cafeteria wait cam how do you make yourself small maybe I can hide in the trash can over here oh uh if you hit your phone and then you go to Avatar you can change your size wait what really how do you go into age and oh I see hold on I'm going to turn into a baby and wa check it out I fit in the garbage can this actually pretty awesome wait I got to go find my own yeah wait go find another garbage can we're the garbage boys out here now this is sick where the heck are you wait I've found a big yellow bucket on mying in here and what a big yellow bucket hold on I want to come over where wait you got to try and find me oh oh Cam Ruby is in the school right now hold on hold on I got to go back to my spot oh gosh in the Janitor's Closet where are you uh I'm going back in my trash can there we go are you guys in here uh wait Ruby what are you doing right now are you looking around in a school for us what's it to you um nothing nothing I'm just asking it oh gosh wait I think I saw her right there she's right there next to the ATM is this a real vending machine and yeah it is she's suspicious of like all the vending machines now that's kind of funny I'm just going to drink this water oh gosh oh gosh wait she's heading towards me ooh Apple okay I'll just take one of these and wait cam she is literally right next to me right now I just got to stay very still and okay F I think she walked by I don't think she noticed anything are you in the kitchen no are you the fridge no okay Cam wait she just went inside of the kitchen I'm going to make a run to it towards you I'm running go go go oh gosh oh gosh I got a go I'm literally a baby right now I'm so slow are you the trash can no you're not oh wait Kim I see you you're in the Janitor's Closet yeah check it out I'm in the yellow bucket she just passed by the tan closet careful hold hold on wait I'm going hide behind this milk carton over here and wait Kim we also got to turn off the lights in here there we go now we're hidden wa I got to take off my hat so I don't look that obvious yeah we should probably take off all these extra accessories I don't think they're in the classrooms cuz they're kind of dumb whatever we just call us I think she called us dumb even though we've been hiding from her in very obvious spots yeah who's the dumb one now and oh uh Ruby's right over there oh gosh oh come on oh I didn't check this door oh gosh oh gosh wait she's right here hold on K I'm making her run for it I'm making her run for it I'm hiding in the locker and wait I don't fit in here let me turn on the lights it's kind of dark in here and uh there's a yellow bucket here wait is that a baby hi Ruby I found Cam and oh no cam you got caught yeah I got caught oh no yep and you're coming with me oh gosh oh gosh wait that means now it's a 2v one I got to be super careful uh Dash she got me wait hold on cam just sent me a photo what did he send let me see this wait first things first I got to get out of the school I'm dipping I'm going this way hold on wait let me open this what does this say and oh no bro she got me oh gosh cam got caught go Cam's on my team now you're going down oh yeah you sure about that well I'm about to find the craziest hiding spot ever and then there's no way you're going to be able to find me but here first I got to get out of this school there's not that many hiding spots here actually wait can I parkour my way out of here let me just do some Parkour come on in oh gosh I cannot make that I need to go out from the front entrance okay Cam where do you think Dash is uh I have no clue where Dash is oh no wait I see them right over there are they riding around in a big purple truck okay well that's good that means they're not in the school anymore so I can get out and hold on a minute is that a grocery store over there okay I think that's the move I'm going to go hide in the grocery store and oh gosh wait Ruby's right over there all right and hold on a minute let's see is there any good hiding spots in this grocery store maybe in the staff room back here and wait there's some lockers here can I Morphin the lockers maybe whoa cam do you think he's in the daycare you want to go to the daycare uh daycare uh maybe maybe I guess okay good it looks like they're going to the daycare but oh gosh I can't find any Locker outfits okay hold on is there anything else I can morph into inside of a grocery store and wait maybe one of these countertops or one of these checkout registers let me just search countertop really quick and no there's no countertops what about a checkout outfit no there's nothing there either oh gosh I'm starting to run out of hiding spots okay Cam I think that we should split up okay I I guess I'll look uh over here wait a minute hold on what if I morph into an oven there's an oven right next to me over here let me just morph into that and oh no that's only going on my head what about this one over here and no that's also only on my head what about in here oh a grocery store I guess uh do you want me to come in and check with you yeah do it and oh gosh wait they're coming into the grocery store oh gosh okay hold on I need to morph back into a baby let me go in my avatar and then age and then baby okay there we go hopefully they just don't look back here and oh all right I'm going in the trash can again H where is he uh Dash are you in the grocery store and guys I'm not in the grocery store I'm actually still in the school I don't believe you I'm still going to look around gosh oh gosh okay this is not good but I think I'm pretty well hided in this trash can hopefully they just go away are you one of these chips are you one of these Pringles and what guys I'm totally not the chips and what in the world what is Ruby carrying around in that shopping cart what the heck you back here are you in the oven are you hiding in the oven Dash are you in the technology section what guys I'm not in the grocery store oh gosh wait they're both over here how do they not see me yet yeah she wants some bread freshly break and no cam I do not want your bread wait cam what do you think that he would be small like you W in hiding in something oh maybe I guess we can look around okay oh gosh oh gosh okay I'm just going to stay hidden here hopefully they don't find me Das you trying to lose in soccer I got a new ball for us to play with are you back here oh gosh wait cam is right over there okay I think the move might just be to run this way go go go there he is he is get him get him get him go go go come on come on I got to run what he's so small and hard to catch Dash we caught you you guys are going to catch me you guys aren going to catch me oh do it I got him I got him okay GG's but hey I got found last so I I think I win well I yeah I guess you did win GG's yeah let's go that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now
Channel: Dash Roblox
Views: 278,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dash, dash minecraft, roblox, dash roblox, cash, nico, cashblox, nicoblox, cash and nico, nico and cash, minecraft, minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, EXTREME CAMOUFLAGE HIDE AND SEEK in Snapchat!!
Id: Z6Nka3oZ3PA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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