Become What You Draw HIDE and SEEK in Roblox..

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today we're playing hide and seek but we can become what we draw guys check it out I'm about to turn into a green blob wait what wo that looks crazy I know right but wait who's going to be the Seeker not it not it oh man does that mean I'm the seeker and yep Ruby you are the Seeker here give us 30 seconds to hide let's go let's go where are we supposed to hide all right we got a camouflage into something we got a camouflage into something again ooh what if I just blend into this wall okay okay let me just like line myself up with the wall real quick and then uh I got to get the color gray going oh gosh wait I got to reset my canvas clear clear clear okay okay now let me just go ahead and set my entire color into some of this gray color um are you guys ready yet I lost count what no no no Ruby I'm not ready yet I'm not ready yet I'm I'm still drawing myself what okay okay how do I make this brush bigger oh oh there it is thickness okay let me turn that all the way up and ooh this is looking pretty good there is no way Ruby's going to be able to find me okay okay this is pretty nice let me go ahead and hit apply and there we go and oh gosh wait I actually kind of stick out like a sore thumb hold on I my shade of gray is a little bit too dark maybe I can blend in here oh gosh that doesn't even work either okay uh I'm bailing I'm bailing wait Kim where did you go um I I don't know I'm on top of a mountain hold on okay okay I'm coming I I kind of didn't choose the best drawing I'm not going to lie oh wait this area is like super dark maybe I can hide somewhere here there could be a lot of good hiding spots in this spot ooh what if I go in the water here oh oh that's not water that's a table I just saw something blue and I thought it was water everything blue is water um guys are you ready yet and uh no no no Ruby I need like a little bit more time uh 30 seconds are up though Ready or Not Here I Come Oh gosh oh gosh okay Ruby's on the way Ruby's on the way um I need to find a hiding spot quick I literally still do not have a hiding spot let's see are you up on this hill Oh gosh oh gosh R's right there oh no I'm literally just like a big gray panel right now I got to move I got to move I'm going I'm going okay where should I hide where should I hide uh maybe just like around this corner over here for now this could be a good spot ooh look at that I kind of like go into the wall wait hold on I have an idea what if I turn myself into one pixel let me just go ahead and hit reset and then I'm just going to put one tiny little red pixel in the top left over there like that there we go and now let me hit apply and oh my gosh this is the most OP spot yo guys I think I've won uh no I have the most OP spot Dash I think it's uh no no no I have the most Opie spot and the most OP drawing no one is ever going to find me oh gosh wait Ruby is right there can she see my name tag where are you oh no oh no she is literally right there she just walked past me okay okay I don't think she saw me I think we should be good wait was there something down here what what wait Ruby what are you talking about I'm nowhere near you I think I see you on the other side of the map wait what if I was on the other side of the map how would you see me um um I have really good Vision yeah 2020 Vision uh okay well why is this part of the floor lighter wa that's cool okay okay Ruby's getting distracted by the sunlight it seems I don't know why but uh that that's good for me I think I might be able to change hiding spots I'm only a pixel so it should be really hard for Ruby to see me let me just move over here and waa yeah I literally look in visible I can't even see that one red pixel that I drew where even is it I don't know it doesn't even matter hold on we need to go find a new hiding spot let's see I'm tired of being in that old dark Shack area over there okay I'm done looking at that now where is everybody Ruby you have not found a single person so far and it's been like 5 minutes wa it hasn't been 5 minutes it's been like uh 30 seconds I actually I don't know it's been more than 30 seconds and oh oh I see you over there wait Kim are you still on that mountain yeah she's right in front of me wait wait wait what really hold on a minute I want to go see where is at I'm so curious what his drawing is are you here he just walked straight by me wait wait really hold on where is Kim at wait I see his name tag over there I think I can see his name tag since we're both hiders hold on hold on let me pull up let me pull up I got to go over here I need to go see what cam Drew himself into go go go I got to go there before Ruby comes in oh hi there Cam and what did you really change yourself into a sign that says not cam dude that's a horrible idea Ruby's going to see that but oh gosh you kind of do blend in well but if Ruby walks by and like actually looks at the sign then it's over for I'm I'm going to get out of here oh oh oh wait Ruby is right there I'm going to move I'm just going to move around this corner real quick where is everybody all I can see is a sign that says not cam wait no way Ruby sees the side and doesn't realize that it's cam wait people can transform into his stuff right wait is this cam no that's not me it says not me right there uh you're a talking sign oh gosh I think C might get caught no that's not me that I'm not talking to the sign I'm behind the sign in the cave but but I clearly just see your huh wait are you actually in the cave yeah I'm in the cave okay okay let me see let me see where do I go in the cave wait his C actually going to get away from they said oh no he's moving he's a mooving sign we got to go we got to go we got to go go go go why Dash right up the mountain up the mountain okay this is the highest we can go how did you go so high how did you get all the way up there I think I jumped on your head okay well it's over for me it's over for me I'm just going to bounce cuz I'm literally invisible and Ruby can't see me you know what being invisible is a little bit too op I think I might change my uh drawing oh my gosh how do I get in the cave I don't know how all ruby was the sign wait what how did you not tell it literally said not cam wait doesn't that count as me finding you though uh you have to like find him and like know that it's him oh come on all right but anyways I'm on like the other side of the map right now here I have a good idea for a hiding spot why don't I just go hide on top of this Tower over here this could be pretty good but H I should probably morph into into something else I think this invisibility thing is a little bit too op we just go all the way up here real quick and ooh ooh I know what I'm going to morph into what if I morph into like an Archer cuz you know there's like a tower here and like archers go on Towers yeah all right all right let me just go ahead and draw that real quick um we first we got to draw the legs there we go I should probably make this bigger actually make it a little bit thicker and there we go let's draw in the legs like that now let's go ahead and draw in the body over here ooh this is looking pretty good now we got to draw in the arms and finally the head we can just like put the head like that and then we can just draw a smiley face on it and wait a minute hold on since this is supposed to be an Archer on an Archer Tower we should probably give it a bow as well let me go ahead and select Brown real quick and let's let's just go ahead and make a nice little bow right here and there we go that's looking pretty good all right let me hit apply it oh wait actually maybe I shouldn't hit apply just now Ruby is literally right there good thing I'm still invisible okay I got to bounce I got to bounce um let me go somewhere else let me go on another Tower and turn into an Archer ooh what about on that Tower over there looks like there's an actual castle here y let me go ahead andly on the Archer thing real quick and yo I'm looking snazzy right now Das what are you hiding as oh oh I I I turned myself into an Archer cuz you know there's like Archer Towers here you drew a Archer I I see you you don't even look like an Archer dude what what do you mean dude this looks exactly like an Archer um if the Archer was fake and like made out of cardboard no no no it's not a cardboard Archer I'm standing on the archer tower right now this is my natural habitat right here wait what is there something on that Tower over there oh gosh oh gosh okay maybe becoming an Archer wasn't really a good idea I thought I would blend in but everyone's looking at me okay I think I need to change Towers what about on this Tower over here yeah wait it's gone that means that was definitely a person oh gosh okay now next time Ruby sees an Archer she's definitely going to know it's one of us what if I just hide behind this little pole up here I can just like angle myself so that I'm like facing behind it like that there we go oh yeah Ruby's never finding me behind this pole since I'm so thin I can just like fully cover up my body with it I don't see anybody here maybe I should go in here okay okay it looks like Ruby checking out the castle for now but wait hold on cim where you at I have an idea and wait is that you down there what are you uh I'm a I'm a blue little squiggle you're a blue little oh are you going for the invisibility Strat yeah I was hiding as a button oh I see I see but hold on a minute K we should try pranking Ruby she's down there she has not gotten really close to finding any of us yet except for you when she went to that sign we should pull a prank on her uh yeah we should definitely pull a prank on her I just never realized how hideous your Archer look dude my Archer does not look hideous it looks awesome look at his chin it's it's right there in the in the bottom left yeah it's it's like sagging dude no it's not sagging it's his it's his chin definitely not like a like a big pimple but hold on a minute how should we prank Ruby you got any ideas um what if we ooh I've got a good idea what if we draw ourselves as ghost dude I was literally thinking the same thing okay okay let's go ahead and draw ourselves as ghosts okay this is going to be super hilarious I'm just going to go actually wait that's horrible I need to draw like a squiggly line down here for the bottom of the ghost there we go and now let me go ahead and draw the big curved part oh gosh I messed it up I I took up too much space here let me just go ahead and draw the base of the ghost first like that and then I'll draw the squiggly lines here at the bottom there we go that's looking good wait cam what color are you making your ghost uh wi if of course duh oh wait hold on a minute I forgot we can make it white since the background isn't going to show I was making mine blue and okay there we go I've made mine white but oh gosh I can't really see anything because the background is also white I'm kind of just drawing blindly here yeah I done the same thing what do you think about my ghost uh wait give me one second hold on let me finish back up I'm just going to draw a nice scary face on my ghost let me just draw a smiley face like that and then some spikes coming out of the mouth oo that's looking pretty scary and now we need some Angry Eyebrows as well to really make this guy look mad all right that's looking pretty good now let me hit a fly and oh might actually turned out awesome and uh kib what the heck is that it's my ghost dude dude that does not look like a ghost you look like humpty dumpy you look like an egg right now with a face on it that is okay hold on maybe you're like scared of people who are allergic to eggs but hold on let's go prank Ruby real quick maybe we could use these let me let me just pull up over here and all right we got to pull up behind Ruby and then go boo wait what the ghost attack is here wait wait why are there ghosts here wait wait Ruby what's going on um there there's ghosts here on the map wait wait what there's ghosts oh no uh I'm pretty sure if you don't find us in like the next 10 minutes the map turns haunted wait what get get away from me yep and there's going to be ghosts chasing you as the Seeker you got to be quick no get away she's totally falling for it this is so good wait wait Ruby I'm also pretty sure that if you uh if if you don't do the the Ghost Dance you'll get possessed wait Ghost Dance what's that yeah yeah you got to like spin around in a circle eight times and then jump up 42 times and then spin around in a circle eight more times and then jump up in a circle like five times what if I just do all of that at once okay let's see here um I'm going to just uh like this and then like that I can't check it out she's actually doing it hold on hold on hold on wait what what are you doing I'm getting dizzy she said that she's going to mess up the ghost dance so I'm going to get angry and oh wait are you turning your ghost angry oh oh the egg just got mad the egg is not happy anymore CU what happens when you don't do the Ghost Dance correctly oh gosh all right okay let's let's go possess her go away go away go away ghost go away wait Ruby I don't think you think the ghost Dan good enough the ghosts are coming to eat you now you better run and one of them touched me let's go let's go let's go wait wait can we should get on a tower so that it looks like I'm flying let me get on top of you oh yeah yeah yeah got to get on top of me all all right there we go there we go and now you just walk that doesn't work actually we both have to walk okay never mind R get away get away and wait wait hold on why don't we just hide down here Kim there's actually a pretty good hiding spot it's like a nice little tube down at the bottom of the map this is op yeah well we just randomly found this what yeah okay okay well I guess everybody survives another day but wo how deep does this tube go oh is it the end over here yeah okay okay well here we should probably morph into something that could uh fit in over here hm what could fit in a big narrow tube underground ooh what about a zombie uh a zombie would be good yeah zombie could be awesome cuz zombies I'm pretty sure they like hanging out in like sewers and this kind of looks like a sewer I don't know about sewer this is more like a cave this is not a cave a caves that look like more natural and they have like ores on the side where are you guys guys we're just chilling we we're kind of somewhere right now well I know that but like where can I have a hint at least I'm literally getting chased by ghost here okay okay fine fine I'll give you a hint we are somewhere that looks like a sewer wait the sewer is like underground uh maybe uh okay I guess I'll start looking near the caves anyways cam my zombie is almost done I just got to give it some spiky teeth over here to make it look scary that way if Ruby pulls up maybe she'll get scared and just run away there we go these spiky teeth are looking pretty awesome and all right now let me hit apply boom there we go what do you think of this and what K what did you turn into are you a green pig I know I'm Yoda what dude what the heck I guess you kind of look like a zombie since you're green I panicked I didn't know what to draw dude you should have draw a zombie like me look at mine mine looks super scary actually he looks kind of friendly I'm not going to lie with his face and like his smiling mouth yeah you should draw him Angry Eyebrows okay yeah yeah you're right you're right I need to draw Angry Eyebrows those always tend to do the trick let me just go ahead and draw some Angry Eyebrows over here and oh oh yeah this guy's looking mad now this guy does not want to play around all right I guess now we just got to wait here for Ruby to pull up Ruby's going to pull up on the gang of uh goblins and zombies I'm not a goblin I'm Yoda the same thing no I found a tunnel and oh no uh I think Ruby may have found our tunnel hopefully she pulls up and get scared and oh oh she's right there she's right there wait hold on I think she ran the other way should we just like run past her oh never mind we cannot run past her I guess that's a dead end let's go over here what is that she notices that SP C should we start doing like scary stuff I guess hold L attack yeah yeah the the Goblins are coming the Goblins are coming it's the attack of the Goblins wait wait wait wait wait wait what zombies too wait Ruby are you being chased by zombies now I am but I don't know where they came from oh no Ruby that starts happening if you don't find the hiders after 15 minutes the zombies are worse than the ghosts wait what will I die if I touch them yeah yeah the zombies will you'll die if you touch them and they'll take you to the nether I have to get away where are you guys Ruby we're just chilling I can't believe you haven't found us yet and okay Kim I think we should actually go chill somewhere we got to go find an actual hiding spot oh yeah yeah yeah yeah where should we hide uh let's see I feel like there are a lot of good spots over here let me try going on top of this mountain really quick I haven't really been up here before let's see let's see what are we working with here and ooh hold on we can go like really high up here we can go all the way up over here yeah but this don't help us at all yeah this is kind of an open spot okay maybe we can go down a little bit we can go back down here wait I've got an idea you see how this is like really small yeah what if we draw ourselves really small so we can fit into the gaps okay I don't think that's going to work what if it might uh I guess we can try it out I'm just going to draw myself as a red line and now let me hit apply there's no way this is going to work and yeah yeah it does it doesn't work oh I thought it would work hold on hold on what if I change the size over here to 0.3x is this going to make a difference let me try that and oh wait a few seconds to customize again hold on I need to wait I need to wait come on let me do it and oh oh I just made myself even smaller but uh I still can't fit okay I don't think that works I made it in how did you get in you just squeezed wait wait what did you just go through one of these holes up here no way okay okay hold on um let me try squeezing my way in how did you do that I know I'm just the goat oh wait wait hold on hold on I I I was close there for a second let me get back in real quick let me in oh oh I'm getting in I'm getting in is there another way to get down there uh yeah wait really why don't we just do that uh I don't know do I have to go over here this way into the cave for it and oh oh uh uh Ruby is right there cam uh you might want to move hiding spots that may have not been the best spot oh gosh wait ru's following me now oh hopefully she didn't see my R squiggly line I got to go are you guys Ru we're nowhere no you're here I know it I feel it no and oh oh Cam I see you over there are you just sitting around this table what the heck yeah I'm going to I don't know I I it's the best I could come up with all right all right I guess I'll do the same I'll draw another guy sitting around the table let me just draw a nice little Stickman figure right here ooh this is looking pretty nice there we go that's looking pretty awesome and ooh here I'll even make the smile purple so that it kind of looks like me I'll make the entire face purple oo there we go that's looking good all right let me hit apply boom and yo where the people at oh wait hold on I'm like super small since my scale is still set to small let me make myself a little bit bigger here we go scale 1X now let me go ahead and apply again and okay boom there we go I'm big now this looks awesome I'm tired of looking at this mountain okay I'm going to come down into this cave hopefully you guys are there and oh uh hold on if she talking about our cave oh she is definitely talking about our cave uh Kim look behind you wait what she's right there okay we just got to stay really really still we got to look like cardboard cutouts and not look like actual people oh gosh she staring right at us oh that one has a purple smile Dash is that you oh no I think she found me no that's not me that's totally not me that's totally you you're just walking away get back here oh my gosh all right well fine fine fine you found me but hold on a minute do you not see the other person here what other person here what are you serious huh what are you talking about how did you only see me there's no one else here oh my I wait what the hecky cam is really are you kidding me it's really dark in here I only see you and your purple face what oh my gosh okay okay well Ruby now you have to go find Kim okay well you're coming with me come on you're going to help me okay okay fine fine fine let's see I'm pretty sure he went somewhere this way I just have a feeling um okay let's see here uh I don't see anyone do you uh uh yeah I'll give you a little hint try looking at the top right uh-huh your right or my right uh uh my right just follow me over here this way do you do you happen to see anything over here stairs um um no no no like a little bit more in front of you oh I see this tree oh oh okay that's good but what about this way you see like this way on this big gray platform okay that's just another tree well okay hold on why don't we get a little bit closer are you giving me a way I have to I got caught I'm I'm the Seeker now I Ru does this look like a tree let's see um this is a tree but uh it looks a little funny and yeah yeah and look look look you can also like kind of move it if you like run into it wait I can move it whoa is that a glitch oh I think the tree just knocked you over um are you not getting any clues from this Clues what wait a second um cam is that you get out no cam got CAU cam your tree looks more like a lollipop than a tree I'm not going to lie it looks like a lemon on a stick I was panicking you were selling me out BR okay okay but hold on a minute guys we got to do another round we got to do another round and since I got caught first I'll be the Seeker o all right that sounds good to me okay count to 1 million but wait guys first we should switch Maps everyone go into the neighborhood's map okay now count to a million all right all right I'm going to start counting I'm not going to count to a million I'll count to like 30 30 28 29 27 are you guys running I'm running I'm running yeah do wait I just saw someone going to the house I think that was kind of cheating but I'm going to keep that information in mind three two one and all right ready or not here I come where you guys at nowhere okay okay and okay I remember someone going into this building over here what if I just go into this door oh I have to open it up hello anyone in over here and okay I don't see anyone inside of this garage room maybe deeper in the house we got to open up more doors hello hello anyone in the living room anyone under the table by any chance and okay no I don't think there's anyone under the table although that'd be a really good hiding spot doesn't look like there's anyone around the TV room wait a minute maybe someone's upstairs and check it out this door is open okay okay there's definitely someone in here let me just pull up and close the door real quick and whoever is in here get ready to get caught and okay um I don't really see anyone in here wait is there someone inside of the toilet hello anyone down there uh what are you talking about is there really no one inside of the toilet the no one flush themselves no ew what ew gross ah okay well I guess there's no one inside of the washroom is there anyone in any of these other rooms that wow wo I think I just got teleported to another room after opening that door what the heck just happened okay well hold on let me go into this room is there anyone around here hello maybe behind the door over here and oh okay no one behind the door that' be a pretty good spot as well all right well here there's only one room left now is there anyone in over here and okay wait there's literally no one here okay does no one actually go inside of this house are you kidding me why would I do that if you're in there I would have just moved what the heck hold on was anyone in that house that I just saw did anyone move um no wait wait hold on what about the backyard of the house I didn't check that anyone back here okay there's a swing set and a trampoline is there anyone underneath the trampoline no under the trampoline looks clear anyone on the swings maybe okay I'm the only person on the swings okay you know what this house is clear it's time to search the next house on the Block there's only a few houses here so I can just search all of them let's see let's see anyone inside of this one and oh wait you can't even open this House's door okay I think I have to go through this door over here maybe have to go through this door over here and what can you really not open up the doors on this house are you kidding me wait Dash instead of just hide and seek we should change it to hide and ghost seek so you have to tag us what isn't that just going to make it harder for me though exactly but it'd be fun what okay okay fine fine fine we can make it into hideing ghost League I'm still going to win probably and wait a minute hold on I think I see something over here yo yo yo I think I see someone in this bush over here is there anyone in there uh no yo wait hold on I just saw someone run I just saw someone run who was that who was that where did you go I don't know I just saw someone here what um okay did you climb over this fence maybe what you're not behind the fence where are you I took off running dude dude actually teleported um um okay well hold on it was you though right cam I just need to tag you now yeah if you can find me again I'm Long John Long Gone Long slim wait a minute hold on I think I see someone over here I think I see Ruby she's that grass over there and oh oh I think she just turned herself into a chicken what the heck is that okay and now I'm going to be a baby on the swing set and he won't know any better that's supposed to be a baby I thought it was a chicken and wait a minute hold on as soon as she gets on the swing what if I just jump over this fence and start chasing her that could be really funny let me just pull up over here and hey Ruby I found you come here come here come here you better to get tagged come here there's no getting away from this one I'm about to win no get away get away you're going to get tagged there's only one way out come here uh oh no I I have to jump the fence Ru I can jump the fence too you know yeah well I can I can draw while you jump the fence oh gosh oh gosh wait I think she's trying to change her drawing hopefully she doesn't like disguise into something really hidden okay okay okay okay let's go let's go wait what are you going to change it into oh something that you'll never be able to tell what okay okay let's see what is that going to be okay okay what is that a car dude I can tell it's a car are you kidding me uh no you can't no you can't okay Ruby you're literally driving in you know what here I'm going to tag you come here come here come here nope nope I'm driving away I'm driving away I don't think being a car actually makes you any faster come here come here I need to tag you already come on you're a little bit ahead of me oh come on get away come on come on I just need to tag you oh look at that ooh reverse ooh and wait wait wait I think I just tagged you no you didn't I'm so close does this not count oh oh uh no it doesn't no it doesn't I'm pretty sure this should count come on come on yo yo what what the heck is that what just happened uh is there like a fire going on or something oh good distraction go cam go that's you what the how are you on fire cuz I'm too flaming hot Let Me In what the heck in oh Cam you can't go into that house I already tried dude you're like leaving fog everywhere what is going on it's a strategy what the heck is this I didn't know you can draw with fire pixels oh no he just went into the house he just went into the house okay hold on I got to go he distracted you and now I'm free are you kidding Ruby I literally tagged you earlier that definitely should count I don't I didn't feel it I didn't feel it so it doesn't count all right but hold on a minute cam where are you you're still somewhere in this house I'm pretty sure you got to be somewhere here I don't think you can escape Through the Windows or anything where did you go oh yeah totally what do you can can you actually Escape through the windows are you kidding me hold on are you in this room over here I forgot I check this room earlier and no you're still not here what about this oh there's just another bathroom okay never mind I think I may have escaped this house how where did you go how did you get out uh places and stuff and wait a minute hold on there's another house over here can I go inside of this one let me just pull up to this house here o it looks like it's another house that you can go inside of all right let me check out this place is there anyone around here Kim where you at you know hiding and stuff I'm going to find you with your big flaming hot stuff and then I'm going to put you in the toilet to uh light you off no I'm not going to light you no no no it's going to happen it's going to happen where are you at I know you're somewhere around here I think there's only two houses that you can actually go inside of this map you didn't even see me what do you mean you didn't see you are you inside of this house somewhere um no I'm not inside the house wait you're not hold on are you in the backyard maybe let me open up this backyard door over here I can't even open up the backyard door are you kidding me I have to go all the way oh wait no there's a door over here I can just use that's a window that's not even a door oh there it is no I'm not in the backyard either but you're not in the backyard okay well are you in the front yard maybe and wao wao wait hold on you can turn on this Grill over here what does this do wait guys I just turned on a grill I feel like it's going to explode a I guess you're not going to find me then if you're too busy grilling wait a minute hold on you can open up the grill hold on where are you guys at I'm going to put one of you guys in this Grill wait what don't do that I'm going to get you I'm going to get you where you at where you at are you inside of this bush or something and okay no one in the bush no one in the bush I need to find one of you guys in you're a cat I love eating grilled cats come here come here come here ew no you're coming to the grill you're coming to the grill no stop get away hello did no one hear Dash say he wants to eat grilled cat no I was joking I was joking and wait hold on C I see you over there too you're like a weird smoke bomb come here come here come here smoke grenade dude literally turned himself into a smoke grenade what is this and wait is there a grill in this person's backyard no there's no Grill there's only one Grill on the map I think gam come here you're not getting away oh yeah I am oh my gosh you really turned the entire house into smoke okay hold on I think you escaped through this door right where did you go oh oh wait you're going back here okay your your trail of smoke is actually kind of helpful it's kind of helping lead me straight to you and oh no are you kidding me did I actually lose you where do you oh no you're over there you're over there okay I just saw the smoke I need to get rid of the smoke yeah honestly I think the smoke might be doing more bad for you than good but hold on I'm I'm I'm going to go around this corner and I'm going to catch him when he comes past he's going to hide behind this fence right over here and I'm right here C get taged I taged you there are you kidding me let's go that was way too easy but hold on Kim now we got to find Ruby and put her inside of the grill it looks like there's another Grill over here on this house so we could probably use this too uh I think I I think I I'll focus on finding her you can focus on putting her on the Gill wait hold on K get in the Gilla I need to say something no I'm all right no do it do it it'll be funny okay fine fine all right I want to see if you can actually fit in there yeah just try like going into the grill try getting on there oh what that dude dude dude my butt's on fire P me out okay just like run out here come back I'll blow on it I'll blow on it there we go is it out is it out no how do you even have a butt you're literally just like a white blob I need to go in the toilet I need to find something that call me off oh yeah go in the toilet I guess that'll work but here I'll leave you to that while you're doing that I'm going to go find Ruby Ruby I know you're somewhere around here where you at oh you're never going to find me and you're never going to catch me what okay okay well I'm going to find you I'm sure you're somewhere around this place there's not that many houses oh yeah which house you're definitely in one of them so let me start in this one over here maybe this one ooh so close yet so far what so close yet so far what does that mean am I in the wrong house I'm not going to tell you what the heck okay okay well hold on a minute Kim since I C you you have to help me search now too I guess I'll help you know where Ruby is um no really okay okay well I don't think she's in this house I just searched this entire house the house looks pretty clear and wait okay that's you over there cim have you searched that house over there uh I just came out of it hold on a minute wait wait what do you mean hold on a minute look up up wait what what do you mean look up I don't I don't see anything around here all I see is the Sun and some trees are you kidding me you don't see it wait what what what ruby how are you on the roof up there H what how did you see me what the how did you even get up there um that's for me to know and for you not to know what okay well hold hold on I have an idea I have an idea cim stand right here I need you to turn into a a ladder a ladder I don't think that's going to work no no no it's going to work it's going to work just stand right here next to the wall and just draw yourself into a ladder and then I'll climb you and go get Ruby this is definitely going to work all right I don't think this is going to work no no no it's going to work it's going to work you just got to turn into a ladder and now let me just climb up on you oh oh I'm almost up oh oh I made it Ruby get ready to get caught come here wait what no come on come on I just got to tag you over here real quick you're not getting away and boom I think I got you I think I got you no yeah yeah I definitely tagged you Ruby let's go why did you even dry your into is that like a fish no I was just trying to camouflage with the roof oh I see well you got caught out way let's go oh man but that was pretty fun that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video click on the video on the screen right now
Channel: Dash Roblox
Views: 317,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dash, roblox, dash roblox, dash minecraft, cash, nico, cashblox, nicoblox, cash and nico, nico and cash, minecraft, minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, Become What You Draw HIDE and SEEK in Roblox..
Id: mu06MVYGnK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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