Exposing My Roblox Stalker...

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So today we're going to be talking about my Roblox stalker now just to be straight up with you guys this is probably one of the creepiest things I've ever uncovered in Roblox it all started with this Tick Tock right here everything starts these days block them immediately some of these accounts yeah actually it's made YouTubers oh wait why is this guy dude this guy's got text at the top he's got like Subway Surfers at the bottom he's got a video there's too much going on Roblox YouTubers even when their accounts were set to private let's start so this is about the account to Berardi so I'm gonna pause the video right there that right there is my Roblox stalker Mr buratty now you've probably never heard of the name barati because if you're trying to look up the name you're gonna get no results found you see the dude's actual account here we actually go to it he got paid and it's it's actually for a pretty good reason this is kind of weird it says that he was last online a month ago but he was banned years ago like six years ago so I don't know I don't know how he came online but let's keep going no this guy has an entire Wiki page on him and for good reason you see we gotta go back all the way to the year of 2017. back when I looked like that oh my God we've come a very long way you see back on June 30th 2017 I made a video called secret satanic cult in Roblox and that title's not actually clickbait like I said this is probably one of the creepiest things I've ever seen in Roblox in this Tick Tock video well this Tick Tock video reminded me of it so who was Mr buratty and what did he do well unfortunately since this was like six seven years ago I don't have much footage of it happening during my live stream but basically this guy right here Mr barati you would join into my Roblox live stream and he would teleport everyone in my game through his game and that's what you're seeing right here on the screen now keep in mind this was back in 2017. Roblox didn't have very good security so someone with a few hacks could easily just you know go into your game teleport everyone out of that game and into their game kind of crazy now that you think about it no I can't show you you what he did once you get into his game I can however if you listen closely here that right there the screaming in the background of this video yeah I can't show you what he would do because this video would get deleted from YouTube but let's just say that he would take your Roblox Avatar he would nail it to a wall and he would light you on fire in your Roblox Avatar would scream to death we'll just we'll leave it at the end that's all it needs to be said we joined into my Roblox game teleport me and my fans to his game Alice to Wallace and then light us on fire yeah um like I said this is gonna get creepy but this isn't even the creepiest part man okay now even though his account is deleted you can still access his Roblox game here it is right here and I actually still have my private server from six years ago I've been spending 150 Robux on this bank for six years every month man how much Roblox has I lost that's gotta be like thousands of dollars anyway here we are we're in the game what's funny is he knew he was gonna get banned so he left his mask on the table that's that's real creepy no just like any good Roblox stalker hacker there's a few secrets in this game you can talk to this in PC there's a few options down here he talks about this guy named Anubis that's important talk about that in a minute basically you want to come over here and you want to push this little like button and then the floor is going to open up and you're gonna drop down and then what you're gonna do there's some creepy attacks dude when they thought we were gone we rose up higher when they thought we were done we had only started we had only begun opening the Vault really creepy stuff but if you go in the shift lock and you just kind of like walk out of this wall here there's a red teleporter and if you stand on the red teleporter it teleports you but to the exact same game except it's destroyed and if we give it a second some creepy music's gonna start playing okay well there was creepy music but Roblox deleted it years ago so anyway let's just continue on there's a little invisible ladder you can jump on and climb up onto the roof once you're on the roof what you want to do is you wanna you wanna look for this little platform drop down on it and you're gonna go forward and you're gonna see a giant Cemetery this is where things start to get creepy okay you're gonna drunk down here and you're gonna run straight on your left is the cemetery right here in front of you is a little Mausoleum I think that's what it's called doors closed right you can't you can't open it so what you want to do is you want to run this way there's a little red button right here you just wanna you wanna push that red button this was a lot creepier 2017 when it actually had the music it was like people screaming in the background it was creepy anyway the door is open now and you want to walk through here and there's a little white eight way when you walk into here well yeah you see Roblox banned the game that it would teleport you to and for really good reasons they might be a thing at Creek craft this is cool but like it's not that creepy that is where things start to ramp up you see that teleport would teleport you to this game right here it's just a game it's a simple Roblox game right there's a gate in the front you've got some Oculus Anubis symbols Egyptian symbols again we'll talk about that Anubis is very important we're gonna talk about that here in a second okay but you've got some like Egyptian hieroglyphics or whatever that's called on the front of the gate and when you go past the gate there's this giant statue of Anubis you keep hearing that word Anubis I keep telling you it's important why is it important there's a giant statue of the um Egyptian god Anubis there he is right there and that was the game right for the people that don't know yeah Anubis is the god of unary Rights protective grades Guide to the underworld ancient Egyptian religion yeah that's him right there if you guys didn't know it's also why barati's Avatar looks like him because this is where things start to get creepy you see in the description of the game there's these numbers right here these numbers are coordinates to a real life location so if you head on over to Google Maps and we copy and paste those coordinates in and hit enter gonna pop up with this area right here it's in the middle of Oregon it's by Portland Oregon this is where things get creepy because if you go onto the street view of this road looks like a pretty normal Road right you know houses you know kind of abandoned a little bit but yeah I'm pretty normal right anyway if we go down this road to the very end wait a minute now hold up that is the same gate that was in the Roblox game now Google Street View doesn't go any further but this is where the crazy begins this guy right here he made a video going to this place um there's actually a lot of videos going to this place it's called Oculus Anubis it's in Oregon and it's really creepy and that's creepy that's the guy who owned it right that's the guy who owns this place I believe he passed away uh a few years ago or something like that but basically there's the gate right there and Beyond the gate well there's a lot of signs on the gate that say private property there's cameras there's literally a sign that says if you go into here we will shoot you I'm not joking that's actually a sign on this game but anyway let's skip ahead a little bit you can see in the background there's the Oculus Anubis statue just like the Roblox now I think this guy's actually crazy because he actually went into the gate he went on to the the property a little bit I definitely would not have done that he's a very brave guy but if you Google oculus Anubis you're gonna get a bunch of uh hits here on Google a bunch of weird Google images of the place right like look at this they got a bridge in there why is there a bridge like that behind the gate oh no look at this this is behind the gate what the heck is that why is that in there like look at this bro wait what is this this is creepy there's also secret tunnels that go underneath the place I'm not even joking they got secret tunnels underneath the place but basically the story is that this guy in the video where's the where's the creepy picture go anyway basically the guy who built this was a doctor nobody knows much about him but apparently he got the money from scamming his patience like he would do insurance scams right like insurance fraud and that's how he got all this money and that's how he was able to build all of this why did he build it nobody knows he died right nobody knows what this is about what's going on in here it's really creepy it's in Oregon if you guys live by there you may even know what this is yeah it was rated like one of the creepiest places in America or something like that and well soon after all this came out barati got banned off from Roblox Roblox banned him and he also banned the Oculus Anubis game but what is Oculus Anubis was the guy who built all this the doctor was this like his son because the doctor did have a son could this be the guy's son and that's why he built in Roblox nobody knows oh my God here's a YouTube video what is this rant and Rave they drove behind the gate bro these guys I probably should be showing this they're my piece of crazy stuff there look at the secret Egyptian death cult Oculus the newest Drone footage why did he build this from Roblox why don't we see teleporting people to it and what does he have to do with any of this one of the creepiest things that's ever happened to me in Roblox now I think about it investigating a secret Egyptian death cult in Roblox um It's actually kind of cool I'll see you guys next time
Channel: KreekCraft
Views: 707,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ukRsFQzv-8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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