EXPOSED: Psychic Scammer Stole MILLIONS From Elderly Man

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to my channel long time no see um I've had a really stressful couple of weeks I'm clearly in a new house and this is not gonna be my permanent filming backdrop actually I'm just kind of filming here till I get my office set up but um basically if you don't follow me on social media or my vlog channel or something like that you probably didn't hear what hell I have been through trying to get into this house we were supposed to move like a seamless thing you know move out of one house move into the next house on the same day but everything got messed up with our real-estate agent basically we had time in between the two houses and I had nowhere to film because I moved in with my dad if you want to know the full story of that I will link my vlog channel below but that is where I've been but I'm back now and I'm super excited to film today today's video is another exposed video I found a story about this man and it's unbelievable what happened to him so I'm going to explain all of that to you today here we are in my bedroom I know I don't normally film in my bedroom maybe you remember me filming in my old bedroom probably about two years ago if you've been around for that long but yeah this is just temporary for right now so before I get into telling you about this story which is really really crazy this video is sponsored by Experian boost credit is one of those things that's actually really important and you don't realize how important it is until you need a good credit score I feel like in high school we should literally have a class on these types of things because no one explained credit to me I didn't really understand any of it and having good credit is definitely one of the most important things to aid your success in life so Experian boost is a new product by Experian and it's basically a way that anyone can improve their credit score very very quickly if you pay a phone bill or an electricity bill or anything like that your names on it Experian can help improve your credit score just with that information instantly bills that you're already paying through your bank account works like water gas electric cable trash this is actually the first time that a credit bureau is letting people put those types of things towards improving their credit scores so it's really unique it allows you to raise your credit score instantly and it's super easy and it's free Experian is trying to boost America's credit score and that's why most people that go through this process get boosted instantly and the customer is in control you're able to add or remove boost at any time Experian boost is safe secure and 100% free there is no credit card required and it allows you to bump that FICO score immediately and Boost is exclusive to Experian and only available at Experian comm slash Kendall Rea and that is also linked in the top of the description box so definitely check it out trust me it's important to have good credit now let's get into our story for today this one is so weird okay so I'm gonna be telling you about a guy named Ralph and Ralph oh man he is just one of those people who seems like one of the nicest people total salt of the earth really really humble dude and he ended up in such a horrible situation it's unreal his full name is Ralph reigns jr. and he's from Gaston organ and Gaston is a small city the population is less than a thousand people and he was a pretty lonely guy in this city I mean it was a small place he didn't have that many people who knew he didn't have a love interest and he was always looking for someone to share his life with Ralph was actually an only child and his dad was very very wealthy so he owned this tree farm and this is a huge tree farm with massive and he has spent his whole life maintaining these trees improving the tree farm and just living off of the wind he was a pretty funky guy you'd definitely consider him to be a little different but people really liked that about him he was really quirky but he had always been kind of a lonely guy stuck to himself he was even described as sometimes socially inept and really kind of uh named to make clear social connections so he just didn't really have that many friends and peoples that he kind of had trouble understanding social dynamics now ralph was a major nature guy you could say he was a tree hugger he literally owned so many trees and it was his everyday life taking care of them he loved her he was fascinated by them anything about trees he would talk about all day with you he just truly loved what he did father had a lot of money that's how they got ahold of this tree farm but he kind of just lived off of that and maintained it his entire life he stayed working in the family business he was always going to inherit the tree farm but even though he was pretty much set up for life like he could just do what he loved every single day which is pretty awesome he also though didn't have really any solid relationships in his life his dad was very old he had no children he never got married he didn't even have a lot of friends a lot of his family members were gone or lived in different areas so he was very lonely a lot of the time but one thing that was interesting about Ralph is he was really into the paranormal so he liked UFOs aliens all that type of stuff but he also really liked psychics so this is when someone named Rachel League comes into our story and she became a psychic in this small town she opened a brand-new palm reading shop right near Ralph's and as soon as he discovered this shop he decided that he was going to visit and he actually visited several times and it didn't take long before her and Ralph started to build a very intense friendship she almost became kind of a counselor figure to Ralph and you know he had this idea that she had some type of ability where she can help guide him and he was so fascinated by her abilities that I think he was willing to believe pretty much anything she said and one thing that you learned about him is he's very gullible so when it comes to me and psychics I actually really do believe that some people have a psychic gift whether that's even you know dreaming things having little premonitions in there or being a full-blown psychic or medium and I do believe they exist but I think there's a lot of frauds out there I think I've seen some of them myself I've never had a good psychic reading everyone I've had has been like what are you even talking about you know a few years ago I had a psychic tell me that I was going to end up breaking up with my boyfriend of moving to Europe and I'm married now so you know things like that not everyone I think is genuine with their powers and people will you know prey on people who are interested in this type of stuff but don't feel knowledgeable in it so we're all started to tell her quickly about you know all of his life about how much money he had how big his tree farm was and you know how he was lonely and Rachel quickly realized that this guy was the perfect target for her he was lonely he had a bunch of money and as soon as she figured this out she just dug her closet in him and she was really there for him she became a friend to him to talk to you about his loneliness she said they talked a lot about how lonely he was and she said that she was also lonely that she'd felt like she didn't have a lot of good relationships in her life either and her husband or previous husband had passed away from cancer and this is just her way of kind of getting through to him and getting that sympathy card going and she also told Ralph that she was her husband's lone caretaker at the end of his life and he really admired that about her thought she was a really genuine and awesome person so it didn't take long before Rachel started to gain Ralph's trust she became the only person that really had a strong connection with Ralph and kind of his main confidant it went on for a long time her patiently grooming him working her way in building that trust and this is called a sweetheart swindle there's actually a name for it and is when younger women will come into older men with money and some emotional problem or something and take advantage of them so this is actually something that happens quite often unfortunately over the next several years Rachel and Ralph spent plenty of time together and she became his main companion this is the point where Ralph started to spoil Rachel with gifts he'd write her random checks and during this time Rachel also introduced Ralph to a guy named Lance Ely and Rachel told Ralph that bland C was a guy in her life often known to date her on and off Rachel and bland C were both from California and had originally moved back to Oregon and back when they were together bland C and Rachel were living a pretty middle-class life living off the money that Rachel made from her business so it wasn't like a romantic relationship between Rachel and Ralph blam C was always kind of there as her romantic partner and eventually Ralph became friends with him he was known for doing handiwork and stuff like that so he ended up helping him build a deck on his back porch so everything was going well and Rachel was in full control of Ralph Ralph had always lived really minimalistic Lea he could have spent so much moral on himself in his life but he's just not like that so two years into their friendship Rachel somehow convinces Ralph that it would be a good idea to buy this sick house this big house bigger than the one that he even lived in on the tree farm this was a nice house it costs over $900,000 and it was in Portland Oregon in a suburb area much nicer than anything Ralph himself had ever lived in so why did he buy this house wealth Rachel you know she's a psychic so she's convincing him she's seeing good things happening for him and stuff and that it would be a good opportunity to invest in a house and that long-term it will be better and that if he buys it now her family and her can live in it just in the time being you know get it ready for resale in a few years when they're ready to make his [ __ ] ton of money off of it off this big investment and he somehow just agreed to this and let her buy this house and move in with her family so a little while after they had all moved in Ralph's father was very elderly and he had a stroke and it was so bad that he was never gonna be able to take care of himself ever again he would always need assisted living so Ralph is currently living alone with his father at the tree farm and Rachel is living in this super super nice house so Rachel you know trying to be the best friend of decides to step up and be the caretaker for Ralph's father she said she'd be happy to move into Ralph's house and take care of him full-time so Ralph was really satisfied with how everything was going at this point Rachael lived pretty much at the house with them taking care of his father and also making sure all the finances were in order eventually Ralph got to the point where he just didn't even want to know what was going on with his money he wanted someone else to just manage it he didn't like money for him money had no value he was more interested in his trees so he really turned on blinders when it came to his finances so moving forward in time a little bit to October of 2007 Ralph and Rachel were doing just fine at this point they're still have a great friendship and everything and Ralph had actually gone to a timber convention he flew back home from the timber convention and app Airport he called Rachel to see if she would pick him up from the airport she told him to wait at a specific bench and that she would meet him there but little did he know a different woman would be meeting him there this woman came up to Ralph and introduced herself as Mary marks she had a thick British accent and she was very tall with long blonde hair which was Ralph's type so Mary marks sat down next to Ralph and asked him if his name was Ralph and he said uh yeah how'd you know that and she said well I'm psychic and at this point she offered to give him a psychic reading so little does Ralph know this woman Mary actually has a connection to Rachel I'm sure you could have guessed and Rachel had told this woman all the things that she would need to know about Ralph to make it seem like she was psychic so she's sitting there telling him all this stuff blowing his mind and he's like wow you're incredible how did you know these things about me Mary told Ralph that she just had this natural gift and she does it as a hobby but she's actually a book keeper she was a British citizen and just living in the US but she did offer to help Ralph with his finances you know using her little hobby so Ralph was like oh yeah sounds pretty good to me like another woman to come in and my finances excellent cuz I have no idea what the hell is going on and he kind of saw it as a way to keep Rachel in check that there would be two women who didn't know each other doing the same work you know so they would kind of hold each other accountable so eventually Mary told Ralph that her travel visa was going to expire and that she needed to marry someone in order to get a green card and stay and he really liked her at this point so he decided that he was going to marry her he was under the impression that she had a full-time job in California so they barely even saw each other even though they were married they didn't live together it was just on paper and they were never intimate in their relationship actually and I think a lot of people would think that but they were not however that did not stop them from having a kid mary was trying to convince him to have a kid via artificial insemination and he was kind of back and forth on this they never fully made a decision I don't even think they actually ever did the extraction or whatever the hell happens but she leaves for nine months and then nine months later she comes back with a baby and I'm not even kidding she named their baby Giorgio Armani yeah don't you and I sure miss you so this poor baby grew up thinking that ralph was his father and spoiler alert that's not true so while this is happening with Mary and Georgie no money and Ralph Rachel is starting to date bland see again after Rachel had been working for Ralph for three years he decided he trusted her enough to completely let go of his finances and let her take the reins entirely and he made one of the biggest mistakes which was signing power of attorney forms this meant that Rachel finally had control over all of Ralph's finances and because she had this control and also worked for Ralph she was technically now the one paying herself Rachel got to work quickly ruining Ralph's life the first thing that she did was sell a bunch of his stocks and then take money and put it into a corporate account and this is the same account that Rachel would pay herself out of so as you can imagine she was overpaying herself quite a lot keep in mind at this time Rachel is still the caretaker for Ralph's father and it's reported that he was in terrible condition multiple times basically abusive situations where he was left almost neglected and this is when she started to convince Ralph that she would actually do a better job of caretaking if she could do it at her house in Portland the fancier house that she owned so Ralph agreed and he decided to move his father in there however even though this house had five bedrooms they were all occupied by Rachel's family members and not a single one was left for Ralph's father he literally was living out his final days in a hallway so during all of this Rachel was distributing her money between her bank account Lindsay's bank account and Mary's bank account now let's talk about Mary for a second all of Rachel's family members as well as Mary had Ralph's corporate credit cards and they did not hold back from using them they ate at the nicest restaurants shopped at the fanciest stores and wore luxury designer brands Rachel and bland C even spent $300,000 worth of Ralph's money just in Nordstrom's they were also traveled on many trips Rachel and bland to use the credit cards to take a very lavish vacation to Europe they flew first-class to places like Paris Monaco Italy Venice Rome and they even stayed in hotel rooms that cost $2,000 per night they also really enjoyed gambling which is a mess when you have a bunch of money to use and they were known to spend huge sums of money at the casino royale and various places in Las Vegas also while staying in the nicest Suites and the fanciest hotels on the strip one time during their stay in the Bellagio Rachel ended up buying bland C a Rolex that was worth the $64,000 they basically had no concept of money anymore and they were just spending it on whatever they wanted it was estimated that they spent close to $100,000 on plane tickets alone Rachel was continuing to spend Roth's money on different properties all throughout the country she was even buying little psychic shops all around Oregon so this case actually started to kind of unravel when a woman named Liz stepped into the picture she was a detective in the area one day she was just driving to work when she noticed a house that was still having a lot of construction on it and it was off the side of the highway the remodeling on this house was going on for a year and a half she also noticed that there were some really fancy cars parked outside of this house and this wasn't a super fancy house this was actually a house that Rachel was currently turning into a psychic shop but it was just taking forever to get it built one of the cars parked outside of this little shop though was a Ferrari and Liz thought this was weird because this is a really small town and you just don't see Ferraris riding around she was confused because you know this person clearly had a lot of money but why would they be taking the time to remodel this tiny little house the license plate on the car said mr. big and it was registered as bland C's car and Liz also saw a smart car parked outside the house with a license plate that said merry hearts Ralph so it was then that was discovered that ralph was the owner of these cars and house and a tree farm as well and with her past experience Liz said she immediately thought something could be up she didn't see why this random tree farmer would be involved with a Ferrari and a bunch of random psychic shops I mean none of this was adding up but even though she was suspicious there wasn't any crime happening there wasn't a victim so she couldn't get involved and they didn't even have the jurisdiction to get involved either so fast forward about a year and a half later Liz the detective was at a training seminar this is where she started talking with this guy named Floyd and Floyd was from the can be Police Department and Candi was the small town where she noticed the really nice cars parked outside of this small house so she told Floyd about how she thought that Ralph might be involved in some type of scam and he thought that was pretty interesting and decided to investigate further they decided to contact the IRS and look a little bit closer at his finances and see if this would be the start of an investigation there was this woman in the town named Marlene and she used to hang out at this tree farm all the time she's to work on it and stuff so they sent her in to see how the tree farm was going make sure everything was normal as she remembered it when she used to work there and she reported back to them that it was in terrible condition almost all the trees were gone it had gone way downhill this is when it became clear that all the trees had been cut down and sold off by Rachel this is really devastating I think this is one of the saddest things I mean this was a family tree farm and Ralph truly loved it I mean it meant a lot to him because it was his father's and he was taking care of it but also because he loved these trees once Rachel had gone through all of Ralph's money that was in his bank account she sold off everything he had by selling off all the trees she somehow convinced him that he was completely broke because of inheritance tax and the only way to pay it off was to sell the tree farm so ralph was like well [ __ ] and actually gave her permission to sell his entire tree farm because that's how much he trusted her over one year Rachel had sold the entire tree farm in four parts that ended up equaling about twelve million dollars when all was said and done and the basically sawing all the land except for a little bit two parcels for him his wife Mary and his child Giorgio Armani and after Rachel sold off all the land Rachel and bland C went berserk they bought Ferraris they just bought whatever they wanted used up all the money so eventually Floyd and Liz discovered all the crazy financial decisions that Rachel is making on browse behalf and Floyd decided that he was going to go to Ralph's house and tried to talk with him so he showed up at his door and asked him what he knew about Rachel's handling his money and said things like do you know that rachel is spending $200,000 of your money on things like Ferraris and at first Ralph kind of refused to talk about it it seemed like all he really wanted to talk about was his tree farm eventually he did give them a tour of his property he was kind of showing them the trees and stuff but whenever they bring up what was going on with Rachel he would kind of skate around the issue Boyd told him everything laid it all out from all the money that Rachel's spending we have a sustainable certified forests he said yes I a lot of money on myself and she said yes I did the kilmer a gambling debt we had so many cock-and-bull stories I didn't know what to think the reason it got so bad was I didn't get enough good advice on what to do and what I can't do and at the end of the day he was still somewhat defending her Ralph ended up still feeling so loyal to Rachel that when they left he ended up calling her and telling her everything that they had said about her and how she was like in all this trouble and stuff and Rachel was pissed so detectives ended up having to work quickly now that she knew about it so they ended up getting a search warrant for that psychic shop and can be and this is when they found a bunch of expensive jewelry Rolex is rare coins and at least two blonde wigs and one of these wigs was actually found between the mattress and a bed frame and the wig had a pair of glasses and a hat with it this was the same setup as Miss Mary marks was wearing I'm sure when you guys saw the picture of her you were like the she's in in disguise it's pretty obvious but apparently Ralph did not realize that this woman is not even named Mary turns out that Mary is actually Rachel's daughter her name is Portia and apparently Portia was someone who always want to stand on her mother's good side she would do anything that she told her to including dress up and like seduce a man and she was only 17 years old when she first sent her out to do this and this had gone on for years so what about their son Giorgio Armani well since there was no sexual activity involved and I don't believe they ever went like in vitro specialists or anything it's very clear that Giorgio is not their actual son so who is he he is actually the son of one of Rachel's other daughters who was just letting him play the part of Giorgio Armani but it turns out that Mary marks actually was a real person she was Rachel's mother and it's easier to use a real name when you're gonna do one of these scams if you're going to be opening a bank account transferring property assets it really does help to have it under a name name so while all this was happening Ralph actually suddenly went missing which was really scary police were very concerned Ralph's lawyer was actually really concerned that maybe Portia and Rachel were involved in it or would find him and hurt him and because of this the police ended up deciding to arrest Rachel and Portia and when they got to their house they seemed like they were actually packing up to flee like they were already headed out they had $36,000 in cash on them and they had like burner phones disposable phones they'd gotten rid of their iPhone so that they couldn't be tracked ralph was actually found in the garage behind the psychic shop and he seemed to be dazed and confused and had no idea what was going on Portia and Rachel were arrested right away and bland C was arrested quickly after that but by the time they were arrested they had stolen over fifteen million dollars from Ralph unbelievable however despite this Ralph has remained the nicest guy about it he says he has no regrets about sharing his life with them he says he wishes nothing but good things for them I have very good memories from them we did a lot of things together and you know with my dad and and Giorgio and even after everything that Ralph had been through he still felt bad for Rachel he didn't feel like he was a victim he would make the prosecution's job way harder because he would write them letters saying he didn't feel like a victim he wanted them to get off he wanted to help them Ralph had even sent letters to the prosecution that seemed like they were written by Rachel and there's a good possibility she was telling him what to say I don't think he had a lot of control of really anything and Ralph was so brainwashed by them that he was still wearing his wedding band from Mary marks who he even knew wasn't a real person they sat down with her made her take the wig and glasses off in front of him you know let it all sink in and he still feels a loyalty to her he still is wearing the ring he still thinks they're married I do marry as a real person during the trial Portia argued that she was a victim because her mother made her get involved in a scam when she was only 17 years old but the judge really wasn't feeling that at all and was like you know you had every opportunity to get out of this early on you let it go on for seven years she led this go on before she got caught by the time the Porsche was actually sent and she was 25 years old and the judge sentenced her to 33 months in prison Plan C ended up getting a reduced sentence of 24 months because he cooperated during the case and also promised to pay Ralph back and Rachel got the worst of it getting 8 years in prison but even after all of this Ralph still wishes them well he hopes they all get out of prison one day and continue living their best lives I want them all to get out and do well yeah start leading but it was later found out that Rachel was already working on another victim so Ralph wasn't the only one she was trying to destroy Ralph says he dearly misses his son Giorgio although he is just fine he's living with his actual mother in California so he doesn't know the difference Ralph says that he hopes he made a positive impact on Georgio's life Ralph now has someone called a conservator and he's there to help actually manage Ralph's money securely so that this doesn't happen again and that he will make any money back from the sales of the Ferrari and whatever else bland C and Rachel had spent money on the damage is really really done he's never gonna get back from that twelve million dollar range she was at they've talked about how he'll get probably close to seven mil back which for him that's fine he doesn't carry so humble he's honestly more upset that these women had to go to trial and go to jail so Ralph says he doesn't care about money or anything else really he just wants to spend the rest of his life watching the trees grow and what's left of his tree farm so it's a really crazy story I thought this was so incredibly sad um this man is just too humble for their too pure for the earth he was just so taken advantage of these sweetheart swindles on old men are actually really popular and it happens quite often so it's really important with older people in your life to make sure that the people around them are not taking advantage of them in any way because that happens very easily but that's it for me today guys I hope you enjoyed this video I will be back to having me normal filming set up pretty soon I I know you guys don't care though whatever the beds cool right oh there was a dog back there I was gonna say you gonna see a dog but all right guys that's it for me today thanks for being patient with me during this move and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Kendall Rae
Views: 908,454
Rating: 4.9521565 out of 5
Keywords: kendallraeonyt, kendallrae, kendall rae, True Crime, true crime, id discovery, dateline, investigative, crime documentary, crime, mystery, crime watch daily, true crime documentary, fraud, ralph raines jr, rachel lee, cold case, mile higher podcast, 20/20, where is, buzzfeed unsolved, shane dawson, creepypasta, forensic files, news, investigation, documentary, unsolved, american justice, mile higher, csi: crime scene investigation, forensic investigators, factual, 48 hours, docu
Id: nWo-PgYIVsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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