Exploring Uist | Outer Hebrides Scotland (film + guide)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] black [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] move [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] actually means there's nothing added after the distillation process to distill our botanicals and then we water it down from bottles so the kind of concept behind downpour is that it's a downpour of flavor so lots of citrus lots of spice as well yeah and then heavy flour sensitive oh very nice [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my accessory and i was like oh don't tell me that like i'm like yeah they do it's not it's not that they have a voice it's more just the water it's like the you know the flatness of it you know i can't really yeah yeah it's like long distances day after day after day which really takes its toll on your feet i think that's one thing i think so yes oh it is yeah i am okay he said that the loch lomond bit he was like oh is this actually like the path like oh yeah yeah there's a few there i think maybe two they're not like they're all freaks oh my god that's a fake i can't i can't believe it and like just kind of didn't think any more about it and then when i realized that they did it [Music] welcome back i'm kim i'm dale we are going the whole hog and we hope you enjoyed our film from eust if you're planning your own trip to the islands or perhaps if we've inspired you to visit after watching this film do keep watching because we're going to share some useful info about visiting eust as well as telling you all about the places that you saw in this film and our own experience on the islands we also have a complete written guide over on our website going the wholehog.com so if you're planning a trip to eust head over there for all the best things to see and do on the islands as well as practical tips like where to stay where to eat info for getting there and handymap as well use is the collective name for the islands of erescay south us verbecula grimsey northeast and bernard they're all linked by causeway so once you're on newest you can drive between all the constituent islands and you don't have to take a ferry these islands make up the middle part of the outer hebrides with the harrison lewis to the north and bara to the south so you can get to used by ferry from oog on the isle of skye to loch maddie in north us that takes about 1 hour 45 minutes or you can take the ferry from malik to loft boysdale and southeast that takes about three and a half hours there used to be a ferry from auburn to walkwaysdale as well but as far as we're aware that's not currently operating you can also take an inter island ferry from barra to escape or from burnary over to liverboro and harris or you can fly there's a direct loganaire flight between glasgow and venbecula the landscape of used is made up of low-lying fertile lacquer and beaches on the west coast and rugged hills on the east coast with lots of sea locks and inlets and loads and loads of little lofts inland as well we'd recommend a minimum of four to five days on us otherwise you're going to have to pick and choose quite carefully about the things you want to see and do unlike on islands like harris and barra where you can see loads of beautiful beaches and really nice scenery just while driving around the main road on us we would recommend definitely getting off that main road all of the best things to see and do are kind of hidden down the side tracks and you need to look a little bit more carefully to find them i think that's why this time leaving us we came away with a much greater appreciation for the islands compared to the last time when we were just cycling straight through on the hebridean way and we didn't really leave that main road so our impressions this time were totally different to the last time our trip to eust was part of a two and a half week camping road trip to the outer hebrides we started in bara took the interisland ferry over to eriske worked our way up through eust and then took the ferry over to harrison lewis well we spent about three and a half days on used in the end uh we didn't really have a set plan at the time we were mostly just going off recommendations from friends of ours who live in northwest of what to see what to do the whole plan got a little bit jumbled because of the last minute decision of ours to go to saint kilda so we had to get back down to eriskey from the north and then sort of driving up and down through the islands a couple of times and yeah it didn't really make the most sense so the order of uh places that we visited in the film version that you just watched is slightly different to the actual order of of events as it were in real life so if you want to see the behind the scenes version of it do go and check out our instagram stories we've got them saved and the hebrides highlights on our feet and for now we're just going to tell you a little bit more about our own experience on us and kind of the actual sort of day-to-day what we got up to we took the early morning ferry from barra over to edisgate left about 7am we'd originally been booked on a ferry the day before actually but we'd decided last minute again to visit mingle island so i'd had to change the ferries which was super easy i just phoned up calmac and they uh there was availability on the saturday morning so they changed over the reservation free of charge for us so it's good to know actually and if you are visiting our habits it's better to get your fairies booked in advance even if you're not totally set on the dates and you can change them if there's availability free of charge especially if you're traveling with a car or if you're traveling in peak summer season and better to have a reservation than to not have one at all and find out that the ferries are full it was a moody morning by the time we arrived in eriskay but it was pretty cool we drove up and could see the football pitch with the the fog out to sea from there we headed to the causeway taking us over to southeast it was pretty handy that we bumped into a whole bunch of our friends at the causeway they'd actually been on a staff day out to mingle the day before had camped by the causeway and then we managed to get a whole bunch of tips for what we should see and do that day before we caught up with them later that night the first of which was to head over to loch einert on south us which was absolutely beautiful uh we parked up at a little car park by the lock and then headed off on a walking trail you could do like a five kilometer walking trail through the crawfland there we just kind of did a little bit along the coast and then back again it was glorious sunshine so much so that i got totally burnt that day didn't even have cream on and yeah really really peaceful walk perfect for a little a little short wonder yeah spectacular views over the log and uh you've got to see a seal as well oh yeah we see all hanging out by the car park when we got back that was pretty cool quite a big seal i think it was uh would we through the viewfinder next we headed over to homer on the west side of south us there's a collection of old thatched roof houses runes of an old church and you can even stay in one of the old houses as well yeah the homer hostel is run by the gatloff organization they don't take advanced bookings so you can just drop in and yeah it's a basic hostel but in such a cool location in actually that quite washed that rooftops which is very cool then we carried on north and took another right turn onto the road towards lock skipper which was absolutely gorgeous such a nice scenic drive you first of all go past a lock uh what was it called dirty bag i think locked rudy back yeah and um there's a location there that's part of the outer hebrides bird of prey trail so they've got some signposts and things for the birds that you can look out for including like hen harriers and golden eagles and things like that and it's a breeding ground i think for short short yeared owls as well which we didn't see there but we did see further up on committee road in northeast but anyway there's basically a bunch of cool birds the highest hills on southeastern there as well so uh ben moore and heckler around there all the locks it's just absolutely gorgeous so you can get out and go for a wee walk across some boardwalks and things there and and then just carry on down the road to where the jetty is at the very end and who did we meet on the road still um some sherlock ponies we just stopped at this pony like came and stuck its head in our window um i believe that pony's name was myrtle we got a wee message on instagram uh after sharing some stories from long island retreats and it's a couple who have a crofts just at logsdepart and they have this herd of wild shelling ponies basically and they know them all by name and all their little characters and stuff and i think it was murder he said that one yeah we saw murder first and then the three of them came running uh when we were parked further up the road yeah so that was pretty cool game to have a little encounter with them and one of them had a bit of a rod stewart along with the seventies look i think that was more dull that one it was a different one that sticker stuck the head in the car that was it yeah okay well either way the shetland ponies are very cool we missed them on air escape we got to see them up at lock schemer and again it's a location for the bird of prey trail so um there's a few bird watching opportunities up there we saw some red deer as well and yeah there's just this really cool old wooden jetty that's kind of crumbling at the end of the road there amazing views and old shieldings and things like that so again good for a short walk good for a longer walk if you want to go up into the hills you can even walk all the way to uchnishpathy um but that's that's like an all-day trudge through bog land so when you don't want to do that this time apparently filming this outro for you is so taxing bill's had to go get himself a wee beer uh don't mind him and it's bad manners where's mine there's only one left typical uh anyway next up was a trip to the north youth distillery in mounting settings on binbecula so the distillery is actually owned and run by our friends kate and johnny who we met in 2017 when we cycled the hebrew dean way together and back then they had just returned to northeaster both from there but lived elsewhere for years so they just moved back and they were in the process of setting up the distillery and it was so cool to go back five years later and see how much they've achieved and actually taste the gin that they've been making which is excellent i mean you could have at least poured yourself a wee downpour to be drinking right now instead of some i don't have any downpours in the cupboard it's not ours know that was a gift for someone else this house we're staying in right now so we can't very well then tap into this get stuck into that but as much as i would love to so yeah the distillery is housed in this 18th century building this old steadings building or rather at the moment it is a shop and bar that is there and they're in the process of moving the distillery into one of the wings it's currently uh elsewhere on northeast so when that is set up in i don't know a few months time or whatever that's going to be absolutely amazing with all the stills in there and then the other wing of the building which at the moment is that cobbled floor and old stables that i was wandering around in is going to be where they're housing off their whiskey casks so in the future they are going to have whiskey and all of them are going to be stacked up in there and it's just going to look so so cool so yeah it's a very interesting building to go and visit and of course we would also recommend doing a little gin tasting when you're there so they have what three different types of gin four different the classic sort of scottish dry gin what else did we try pink grapefruit chip well you didn't actually try anything because you were driving you had to take your swing i had the negroni later which is kind of like a liqueur type thing but this it's a gin liqueur yeah yeah so they've got like a pre-mixed uh gin negroni which we take a bottle off away because that's perfect for sort of camping at the beach and stuff and they've got a slow and ramble gin as well so we've had that before yeah so like three different types of gin plus the negroni and they are all super delicious and they have like locally foraged heather and brambles that they use in the gym which is quite cool because people go out when it's like time to pick them all and they have to get it all in so quickly so that everyone in the community like will go out pick it all bring it to them and then they get a bulging in exchange so it's like a barter system which is kind of cool so um it was very nice to go there pick up some goodies from the shop as well they have a very nice t-shirts totes we're left with one of each of those uh and a bottle of gin as well yep so we were getting lots of tips from kate especially about what to see and do when we were on us and one of the experience she said was a total classic used one that was to go cockling and neither beard elle had ever been caught clearly i was like what's that all about and uh it just so happened that our pal kirstie was like cockling with our mom at that exact moment so we sped on over in the car to kirsty's house and uh she showed us the ropes down on the tidal beach basket fork showed us what to look for on the sand two little holes yeah two little holes a little squeaky sound which is i think she said it was like when the water was coming out of them or something and it sounds like they're talking which makes you feel really bad i miss that part the information yeah i was there chatting to her about that but anyway it was a lot of fun uh and then we took the cockles that we had uh picked back to her house and her mom made us some fresh cocoa pasta which was absolutely amazing so just like a really nice little evening and then uh it turned out it was like 10 o'clock or something before we got to our wild camps but host the beach that night so i think uh that's one of johnny's favorite surf beaches i think it's the only or the best surf beach on north us so not that we were surfing but uh also happens to be a very good place to go camping yeah we found a decent spot in the dunes although yeah it was like 10 10 30 by the time we got set up but the beauty of june in scotland is that that's just when the sun setting even better when you're in the dunes exactly so we've got a beautiful view looking out over uh the atlantic ocean and we could just see st kilda out on the horizon and the monarch isles as well which was really really cool so next morning we woke up at gorgeous hosta beach and it has a little fly around with a drone and just sort of took in the views with our coffee and whatnot and then uh headed to reynolds so kate had recommended a scallop at the dunes cabin and they did not disappoint actually i had to wait till 11 o'clock for them to open so i was like dell we need to we need to go this cabin so we were kind of hanging around and who would have thought that just sticking some scallops on a morning roll would be that includes a bit yeah amazing what did you have black pewtering and scallops i have black people actually don't remember don't remember but then after all that waiting around for the food we didn't really have time to do the nature walk but we did have time for a little wonder on the lovely beach there so yeah so the beach was just right next to the june's cabin so we went down there had a wanderer but yeah like you said there is um a nature walk around the rspd reserve there it's like uh maybe like a two-hour walk or something around the coastline where you've got a chance to see otters and and perhaps the very elusive corn creek i believe that's what they're called apparently they're quite rare but there's a lot of them around there so if you're into your birds in that very good place to go and check out uh we just used our toilet facilities ate some lovely scallops had a little wander on the beach and then uh we were running a bit late to go and catch up with our pals at balshare beach which is beautiful so balsh here is actually yeah another island linked by causeway to northeast and um has a big long stretch of beach uh it's pretty shallow so it was good for a little dip and uh yeah we met with a bunch of friends there for a little coffee or swim yeah it is cold but it is very rewarding and very refreshing and as long as you've got something warm to put on afterwards i would highly highly recommend it anyway so uh after our little like afternoon get together on the beach in our little swim we had some decisions to make we were running out of time and we had a list well i was going to say as long as my arm but maybe five things that we were like right do we go to valais hydro island do we go for a walk around the udall peninsula to go to clapham fans to go to work burnaby west beach uh that was maybe about eight in terms of i think that's about it all excellent options all things that we really wanted to go and see or do um but we only really had time for once in the end we picked valai tidal island which uh was very cool it's about a 30-minute walk out across the tidal sand area we left pretty much at low tide uh but you would definitely be better leaving you know maybe a couple of hours before low tide so you're not like stressed out yeah by leaving as i'm starting to walk over to the island yeah because the whole walk would probably be about two hours in total so it was a little bit stressy coming back i was thinking oh the tide's gonna come in we're gonna be stranded but in the end it was all fine yeah very cool island it's uninhabited and there's this massive like house on there which is left to ruin these days but was built by a guy called erskine beveridge who was this um very wealthy linen industrialist guy from don furbling in fife which is actually just near where i'm from and uh he loved north usd was like a bit of our amateur archaeologist as well so he'd done a lot of like archaeological digs on the island and yet spent a fortune building this massive house there uh which must have been quite the site in its day these days the roof's totally like uh caved in but you can still see you know how impressive the building would have been and i quite like how it's got cross-set gables i'm like obsessed with chris you always mentioned the crow set game and when i was like oh i wonder if that's like a fife connection because that's like a really popular feature in old architecture and life as you know adele after we visited kudis yes and you wrote all about it yes so uh the architecture aside the building aside is a really nice island if you go over to the northern side of it there's a really nice stretch of beach so it's worth making sure you go all the way over to the other side of the island before heading back because that's really beautiful there was tons of oyster catchers there there was a guy who had canoed in knock nude kayaked in and he was uh camping there so that would be a really nice spot to camp as well um and yeah beautiful beautiful beaches and a very cool experience to you know do this walk out over the tidal flats and back again by the time we did get back it was i don't know half six or something on a sunday now there's one thing you need to know about the outer hebrides and sundays it is dead most places are closed um or like they don't open at all on a sunday in terms of like shops and stuff like that or it's reduced opening hours so by this point we were like oh man we need to drive all the way back down to esky in preparation for like a 7 a.m boat to st kilda the next morning and we didn't have enough food for dinner or anything like that i was like right let's go up uh and politician and nevsky and boo table for dinner there they were like they were open they were open but they were like no chance mate we're like totally fooled nobody said it like that that would be very rude but uh yeah no chance of getting a table there fully booked and i was like right we're gonna have to get to the supermarket supermarkets were all closed so eventually we did find one open the co-op on the main road uh just before you cross the causeway from benbecula to southeast thankfully that co-op was open until 10 o'clock at night so we managed to fill up on some water and get some food and then bomb all the way back down to air ski and we found a beautiful camp spot on princess beach next to the ferry terminal which was lovely and sheltered beautiful views uh but yeah it was like another super long day uh with that drive at the end which um we wouldn't normally have done if it wasn't for st kilda yeah of course it was another super long day and great preparation for the next day which was a super long day again just killed him what are you trying to do you didn't have a good time on this trip i know it was great but it was quite tiring at points let's just say so the next day we went to st hilda which we didn't share any of it in this film because we have made a completely separate film just focused on psychilda and we also have a separate guide on the website about kilda but um all you should know is that it's amazing and you can visit from edisky with hebrew dean sea tours once a week on a monday uh during season um so if you do want to add in some extra cool day trips to your visit to eust st kilda would be one of them and another one would be to mingly uh which is featured in our previous film from bada and battersea wingley and uh again heberdeen seaters go there uh no not hypodensitors used seaters so they go there from edit so minglee and kilda two very cool trips that would be worth adding on to your used adventure and uh you can do them from msd anyway so when we got back from our st hilda trip it was uh already about half seven eight o'clock at night or something so we just found an amazing little wild camp spot by the escape to southwest causeway it was like oyster cactus circling all around us it was the most beautiful night and uh yeah a really really great spot we also tried to go to a politician again we actually went to the restaurant bar restaurant but they were full once more so we had a bowl of muesli yeah that was like such a disappointing dinner but at least just had an amazing day so where we can't really come and we had a good view when we needed it as well yeah exactly so yeah definitely book your restaurants in advance uh they're clearly very popular with both locals and with people that are visiting the islands and there's only so many places to eat out on newest and uh certainly that's like the only place i'm politician so definitely advance um next day yes so we woke up uh to the oyster catchers again by the causeway on esky and then just made a beeline north up to grimsey for some seafood at the beautiful namara restaurant oh we stopped the kilbride cafe first and had a morning roll and coffee there i made it look like that happened on the first morning when we arrived it's all very confusing if you just watched yeah you're right we did have we did have a cheeky we roll at kilbride's cafe yeah anyway so then we made a beeline for some seafood at namara which is on uh grimsey so it's down at killin harbour there and it's a very simple place it's nothing fancy it's just a no-frills little seafood joint but is super fresh food and beautiful scallops beautiful lobster and local like hot smoked salmon crab meat all of that so did we have a seafood platter we did we shared a seafood platter and then we also got some extra scallops because i just love scallops and actually having spent like the last two weeks writing these guides and editing these films like i can't stop thinking about scallops so it's all i've been thinking about in fact while we're in glasgow right now maybe we should go to crab shack and get some scraps well maybe they'll have scallops in place you're going for dinner tonight it's like malaysian anyway scallop scallop scallops are amazing in eust and well everywhere in the area however it needs to be honest so yeah definitely check out tomorrow for some fresh seafood uh grimsy is also a really nice little island uh when we left there we were driving around the coast and we just kept stopping for like all these amazing views we could see aval which is the highest hill in northeast it's that kind of like cool like very distinctive almost like a conical peak um and when we were there there were all these beautiful little pink flowers that started blooming in like the kind of marshland areas so we just had a little walk we didn't know about it at the time uh we only found it afterwards um but there's a really nice wildlife watching like boat trip that you can do out of killing harbor and grimsey so it's actually our friend johnny's dad who runs the nick is the skipper on this lady anne uh boat and you can go out and see like a white-tailed sea eagle who's like resident in the area and uh i think his name is ronald maybe maybe he hangs out around ronnie islanders yeah they have like a little a little scheduling thing with ronald they'll be like ronald what time are you going to be feeding today and then they'll arrange the boat trips nobody do actually i'm just making it up but yeah so if you are into your wildlife and you'd like to get a chance to see you know otters dolphins a sea eagle and whatever else uh the lady and boat trip is like two hours i think it's 40 pounds per person and goes out like a few times a week during um the main season so that would be very cool and it's uh it's very nice around there totally different to the western side it's more like um fishing and uh you know like all the creels and the boats fishing boats and stuff compared to the crofts which are all kind of like the western side of the island so it's interesting to see the contrast as well yeah so after we've finished our little tour and grimsey we just headed straight to our friend's house in northeast and got the chance to get a shower and a bath with the most amazing people and uh basically have a little snooze and then just chill out for a little while before they came home from work and then we just went down to the beach where we swam out the day before a couple of days before and had a barbecue there that night yeah that was really nice so again there was like a list of things we were like oh should have got to quack and sand she'll look over to burnary west beach which are both meant to be like super beautiful beaches but in the end it was like we're just too tired and we just want to chill in the house so even having been to us three times now for me or twice uh for dell we've never made it to those beaches locations are meant to be yeah i think burnary west beach was voted like the nicest beach in europe or something uh by lonely planet this year and uh yeah still never been but that is the reason for us to return it is something that we would recommend that you're going to see as well because i'm sure it is beautiful but in the end we just chilled in the house and yeah had a lovely a lovely barbecue down on the beach with our pals got in for another little uh 8 p.m swim in the water i was getting right into it by that point and uh and then yeah i didn't i didn't i didn't go in at all this time i just flew the drawer you did make us a little bonfire on the beach that was nice and the next morning was our last morning on the island before we took the lunchtime ferry over to harris and again we were like right which thing are we going to do and in the end we decided to follow up on a little tip from our pals i'm going to seek out this sort of natural plunge pool in the cliffs on the western sides near sculpin and it was really cool so we wondered over there there was tons of oyster catchers and we were like where's this plunge pool it was a little bit full of uh algae so we didn't end up like swimming in it or anything but yeah it was it was uh like carved out the rocks uh it's almost like a natural pool above where the waves are coming in and the coastline there was quite similar to what we saw later on around mangarska on lewis but it was totally different to anything else that we'd seen on on uh and very kind of rocky and rugged and it was a nice little spot so so that was it we took the ferry over to harris and we still had another week or more on on harrison blues after that which you will see next time in the next installment of this our hippie series thanks for watching we hope you found it enjoyable and interesting and useful too if you did enjoy it please like leave us a comment and subscribe if you haven't already and don't forget to ring that little notification bell so that you're notified whenever we have a new video out thank you as always to our patrons your monthly pledges really do mean an awful lot to us and if you enjoy what we do you enjoy these films you get some value from them you get value from the guide over on our website please do consider joining our patreon community as well it is one of the best ways that you can support us and help us to continue creating this kind of content in the long term we'll see you next time on harrison lewis where we'll visit the famous columnist standing stones have an amazing wild camp on luskin tower beach and experience everything that every weather has to throw at us cheers for watching see you guys next time see ya and uh dell i really do feel like this chair has done wonders for your bagpipe playing there's been none of that at all that i have noticed because your arms have something to rest on that is the key it's comfortable it is comfortable that's what we need maybe um we could ask cc and john if we can just come to their house and film these outros every time yeah or we just find another orange or whatever we are okay yeah yeah that's maybe a more practical decision you
Channel: Going The Whole Hogg | Kim & Del
Views: 15,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Western Isles, Outer Hebrides, Na h-Eileanan Siar, Uibhist a Tuath, Èirisgeigh, Uibhist A Deas
Id: ZVSoYaexyYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 34sec (2914 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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