Motorhome trip to the Outer Hebrides - Part 2 - Island of Harris #motorhome #harris #lewis #skye

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[Music] foreign [Music] this is part two of our motorhome trip to router hebrid days so if you would rather watch from part one you can click on the link above we bought the ferry and rig on The Islander sky with trepidation as we aren't the best of sailors [Music] please listen very carefully to the following safety announcement foreign [Music] and my fears were totally unfounded as it was a perfectly smooth Crossing while disembarking the ferry we decide to stop off in Turbo we have a look around just arrived in Harris and we're going to have a Wonderland Paris Distillery [Music] cheers [Music] [Music] thank you thank you so we're going to be happy on here girl do all these beautiful gins so unfortunately we didn't book our place um on The Distillery Tour on this field so we'll have to give that a Skip and we're going to just go head over to the Aguilar father's treat Factory [Music] can only be sold as hard as three different materials I need in a particular way here in the islands of Paris as we learned from Ohio [Music] so it's only the real deal of those one or two as long as it's no more than two little special and you find that's uncommon because more often people yourself well you can have like the older Loom and the I mean it's up to you if you're wanting to like do a bit of single with and double whip also you can work through the Mills or independently okay well and as well you'd be probably oh my God put stem in your hands to probably do a bit of water yes yeah that's right if you're independent you're the artist you could do whatever you like okay [Music] after spending some time in the Distillery and tweet shop we set off to head for mint view campsite and travel along one of the Island's most famous roads [Music] the landscape here is made of Louisiana nice which are the oldest rocks in Britain dating back to 3 billion years ago the road we're on is called the Golden Road so named because of the cost of blasting through these ancient rocks [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so we've just arrived at mince view campsite it's a beautiful location there's facilities under the best so I think we'll be using the van tonight just take care of you walk up to the facilities block don't be expecting too much here guys toilets foreign better another toilet shower wow and washing up some dishes and the washing machine which is out of water it's another best but you know what an island of Paris the location is beautiful and we are going to enjoy ourselves after settling in I get the Drone up to take some aerial photography [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so Karma's just given us a bit of a Georgia listener she's studied geology at University the walks on my site are fantastic and just a little bit I'm in a half to the seat that we're able to look at the look at the beautiful views we've got here fantastic really is good the weather we've been getting on Harris has been absolutely brilliant having a lot of barbecue tonight I did Chicken on the barbecue the longer I waited the more that I've tried all the years that I've wasted [Music] we set off early on our journey to hold the bus campsite on the west coast which we have booked for two nights and on the way stop off for a day on the stunning whisk entire Beach we'll drive down to the car park at the end of the road is breathtaking we have seen some very beautiful beaches on our day but few would rival this one that's for sure I can hear the wind [Music] it's always been moving back on my mind [Music] early blue morning and everything's cold I see you covered in gold [Music] there's nothing else that he's as my soul I let it all go [Music] ES please when there are others in the real team I dance all the lonely [Music] I try to be seen then there's a Feeling so we've just arrived at Lusk entire Beach we're going to go for a walk under the dunes see how beautiful this looks how beautiful is this beach it's absolutely Sunny what is after walking through the dunes and along the beach to stretch your legs I get the Drone up to capture more fantastic footage of the beautiful Wednesday [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] so we're just waiting for a couple of friends traveling down from Storm away now on divorce to have lunch with us at this beautiful spot same service the driver the boys around the Bears Kenny and Agnes joined us for lunch then we walked along the beach where we saw a sea urchin a jellyfish and a starfish [Music] was magical but it was no time to set off and horror Cabos to give ourselves plenty of time to get set up and head on to the beach for sunset [Music] learn what you you do [Music] my heart won't let me let me see I've got nothing [Music] we can [Music] back down the side of you I see why you can't understand me [Music] begin to see I've got nothing to win thank you [Music] but when it hits the water it makes it freeze in its pill we visited the reason is puffing up well it's just as easy but so you imagine if liquid worn down freezer and then went to ice all right that's the effect of a hot lava hitting the cold water it just freezes in please [Music] [Laughter] the Walks from this campsite are just fantastic you can see the beach in the distance behind me here in the campsite just beyond absolutely beautiful so there's no overnight parking in this location that's the really good thing about Harris everything is so clear that tells you where you can park where you can on this walk we are in search of the beautiful Marshall Fields what do you reckon's about the best time of year to get the marker another two or three weeks right and again August okay wasn't quite at its best but it was still very beautiful [Music] on the walk back to the campsite we decide to climb to McLeod Stone did it on a thin piece of paper would it make any difference would it change [Music] if I posted a letter [Music] is it maybe because I never knew quite where I was tired easy single standing Stone looks over to the small island of tarrancy and is believed to have been United more than 4 500 years ago its purpose is no one clear but it may have been part of a calendrical system or it may just have been a navigational lead to guide boats into the bay it was later named after the local Clan Chief and was possibly a rallying point for the clan so that's our campsite down there on the distance and look at the location [Music] absolutely incredible after another great day's walks it was back to the van for yet another barbecue [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign for this video guys thanks for watching and as always it would be much appreciated if you could click the like button subscribe and click the notification Bell as that helps your channel to grow on YouTube and remember live today like there could be no tomorrow [Music] but you're the only one only one for me and I'm the only one for you [Music]
Channel: Motor Roaming Around
Views: 9,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harris, Lewis, Skye, Island of Lewis, Island of Harris, Island of Skye, Isle of Harris, Isle of Lewis, Isle of Skye, Loch Lomonod, Trossachs, Glencoe, Uig, Poertree, Tarbert, Stornoway, Luskentyre, Luskentyre beach, Hogabost, Horgabost, Horgabost beach, Callanish, Callanish Standig Stones, Invercoe Campsite
Id: 2VuM1wNGNz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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