Roblox The Mimic Book 2...

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is this thing even on hello internet can you hear me today we're going to be exploring the unknown i heard that people come in but they never come back out doesn't that sound scary lunar meh i'm scarier [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] everyone we gotta go to the office before our beautiful clothes are soaked wet you guys why well gold we didn't bring umbrellas where is this office anyways we've been walking forever um i don't know but what's this food oh yeah is anyone here i think it's closed rainbow let's keep going oh i'm so hungry i really want a burger there's no i think there's burgers here i don't want to go [Applause] oh farther we have to figure out which one of these doors is the office is this office guys it must be obvious come on um you guys what if it's this one it must be obvious yeah i think it's this one gigantic building oh it is oh how obvious oh find a key are we just going back to our workplace because i don't want to be here yeah another day we gotta find the key to the spooky place everyone find your cubicles yes go to your everyone find your cubicle just shout when you find the key say i found the key found the key what the boxes how am i supposed to know well it's unlocked honey let's be honest funny was looking for other things she wasn't looking pretty i was looking in the less obvious place gold open unlock the door it hurts to see you like this brother i wish i had a little more time to tell you my regrets oh this is our brother what is it i won't rest until i find out what really happened in ogoshima okay there's a countdown why is your account down what wait is the brother okay there's a map here okay cool okay where did anything else we're supposed to do internally what what's happening i'm driving where are we going oh you're driving i should be arriving pretty soon it's a strange night after are we doing the moon looks like a sequence no we're driving wait what's happening did you see that no no no no no good god man that thing doesn't look human i think i can't see um i didn't have a seat belt taco what just happened that's the least of your worries right now hello are we being carried [Music] oh wait i think we lived through our brother's flashback i think that was his flashback of why he was in the hospital oh yeah you're right can we get a lantern it's kind of dark so now we are the brother right seek out a book control to crouch crouch oh we could crouch now that's pretty cool crouch crowd so is it cool their brother's mystery correct yes how did i end up in a minka i don't even know where my boat is now are we the bro i think i'm the brother what could that thing possibly be a whale i'm pretty sure it wasn't a whale at least my limbs are still intact perhaps i can look around to ask the owner of this place for help okay i feel like we're not the bro i feel like we were investigating and we're gonna drive to that island and then something happened okay and sure are you supposed to don't know how we should find a book is that why they're do you see a book no no you can just open the door oh there's a blood it's hard there's blood everywhere oh no i don't think anyone can see which hallway is here let's go forward go gold march oh we can sprint just beginning of the story guys nothing is scary yet or is it what's that why is that upside down it looks like a maze um is this blocked it's blocked turn around follow me this way i'm here following oh corridor oh stairs but what's this can you open that you can open this door oh good job you can open this door too what's in here where you at it's just a supply room scrolls no it's a traditional scrolls is there a book in here it's sent to find a book does anyone see any book i don't see anything nope draco hey always locking us out gekko don't be funny it wasn't oh yeah and you're right there draco do you see anything i'll check up here oh what wait what's draco found something come down here this room feels this is definitely a crime scene um does anyone see anything oh why is that what stop scaring yourself feels even spookier there's a lot of blood okay but there's no book hmm nothing's spooky yet draco i think you're just being dramatic house of nothing okay let's go up here just leave it open if we went in it luna try opening that does it open oh what's in there you keep saying everything's spooky but nothing spooky has happened there must be something in here oh i can open this what the is there a book in it oh guys you could open the drawers oh we probably missed a book i hope we didn't miss it i don't think we did i didn't know what it is i don't know everything's really interactive books i think we missed the key somewhere guys great now everyone has to go back and search every single day no no we don't no we don't yeah we do this is what happens when you don't check incense attention to details come on split up what's in there guys guys look it's someone's bedroom wait that's the room we started off with okay we're being dumped oh there's text what oh what does this say here i want to read it i want to read it okay news with no [Applause] [Music] the rats are poisoned by the well for her to consume you must ring a bell ring no someone broke the teapot what belt he's got a bell um opening the drawers is this like pointless funny what did you do what'd you do in a small village there lived two orphan sisters the two sisters lived in poverty and constantly starved themselves [Music] one day mio the younger arrived home overfilled with joy rin the older one became skeptical about her she questioned mio but was never told why mio was so joyful yeah why are you joyful you're starving as the days went by ring came to a final thought that mio must have been eating well without her oh no whoa jealously overtook rin and to satisfy her insatiable hunger she consumed her own sister came to a realization that mio had been secretly saving money for the both of them she became haunted with extreme guilt leading to a mysterious appearance of a second mouth on the back of her head she's a demon it was a mouth of mio who constantly whaled her for food otherwise rin would ache in extreme pain whoa what kind of story is that that is a cool story but oh my gosh yeah talk it out never violence is not the key that's cool she ate her sister i know you think she's going to eat us i guess she never heard of the modern day quote don't assume rainbow is it the time is she going to protect us oh she's going oh this is the painting of mio or bass wait i don't know someone's eating boughs no no i think that's i don't know this is good that's red that's right and then the mouth in the back anyways those look delicious anyways keep going is anyone hungry what's that noise kind of i'm very hungry uh i don't know if it's my stomach or my heart beating oh there's someone here there's a stomach's growling because the bowel just looks so delicious but still shadows on the ceiling wait there's bubbles those are our hands good job luna stop track what's that noise hello no no no don't look outside don't look oh she's outside the red eyes what what what what it's a dream calm down it's just rain i didn't see anything uh rain wants she's coming back i hear her yeah boy yo just bring it to me rin what's this oh guys i've lost you it's okay we're over here is it time for tea wait it says something about ringing a bell near the wall oh the red's coming rin's coming wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait guys do i bring it no jungle wait up oh she's dead she's done chocolate where you at why i don't know i'm in a room with a bell i'm gonna sit here i just screamed my lungs out so i see they made these doors tall we gotta find draco let's go ring the bell lunar lead the way i don't know just go back to the big room yeah sorry guys we just need to stop for a quick lunch break like the video if you liked the video and please remember to subscribe thank you bell number one ready for the ring hurry up hurry up i'm closing the door i'm ringing it do we need something to ring it with like a big oh my gosh uh gold oh she's through this it's not working funny it's not ringing she ate her through do we name this a mallet or something wait like a stick you're right it's not working i think we need a what you know she can open doors sorry guys ah shut the door oh she can open doors she cannot fit no no no no no no no no please don't grab me what the oh so scary wow you guys i found a well ah what wait wait that's part of the story it's right you find something yeah it's water uh let's use it it doesn't work obviously it's very old do we need a bucket maybe i think so hey there's a rat over here hello um wasn't that part of the story something rat yeah we got it oh oh you're supposed to feed it to rin no do it funny you grab the rats jocko can you bring me running around with it i don't know where you are or rin is i'm excited what are you doing um something with the well oh hello hello screaming dracco oh i poisoned the rat oh oh is that going to get rid of rin from oh yeah i think you have to feed it to rin okay we should go good luck what was that oh yeah let's go how are we going i hear him oh this is a safe room we just need you guys i'll get ready tasty rat okay just stay near that that's the safe room we just need to get rim okay we have a we heard you're hungry quick snack for you rin we have a nice crispy crispy deep fried rat right here uh not really deep fried it's boiled you seasoned it well right right of course draco hurry up where she's trying to find ribs i hear why it's food eat it no she killed me no guys i feel like she doesn't want to eat rats guys i hear another rat why is there so many what the who do we feed it to i don't know we might have to collect that one just like this keep collecting the right put them at the bell or something she here poison it uh please don't be here please please please please please have a ride have a rat that maze was very challenging okay we found each other let's go did you get a rat i did i did okay so we need three rounds we go three i missed we got three we got them at the bell yeah yeah guys okay is anyone going to escort us there because this rat ain't gonna i can't escort you there there you go yeah we ready yep i'm ready we're gonna need sacrifices lunar we need your protection okay okay i know where the ballot is i know the quickest route to the bow okay all right she's chasing him wait no no we are dracco and lunar protection services and lucky for you we are not charging because i'm quick to survive okay oh thank you thank you for your service because you guys want to run you guys want to follow them hey guys can you wait up my legs are kind of short about one thing right here i'm going to put in put it in no it's not working we're did you poison your rats i did oh she's eating it oh wait oh my gosh this is horrifying oh my gosh oh tasty huh i have a rainbow leaf before okay funny production services came out to save you hide okay gold last try let's go last one let's go closing the door everyone hide in the corner come on come on come on she could open doors there you go oh yeah i guess you have to be a gentleman draco and open the door okay i open the nice rat for you your favorite kind totally not does she not like my cooking i don't think that is served even rin doesn't like your rain i am offended right now you come eat my wrath delicious rat that i've run ten miles ten thousand miles on you oh she's what oh your cooking was so bad she left she just left she didn't even that is so rude did the door open or something i think it did maybe you should go look i don't hear her anymore you can't hurt gold's feeling she's gonna be very heartbroken yeah yeah she you don't want me to turn into a demon leave to go eat gold's cooking you missed out on your delicious food i think she ran away good job gold i think we're gonna make it up now we know how to scared run away um this is scary what is this what beautiful here you have oh i think prince died you dare try to trick me with rodents you've upset meow run run run run run run you guys meal is very hanging open hurry open it open sorry okay this time you gotta press e faster okay who is the door opener me me me one two three go you open the door oh good job funny got it for your bodyguard it is me first now me first services services why isn't it working okay what the follow guys open this way going through all of these oh i'm gone bunny go guys go funny rainbow's left rainbow cool we can make it for them okay go we're running we're running and we gotta open the door open the door and we gotta keep running or else the demons let's try surviving we keep dying i'm just gonna ride you gotta zigzag out of my way out of my way go go go open this is the one this is the one i believe in if you want to make it i think we're gonna make it we're gonna make it left right on left come on crew i think we could uh survive this round just run over the barrels if you can't take a right meal speed it up speed it up i'm running out of stamina running i don't have stamina i don't have stamina no i'm dead no no no no no don't look back don't look back on do it craft me did anyone make it those things are creepy hello um this place [Music] these things they're surely not people no okay oh guys guys everyone's looking at me i'm the main character i'm the main character they're looking at me jacko did you smell the breath hi i can't smell i need to brush your [Music] hello what's this oh what's this cell i think we're an underworld right there over there stairs ah and stairs keep going this place is pretty gold i don't think you should walk up the stairs backwards let's see why scale you want a bet i could do it look okay go ahead just wants to show off her cute outfit that's true if you should want to show off your cute outfit guys come on i want to get out of here these stairs shut up draco i'm walking backwards that's how professional i am there's nothing scary so far guys yeah let's just keep going we've reached the end can we leave now don't worry hello here what's your stamina no nope notice that what's up what do you mean hide okay bye-bye oh hi everything looks really creepy no no no no no no no okay why did you guys don't face the stone are you kidding me don't come out don't come out though i think she's oh she's eating you guys she's like medusa what the heck but hungry yeah everyone's gone we're coming up bunny just hiding no no no no no no guys hurry up stay still just sit down you guys are just learning don't let her smell you i'm trying to tell her you don't taste good uh can i ride he just keeps hiding there we are all frozen oh my gosh rainbow i'm scared i need help hi should should i ask her if she would like ketchup no would you like ketchup or salt and pepper run run run run no guys just run just run just run i see you i see you if i close my eyes will it i'm running i'm not turning back where do i go what's up guys it's very toasty it's so squishy it's staring at me we're gonna have to all fit you guys hiding underneath the grass you can drive in this whole grass they turned into stone oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay go look at me hi oh my gosh just go that's not you have to be right behind the rock you guys are too far out you can't see us hi you can't see me right now get away not think of it whoa keep looking at me i don't care okay luna that's some aggression i don't think she can see us yeah she's gone okay run she's gone run run run run run run run guys run run run run run run get out of here run run run run run run quaint crouch no no no i don't think we're gonna make it like wash the screen stop pushing me guys i think she's gonna give me a kiss what's up with the demons always having a crush on you funny huh i don't know they keep following me so i don't die this is like actually very challenging let's go it is this is the hardest mimic okay hide hide where are you hello okay go go go go see you i see you guys why don't you leave me because we're scared she's supposed to give you guys kiss too oh no someone froze track will turn into stone oh my gosh we'll stay back come on go away all right she's gone she's gone gotta run okay do we run run run run i swear to god she froze me oh my gosh i see a gold where are you you got me she got me funny is it clear i think the trick is you have to go when she's stalking the rock song hello i'm stoned uh what are you stalking right now oh she's going trakku we ready to cross the bridge go running running running run run go go go go running running running running running running running running please please please please please please make it please please please please let's go let's go let's go i'm making it i'm making it where's she where's she hide hide hide and talk he's that was really challenging hated that i never want to see your face again right yeah eat grass you snake gold are you yelling at the yeah she's hovering above my head eat grass oh my gosh oh that was challenging what's this are we done can we leave them in a cave okay everyone here welcome to draco's cave touring services you always give toys and they're bad all right you see we're in a very spooky haunted uh notorious cave for kids yeah it's always haunted yeah and it says run run run right here guys i think it ate rainbow i don't yeah definitely definitely yeah rainbow why were you standing there because i just wanted to you know say hi say why uh guys i think let's talk about it guys guys guys guys she's she's right [Music] you did it dracco where is this place you're the superstar where to what is that what is that silhouette it looks like our friend are you alive hello oh it's just a statue like a gargoyle demon um i think we're in a village whoa what was that oh do you see that in the sky oh they got pterodactyls in this dimension nate nice nice they got dinosaurs we're not even scared anymore let me in the side luna oh my god anyway this is this is a pretty mild uh mimic huh yeah mild [Applause] hey rainbow take it back right now i take it back i'm sorry okay that was so funny oh who has to drink some tea no i'm just kidding no tea stop looting this house we have to move on no no no guys come back into this house there's an upstairs where are you rainbow rainbow we're upstairs oh okay never mind ignore that ignore that what the no no we're not ignoring that everyone there wasn't oh we probably go through the door that that demon spawned out of yeah yeah we landed on this house this way no it just like jump scared me i didn't expect it it's because rainbow was like it made me feel mine so far that's why well besides that it's pretty chill you didn't even see it yeah beautiful pretty chill marco polo marco polo oh can't go here and i mean mimic oh what is that oh you're a golf ball it's a golf ball guys you can pet it what do you do oh hello it's not harmful would you like to take a picture nice legs yeah really nice legs okay i don't think it's time to compliment the talking golf ball where two there's guys over there keep running okay who's that oh hi can you help us cool a visitor i've never seen your kind around here we're humans you're looking for a boat leaving so soon already yeah i haven't seen one around maybe you can speak with the old man kenya old man kino knows everything although he can be a bit grumpy sometimes that's okay i think we could talk to him if you wish to speak with him he's by the river okay thank you to the river um just to let you know humans totally eat creatures like you so don't go near what's uh okay yes they were nice i have rainbows i'm so sorry all right um old man keem now where are you at oh he's right there river old man chemo is that the pterodactyl i can't see oh wait there's a cake should we go i literally see a pterodactyl right there right there you see that oh my god i don't know it's not gonna kill us as soon as we like enter this village um are you a mythical legendary bird oh nice or bad bird whoa the eye moved funny no it didn't no that did no it did oh yeah i dropped i literally looked at it i was it moved uh jackal always thinks stuff you're seeing things jacqueline i'm not playing for three hours hey is that spirited away no they're demons oh where are we we have to go by the river look for the river guys hi bird look there's a red demon over there he's oh on the sand hello are you old man whoa he might beat his chest whoa he looks so cool hello can we talk do we talk to you sir oh we do talk you reek of human scent i have not seen one in ages oh i guess people don't go here a lot obviously a weak brat like you managed to get past the great newer impossible how about you bring me something in return for all of these questions sure what do you want um rats spaghetti lasagna rat style what what we're not even asking we're chefs we are asking questions we're asking how to leave steal a station orb guarded by the blind witch then i'll tell you what you need to know i would steal the orb myself but the bar occult is ruthless the bird they're always watching return back to me once you have it all right um guys this sounds different okay one station orb dude i don't want to take it from a cult they're probably mean yeah clothes are scary oh we don't get all the time well rainbow how else are we going to get our questions does this called love rat soup open the door oh oh oh that's the way whoa oh she's pointing this way the statue pointed towards this painting and thank you for your sacrifice there's something we need to point to us um none of these doors open i think we walk in the painting right no way no no okay none of these doors open uh hiding wait behind you remember what are you pointing at there's nothing behind me is this huh maybe it's a hint like we have to go look for it click oh yeah maybe do you think we leave the house all right leave the house look for the flute and this person got it go sure whoa i think we gotta go in that house guys run run run run run run run run run run run run go go go we're missing everyone i'm here rainbow which house are you guys in across go go go hurry there's another one okay okay we gotta get in here there's too many houses guys come on whoa what do we have to go to another is there a hint where are you pointing at um oh what's with these do we have to remember these or something samurai samurai telling a story anyways we have to leave this house has nothing okay i'm pointing this way please do not go wow look at that tongue imagine you go to that house how fast they can lick ice cream the graphics are really real okay all right i'm running there's a band oh did we already go here luna i thought we're going to this house lunar lunar went backwards don't worry i'm going in all right let's go in this house come on whoa whoa whoa whoa okay uh who are you can we talk to you is your neck okay are you the cult okay uh oh there's paint you can paint here what i think i think they want you to paint oh okay so much surrounding that uh we're just gonna paint you a character what is she doing behind me really what is she doing behind me she's looking at you hey okay is that good she's like that's right do you like that write it correctly okay did it work i think she liked it it worked did you get anything for that no dab she didn't give anything okay but i think her neck's broken no it's perfectly fine it's fixed it's just a little hit sleeve that's it is there something up here just painting all right i think we did our chore uh can we leave this tour down like it any of these doors open we're too low on the floor the demons are still walking around this is a really big house this has to be where they're hiding it statues are upside down now they're pointing towards this cupboard oh wait there's only one key yep where'd it say to take it to i don't know that doesn't look good guys yeah no i it doesn't where do we take the key just find another house okay say it we found it i wasn't anyone reading to something club it said bring to the something awesome i was screaming i didn't have time to read the objective josh unlock the door that's all it says okay we gotta look for a door that needs to store i haven't even found a locked door should we split no but i will we all have a key tracker's head to this little house over here jacob just died that was not good other houses first we already did you checked all of them oh what is this solve the puzzle oh puzzle easy there's nothing here right oh candlelight um by what the flu we saw the flu first right the flu lady yes yes first lady first and then we saw the samurai just going across is not here it must be on the over there's something oh we didn't there's something there's something there's something wrong guys bro who's the samurai that's the wrong samurai what's the wrong one samurai would be like tidal waves right yeah wait is that the right one ghost lady rainbow i think you gotta hit one wait i'll get it i'll get it i'll get it rainbow i can't see you you got it over here right yeah just light it up i think if that's the right one okay and then what i don't know i don't remember i didn't think it mattered and then there was like one more person i forgot what they look like they were was it you i looked through the houses outside uh i'm downstairs i'm downstairs i don't remember what painting it was guys what do you remember i don't remember okay you know what since we're dead and we're out of the house we'll describe it to you no run not just stay alive run no what do you want i'm looking man um i think i never seen that lady in my life she's dying she's dead she's dead she's dead she's dead she's dead never seen you monster would you go i can't see you're so good they're not going to sleep you better find was this guy i'm just going to guess i said i'm going to guess wait a minute it didn't light up wait you're telling me you just randomly click stuff or i think it just blew up all the flames oh this one okay like this one and then the last one is chicken chicken them feeding the chicken chicken is it that one i can barely see er i saw it earlier no they're not feeding a chicken guys i think that's our last one we gotta find people feeding a chicken oh it's on the third floor choco just light it up no i mean the monsters on the third floor oh i can't think about your life oh luna already lit it up guys we're missing one we're missing one we're missing one we're missing one keep exploring the houses or we're just gonna have to get one with two ladies drinking tea did you get that yes should i just try a random one ah let's take a guess is it this one uh nope all of it let out all right last candle please work done all right let's go down to that orb you guys i think we're out of that glowing orb hand she's still gone she's still vibing here with us please distract her draco okay i'll get it done i got it i got it please nice okay run run run run station we're just doing so many quests come on let's go let's go let's go oh we gave it to him oh it's the golf ball teeth again oh he let us through yeah we like you hello we're friends i've been watching you just like the rest of them oh okay you're the first oh boy oh man kino couldn't resist the money did he now you don't understand you will soon oh manquito and send you to a boat what i'm coming to realization this golf ball has very sharp teeth i don't think we should have trusted anyone is it eating us are we i don't know i think we're walking into a trap okay why do we why would we trust a demon that's true that's true that was our fault yeah what other option do we have whoa that's cool our option is to be friends with the demons yes sir oh those eyeballs oh there's a bunch of eyeballs yeah [Music] oh did we just we're going straight into a our mouse yeah we're snoopy we're going straight into the belly let's go wow hello i hope you're hungry scare me haha nice try nice try you think you're so scary huh we're already dead what else do you have for us huh come scare us oh we're sick and tired of being in this place [Music] any last words gold did oh count that oh i was waiting i was waiting for the grand finale for the eyeball to drop on my head cave's nice oh wait look up look up that's the abandoned bridge that we got eated off of oh ah the memories uh he was just like 10 seconds ago where we got heated off a bridge by a giant demon good times the air is thin replenish your oxygen utilize your crouching blah blah blah blah blah why candles what's that blah blah blah blah go to it because [Music] hear something of course what that was the thought what what was the thought process wait we could heal her hi go you guys what are you doing it's not worth it the elevators work it looks like it's from i need oxygen come save me don't let it eat me someone hold gold guys the elevators work yeah yeah we are aware rainbow oh there's oxygen tanks dude okay you don't think i'm trying to hurry as fast as i can come in okay go go go go we're going down i went up gold can you have an elevator we were gonna not leave you there yeah totally what's happening what's that but i don't know i just see you wait oh oh my gosh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i think they can just left luna there i can't have to go help draco the ding-ding is that you oh wait no this is the eye never mind jacko i don't think it is you i'm the skull not the eye oh i just lit up a candle here i'll go help you are the eyes the candles yes yeah don't worry i got it is there something behind me please please please don't go near me there's like a stupid monster okay i'm scared we have to split you pick up draco you pick up luna i'll light up the candles go i'm on the second wow thanks for giving out the job seems totally going the wrong way rainbow monster's coming back i know but the monster's coming back gold in malavarego oh my gosh oh i'm sorry i am so sorry buddy you didn't do your mission i saved lunar what were you doing stan i was trying not to get distracted by the monster finally bled out wow you sound so happy jacko hannah nobody's back what is this i'll get this i'll get this don't worry guys i'm not scared hey look i died near the candle so i can light up the candles that's the trick guys how i know bubbles you're welcome all right three four hit another candle [Music] why did you light up so many candles oh gosh demon demon eight candles are you kidding how do you open this door one candle you can't they're tricking you it's in here funny oh lunar careful careful light it up lunar high behind the door no whoa i can save you just let it leave tell me when it leaves don't worry i can light it when i'm down and it's gone nice done to kill us any more candles go away go up thank you run run run run run run where you run the other way run the other way i think that's the last candle last candle go go go go light it light it come on come on nice wait six eight two more i'm like permanently dead what why are you dead draco i don't know i'm stuck in spectators oh my gosh well we're not entering now everyone just run i think once you die you die same here says save her from getting out save me get some oxygen too is it's chasing you guys you better run i don't see any candles left y'all who's over there close the door sorry sorry sorry sorry kill him pick me up immediately right now how dare you i'm sorry i'm already glitching my girl what the hell is this go pick up lunas that was so rude can't get out funny you're funny you're good i'm questioning why didn't you say like pull the door i didn't expect you to shut the monster's back you guys gotta get luna down there no no no i'm dead it's too late it's too late i'm good i'm dying and what is happening i don't think we're going to beat this if you all die i think we'll just light the candle no we're not lighting up the stupid candles we're going to go past this it's just you and rainbow now well the giant jello oxygen tank is chilling right out there you need that okay got it behind you behind you i'm villain i don't care you googly jelly slime boys wait wait position your goal position your camera rainbow i can help you rainbow i can heal them from the spectator so are you guys dumb rainbow rainbow what and heal them from spectators just position your camera look up wait wait there's actually down rainbow down look at gold weight up up a little down a little no like a little bit down while all the way okay stay still we can do it stay here no way are you guys cheating funny wait for real did it work no i don't think no you dummy okay there's no way uh okay revive gold first rainbow she's supposed to say why isn't this thing moving because you're too delicious come on come on come on i'm leaving come on wait wait wait wait wait for me hold the door hold the door please hold funny funny don't do it so hard right now ah that's too funny bunny left us looter you guys go light the candles on that story what what when it comes baby no funny buddy because we've been playing this game for like three hours and i am not i do not care i'm playing for all well if we don't work together we're not getting out yeah chaos we've been we've been fighting this game for three hours because there's been glitches and we keep replaying it and this demon keeps chasing me and i'm running and i'm running the oxygen right here where is it it's right here i don't care about the oxygen i'm gonna turn on this stupid i'm so done it's running upstairs what's up how did that get you i don't know it's just really tall it shook just take the oxygen and let's get out of here it's okay luna can save you from under the stairs that's right she's already up okay there's nothing else on this floor into the elevator oxygen who doesn't hey can i have some um you guys wasted all of it it's fine don't do it guys but this is why games shouldn't have an elevator function yeah it's okay we're coming back up we left lunar at the bottom by ourselves okay it's golden bed gold i don't hear ghosts yeah nobody came to remind me just okay we need to find another elevator at the elevators everyone everyone's standardized there's nothing over here you know what out of all of these demons i definitely hate the googly eye slimy pokey people the most i hate this demon rainbow are you just gonna like talk to the entire day uh luna said or slimy slimy i know i wanted some oxygen where are we supposed to go i'm staying in here oh my gosh slimy no slimming did you lose dracula why is this slimy such a camper rainbow go you to come with me i will i will go with you i can hear this stupid slimy sliminess out there look at it okay i'm coming back up rainbow come here slimy you want to go use the washroom slimy slimy and slimy stop die from the same goopy goop uh oh rainbow is behind you please please please the brain will fall bruh rainbow has fallen slimy kind of draco can you distract slimy okay great now there's lemonade monsters love me okay i got it i got it if you crouch they don't see you oh oh is that why they saw the crowd so we're just bad yeah makes sense can we just leave so we can get gold let's go thank you okay oh wait down here what's that i think it's another elevator nice it's the beginning good job oh my gosh i'm going to go down this elevator okay you know i think we have to go in the elevator and find another elevator yeah i think so too if you would stop to this elevator yeah they don't see you if you crouch should have known that earlier huh look gold's right there you must have thought i traveled very far from the tree but i didn't she tried me up i'm still alive but but it says we can heal her i don't get it oh heal me that's just something right she's gone try picking around there's a demon this way it's not gonna work where's draco okay we have two more candles come on we just gotta do it right there one two one two one two please don't please please please please couch crouch remember uh buddy it's outside you got me frosting you can't see me i can't help no bro help me he's over he's just crowds mama this is your fault draco i could have lit all the candles now i'm dead oh my gosh we got it yeah we are trying to escape you little rat my only goal now how many seconds is to drag you to that place you mean the underworld why sir didn't you make us suffer enough oh is this another run sequence i am speechless right now guys it's not where is everyone what is this pure torture hey funny you want to go first funny you wanna you can lead funny i don't care i'm not scared oh i see it i see it it looks like sleep paralysis whoa it must be super expensive for you to go to the dentist because you have so many sets of teeth and i'm dead rainbow why would you say that i don't know i was bored come on guys hurry up gold it's catching up quilting around lux you guys are happy you guys haven't eaten jokes because i can't think of anything rainbow it's not funny luna's dead i'm also dead lunar it didn't break your fall you dead girl bunny's the only one i see i'm spectating you right now all right don't worry guys i'll take us to the end we're all gonna get that mimic bag we can't play this again i don't care [Laughter] you feel suffocated stop laughing thank you wait are we out you're an atlantis out there let me out whoa i don't have no water i just want to run did you guys know that jellyfish are made out of jelly oh that's did you know that my brain turned into jelly wow wow did you know that we've been playing this for four hours now i think that just means now look at what you've done teeth monster they're all crazy now jacob where'd you go in here guys no what i got my badge i'm done i'm free i'm free i got my badge whoa finally that's cool do you want to be friends no okay i don't want to be friends with them that was good but very very long the longest mimic i think we have ever very hard it was very challenging well guys if you enjoyed mimic book two chapter one please leave a like and don't forget to subscribe if you're new also check out the game yourself very fun go play with my friends we learn today uh all the lights all about communication communication counts yeah thank you so much for watching we are crew and we'll see you all in the next one bye-bye you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 7,488,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh merch, itsfunneh videos, itsfunneh new, itsfunneh story, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox minigames, roblox krew, roblox mimic, roblox mimic itsfunneh, roblox mimic funneh, roblox mimic krew, roblox chapter, roblox mimic book 2, mimic book 2, mimic, roblox mimic book
Id: toyt5TstRi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 54sec (3414 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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