Exploring The Ruins of This Forgotten Military Fort

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so I'm down here in beautiful New Orleans Louisiana and I came down here specifically for one thing and it's to check out this amazing historic abandoned fort called fort Macomb it was built in 1822 just after the war of 1812 to help protect the inlet from the ocean into Lake Pontchartrain it's been abandoned since 1871 almost a hundred and fifty years so we're gonna see what it looks like inside so this fort was used in the Civil War as well in 1861 the Confederate Army had control of this but in 1862 the Union Army took it over as well as New Orleans in 1867 the barracks here caught fire and after that it pretty much was abandoned and in 1871 it was decommissioned so if you think about it this place has been empty and abandoned sitting here quietly for a hundred and forty-eight years this odd track system here in the middle of the walkway no idea that could be from this clearly was a window at some point [Applause] look at this I don't know if this is an original door or not but probably not certainly old though beautiful [Applause] other than some minor attempts that cleanup and restoration this place has been pretty much ignored this building is these rooms you're much bigger over here so there were some attempts over the years to make this place available to the public for people to see but it was neglected for so long and it was so dilapidated that it was really deemed a risk and it would just be too difficult probably too expensive to restore which is obviously very sad considering it's such an amazing piece of history this ceiling has these certain it's curves I'm wondering what that was for you know I don't know if these were I don't know what this was I don't know if these were stairs and into I don't know if this was a doorway to your room and then at some point it was bricked up or if these were fireplaces it must have been a fireplace because you can see they have squared off openings up top so that had to be what it was and they've just you know over time people have broken through them or Nature has done its thing I mean I imagine Hurricane Katrina in 2005 probably didn't help this place either we are very close to the Ninth Ward so this could have been very flooded and hit with a lot of wind and water damage which way should I go I'm gonna go this way I doubt this is gonna be holding up for too much longer you could see especially where the windows are there's a lot of just weathering wind and rain and water this is odd I wonder what this was or what was attempted to be built here this was I don't know if this was an oven I have no idea this could have been the kitchen area though because has some sort of ventilation and then it has this groove in the ceiling so I'm wondering if I have stumbled upon the kitchen I don't know these half-circle tracks what the heck are these things I'm assuming this was to guide the cannons from left to right that's what I'm thinking and then the cannons would have been aimed out these windows so they could fire accordingly so what you're seeing is a natural light coming in and hitting the bricks I'm here very very early in the morning so the Sun is just starting to come up now and it's really quite beautiful walking around in here as eerie as some of you might think which it does there is some eeriness to this but it's also a beautiful place to be very quiet very tranquil in its own way these long corridors give you an idea the size of this fort I mean just this seemingly just keeps going and going and going quite large finally reaching the end so if this place looks vaguely familiar to you you may have seen true detective the finale for the first season was filmed here also into the Badlands parts was filmed here and Beyonce even filmed part of her video here for the song lemonade but I have not seen any of that stuff I just read about it online going up the stairs here or what's left of them this is the top it's really not much to see because everything is so overgrown but interesting to see this perspective and when you walk over to one of these big walls that overlooks the water you can see the beautiful sunrise alright so I'm getting out of here hope you love this make sure you follow me on my journey I'm traveling all over the country checking out amazing places like here and I'll see you in my next adventure thanks for watching guys you
Channel: Mobile Instinct
Views: 501,078
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Keywords: fort macomb location, history of for macomb, mobile instinct, mobileinstinct abandoned, atlas obscura new orleans, civil war history new orleans, things to see in new orleans, civil war forts in ameri
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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