Exploring the Modern Side of MUMBAI, India ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ JUHU Beach Surprised Us

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welcome to Mumbai specifically juo it really is so different It's Just So Posh like look at this place oh wow Hello Cheers Cheers feat COI 18 commune good afternoon and welcome to Mumbai specifically juo Mumbai the home to the rich to the famous to verat Blooming COI we were going to show you the normal tourist sites the things that everyone shows you the Gateway of India the street food in the old historical part of Mumbai but we want to show you something a little bit different this is one of the wealthiest areas in the whole of Mumbai like look at these buildings behind me absolutely stunning and it is also home to a huge stretch of golden sand beach hence the beach top this is going to be exciting it's such a different part of India the fanciest part of India we're actually right near the airport the planes are flying over the top of us who thought it I thought it only be going to the beach in Goa in the Ander man Islands not in Mumbai it really is so different you've got Boutique clothing shops you've got Boutique home shop and Shop this is just literally like a world away from what you would imagine um shs almost feels like a beach destination Beach Road these are quite cozy kind of like what you would get like um on the on your Beach Road said yeah like in Goa but we're actually on the hunt for ver Co restaurant I believe it's called 18 commune and now apparently you're only allowed in there with a reservation but we're going to put on our best smiles and give it a guys and see It's Just So Posh like look at this place it's like some fancy Art Deco type hotel with coffee shop and then beach front restaurant and bar I'm very excited I don't think I'll be going for a swim but I know I'm going to be sitting in a few of mumbai's best beach clubs and like I said like Molly said fingers crossed we can get in and check out verat K's Restaurant but again the suburb here a lot of the Mumbai subur actually gated this isn't so everyone can come here [Applause] but there's literally no traffic oh wow hello Namaste TIG wow this is Posh look at this so it's like really secluded it's at the back of like apartment blocks um but you can see the deor is amazing there isn't anybody here to ask so it maybe we'll be it's okay to sit outside oh we do reception here okay we wait we shall see it's okay to do Walkin oh good thank you yes M sorry Molly yeah m o l l y y yes and this is owned by ver Ki wow is he here today of course not thank thank outside can we sit outside it here no inside oh okay well they have a beautiful outdoor SE as well in here is so so nice look at this place W it's so nice it's like being at the beach yeah it's really nice everything is Boho they've got like huge statues but we are allowed to sit outside we are just having a drink this is lovely I did like the airon I must admit but sitting outside is a lot nicer inside people are sort of having like a sit down meal outside is a little bit more relaxed so beachy I'm loving the decco cheers cheers this look Beyond refreshing this place is aesthetically tum or barley um I know that might be breing slightly with the way that it looks with the way that it feels right now but outside he has done so well and a bottle of Corona is 650 rupees a little on the expensive side a little bit on the expensive side it was to be expected um there's nothing more refreshing than a Corona in the sunshine I feel like I would rather h a king fisher I don't know if a king fisher really goes with lime and this aesthetic thank you very much Dan you thank you well F out COI 18 commune you have done that incredibly well it was uh obviously a little bit on the expensive side but I think that's what you're going to expect here in juu it is up Mark it but it was done sleekly elegantly beachy very beachy and just across the road there is the walk through to juuo beach the main reason we came here to check out this little Oasis in the suburbs of Mumbai welcome to the beach we've got a nice Sea Breeze and it's got that familiar sea salty fishy smell as you leave it's not you down it's definitely not me it is the beach but um look at this you wouldn't people say it a lot right but you wouldn't expect this to be Mumbai it really is it's quaint we have been to Marine Drive and had a walk along it and it's pretty chaotic but here look at this you have Golden Sands all the way along you've got bars restaurants hotels lining the front of this beach look at these look at these Behind These hotels they'd be so nice to stay in insane there's some massive penth houses as well I mean you can definitely tell that this is a richer more affluent side of the city but one thing that I did notice was that the city itself or this part of the city juu is actually open so there are a lot of places around Mumbai and in India in general which are like gated communities so outside can't come in and out but here everybody can come and enjoy this beach and the areas around you here very clean it is it's a very very clean Beach it stretches for like 5 km and for some reason everyone has sort of congregated in the area down there so we're going to walk along see what's going on this would be so nice there's like a restaurant here and then on the top I think it has a rooftop type bar and that there look at that that could be that one there might be ver at CO's house so the further down you get you find all the people you've got the water sports over here all the way along there's no way I'll go in the sea you couldn't pay me any amount of money to go in the sea I'm going to have to cut around here cuz it's like water coming out of the pipe um to go in the see in Mumbai even though it is a very nice a very clean Beach that se you've got absolutely no idea but this one here I've never seen one like this look at it huge great thing to go out into the sea and they've also got a floating boat with a big screen I presume showing like movies and things like that it'd be pretty cool if they showed the cricket when the cricket was on but this seems to be where everyone congregates and the sand like I said the sand is very very nice it's just there's no way that you would swim in that sea that's just like it's impossible can you imagine what is in the sea around Mumbai you can tell this is definitely the public part of the beach cuz there are no hotels or restaurants you want to stay byen tiger what do you you take photos ah you photographer nice big lens yeah yeah how much is it for photo 50 rup 50 rupees how many photos do you get one one photo one okay let's do it let's do it 50 re that seems like a good price ready okay what are we going to do we will we will stand here and you take photo like this okay like we're saying this is the only only busy part of the beach cuz I think it's the public area and now we have the photographer look I'll pH to him okay T smiling okay that's more than one perfect it looks like everything goes on this beach though to be fair you got people sitting down having a picnic you can go on water sport can can we have a look a nice photo okay perfect okay thank you how do you how do we get the photo you said no no thank do you oh no it's okay thank you no hna you please no thank you just the one photo one photo any whatever you you surprise me surprise me you choose pick the best one Mr Photographer okay thank you how do we send how do we get the photo photo yes yeah how do you send phone transfer a phone transfer I don't do you need Android or I thought it was printed can you print or no I yeah I don't know why I presume they it' be printed cuz they have like the piece of card with all the photos I write it for you take take it's okay it's okay it's okay thank you by please just going to take my WhatsApp and send the photo over um pretty efficient process to get your photos ah so this is the process he has the USB put the USB and then you can send it over I actually think we should get something like that it's a it's a good process it's got a good little business G on here 50 rupees for a photo I want to know about this screen my friend by sub the screen it shows like movies or Cricket on the screen you can watch movies yeah yeah it has movies I think it does look this is show you while we're getting our photo this is the screen down here it's right out let's see you might not be able to see it but that boat there has like a giant movie screen I presume show movies here on the beach of an afternoon we good T we got we have it it's coming it's coming we now seem to have attracted all of the photographers only a little bit of Hindi little Hindi little Hindi which one of you is best photographer which one who is best who is number one on the beach he is number one ah can tell he's a very distinguished gentleman number one photographer I like your hat number one dangerous he's dangerous number one very dangerous you don't take photo dangerous scary man okay great I like his hat this is a cool guy right now we have absolutely all the photographers on the beach around us we're still trying to get our photo good for the rest of the day danielad there we go we had absolutely every photographer on the beach in the end I think he sent it that Internet isn't working today but we uh it's worth it 50 rupees for a few photos he's happy we're happy and you can see as we walk further along gets busier and busier there are a few little local shops local markets and then as you get past this section I think it gets back to like the privatized area of the beach with the big festar hotels and beach bars restaurants so cool yeah it's quite a diverse area right you've got a little bit of local life and then hi hello how are you I'm good okay to here you're good I'm good you goodes rescue are you here today to go swimming swimming swimming s it's very good see sopie yes of course what is your name what is your name my name isil Sunil your name sir Matt Matt Matt Matt you which country England England hello you swimming today England nice to meet you my friends' nice to meet you okay selfie selfie selfie good oh you put lots of filters it's very very good beach busy Beach everyone comes to swim jet skis okay thank you my friend nice to meet you take care thank you bye bye bye bye everyone's very friendly I don't know if they actually are swimming that's okay I already have pict thank you oh no no bo ride thank you my friend I don't want to go in the water okay thank you thank you well there you go you can get a boat ride as well oh yeah look there's a few few speed boats out there you do fancy I already have photo thank you my friend I already have from your friend Dani you there's a lot of photo sellers you boats down there you want a little we should do a speed oh my God I can't I don't want to get wet I really don't want to get wet by m by water but you can see as we start going down all the hotels reappear and I think that's where we're going to be going in because I'm not going to be laying on the beach today sun babing it's definitely not not that type of beach it's more a going into a restaurant enjoy a beer take in the Sun and look out of a juuo beach it is a really contrasting area we've just left the public beach and walk back towards sort of the private area and you can see they have like Bora Bora beach club restaurant bar five star hotels I'm not actually sure where we're going to go this we would go in there but it's not beach front we're looking to walk along and find somewhere that we can chill out for the rest of afternoon on the beach hello Namaste R right off the roof this way way thank you d d your bed so I think we found somewhere on the beach front that we can go in we were walking along and a lot of them were actually the other side of the road or there'll be private residences that are right on the beach we at CO's house potentially there is the Marriot next door to where we are right now so if this fails the rasbery rhinoceros we will be heading or trying to sneak into the marot but it's a really nice area lined with palm trees very quiet very peaceful it doesn't look I don't know it doesn't look like this is going to be open or any good this is really cool it's in like a an old hotel I don't know if it's still it does the reception's just there really so it's just having some Works done to it at the minute I must say that things are quite difficult to find like U was hidden hidden you'll see like one sign and then you won't see a sign again for a while um but we're definitely going the right way there is a sign in here I just good it's well rated it looks nice yeah the the the restaurant bar that we found is really well rated I mean the hotel looks okay it's probably not the one that I'd pick if I was staying in juu there you go raspbery rhinoceros which is meant to be sort of like a beach club but it doesn't feel like doesn't feel like this is going to be fancy well maybe it will okay no good it doesn't open until 5:00 so plan B is the Marriott but I don't know if we're going to get in it was very very much huge beach front Resort gate security we what some magic getting a Marriott I don't even know I don't I don't actually know what the Marriott has and this Grand oversized building is look at this the Marriott juuo Beach I don't actually know hello know where I'm going we're blagging it right now because I'm not sure where the people that aren't staying here are allowed in but it's huge it's other size hello how are you good I think we're in we're just flowing yeah blend in blend in and get me to beach front bar and restaurant look at this huge statues very grand entrance I must say to get into the Mir Namaste hello that is so that this is Grand wow hey how do we get to the big F everyone's looking but it's incredibly look at this for a Lobby a Lobby smile and wave smile and wave hello hello the lobby is the size of look at it it's most hotels and I can see out there swim pool leading to the beach this is going to be the hardest bit get to the beach and we've made it out and this is absolutely stunning they've got a little Koi pond look at this you would think that you're in Thailand or something not not Mumbai but I'm still not sure we're meant to actually be out here we're at the pool there's beach access kids pool salt water pool I have no idea do we just continue Bing it smile and wave smile and wave sit down get a drink don't tell them the room number or make one up hello is this Bora Bora it's open okay thank you then you heard take three hello are you open hi yeah be open please yeah thank you very much don't your B Third Time Lucky I think we're in we were kicked out of the Marriott Garden apparently it was only for guests and they didn't serve beer out there anyway so we have made it to the Bora Bora oh this is nice I can see people drinking beer it's got to see view I'm happy this will do just what we ah we can go through see view fine nice seats I want to see the seat okay there you go there is the sea this is a great view it's just what we asked for isn't it like sea view a breeze being sat out I mean it's not quite on the beach from but it's as close as you're going to get I'm a fan of ju who I am but there are some crazy rules so we were just sat there and apparently that is a different restaurant so we now have a different menu and so many places have I don't know weird rules you can only go into certain places at certain time you can only sit in some places outside at certain times in some you can only get food outside at certain times it's very confusing as to where you can go at what times so we are now back in Bora Bora cuz that is called this little bit that is in Bora Bora is the TA room which we can't sit it's got a different menu but we still have a partial C view like this this is another example so look between certain times the drinks are different prices like I have never seen that anywhere it makes it really makes no sense whatsoever why do they charge you more if you come here later in the day I don't I don't know I don't get it cheers we got their we certainly did one thing is things are not smooth here they have these places but it does not run easy you have to do loads of Prior research which is a little Annoying I wish we' stayed in CO's Place Coy had everything to a tea I have to admit that was not our favorite bar ever everything was just too complicated so awkward wasn't it so awkward but we did find Estella which is right out on the beach run it looks absolutely stunning Namaste Namaste hello are you open 6:00 fans are not allowed there is always a problem here in India why is there always an issue with with everything we do no problem it's okay here thank you we won't be long we just want to watch the sunset it looks stunning have name number yes Molly Molly m o l l y you have any uh I don't I'm afraid thank you thank you very much Dan you bir wow look at this place stunning stunning we are the first ones first we're early we're very eager oh wow look at this this is look at the bar it is stunning you always get a sunet this time lucky you thank you so thank you very much then you've heard wow great view of this be wow look at that you can see it all the way around so that was crazy that's just another thing I thought I wasn't going to get in yeah I I understand dress code but nothing says it online I check online and everything says it's okay and to be honest with you I'm in India it's too hot for me I have no long trousers but this place is absolutely stunning so you've got the huge bar here hello Namaste look at this it's shaped like a boat and then you can even come in and get your own little like beach Clubby type seating and then sit out here and watch the most incredible thank you my friend Dan you the most incredible Sunset cheers Che I like this place this feels like we we've been doing the whole day but I feel like when you come to a beautiful Beach area this is what you want to find chilled pinkish this is extremely Posh from the glasses that your king fish are come into this the most expensive fanciest water you'll find in all of Mumbai but it's like a Pan Asian restaurant the Sun is setting this is why you come to juu wow thank you very much Dan you this looks incredible look at this wo we got smoking Sushi look at this our Sushi is literally on fire we got some dry eyes down there which adds to the effect it look pretty darn amazing to I don't want to embarrass you but I will actually H my Chopstick hey guys m m good morning from Mumbai what a day I'm definitely a fan of juo juuo Beach and definitely a Stella if you want a highend meal on the beaches of Mumbai I'd highly recommend it we then got a stir fry for main course and to be fair it wasn't too expensive considering how fancy it was and the location to sit there have a couple of beers and watch Sunset but we are back in Caba where we've been staying for the last few days it's been a pretty quick stay in Mumbai but if you are coming for the first time I'd highly recommend this area this is where all the tourist sites are and you have these beautiful old historical buildings but our time has come to an end we're going to actually be heading to a relatively unknown part of India well somewhere that's definitely off definitely off the tourist PA and we're going to be getting a very unique train there so we will see you in the next one on the road to Pune [Music] India I don't to feel
Channel: Dabble and Travel
Views: 110,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: india, India city, Bengaluru, bangalore india, Indian food, asia, best things to do bangalore, Mysore, CHENNAI, street food, Chennai tour, kochi, kerala, gods own country, kerala travels, kerala tour, things to do kerala, water metro, metro, indian metro, houseboat, boat, boat trip, keralite, canal, kerala guide, munnar, INDIAN TRAIN, TRAIN RIDE, TRAIN INDIA, MUMBAI, TRAIN IN INDIA, MUMBAI TRAIN, juhu, juhu beach
Id: cPGcI12o3mE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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