$0.35 World Class Metro - India 🇮🇳

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not sure what's happening here everyone taking uh pictures nice oh thank you thank you which country aeran yes where are you from from here India old Delhi yes nice I love Delhi I go now Spice Market thank you no I just walk walk going to Metro the MOs yeah no no no MOS no I go sick Temple very nice thank you thank you no I I W thank you thank you brother all right something happening I think the police is coming or something they're going to take everything run away police is coming I think everyone is rushing to take your stuff as fast as possible probably police coming from some direction now all of them are going to clean up everyone is just moving to different direction let's see if this gentleman is free boss metro metro metro how much how much how much how okay how much kid rup huh no no no only Metro here one 10 10 rupe 10 rupe okay I think he's joking with me saying 10 rupe but we're going to give him something good no worries so this is one of the experiences you can do in uh in Old Delhi taking a ride in the Main Street and in front of us we have actually the Red Fort and then we are heading to the direction of a metro I want to try out the Delhi Metro System it's not going to be my Metro first metro system I tried in India it's going to be actually the second one but very curious to see how it looks like and how is it how Moder is it and how old is it possibly we'll see cleanness dir we're going to check it out everything and also check out the prices ah it's closed the road is closed so is going to take us uh from a different route I guess it's crazy so many wers are on the street selling food and fireworks everything you're looking for is here he's a good driver he's basically on a bike without any other energy carrying my weight his weight and as well as bike's weight so definitely above 150 kilo right now the beautiful streets relatively clean I would say there's a workers are cleaning the roads so you don't see much uh dirt on the floor or anything you can see relatively organized for such a big population such a big craziness ah this is an walking from here he's going to take me all the way look at the haze in the sky it's like middle of the day at the moment it's almost 2:00 p.m. and the haze is just crazy on the sky be careful be careful okay okay thank you [Music] okay by here's a 200 yeah for you for you but you say 10 yeah thank you thank you T bye-bye well deserve 200 but he told me 10 I think but uh why not to give him a little bit more seems like uh there's some kind of security check here we enter ah here you go here's the Metro Laila laquila is the name of the station it's just next to the Fort so the Red Fort is on our right side laquila Metro stem is right here the entrance hello Namaste oh cool this is a very good start so far looking very nice and clean seems like there was some business on the right side but currently not working there's a escalator to take people upstairs we have a surveillance cameras quite cool I have no idea how much it's going to cost us but we're going to check it out and I will let you know but we do have the possibility that it will not be possible to record inside the Metro because in some countries it can be considered as a like Secret locations uh so maybe we will see how things go if they tell us not to record we are not going to record but if no one says anything we're going to record the whole process so it says uh tickets straight and then to the right side I believe before we get to the Metro we have to get our tickets there's an underground snack shop here on the right side Namaste and and a snack shop here on the way to the work it might be helpful jom booking I think this is not the this is a foot section A ticket's going to be somewhere here oh there's a huge line I think it's going to be quite fast so let's uh wait here and then see Metro carts all right it's around like 10 people in the line and then afterwards we're going to get in all right it's okay I I I buy for her I I buy I buy for her no problem if you want I buy for you thank you thank you no okay go she came Vis the line and thank you Namaste can I have one ticket to India Gate one ticket [Music] thank you 30 rupees thank you so much all right it cost us 30 thank you it cost us only uh 30 rupees guys which is uh super cool let's uh let's check it out we have to go through the security system here and then uh we'll go on the other side thank you all right muste just like this thank you all right we are inside guys towards the platform so we are paying only 36 American cents which is actually super affordable quite cheap we are going I think only two three stations not too far but only 36 American cents and uh we have to figure out what direction we go India Gate I don't understand ah Central Central Secretariat that's where we go brother you know uh India Gate this way I'm I'm here you're tourist uh's Namaste India Gate this way India Gate no no uh Central Secretariat this way no okay don't worry so right now we are in this station L Kua and I think uh we are heading this way Central Secretariat I think uh I know better than them they they were acting like they never heard the name of the station maybe I was pronouncing it wrongly so this is the Metro System guys quite nice and you are always under surveillance there's escalator system takes you to the other side if you have a exit on the on on the other end so relatively relaxed it's kind of free so right now it's almost 2:00 p.m. which makes it a little bit more quiet time because it's the middle of the day so not after the work or before the work but yeah it's relatively nice but in general very clean and very nice I think I'm going to ask one more time maybe someone knows Namaste brother Namaste uh India Gate is this way India Gate India Gate yeah I want to go to uh ah this is uh Hindi I cannot read it's okay I think it's this way yes I think uh maybe three four stations and then I get out yes you are checking M are you this is application Del Metro yes dmrc ah okay no no no don't download it's okay it's okay thank you I go with this direction thank you all right our Metro is here let's go for it this part looks little bit more empty let's check it out India Gate India Gate yes this direction maybe maybe it's okay indate no uh no no this is Central Central secretar yes this is the station I am going to right now we are here L Lila and this a last station yeah last last station and first station okay okay thank you thank you D all right oh I was looking for a direction and I forgot how modern is the Metro System quite nice clean but the reason I think it's more quiet it's because this is the first station I believe I'm not sure but uh on the map this is exactly the first step first uh L quila it's actually second second station in the start of the line so we're going to go 1 2 3 4 five six stations and we're going to get out there's a space to go to the other side if you like it's quite cool hello super nice there's enough seats there's enough handles and quite a big space when there's a space actually between the Vans you can take more people into the train so which can accommodate more people but I think the more stations we go it's going to go more crazy right now we are in a station called Jama Masid and then ah next one is a delegate actually and next one is actually delegate I thought I need to go here but this is the one delegate this was a jamama my ch station right yeah there is actually Del gate so we're going to get out in that station basically first time in a DA Metro System I'm quite impressed all nice and clean as it and organized at the same time all right here we are this is our final destination we're going to take the escalator but the Metro station relatively looks very similar so let's uh wait a little bit for the metro to go but the inside was quite nice organized and quite clean here we go we say goodbye to our Metro system and then we're going to leave this is my second time in Delhi but uh I I haven't been to Deli gate which is one of the landmarks you have to see so hopefully where we exit they're going to be delegate so we don't have to travel too far but we'll see what uh the exit is uh going to present to us we'll see this station is uh a little bit more quiet and no big announcements and yeah and we still have our ticket so I think we're going to need that uh piece of paper with the QR code to exit the Metro so if you just hold it to here Sur your Ries and then you're going to leave and I think we don't need this paper anymore but as you can see the security is taking care of very well everyone and every single bag is getting checked even the ladies section there has their own area uh everyone goes this direction so I'm going to take the exit too as well and see where we get so yeah uh in such a big countries it's very important the security is in a high level especially in public places and Metro systems because anything bad happens it can collapse the economy in general imagine the Metro System doesn't work like imagine the house it will bring to the rest of the city so the security is very important that that's why I'm very happy to see that Delhi Metro takes it very seriously everything been checked all right we are somewhere here but let's see where is the delegate Namaste where is the delegate h no delegate gate ah Metro no Metro delegate I don't no okay thank you tell me what can I do I want to find the Del gate this is the Del gate where you want to go no no no I want to see the real delate no no that gate has been broken ah it's broken yes oh what's that it was there there's a big park with the monument it's not delegate big park with the monument no no no no monuments over there ah okay so I just I just done walk around I think okay thank you so much otherwise you can go to the rajat rajath okay Raj rajat rajat it's a park yes it is a park they the all the prime ministers okay okay it's a government offices okay I need to I just check the map because I think I saw something uh just a second ah here this this is this is Indian gate yes this this is the India Gate yeah India Gate is around but what you say destroyed you say destroyed this is this is not India Gate this is this is India this was dly gate ah Del gate ah I need to find India Gate okay okay okay that is over there ah okay I said that is approximately uh four approximately and I think I get out in the wrong station yes yeah okay I take a t to or something okay thank you thank you bye-bye bye-bye thank you oops I'm from aeran from nice to meet you thank you we were looking for a long wrong thing we wanted uh oh lady tukk Namaste how are you it's first time I see Lady tuktuk uh this is Raa tuktuk what is this chalate chalate okay how much how much to India Gate kid one only 300 300 very too much I give you 200 yes it's good 250 200 250 200 250 okay okay 250 okay thank you okay wait wait wait wait wait here thank you no enough okay give me you don't want okay let's go okay no problem thank you boss thank you this is delegate but I go in theate all right thank you so uh we have been uh we have been confusing the the name of the monument delegate he said it's not anymore here but we are going to find the India Gate confusion but we are on a good track we have a lady driver going to take us uh all the way to the India Cade which is kind of are we are we going uh opposite direction I think so this is we are going opposite direction guys like how crazy uh he's going to do a uturn here what's 250 200 I don't know what to say no no understand 250 yeah two three okay okay three no problem okay thank you naste India Gate yeah this way ah this way okay delegate indate okay thank you all right this is a such a cool experience I think I'm experiencing uh old Deli a little bit in a different terms right now since I have more more knowledge about the places and the people and the money uh my experiences are much better this time but first time when I was here it was a little bit hard for me to get around in a first like crazy country I arrived after Sri Lanka to here I arriv from Sri Lanka to Delhi and it was crazy experiences but this time everything is amazing I love I love Delhi I love India I say uh last time from aeran yes last time I don't like uh old Delhi but now I love old Delhi it's nice this is old Deli no time this is New Delhi New or Old old this is old Delhi old Delhi okay new New Delhi other side okay airport airp yeah New Delhi airport yes but here old Deli okay it's your baby yes nice bye-bye have a good day thank you okay I think the road is opening slowly what a cool experience just having conversation on the traffic jump It's just amazing people are people are incredible here [Applause] ah we're going to do U-turn again to go to the other direction I think uh we just arrived so I indate walking India Gate yeah okay uh show me your baby baby photo photo okay okay she wants a photo with me I think I sit here okay all right wait h i take picture okay yeah this camera okay now photo photo nice thank you video too video hello we are here filming and also we have a driver Here Lady driver in Old Delhi thank you so much stop thank you I take no no wait uh I take photo with my phone too yeah yeah I I sh I I record video okay photo where my phone one more one more like this okay thank you and here here no here here yes this is video here filming thank you and uh how much how much total 3 300 yeah okay uh there's a 1,000 for you for baby okay for baby yes thank you thank you thank you bye-bye it's for for baby yes this one for you and one baby number number number said you can give the number I don't no number Instagram Instagram Instagram Instagram number now Instagram inst yes Instagram here yes it's uh my name okay wait wait wait no internet ah internet yes wait it's it's coming here this is me the this is my profile yes yes yes thank you bye-bye see you we had a little language problem but she was super nice I think we are walking on the road this is a where the people should go but I'm just walking in a wrong place oh crazy crazy I think uh now we can cross this is this is green light and then we're going to wait for the another stop too the traffic is crazy in this part and you can see the crazy Haze as well on the sky we have some monument in front of us and then we will get to the India Gate sometime soon seems like this is going to be touristic area this is the entrance you can get your snacks if you want to snack up a little bit before you enter to the area there's a police section here too Namaste so we are going to straight to the monument I still don't have the vision where is the India Gate but I think once we arrive to the square it's going to be more clear for us where we are heading this is a some kind of like a new park I believe it looks super nice and clean the kids are coming from there too maybe it's a school Namaste no video the police didn't allow me to film because the building behind me is actually government place he said uh it's possible to film with your phone but not with something as a triod so that's why we're going to start recording from here but India Gate is just in front of us so finally we made it after getting to the getting out from the wrong Metro station I think if I got from a different station I could be here much faster but as a result I had a chance to meet a Indian woman driver she was a super nice she was showing me her one kid she has a one daughter and uh she was very hospitable and very nice and kind so we have the statue on the left side guys and in front of the statue we have the India Gate this is a type of picture or the frame I've been seeing on the internet and the magazines but regardless being here second time I haven't seen India Gate before so it's my first time visiting and going to take some pictures as you can see kids are also coming here as a school trip I believe but also lots of tourists here I'm assuming people coming from all over the India visiting India Gate all the Patriots of India but it's also a nice park to visit and check it out so this is the front view to the statue in front of us as well there's a little Greenery in one side actually on the both sides so some people are actually just relaxing chilling there's a fountain in a distance and I think there are some government buildings on on the distance as well some people taking selfies and pictures super nice here you go India Gate in front of us I think I need a some picture here too these are all the kids from the school there's a little bit older kids as well from a similar school trip wow it's massive actually I have seen this from a distance but never seen it uh this close it's written to the dead of the Indian armies who fell are who fell and are honored there's lots of text actually at the top I think it's not so clear from the video but it's uh own it's for the owner of the army Indian army Freedom freed is the freed ah here you go more pictures are getting taken and we also have a sick gentleman who is a army man too and people are taking pictures with them too I might do the same not sure if it's possible but we're going to check it out hi guys Hi how are you hello which school you come from not from school we are from College college industrial training institute nice yes and uh What uh after college you go University no no we are we are planning to go in army ah Army ah okay okay oh n National Cadet corpse nice so after the college you directly start Army you go training yeah okay okay all right guys have fun byebye your channel name channel name channel name my name d akun DAV not Kus I write it for you DAV is my name and anyone knows something about the Statue can you tell meos okay okay that's the name yes okayed figh freom fighter all right and this uh India Gate is built for the Army owner of the army right so what it's a a v u d not David gogins HH not David Goins not David go your internet doesn't work yeah I right just search it will okay thank you guys bye bye by bye bye bye bye have a good day thank you guys see you see you I cannot shake all the hands byebye thank you nice to meet you R what's ramam what does it mean the how you say s India zabad byebye I want to take a picture with the gentleman sat can I take a photo thank you hello hello uh I want picture with him first after I come thank you how are you brother you from I'm from aeran yes I want to take uh one selfie with you is okay thank you let's do it okay like this you are there okay let's see how this came out ah it's like this thank you thank you have a good day say thank you brother let's do photo who me yes sir you are on a YouTube video is okay hey come come my son yeah son nice beautiful let's go one more photo was the India Gate yes thank you so much thank you one tell my wife yeah was wife no problem no problem beautiful wife okay thank you very much thank you thank you bye-bye bye-bye there's also a fountain in the distance it's quite huge actually and looking very nice as Welling from which place I'm from aeran aeran aeran yes do you know where Zu D are you guide no I'm not guide no I'm coming from Maharashtra one of the region in India in nice and what are you doing here I came with my family they are just roaming around you lost your family no I'm they just roaming around roing all young kids they're enjoying theel yeah nice but it's uh not bad weather it's not too hot not uh not cold it's nice it's nice but still the weather what is over here at present yeah it should not be in that ways because it was a pleasant climate it was exactly before just in this month now it is coming like more of moisture because of the farmers they burn their feels ah so this this Haze in the air is this a smoke it's dirt what is it it's a smoke it's a smoke so what we see in the air is smoke winds which is Flowing you see that the winds which is coming there most of the region is the field region okay and during this season the fields are they are harvested so basically they are burning all the leftovers the leftovers then they burn it's not allowed actually it's not allowed it's not allowed but they do it to get rid of that it's easier it easier for them yeah to burn it out and smoke is coming out of it it flows into the city I've been calling it Haze but in reality it's a smoke and dirt everything mixed together you might be feeling like heavy when when you're breathing it's not the case because when you come in Delhi and the surrounding over here it is fully Greenery over here in this place true if you go in Old Delhi that is a congested place then you feel that yes you have come into a crowded place yeah that is a population it's true when I take stairs here I feel out of breath so fast yeah all right brother it's very nice to meet you thank you so much for explaining me thank you I see you next time thank you bye-bye so guys as you heard what we are seeing on the sky it's just really the smoke from all the farmlands getting burned and they are getting ready for the next season and next harvesting and everything so that's the reason like uh we have such a big smoke and all these millions of people are actually getting affected by that so it's just insane to think about it that yeah but farming is important as uh I think there people's food living here coming from there so in order to bring more food they are actually destroying their health at the same time you know it's kind of like a cycle is going on this is the another side of a India Gate quite a cool place I think it's a super clean and nicely kept as you can see people are sitting and enjoying their time there's no dirt there's no trash there's actually lots of trash pins there so keeping the place quite clean and nice very impressed Lotus Temple what is this Lotus Temple Lotus Temple in Deli ah this is in Delhi in same one Australia I have to go see this yeah so how much uh how much are you selling 50 each one 50 rupes each each one this one you have a discount for me no we'll buy the have the discount price India Gate which one you like I want a India Gate India Gate K Lotus redam Taj Mahal this is quite nice magnet fidge magnet uh Taj Mahal show me Taj Mahal this one and then this is the Taj Mahal okay I pay you 100 for two okay it's a good price yes really good yeah is this 100 just take thank you so much thank you thank you good luck with your business thank you you're very kind but you have the looking the behind the national war memorial ah war memorial okay go to the this way okay I will check and this way where this goes this one president house a president house but you have not allowed it I'm not allowed to film no not allow allowed it but you have the half kilometer standing okay very far you say hi president yeah all right a photo okay let's do photo thank you thank you brother thank you thank you thank you so much for magnets bye-bye oh more kids are coming Namaste Namaste hi hi all the kids are going to check out the India Gates Namaste Namaste and I think uh now we are getting to the main street and then they mentioned it's the president's house on the other side which is going to be like big distance so we will not be able to see anything especially with the haze all right I'm going to slowly sign out with uh India Gate behind me thank you so much for watching and uh hopefully it was a fun experience for you as much as it was fun for me to film thank you so much and I will see you in the next daily video possibly or maybe from different city I will see bye-bye for now
Channel: Davud Akhundzada
Views: 635,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: INDIA TRAVEL VLOG 2023, INDIA TRAVEL 2024, INDIA VLOGS, FOREIGNER IN INDIA, FOREIGNER VLOGS IN INDIA, MODERN INDIA, INDIA TO DO VIDEOS, INDIA TRAVEL VIDEO, INDIA WHAT TO DO, TOURISM IN INDIA, Guwahati, ASSAM, Kolkata, West Bengal, tamil nadu, Chennai, travel 2024 india, food tour india, street food in india, street food travel vlog, fancy india, hotels in india
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 18sec (2478 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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