EXCLUSIVE Look Inside Abandoned Circuit City At City View Center Garfield Heights, OH

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look at the front man where it says aims real big somebody had a machete in here hell stickers down wars going this is crazy this is worse than yesterday a halt my god I can't believe I was able to walk right in check that out this incredible since it's really Nate [Music] you watch all this lights this up look at that mm-hmm banded in Circuit City let's go hey everybody right now I'm out here in Garfield Heights Ohio I'm with my buddy and we are inside of the old Circuit City first a film for YouTube nobody else has done it unbelievable obviously there have been squatters in here because there is a vandalism there's graffiti on the wall you turning your light on scared the crap off yeah because there's garbage and here people have been in here it's unbelievably easy to get in here too which is sad but anyways let's go take a look around first to explore for YouTube so let's do this this is a wall-e be exclusive look at the it's like they were selling like appliances in here this ended up being a bottom dollar I cannot believe that dude how in the hell did that happen how look there was a gym in here I've been living in here yeah people could there's nothing in here nice corkboard I don't have my thank you stickers kara has those now this is another room holy cow Wow the bottom dollar you heard that bang right yeah I have an idea it's silent there's pens tape all the random stuff in here there's a nickel still in the cash drawer and a penny 2011 wow this is ridiculous wow how did we the cash register bags this is crazy yeah there's a lot of stuff in here hopefully oh nice the old coca-cola signs there yeah I think now that you know what now they're just a cardboard inserts they just go like on a shelf safe there's probably nothing in that anyway though is this thing crazy or what like how did we do that oh all kinds of crap in here yeah it looks like it's actually useful you know it's like hilarious toes like while we're in here doing this there's a security camera right there but like yeah you know you know it doesn't work anymore obviously but still oh how cute yeah speed bank this was Circuit City guys turn into bottom dollar man will I be okay no you won't no sadly it's amazing nobody filmed us though for YouTube yet yeah it's pretty clean in here yeah oh yeah here's clothes furniture somebody called this home lots of drugs first act no I'm good look at that yeah that dragons sick we found one of those we found one of those in the Radio Shack like the same thing this is how that one building was across the park and what it was all full of stuff like this yeah look at all the playing here yeah look it's in this basket - it's all Russian except for the claritin I saw those chuck-e-cheese tokens there's no instruction well there's something for the nose sound like it can come back there it could be look at all the shelving stolen here oh dude there's shopping carts MC sports that's that store across the parking lot did we keep hearing some noises in here and I got to tell you man it's an uneasy feeling yeah MC Sports that's a store across the parking lot that we were in there's a D wall drill there's tolls dude look at the blocks fan mangled over there but up against the wall somebody blew out the wall to look at it looked like a car drove through the wall yeah there's the roof hatch that was stripped watch there's a spiderweb oh crap they were only hit this with a hein satellite radio all dude look oh yeah that XM satellite radio that was before the Sirius XM merger Sirius satellite radio your home for hoops that's pretty sweet backed out came from Target cuz I recognize that sticker well I found the remnants of Circuit City already it only took a few minutes it's a bumper like somebody's twisted up mangled bumper you have to Christmas sale value city furniture yeah another Russian thing Wow do I dare open the fridge oh yeah we do let's see what's behind door number one oh wow dr. pepper Diet Coke I can't believe I found that nothing in the freezer yeah not shocked see what's back here man have banging man it nothing surprise that doesn't smell the other ones not like they stunk really really bad that we were in now now it doesn't go outside I've noticed some of these doors are locked in these buildings we've been in I'll see that smells of that that stuff from the methane a little bit it's not that bad but now I've noticed every store here at this shopping center has that rusty hole in the floor every single one of them and there's a mousetrap but every single one of them has that rusty well I wonder if it's like a methane pump or release valve or something that's in there maybe announcements nothing I go small the hot-water tank is that's like the smallest one I've ever seen in my life it's smaller than one of the floor toms for my drum kit this would be the cash office I would think as it's open that's mouldy in here a little bit it's not real bad not real bad break room I guess quarry tile mm-hmm mm-hmm this is nothing compared to Petsmart oh yeah mm-hmm here they fell down to a lot of spider webs I'll keep walking into this one's pretty bad in here you just look at all the ceiling tiles you can see all the water damage unbelievable I like the little desk oh yeah we had to get yeah this was nuts man how'd you get in front door you just walked right in front we're thinking of Always Sunny that episode of voice son all right so Charlie tell us how'd you get in front door just front you just walked right in the front door well I had a little hustle too but yeah front door so he could just walk right in the front door but we can't seem to get out of this place yeah that's pretty sick little hexaco in a corner table there back out onto the sales floor yeah this goes back a while still look at all the retail fixtures in here holy cow skull candy there's a whole pile of chairs up here I'll tell you what for this being a bottom dollar they got a lot of Nan like food type of fixtures that was definitely something for Circuit City I would think cuz I mean look it's a glass locking cabinet shavers they're all shavers see I don't know maybe CDs like there's a label here nothing artistic T's Playtex okay where did that window come from that's all destroyed here look somebody was in here recently look at the fresh footprints yeah our shoes do too Wow all that noise man look at that MC sports it's crazy I heard that a lot of box fans MC sports a lot of them see sports crap in here holy it's like after MC Sports close up they just ditched all their stuff in here holy yeah tells you the price yeah oh Jesus dude see that right there that mirror right in the center of the screen see my light on I saw my reflection on it and I had nearly just had a heart attack Oh God man that building banging like that and that's a very uneasy feeling a lot of stuff in here from MC sports yeah really what shopping cart is this what store was that from it doesn't say MCC tray up front yeah I don't see sports oops yeah they put a lot of their stuff in here here in that building like make them noises though is like one of the most uneasy feelings I like the random like little pictures you see here and there mm-hm badi glad mm-hmm what's the amount of noise I keep hearing - I'll be shocked if we don't come across somebody in here however you're doing it with that hand yeah look at the liquidation sign up there that like the tag like that's placed there upside down yeah that's weird there's a mattress here's where they were sleeping fitting rooms yep fitting rooms they're goofy so what the hell this was a Circuit City he got fitting rooms it was a bottom dollar all this MC Sports crap in here Dunkin Donuts I cannot figure this out applications yeah it's a nice one man every time I hear a noise man that's just like making me feel weird I'm not even worried about that the front door you know the difference - between you going oh no you're good I was going to say the difference between go and like with Manny and Nate and Karen Richard like we are generally like why it's so it's like eerily silent in here listen to that just silence maybe look at all the outlets on the wall here for TVs I like the the back is that for a Bronco I have no idea or a Wrangler yep jeez these pictures are weird that thing is rusty I looking good I'm sure it does let's found a coupon for Sears I know the noise is that this building is making is just ridiculous oh yeah you should hear the Walmart when you're in the Walmart over here yes oh that all that that whole building makes noise because of the wind blown through the skylights and everything look at all these desks what the hell was going on here MC sports it's like MC sports I guess maybe moved over here or was going to or when they closed they just started to put chucking everything in here I don't know that's weird it's good at the other part of the back room we didn't go back here it's like the warehouse yep toaster on the floor there at the doorway hello now yeah those are Springs yeah well I mean look at the size of the garage doors that we saw on the other part of the building you know look there's a garage or there the springs aren't even up there anymore wet floor signs this is weird man I saw those I didn't know what those were yeah it looks like it yeah all right gosh power those up man we'll have a concert in our houses there's more Springs for the garage doors garage door tracks and stuff are these the domes for the lights I think these are the globes for the lights over here yep those are the globes for the the actual like lights found another monitor to look at the monitors yeah so many spiderwebs I keep walking through somebody had Boston Market they were hungry it means there is a lot of wood in here and he said he found a bottom dollar signs to be the real first thing we find for bottom dollar in here Oh a crap Wow the bottom dollar so I'm guessing it's wasn't bottom dollar as in the food chain I'm thinking bottom dollar is in a dollar store dude look at this look at this box says Kmart and Sears on the tag that is sick just found that too Wow oh dude why did that thing is that thing is he like that thing is absolutely creepy yeah that's pretty grody this is a sign of some sort I'm see sports they had to have used this store I have all this stuff in here they had to have used it for a portion time and see that I mean you see that red light blinking out front it messes with me scratch it tolls I saw that yeah I think I got I got all that I needed oh yeah I know I didn't go through that doorway I know the chairs are nice yeah there's a one of those ladders to get into like a pole where is this guy we didn't go in this one look at all the bags those bags yeah those are bags they're just generic gift bags oh look at this cute painting horse friend and a cute little girl on there too that's that's ridiculous [Laughter] holy crap Circuit City yeah it's a Circuit City in here I don't remember it's been so many years since I was in one Phil the power and the horse friend the pictures so random man I know it's like it's like an excellent shape yeah that's a Sirius satellite radio yeah and a liquidation tag Circuit City sign signage kicker that's what Circuit City back here left like this nothing is a repo consumer alert yeah something dude look that on there too I didn't even realize that man sick were the first to do this these are the security tags you put on other products they have like the little metal or magnet in there makes it go off that's crazy no clue look at that oh man I'm so glad that I got out of the house I was bowling with my league I wasn't doing so hot tonight for some reason I just could not seem to get on a roll after game one game one was great gained two and three I was flipping out because I was doing so bad so I made a phone call said hey what are you doing when I come out and explore and then we somehow drove two hours out of Pittsburgh and here we are side Circuit City see what was behind us it's like a totally another world back here spiderwebs nothing back here though it's just a dead end yeah and here we are there's another lake back entrance here behind the big xenon bulbs for HID bulbs yeah that's cool man that's cool not there for Richard Wolff he's not doing so hot that works somebody's gonna walk in here see that just like panic is it me is it me or is it just excessively creepy that the sky is orange over the building this is the old Circuit City the back side of it we were inside of right there that that square is where the logo used to be so you could see it you know down over the valley now you see the parking lots just full of rubble where it's sinking lifting there's a cab of a truck I think back here it's either back here it's somewhere else whereas further up yeah look the nose of an 18-wheeler yeah it's like out of a caravan or something the first time we came here Kara's sitting down as I care what are you sitting on she's sure yeah it's like out of a caravan oh yeah in the Dick's Sporting Goods the buildings separating - yeah all right guys well I hope you enjoyed that look inside of the old Circuit City here at Garfield Heights Ohio at the city toxic center as we call it can't believe how much crap is in here and that like hidden like corner that's still basically was left untouched from Circuit City back when it was the anchor here before it became bottom dollar and whatever else if it was anything else so anyway I hope you enjoyed that exclusive look at this place nobody else has filmed it yet so if you did make sure you give the video a like if you're not a subscriber please subscribe for more content and until next time guys take care stay awesome bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: WallieB26
Views: 88,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned, Circuit City, Garfield Heights, Cleveland, OH, Ohio, Closed, Out of business, Retail, Retailer, Store, City View Center, Urban exploration, urban exploring, WallieB26, Urbex, Urbexing
Id: 902Qq6KqxPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 27sec (2247 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 01 2018
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